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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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and i'll just wait the full and 210 palestinians killed as is where a launch is one of its biggest the solves on garza, the my mother inside this island, is there a nice window or so coming up as well says it's attack on the refuge account, fried food captives, i'm all says, all the captives were killed in the operation. a sea of red surrounds and white house purchases in the us demand an immediate cease fire and gaza on poles
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open in bulgaria. the 6th not selection the country is held in 3 years. the it's 5 g m t ac. i'm in garza where more than 210 pallets. the indians have been killed in one of israel's largest attacks. it was spots of an operation to free, full captives being held by him most the target of the attacks with 0 bala and i'll news there. it's witnesses of describe the chaos that and sued for the war of explosions and gum fi. echoing in the hospitals nearby has been overwhelmed with the dead. the grieving, i'm the engine to lead a g. a begins are coverage. chronic is israel carries out massive strikes, polished any,
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and leading is 5th spread. the bodies sconces across every corner is almost a rock refugee come hundreds of victims. as in his ready operation to free captives hold for months by him, off the bed and we saw messiahs flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. we don't know where the children are, we lost them and now we're being displaced for a 3rd time with no idea where to go. is zip involvement, continued. eye witnesses say is really sold is and to the come consumed in a truck with cause and license plates. opening fire on palestinians the minute my quote assigned to the special forces unit would have furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belong to displace people. suddenly the output is going out to lot is came into a home fully owned. k also did with done fine explosions. the nearby likes the hospital is flooded with in just palestinians. doctors describe the scenes inside
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the facility as a complete look ball. it looks like a filter house, one medic said, that bottling a situation that's near impossible. but most of the hospital is full of patients and we have no space for more people without your deluxe. the hospital is now working on one generator because the other one is scope. this can lead to catastrophe. the number of that of to is riley's ministry of thoughts on, on the say right refugee come will rise thousands of bodies buried under the debris still on account of. so the is really ministry has been attacking the area so weeks intensifying its strikes every day. i was playing with my friend, i came out and so the stuff is covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house was burning and the smells awful about my dad. rolls latest detox has been condemned internationally with the
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you cooling, get a mastercard on the killing of civilians, a pulling julie vega, alta 0 or him though, could already fall this report by phone from o x. the hospital and their umbrella as events unfolded in the hospitals are over. well, you can imagine the people are on the floor, not ex volunteers. everyone is trying to help them. there's no place for them. was there even trying to put up more injuries in the other department in the hospital at the doctors are trying their best to rescue as much people are as possible. but there are lots of people here. could you go into these big now? and after you went into terrified people are terrified. i left the hospital is not only a hospital, it's also a refuge in the shelter for hundreds of thousands of palestinians that speak for a few in the comforts with those 4 months right now. and now they bought this
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a warnings from one of the journalists who received a call from the is right, the army, telling them that they were going to target a couple of tents in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing people running, we're seeing people looking for a safe place. everyone is left to the hospital to the area surrounding the hospital and and, and people are literally, it can't find anything said they do not know where to go. they're searching for a place. they're trying to move west again. they are highly kafka, is there are quite competent people are feeling like munitions or fears are telling every sunday and it's also not safe for them to evacuate from outside the hospital . this is the scene of right now, and no one can understand anything, because with that can they think it's part of escalating and one our other heard is i'm going to say, i'm just in closing, people crying children crying mothers looking for their children. not being right
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now as well. the families of the captives fried and these ready on the operation held a news conference off to they were reunited. israel has shut down l just there is operations this. so we are reporting from outside israel. it's our hearts as sent us this report from amman in jordan. this is the more or less the goal is to strip along it was the largest really minute she opperation using land and sea. despite heavy fighting, the cops is made. that box is row. although her mouth says of those were killed in the attack of the 246 days, the full immediately reunited was from the side of the hospital. the condition describes a stable in his row. it's being seen as a major victory,
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much needed for a prime minister on the immense prussia. we're committed to getting the use of all the hostages. and we expect from us to release them all. but if they don't, we'll do whatever it takes to get them all back home. the full, the families are, it's been a long struggle. big. thank you to our military, to our soldiers. thank you to the people of israel who are strong and who share our joy today. we will never forget those kept as still being held in garza and we will continue our struggle and fight to return them back home. a live tens of thousands of his re, these gathered intel aviv heifer unenrolled impulse of his ro police arrested protesters in these woods. the canons against demonstrates is holding for the fall . i do as soon as possible and election some of the relatives of captives killed in guns, at least for to size the prime minister. never contacting them. but now using such
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today's rescue for his own political game. for the height of all g 0 a month. and a reminder, again, benjamin that's known as cabinet has bound elders are in israel, which is why sar is reporting from neighboring georgia. now, kenneth wolf is a visiting professor at princeton university. i'm a former executive director of human rights, which he says it's likely that benjamin netanyahu will feel in bold and by the day's events. this rescue operation means that a total of 7 had been released to live because of ease raving military operations, where it's over a 100 and been released to negotiations. but at this stage, latonya who is a major hospitable, including negotiations or from us because he does not want to agree to the long term, the permanent ceasefire that from us is insisting on. and that's very clear because, you know, that's fine. yeah. who needs it forever?
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war once the war stops even faces a political reckoning for the intelligence failure on october 7th. you know, why were is really soldiers and much more focused on the west bank, protecting sellers, then adjacent chicago. and these are big questions that can easily talk with government and ended up in prison. i think the pressure on that. yeah. hooks to really is good. it's just insufficient. if you look at, you know, president joe by, he says the right things, he says, take more care to spare paleface, you know, in life let in more food in geometry. nay. but he doesn't, backed up with actress. she continues supplying the arms of the military aid, these used to bomb and star prostate scenarios. when the intersect, national criminal court prosecutor sought in the restaurant for natural yahoo by you know, said it was, oh, you know, basically, you know, an outreach that this up. so she's not providing real backing to his appropriate words of caution. and you know, bind is the most important back or i've got on yahoo and a tool that changes. i fear that kind of guy who's gonna feel that he still has
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a green light to keep going with the work on strategy, but he's been pursuing the use of arrested adults trying to help an engine protested and telephones police tried the medic away while he was treating the demonstrates, it is wonderfully such a 3 year rest of it until of eve on saturday nights. families of captives are among those protesting each week against these ready governments humbling with garza all a sudden you install a doris he purchased as of gathered outside the white house in washington, dc, demanding an immediate c spot. in garza, they held a 2 mile long red banner to represent what they call the peoples red line type of drug test reports. protesters defend upon the white house in a sea of red, symbolic of the blood of shedding gaza. and the red lines, demonstrators say the us must hold, is real accountable to for crossing. so i think divided administration needs to
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follow through on what it said it would do, which is no longer send offensive weapons to gaza after israel's invasion of wrap up. and so they have an obligation to do that. red banner behind the scratches all around the white house. the testers say this is in the united states almost as a mother who cared about children. so i cannot spend said by watching children dying after exposed to all this media, people to start and people are about the woman just like she comes back to her place and her children are literally like the president joe
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biden wasn't home on saturday remarks. he made during the state visit in france focused on the freeing of for is really captive held by him us and made no mention of the hundreds of palestinians killed in this really military operation. joe biden and his administration have told us is that is rarely lives matter more than palestinian lives. that is absolutely not true by the polls show. a growing majority of us voters support a permanent ceasefire in gaza. that ceiling is particularly strong among young voters who support biden will need in the november presidential elections is shooting himself in the foot by alienating young voters alienating. uh, you know, muscle voters aly, any progressive jewish motors, and just to demographics of people that you should know not to give up. on emotions ran high and at least one skirmish broke out between protesters and police who used to pepper spray against
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a person they tried to detain. but the demonstration was by large parts peaceful and persistent a. hi digital, castro, out to 0, washington. all tens of thousands of people took part in a palace done solidarity mode in the you case capital cooling for an end to israel's will on gossip. what were you travelling? so as move from london, this is how probably your product to be in demonstration number 15 in london. and the campaign is the march is trying to keep the momentum going, keep that pressure on the politicians. so you want to say find out. i want an end to um to is around the problem pull the demonstrates is, is the, the guy is now very much hold on election but neither of. 2 parts are easy to see, the dog is a particularly significant election facing inside the boxes and trying to change
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and make sure realize the jobs deciding we've already taken the 1st of all recording on how to sign in the states. and that was a week ago. we still have a website where everyone can put in the constituency and say, hey, i had this thing, m p voltage on the or through a safe spot. i don't know with the moans, the potters going sort of the company to sign through reactions where you sign the cdn we make this time and how they responded to the amount. next wait, we're sending 6. pay them on every single. so everyone will have the ability to put in the details, press a button, and those 2 lines will be sent a lot of time, today's in error, and then we will publish why they've responded. now there are indications that the labor policy, which is way ahead in the opinion polls is going to make a manifesto plants to recognize a palace city in states before the end of any piece process, which is thelma,
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the leader, hurts the demons. right. hey, we'll see the sign that he is on this side. however, the organizes of these rallies say that that is actually a war, $3000.00 the last labor election manifesto. so they remain unconvinced. row each happens. how does the arrest in under a lip and some of the marches across here of thousands of people gathered in this was 50 of geneva, a condemned israel's wound. garza and cold for an end is rarely a tax in russia and hundreds of protest is in spain. and late on the ground outside the bows, guggenheim, museum of mould not to represent the thousands that have been killed. costs still ahead on al jazeera, the human face of the country, grips by a power crisis, and can in method grieves for her baby son. and the multi $1000000000.00 nuclear project and attorney as close as hit by environmental
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concerns a pod. his aim interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era. ready ready in the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old can use to use for the living to place in a country celebrates the deceased. ready
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can he earned enough to most support is with a mother realizes dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy a witness documentary on that. just so you know, hearing the fax, sharp populations is declined 70 percent understanding the reality i just placed that fluid. i'll just say it was changed across the world when you connect to the house with the story of the the doors in the old is there a mind if i told the story is best how of a 2
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$110.00 palestinians have been killed and one of israel's knowledge is the time since of own concept down will says lowest thoughts from the land and sea shutting residential areas around 00 and home is there was a pause of an operation to free full captives held by him us. but him off says some captives were killed in the is already attacked. afraid were met by crowds and tell the beef before being taken to hospital on the attacks and gaza left hospitalized, overwhelms with the dead, and the injured medical stuff. at alex's say, they are struggling to cope these foreign policy chief, cool, this ready of talk some months. okay. now versus in bold area heading to the poles. the 6 parliamentary election in 3 years facing began a little over an hour ago at paulding boots across the country stump. so it was treated by the collapse of the coalition government back in march. may,
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coastal sharif has moved from the capital. sophia, on sunday is a busy day and by gary a as a tolls to election simultaneously one for the national assembly and the other members of the european parliament, the campaign. so the $240.00 said national assembly has overshadowed the campaign for the arp in elections because of a political impasse. now, so the 2 political parties and coalitions ranging from cloud wide cool, e, you to prove russia up and testing of this boat is important because bulgaria hasn't had a stable government in recent years. now that can take a government that had been in place and barely been able to hold the coalitions together, let alone address issues of body gathers economic autumn, pulling demographic crisis as the mona for the full of a political. and then this explains, they're really concerned about corruption about the standards of living,
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but also is, is very interesting that in 2020 and during the process there was a demand for the creation of a new political class, a new type of politicians that are selected on the basis of mary socratic criteria, and who would be able to govern in a much more transparent manner. these selections come as bo gave you, as on the threshold of joining the users on and with some water is about to pull smooth rise and inflation. but the biggest concern right now is the turnout. will people come out toward even that this, the 6 election in less than 3 years? there's mistrust this fatigue and this misinformation, and sylvie's ahead of the full se, by gave us 2 most likely to have this table. governments. let me close, i'm sorry. i'll just eva, sophia, the purchases in, donna, a cooling on the president to step down. so what they say is the government's failure to address
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a power crisis. frequent blackouts have the effects of healthcare and slowed down the economy. activists say these all grounds for the presidents removal. felix the wire reports 24 year old rashida grieves for a newborn son. a 1st time mother, she'd been excited to welcome a baby in late march. but only 3 days after his birth rashid, his baby, died, and nearly 3 months later, the loss link is on. she says apollo blackout at hospital in chrome shut down, incubate is but the new born intensive care unit to moving a baby without critical life. support for my son have difficulties briefing and was put on oxygen in the evening. the lights went out. he was alive at that point, but when i went to check on him the next morning, the doctor told me he died because of the blackout. garner is resorting to frequent
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rationing of electricity. to approve this in the capital, demonstrators hold up long term. blaming the government for mismanagement in the next month, electricity is going to be increased to about 5.64 percent. is the adult inflation in the country. look up also believing in the company. everything is know what the aside that's giving us. well, the president, no uncle, for idle came to power in 2016, promising to end of the country's erotic power supply. but critics to say the situation has only worse and under his administration of 3000000000 dollar loan by the i m f, was meant to help address the crisis. experts say the intervention has done anything, but to help you, i cut them down on supplies. the reason is because we don't have the power. the
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reason is because we are unable to pay for the for when we used to run the problem much in res. so we have that problem. and why are we not having the money to do that? is because of, for the economy, governance, terrible, economic, those gun is government suspended electricity supply to neighbors monte code of war and book, you know, possible. it says the move will help relieve the domestic energy shortage. but experts, one, this may worse in the state of an already struggling economy. and for ordinary citizens like rashida, the, our crisis was already effected on life. you know, give you the simple way the lives new r o g a 0 has been volumes and one of kenya's, coastal villages of a government plan to build a fuss nuclear power station residency. it will destroy livelihoods and damage will
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famous marine was of malcolm web reports from tennessee county, the deals. it wasn't a normal day in the coastal village volume. they, when these people say, please bring their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago. work is from kenya is new k, a power agency came to put the weather monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to build a nuclear power plant around here. residents, the ones that they say, the district officials have been paid off. well, they've seen the news. please say they have to use gun fire into a gas to break up a drive, so it will kill people. if you look at pictures of waste, such projects happen before pregnant women have given birth to children with one leg or with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to come to the communities to cite the mouth of a creek flowing into the indian ocean. most people here survive by swimming
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coconuts or fishing among dry forest along the sides of the creek of crucial for fish, reproduction further down the channel. so those legs on the beaches and the coal raised out to see the little same pre show for fish reproduction. where we are right now is it protected. moving wildlife is a very being considered for the power of bonds. is here sign to say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tourist to come to see it. environmental activist, phyllis and me do, says the location couldn't be west, and kenya is nowhere near being able to manage nuclear waste. she's one international awards for her campaigns, a sites and now set on the nuclear plant, which the government says it wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about $500000000000.00 kenya shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption,
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they're just looking at $500000000000.00 the amount of of, of quotes so that they would get and kicks, locks and all that. you know, they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to scan. that's because of $510.00 north because can you also have benefits for at least a few men within government would benefit from it? the international atomic energy agency says kenya is on track to have a search react to by the 20 sets these by which time the government says it wants the coastal power plant to be fully operational. here several african governments have signed deals for nuclear power stations and reason yes, mostly with russia and china mcdonald kanga who took us fishing near the proposed size. doesn't want kenya to be one of them. he says, radiation poisoning will destroy his livelihood. the nuclear energy agency told us the final decision on the sites will meet all kenyon and international laws and seeking a foreign partner who deal with nuclear waste. if we do studies in the time in
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that it's the right place, i can also look at doing that. i am telling you that as a government was this one that is a spiritual doing these. we do it in a way that we did not fix the environment, especially or be boys any danger to our people. us government says the power station will bring development to the community around it. but nobody's yet found a permanent solution to dispose of needs a waste which remains dangerous to life forms for tens of thousands of years. the residents of the we spoke to say they don't want to change the way of life. and they don't want that problem here. malcolm web address era county can yeah. the price of olive oil in the european union s bikes by 50 percent in the past year . spanish fall and the state droughts has to blame for the soaring costs. salita of
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extra virgin olive oil in spain now costs around $11.00. the spanish ministry of agriculture says estimates for the next all of the office point to recovery, so prices are expected for okay, you're up to date to 1000 are coming. i had learned that the story all the heat across the middle east and live and things will get hotter in the days ahead. temperatures have been sitting very high for the likes of syria as well as a rock. you can see baghdad seen 49 degrees celsius there on sunday, and there's no relief in sight. the width is weather can be found to the north of this with some showers for to keep moving into the corpses on north west in areas of iran for the rest of the region. it is a very wide picture. it's
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a little cooler across the southern areas of a months. delilah, seeing a south west of the flow with more cloud coming in through the week. it is looking at dry across the gulf, with temperatures in places like a top picking up into the forty's in the week ahead. that's been a story of heats across the north east of africa for the likes of egypt with the hottest june temperature on record. now the heat does shift its way further west, of course, into libya, thanks to an inland wind picking up that heat across into europe. as long as you drive across the north, much west across the central band of africa, but not as well as it could be to this time if you, it's much cooler. but why a full south africa, a quiet whether to be found here. but wendy and with across mozambique, the latest news as it breaks, india is of was false going economy. yet experts say it's high g d p. most
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excessive challenges with detailed coverage. even the rush of the defense budget is unprecedented. 7 percent of g d, p. the crowd funding platforms are still raising money from around the world. springs declaration is to evidence of a growing cents a month to month, even western nations. but the us policy is failing to bring a 2 state solution any closer to the time of solomon jobby at the headquarters of the international call the interview on this edition of talk to the sarah, the palestinian from an interest insensitive to the higher you discuss this is we have elected use of depleted uranium, giving it the alarming nucleus fence made by the minister at the same year of a year to put these concerns to because really government led by prime minister benjamin. yeah. join us for the next half hour. i set off the sharpie from the.


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