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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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of the globe, supporting communities in areas affected bible family culverts. the diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in the donate. now, with confidence give you a coupon, a today, without kind of foundation the palestinian dest totaling gallons a pos is $37.00 for you, and votes on an immediate cease fire incentives to at least step up the pressure the on the clock. this is down to 0. life and also coming out of mass says 3 count tips, including one americans were killed and israel's operation. now this right for, for g count been gone, so it's a key member of israel's will. covenant benny guns resigns,
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the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was handling it before the far right mail. once the biggest siege at the table is not for election in fronts. presidents and mental macros dissolves parliaments include new poles far right. makes major gains in the european electric the so now for more than 8 months, israel has destroyed all aspects of life and gone from north to south homes. neighborhoods and communities have just been flattened. the desk told and gone through has now passed 37 thousands during recent weeks is ready, forces i've intensified their attacks on the central region. refugee comes in its largest city if they're above all being targeted. and as you can see on this map, there will very close to each other and tens of thousands of people from the north in the south and being forced to seek refuge in them. or when the people have been pouring into the last remaining major medical facility and this trip, that is
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a lot. so hospital is ready. palms have struck several houses in and around the central city of darrow, by like killing 6 people, including children. time, sol, so shell, pump to be out in the country and on this you are referencing let's go straight away to central gauze or we can speak live to handle country is outside, i likes hospital internal by the likes of course. every really good medical facility, tell us more about the related situation. ok, let's start you know, up to the hospital where at least 8 bodies from the eastern parts of that and blackboard transferred. they were con, decomposed bodies. that the civil defense teams were able to reach the area after days of the is ready forces stationed at very close to defense for your up e set up there. and they would have been news that they withdrew from that area. but according to eye witnesses, they are reallocating cause some people try to go back to their homes and that is
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really started a shooting live i munition on these people. more injuries are coming to the hospital. also the civil defense, the are also searching for bodies and rescue people either trap under the rubble or people who are killed in the streets and they're bringing more bodies into a lot of the hospital which is already over one. 0 oh, oh, overcrowded working with only one tenured rates are very little low on you and medical supplies. moving to the flock, there has been a couple of that shooting near. i let him run the button. this was a place where it's of thousands of hundreds of refugees where seeking refuge there . this is one of the places that were overcrowded. some people were there and the is really for says, started at that firing on these people were
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a $230.00 policy news. were injured and because there has been no hospitals in the class, they were transferred to the european hospital in community. also at the art gallery setting is still intensifying on the eastern part of the middle area. we're talking about as much as the as the age, and that is buff. and what is the situation with supplies getting into gallagher, especially now that we have the wi fi as pulses distribution of aid from the us build? yeah. well the h coming into god's that is very little it's especially after the encouraging start to around a month ago. we're talking about a floating period that is already has been suspending it and it's operations because it was hit by a storm 2 weeks ago. we know that the book wsp is working on behalf of the united
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nations where them logistic clusters are working on picking up this a, delivering it inside because of the trip and then distribution get to the partners . but this shows and it is also house paying the spread of time and policy in use are saying that aid is not reaching done since that of law. all of the policies in use who are the space for the roof off to the central area came without food without their stock because they were displaced under fire. they were forced to evacuate them. they did not have time to take their food, and the markets are very expensive. we do not see the products that we're used to be on a, in the markets. and it's very obvious that people are only having only one meals per day. and, and, and, and this is a tough thing, people to it just as people are telling us that they are,
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are not able to find food and driving to feed their children every single day. it's a desperate situation. it just goes on and on. hidden things about him could are either in gaza when he's ready, forces killed at least 274 palestinians during that operation. lodge pods around this refugee camp were destroyed. hundreds of people injured honey. my mood spoke to palestinians who were in the camp during this old local residence of this residential blog. just describe the horrors of the experience as of yesterday. as more of the, most of the flexing show where there's really military and it's a special forces conducted what it is stated as a precise operation here, but leaving the tray of destruction. the only means of live here at the heart of the fight out refugees can let the most smooth folding, buckle global. i went out to the bunk city to take a look. i found a truck carrying furniture for displaced people. it was filled with mattresses and
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blankets. suddenly people cried in black and floating at home. it's good out of the truck carrying ladders, which they use to try to enter the house across the street. i'll send you the bad in the fee. he lives up in the shadow and get nothing, especially with the moment i went down to the street, i found bodies everywhere. so why he did my neighbor's house and the special forces soldiers left the house over to executing dumped the entrance. children killed them, o, executing the following these executions. the special forces themselves went down to the street and executed every body assessment nadia 24 hours. this is really a military committed a massacre in your account and these really monitor is still continuing. what is rapid mass killing of civilians? they're saying there's nobody looking at us. no one is nobody cares about what's. busy alice sitting on their silvers across the gaza strip. that's why they're
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complaining about their being killed or the record number. no one is intervening to save their life and protect them from donald predictable fall in bonds. have masses posted a video of what it says that the bodies of 3 captives who are killed during israel's right and the threat refugee camp on saturday. the group didn't really say names more than 100 is ready to capture. so believe to still be in dallas or let's cross now to him or, and con is joining us from the jordanian capital of a month in front of what more do we know about this video and what i'm saying? well, the video is released by the bill that you're waiting. all of i have this outcast some brigades, it was issued on the a very stock hash tag, simply saying time is running out of the video actually post school and on the is really military operation that took place on saturday to release those for hostages will. um, outcast, them say, is that we inform you that in exchange for these you,
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me to 3 prisoners in the same camp, one of whom held american citizenship. i'll catch them concluded the man, uh, completed the message video with a message at the end of the clip saying, your prisoners will not be released unless you freak out prisoners and time is running out. this video is designed to post school on what these readies call a historic military operation. they say, well actually, yes, you may have released for hostages, but you've killed 31 of who is an american citizen. and that's gonna be very concerning. finds the blink and who's in the region right now is expect to screen as well. tomorrow is trying to push for a safe spot. and indeed, if we took in take a look at the numbers, there's only been 11 hostages that been released as a result of military operations. 3 people were killed as a result of is really military fire during a military operation. but there's been at least a 100 hosts the captives of been released. as a result of the cease fire told ceased by it says i'd be blinking. is there any way
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to get everybody out? so this is really a mass pouring school and on the success of the military operation that these readings i'll call the historic what size is male i need has been speaking. he's the political bureau chief. all i'm asked, he's been talking about the resignations of betty guns and always in cause he's been calling, is that a failure of these really military and political establishment and talks about to in mind calling reporting that from amman, angel, thank you but a key member of israel's will cabinet. many guns is quite a prominent to benjamin netanyahu is kindly visible on gauze guns who's considered nothing. you know, his main political challenger, also called for new elections responding to that resignation. know who told guns. it's not the time to quote a band in the bottle. i'll just hear it's banned from israel. so sort of heart reports now from i'm on enjoy to united the dishonest of the will divided 8 months
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later as the fighting in gauze drags on. many doubts his resignation from the small will cabinets came as no surprise, no longer seeing eye to eye with the man leading the will. he accused the prime minister of prioritizing his own political survival over israel security that sorry, the 10 year old man. and unfortunately, nathan, yahoo prevents us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing price. that is why we are leaving the war time cabinets today. often months of speculation, divisions in the wall cabinets became clear when benny guns last month gave the prime minister an ultimatum. the security, the wall cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8th, to bring home our hostages to eliminate how i'm us and demand kate the gaza strip, to ensure is riley security control. without play, small plan didn't materialize and no eva has a c slide 0 proposed point us,
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which is why benny guns says he's cold for early elections. many gallons is central, national unity policy only has 8 seats in the can. that's. that's his quick thing is of no immediate threats. and that's an yahoo bought it opens the floor for his full rights allies pushing to continue the war and goes off without a c side to the national security minister. it's small, been there has already demanded to be included in the will cabinets by israel as long as subbing prime minister pulled on guns not to abandon the campaign. the kansas departure has printed wall cabinet observer and full a minute tree chief of stuff. got the eyes and caught, also quits for the dismantling the wood cabinets full. this as tens of thousands of his riley's continue, the protest alongside the relatives of
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a $120.00 captives still held in the goal is the strip total height of all g 0. i'm on the united states is courtney on the un security council to vote on this resolution backing and immediate cease fire and gaza ending the war is at the top of the agenda for the secretary of state on see blinking as a heads to egypt to mentioned hills that travel to israel and is expected to stop and kata got to his be mediating investigations. his trip comes off to you as president, j 5. and else the seats for proposal that he said came from israel. but these ready probably minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected it. projects as will be heading to the polls again in 3 weeks off the presidents of mental macro cool for early parliamentary elections and backgrounds decision to dissolve parliament and hold. a new vote comes off to his party, suffered to freaked by the far right in sunday's european elections. tasha butler reports now from paris. supporters of marine depend,
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fluoride and t immigration policy celebrate to the powers of to the national riley took more than 30 percent of the folks in from in the u. election depends protege and campaign had to do for the gold on the french presidency. to dissolve parliament has been being subjects to a democratic impasse. the president should defer to the spirit of institutions. we sell them. we ask them to consider this new political configuration to come back to the french people and organize new policy entry elections. the fall ride success and the ballot had been expected. what could've been predicted was that the manual micro within the p. it's a dentist who is a diesel, don't code to solve the national assembly tonight. in a few moments all signed the decree, interest and convening the legislative elections which will be held on the 13th of june for the 1st round. and on the 7th of july, for the 2nd the show can move was prompted by micros polity taking only 15 percent
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of the food and the you balance and embarrassing results. my girl said it was clearly time to give choice back to the people. a jubilant marine. the pen could not have agreed to some, we are ready to turn the country round, ready to bring france back to life. my calls decision is told with risky, has 3 weeks to convince french for you to is that a fluoride dominated paul limits and possible government would be a disaster preference. are you ready to vote full apology which will undermine europe? or do you think that frost is strong to eat a stronger euro? that service? that's the body's going to try to make defense people. it's a gamble. the payoff on the far right protest is gathered in power as soon often micros announcement, but it's a gamble that could all say back for if the far i do well in the parliamentary
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elections, the result can provide the pay and with the perfect stepping stone to become president, and the 2027 election race. it's actually about to, to 0 terrace. what do you have me as far right pots? you also make gains in the european elections, but official projections show that the send to right party of european commission president us of on the line one the most states and with 0 skeptic policies performing well. the parliaments in brussels looks like you'd be making a move to the right step bass and reports now from pallet t. and that's a nice candle. celebrating is 1st election the result in history. the saw right intuitive for germany party or a f d as come 2nd in the european vote to see think the center left coalition of chancellor oil filters, social democrats, and the greens you think of yours. i think this is a historic result for us unless you appear in election. we've come seconds. my friends, super the anti immigration for us. he was recently expelled from the fall,
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right identity in democracy group by moving the pen differential national rally party for being to radical. the rise of the far right is a major headache. first i found the lion with santa right you will see and people's party is projected to win the election and still be the largest in brussels. we will build a best chin against the extremes from the left and from the right way. well, stop them. this is for sure. recently she hinted that a partnership with georgia maloney of the ultimate conservative process of it to the party which is projected to win nearly 30 percent of the phone. in belgium, the also national elections will have the far right parties, lands belong, was less successful than predicted. the nationalist, right, we knew flemish alliance came out 1st, which lives with long 2nd prime minister. alexander the call was spotty law,
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significantly as announced his resignation. while the santa riots remains firmly in the saddle, the file right is expected to shake off politics and bustles as a result. so you appear in union could become less environmental friendly, less from an increasingly unwelcoming to refugees. that is, if the far right is kind of overcome, it's the deficient stuff. awesome. also sierra berlin as well as book now is the director and senior advisor at the lines of democracies. and he says that you're as far right parties will likely creates roadblocks for further legislation in the european palm. i mean, the irony is, of course, are they, they mates and they gains of course of extra seats by the so they are all nationalists in the, in the 1st place, so therefore, cooperating in their superior objective. and goal actually is not really their, their beloved exercise. so therefore, as we have seen, so have they have been divided into 2 kinds. even the more radical to campbell,
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the idea of actually kicked out the german, a of d because they thought they are too radical. and this would maybe off and then opposite could form a depend actually to be up front, become president. so therefore, i see a lot of controversy here. the question is, who ends where and these groups are not as stable as we know them on the national level. so it's not a natural thing that everyone actually who have been part of these groups in the previous election period would become so. so there, i think the biggest um potential is to be the main spoiler of things so that things will move much lower when it comes to transformation in the energy sector. climate change on migration, on foreign policy support for ukraine. i think this is the biggest potential for the amex, the 2 blogs things instead of really creating their extra drones here. it's still a head heron out is, are we explain why it sounds great because we're seeing blasting messages through
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loud speakers across the board with the know at a 6 election in 3 years in the european union's force country exit polls and bulgaria show the center right it's emily, the had a lot of the year, a pissing some very stormy weather recently. and thanks to a front stretches away from the south. west through central air is continuing to the northeast, add more northern areas, not heavy rain have caused flooding in southern parts of austria. we will rain to come here over the next few days. it is pretty stagnant. the will slowly slip its way for the east bringing that heavy rain to southern pots of poland to the balkans as well. we have got some warnings out for those thunderstorms northern parts of
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easily and the weather continues to push its way further east into western russia. now behind that whizzing wet and windy weather across scandinavia, some wintry weather coming into norway as warnings for some heavier rain in east anglia in england. that is that heavy rain in spain, it continues monday into tuesday. and you can see the heavy falls moving that way further east over the next few days. now it's a cold arctic wind blowing down from the northwest. that's going to knock the temperature is down for the likes of london. we're going to see something over, divide west versus east, as the heat continues to pump into the southeast for places like a grease and have a look at athens and sunshine through to thursday. and we could see it 40 degrees celsius that a team in the gaza strip, as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be
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question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the list, think that's the amount of our top story is this uh, at least 35 people have been killed in a new wave if it's really strikes across the gaza strip. bombs fell a day officer and his rating special forces operation. 234 count. it's killed. at least $274.00 comes to a mass has posted
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a video of what it says that the bodies of 3 cap tips that were killed during israel's rate and mr. adversity capital sent today. the group didn't release the names, but say that one was a us citizen. more than a $100.00 to $3.00 and kept us off for leave to still be in go is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says it is not the time to quit. of the fellow will cover that man, but many guns resign from the emergency governments. guns has criticized nothing. you know, he's trembling of the war on gaza. is ready for us is conducted a series of raids across the occupied westbank overnight. are just going bibles, a continuing in the el prado refugee camp into west city with a bomb was used against and is ready bulldozer kalki. yeah. is there any so i'll just rated holmes the rest the at least for palestinians. 24th is also still on the tunnel between you and the village of tell. i let speak now to north days live for
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us in reminder, in the occupied west bank of north just give us an update of the lights situation. if you would look as easy as use of the heat is on in the west bank, we know that at least 2 people are confirmed that a 15 year old boy in on 5 out of huge account where the incursion is still ongoing . and also 21 year old mine was killed in to cut them in the northern west bank during an over night trade. there 30 people had been confirmed to have been detained by his really forces adding to the nearly 9000 that his real has detained . over the past 8 months, all in all, a night of a raids across the occupied westbank, a reminder that nothing is calm and the west bank while the war still rages in gaza . all right, no thanks for that to nor they with that update that for me or my that in the occupied westbank as well. now the main hospital in the sydney city of al fashion
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has been attacked and is now out of service. that's according to doctors without borders. i thought it was a transfer patients off the record support forces, open fire inside the hospital and start today at the hospital. was one of the last remaining operational facilities in l fashion home to more than 1000000 people, some 130002 flip the homes, the as a result of the fighting in a month, a tension. so escalating between north and south korea as they continue to engage in a tit for tat bustle across the borders. so let's resuming its practice of blasting, antique young young messages across the border through loud speakers. this is in response to north cris, ending more than a 1000 and trash. and when you filled balloons towards the south, over the past weeks. because of the, our military has the capability to overwhelmingly respond to north korea's provocation to changes. and we are closely monitoring the north korean military. therefore, i'm confident the military can respond. condolence profit system has filed
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a strong response to what you've described as publication. can your young says a soul's actions are probably too dangerous situation. student information, which is an associate professor of international politics and cook university for and studies. he says the know sees the sounds of propaganda attacks as a threats to its regime. so no 3 to really hate these about speaker attacks against kim jong. i mean, because they, in some ways threaten the legitimacy, but the resumed narrative is built on that cult of personality came and became family. and so these attacks are considered not only and so to national pride, not only are they considered this requirement. what about a psychological warfare, but they're also, you know, it's personal attack again says the human figure in that practice and then the
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nation and most of yeah because they, they, they really hate to use a loud speaker broadcast and they really hate the leaflets that are sent in by accidents, you're in south street across the border. many of them are themselves. uh, you know, its former uh north korean uh, escapees. uh, in north korea. i really hates this uh any logical attack and you won't get the chance maintained information monopoly and information dominance ever as population . it doesn't have much left to stand. one takes opposing bulk area. i'm sure that the former prime minister boy cardboard as officer center right party is in the lead and it's 6 collection in 3 years. his policy was part of the coalition that collapse in march, which is what triggered the sites. you make assume shoddy reports from the capital, sophia of the new election that of some of the of a solid populace formerly due boy cool both. so spotty appears to have one by getty a snap called meant to vote. i spoke earlier,
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i suppose it was the 60 election in 3 years, but it still until it bought a self can form a government. yeah, the modem is not like, don't see how the government can be made. we can't do it only with the turkish minority policy. the reform is liberal policy say they can only work with the socialist and the ultra nationalist, but not along with us. so the months don't match. yeah, one of the parties including the gaps form, a coalition partner is trailing mdx. it polls. so the 2 parties and coalitions contested for the $204.00 p. c national assembly. but the majority of the gatherings appeared to them by part of the pope's ro, i have not voltage. i didn't vote because even if i did, nothing will change. i've had many times and i don't see changes for me. it doesn't matter who wins the election allegations of what to bind, let to some arrest ahead of the vote. economic and stability and corruption have
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long been major concerns. and the, your pin unions for this member country, anti corruption protest in 2020 full street time prime minister boy who bought a subscription to design, while guardians demanded reforms and political institutions would, can take a government's have for the part within months, leaving the country in the depot political crisis, while i'm a bit disappointed with the situation, but people have to express that light to vote right now what they can do so. so after searching your wait, while gavia has we simply pulse, she joined the open voltage and getting program, but it's plants to join the you to zone have been pushed back twice as a mist inflation talbot. but gabrielle hopes to end it's long stretch of the instability with 3 years and 6 election slate to it's fall from it. the leading party does not called it together. a coalition in the election could be so good.
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i'm a cos, i'm sure you all just eva sophia, to india, where the prime minister in the movie is being sworn in for the time is b j. p potty. so should have a majority in the polls and lot left it needing allies to form a coalition administration. the indian government has failed to give visas 2 ounces, or a correspondence to report in the story. so we're covering the election from outside the country. stephanie deca has this no stranger to the job, nor the ceremony. henry moody has been sworn in india's prime minister for the 3rd time. but this time things are different. for the 1st time. he doesn't have a majority. he's never worked with any other questions like that. he's always had a big audio of his own. so he will have to showcase to dial in a new excuse, rich, if you have never seen so far. so i really do not know with them missed them.


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