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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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never write a scooter again. the 126 palestinians are now days, and hospitals being compared to move to houses following one of his rounds. biggest attacks on garza, the little intel mccrae, this is old. is there a line from the hot? also coming up, is there any forces, fruitful kept us in the operation in central council him offices, others were killed in the attack. thousands arrested as tens of thousands protest across as well, demanding a sick spot and the return of the rest of the captives charges and european union sites electing members of the blocks next column. it will take a look and what does that stay
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the of the impacts of one of as well as biggest military assaults on gallons. a still being felt with medical teams overwhelmed by the launch numbers of people injured across the strip on saturday. at least $226.00 palestinians were killed in these radical pricing to free, full captives. a mazda is of the captives were killed in that operation is ready for us as talk of the del bowler. and the almost just arrived in central cancer. to lead a guy has more panic is israel carries out massive strikes. palestinians fleeing is 5th spreads bodies, sconces across every corner. it's almost a rock refugee come. hundreds of victims in his radio opperation to freed captives hold for months by him. off the we saw massage flying over our heads.
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nobody is protecting us. we don't know where the children are. we lost them and now we're being displaced for a 3rd time with no idea where to go. a zip environment continued eyewitnesses say is really soldiers and to the come consumed in a truck with goals and license plates. opening fire on palestinians the minutes my coke site to the special forces unit would have furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belong to displace people. suddenly, the output is going out to lot is came into a home fully owned. k also did with done fine explosions. the nearby likes the hospital is flooded with interest. palestinians. doctors describe the scenes inside the facility as a complete look ball. it looks like a filter house, one medic said, that bottling a situation, it's near impossible. but most of the hospital is full of patients and we have no
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space for more people without your deluxe. the hospital is now working on one generator because the other one is stop, exit is complete to satisfy the the number of the dead off to is ray, these ministry of thoughts on, on the say right refugee come, will rise. thousands of bodies buried under the debris still on account of so the is really military has been attacking the area for weeks, intensifying its strikes. every day i was playing with my friend, i came out and so the staff is covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house was binding and the smells, or for the dead. israel's latest detox has been condemned. internationally with the you cooling, get a mastercard on the killing of civilians are pulling. what do you need? they go out to 0. can let's go to and they'll color, you know,
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who is in debt on paula for us and to and can you just give us an update on what the situation is like the now i mean to die off to the state of a siding attack as we mentioned the death toll has risen to 226 and hundreds obviously still being treated in hospital as well. well, it's for policy and pills where day arrive to lock the hospital after the civil defense means were able to rescue them and pull their bodies from a target in my god, the back come there were also a couple of air strikes in a very neighborhood in the cause of 50 also there was a couple of our colors sending an air strikes in the eastern part of bed in bella. and there was also another house on a cassette somebody in the dogs, the city of the continuous bombardment to policy houses in
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the day and in drops off, continues, and the amount of explosions are heard in different parts across the causal strip and hinge it, we know that this has been described to this, right as hell on this. can you just give us an idea of exactly what it was like to be there in into lives through what happens? yes to them. well, yesterday was one of the toughest ease i witnessed. and it was not only me, we're talking about thousands of other policies that were sheltering in the hospital and in the pay doc. and it was massive explosions every single minute. the bodies of people killed and injured were transferred into the hospital. the hospital was overwhelmed in task with palestinians coming um i saw injuries on the floor monday trying to have as much upon the scenes as possible. it was terrifying
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. people were searching for the good loved ones. mothers were looking for their babies and for their children. till now the hospital is packed and there are a lot of other injuries being received at every single hour. if we're talking to a hospital that is working with only one generator, no medical supplies enters the cause of defense to defy, starts to operate. he started by the is ready for to the rest of the crossing his the clothes for boy then then a month now and it's still continuing. but the impact of yesterday's incident is, is massive. policies are terrified, terrified because they thought that the me, the a like the latest as estates area. so all of the people are squeezed into the middle area and child care because they believe that there is no place to say across the cause of truth. and as a way to really do,
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appreciate all of your reporting and bringing us the reality of exactly what it is like they're in dallas or at the moment that is and they'll come right there for us in darrow by law. lots of being for united with their families, the captives made prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the operation is being seen and as well as a major political victory for netanyahu, who saved quotes which will be written in history. israel has shut down l, just the result portions. there, so sort of high that has this report from jordan's capital a month. this is the more or less the goal is the strip along the it was the law just really minute to opperation using land at sea. despite heavy fighting, the cops is made. that box is ro, although her mouth says all those were killed. in the attack of the 246 days, the sea well, immediately reunited was from the sound of the hospital. the condition describes
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a stable in his ro, it's being seen as a major victory, much needed for a prime minister on the immense pressure. we're committed to getting the use of all the hostages. and we expect from us to release them all. but if they don't, we'll do whatever it takes to get them all back home. pull the families though it's been a long struggle. big thank you to our military, to our soldiers. thank you to the people of israel who are strong and who share our joy today. we will never forget those kept as still being held in garza and we will continue our struggle and fight to return them back home. a live tens of thousands of his rain. these gathers antello div haifa, unenrolled impulse of his ro, police arrested protested use. what's the cannons against demonstrates is moving 1st the fall, i do as soon as possible and election. some
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of the relatives of captives killed in guns, at least for to size the prime minister. never contacting them. but now using foss, today's rescue. his own political game sort of fight us all g 0 a month to let's bring in a ma sure. he's a professor of security and military studies, the hot institute for graduate studies. thanks again for joining us here. as we still there in that story, many people, most people in, as well as celebrating this right, is a huge success without mentioning really it all the 226 post indians that were killed in the so how much of a success was this for his royalties to mix the baggage right on one end, it does not compare to the success of releasing 105 hostages before uh by negotiations, without any bloody mess that was left behind by minute the 4th day of the 7. so one
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in october, the 3 in february at or extra the 2 in february and rough, and then now for the in the site. ok. but the cost of the leasing the for a was a lot of civilian deaths as well over $200.00. we know that and these, right, the army claims that the they are less than $100.00 and they are not sure of who died in when it so you know, way it's a yes, there is a part of partial success that introducing the all centers. but there was also a lot of bloodshed that costs a lot of the civilian life as well. and they're also more than a 100 of the captives that are still being held in gaza. what will come off to with him now? obviously they will try and secure them. so this doesn't happen again. so will that make it even more difficult of his ro is ready forces? try to go back into kaiser and get more captives. both sides adapted quite significantly. you heard probably this folks person of the cosigned battalions yesterday coming out and saying that they will probably avoid the mistakes that
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happened and that this will place this operation will place. they will make place the life of the hostages in and in make it more difficult in a way i may have negative identification for the else to do. so. this full of probably mean that they were of keep them in the difficult locations to reach this one. what about the gross? we're talking is all the found into 2 building through houses. so we would think that can be moved back underground to 2 buildings and they were close. so there was only 200 meters between them and a pet and see the, the, the young lady hostage that was held was held without the level of security. so it was a very smooth operation. the 2nd one was a much more complex operation. one of the a m. m. offices where wounded and then died. they did off to his bones as what was it more? there was a man pad that was fired, the pen, 10, s a 7 to an empty uh, a shoulder held, which will the fired
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a n t across the missile that was fired. so there was a more of a, you know, a, a, a significant 5 fight. and so this time i think they will see more, the more security probably, and they may relocate, they keep on moving. they also just for sure, but they made you locate them in the places where it's much more difficult to to get them. which also tells you that this is an operational success, but not necessarily a strategic success. okay. as always, we do appreciate you breaking this whole down for us it's, i'm not sure. thank you so much. i this. what's other news now and versus in bold area heading to the poles for this 6 parliamentary election and just 3 years. the snap thought was triggered by the collapse of the coalition governments. and much of laura, this is go to l, just areas, let me close in sherry for joins us now from the bulgarian capital, sophia, and 6 elections in less than 3 years. spoke areas must be getting extremely frustrated with these types of governments that come and go. but we like be the
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same, will stable government this time around well to, i'm frustrated and tired because both get in seemed to be caught up in the cycle of elections and elections go. they come out to watch and then there's a coalition in place. the government does for job as in fighting, they don't to be under forms, it collapses. and then my guidance, i expected to come on board again. and many of them are right now saying for how long can discontinue the new issues and not getting address. so right now the 2 votes that are happening, one for the york empowerment elections. that's 17 and the ease of them to be elected from here. but that has been overshadowed by the campaign for the 240 seats national assembly. because primarily because there's a political impacts and that's being in place for the past 3 years, they are hoping to have a good vote to turn out. but success of elections that have taken place over the
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past 3 years. the voter turnout has kept pulling because this complete um there's a mistress of the political class. they believe politicians in that. and then they just believe what is the point of this democratic it. suffice if it can't have a government really in place. now at the end of the day, they would hope that there's a good book to turn out and that big that could be an a majority in place. but that seems very unlikely if you actually go to the sylvia as and what they're predicting ahead of support. and we split up is there enough free smoke areas that once you are p and future of the scripture, that they'll come out and vote and make a decisive we style direction to this country and we the past of the chevy, governor, instructors corruption to the left. of history can use help explain for us, but what's actually cool is the success of governments to collapse in the 1st place . one of the biggest issues is corruption.
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now, in 2020, in the middle of the pen that makes they've a protest by getting out on the streets. they wanted reform in government institutions. they want to fund 70. they wanted the corruption to go. and that's when the government of michael bought a self have to resign. and he's one of the longest serving leaders in the design. and since 2021 successive governments have tried to come place and yet they have not been able to form a stable government. then address issues, so i to, i told you about corruption, but this also inflation. this also by getting moving out to find, but there's an aging population out. you and there's also a shrinking population of bottom cabins. so couple of issues that had led to this melting point of the protests of 2020. but political parties have just not been able to have a stable government, let alone address these issues now by guidance. really hope that at this time wrong,
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maybe that would be something in place, but it seems very, very unlikely. good, thanks so much that is me. close m sherry for us, the bulgarian capital associates as well. this price is still a hit here on the al jazeera, including a multi $1000000000.00 nuclear project on the can use. cost is rising concerns of the future of a world famous marine versus the now it's been more or less dry for a week in java and see marcia, but the shelves are rebuilding, they don't particularly big here. so i don't think flash things risk. they all bigger and so the way i see the band archipelago and so right, so the philippines to potentially is there, but maybe the heaviest, like to be in northern bonia, the seas new rains. and also those that cost me in my thailand come borrowed in
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viet nam hurts. you mean reflects that and it looks like it's a daily sun. it's totally set. it can be cloudy. what was that? he was frequent tons of storms and rain every now and again. it's just that time the very humid as well. this in contrast, different season, the ratings go off show from new south wales, but in west and australia. well it's been waiting for a long time. this leg was big circulations, not stopped giving showers and it's running across the bite, possibly to give some rain. not necessarily on monday, but on tuesday to, for example, victoria, where it looks like a fairly breezy day and not particularly warm day. certainly what potentially day for melvin but sydney still enjoy right now. usually it is not quite as quite as that looks especially went through at monday. the reading was heavy and science. i was moving up to know 5 and it does improve your fault today is i and tuesday looks a vast improvement sir the sunrise back with you. so afraid will the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the ssl,
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at least 226 palestinians have been killed him, one of his route largest attack since it wants to explore on guns and ultimately, expenses carried out assaults from the airlines and see shelling, residential areas around dell fall off as alumnis around the time. so part of an operation to freeform is where any chapters they were taken to hospital and meant by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a mazda is all the captives were killed in the assaults. the attacks and carson lift hospitalized over whelmed with data and injured people. medical stuff, that's all ok, so sorry, the struggling to car, the used foreign policy cheese. coby is ready. a tax, a mess. okay. purchase has been held in washington dc to show solidarity with palestinians demonstrations gathered outside the white house to demand an immediate c spot and gaza. they held a 3 kilometer long rid bennett to represent will they cool the people's red line? how did your castro it was?
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the protesters defend upon the white house in a sea of red, symbolic of the bloodshed in gaza. and the red line, demonstrators say the us must hold is real accountable to for crossing. so i think divided administration needs to follow through on what it said it would do, which is no longer send offensive weapons to gaza after israel's invasion of wrap up. and so they have an obligation to do that. red banner behind stretches all around the white house. the testers say this is in the united states almost as a mother who cared about children. so i cannot spend said by watching children dying up to expose the oldest media. people just starting people do good,
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sorry about that woman just like she comes back to her, tend to push me through this place and her children are literally like really upset the president joe biden wasn't home on saturday remarks. he may, during a state visit in france, focused on the freeing of 4 is really captives held by him us and made no mention of the hundreds of palestinians killed in this really military operation. joe biden, and his administration of told us is that is rarely lives, not a more than palestinian lives. that is absolutely not true by the polls show. a growing majority of us voters support a permanent ceasefire in gaza. that feeling is particularly strong among young voters who support by didn't will need in the november presidential elections is shooting himself in the foot by alienating young voters alienating. uh, you know, muscle voters aly, any progressive jewish motors and just the demographics of people that you should
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know not to give up. on emotions ran high and at least one skirmish broke out between protesters and police who used pepper spray against a person they tried to detain. but the demonstration was by large parts peaceful and persistent. hi digital castro, out to 0, washington. the united india and her brother had been displaced many times during israel's war. they witnessed as ready forces writing a sheaf, a hospital in northern gauze, or with a, with separation from the family. as her story could not have somebody has that we were in northern government and we have witnessed the catastrophic situations, the stuff, ation hardship on them and being trapped under the rubble. but on what if i thought was and then hopefully it all allows them heavier than if you had been my uncle got injured events. i'll she for medical complex that we were forced to leave to
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southern gaza off to is really forced to show and rate at the complex. i'm a mazda that's the also still cause that i still couldn't. i know i was alone and my brother away from my family that we lost concert concentra some days before we managed to tell them that we are still alive. i issue the track. i know i had a kid at the moment we arrived to and my family was worried about to assume for 2 days there was no connection, but then after a few days we can contact them and also allow what, what kind of set up as a has our like to say that in front of us i left my area and went to the i was with my uncle, it. i went to the hospital, then i went to the doctor that moved back to the job and i love it. and the for the heart, we just kill time all the day long. let me go to my friends houses to sleep during
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the night and had a look out and i had a habit. it isn't as this is my son's son, that he cannot cool and say mom and dad. i haven't seen him. so the last 3 months is send me videos of him. and this makes me very sad because my son is growing up without me. i want to see my son, if i can smell him. i saw for the fashion vis the the sorrows and those hobb. this is very tough. i shouldn't get and i want to live like the dead this that and this my area, my family, my relatives and i missed the gatherings. i missed my room with that and i miss everything. and joshua courtney is the head office. i was a vice is in the european union, a choosing members of the blocks next parliament prophecy. the cost of living health care and unemployment are among those just main concerns. whole show that
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find road policies could make major guides about 373000000 people across the block, eligible to vote between 2 and the 6 and the nonce, uh, choosing 720 members of the european parliament as a 5 year terms. countries allocated states depending on the size of the population of germany has the most with 96. well, multi has the least with only 6 states. the problem is, is the only you institution is directly elected by vs. that pos, as laws proposed by the european commission and approved budget. you'll also plays a role in the box relations with other countries. or you sent me another is the head of the safety office at the european council on foreign relations. she has more on the challenges, the incoming e u parliament actually faces. so we're going to witnessing chris in the, in the represents this of the right part to see the next year in parliament. but i think the court may screen,
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but the court parties will keep the majority. and i think this will allow for the european union to advance with its uh, with its agenda, political agenda and the committee circumstances. so this means a big focus on security and defense. i julie cannot succeed in may be, they will be some systems or how long patients european union be. 1 location of the grange here, but i think the presence even though there would be an increase present of the far right. persecuted will not be enough to big where the european they were communion from it scores on but it's eating. it's a kind of political age. attention between north and south career is hating up again with sol resuming the broad cost of loud speaking messages across the demilitarized zone that comes up to the north. st. more balloons filled with
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rubbish in the south korean territory. this is the 3rd time that young yang has used this tactic and just the last month. and it comes up to south korean activist, use balloons through drop leaflets or the north korea. the bodies of more than 50 people killed by a group in eastern democratic republic of congo have been found. the allied democratic forces were id if carried out a series of attacks on wednesday and thursday on villages in the been a region of north keep you province. the group is one of several authorizing an eastern congo. it's been planned for killing thousands of people during the past decades of purchases and gun calling on the president to sit down of an electricity process. they planned the government full failing to address frequent blackouts. the outages have affected health care services and slowed the economy. next month, electricity is going to be increased to about 5.64 percent is not adult because it's less than in the country. look up also believing in the company.
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everything is know what the started that's giving us off. spartans has broken out and the village on kenya's coastline over a government plan to build the country's 1st nuclear power station, presidents, an active site, it will destroy livelihoods and damage a world famous marine reserves. so can wave reports from kelly, fee, county you? it wasn't a normal day in the coast to village a volume by when these people say police broke their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago. work is from kenya is new k, a power agency came to put a weather monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to build a nuclear power plant around here. residents, the ones that they say, the district officials have been paid off. well, they've seen the news. please say they have to use gunfire into a gas to break up with dr. so it will kill people if you look at pictures of waste
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. such projects happen before pregnant women have given birth to children with one leg or with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to the communities beside the mouth of the creek flowing into the indian ocean. most people here survive by swimming coconuts or fishing. among dr. forest along the sides of the creek of crew chauffeur faced reproduction further down the channel. so those legs on the beaches and the coal raced out to see the little same pre show for fish reproduction. where we are right now is it protected. moving wildlife is a very being considered for the power plants is here. scientists say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tories to come to see it. environmental activist, phyllis that me do says the location couldn't be wes. and kenya is nowhere near
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being able to manage nuclear waste. a she's one international awards for her campaigns, a sites and now set on the nuclear plant, which the government says it wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about $500000000000.00 kenya shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at $500000000000.00 the amount of, of, of contracts they would get and kicks, locks and all that. you know, they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to scan. that's because of 500 p. m. but not because can you also benefit from it, but a few men within government and benefit from it. the international atomic energy agency says kenya is on track to have a search react to by the 20 sets ease by which time the government says it wants


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