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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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of the we revisit places, states, even when they're no international headlines, houses are really invested in that, not the privilege, as a journalist, the a mounting, dest soul in gaza. 270 for palestinians are now known to have been killed during these really operation to free. full captives on saturday says 3 captives including an american citizen, were killed during that freight in the center of the gaza strip. the, so this is down to 0 life from doha. i'm for the back also coming up. exit polls show far right parties making gains in germany and austria as the voltage elect,
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a new ottoman and so the 1st time in 6 years, south korea blocks loudspeakers at its neighbor in response to the trash balloons sent by noon. we begin in guys that way it's been confirmed that at least 274 palestinians were killed and is really a sold on a new state. right. refugee camp, that fried for is really kept is the use top different. my joseph for l, has condemned the attacks on saturday and called for an immediate and do what he calls a blog batch palestinians enjoyed hours of embodiment and as strikes as well as intense gun battles between hamas and he's ready, special forces from office, 3 captives were also killed in that operation, including a us citizen, alj a 0 team that whoever you report some down by law in central gas,
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the panic this palms explode. close by. this is the messiah dot com. it provided shelter for more than a $100000.00 people. from these are in these have now reduced to this the they allowed women and children to enter the house, then they will have a 60 cube, you know, we don't know which party belongs to who they are in pieces. finally, the air strike is really commandos rated the comp on saturday in which for is there any competence to a feed from to apartment buildings, the cost of their lives paid by hundreds of college to new skilled in more injured i was playing with my friend. i came out and so the stuff is covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house
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was binding and the smells were, or 4. people here are terrified, brute, exhausted, like this never ending how they feel. they've been left totally alone. everyone is in a state of panic. a state of restoration has business, but people do not know where to go. they're all chopped in the middle area and there is no place for them to go to world condoms, but does need to stop the onslaught. almost used to this now. some days may be worse than others, returned the more graphic more difficult for the world. looking on to stomach, the words of condemnation will come and already have, and yet the key continues the, the millions time we deliver a message to the international community. we do not one aid we want you to stop the war casa, is being destroyed. hundreds of thousands of families ripped apart and complex. i
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spoke in the community and just need to know how mazda is. um, doing says 3 is really kept, is were killed during saturdays, major military rate on this a lot, refugee camp. those were fried wherever united with their families, just hours after the operation had a medical facility in vermont gum in israel. these pictures show the moment family members saw them for the 1st time in 8 months, out a 0, sorry god was zoom, is in doubt. belie with more on what, how mouse has been saying about the capt in these kinds of details have been presented in a video released by the military. u wing of homeless po. 3 is very types of spin cubes by these very ami, according to him. us claims within the operations that was carried out yesterday to release full is ready captives. now, what we serve in the video 3 is very so just as 3 is really captives being uh,
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being completely queued. and even with the lat covering this tight spot, the entire image and video was floods. so it quite to us quite hot, identify the identity as the also the video has been stressing and the facts that one is used. citizens as an america, as beholding the american nationality. and we believe that it's a message from the military ring to the east, very side and even to the east valley and the captive. somebody is as well in order to force them to push deep pressure on them. yeah. who would i to send a re to reach to a ceasefire deal that would bring those top tips back home to as well. and at the same time, it's also another message to the american administration has been specifically with that person. and that isn't that home for the american nationalities, it will also help to provide new kinds of also a pressure on the american government to convince the teen yahoo to press the head with the si, fi agreement, which is to now here's a good time to get by so,
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mean guys are the, is there a, is extended the kosher lounges here is office in occupied east jerusalem in band. it's work in israel for another $45.00 days. is there any police raided challenges here? is work space and sees equipment on may the 5th that followed a decision by the user, the government to take out just the are all fair and shut down it's operation. team dawson is the deputy secretary general of the international federation of janice. he says, is there always trying to control the narrative of the media? it is very refreshing to know that the is why the judges express such concern over this ruling and made it clear that they thoughts that in any ordinary circumstances it shouldn't be allowed to type i. i think, i think they have, i think, come up with a great many is right. and there's an a great many people who are, you know, feel well towards israel, that this is a, a deeply damaging act that can only on the mind confidence in israel. and
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really does more to expose its weaknesses them to demonstrate strength and might be in the crew. this way, there's been an attempt to control the narrative 1st by excluding international correspondence. they have protested and petitions to try and get them to gauze or, and haven't been allowed in. secondly, great many i truly disturbing number of doing this thing cause i have lost the lives of i mean precisely, the circumstances of many of those killings you know, i think has yet to be uncovered, but such as the mortality rate, the laundry list of i think something truly terrible has happened. we see a tax on, on domestic is riley media, you know, restrictions have been placed on correct. it's been called an estimate of the, the states and what all this feeds into one of the reasons that it really, conceptually we saw last week, here in the jerusalem day, march is people physically attacking jet less people physically attracting palestinian jealous. i think
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a situation which in this to demonize the way it is by them those legitimizes in, in some of the more extreme elements. the idea that journalism is somehow boxed and wrong. and the people who are gentlest, it's legitimate to attract them and try to wells using voltage across the european union has been choosing members of the blogs next parliament exit. polls indicate the send to write european people's party will retain control, but for right parties in several countries have made unprecedented games. that includes germany's fluoride alternative for germany, which is all set to finish. second, behind the conservative cd you chance to that old i've child, social democrats, have been pushed to tears. 3rd, let's bring in set boston, who's in berlin for us. so break down the numbers for us to find germany set, not good for the governing college. the not good for the government governing coalition at all. the social democrats of chancellor, all of shows. so last and this election clearly,
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but also even whereas the green party that t, as in the governments with last last 8.5 percent of the vote. and it's really a clear sign that the climate policies and the green policy set also being very clearly for us. and here in germany, we're not in favor by a lot of photos. what we've seen, and d d. alton, alternative for germany, par, to the ac, despite all the scandals that we've seen in recent weeks. but what it says is kind of sofa spying a for a restaurant. but also for china that was the main candidate making a remarks that not all, not c s. s, members for war criminals while they have not been punished. clearly for these comments, they made a 5.5 percent increase in this election. and it shows that clearly euro skeptic parties like the amc. but we've also looked at the office. we are where the s p a, the freedom party also far right, has a gave even 10 percent of the phone,
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which is came out 1st. it shows that the 0 skeptic bar because i really don't want 18. now the poles and, and put, has quite some influence in europe now. yeah. and indeed in the fall, right, also expected to do well in france based upon them and shifted to the rights as expected. what will that mean for the european union's policies? well the, the european people's party will still dominate the european parliament as it looks now. but with this very large block of far right parties that can be influence on climate policies. for example, on the green deal that the european union has, has closed basically saying that the c o 2 reductions should be really down to 0 by 2050 also agricultural policies. we've seen farmers on the streets across the european union. well, they have now also sort of one with this election. so also migration policy is very
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important issue here in germany. but also in the novel is uh there was a migration fact that the members finally close. but what will happen with that when there is this right of fall right block, but it is 11 condition basically these a fall right? parties not united. so they have a lot of divisions among themselves and they have been trying to reach out to each other. we have seen money in the front and for example, reaching out to georgia, maloney in italy. but all this will have to pan out after this election. after tonight we will see how the groups will be formed a what kind of influence they will have to have. thank you very much for bringing escalates the from germany. set boston anywhere on the top. electro batching body has announced means of candidates allowed to run in the upcoming presidential election. the ball will be held on june the 28th as yvonne 6 to replace late president de brian bracy who was killed in a helicopter crash last month. candidates are either approved or disqualified by
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the guardian council. that's a 12 member government body way half the members are appointed by the supreme leader. results. a diary for some tear on to the upcoming you running an election is expected to be a race between the conservative candidates. so among them to are quite prominent. the 1st one is the current speaker of the parliament mama dot com, kindly boss. so she is regarded as a techno growth rather than as a politician. he previously served as the mayor of tara and she was appointed as the commander of the, a force of the reading of evolution, the gods. and also she was appointed as the police chief or your own by deceptively the somebody among the candidates. she is the most closely allowing the candidates with the new revolutionary gods. so she is regarded as a cause as a moderate, conservative. so in that sense, people believe that she has the chance to appeal to both conservatives and the, the, the reform is the 2nd one is the hotline conservative side jeopardy. she served as
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the running the nuclear negotiator. and he was also the, the secretary of the running and national security council. and people believe that if she means the election, she is going to use term is going to be the continuation of the, the least present the behind. but these, these policies both domestically abroad among the candidates that are approved by the guardian console, the only one that is regarded as the reform is, is mr. wood position. yeah. so she is go to van and being the reading and parliament. and she previously has of, as the, the, the minister of health on the, on the card to me, the 1st you reading of the form is president. but she's not that much well known among the iranians. she's only chance is based on the writing of actual politics. many believe that the days before the election is people is the form to see that
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someone likes identity has been conservative, is leading to pose then the, the form is what those might mobilize behind him to prevents jerry the from winning risk for said that ultra 0 deborah, to india, as prime minister in a render emoji has been sown in for a 3rd time. the governing national democratic alliance elected him as its leader on friday bodies. b. j. p fell short of a majority in the poles and has to find our lives to form a coalition government. ah, fuck, i know, i'm sure one is a senior editor at the wire and an indian use an opinion website. she says no, these 3rd time will be challenged. it's a very interesting election. does this and i'm kind of funny that you know, be that you know, the book of but do you because one, the election is not able to celebrate it the way it it would have in the book. because like if it was not managed to get, the majority is all the images in the enterprise. the integrated and
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a large part of indian population and borders are taking a side offer these these and perhaps is because they are the feeling that india defend into latoya telling them is 17. they've seen this one defined me, director of mr. moore, these last one decatur food, that's been that he's trying to beacon the orientation we can democracy as we can, the national institution in the last 50 years of system with the political gaudio. this is the 1st time whether it was the chief minister movie or the prime minister movie for the 1st time envelope. but he's not received the mandate. and this is going to be a coalition government. so, so i think the era, all that in the movie, as the supreme leader, as this person who is what is the bonus leader who you've got a team to get this a rock as a song destroys. we'll use a world where they can do hots, tried to trying to convert india from a secular democracy to i can do
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a nation of fuel protection donation. i've seen mr. movies, ambitions, such emissions are going to be cookies and you can be forced to work under, you know, a government which is primarily a felicia government. still ahead on algae 0, cools conflict and climate force more than 3000000 people in the style beach and to see their homes. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes inside story on out jersey era of
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the . ringback the challenges here with the
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you're watching out your 0 life from bill ha, a reminder of our top stories, 270 for palestinians. i can trim to have been killed during and he's ready operation to free full captors in gas. i on saturday, palestinians in georgia hours are from apartment 10 and strikes as well as intense gun battles between a mouse and these are these special forces. i'm off is i'm dwayne, says 3 captives, including a us citizen, were killed during saturday's major military rate on the, in the state of honest refugee. and voters across the european union have been choosing members of the bronx next parliament exit. polls indicate the centre right . european people, spotty, will retain control, but all right, parties in several countries have made unprecedented gates while bulgaria is one of
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the members that's been holding both european parliament and national election. the polls have disclosed on the countries fixed upon them entry vote and 3 is this not be election? was triggered by the collapse of the coalition government in march when we go. so i'm sorry. freeport, symbol gary is capital sophia, a challenging times will bug and by guidance given this political stalemate issue isn't just resolving over the past 3 years at a time. and by get into actually one big government to focus on installation jobs or the lack of food energy bills. but what we have in place out cafe. so revolving to governments that i'm not able to tackle under forms and cannot take those hard decisions. and that's left many bug get is really to question whether they can trust the political cost. they've come to see them as an app that they've come to see them as corrupt. and that's the issues i'm not going to be at as the whole. now for this snap election day, about 32 parties and coalitions ranging from from you far ride to russia and the
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contest things. but i have to tell you like mind to coalitions, there governments have plots in the past 2 years. the last government collapse after 9 months. so the water to an out is the question right now. and that's something even politicians political parties are concerned about. and the urging suppose us to come and know ahead of this for me. so allegations of fine give us some a rest set were made and now we're outside this pulling boards. and earlier in the day we saw the former prime minister to the effect of come to forward. and this is what he had to say. my hope is that there enough free folk areas that won't europe in future of the scripture that they'll come out and vote and make a decisive style direction to this country. and we the past of the shady government structures corruption to be left, which is 3 largely one issue, corruption. so in 2020 jordan dependent make part of getting out on the street,
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calling for from the anti corruption protest and that led to bar called florida solves design. now he's a, he's a e, elidah was the longest serving lead a into you for what, and then he had to design. and since then these coalition governments that have in place. so now vote, gavia has some unique issues. it's, it's printing population. many public guardian's don't find jobs here, so they're leaving the country. and the country is left with an aging population. and plus, forget is on the costs of joining the euro. so it needs to tackle inflation. it's popular during the open voters hanging area, so it's a crucial point, but they need to have a stable government, which from the opinion polls sofa say that that doesn't seem like they're going to have a stable coalition right now in the united nations says more than 3000000 people
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have been forced to free their homes this year in central style countries of africa like booking or fossil molly and the ship. it blames conflict and climate change in looking at fossil on to groups of kids more than $20000.00 people. how does air it's catherine, sorry, we course aid agencies in booking of fossil say, the cost less than that part of this, the whole region is $1.00 of the most neglected. thousands of people have been killed by armed groups, a fee to, to alta and i. so government forces are struggling to contain the violence which has raged on foot. yes. nearly a 1000000 people are leaving rough incomes cottage, mostly you didn't know if a still the country. many are trapped in pounds which are unsafe. how i'm on my research arrived at this comp in dougherty and then the ends we arrived. we haven't left, it's too dangerous to return home. life in the camps is too dangerous and life in
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the camp is hard, but we have no choice but just to survive, an aide would cause a trying to reach those who are stealing the villages. they have lead me, ted food was talk and health care services fighters rooms to the villages. i will, they say they leave in constant danger, but that is actually a deep sense of discrimination in well solidarity. there is no other way to say it's because 9 out of 10 of the most neglected crisis in well measured as we do in, in, in the 8 in media attention and political and diplomatic initiative compared to the millions and it, they all in africa. basic, more than 200 kilometers away from body, people in the copy to and why the do go see life need not be as dangerous in comparison. but they are also struggling to make ends meet for how we used to be able to go to the market with $2.00. but now that money is not nearly a know,
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for example, if you have a family of 5, everything is now double. life has become very expensive. looking at fossil has been on the amendatory government after the june to stage a coup in 2022. the be that you brought him priority. say he's priority is to deal with a security situation, the economy and the tom, the country, back to civilian leadership. but many people doubt that situation will change. cathy, sorry, i'll g 0. protest isn't gonna calling on the president to step down over any electricity crisis. they blamed the government for failing to address frequent blackouts. the outages of affected health care services and slow the economy. electricity has become a main campaign topic ahead of elections later this year. next month, electricity is going to be increased to about 5.64 percent is the adult
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because it's listed in the countries. look up also believing in the companies everything is know what the aside that's giving us. well, eighty's new prime minister is in a stable condition after being admitted to hospital with what the government describes as a slight illness. gary coney was chosen by a transitional counsel to leave the country as it faces widespread gang violence and political instability. he was sworn in on monday after being appointed in may not tensions between north and south korea have worse and for that with soul resuming its practice of blasting propaganda across the border through loud speakers. that's off to the no offense, 100 small balloons filled with rubbish into soft korean territory. alexander bias has more south korea's message to p on yang. the noise will be unbearable. towering stacks of speakers truck to the border blasting propaganda
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critical of north korea. this is the 1st time in 6 years sold, resorted to this kind of psychological warfare. when last active, the broadcast played cape pop songs, weather reports, and verbal attacks on north korea's leadership change. yet, the military says the sound travels up to 20 kilometers into the north. gotcha. and into the, to the, the majors it will take may be unbearable for the north korean regime. but they will send a message of hope and light to the north troops and its people sole says you on yang only has itself to blame. it, sent another wave of more than $300.00 balloons filled with rubbish into the south . on saturdays, 3 barrages filled with men, newer cigarette butts, batteries and scraps have fallen there since may. good afternoon, we want to make it clear that north korea will be responsible for any tensions escalated between the south and north. our government. it will maintain
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a firm and sorrow, readiness against any provocation from the north, and will make every effort to ensure the safety of our people. and the national security ties between the 2 countries are at their lowest point years. south korea has suspended a 6 year piece agreement with young yang and could restart live fired military drills. north korea had resumed artillery drills close to the border and put back in place, guard post, and land mines band under the deal. for you know, 3 a south korean activist substance, dozens of balloons caring leaflets, critical of kim jong and into the north. the menu. now these broadcasts are likely to further inferior john yang. it considered the loud speaker broadcasts an act of war. and then the pass has threatened to blow them up. alexandra buyers
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al jazeera, coming up next announces era inside story looks at how these really government is under more pressure to secure the release of old captives in gaza after 4 were freed on saturday. and i'll have the news hour for you right after that. thank you for watching. stay with us on launch is here the, the temperatures are coming down a little bit now in cyprus, but didn't talk you the on the rise in places, at least initially the 37 that looks quite hot. it is quite as on the record. but the given the class moved away now on the shelves and they're just in eastern turkey in media and georgia. then the son will do is jump. there are very few shells around these little blue bits all the chance. so it's hot weather. we talked about them every now and fact even ask about it should not be as often as 4 pieces
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of several degrees above the average. fairly typical i have to say of recent weeks . and you might expect throughout the review place it's be hot and that is often very human. it has been recently in cuts out for example. but the heat is rising more with the wind changing. i think central sandy might see temps to go up to the high forty's by wednesday rehabs 46 on tuesday. hines are on that sort of level, but you can allow variations for $4740.00 not to be entirely written off, which has helped us out of the rapier. unfortunately, very difficult moment for a rock are now throughout soft glasgow, the shadows off to you now, but we have seen them generate and you've gotten to the see a few of the highlands. and you might see a few more that a warning 1000 over the strength of the wind. i'm the heart of the ways in central parts of mozambique. otherwise is dry. the hairs from i'll just here on the go and need tonight. out is there is
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only mobile app, is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the, is really government and the more pressure to secure the release of the captive in java off to full the freeze on saturday. benjamin us know he's coalition is also on the threats of color. how list affects tools to reach a deal on captive and a safe fuss. this is inside story. the .


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