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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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dependency state has spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nation's alleged campaign of eliminating critics on foreign soil begin the assessing nation on the jersey to the is ready for his target. the health near hospital in newness in southern guns that children are among the many casualties over what they were whelmed doctors in guns of please to the world to intervene. medical supplies including oxygen, run out. they weren't referent crossing to reach the other. they're on the clock, this is out to 0 in life and also coming up us extra estate on to me blinking arrives in egypt for his latest towards the middle east. as the us continues to see,
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can see spot in guns out of service and attacked by the permanency rapid support forces closes the main hospital in the suit. and these armies law stronghold in north tough a snap election in front presidents and mental. my claims as those parliaments and cools new polls of the far right makes major gains in your opinion. like the said, we'd be getting guns with hospital say the breaking point with the rising number of casualties from is really attacks. at least 40 people have been killed in less than 24 hours a pallet send you an official say no medical supplies have been to the gaza strip since the closure of the roof of crossing last month. and patients a dying because of the lack of oxygen, hospitals don't even have enough fuel to run the generations. meanwhile, how my says 3 cat tips were killed in the is rarely assault on saturday,
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which full of rescue to live. israel has denied this claim. the u. s has sent his top diplomats and to be blinking to the region. he's arrived in car for multiple so i'm trying to secure a ceasefire deal. well, we'll be speaking to him, run colin in a mile and he's live in just a few minutes. but 1st, let's get more of the situation going so we can speak to him because he was in the out. but i say he and i just give us an update on the situation. now, what's the latest, what's happening? well we have been hearing a lot of our tele reselling in the eastern parts of a very bella and my guys the and i'd rage. but that situation unlocks the hospital is catastrophic. there has been at least 400 injuries that entered the hosp within the past couple days after the new site ox incidents and the hospital has been striving to give medical treatment to those who have been injured. most of them
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have been true are in severe critical condition. we're talking about hospice hospital that is working on only one gender rates are because for the past 9 months the hospital has been working only on generators. there have been depending on them because there has been no fuel or electricity entering the causal. sure. and now the hospital can only work on one didn't rates or it's low on fuel. it's still on medical supplies. it's over webb and pack, and no medical supplies, inserts the hospitals tense ref i started it's round invasion and dropped off supplies incredibly sitting on the ground, them is non existent. you could say now we had in the field. well, fee program is suspending until operation. well yes, the double, yes. the announced that it's calling to suspend its operations from the peer to
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peer has been already not working for the past 2 weeks because a storm hits appear at the top a free lunches and they need 3 parents. but also there has been not enough age into the adult pads on strip through time. i would tell him crossing since the rough, encouraging a gotten it has been effecting all aspects of life sense. there's really forces started there, talk under funds, have been talking to the people in the hospitals. they're telling us that they're striving to find food. a is not reaching all the people the way it's used to be before the roof. i encourage and they're saying that they're barely able to get a to purchase anything from the markets. there is no variety of food. the prices are very high. and also there has been no access to money and costs. and all of this is a thing and has been a more star base and where some families are telling us that they are striving
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supplies, one meal for their children's. this is desperate, desperate situation and appreciate your reporting that and thanks a lot of good or a button job. i like garza well, i'm as soon as pasted a video of what it says of the bodies of 3 captives who had killed during israel's ready to disrupt refugee camp on saturday. the great didn't release the names more than a 100 is ready to capt. it's i believe, to still be in gaza is ready for us is killed at least $274.00 policy means during that operation. large parts of the threat refugee camp were destroyed and hundreds of people injured harvey, my food spokes, palestinians in the account during the assault local residence of this residential blog. just describe the for the, the experience as of yesterday. as more of the, most of the flexing show where there's really military and it's a special forces conducted what it is stated as a precise operation here,
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but leaving the tray as of destruction. the only means of live here at the heart of a fight out refuge account. the flexible, smooth level. i went to to the bunk city to take a look. i found a truck carrying furniture for displaced peoples and it was filled with mattresses and blankets. suddenly people cried in black and floating and helmets. got out of the truck carrying light is which they use to try to enter the house across the street. i'll send you down a bad in the fee. he lives up in the shadow and get nothing special. beautiful, the moment i went down to the street, i found bodies everywhere. so why he did my neighbor's house and the special forces soldiers left the house of the executing dumped the entrance. children killed them, o, executing the following these executions. the special forces themselves just went down to the street and executed every body assessment nadia 24 hours since there's really military committed a massacre and under review can and these really monitor is still continuing. what
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is rapid mass killing of civilians? they're saying there's nobody looking at us. no one is nobody cares about what's going to palestinians and their children across the goal is a threat. that's what they're complaining about. they're being killed or the record number. no one is intervening to save their lives and protect them from donald predictable fall in bonds or the leader of the masses. political being is, melania has issued a statement say that base guns and nothing yahoo, i'm murderous and is ready. society is bloody. he said that the seats fight negotiations were at the final stage when maintenance threat domestica happened. if things it was a ins create obstacles to reach any agreement to end the rules, i think that's us supportive is ready, actions makes it complicit in these crimes. while these for any government has bind out 0 from reporting as well. so in run con is joining us from amman, which is the capital of jordan at say, in run this how much video that's being issued. what message is being sent by
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the video was issued by the military going of how a mass of the outcasts and the gate that came with the very stock hash tag time is running out. they reference the on this for an old version to free those full captives and they say, we inform you that in exchange for these you'll all me to 3 prisoners. and the 2nd come, one of you hold americans. this new shift by and by say, your prisoners will not be released unless you free our prisoners and time is running out. this is a video of the. ready school over the success of these ready military operation room, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu called this is story operation. and these are in the military site. it's a blueprint and something they can replicate again to get the captives out. but this is how may i say there is a cost of this. if you don't care about them, i will send you an attitude as i'm 6 palestinians, at least that were killed. maybe you might care about the 3 captives that you
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killed yourself and that was going to be concerning to the americans abuse report. the one of them had american citizenship, but it is a message to these readings that this operation wasn't quite the success that they think it is a name run. as inside today, the release of the captive has been taken on the intention on team blinking the sex your state. he's in the region. i will be trying to re focus minds on the see. so i so that's not the right, it's a big visit for him. he's the begun in egypt, he's already had a meeting with the egyptian president, and then he travels to israel, away be meeting the defense secretary. you'll be meeting with the prime minister and he'll be meeting with any guns which is going to be interesting. considering benny guns doesn't really have a portfolio anymore and he's don't member of the will cabinet since the court. and also i'd be meeting with these ready president sent off to that he rides in georgia for humanitarian aid conference, where he'll meet with the king of jordan and the other official. and then
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a wednesday, he travels to cancel where he's going to meet with the mirror of castle and the prime minister. he's going to be putting a tremendous amount of pressure on all of those policies to try and get him us to agree to a cease by now the americans keep saying that the onus is on how that. so last i actually have issued a statement talking about the c. so i just said it's about i need to saying that they were very close up until such a days. have been some 276 of these postings. what kills? and i'm asked don't trust as well to stick to all 3 phases. now, just to remind you by 3 phases. first one is a simple ceasefire and release of prisoners. the 2nd one is. ready about releasing more prisoners for the 3rd one is about an ending to the. ready and rebuilding garza and i'm asked if we don't trust as well to stick to that guns. and it's also worth pointing out that this is a plan that the for us present side was, is really plan which came as a surprise to these rooms in mon,
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thanks for that to mike on that in a month in jordan. as we been discussing a key member of israel's full cabinet, many guns has quit. i have a prime minister benjamin netanyahu is handling of the war on cause a guns is considered to be met. neal, whose main political challenge route is calling for new elections. responding to his resignation, the yahoo told guns, it's not the time to quote, abandon the battle out 0 is banned from his ro is we be mentioning so. so our heart is reporting in jordan's capital of the united at the source of the will divided 8 months later, as the fighting in gauze of drags on any accounts. his resignation from the small will cabinets came as no surprise, no longer seeing eye to eye with the mine leading the will you choose the prime minister of prioritizing his own political survival over israel security. it's only 10 yeoman and unfortunately nathan,
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yahoo prevents us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing price. that is why we are leaving the war time cabinets today. often months of speculation, divisions in the wall cabinets became clear when benny guns last month gave the prime minister an ultimatum that security, the wall cabinet must form a 6 point plane by june 8th to bring home our hostages to eliminate how i'm us. and do you mind kate, the gaza strip to ensure is riley security control for that price? floor plan didn't materialize and know eva has a c slide 0. propose point us, which is why benny guns says he's cold for early elections. many guns has central national unity policy only has 8 seats in the can. that's. that's his quick thing is of no immediate threats and that's on yahoo bought it. opens the floor for his fall right, lies pushing to continue the war and goes off without
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a c 5 deal. the national security minister, it's small band there has already demanded to be included in the will cabinets by israel as long as subbing prime minister quote on guns not to abandon the campaign . the kansas departure has printed wall cabinet observer and full a minute tray, chief of stuff, got the eyes and caught also quits for the dismantling. the wood cabinets full. this, as the 10s of thousands of his riley's continue, the protest alongside the relatives of a $120.00 captives still held in the goal is the strip total height of all g 0 a month. and once again, between that, you know, his cabinet has banned out 0 and this row and a few minutes go extended right this way yesterday, extended that decision. that's why and run is in neighboring jordan to the occupied
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westbank. now where the is ready forces have conducted a series of rates across the listing intact of the yeah, that were done by those in the i thought a refugee camp in to us city where bone was use the gates. and is there any pool those kind of kit is ready, so i'll just write it homes. the rest of it needs full palestinians. is there any forces also stole him to the tunnel between you and the village of town? i still a head here and out 0. i'm away from sherry from by gary as capital sophia, where the conservative party is to frontrunner in sundays, call them and t election. but it may find it difficult to form a coalition to the award winning program from international so make or just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of world class programming. every
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time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well on algae was there the colleges when so unique phones of purchased by a palestinian not just using the symbol of national identity to create postage and passport stamps. but also some bird life plans come flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict outside of where you come to by this time palestine sundance,
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the stamp of defiance. on out just the kind of game you're watching out 0, her mind about top story is this, and palestinian officials say no medical supplies have been to because this trip since the rafter crossings plays last month and patients and dying from a lack of oxygen just because they have enough fuel to run the generate the united states to send this top to for months on to the blinking to, to a several middle east countries. these arrived and tiring for more towards trying to secure the main hospital in the suit in
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the city of alpha. actually, it has been attacked and is now out of service, according to doctors without borders. software for us to transfer patients off to the rapid support forces, open fire inside the facility on saturday. it was one of the last medical facilities still operating. and i will fax you this home to more than 1000000 people. about 830000 people, the fled the homes in a month to escape the fighting heaven. morgan. as more from call to of the situation in the city of as sasha to the capital of north, therefore, and the last city that remains under the army control and which they are a self be permitted to rapid support. first of has been trying to gain control of has been described as a kill box. and that's because more than 1800000 civilians have fled from other parts of therefore region to the 50, over the pleasure of speaking refuge, as well as the citizens who have been fair prior to the conflict breaking out. last april. now the city has been surrounded by the current military rapids support
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forces all 4 weeks now and they've been launching, artillery, attacked, leading to the death of civilians and their injuries as well. the 8 are going to zation doctors without borders says that it has suspended. it's operations and one of the main hospital, one of the 2 main hospitals in the city as a result of our 3 attacks and as a result of the iris f opening fire inside the hospital and that is likely to excite the baby communitarian situation. thousands of people have been injured the, the, the, the organization doctors without borders says that in the past, month alone in the south hospital which has been suspended, which operations have been suspended in more than 100. 1300 people have been injured, have been treated for, for injuries as a result of our to lose selling. and that's just in the city of fashion around the country. the situation has been deteriorating over the past few weeks. i think continues between the army and the south and west go to the side as well as in part of the capital for 2 civilians continued to be displaced and the united nation says
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that it expects the number of displaced people inside the country to reach 10000000 and that's the largest displacement figures in the world. now as they call for humanitarian and feeling for him, his hair and funding very little is being received according to the united nations . and people continue to suffer. but this 5 beds pricing continues between the army and the iris have with the situation to, to anything around the country. but the most concerned mean focus right now in the city open slash here, where millions uh, where hundreds of thousands are currently trapped. and which of the hours of seems determined to get control off to ensure that they have an a group or a full control of that are for region. even more going onto 0. how to know the official projections show that they sent the right party of european commission president as of on the line has one my seats and the european parliamentary elections. but right wing policies also made major gains imposing across the u. on
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sunday, a provisional results show the far right identity and democracy group is expected to win 58 seats. that's 9 more than in the 2019. and that's the center ride to europe. and people's policy remains the largest and brussels growing to a $185.00 seats. on the other side of the political spectrum to the left is renew europe. it is projected to lose $22.00 seats. also on the left, the green european freight lines. it's had a significant loss of 19 seats. the center is holding budget. it's also true that the extremes on the left and on the rights have gained support. and this is why the result comes with rates responsibility for the parties in the center. we may differ on individual points, but we all have an interest in stability. and we all want
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a strong and effects to europe. and the political shock waves of the outcome of these elections have been felt particularly in front of the president of mental mac, from dissolving the national apartments and cooling a snap election. we have an up. yes. the french president has decided to gamble a new version 3 weeks time. out of time with the nation is facing the linux decision comes off. those policies stuff, it's funding losses to the far right. in europe. interactions on sunday. marine depends. national riley came 1st in france and by the far right policies made major gains in gemini, and in austria. as those results were being projected, hundreds of protests has came out onto the streets of parents. demonstrated saying that worried about the world that concerns about climate change. and social and income inequality will not be heard in the european product. for the 10 boxes in
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boxes, i think part of france hate says these think we are the cause of their problems with unfortunately, this population suffers to a big part of the population drop and social class. last means of living. we used to live well, but con, make ends and now with the same salary they had 20 years ago, there exploited to if we could tell them we also suffered the same way we might come at some understand i will speak to step bassett imbedding shortly, but 1st, let's hit the power as natasha butler is standing by for us there. the tasha at so this is a surprises. now. what reactions have that being to macros dissolution upon the well, the main reaction is the show. nobody quite expected this. what was expected of to visit you election is the far right would do particularly well. and they said making a big games. it was also expected the presence emanuel, my goal is policy would not do so well, but nobody expected the presence then come out and resolve all the cool, the stuff,
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and make sure that we get to june and july. and the reaction has been across the political spectrum, as i said, supplies. and so you have some of the sessions. he was saying that if i knew my goal is gambling with democracy, but this is not the sort of thing he should be doing that he's playing into the hands of the far right. one problem essentially is from all the patients, like is absolutely flabbergasted that emanuel michael was taking this decision. then you have all the positions that were saying that emanuel michael is being brave and courageous. that he is listening to the people. i'm but it might just be something that ends up working in his favor, but he will be able to win a presidential apollo demetri majority because currently he doesn't have one. and then of course, the far right, well they all, as you can imagine, delighted it was already a good night's event, but it became even better when they realize they might have a child. that having a problem mentioned majority even spots for me. a government. natasha, thanks very much div, that's a picture and parents and friends went to berlin in germany. step vastness,
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dining by for us, the instep of these results across europe. meaning that people will watch very closely to see how much this impacts the policies and what compromises might have to be made. yes, uh absolutely. as chalk here, as well in germany, not as much as in france baptist for relation government has lost quite some seats . and i'm here at the see the you, the christian democrats headquarters where president of the european commission is left on the line. we'll speak soon. her party did really well as she won the elections, but because of the, the bad behavior, the achievements i have to say also of my calls far too. as she, her coalition in the european parliament has lost quite some seats. so they still have a majority. but the question here will be, will they have to make some, some coalitions also with right wing parties with the alter,
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a conservative party and instantly for example, from georgia, maloney, there has been some court to courting a happening before. and maloney has already said it's not a given that are left on the line, will be the next president of the european commission and that there should be much more pick met, take us to pull the policies in brussels and that it least would have a big stay in it, meaning also of course the anti immigration policies that maloney has been. uh uh, so been so famous for our accept thanks very much. that's the best and that invalid . thank you to both area where it's a pollution from a prime minister blanket border. so i'll send to right party isn't the lead in parliamentary elections. this policy was part of a coalition that collapse in march triggering this, right? you may consume sherry for reports from the capital. so if you, the sunday's parliamentary election involved guerria the 6th and just 3 years has given predictive results. and here's some of the newspapers. the 1st one says
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a strong come back for the gab, which is we can to party headed by former prime minister boy co bought a. so now the 2nd newspaper talks about it just says gap. and then it says a 2 in one we lead talking about the your pin, call them and treat elections and the snap elections with the party leads the voltage. so now the official will to turn out is not ours as yet, but a good majority of bulgarians have just given it a no show about 30 percent on dr. roth, which is down from about 35 percent last year. and if there's any reasoning for us, it's elections every 6 months and 3 years has just tied out many bug gary, and it's the 2nd and 3rd place that's a bit net connect with the turkish minority policy and a party called we continue the change day about 15 percent, which remember boots are still being counted. the officials tele, my put one of those bodies ahead of the other. now at the time like this is just speculation and it talks, could there be if and eventually coalition government faulty is expected to talk?
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the policies ideologies range from the russia fall right to full e, whether they can come together and form and government remains to be seen at the same time, the preston room and rather please criticize political policies saying that they put their personal interest about the country's interests and visiting speculation, and this speculation has been on for quite some time that could the president himself have his own policy. now the president is popular, but by his predict cc, extremely to washington, the politicos pam and that they've been talking about. and the areas i've been hoping to in has not include some charities. i'll just see sophia, a soul is resuming his practice of blasting and appealing young messages across the border to north korea through lounge. because this is in response to north, cris, sending more than a 1000 trash balloons towards the south. over the past few weeks conjunctions.
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panful sisters found a strong response to what she describes this provocation to a different main o'clock when it's coming out. the inside story will examine how the plaintiff is really captives is affecting the chances of a safe spot. so you say the the had a low, then let's look to east asia and this more heavy rain to come for southern parts of the region. in particular for china, on the southern islands of japan. thanks to the may you front. it's pumping a cargo of heavy rain out from west to east, so heavy falls across southern areas. so i'm just a warnings have been issued for hong kong shows day into wednesday before the south of this is a lie, a picture for the likes of shanghai across the korean peninsula. and for japan,
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just a few scattered showers here and the temperatures will be on the up there on the out for the korean peninsula. sol could see some misty mornings, but the sunshine kicks in to burn that away. and sunshine is a story invasion and heat with the temperature continuing to rise will be about 10 degrees above the average on wednesday. and temperatures are still sitting very high because moving areas of south asia for pockets down and northern india. what red warnings out for b, ha, they switched to most central northern areas as we go into wednesday. it's not have as hot to the south of this. instead, we'll see where to where the sense of the month soon that has been pushing its way further north, bringing some very heavy rain to the west and gets on choose day rain as well for sure. lanka, the,
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the, the, is there any government under more pressure to secure the release of the captive in java, off the full of a freeze on saturday? that's witness me all his coalition is also on the threats of color. and how list affects tools to reach a deal on captive and a safe fuss. this is inside story. the .


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