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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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to get a award winning program from international assuming exploring the funds with weld clause program programs that open your eyes to tennis. if you are on alger 0, the taking a stand to benny against cheeses, israel as prime minister of think, politics with the world garza as he quits the does he go the own carrie jones to and this is how does he have it? well, not from also coming out the desk told in dallas it continues to rise. 274 palestinians are now known to have been killed during this very operation to free full captives on the sides of the day. squeezing out every last drop,
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even goss struggling to coast severe water shortages. french pressed into the chrome cools a snap complimentary pulled off his posse, sofas of humiliating defeats in the elections. the is there any war cabinet minister benny guns has resigned from the emergency governments following around with it 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu? of a post floor plans for the besieged guns. a strip. dance is considered nothing. yahoo has made it political challenges. and while residing, he calls for new elections. the centrist politicians said his departure had been a complex and painful decision. bunny believed conveyed. today we announced we are leaving the unity government. however, we have made peace without decision. today we realize this is a fateful bottle is 0 and so coming generations that so in order to guarantee
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a victory, we've often said we need elections. that will help us to establish a government that has the people who trust and that can face challenges. once again, cooler netanyahu to set a date for the elections. do not leave out people to be to on a policy or nothing. yahoo government has banned all just the are from reporting in israel. so sar hara is in the jordanian capital a month. she sent us this update. this was expected, he was made to hold the statement yesterday, which he says he delayed because of the full account since had been freed by this massive is ready. the operation from the college district they were brought back alive. he said it was a moment of joy, but this still didn't change the situation. he said the is demands were very clear now penny guns was brought into this will cabinets. it's a small group of ministers. people with previous experience that were brought in by
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the prime minister and at the beginning they showed a united front. those crank started to pay it throughout and there was much speculation eventually just last month he said that he gave the prime minister an ultimatum in the statement. he said, if by june the 8th, you does have a post will plan, then i will resign and we, as he's the leader of the united a national policy would be pulls out of the coalition government. now that has 8 seats. what does this mean? it's not a major problem, it won't dissolve this coalition government a book, the prime minister into paul in the 1st place, bought it destiny, leads the floor open for the most fall. right? ministers with then this coalition government, such as it's small bank of a, the national security minister and people like best law, smart church, but haven't been happy in the 1st place to have been excluded from this war cabinet that also pushing for a coalition deal to not go full, bought for israel to reject it completely. they say that this would early strength
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and how much they have been putting a lot of pressure on the prime ministers thing. but they will quit this coalition, government government, the coalition that he needs to be able to stay empower. we have pods from the prime minister himself. he said this is no time to abandon the front quite so strong. was that because he's focusing on national unit seats, you also have been all smart, tr, it's also saying that it's a state list on this is a time where this shouldn't be happening, these divisions you have uh, yeah, i la p, the head of the opposition need of supporting many guns the yeah le pete has himself been calling for re election, but interestingly, local media is ray, the media is now reporting that the guy, the eyes in court. he is an observer in this war cabinet has put together a lot so also saying that he is resigning as well as chevy trip or another service . so if this happens, what does that mean?
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and what does this mean moving forward for the will cabinet from onto again to benjamin, to, to know who's cabinets his band, i'll just say are in the as well as why sar is in a much enjoy. let's take a closer look at who many guns is that the retired army general was as well as the minister of defense between 20202022. during his time, more than 250 pounds of students with to 2021 were on garza. he was the chief of staff of this very minute tree from the 2011 to 2015. and during the 2014 war on gaza, more than 2000 palestinians were killed. a civil lawsuit filed in 2018 sold damages from guns, claiming him for violating international humanitarian know deliberately targeting civilians. adults quotes rejected the case of watson is a professor of israel studies at the university of california in those sense these
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all setting that and as you see in a, he says that against his resignation, increases pressure on the team to quote early elections. the kansas party, the national unity potty, wasn't positive and this and yahoo was originally a government covered issue. so that coalition, which still has a slight majority in the problem and hold $64.00 seats and out of the $120.00. and this was the problem that a student takes that still intact. and as long as that television holds together, nothing, all kinds. you can remain in office, but it does increase the pressure. now i think on this and you all have to cool down the elections of gas, his presence in this government believe it some domestic legitimacy. this was a government that was deeply unpopular even before october. the southern, the gaps is entry to the government come to stabilize, the government gave it some domestic legitimacy without guidance and his is puddles . and the government, the government will lose that domestic legitimacy. and that will increase the pressure on the, to your,
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to hold on the elections. but i don't seem to figure out who's liking to do that, because he knows that at least according to count opinion polls, his party would lose their selections. and so he and his coalition partners at the time and to cling on to power. so as long as possible, internationally in particular, in the west and in the united states scans to see why you are not, is that kind of moderating in fluids are the so what i've out in the room. and so there was, um, you know, i think that reduce some of the international american pressure initially or who might have faced the redoubt gas being that, um, now i think missing yahoo is likely to base more pressure from the buying an administration more international pressure. because really, frankly, that is the only model aging influence that move that missing yahoo face that was coming from the international community. and so the pressure i think is lighting to increase. it has been confirmed, at least $270.00 for palestinians were killed and is rarely a sold them. and this refuge account in gaza,
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afraid for as many captives the use told diplomat. is it burrell, condemn the attacks on the site to the end, calls for immediate end to what he calls a blunt bos. palestinians enjoyed ours up and bobbins and strikes is what his intense gun battles between a mass and is really special forces. and also literally reports from the over the in central gaza panic this palms explode close by. this is the messiah dot com. it provided shelter for more than a $100000.00 people. and these are in, these have now reduced to this the they allowed women and children to enter the house, then they see the will over 60 killed. you know, we didn't know which party belongs to who they are in pieces from the air strike is really commandos. read it the comp on saturday in which for is there any competence
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to a feed from 2 apartment buildings, the cost of their lives, paid by hundreds of college to new skilled in more injured was playing with my friend. i came out and so the staff is covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house was binding and the smells were, or 4. people here are terrified, brute pen, exhausted. like this. never ending how they feel they've been left totally alone. everyone is in a state of panic. a state of restoration has missed this, but people do not know where to go. they're all chopped in the middle area, and there is no place for them to go to world condoms, but does need to to stop the onslaught. thomas hughes to this now, some days may be worse than others, returned the more graphic,
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more difficult for the world. looking on to stomach, words of condemnation will come and already have. and yet the cooling continues. the, the millions time we deliver a message to the international community. we do not one aid we want you to stop the world casa is being destroyed. hundreds of thousands of families ripped apart and complex. i spoke in the city. just ita is rose ministry has he salvation is a weapon of war and gaza. it's been targeting award to wells and pipeline. so kind of students now face an acute shortage of what, what people are doing. all they can to manage with what this will they have to take reports. family members working hand in hand to survive another day the entire population of call, the no longer has enough water on the cell,
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jamal is pregnant and is being diagnosed with an auto immune disease. she needs to rest, but instead has to go out every day to find water for her that she to sit on a, on the water scarcity severely affecting me because i'm supposed to rest and avoid any strenuous physical activity. we've been trying to find ways to bring water with the help of others. we've really struggling. everything is challenging and difficult. these really ministry is systematically foaming, volta wells, and pipelines. the jamal family lives and bait law here in the news about suffering . one of the west shortages, they bombed and destroyed all the wells, even when there's a truck transporting water and people line up to get some of the bomb. the civility ends in the truck because many palestinians have been killed trying to get water. despite all they've been forced to enjoy,
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every member of the jamal family is helping washing the water. they have reprioritize washing clothes, the water we use full laundry is not disposed. instead, we'll use it for the toilets. distortion is another area where we struggle, we hope the suffering with unseen. israel continues to controlled and restrict people's access to water and cause of the united nations of homes. if this continues, the consequences could soon become fatal. judy vega, i'll just say era. israel has extended the closure of ultra zeros office and occupied these 2 weeks and then the band, it's what the prefer, the 45 days is ready. police raided, i'll just there was work space and sees the equipment on may the 5th and for the decision by these very government to take all just the offer and shut down and so probations. tim dawson is the deputy general secretary of the international federation of jen. this he says is rather,
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is trying to control the media narrative. it is very refreshing to know that the is violent judges express such concern over this ruling and made it clear that they thoughts that in any ordinary circumstances it shouldn't be allowed to take place. i think, i think they have often come up with a great many is ready and isn't a great many people who are, you know, feel well towards israel, that this is a, a deeply damaging act that can only on the mind confidence in israel. and really does more to expose its weaknesses then to demonstrate it strengthened might be in the crew. this way there's been an attempt to control the narrative 1st by excluding international correspondence. they have protested and petitions to try and get them to gauze or, and haven't been allowed in a secondly, great many, a truly disturbing number of journalists in, gosh, i have lost the lives of, i mean precisely, the circumstances of many of those cuttings, you know,
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i think has yet to be uncovered, but such as the mortality rate of on the list of i think something truly terrible has happened. we seen a tax on, on domestic is riley media, you know, restrictions have been placed on correct. it's been called an estimate of the, the states and what all this feeds into it. one of the reasons that it really, conceptually we saw it last week during the jerusalem day march is people physically attacking jet less people physically attracting palestinian jealous. i think a situation which in this to demonize the way it is by them those legitimize is in, in some of the more extreme elements. the idea that journalism is somehow buttoned wrong, and the people who are gentlest, it's legitimate to attack them. the amount on the column has shopped to frowns by quoting a snap election off the strong gains. by the far right and sundays european
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parliamentary vote, the french president decided to gamble and use it in 3 weeks time after his own parties. poor performance. natasha buckley reports from paris. supporters of marine depends fluoride and to immigration policy celebrate to the powers of to the national. riley took more than 30 percent of votes and from in the u. election depends protege and campaign had to do for the code on the french presidency. to dissolve parliament. been being subjects to a democratic impasse. the president should defer to the spirit of institutions. we sell them, we ask them to consider this new political configuration to come back to the french people and organize new policy entry elections to follow. right. success and the pilot had been expected. what couldn't have been predicted was that the manual micro, within a, it's a, this is a diesel don't code to solve the national assembly tonight. in
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a few moments all signed the decree interest and convening the legislative elections which will be held on the 13th of june for the 1st round. and on the 7th of july. for the 2nd the show can move was prompted by micros polity taking only 15 percent of the food and the you balance and embarrassing results. my girl said it was clearly time to give choice back to the people. a jubilant marine. the pen could not have agreed to some, we are ready to time. the country round, ready to bring france back to life. my calls decision is told with risky, has 3 weeks to convince french for you to is that a fluoride dominated call them. it's impossible, government would be a disaster preference. are you ready to vote full apology which will undermine europe. oh, do you think that frost is strong to eat a stronger europe? that's a visage. that's the body's going to try to make defense people. it's
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a gamble. the payoff on the far right protest is gathered in power as soon often micros announcement body to gamble the could also back for if the far i do well in the parliamentary election, the result can provide to the pain with a perfect stepping stone to become president and the 2027 election race, the talks about the i'll just sarah paris. so to come on out as we look at what's next task, follow right pots is make major gains. european union economy deluxe, the change, the positive sounding the 1st time in 6 years. south austin, now speaking, said his name the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that
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a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage goals ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on algebra. i think this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge risk, both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make that positive voice as
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relevant to so that there's mode that unites us, then divides the welcome back. her mind to about top stores. this is ready. war cabinet minister benny guns has resigned when the emergency governments often around about post floor plans for garza's. guns is considered to be administered benjamin netanyahu some maintenance and ethical challenges. it's called 4 elections. 274 protest in in soccer fence have been pills during and these really operations free
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full captives of guns on saturday, palestinians, and jude, ours from hopkins, as well as intense gun doctors retreats from us. and it's very special forces. i'm french present amount on the chrome has to so on and cold for fresh elections follows big games for the fall and right to national, frantic european solomon's evictions, the official projection. so the center rights polity of us live on the now, and it has one the european department elections. by the way, the far right, you are skeptic policies making unprecedented gains. apartments in brussels is expected to make a move to them, right. but boston reports now from but it's hard to imagine by scandals celebrating its 1st election the result in history the far right intuitive for germany party or a f d, as from 2nd in the european vote. to see think the center left coalition of chancellor oil filter, social democrats, and the greens you think of yours?
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i think this is a historic result for us unless you appear in election. we've come seconds. my friends super the anti immigration for us. he was recently expelled from the far right identity in democracy group by moving the pen differential national rally party for being to radical. the rise of the fall right is a major headache 1st left on the lion with santa right, you will see and people's party is projected to win the election and still be the largest in brussels. we will build a best chin against the extremes from the left and from the right way. well stop them. this is for sure. recently she hinted at a partnership with georgia, maloney of the ultra conservative process of it to the party which is projected to win nearly 30 percent of the phone in belgium. the also national elections will have the far right parties, lands belong, was less successful than predicted. the nationalist right,
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we knew flemish alliance came out 1st, which lives with long 2nd prime minister, alexander the call was spotty law, significantly as announced his resignation. while the santa writes remains firmly in the saddle, the file right is expected to shake off politics and bustles as a result. so you will see in union could become less environmental friendly, less from, and increasingly unwell coming to refugees. that is, if the far right is kind of overcome, it's the deficient stuff. awesome else's era, bowling early exit polls in bulgaria, show format 5 minutes to like a bar solves center right? policies in the lead. this policy was part of a coalition that collapsed in march. the children of it will be close to the maturity reports from the capital, sophia, a new election with of some of the of a solid populace. formerly due boy, cool, both. so spotty appears to have one bug gary,
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a snap called meant to vote. i spoke earlier, i suppose it was the 60 election in 3 years, but it's still until it bought a self can form a government. yeah, the modem is not like, don't see how the government can be made. we can't do it only with the turkish minority policy. the reform is liberal policy, say they can only work with the socialist and the ultra nationalist, but not along with us. so the months don't match. yeah, one of the parties including the gaps former coalition partner is trailing mdx. it polls. so the 2 parties and coalitions contested for the $204.00 p. c national assembly. but the majority of both gatherings appeared to them by part of the pulse . i think some looks well, i have not voted. i didn't vote because even if i did nothing will change. i've it many times and i don't see changes for me. it doesn't matter who wins the election allegations of what to bind,
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let to some arrest ahead of the vote. economic and stability and corruption has his own. the major concerns and the your pin unions for this member country. anti corruption protest in 2020 full street time prime minister boy who bought a subscription to design while guardians demanded reforms and political institutions would, can take a government's have for the part within months, leaving the country in the depot political crisis. while i'm a bit disappointed with the situation, but people have to express that light to vote right now what they can do so. so after searching your wait, while gavia has we simply pulse, she joined the open voltage and getting program, but it's plants to join. do you to zone have been pushed back twice as a missed inflation target? but gabrielle hopes to end it's long stretch of political instability for 3 years and 6 election slate to it's fall from it. the leading party does not called it
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together a coalition. in the election could be so good. i'm a cos, i'm sure you all just so you're a, sophia at least 9 people had been killed. dr. suspected onto put tact in engine administered kashmir, a bus carrying him. do pilgrims plunged into a deep valley when it came under attack? 130, all those were injured in the incident. no one has yet claimed responsibility for the patient is between north and south korea have worse and the so it was using its practice of blasting messages across the board or through loud speakers. the move comes off to feeling young, sent hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish. the south korean territory, like sandra bicycles, south korea's message to p on yang. the noise will be unbearable. towering stacks
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of speakers truck to the border blasting propaganda critical of north korea. this is the 1st time in 6 years sold, resorted to this kind of psychological warfare. when last active, the broadcast played cape pop songs, weather reports, and verbal attacks on north korea's leadership change. yet, the military says the sound travels up to 20 kilometers into the north. we got you on into the, to the, the majors who will take it may be unbearable for the north korean regime. but they will send a message of hope and light to the north troops and its people. the soul says beyond yang only has itself to blame. it sent another wave of more than $300.00 balloons filled with rubbish into the south. on saturday, 3 barrages filled with the newer cigarette butts, batteries and scraps have fallen there since may. i put them that we want to make it clear that north korea will be responsible for any tensions escalated between
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the south and north. our government, it will maintain a firm and sorrow, readiness against any provocation from the north, and will make every effort to ensure the safety of our people. and the national security ties between the 2 countries are at their lowest points. years says korea has suspended a 6 year piece agreement with young yang and could restart live fire military drills. north korea had resumed artillery drills close to the border and put back in place, guard, post, and land mines band under the deal. for you know, 3 a south korean activists have sent dozens of balloons carrying leaflets, critical of kim jong and into the north. the menu. now these broadcasts are likely to further in furious john yang. it considered the loud speaker broadcasts an act of war. and then the pass has threatened to blow them up. alexandra
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buyers al jazeera. as the weather is next on the inside story with the cut, how much impressions vary government is owned to secure the release of old captives and gone off to full freedom saturday. searching the hello, there is a divided picture across the south asia. we got lots of heat and dry weather, continuing across the moving parts of the region. but down in the south, where the monsoon rains have picked up across from the central parts of india, bringing some very heavy rain to the likes of. com. that's my roster and go what we read. warnings out here. monday into tuesday. we are expecting some flooding from that heavy rain, the heavy rain as well, stretches across the bay of bengal,
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pumping into me in my up into a bundle dish, and northeastern states of india monday into choose day. before the north of this, it is a very dry and hot picture for the likes of new daily northern areas of india. continuing to see that hazy, sunshine and exception, eat dry conditions and to extend into much of pocket stock will see those temperatures continue to rise. we have looked at the 3 date for the whole will be well above the average through to wednesday, very hot, and very dry. now the temperature warnings have also been issued from northern parts of china. it's looking very settled here for the likes of beijing. of you show is coming in on monday, but it's wise up largely on choose date remains very dry across the korean peninsula with some misty mornings in sold sunshine in the afternoon. went to in the south, the the pair this journey is taken by countless refugees. danger to many meet
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the tops worse than death is the survivor syrian refugees seeking officers searches for disappeared, assist my may suit a witness documentary on adjust this way. the government under more pressure to secure the release of the captive in java, off to full the freeze on saturday as witness me all his coalition is also on the threats of color. how list affects tools to reach a deal on captive and a safe fuss. this is inside story, the
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header there and welcome to the program on nora kyle full is way the captives brought back from garza and hundreds of pallets to.


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