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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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in and out place. oh hale, the planet, coming soon on out to 0. the is ready for is the target a hospital or hospitalized from us in southern gaza. children are among the many casualties the robot. listen to this is audra 0 from life from don't have also coming up over worked and over found doctors and guys of please for the world to intervene is power and medical supplies, including oxygen run out out of service and attacked by the problem. and part of military is rapid support forces closes the main hospital in the city. these armies last stronghold in northville for a snap election in front presidency. manual not home dissolves parliament. i'm cold
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view colds off to the far right to make some major gains in european elections. the at least 8 more palestinians in garza have been killed and is where the air strikes to this time in southern areas is really war. planes of bottom to house and con eunice, killing everyone inside trends. sheltering palestinians of also being had at least 40 people have been killed across garza, in less than $24.00. now is the desktop wise's hospitals are struggling to treat those injured understanding official and say the closure of the roof or crossing last month as the treated medical supplies and patients of dine due to a lack of oxygen. us equity of straight down to the bank is on his way to israel after making a stopping chiral where he met the president of the father of cc, they discussed the need for a see far to free. the remaining is where he kept his housing, gaza blinking says the only how close to the deal is how much the group has blamed
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israel. for blocking ceasefire efforts. i'm going to side to central garza and to speak to topic about wisdom outside the likes. the hospital in and daniel about a child of all these efforts going on and around the middle east, particularly with the u. s. equity estate entity blinking, visiting the area. and yet the number of casualties continues to rise. yes, uh this. how about how do you define to the american morning for these very solid to know a target civilians on to take the ultimate free co sions to avoid commits and casualties amongst civilians. but the reality is quite different on the ground as these really escalating attacks have contributed to increasing. they just told them even to the casualties of we civilians to unprecedented levels within the past couple of days. only within the past 24 hours. at least 200 more than 200 house thing has happened, reports have been good while for the others being to by the as verify as, as they are gradually expanding the military operations. of course,
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this trip now the main focus of the attacks since the hours of this morning. what directed towards the southern parts of bar includes $600.00 scituate for 8 palestinians have been cubes offset the residential building was completely destroyed as we have been. also getting more details about the security dangerous incident that took place in rough off outside the military range of how much will cosign brigades managed to accomplish and is ready for us. and our residential building been laid heavy just completely blowing. not being tight place on the heads of this. so just for a number is very so just what killed seemed to them. they were latest effectuated by helicopters. do they use a hospitals to get medical treatments and this is a clear indication start to now there was no in the end of the bottles, but we come off and as well in a rough ha, in con eunice as central areas. and even in the news of this tribe, and at least is reflecting the strategic failure for these but impressions on the chair to, to this month to come us from so
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a box. what we do know is that the casualties as to long dining and rising, giving a very critical level as hospitals are grappling to do with this on getting deterioration of the medical condition on. so these really attacks continue. and raphael, as you were talking about, the number of casualties continues to rise. we're talking about an area of course, for medical facilities, particularly have been targeted, jarring attacks, talk us through what the conditions are like and where people can go if a toll for any sort of medical aid. well, generally the medical condition and relative heads up who collect say because there's no any signs of any medical cat could be provided for display assemblies. and even for people in the southern part of the pro 56, the now we know that early on when the is very forces talk to the minute, treat encouraging a rough id. still wanted to pass on to really small evacuation or this for residence to no longer remain enrolled on the lisa medical to use. uh, residents has taught it to go to a moss to area and with the expansion of the sports of the fight thing and brussel
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. now, there was no any hospitality operating that unless a fee is hospitalized. stocks are very limited in terms of the capacity, the size, and even the medical solve that's operating in these areas. and now these few hospitals are responsible for providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of 1000 units and allow us to area while the middlefield only drivers by the which is already overwhelmed with critical injuries is the only hospital that for the provide medical provide medical treatment for palestinians in the central areas thought of capitalism. thank you very much indeed. well, as we mentioned us, secretary of state and the ranking is on his way to israel after meeting egypt, as president in cairo, lincoln's asking arab states to press hom, us to agree to the truth proposal recently and honest by president joe biden is the only part that is not accepted, the only party has not said he has some us, the palestinians and gaza are waiting on these railways are waiting on some of the
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hostages and the hostage families are waiting on what day is there any government's bind? i'll just data from reporting and israel's abundance smith's joining us from the jordanian capital, i'm on so on to me blinking once again doing another tour of the middle east. there's time to trying to press arm countries to push calm us to accept a deal for all this is an oil allow, pushed by on to me blinking to deliver the ceasefire proposed by joe biden. he's put the onus on the hamas, but really there are 2 policies to this. these riley's on how much both we pretty entrenched positions from us. they won't promise to end the war and the withdrawal of israeli forces. these riley's benjamin netanyahu constantly repeating his mantra . we are committed to total victory, but for netanyahu that means the removal of thomas on his ability to fight in gaza . the couple of things may have changed in his riley,
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in terms of the pressure on the m. yahoo, because those now more pressure to release the rest of the captive after the operation to release those for a couple of days ago, the expense of 270 palestinian lives. everybody knows that it's going to be a political solution that will get the rest of those chapters out, not a military solution. plus you have this resignation, many guns on the other side from the war cabinet. that means that yahoo more lines again. so there are lines on the far right to respond to keeping them is power. best saying any deal on we will collapse the guy to deal with how much we will collapse the government. so those are the pressures that remain on the challenges that remain very difficult to bridge. so if i understand correctly a bunch of you think and basically saying that homicide is responsible for how whether or not this is 5 deal goes forward. how was, how much responding to that of the well, in the last hour, hama. so put out a statement saying that blinking stance is
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a real obstacle to reaching a ceasefire agreement. so before blinking can even speak to other leaders in the gulf region in the arab world. how much is already saying it's not gonna fly. and this is because they're not getting these guarantee to an end. so the world of getting a problem is of a cease fire on one hand, while net in your community continues to say we're going to keep fighting in gauze because we want to, we want to destroy how much his ability to fight. so those 2 positions don't seem to work together, and that is why perhaps you're seeing this statement from us right. about as much as godaddy and capital. i'm on, bernard, thank you very much indeed. well is really forces have conducted a series of raids across the occupied westbank overnighted, the living gun bottles in the l father refugee camp into the city where the bottom is being used against. and these really bulldozer in call kalia is really soldiers have rated homes, arresting at least for palestinians. and is there any forces also strong the time
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of virginia and the village of town? the main hospital in the city, the city of all fashion has been attacked and it's now out of service. according to doctors without borders, it says staff or force to transfer our patients off to the rapid support forces. open fire inside the facility on saturday. it was one of the last medical facilities still offer to, you know, foster this home to more than a 1000000 people. about 835000 people have fled their homes in a month to escape the fighting. the un says the number of internally displaced people are mortal, and sir john has not reached over 10000000. pay them off is getting more from top to of the situation in the city of outside sheer to the capital of north, therefore, and the last city that remains under the army control and which they are assessed
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be permitted to rapid support forces has been trying to be in control of has been described as a kill blocks. and that's because more than 1800000 civilians have fled from other parts of their 4 region to the 50, over the pleasure of speaking refuge, as well as the citizens who have been fair prior to the complex breaking out. last april. now the city has been surrounded by the current military rapids support forces all 4 weeks now and they've been launching artillery attack, leading to the death of civilians and their injuries as well. the 8 organizations doctors without borders says that it has suspended it's operations in one of the main hospital, one of the 2 main hospital in the city as a result of our 3 attacks. and as a result of the iris f opening fire inside the hospital and that is likely to expand. so basically we need terry situation. thousands of people have been injured the uh, the uh the, the organization doctors with headquarters says, but in the past, month alone in the south hospital which has been suspended,
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which operations have been suspended in more than 100. 1300 people have been injured, have been treated for, for injuries as a result of our to lose selling. and that's just in the city of fashion around the country. the situation has been deteriorating over the past few weeks. i think continues between the army and the recess in west go to the side as well as in part of the capital for 2 civilians continue to be displays and the united nation says that it expects the number of displaced people inside the country to reach 10000000 and that's the largest displacement figures in the world. now as they call for humanitarian and feeling for humanitarian funding, very little is being received according to the united nations. and people continue to suffer. but despite that pricing continues between the army and the r a. so with the situation deter anything around the country, but the most concerned mean focus right now in the city open fashion, where millions uh, where hundreds of thousands are currently trapped. and which is the iris of seems
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determined to get control off to ensure that they have an ad group or a full control of the to our, for region, even more than ultra 0. how to voters in front. so going to be heading to the polls again in 3 weeks after the presidency manual, mccall dissolve. the national part of engine called a snap election is decision comes off. so his policy suffered stunning losses to the far right. and you repeat the actions on sunday. we have enough postage at home. we decided to gamble on a new vote in 3 weeks time with the nations hosting big on live games. the national raleigh came 1st in front and so now the far right parties made major games in germany. and austria, natasha boss, o reports from powers. the main reaction is the sold. nobody quite expected this. what was expected of this you election is the far right. what do particularly well and they did making big gains. it was also expected the present. emmanuel, my calls policy would not do so well,
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but nobody expected the presence then come out and there's all fall and all the stuff that makes me begin to june and july, and the reaction as being across the political spectrum. as i said, supplies, i'm so you have some politicians who are saying that you buy new micro is gambling with democracy, but this is not the sort of thing you should be doing that he's playing into the hands of the far right. one, a prominent socialist petition thing is absolutely flabbergasted that emanuel michael was taking this decision. then you have other positions who was saying that emanuel, my call is being brave and courageous, that he is listening to the people. i'm but it might just be something that ends up working in this phase, or perhaps he will be able to win a presidential apollo imagery majority because currently he doesn't have one. and then of course, the far right, well they all, as you can imagine, delighted it was already a good night for them, but it became even better when they realized they might have a child's having a problem. actually majority even fox forming a government unless we mentioned germany as far right. policy also maintains in the
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european elections, but official projections show the center, right. parsing of european commission president us of on the land one the most states. so boston reports from ballad, a r t m, that's and by scandal celebrating is 1st election results in history. the saw right intuitive for germany party or a f d, as from 2nd in the european vote. to see think the center left coalition of chancellor oil filters, social democrats, and the greens you think of yours? i think this is a historic result for us unless you a pain election. we've come seconds. my friends super the anti immigration for us. he was recently expelled from the fall, right identity in democracy group by moving the pen differential national rally party for being to radical. the rise of the file right is a major headache 1st left on the lion with santa right, you will see and people's party is projected to win the election and still be the largest in brussels. we will build
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a best chin against the extremes from the left and from the right way. well, stop them. this is for sure. recently she hinted at a partnership with georgia, maloney of the ultra conservative process of it to the party which is projected to wind nearly 30 percent of the default in belgium. the also national elections will have the far right parties, lands belong, was less successful than predicted. the nationalist right, we knew flemish alliance came out 1st, which lives with long 2nd. prime minister, alexander the call was spotty law, significantly has announced his resignation. while the santa riots remains firmly in the saddle, the file right is expected to shake off politics in brussels. as a result, you will be in union could become less environmental friendly, less from an increasingly unwelcoming to refugees. that is, if the far right is kind of overcome, it's the deficiency stuff. awesome. also sierra berlin. the still ahead and i'll
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just see them showing up. i'm a waco, some sherry from by gary us capital. sophia, by the conservative party, is to frontrunner in some this snap called mental election. but it may find a difficult coalition to showing up all the lines is a 2 day amazing of foreign ministers from water cold bricks. countries kicks off in russia. the . i had a lot of, there's a divide picture weatherwise across the south base and we've got extreme heat with dry conditions across moving parts of the region. but down in the south, it is a story of very wet, whether the monsoon rains have now picked up the central parts of india, bringing very heavy falls to the likes of con, kind of go maharaj trent. and con,
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not took the reins also push for the east in to me and my rash up into bangladesh. with some heavy falls to come to the north east of india, baton and the pool. but for the west of this 4 north west in india and pakistan is a story of exceptional heat, was temperature sitting well above the average for this time if you will be picking up ever so slightly again in new delhi through to friday with those very hot and hazy conditions continuing on is the story of heat across the move of east asia for move in china, the korean peninsula and into japan will see temperatures pick up here in the days ahead. and scott, the show is here and that it is looking much dry on wednesday. it's very wet. however, for the very south of china, the may, you front continues to pump that colorado of wet weather through to the southern islands of japan, with some heavy falls and some of the fondest stones for hong kong through to the mid week. the
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a meeting of minds, it's always deadly would freedom, which is used to cover so many different things, the family or mainstream economics. if that happens in any other profession, they will be fine. yeah, well, not just fight it. they would go to prison. musical innovative, brian, you know, meets renowned economist, hod june chang, part one. i see a lot of hope. i see a lot of experiments going on in the studio would be on script data analysis era. the in the,
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you're watching, i'll just see it out. reminder, i would hope so is this. uh, i'm assuming the officials say no medical supplies event at the gaza strip since that off of crossing this close last month on patients of time from lack of oxygen, hospitals don't have the fuel needed to run their genuine since you're a secular state on to be bankers on his way to israel out to meet in egypt, president in charge of the suspension slightest trip to the released us twice to secure a spot of agreement in gaza. president of the fundamental cc said they agreed on the need to intensify efforts to reach a deal. timeframe is where the captain is being held in guys. the last hall school in the sort of the city of all fashion and north, the full size of service, according to the doctors without borders, stopping for us to transfer our patients after the rapid support forces opened, 5 inside the facilities and looked at the hospital. so that it shows war has shopped, people living in gaza, but for decades is really restrictions have prevented freedom of movement for
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palestinians living in the occupied territories of other standing couple living to the water and gaza, say stopping the making this use highest pilgrimage components. the pain of the water sample, sorry. as more for able muslims, the annual pilgrimage to the cub in mecca, the slums, holy site is mandatory at least once in their lives. so as my mood and find the most out of who and piece together, what is left of their home and gaza, they also express grief and regret about being unable to perform hutch as a forgotten that'd be a necessary event to share your views. unfortunately, we lost a house. as you can see, there is destruction and devastation. and then came the closure of the border and we kind of go to hug. so you know, it was to blows in one go to secure the pain of the war. the pain of the destruction of the pain of the siege and the pain of not being able to go to hutch palestinians living and gaza face enormous hurdles if they tried to travel anywhere . after registering their names with his really authorities every year for 2
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decades, they were finally granted permission. they sold every single value to pay for the trip. then the war happened. and what they describe as a lifelong dream, nearly realized, slipped away. i'm not, well if i went and looked to the ra footboard is very important for us from the date was shot. our hopes were lost. people very upset because they are, those were sick and injured. and those whose students a close everything and their face and the same goes for the programs to help the even though they even want to deny a fellowship with the july us the hutch. i don't know who we should complain to or cried to our speak to. who should we go to? we ask god to relieve us and for them to open the border moved and fatima say they were looking for with the hutch as a chance to feel connected to other muslims from around the world on able to go and with what is happening in gaza. they say they feel more isolated than ever. st. bus
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robbie. oh, to 0. at least 41 people have been killed in an attack on several villages, an eastern democratic republic of congo. an army spokesman says members of the allied democratic forces will behind the attack. according to a local official, they use guns in the ship days to attack residents of their communities in any kind of tre regroup. affiliated with iceland has been blamed for several of tax in the region. at least 18 people have been killed in violence. fair in the past week, the bottom of the search and some of the world's major economies are meeting in russia. the bricks group is known says it provides an alternative to a us dominated world order. and it was originally made up of result, russia, india, china, as, as africa from this year, the comic blocks expanded to include 5 new full members, not the leaders of brazil, russia, india, and china. on the finding members of the group and south africa joined in 2010 bricks is designed to be a new global voice supposing, but it sees as
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a unilateral approach to geo politics, but it's dry says it is not opposed to western powers. the u, i. e, iran, ethiopia, and egypt joined the block. this year. breakfast represents nearly a 3rd of the world's economy, and as well as nearly half of its population is that will carry on bundle. why is a senior lecture at the department of management and economics durban university. these things why the economic blog decided to expand. so remember last year, the pretty some spend those to the edition, all other countries. at the moment. i put in the breaks down to our portal please. they are called released glass nations switch a wish taken to into effect the country that you mention. and today's being that they believe that they are. 1 the record additions and recording believes this is to always do with the police agenda. so this is why you have you
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a in and being a role in stop watching the brakes and the agenda police and the so many other punk, she's decided in the country, that's a part of police plus nations. and there are many other countries as even those who have been previously to see the best people to start watching in the west and they're putting on the, or the western countries. i know we're going to watch a software seem to grow by saw. so the brakes, uh braces open for discussion. so any other times would it be that they can benefits and they can also have developing countries who benefits can play a role in breaks? that is why is now what produced throughout the nation is because it's do all kinds of other countries. however, the did accept the membership uh to be part of the explanations
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depend on the how the country that is best. let me set it up occasion. believe in the economic situation and also how they are going to one of the dudes in ensuring that 3 countries is growing. as opposed to bulgaria show, the former prime minister of boy school bus of center white policy is in the legion parliamentary elections. this policy was part of a coalition that collapsed and marched triggering the vote. let me go some show a force from the capital severe. the sunday's parliamentary election involved guerria the 6th and just 3 years has given predictable results. and here's some of the newspapers. the 1st one says a strong come back for the gab, which is the conservative party headed by former prime minister board. cool, bought a so of the 2nd newspaper talks about it just says gap. and then it says a 2 in one week lead talking about the your can call them and treat elections and
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the snap elections with the potty leads the voltage. so now the official voter turnout is not out as yet, but a good majority of bulgarians have just given it a no show about 30 percent, which is down from about 35 percent last year. and if there's any reasoning for it, it's elections every 6 months and 3 years has just tied out many bug gary, and it's the 2nd and 3rd place that's a bit net connect with the turkish minority policy and a party called we continue the change day about 15 percent, which remember boots are still being counted. the officials tele mike. but one of those bodies ahead of the other. now at the time like this is just speculation and it talks, could there be if and eventually coalition government faulty is expected to talk? the policies ideologies range from the russia fall right to full e, whether they can come together and form and government remains to be seen. at the same time this,
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the preston room and read. the police criticize political policies saying that they put their personal interest about the country's interests and visiting speculation . and this speculation has been on for quite some time that the president himself has his own policy. now the president is popular by his predict ccnf explaining to washing the political pain that they've been talking about and the areas i've been hoping to and has smoked some charities. i'll just see sophia, donald trump was held his 1st major route use is becoming a convicted criminal. the presumptive republican nominated for the us presidency as being in nevada. it's a swing state. polls put them in the lead from the valid reports from las vegas are extreme hate but extreme times. according to donald trump. last week, crooked joe signed an executive order that is pro invasion pro child trafficking,
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pro woodman drive, virgin pro human trafficking and pro drug dealers. blistering temperatures in las vegas, still not enough to keep thousands of suppose there's a way the republican presumptive nominee taken to the stage for his 1st big rally as a convicted criminal. 10 days ago, he was in a court room in new york being found guilty of falsifying business records. now he's on the other side of the country in a swing state. he says he will win if we win nevada. we wouldn't. the whole thing with support is even buying t shirts, endorsing that southern status that actually motivates me to vote. i feel like he's been unfairly targeted for political reasons. donald trump isn't a strong position haven, nevada. right now. he has a 5 point lead ahead of joe biden. if he takes nevada, it will be the 1st time a republican has done this since george w bush in 2004. but remember, there was still 5 months to go. the question is,
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how do you keep hold of these hoping this place will help las vegas, nevada is real money maker employees. thousands. a huge proportion of them. let's. he knows work is in the service industry. hit hard like hybrid the economy, furious about illegal immigration. he meets the votes and is pushing called for the . the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values. our core . it's the core of us. a lot can happen between now and november, but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada. at least it's donald trump gets his white fill of l out this era. las vegas the sister of north korean leader control and has won the tensions with south korea all quote, a priority to a very dangerous situation. sauce careers installed loud speakers along the board. broadcasting propaganda, critical of showing young that's off to the know of send files, is a balloons carrying menu or rubbish into the surf. katrina,
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you reports south korea's military has resumed loud speak of broad costs directed edison. eva, even though the broad costs are being used as psychological rules and black propaganda critical of young. yeah. across the heavily militarized buddha, they include use and catchy south korean pet songs. this is the latest tit for tat move as tensions rise between the 2 rifles. a put in the gun, can you don't? we want to make it clear that north korea will be responsible of any tensions escalated between the south and north. our government will maintain a firm and thorough readiness against any provocation from the north. mean i'm doing what you me take it for one. do you want that's prompted an angry warning from kim your junk, the powerful system of north korean leader kim jong.


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