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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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a cell phone outage, there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and have to move the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the is really government and the more pressure to secure the release of the captive in java, off to full the freed on saturday. as witness know he's, coalition is also on the threats of color. how list affects tools to reach a deal on taps, his and a safe fuss. this is inside story, the header there and welcome to the program on laura kyle full is where the captives brought back from garza and hundreds of palestinians killed in the process on the
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strength of as well, many of celebrating. but they're also demonte. oh, remaining captives be freed under a deal. it's what the us section of state really pushing for when he lives in israel this week. but had kind of he succeed web previous efforts have failed with the 1st and resignation of rule cabinet member been against. well, as the plan can have the backing of nursing yahoos government will put all this to i guess in just a moment. first, this report from imaging came floors ready hostages, free 8 months of to being taken captives for him, us and held him go to these radio peroration to release them, took place in the sere at comp, central garza and kilburn 200 posted in civilians. the we were in the market preparing for each one of the fine vegetables for lunch. when we saw more than 20 planes over our heads, full headed coaches, 2 of us fell out dean and 2 over the sea. we were shocked. towers were raised to
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the ground, they did not send us warnings, all the clips and nothing. they were but he paused, spreading the streets which is to say is ready. soldiers enter the comp consumed in a truck, goes and license plates. an open farm palestinians will fight it yet spoken to him above it's israel's knowledge is to talk to one goes to the european union, described as a massacre and israel many celebrated the release of the captives senior operation as a success. more than $100.00 captives due to remaining goza is ready. officials believe more than 40 dead, the families took to the streets in tennessee. many of them demanding these ready government agreed to do to secure their release. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he will do whatever it takes, what committed to getting the use of all the hostages. and we expect from us to
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release them all. but if they don't, we'll do whatever it takes to get them all back home. netanyahu's failure to secure the release of most if the captain has angered many in his room, that's in contrast to will cabinet minister penney guns. his writing has been high . he threatened to resign on saturday. if the government failed to adopt a new 6 point plan, he's laid out because of the following. the release of the captives he canceled in the night spent a default ship like guns would be unlikely to threaten us. and you know, he's coalition government to but it would force it to be even more dependent on ultra nationalist like national security minister. it come up and give us, he doesn't want to cease for and wants to relocate by garza dots and also call the police the americans use secretary of state blinking set to return to israel this week to push for data on the seatbar and release of captives he's waiting for
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a response from us to the latest proposal that's nearly identical to the one they accepted a month ago. the palestinians and goes the can do is wait any outcome to michael for hype, as many struggle to survive. the heaviest attacks of israel's more on the strip image and came back out to 0. the inside story. the who just before we turn to a panel for a broader discussion of all this, i want to bring in daniel lift shits who is joining us from tele feed. he is the grandson of another cop to have a dead lift shits who still inside garza? no. thank you very much for joining us. first of all, can i get your reaction to staff days? events full is ready. the captives have been released. how did you feel when you had the news? it was the 1st of all, i was very happy to have a live hostages back here after a very long time. seeing the young 3 man going back to it. something
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that um was very powerful as we never knew for will ever be able to get them back to be as a runner rug. and so i think we have them here is the great and closer for the family and for not the money, which i work very, very hard to try and make everything to release her and trying to let her mom stay alive. she have a brain cancer and mom, she's a chinese woman and she has to bring cancer. i went even to pfizer. it's a lot of the to uh that you will find them. so very special medicine for her that you can see, you know, and i'm very happy, don't know, i came back in may, i had a closer to see her family back. it's not. does it give you a renewed hope for your grandfather? a dead live shit? who is also held in side gauze. what have you heard from him over the past 8 months?
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so firstly the, we thought that's my grandfather is dead, but he was married. there is on october 7th, because uh 5 theories basically told me i was my grandmother said, and when my grandfather tried to hold the handle of the bomb shelters, the salt 5 bonus de one intro to him. the master is dragged him outside. my grandfather is a one of the biggest besides decency in the world, a dead v solutions. i call him, does he need everything for the minorities and even to, to guidance from uh guys up to the, to make um treatments for p montero being the hospitals in eas, rollinback, if foldable is a life foregoing suspense and on october 7th, he was laying down by the house, unconscious, any injured but then there really as hostages on the 1st be able to watch them, saturday saw him in garza one of them. fine with a white color. be injured next to her. she said that um,
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he was looking very bad but probably be the 2 people in the treatment. and another hostage came back. she said that she'd been there for 6 months, up to $55.00 days. she was released. so imagine every day of treat and he's she said that he was with her for about a months and then that he fain key of the blood pressure issues. and if he didn't get any medicine there, and since then we have nothing about him. so i really don't know anything about my grandfather for about 7 months now. and i can't imagine that to my grandfather he's there. he's the guy in the deed. everything. everything for the coins, the expense, and that piece. the woods near all spillway, out 35 hostages from the woods, the road and community that really folds a lot for the clouds. these can 7 for the right of the publish damian's at the end of the year. because i do, i do need to just get another question into and we recognize that was a cost of phone calls the celebration inside as well. but it did cost the lives of
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moving $270.00 palestinians. i'm interested to know you and others around you think about that cost. so 1st of all, it shows how somebody is making people, human shields everywhere, everywhere. and that is the great. so for me that civilians died there. and another thing is that all really more than a week ago, the agreement that came from these rarely site and it's, it's approved by the u. s. egypt. the costs are entered to have been deal. is that the from us would say yes or maybe a week ago that would never happen because we were already inside a ceasefire and saw the security. so hostages, a pass of a lot of humanitarian a you to gather. and that's why i call her my to stand and say yes, but the agreement there is old awarded support. the g 7 support. everyone are
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pressing that. that is a good deal that's view it's finishing and it's ending the software off the guidance and the software of the guidelines to m e c s. they have to say yes to be immediately. right, daniel will be discussing this by the way, the guests and just a moment. thank you very much for giving us. you'll pass no insight on wanting to stay an incredibly difficult subject. we do wish you and your family well. so let's bring in all other guests now to discuss what tiny was saying a bit further in west joycelyn, we have shown that basket and he's the middle east director of the engineered international communities organization. he's also a full apiece and hostage negotiator and occupied these 2 is the mohammed dollar is a lawyer. i'm fond of mohammed, dollar and associates, and then with level island scott lucas is a professor of insightful politics. at the clinton institute university college dublin, a very warm welcome to all of you guys. and as we were hearing the from daniel,
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the release of full house does not cause for celebration inside israel. but the loss of lives really is being blamed on how math for using people. as schuman shields, is anybody talking about this cost of more than $270.00 pallets and in lives as being too high? it necessarily no one's really talking about it. it's not an issue in israel goes through the issue is the lives of the $120.00 hostages. the remaining costs are and the efforts by the government to get them out, including the continued war efforts by his will to bring down from us. we are blinded today by the trauma that we have experienced since october 7th. and we're still stuck on october 7th and it's really public in general sees nothing, almost nothing of the suffering of the palestinian people and gaza. just as i think the people in, in gaza and perhaps in most of the world see very little of the trauma. that is we went through on october 7th,
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we're stuck in our own suffering in our whole sense of duty. and it's very difficult to see on the other side. i do want to pick up on that a little bit more in a 2nd festival. scott, i just want to bring you in because it has been reported that the us was involved in this military operation. do we know how and to most extent we don't know specifics at this point of what was involved, but it's quite likely that as happens quite regularly, there were sharing of intelligence between the united states, which of course has a extensive intelligence assets and trucks of monitored from the air, in terms of sig father signals intelligence with these regulation. i suspect that in particular the effort to pinpoint the location where the house is held as part of this intelligence which we share. i don't think there was any direct american military support, you know, the visuals had more than enough firepower alfredo said to go in with this
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operation. so it was providing the informational, coordinating of the information as to where exactly these hostages were. mohammed was this military operation, this massive loss of life to secure the release of full hostages, necessary it is a both of disregard of all the principles of international law, including the one that is the most important with which is proportionality. at the relief for is really hostages around maybe 270 but as the ends that including maybe most of the last of unions where it came in this operation and that as you raised in your previous question, this is not the only that this is not the spoken about in as a society actually space and bring to the lot, i can see is a, the media eh, and there is a, the activists who are very happy about the, what they call a new view, which is getting on the scene. and then later on,
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getting back to the leasing for, for his lady also just about to if, if you want to go back to international law, i'm to, to, to the main principal of proportionality. i think what has been done as far as described by the european union and others. this is z, i massacre. i mean that is the group. of course i have a right that you do for his the try and release the hostages, but getting hungry, but it stands in the way with the disregard for his team and civilians. this is in the get on the international law got got signed and the ha says, but some of all the captives were killed in this operation. there's no verification of that so far. is israel taking that claim seriously? i don't think it's it was taking the claim seriously. this is, it was still working under the premise that we've been told by our government since the beginning of the war. the only military pressure will release the hostages,
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where i think it's, it's undisputable that after 8 months of where the military pressure has been proved to have killed hostages, there is no military solution to this issue to these when he boasted in conflict to the future of gaza to the question from us, there were only political in solutions to this conflict, and those are the ones that are not being pursued by the government of israel. and unfortunately, the people of israel are so trapped in their dilemma is that they're facing with regard to the war. no one wants from us to continue to roll gaza. no one wants to hostages to remain in garza, but there are very few coherent, rational, and answers that we have in front of us that enabled us to find a way out of this more to end this world to bring back the hostages and to end the suffering of everyone. why would you agree with that? but no one wants to allow us to continue rolling, because the, the only way out of this now is politically and if so,
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how does that happen from here? and the only way would be politically because the military operations have been tried. this is not the 1st time we're talking about. well then what, how good use of the conflict of conflict that had started more than a century ago. i'm just continues into the, the policy and people are on the phone and direct occupation of the system of apartheid. now there are suffering genocide and i mean people in that position with always this, we would love to accept that kind of reality. i'm the that's what we have seen actually. i mean the for, for many, many, many times now, especially the father of the 2nd intifada and all the operations against gaza. i'm the patients in the us bank. so this is an ongoing, military occupation, oppressions the front of the scene is i resisting. i've been asking for the,
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for the life for the since it's innovation for the state to look for their independence little bit. or they can find live. whether it's a 2 state solution, the most about or one state solution, whereby part of pins lives together home, their land, and their own that equally with all of us, including best later jewels. the queen dropped out programming now to take you live, to israel, where the will cabinet minister benny gans has just announced that he is quit netanyahu's government. and that's listening to what he's been saying towards to our troops to our recruits. and tory is really society in every step that is taken by the government, provided that the step is actually sound. when we protest, we will do that legally, and we'll do that based on our, the support i not are hate. and i call upon the citizens of israel,
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who are serving in the army and the security apparatus to remain committed in some, i know that in this war, over 1000 families have paid the ultimate price and thousands of soldiers have been injured in the battlefield. these are the true heroes, and i see them and i imagined them. i see them in front of me and every step i take, there are families that lost their dearest children and their dearest people, including my partner, gary isaac cox, who has been with me at every step of the way over the past 6 months in the future. we will see his impact a lot more and i would like to salute him for his continuous determination and the service of our country. i know that he will continue to serve the citizens of israel, where ever we are and wherever he is. thank you god,
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the citizens of israel gone about the name by story of where we stand today. it is still difficult to see what is happening. there are other things that we can do in other stages of our history. we have always been people who were hopeful and we always looked forward then after october 7th, we've shown our determination. we've shown our forward it to and we've shown our resilience and our ability to face any challenges. we will never return to october 6, but not before our enemies and not sure domestically. and i tell you with full confidence if we remain strong on the inside, we will be able to vanquish any enemy. and for that reason, that it's of what we need to do our roles. this people
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will never be scared then with god's help together we shall move forward from channel 13 mr. dense. you said earlier that the house and wide was the it was the only person responsible for you not being able to reach a deal? is that correct? or do you think that the political considerations that you've mentioned have had an impact on the prime minister to us? and what does not care about his people on much anytime? he does not care about his people and he sees no problem whatsoever with his people being killed as far as risk. as we're concerned, we will do everything in our power to bring our captives back home. we said behind closed doors, what we need to do. these are very sensitive topics that i can not discuss in public. however, we need to act in accordance with the proposal that was put forward and bring all of our captives back 10 of 12. when you joined the
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government, logical assist. you said that your demand was for elections to be held. however, we've noticed that the parliamentary coalition is quite strong and powerful need should say. so should we understand that the battle will continue for a very long time and i even tell you it will continue for years. for that reason we need to re prioritize. we need to change our priorities and the manner that allows us to continue the fight and to preserve our unity. this is what i'm trying to do. what about been clear as what rich we all work based on our convictions, i work to serve the state of israel. you've always criticized. let feed for not joining the emergency government. do you? are you saying now that he was right and you were wrong?
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a. so i am extremely proud of my decision and my colleagues decision to join the emergency government at the time that we did that. however, the catastrophe or the disaster that be phyllis on october 7th, left us no room for hesitation. again, i am very proud to have had the opportunity alongside my colleagues to serve the state of israel. however, after 8 months of combat, we need to look for where we need to lead the state of israel with unity, with responsibility in order to face all the challenges that stand before us and without focusing on short term political considerations and gains. and this is what i'm working on. are you going to change that? you're going to join the protests. like i said, the protests are important, however, that you need to be conducted in a legal matter and they must not encourage hatred. we are not each other's enemies, our enemies are outside of our borders and we must all remember that from chattel
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14 you said the custodian girl, named charlotte gunter. you bought them and so the lawyer about the plan. could it be that your resignation from this government was dictated by the united states or a result of consultation with the united states? did you receive any messages regarding that particular step from the united states? no, that did not happen. you said that you will support any proposal that leads to a prisoner swap. however, right now it seems as though the public no longer believes in the legitimacy of the military operations that are taking place. like i said, i support every proposal that leads to a prisoner swap, including the proposal that was approved by the work cabinet natania, who knows what he must do and i encourage him to do it. additionally, the minister of defense is running the operations military operations,
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and then honorary matter that i'll call you tell them that they will right then you know the large money to go to some of the publish mode to the, to the prime minister. like susan issued a statement and said that this is not the right time to leave the battle and smoke church also accused you of delivering the demands of yes, yes. and what the prime minister is not my enemy. and neither is smotts rich. i'll send wire is my enemy, and i will settled my score with him at the earliest opportunity and not with them . from israel, him you worked with nothing. yeah. who? twice in the past. will there be a 3rd time talk show i will be part of a national unity government that includes all central zion as parties and only that
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option will allow us to face all the challenges that stand before us. even with that done. yeah. like i said, what we need is a true and genuine unity and not partial unity. 3 months ago, giddeons are resigned from the government. and you said back then that uh, that was not the right decision. what changed since then would you need the war cabinet is being managed correctly. so yeah, that is the right matter in which we must manage, that is the right way in which we must manage the war. however, like i said earlier, natania, who knows what he must do. i hope that he has the sufficient courage in order to do what he must and not to act out of political considerations the
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outside the door. there's more going toward the brother of the show, one of the captives. he could not enter the room and he wanted to ask you, do you think nothing yahoo is hidden during the next, the prisoner swap? the 1st off, he knows that i will meet with them. i will gladly meet with them just like i meet with all the families of the captives. i am committed to support any avenue that will help us bring our detainees back our captives back. i am glad that we manage to find the operational circumstances that allowed us to rescue some of our captives. and of course, i will support any other step, even if it is accompanied by pain. i've always done that, then i will continue to do that. so we've been talking about
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another prisoner swap for roughly 6 months now, isn't it then yahoo hadn't during the swap and do you think you missed an opportunity because of the way that the con, yahoo has been managing things at the war cabinet? we discussed a proposal that will allow us to bring our captives back. president biden put forward his main principles and i think we were supposed to continue in the spirit of the proposal that was put forward, but not who put them in the full like. what is your position regarding a prisoner swap that includes an end to the war and the return of the captives? and what about the continuing classes in the north? the a proposal regarding a prisoner's swap is known to the work cabinet. and i hope that we will be able to make some progress there. if we have any other opportunities, we must seize these opportunities. and if we must and combat operations,
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we must send them to bring our captives back. if the situation in the north develops and i am not saying this will necessarily be the case. however, if the situation develops we will continue to support the army, the security apparatus, and the government of israel with every single decision pertaining to the war. we must not lose another year in the north and we must be ready for any and all eventually these games you talked about empty promises that were made in the past. does that include the granting of orthodox jews in unity? for example, from joining the army and return for political promises. and were you aware of the recent rescue operations? i did not make any promises to anybody. the only promises i made were to protect
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and preserve the state of israel. this is what i said to the left to the right to the arabs and the jews. this is my only promise working for the state of israel regarding my press conference, its was already planned and the rescue operation that took place yesterday. when you sent me a letter after the rescue operation, i did not want to spoil the joy, particularly after we found out that the operation had been successful. if that there was a chance, of course, that the operation could have gone the wrong way. however, it was successful, so i thought i should probably allow the families to revel in the moment that after that i can have my press conference in the what about the dress cloth, including orthodox jews. i think we must all draft
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a law that will make sure that everybody is drafted. that is very important. and we must include the army and other security agencies and the society. we must all be partners, including partners when it comes to serving the country. and we must all take this into consideration. minister done. so you are calling for unity. however, you're all, you're only calling for unity when it suits you. more show me sign issues, you've got a 10 year old seamless feed. good. another thing about the rescue operation that left a number of k i is amongst our forces. and therefore the operation was not carried out soundly. well actually we're talking about the deputy operation. the operation
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was conducted successfully even though the situation was complex. now we have over $100.00 captives still in the gaza strip. some of them are under ground, others are above the ground and therefore it would be very difficult to conduct an operation that is similar to the in tempe operation. regarding unity and me calling from unity, i believe we must all go towards genuine unity. and i can tell you i'm going to do whatever i want and you need to respect that. no, we need real and genuine unity. last question that english that you have been the adult in the room and this.


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