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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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is forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for his real in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the more than 210 palestinians are killed as israel launch is one of its biggest assaults on the concept. the hello, i'm down, jordan, this is on to 0. line from doubles are coming up as well. says it's a tank on a refugee come fried, full captives. i'm says, all the captives were killed. a sea of red surrounds the white house for testers in the us demand an immediate c spot in gaza. the,
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the multi $1000000000.00 nuclear project on kenya's coast was hit by environmental concerns. the, we'd be getting guns at wimbledon, $210.00 palestinians have been killed in one of israel's launches the tax. this was part of an operation to free for captives being held by him us. while the target of the attacks with did out by an on the say that witnesses of describe the chaos that ensued with a rule of explosions on gun fire occurring in the hospitals nearby had been overwhelmed with the dead injured and greeting ga. gov against all coverage. panic is, is ro carries out massive strikes. palestinians fleeing is 5th spreads bodies, sconces across every corner is almost a rock refugee come hundreds of victim
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a as in his rate of operation to free captives hold for months by him. off the net we saw miss owls flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. we don't know where the children are. we lost them and now we're being displaced for a 3rd time with no idea where to go. is zip and bottom and continued. eye witnesses say is really soldiers and to the come consumed in a truck with cause and license plates. opening fire on palestinians, the new stuff, my coke signed to the special forces unit. it has furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belong to displace people. suddenly the output is going out to lot is came into our home fully owned chaos, who did with done fine exposure and the nearby likes. the hospital is flooded with interest. palestinians, doctors describe the scenes inside the facility as a complete bluff box. it looks like a filter house, one medic said,
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that bottling the situation. it's near impossible. but most of the hospital is full of patients. and we have no space for more people without your deluxe. the hospital is now working on one generator, because the other one is scope is complete. the catastrophe. the number of that of to is riley's ministry of thoughts on, on the say right refugee come will rise thousands of forties buried under the debris still on account of the is really military has been attacking the area so weeks intensifying its strikes every day i was playing with my friend, i came out and so the staff is covered with blood, there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house was burning and the smells awful about my dad. israel's latest detox has been condemned internationally with the you cooling, get a mastercard on the killing of civilians are pulling up. do you need to go out to 0?
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i'll just say it was in tell, could re file this report by phone from alex the hospital and data. but as events unfolded as the hospitals are over as well. you can imagine the people are on the floor, methics volunteers. everyone is trying to help them. there is no place for them when they're even trying to put up more injuries in the and other department in the hospital at the doctors are times or bus to rescue as much people are as possible. but there are a lot of to be or could you go into these big now? and after you went in terrified people are terrified. i left the hospital is not only a hospital, it's also a refuge in the shelter for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. that's the truck route in the cost for those 4 months right now. and now they busted a warning from one of the journalists who received a call from the army, telling them that they were going to target
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a couple of tents in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing people running, we're seeing people looking for a safe place. everyone is left to the hospital to the area surrounding the hospital and, and, and people are literally, it sounds like anything. they said they do not know where to go. they're searching for a place. they're trying to the west again, our headquarters there are quite competent people are hearing lots of munitions. their feet are, are kind of recently and it's also not safe for them. do evacuate from outside the hospital. this is the scene right now. and no one can understand anything, because with that can we think it's part of escalating and one our other hurt is i'm going to say, i'm just in closing, people crying children crying mothers looking for their children. not right now with the jamal's cellar works at alex a hospital in central garza, the building is struggling to operate on a single generator. he managed to send this video telling out to 0 about the flight
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of trauma patients, e. so as a result of israel's attacks on saturday, the
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as well the families of the captives freedom is really on the operation and have them use confidence off that they were united as well as shut down. i'll just there was operations there. so we're reporting from outside israel, several higher up just following the story from the from jordan's capital. i'm a this is the most less because the strip along it was the law just really minute. she opperation using land and see despite heavy fighting, the cops is made that back to israel. although her mouth says all those were killed . in the attack of the 246 days, the full immediately reunited was from the sound of the hospital. the condition describes a stable in his row. it's being seen as a major victory, much needed for prime minister on the immense pressure. we're committed to getting
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the use of all the hostages and we expect from us to release them all. but if they don't, we'll do whatever it takes to get them all back home. the full, the families though it's been a long struggle. big. thank you to our military, to our soldiers. thank you to the people of israel who are strong and who share our joy today. we will never forget those captives still being held in garza and we will continue our struggle and fight to return them back home. a live tens of thousands of his rain. these gathers antello div haifa, i'm the northern pulse of his ro, police, arrested protesters and use was a kind of against demonstrates, is proving for sci fi do as soon as possible and election some of the relatives of captives killed in guns that fits the size, the prime minister, never contacting them, but now using sas, today's rescue, his own political game. sort of fight us all g 0 a month. and
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a reminder again, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet has bandages here, right? is right. and that's why sarah was reporting from neighboring georgia. for kenneth ross is a visiting professor at princeton university and a former executive director of human rights watch. he says it's likely netanyahu feeling bolden by the day's events. or this rescue operation means that a total of 7 had been released to lie because of these ripping military operations . whereas over a 100 had been released to negotiations. but at this stage, latonya who is a major hospitable, including the association. so from us, because he does not want to agree to the long term, the permanent ceasefire that's from us as insisting on. and that's very clear because, you know, that's fine. yeah. who needs it forever. war once the war stops even faces a political reckoning for the intelligence failure on october 7th. you know, why were is really soldiers and much more focused on the west bank. protecting
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sellers then adjacent to cover. these are big questions that can easily talk with government and end up in prison. i think the pressure on that trend, yahoo thoroughly is good. it's just insufficient. if you look at, you know, president job i, he says, right thanks. he says, take more care to spare pals raised to do a life reading more food, ancient battery nay. but he doesn't. backed up with actress, she continues supplying the arms of the military aid. these used to bomb and star prostate scenarios. when the intersect, national criminal court prosecutor saw the restaurant for natural yahoo by you know, said it was, oh, you know, basically, you know, an outraged at the top. so she's not providing real backing to his appropriate words of caution. and you know, by miss the most important back or i've got on yahoo and a tool that changes my fear that net time yahoo is going to feel that he still has a green light to keep going with the work on strategy. but he's been pursuing to me in the sum of data to protest as gathered outside the white house in washington dc,
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demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. they held a to my long red banner to represent what they called the peoples red line. how does your counselor look for protesters defend upon the white house in a sea of red, symbolic of the bloodshed in gaza and the red line down the street, or say the us must hold is real accountable to for crossing. so i think the by did administration needs to follow through on what it said it would do, which is no longer send offensive weapons to guys a after israel's invasion of wrap up. and so they have an obligation to do that. red banner behind the scratches all around the white house. the testers say this is in the united states
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almost as a mother who care about children. so i cannot spend sustained by watching children dying. exposed to all this media. people are about the woman just like she comes back to her place and her children are literally like reading the president joe biden wasn't home on saturday remarks. he may, during the state visit in france, focused on the freeing the for is really captive held by him us and made no mention of the hundreds of palestinians killed in this really military operation. joe biden and his administration have told us is that is rarely lives matter more than palestinian lives. that is absolutely not true by the polls show. a growing majority of us voters support a permanent ceasefire in gaza. that feeling is particularly strong among young voters who support biden will need in the november presidential elections. he is
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shooting himself in the foot by uh, alienating, young voters alienating, you know, most of voters aly, any progressive jewish voters, and just to demographics of people that you should know not to give up. on emotions ran high and at least one skirmish broke out between protesters and police who used pepper spray against a person they tried to detain. but the demonstration was by large parts peaceful and persistent. i do show castro out to 0 washington. that's what lena india and that brother had been displaced multiple times during israel's war, which began last october. they witnessed as randy forces rating out, ship a hospital in northern garza, with a separate from their family. here's her story for not having somebody that has that. i know we were in northern godaddy and we have witnessed the catastrophic situation. so we so substantiation, hardship on them and,
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and being trapped under the rubble, but on what if i thought was, and then hopefully it all allows them how they are going to feel heavy. my uncle got injured events. i'll she for medical complex as we were forced to leave to southern gaza that of to is really forced to showed and rate at the complex. i'm a car the last the that's the also for the cars. and so can i know i was alone with my brother away from my family that we don't concert consent for some days before we managed to tell them that we are still alive. i issue the knock, i know i had a good at the moment we arrived to in my family was worried about to assume for 2 days there was no connection, but then after a few days we could contact them and also allow for an option of seller who has a, has a while on the say that it went on. so i left my area and went to the other. i was like my uncle that i left the hospital. then i went to the doctor that was back to the job and i loved it. and
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the for the heart would just kill time all the day long. let me go to my friends houses to sleep during the night and had a look out. and i had a habit of who said, this is my son's son that he cannot cool and say mom and dad, i haven't seen him for the last 3 months. is send me videos of him. and this makes me very sad because my son is growing up without me. i want to see my son if i can smell him. i saw for the other one, i'm sorry, i was and on top this is very tough. i sent that and i want to live like the dead this that and this my area, my family, my relatives and i missed the gatherings that are well. i missed my room, is that i miss everything in garza black. what is the head office? i was a stop right here, and i'll just say when we come back doesn't,
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is that to in a series of attacks by non group in the democratic republic of congo on that stage . the lower the, the repeat weather pattern continues for south asia. we've got some very wet weather across the southern parts of india, sri lanka, and the bay of bengal thanks to the monsoon, but it is much dry and hot to across more northern areas for the likes of pakistan and india. but you can see the very heavy rain affecting west in pots of india. we have got some warnings out full that wet weather for con, not to as well as a southern areas like carola and to go. it's much twice across more northern areas, but the thunder storms continue for the northeast. those 7 sister states seeing some very wet weather on monday, and that's not the case for the north west of india and into pakistan. temperatures
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are picking back up into the mid fourties over the next few days, and it's all to produce that has the amber warnings thoughtful those exceptionally high temperatures. cases like very nicely seen the temperature sit well above the average. we should be $38.00 degrees celsius, where we're picking out the mid forties and above, through to choose day. now to repeat weather, passing the as well for east asia, very heavy rain affecting southern pots of china onto japan as well. that both of rain is set to push its way east of the next few days. things will improve and it remains very hot. i'm most settled in northern china from palestine to pakistan from syria to indonesia. ok, foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting
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communities in areas affected bible families, poverty and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give your to bonnie today without kat foundation the the welcome back. you're watching out just a record from mind about top stories here to sell more than $210.00 palestinians have been killed in one of israel's, not as a tax says the will on gossip again. it's also going to sold some land and sea shilling residential areas around 0, but on the sand out there,
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types of part of operation to free, full captives held by how much, but how much as some captors were killed and we have time for freed with meant by crowds and tennessee, eve for being taken to austin and is ready police interest at least 33 people doing demonstrations instead of doing it on saturday. among them adopt drugs away or trying to help and inject protest. but you as president as welcome to freeing of those as rated captives. joe biden was speaking during a state visit the from where he's met french president emmanuel macro. they highlighted that partnership on the level of security and support for ukraine. and it's more with russia. natasha buckley. i was calling to visit parents, the officer, a ceremony on the shelves, and these a avenue in central powers on the, on the tree of the french presidency manual mind call, and us present j flight and had a working lunch. i'd be lisa policy. they discussed a number of issues including trade, climate and education, but the focus very much on international affairs. they discussed the middle east,
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the situation that they said that they please welcome news that he's really been to try to secure the release or full hostages from one echo president crowns comments . welcoming to say fresh cube for hostages. that for return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. the suggestion of i saw the situation and rough, uh, like the human toe, is unacceptable. it's also intolerable. the israel is not opening o entry points for humanitarian aid, as the international community has been demanding for several months on ukraine. leaders said that they were very much on the same page, pledging that ongoing support and commitment to keep divide and also to keep by the $225000000.00 us dollars. that the u. s. has pledged for keep mainly for things like at defense systems, j bite and said that if the machine is not stopped in ukraine, he could threaten the hold of your professional butler. i'll just sarah paris,
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pakistan's prime minister has promised to ensure the safety and security of chinese workers during his 5 day visit to beijing. sebastian, we've met china as president chasing thing where bochita is also agreed to upgrade that china practiced on economic coming to what is katrina, you reports now from the chinese capital. it's been plague by concerns of a safety. a good neighbor is good friends and good partners. that's how the chinese presidency didn't pick and described. the deepening partnership between china and pox done when meeting prime minister issue buys to reform friday. c has pledged to help pocket stones that it's social and economic development to re visit his 1st since beginning. his 2nd 10 office in march comes as pocket stones academy is experiencing a debt crisis, high inflation, and widespread pull the t. speaking out of business for him, the pockets, donnie leader praised china is rapid development and said his country should lead from its progress. china is gonzalez and it's the sources by
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north protecting memory. inexpensive god, but mostly, and it's you in education, in his age and his mom about agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic cordele for c pack, the 62000000000. the infrastructure initiative was launched in 2015 and held as a game changer for pocket stones economy. but progress has stored on sites which has been played by security problems. in march 5 chinese workers and the driver will killed in a suicide bombing on the way to a hydropower dam project. dozens has been killed and similar attacks by the group since 2018 chinese officials have caught on his drum about to step up efforts to ensure the security of china is nationals impacts done. but some say badging should also contribute to improving safety, etc. pick sites, they should be a consented. a cooperate just strategy,
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which is comprehensively jointly that of those good just terrorism. because this is a concept and terrorism has no borders. pocket stock is strategically important full of aging. the china pockets on economic court or links to his wisdom should don't provence, to the arabian sea and to the middle east. because of this, china has become a major, lend just the pockets on cash strapped economy with as long about owing paging. about 13 percent of its total foreign debt. sharif also visited the southern tech help of sion, gen and, and his 5 day trip in the northwest and the city of she on $31.00 memorandums of understanding was signed between the 2 sides covering areas including technology, energy, agriculture, and trade. katrina's elder 0, they did the bodies of more than the 50 people killed. bottom group, an eastern democratic republic of congo have not been found. the allied democratic forces the adf, count out
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a series of attacks on wednesday and thursday on villages and have many region of north keepers province. the adf is one of several long groups operating an eastern congo. it's been blamed for getting thousands of people in the past decade on an economy has more on the attacks and the city of government in north keeper of brothers this before or just the same day they, they conducted the utilities report to 16 people. unfortunately, many, many of the civilian need to view there's different types of that's night. what ticket is, the worst it's been? will it seems try to hold back for, for such a day that found the thread bodies, some of them i was tied, some of them were killed by myself. these and done so in the different areas just seemed collecting the body up. now some of them will even begin to leave it on there to the pictures are very much when it comes to see what's happened to people . some of them were even doing this before the i've been conducting the notice that
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we have to actually do for the city of, of this, of been the regional and the neighboring for these toys. beside the ongoing meeting between the d are gone down. for the last 2 years, you've been sorting more complex if you can go behind and even approaching more that the total will do a dispute for the area and got a slightly more of the population even leaving the area because they don't believe without the sufficient may be maintained, protested and gone a, according on the president to step down for what they say is the government's failure to address a power crisis. frequent blackouts of affected health, gavin slow down the economy. activists say these on grounds for the presidents removal. felix now wire reports 24 year old rashida grieves for a new buttons on a 1st time mother. she'd been excited to welcome a baby in late march. but only 3 days after his birth. rashid,
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as baby died, nearly 3 months later, the loss link is on. she sends apollo blackout at a hospital in cross shut down into betas with a new born intensive care unit leaving her baby without critical life support. so me for my son have difficulties briefing and was put on oxygen in the evening. the lights went out, she was alive at that point, but when i went to check on him the next morning, i talked to told me he died because of the blackout. garner is resulting to frequent rationing of electricity. to protest in the capital, demonstrators quoted up along tenants. blaming the government from mismanagement in the next month, electricity is going to be increased to about 5.64 percent is not adult.
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inflation in the countries look up lots of leaving in the companies. everything is, know what i started, that's giving us. well president, none of before i do came to power in 2016 promising to end of the country's erotic power supply. but critics say the situation has only worse and under his administration of 3000000000 dollar loan by the i m f was meant to help address the crisis. experts say the intervention has done anything but held back up and down on supplies. the reason it's not because we don't have the power. the reason is because we are unable to pay for the for when we used to run the problem much injuries. so we have that problem and why we're not having the money to do that. is because of, for the economy governance, terrible economic over this gun is government suspended electricity supply to
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neighbors monte code of war and book, you know, if possible, it says the move will help relieve the domestic energy shortage. but experts, one, this may worse in the state of an already struggling economy. and for ordinary citizens like rashida, the power crisis has already affected her life. you know, give you the simple way the looks new r o g, a 0. as in violence, the one of kenya's, coastal village is over a government plan to build the 1st nuclear power station that residents inactive. a state of destroy livelihoods and damage a world famous marine was of malcolm lab reports from kelly county, the deals. it wasn't a normal day in the coastal village volume, they, when these people say police broke their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago. work is from kenya is new k, a power agency came to put a weather monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to
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build a nuclear power plant around here. residents, the ones that they say, the district officials have been paid off. well, they've seen the news. please say they have to use gunfire and gas to break up with dr. so it will kill people if you look at pictures of waste. such projects happen before pregnant women have given birth to children with one leg or with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to the communities beside the mouth of a creek flowing into the indian nation. most people here suffice by swimming coconuts, little fishing among dr. forest along the sides of the creek of crucial for fish, reproduction further down the channel. so those legs on the beaches and the coal raised out to sea, it will say crucial for fish reproduction. where we are right now, is it protected? living wildlife is a very being considered for the power of bonds. is here. scientists say the water
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emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tories to come to see it. environmental activist phyllis that me do, says the location couldn't be was, and kenya is nowhere near being able to manage nuclear waste. she's one international awards for her campaigns, her sites and now set on the nuclear pond, which the government says he wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about $500000000000.00 kenya shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at $500000000000.00 the amount of, of, of course. so that stay was get and kicks locks and all that. you know, they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to stay. that's because of $500.00 to you know, because can you also benefit from it, but a few men within government would benefit from it. the international atomic energy agency says kenya is on track to have a search react to.


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