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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the say, and the, the time to me, the mounting desk told in guys that 274 palestinians are now known to have been killed during and he's ready operation to free for the captives on saturday from office 3 captives including an american citizen, were killed during that rage in the centre of the gaza strip. the clo, i'm flying back to boy, you're watching l. g 0 life from joe. also coming out. avon approve of 6 candidates to run in the presidential election with some notable emissions. and super sunday
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as 21 e u countries including germany and france, casting votes to elect a new european automates the . thank you for joining as we begin in the gaza strip way, it's been confirmed that at least 274 palestinians were killed. and he's really a sold on a new se right, refugee camp, that freed for he's really captive the use top different lab, joseph for al, has condemned the attacks on saturday and called for an immediate and do what he calls a blog bass palestinians in georgia. our zip environment, dennis strikes, as well as intense gun battles between our mazda and is really special forces. i'm office 3 captives were also killed in that operation, including a us citizen. and who do i re report from downtown by law in central casa,
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a tonic. this bombs explode close by this is the mislead dot com. it provided shelter for more than a $100000.00 people. from the is where these have now reduced to this the they allowed women and children to enter the house. and they see this will have the 60 killed, you know, we didn't know which party belongs to who they are in pieces. the air strike is really commandos. read it the comp on saturday in which for is there any competence to a feed from to apartment buildings, the cost of their lives paid by hundreds of colors to new skilled in more injured the, the millions time we deliver a message to the international community. we do not one aid, we want you to stop the world. people here are terrified, broken, exhausted, like this never ending how they feel. they've been left totally alone.
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everyone is in a state of panic state. the restoration has missed this, but people do not know where to go. they're all chopped in the middle area and there is no place for them to go. the world condemns us bluetooth to stop the onslaught. almost use to this. now. some days may be worse than others, returned the more graphic, more difficult for the great looking on to stomach. words of condemnation will come and already have. and yet the cooling continues. i was playing with my friend, i came out and saw the stairs covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house was burning and the smell is awful. garza has been destroyed. hundreds of thousands of families ripped apart and complex. i spoke in the city
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and out just here as tara cap was. the one is in dow by law, in central guys. i where many of those injured in that operation were taken to this past week slowly. so inside the departments of a lot to the hospital it's, it's completely dramatic seen as we so hundreds of palestinian wanted people who have been widely at wounded and, and get it to you today is really operation that took place. yes to day to release full is really caps is now lose, wanted people are receiving a pretty much admitted coca by medical teams and up to the hospital in line to also the ongoing surge of the is right at tax. of course, multiple areas in the middle regions. now within the early hours of this morning, the 28000 you have been re reported to we've doses of injuries being prose, also to our office. the hospital, which is abilene and fix trip pressure on the medical teams to keep operating on the ground. we have spoken to a number of medics inside the hospital saying that we are facing
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a remarkable difficulties to deal with the search of these kinds of injuries that some of them really require. a very advanced medical surgeries and we are on april to carry out such reparations with the very limited and humble medical facilities and even abilities within the locks the hospital part. what we see is that just an evacuation since alongside with a sense of, for providing medical treatments as medical teams right now are doing the pests in order to keep providing them with a central medical cast. as you heard the hospitals in central guys that have been overwhelmed by the launch number of casualties around 700 palestinians were also injured during these radius sold, many of them children. some people died as they waited for medical attention. the bodies of many others remain under the rubble and have not yet been recovered by civil defense schools. while most people who are feeling the way, according to the field reports these really occupation forces use to civilian
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vehicles in the say, right. the 1st was a small car and the 2nd was a bigger one carrying weapons. this was clear in the videos mentioned by different media outlets. the soldiers who pardon the massacre played the role of displaced people. they were dressed as civilians with the plan to commit a massacre against women, children, and the elderly in this camp. as the field reports also mentioned that as rarely force has been boarded, 89 houses full of civilians in new se, right? so many houses were bombarded without prior warning. this confirms that the occupation intended to commit this brutal massacre and they are committing genocide against civilians. earlier we spoke to so talk a hashi who was a former deputy head of office of the un high commissioner for human rights and occupied palestine. he says is ralph actions and guys on saturday a yet another breach of international law. israel has shown itself time and time again. it has says,
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expose the sell time and time again that it doesn't care about the international laws and forward. it doesn't care about international humanitarian law. there are clear standards of proportionality. so when you're making a tight, when you engage in an attack, that might cause a civilian loss of life or damage, disability and objects, while you're attacking, it's not necessarily illegal as such, or that doesn't necessarily make it so legal, right? but the, the losses to any kind of civilian objects, your life has to be proportion. and i think it's pretty clear that, you know, these were not proportionate. and this is something that we've seen over and over again. not just since last october, but in pretty much every single attack that israel has engaged in every single offensive that is realized engaging and gaza. we've known all along and certainly since last october that there is a huge, huge double standard when it comes to human life. that is really lies that the, you know, ukrainian lives the white skin lives are important. but when it comes to palestinians,
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when it comes to people with brown skin, when it comes to airbus in general, you know, they're just not as important that we don't really care. or how mazda is doing, says 3 is really kept his way killed during yesterday's major military rate on to say, rod, those that were freed wherever united with their families, just hours after the operation out of medical facility in vermont gum in israel. these pictures show the moment family members sold them for the 1st time in 8 months saw high ride in jordan's capital. i'm on with this update as well. we haven't had any reaction yet whether officially from the governments or from these reilly's spots every time a video like this comes out from us. who is nomics, who has it destiny, has an effect certainty on the morale and the society of the families of those held captive? yes, this, they have said time and time again since yesterday. this is being celebrated. it's
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a real sense of joy. people have come together and is ro celebrate finally, full concepts that have come back, that condition is stable. they seem to be in high spirits as well. but many, it also says that that is a victory, some more bots. still, there are more than a 100 concepts still being held in the gaza strip in this video. in particular, is interesting in compared to any of the other videos have been released by how much this one specifically is showing you video or be off them off of this massive is riley operation. one of the biggest, they've cards out, one that prime minister benjamin netanyahu says will go down in the history of the is riley history of books spots. this is the 1st time that showing this kind of off them off the death of those in a, in the good the gaza strip. and also a direct message to them saying that despite then being able to of 3 full captive as a result, the have been just on the other side. of course,
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this hasn't been confirmed by these raids themselves, but going back fully to the reason why just yesterday hours before this operation took place, we saw the families of those house counts of still demonstrating, still gathering intel of these square tens of thousands of them still demanding a see spot deal to be accepted by israel as soon as possible. so hi rod reporting they live from a month cuz these ram has extended the closure of options here is office in occupied, eastern rosemont and bond is for in his route for another 45 days is really police rated out to 0. his work space and sees the equipment on may the 5th that followed a decision by these ready government to take out just their offer and shut down its operations. came dawson is the deputy general secretary of international federation of gen, let's see, says israel is trying to control the narrative. also media. it is very refreshing to know that the is why the judges express such concern over this ruling and made
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it clear that they thoughts that in any ordinary circumstances it shouldn't be allowed to take by. so i think i think they have that can come up with a great many is right. it is a great many people who are, you know, feel well towards israel, that this is a, a deeply damaging act that can only undermine confidence in israel. and really does more to expose its weaknesses then to demonstrate strength and might be in the crudest way. there's been an attempt to control the narrative 1st by excluding international correspondence. they have protested and petitions to try and get into god's are and haven't been allowed in. secondly, great many, a truly disturbing number of doing this thing because i have lost the lives of, i mean precisely the circumstances of many of those cuttings you know, i think has yet to be uncovered, but such as the mortality rate of laundry list of i think something truly terrible
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has happened. we see a tax on, on domestic is riley media, you know, restrictions have been placed on correct. so it's been cold and animated the, the states and what all this feeds into it. one of the reasons that it really, conceptually we saw it last week year in the jerusalem day matches, people physically attacking jet less people physically attracting palestinian jealous. i think a situation which in this to demonize the way it is by them those legitimizes in, in some of the more extreme elements. the idea that journalism is somehow brought to the wrong. i'm the people who are gentlest. it's legitimate to attack them. the in other words, use yvonne's top electoral vetting body has announced names of candidates allowed to run in the upcoming presidential election. the full will be held on june the 28, 50 and $6.00 to replace late prizes in the brain. racy, was killed in
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a helicopter crash last month. candidates are either approved or disqualified by the guardian council. that's a 12 member government body where half the members are appointed by the supreme leader. resources re, for some tear on of the upcoming you running an election is expected to be a race between the conservative candidates. so among them to are quite prominent. the 1st one is the current speaker of the parliament momma decorative kindly boss. so she is regarded as a techno growth rather than as a politician. he previously served as the mayor of tara and she was appointed as the commander of the, a force of the reading of evolution, the gods. and also she was appointed as the police chief or your own by the supreme leave it out. if somebody among the candidates, she is the most closely allowing the candidates with the new revolutionary gods. so she is regarded as a cause as a moderate, conservative. so in that sense,
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people believe that she has the chance to appeal to both conservatives and the, the, the reform is the 2nd one is the hotline conservative side jeopardy. she served as the running the nuclear negotiator. and he was also the, the secretary of the running and national security council that people believe that if she means the election, she is going to use term is going to be the continuation of the, the least present the behind. but they use these policies both domestically abroad among the candidates that are approved by the guardian console. the only one that is regarded as the reform is, is mr. wood position. yeah. so she is go to van and being the reading and parliament. and she previously has of, as the, the, the minister of health on dom, i'm gonna try to meet the 1st you read any of the form is president. but she's not that much well known among the iranians. she's only chance is based on the running
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of actual politics. many believe that the days before the election is people these, the form is see that someone likes identity has been conservative, is leading to pose then the, the form is what those might mobilize behind him to prevents jerry the from winning risk for said that both to 0 different still had on algae 0, swimming as prime minister in india, as in the red promoting, makes history with a 3rd term. after a narrow election victory foss, founding the alarm for the 1st time in 60, a south korea is blasting. now speak is that its neighbor will tell you why the
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right now i only knew it was finished. it was swinging back probably to i need your it does mean it shows it been so missing in the philippines have reappeared. the one was coming your way. they don't necessarily huge, but they all topping up what was effectively coming, dr. written in places some of the biggest charles are from the side of sort of raising and posit bonia. the seasonal right in the course is not. so indo china and disappearing in southern china. now if you remember, early in the year there was funding here much years and it should have been this is negative seasonally correct. and the orange tops means heavy dime pulls, eventually the loose by the nose was put carpet cleaned off of the yankee for the korean plants. yeah, that's right. your part is generally warm of just a few shafts, but sunshine being predominant, these are the seasonal floods. and then they off for monday and tuesday, and you can follow that line, westwood. this part of the south west monsoon, if you like, which is broken north of go. so this is more or less the line is how to fuller's old time of trust the by and go over that. a warnings out of very likely flooding in my roster because it's more or less the area where it is. so here it's cool,
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doesn't inflate. but a lot more heat and more light to right north of its all, we're still waiting for the monitoring to this. so it's still very hot, very dry. the poor at quality barnowski is just one example. the he says he went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old active as the as healthcare services as being working as an i'm didn't start with nursing, the eyes of his governments with my citizenship. most of all, i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we found it was to either push the shape worker cuz he confronts the news. the piece of citizenship verification on a walmart citizenship. fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to, we don't have to click on the state list in syria on which is in the
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welcome back you watching l g 0 live from doha. recap of our top stories, $270.00 for palestinians that confirmed had been killed during and he's ready operation to free for captives in garza, on saturday, palestinians in georgia hours of environment and asked rights as well as intense gun battles between hamas. sandy's really special forces losses on wing says 3 is really kept is including a us citizen. we can during yesterday's major military rate on the survivors. refugee and each round has extended the no show of colleges here as office and occupied. these shows women vantage square. it can use route for another $45.00 days that comes under a law approved in april and that allows the government to band broadcast channel.
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is it considered as a threat to national security? the voters across the european union are choosing members of the blogs next parliament, poverty. the cost of living, health care and unemployment are among their main concerns. 373000000 people across the you are eligible to choose 720 members of the european parliament who will serve 5. yeah, attends. as of a closer look at what the u. parliament does its main job is to adopt amend or reject laws proposed by the european commission while it overseas laws, along with the european commission and the council of e u. it cannot initiate legislation. the problem in the foods, the, you budget's new executives of the european commission and elect sits president, members of the european parliament that organized into 7 groups according to their political ties. they meet in strasburg in france about once a month. the rest of the time they work in brussels and committees over seeing policy areas such as environments, trade and foreign affairs. let's go live to all just as step boston,
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who's in berlin. so the polls have cosy in germany and we have the 1st exit polls that what do they, what do they show? we do, and the germany, it has the largest number of seats in the european parliament. that's what we have to say. in $96.00 states, up to $720.00 and we now have exit polls and it shows that the alternative for, for germany party the far right party has come 2nd as predicted. and it has made quite a large game, sorry, on 5 percent. more than compared to previous elections in 2019. and it's interesting because this party has always been your skeptic and always been competing against the european union. it comes off to the question democratic party . they have one in germany that the car, 2 of or is left on the line in the president of the european commission. so they came in 1st but what is. 6 are we telling is how the current government co relation
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in germany has been basically punished by what we're supposed to because the social democrats of all life shows. so chancellor f last but even more the green party has lost quite a lot to they have lost more than a point 5 percent of the vote would. so it shows that the green policies also on the european level have basically been really rejected by a lot of the focus. yeah. so the governing coalition suffering a, d, c, d, a if the, the far right alternative for germany party coming in 2nd, as was expected. and this was widely predicted that this election for the european parliament set would see a shift to the right. what would this mean for you? policies are think this will mean that so as i said, the green policies there was this very famous green deal that the european commission has presented to reduce the c o. 2 by 2015 the significantly that all
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these policies will be debated again that there will be a tax again by uh far right members of the parliament. so that's a fairly important shift. also migration that was very important topic here in germany. the migration deal that we've seen recently by the european commission will also be discussed again, so that will be more strict. the policies on both assignments and migration, of course, we've seen farm as protest also across the european union. a lot of angry pharmacies are very cultural policies that will connect it to the green deal. they're also been rejected by a lot of from us across the block. so that also will be under discussion again, st boss and in berlin. thank you for bringing us. the latest in belgium has been voting meanwhile in federal and regional elections as well as the upon entry elections. belgians are used to long spells of that governing a functioning government. i missed the voting on sunday in these elections,
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many are resigned. to another long period of negotiations on forming a government's rowley, chinese explains why it's an often repeated cliche. belgian politics is complicated with the country voting on sunday. expectations grow that belgium could be to its previous world record in time taken to form a governments that's because for the 1st time the file rights blum's bang policy is on cost of winning the news. and it wants to split the country. belgium is a false flemish is the future. the flemish people need the new governments, which is the flemish, any scratching at this to the far left doing well in the south. and the recipe is the for political paralysis being the account to see, i think with going back to a situation with forming a government, it will be very difficult vill uh for the move, the phones blanked and, and i think the lines of the line will have a big rise logically,
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none of the traditional policies will want to form a coalition with them on belgium has 3 official languages, dot french and um, and the country is split primarily between sloan. does the doc speaking north? i'm willow, near the french speaking south. it's electro system means lots of small policies and coalition governments. after the 2010 election, it took 541 days to form one. a world record. big thing that's i think it will be difficult to govern government people. yes, i think so too. is it an invalid? we live in belgium and so in belgium has in many parts of europe, right wing anti immigrant. populism is on the rise. plums relying has long been shuns by centrist policies, forming governments. but a victory for the fall right in front is with test that's approaching you will reach out and out to 0 photos in bulgaria. also heading to the poles. it's another
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e u country that's holding both european parliament and national elections. it is a 6 parliamentary election that bulgaria has seen in 3 years. this not vote was triggered by the collapse of the coalition government in march. let me go, so i'm sure a free for symbol gary is capital sophia, selling taking time's full bulgaria and buy guidance. given this political stalemate issue isn't just resolving over the past 3 years at a time. and by getting to actually one big government to focus on installation jobs or the lack of food energy bills. but what we have in place out cafe. so revolving to governments, then i'm not able to tackle under forms and cannot take those hard decisions. and that's left many bug get is really to question whether they can trust the political cost. they've come to see them as an app that they've come to see them as corrupt. and that's the issues i'm not going to be at as the whole. now for this snap election day, about 32 parties and coalitions ranging from from you far ride to russia and the
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contest things. but i have to tell you like mind to coalitions, there governments have plots in the past 2 years. the last government collapse after 9 months. so the voltage so now is the question right now, and that's something even politicians political parties are concerned about. and the urging suppose us to come in vote, know ahead of this for me. so allegations of fine give us some a rest set were made and now we're outside this pulling boards. and earlier in the day we saw the former prime minister to the effect of come to forward. and this is what he had to say. my hope is that there enough free vogue areas that want european future of the scripture that they'll come out and vote and make a decisive style direction to this country. and we the past of the shady government instructors corruption to be left, which is 3 largely one issue corruption. so in 2020 jordan dependent make
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part of getting out on the street calling for from the anti corruption protest. and that led to bar called florida soft design. now he's a, he's a e leader. was the longest serving lead a into you for what, and then he had to design. and since then these coalition governments that have in place. so now both gavia has some unique issues. it's, it's printing population. many public guardian's don't find jobs here. so they're leaving the country and the country is left with an aging population. and plus forget is on the cost of joining the euro. so it needs to tackle installation. it's partly during the open voters hanging area. so it's a crucial point, but they need to have a stable government, which from the opinion polls sofa say that that doesn't seem like they're going to have a stable coalition right now in india, as prime minister in that range remedy has been sol named for a 3rd time,
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the governing national democratic alliance elected him as its leader on friday bodies b. j. b south showed a majority in the poles and has to find allies to form a coalition government. ah fuck, i knew him shed one is a senior editor at the wire, which is an indian use and opinion website. she says, maurice, the term will be challenged. a, it's a very interesting election. does this and i'm kind of funny in a way that you know the book of but do you because one, the election is not able to celebrate it the way it it would have in the book. because like if it was not managed to get, the majority is all the images in the enterprise. the integrated and a large part of indian population and borders are taking a side offer these these and perhaps is because they are the feeling that india to send him to latoya. tell him his name is 17. we've seen this one defined the director of mr. moore, these last one decatur food, has been that he's trying to become the orientation. we can democracy as we can,
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the national institution in the last 50 years of system with the political gaudio. this is the 1st time whether it was the chief minister movie or the prime minister movie for the 1st time envelope. but he's not received the mandate. and this is going to be a coalition government. so, so i think the era, all that in the movie, as the supreme leader, as this person who is what is the bonus leader who you've got a team who is this a rock as a sort of the soil will use the world, but they can do hot stripes or trying to convert india from a secular democracy to i can do a nation of fuel protection donation. i've seen mr. movies, ambitions, such emissions are going to be cookies and you can be forced to work under, you know, a government which is primarily a pollution government. the attentions between north and south korea have worse and
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for that with soul resuming its practice of blasting propaganda across the border through loudspeakers that softer the north sent hundreds more balloons filled with rubbish. into soft korean territory. alexandra, by as has the story south korea's message to p on yang. the noise will be unbearable. towering stacks of speakers truck to the border blasting propaganda critical of north korea. this is the 1st time in 6 years sold, resorted to this kind of psychological warfare. when last active, the broadcast played cape pop songs, weather reports, and verbal attacks on north korea's leadership change. yet the military says the sound travels up to 20 kilometers into the north. we got you on into the, to the, the majors who will take it may be unbearable for the north korean regime, but they will send a message of hope and light.


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