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tv   South 2 North - President William Ruto  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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started on the channel, so those legs on the beaches and the coal raised out to sea. it will save pre show for fish reproduction. where we are right now, is it protected. moving wildlife is a very being considered for the power plants. is here. scientists say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tourists to come to see it. environmental activist phyllis that meters has the location, couldn't be west and can use know when near being able to manage nuclear waste. a she's one international awards for how campaigns, sites and now sets on the nuclear plant, which the government says it wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about $500000000000.00 kenya shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at $500000000000.00 the amount of, of, of contracts they would get and kick locks and all that. you know,
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they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to scan. that's because of $510.00, but mostly costs can you also have benefits for at least a few men within government would benefit from it? the international atomic energy agency says kenya is on track to have a research react to by the 20 said these by which time the government says it wants the coastal power plant to be fully operational. here several african governments have signed deals for nuclear power stations in recent years, mostly with russia and china. looked on old kanga who took us fishing near the proposed size. doesn't want kenya to be one of them. he says, radiation poisoning will destroy his livelihood. the nuclear energy agency told us the final decision on the site will meet all canyon and international laws and is seeking a foreign partner who deal with nuclear waste. if, as we do studies in the time in that it's the right place. as i also look at doing that, i am telling you that as a government one, this one that is
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a sponge within these. when we do it in a way that we did not affect the environment especially or be, was any danger to our people. government says the power station will bring development to the community around it, but nobody's yet found a permanent solution to dispose of nuclear waste, which remains dangerous to life forms for tens of thousands of years. the residents of the we spoke to say they don't want to change the way of life and they don't want that problem here. malcolm, web address era kelly fee county, can you as well that's, that's amazing. the moments the news continues here on al jazeera up to selves the newest of next. the
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challenges with the ginia has become one of the united states closest allies on the african continent. president william viewed his recent state visits to washington signals, another state in the 2 countries close collaboration. i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate can you a major non nato ally? that's a film of years collaboration. we are the united nation yet east africa, largest economy, present king and increasingly important role on the global stage. p, a heating, regional time exchange policy, mediation talks between warring parties seems to done engaging in international police operations to help stabilize pay too. but we think creased responsibility
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has come intense scrutiny and many question how nairobi will manage to balance. it's one relations with both the united states and china to policy seen is increasingly competing for influence on the african continent. and since october 7th can yes, it's also being in the spotlight for it's, i'm building into position and gaza supporting of these fi it and it kind of thing and states while seeking to safeguard its relationship with israel. it position that puts it at all. it's with many other countries from the global self. i am particularly grateful to that prime minister to my good friend b b. so we can, you'll be able to schedule these geopolitical fault lines while cementing its role as a regional power. i'm really tabby, and in this special episode of south to north in washington, i often as president william, brutal about his country's relationship with the united states can as role on the
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global stage and his country's position on gaza. the mr. president, you've just completed the 1st state to visit is often african hate of state to the united states in 60 years. why was it important? uh, what was the hope? what were you hoping for from your visit? um we have a relationship between can and the united states over 60 is based on come on by news. so democracy, freedom rollover meal, inclusivity equality and that relationship has grown over time. and we now have a robust engagement of trade of investment,
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collaboration in fields of security and peace. we have the engagement seeing piece of diplomacy in education, in health, in the have a tree that's i have said an investment. so it was time to get this relationship to the next level and also to recalibrate what relationship between kenya, africa, and they us, because they have for a long time, that has been at room, not that has been pro 5 us and puppy too it did the opposite guys, the continental traveler of, you know, conflict, wall, deceased, but yet after guy he's a very rich continent with 60 percent of the walls, who knew about the energy resources with 30 percent of the was majorities office.
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65 percent of the was the agree cut to the potential and the youngest population on up in any case, 40 percent of there was workforce would be after guns by 2014 and $1.00 of whatever that was population wouldn't be leaving in that continent. that's probably that would be the largest market in the world. so africa is a great story and, and it needs to be told. and i am very happy that i got the opportunity to tell this the new story of africa. but it's not insignificant that don't 1st visit to an african head of state and 16 years. so it raises questions about how seriously america the united states takes africa. but i want to ask you about the elephant in the room that your political tension between the united states and china. the us has made no secret studies hopes to expand its investment in africa. it is on the
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back foot because china has made gains diplomatically and normally, china is your largest trading partner. but you've got that. i'm talking specifically the $4700000000.00 that was used for the high speed railway. you've got loans that are below teaching. so i want to ask this, you political tension between the us and china, and your debt burden is that in any way informing me as trade and foreign policy objectives fast. every country, it has its own responsibility. and every country country chooses its friends, and no country should inherit friends, enemies, pensions, of us. that's number one. number too. many
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people want to pro 5 of us as a that facing east or facing west. believe you, me with need that facing east basing west. we're facing forward. we're looking at what oppertunity is, what the real opportunities that exist in our content, what are they putting the ships that will and drop the potential that exist in kenya? my mission to the united states is about the values we share with united states of democracy or freedom of google. what i have come to discuss in the united states is the relationship that we have the trade relationship that we have. we had a conversation about the situation, you know, a continent with respect to climate change. and we allowance to yesterday
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a relationship and a collaboration between president biden's p g. i program around renewable energy and water on africa growth for green industrialization. immediately we had a robust conversation with president bided on how america can lead the way in the form of the international financial architecture. so that in africa, countries like 10 countries in the global south, low income countries can have access to concession on financing. so that we can eliminate that high interest rates and walk with a fed up international, financial architect. these are things that wouldn't benefit can yeah, yes. but you can also benefit countries in africa and countries in the global south . so these, these, these, that i walk into your trip comes,
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it is very turbulent time in the world in the united states is central to this turbulence that is putting out in the, in the middle east. there's growing public outreach over what is happening in gauze, in gruff or the international court of justice order and immediate ceasefire in a withdrawal from rafa by is trial a couple of days ago, the international criminal court issued our arrest wire in school from us and of course some leadership of the site including the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. when you 1st came into office, one of your, one of your 1st stops, if not your 1st stop was to israel in may 2023. you described your relationship with is trial as being fruitful, as being strong as being friendly. but in light of these development, have you change your mind? i'd be still a friend. if riley is a great friend, ok. and we believe that that should go
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into the future. we made a very clear goodman when he's right. it was, i've talked that'd be possible. and we have also made it very clear statement when the walking to assessing the use of force when children while talked, when the actual cities, you know, committed by it was for goodness against against the people of palestine. we made a very strong statement, but that was also wrong because 2 rooms cannot amount to right. and we have come, you know, a believe of 2 things that the situation in maybe east the situation in gaza can not be sort using military means. that's number one. and number 2, we also out of the firm belief that it to nation solution is the way to go.
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we believe in self determination, we'd be leaving. the existence of is read as a nation, us upfront. but we also believe in the existence of palestine as a state, and that is our position. and we, we would not walk away from that. that has been can, yes, position that continues to be kept in at the united nations. it's true that you voted 3 times for a ceasefire. the united states blocked that to move, so it doesn't misalignment between you and the united states on, on that. you also voted recently for the recognition of the palestinian state. you've spent a lot of time with president bite and it's, it's all very well to say we believe in the 2 state solution. but when you're sitting with him or you're pushing strongly for an end to this calamity in the middle east. and so united states is seen as being central. it can stop this calamity with the same of honestly just could pitch. we think this calamity did you
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say anything about that? the position of kinda is known that it is not for me to decide you are switching within the room. it is not for me to decide the position of the united states of america. can we not tend to friends not to support a genocide and our position has been very clear when it comes to a 2 state solution. it is not the position that we acquired yesterday. it is a position that has been and continues to be kidding us. position it is, but the for the positions of other countries because we prosecute our own agenda, we speak for ourselves. we think for us of and we drive our on the present your capital, the most powerful capital in the world. you've got international aid organizations, pleading and crying for help. we see mess, grace children being stopped. any mess you entered you are here right now at this
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pivotal significant political moment showing that it's not enough to say we is, can you a corporate to state solution when you are sitting with the man whose country is sending us to is our why not delivering to a proximity and your advantage to appeal for reason. let me tell you, my sister, kenya has done its beat. we have taken the promise position. when i was a alliance, when i was in just converge with the united states was done to get them when they don't was done to separate it. but that, that's what i mean. we become enemies. that that's what it means to fix our friendship. it's just because it is what it is. well, you community the united states fee for its partner then because it has threatened anyone who stands against it. even congress here introducing bills to punish
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countries, to punish the international criminal court. but for some reason you are escaping that kind of sensor. does that indicate that you are not pushing hard because you are allies with israel and you are nursing these relationships even in the face of such a catastrophe? that's your opinion. and it doesn't necessarily reflect what can you, spence, for us. i have told you we are very from, you know, belief on a di uh, the resolution of the conflicting garza, not by military means. we do not support what is going on income. so for women to written muscle grieves that's and we have, we have made our position very clear. and secondly, there are countries who don't believe in that 2 state solution for, for, for of, for the middest we do, and we are unable to just think about it because we believe that is the right
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position for these right must exist as a state them there was a print, but palestine the 2 must exist as a state. it's hard to imagine how palestine can exist with this population that we have seen playing out live on television and social media. i want to move on to see that another crisis that demands disparate attention. in fact, opportunity does have been criticized of not doing enough. kenya has done a lot for civilians who have been displaced into then you played a key role 80 on in the negotiations trying to bring the 2 sides together bought. you are accused of being a little too friendly with the oddest. if a command mohammed from done to condo, that whole situation resulted in you, is kenya being accused of being a biased, it led to sudan being so angry that it withdrew. it's a message from kenya. so i want to ask you where you are, you biased in that relationship and him, you lost an opportunity to bring last to peace and stability. to be fair.
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we have done the best that we could. there are people who wanted us to take sides. and unfortunately, okay, now it's not known for taking sides. okay. and that has a long history which we've done. so we, what we've done in the challenges they had for almost got the yes, in fact, kenya was the country that eventually brought about the comprehensive peace agreement that established what can, with the united states, working with detroit, got that established, sold to done as a country today we, why in the middle of been, it was the issue. in fact, most of the was the asians what cut it out in can because we are not only fair, but we have the necessary document to facilitate, consult, but that's
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a part was, you know, i, you interest. i just really because it because especially done community having things. so if it's going to withdraw it's invested because you next week image i am telling you that i bought a home visit did meet you night will be him in the face. it that me in that will be both of them. i have had a thought out and clear engagement with them. what the one side effect using me is why did die me to him it. but, you know, i know to well from experience that if you want to make peace, you don't speak with friends, it's bigger than me. and he's been to all the sites. so it is not possible for us to move forward and make a peace. if we don't speak to both sides, let me ticket for what we invited, both sides to one e dot meeting in uganda. only enmity showed up. and when him at
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the showed up at the other side said they now want to pull out of the got. because it may be shut up, so you cannot continue to run away from your advisory. you would never resolve the problem. so, okay, now what's up to used to be biased? now you got is being accused of being biased because we want to listen to everybody . and i want to promise you that we're not giving up aunts to done. i was putting together the former prime minister on the video screen, but that's why even non signatories what they do by agreement. so that we can begin to consolidate the civil society, the political parties, to support and push the peace process in into that it is my position that both generals must up to and we must tell them i need to book company
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that the wall in. so don, is senseless, the cottage, the loss of life that you money to do on the crisis? the displacement of people that that's all the clothes at the destruction of the car, to ease i'm acceptable on the start time for any one of them to play holy or to play. so the or to the point thing, does they both sides. you have committed crimes and we need to sit them down and find a solution and to tell them with clarity that there is no military solution insight for the program we have in so done, they need to sit down. we need to mobilize the super society. we need to mobilize political parties, and that's what can is doing. we need to mobilize women groups. we need to mobilize the youth to speak to their country because in any case, they pollution that removed the shift was that people who the vision,
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it was unfortunately high dropped by military men, people with guns and to get to the beach and messed up the country and cost, how does that so don piece today, let's talk about another hot potato. hey t yes, here we are. you are needing the mission to send what to write 1000 police officers to, to, to, to try and stabilize the country, begin violence, the kidnappings. and so on. but the history of he t and us involvement is not in an event event. the. there's a history of failed international peacekeeping missions good by the us and the united nations. patients themselves are very anxious and not trusting of such machines. the us is contribution more than $300000000.00 us dollars, and those opposed to this see this as an extension of the trouble of some us hand in haitian a phase. and that kenya is somehow being used as
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a proxy to further the interest of the us the what is the basis for your confidence given the history this is not the fascination kenya, east and getting we have been in $47.00 of the missions out around the world including in very difficult places like the course of, as we have build experience, we have been understanding and i am very confident that kenya has what it takes to be able to handle the situation in haiti. number 2, we also believe that the responsibility rests with countries like can you end of us that believe in democracy, if we don't, in the local, i mean piece. and we believe that the same way we need peace that's a go to in can. i mean,
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or the other places we have support it besides security sold us the people in hate . and the reason why kenya has been called upon to participate and particularly the hate is because it's difficult task doesn't use if it wasn't difficult. maybe other countries, would that be nice to do? it is kenya the right country to do it to given that, to your own police force have been accused of, it's like traditional ceilings at home police brutality. but human rights groups criticize and be human rights records of police in kenya, $156.00. expect you to show kings in the past? yes. then it's up to the task about history. in peacekeeping. our history in peace making. he's up to scrutiny. anybody can judge what kenyans have done, both with him and without. when i came into office, i made
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a commitment that there will never be any expected t shirt killing skin. okay. and that is the case, but do you suppose that the put the not when the down arrow tonight and i intend to keep it back with you do not support and put in the police men or women for use extra constitutional meetings that are not provided for we have an independent police oversight authority that have taken police, meant to quote, a water equity street. and i have enhanced the capabilities of our policeman, the short system. we have worked with the chief justice in fact, i guess for him at 20 extra judges. in fact, in my one of the heavy as an office, i have recruited $46.00 additional judges to make sure that the criminal justice system is up to them up to make sure that everybody, including the police,
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will put it with being put on the task of a little, everybody must be a comfortable starting with the president must be a come, but we must leave within the parameters. so below that is why even this deployment was taken to court by condense. but let me tell you the cabinet that's up roomed. both houses will problem in people's representatives, have approved. the police has hobbies commission, they are on board. they court have made groups and vision. in fact, when people went to court, the court said the deployment must happen, but it must happen in a certain way. and we delayed the deployment until we complied with the little with the court with a court order us. so we had a country that believing that wonderful. and it is what on the pins, even the relationship that we have with united states of america. and let me give
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you one more point. just 3 weeks ago, i operationalized the public benefits organizations opt. that we div civil society organizations more likely to be making sure that the horde government to account on the point out when citizens rights are being violated. it is because we are a country that believes in that little of little it is, it is that he's on because he's the reason that we are doing what you're doing because it is the right thing. so i am very confident that i, what deployment in haiti, that's the only meet the requirements. so below that, i have i can confirm, let me put it that way, that our police are professional enough to be able to, one to, to, to discharge data. sponsibility is, they've done it in $47.00 different countries around the world that will do it in
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hate. who's the president? we've out of time. they me thank you very much for speaking to us here on south to north. i'll just, yeah, thanks and great. thank you very much. i. she says she went to go to syria to provide a 27 year old activists of health care service testing, working as an i'm didn't start with nursing the eyes of his government with my citizenship. most of all, i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we found it was to either push the shape worker cuz he confronts the news. the piece citizenship verification on a walmart citizenship. fact if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to, we don't have to click on the state list in syria on out to 0 as to denise to make her on a mission, to bring send them out to people who've never seen a movie in their lives, what have you ever watch of from the big street? no. oh, to 0 world travels to some of the remotest areas of sudan were cinemas,
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were shut down decades ago. and finds that opposition to cinemas still remains. we just don't want films, so please suck up and leave. last and then most of the done on out to 0. i was planning on a scooter, was my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw it is really cheap drive towards us. so we started running soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hitting the neck and found it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and the occupied westbank. soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him and his really hosp . these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from it is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay posts in need. officials told to 0 that in situations
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like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. the a 126 palestinians on nowadays, and hospitals being compared to move to houses following one of his round. biggest attacks on garza, the little intel mccrae, this is old. is there a line from the hot also coming up? is there any forces? fruitful kept us in the operation in central council him offices, others were killed in the attack. thousands arrested as tens of thousands protest across as well demand.


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