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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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make them as understandable as we can, as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the at least age palestinians are killed off to is ready for us is targeted at home. and con eunice is fighting intensifies and southern gaza. the ultimate cried. this is all just there live from also coming up, america's top diplomat arrives and as well to push for 65 deal. while they do in security council is set to vote on the proposal out of service and attacked by the paramilitary rapid support forces closes the main hospital and the suit. and these armies last strong hold the north stuff for and foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies meet in the russia, as the brooks group looks to expand its influence.
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the it's 16 gmc that is 7 pm in gaza with relentless as rarely attacks. have caused more death and destruction across the strip. at least a to palestinians have been killed and con eunice up to is ready for has boomed residential areas, tens sheltering displays. people also has more than 20 palestinians have been killed across the strip. on monday, the hospitals across casa, running out of fuel and medical supplies risking the lives of thousands of patients . medical stop are working beyond the capacity as facilities to being overwhelmed by demands, which is here as terrible as the room is outside deluxe a hospital. and to all bottler intact, 1st of all, can you just bring us up to speed on these latest attacks that have been taking place? which areas in particular, are being targeted right now of the way of since the early
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hours of this morning, there was a clear up scaling of very is very at tanks. one set for areas in detached 3, but the main focus was only sent to the southern part of including con, you in the city were at least kind of things have been killed off to our residential house, was completely destroyed and re into the russell. now, what we do here and get details about is a very dramatic and dangerous security incident in rough or well, according to is fairly initial reports. that's who is very so which is what killed while 18 others being wound. the 2 others are still missing under the rep on the old residential building that was blowing up by the palestinian in groups including the administrator when. busy how much the o cassandra gates will have announced who have, who has announced their responsibility for carrying out this operation later on the way into testing, if actuated to the east valley hospital, to get a medical treatment. generally roughly the main theater for these weather
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informations. as they are trying right now to take full operational control over the saw the city of a rough, i know, but those are in the hall meeting areas of rough are on the close to the west stream portions of the city. we know clearly and earlier that they managed to take full men at treat operational control over philadelphia, corey to now the joint and bows. so bring it to you on that area, but those are still raging in the hearts of the. so if you do come in russell and we have seen different videos for these 5, the power sitting groups show that to is this the long guns that we've a very high intensity as, as well, has reduced the vast majority to build the stuff into ruffles, interrogates with hood did, so there's been another 26 people, confessions did to die. we've seen the number of casualties and wounded also continue to rise. just how on hospitals coping right now on the all of this and means pressure the smart talking about within the past
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24 hours at least more than 200 palestinians were in good. and now they are receiving the treatments in different hospitals across the street. but those hospitals are really challenged by different faxes and different even problems were presented in the deep shortage of you and also have medical crisis. now we know clearly that as well, so to out, to pick up the conflict has found the entry of if you 2 guys was hospitalized, which let to a very significant if you ration and d o and the medical level. and later on we start to to hear from medical sources on the ground that they are struggling to carry out. surgeries due to the bible outages and find deluxe a hospital and separate hospitals across the strip of these hospitals. in the past couple of weeks, they have been receiving a very limited amount of queue that can help them to keep operation operating on the ground for a couple of days on the lights of this amount must be renew. so that being through such kind of challenges, i think the on the essential medical cap that is basically provided to children
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a pregnant women. and one of the people who are completely right now uh inside this hospital which is it locks the hospital. we. so how big son corey to was overwhelmed with patients as this humanitarian and medical crisis, define his imagination specifically that isabel to now is imposing on timeframe all the efforts being made by human, terry and organizations to allow for medical aid to get into this trip. just to help palestinians recovering them, gets into treatment. and now with the control of his will of both of them with rough health ration now. thousands of palestinian, the people are unable to leave compact to get treatment as the number the bite they bounced in a very on precedent scale. it certainly does. thank you so much to eric, erica bozer and for us there in debt all by law. without that, and it is an emergency room physician who's been 3 weeks volunteering and also hospital and con eunice in january. he says the restrictions on
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a delivery greatly impact to the care doctors are able to provide it is truly a tragic situation. these patients are essentially silently suffering and slowly dying. it's important to recognize that you guys mentioned that the top of the hour that these hospitals are functioning on electric generators, and not just that there isn't enough fuel entering, but it's also really difficult to access these hospitals and deliver it in a safe way as the bombardment intensifies and as these raving military continues to seize different areas of gaza and provide humanitarian aid from getting there. but it's also important to recognize that maintenance of these electrical generators is impossible during these 8 months. the restriction of humanitarian aid also includes spare parts repair parts that you would need to make sure the generators are functioning. and so there's no reliable way for patients to be able to get to hospitalized and expect to receive care every day is different than the day before . and the day after is different than, than today. and so it's really,
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really tragic because no one can really predict what's going to happen in the next few hours, let alone in the next week. so you see cues for care growing and growing. people who have things like die out a kidney failure of any dialysis or diabetes. we need insulin or infections that need antibiotics. none of this is reliable throughout the gaza strip. on one day a hospital may have the antibiotics that it needs. but on the following day, it's not there. how can you possibly care for patients when you're under these sort of restrictions? but on top of that, there are f sixteens. there are times rolling through neighborhoods, and there are evacuation motors moving the people of gaza. so this is really a public health disaster and it's a nightmare for any health care system, let alone one that's currently being attacked and bombarded and targeted to the mouse has posted a video of what it says, the bodies of 3 captives who were killed during his rouse right, and this around the refugee camp on saturday. the group did not release the names
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more than $100.00 is ready, captives to believe to still be in gaza. with us secretary of state mc blinking has arrived to israel after making itself in egypt. he's asking arab states to press him off to agree to the truth still recently announced by you as president joe biden. the only part that is not accepted. the only party has not said he has some of the palestinians in gaza or waiting on these rallies or waiting on it to the hostages and the hostage families are waiting on a place where the government has been del just here or from reporting in israel, suspended smith is joining us from the jordanian capital, amman, and pin, and blinking the pretty much laying the blame of a $65.00 deal to because it hasn't been breached at the feet of him. boss isn't a it does tell him, but there are 2 policies to this. of course, both were pretty well known and changed positions you out of israel that says,
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according to benjamin netanyahu. we are committed to total victory. that despite the american suggesting that israel has agreed to this cease fire plot and those 2 statements don't seem to post together, stick together very well on you. i promise. insisting that they want a withdrawal of israeli troops on gaza out of complete and to the fine to blanket arrives in his route. right. in the middle of yes, another political crisis that many guns as less the volt cabinet. he joined at the start of the fighting in october, sort of as a sign of national solidarity really. but there's never been any love lost between him and netanyahu was a political rival to netanyahu. and he now says, is what i was prime minister is an obstacle to pace. i don't know, mystical to ending the war is removal his withdrawal from the war cabinet. co mean then? yeah, it was yes. again, even more lines on the far right. members of his cabinet, a may have said, if there's any deal with how much we will bring down the government. how about us
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for its pod? it's already saying that blinking is being too sympathetic to his route. he says, statement. putting the own us on the hama survey to the see spot is a real obstacle to reaching a ceasefire. agreement on homicides is an example of bias to israel. so blink and how much already suggesting that this isn't good going to go anywhere. the whole brings up the chance to put the argument to arab leaders of the day should be putting pressure on how much and do thanks so much, bennett that has been dismissed for us there, and amana just reminded benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has been dealt with here in his role and is extended to that decision on sunday. that's why that is joining us from neighboring jordan as well. the us is trying to show up support for us these 5 deal between, as well as the mazda proposed by president joe biden. last month. it's putting this latest draft to the un security council. let's go live now to gabriel. alexander, who was at the united nations headquarters in new york for us,
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and gabe can just talk us through exactly what is in this draft resolution. yeah, this draft resolution is about a little more than a page long. i should note that do we expect that it will be voted upon at the security council about 19 or 20 g m t. that's 34 o'clock timeframe here in new york, depending on exactly when they decide to take this up. but it will be later on monday, notice strapped resolution basically follows the same outline, if you will, of what to present. joe biden has proposed this 3 phase cease fire phase one, of course being an immediate cease fire, a temporarily while the release of captives, particularly elderly women, and those that are wounded in exchange for the return of palestinians that are held up by israel. also cause for ramping up humanitarian aid for palestinians and then being able to move back to their homes,
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including in the north. that's phase one. after phase one, of course, phase 2 calls for a more permanent, in the, to hostilities in exchange, also for israel to completely pull their military forces out of gaza. and then of course, phase 3 for the long term multi year reconstruction. what's interesting about this draft resolution proposed by the americans is that they say if stage one, it takes longer than 6 weeks to implement as long as negotiations are continuing in good faith. and they call on a and acknowledge cuts are in egypt. a productive role in this these negotiations that this will remain in effect this proposal. so after 6 weeks, if there's still negotiations going on an implementation, it will continue also rejects any attempt of demographic or terry of tauriel change in gaza strip, including any reductions and the territory of guys as well that we caught up with
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the deputy us ambassador here to you in just a couple hours ago, this is what he had to say about this us draft resolution. this proposal is the best opportunity we have right now. to bring at least a temporary halt to the sliding, to be able to get more assistance in get hostages released and all the other things that are included in the proposal. so we want to work hard to get that done. and this proposal gives us the best opportunity to do that. yes. will be differences of opinion on you know, which side wants this and which side wants that. but overall, this proposal i think is the best realistic opportunity we want to put pressure in from us to accept this deal so far. it hasn't accepted this deal. so that's why you want to have this resolution because we think right now we're on the, you know, we're in the customer doing something very, very important. and so we want to see it done. and that's why we're working so hard to try to get everybody on board. israel has internally accepted advisory. israel's
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accepted the deal, get some us from us, needs to accept this deal. now we were asked to the russian deputy and bass, or she was going into a meeting earlier this morning. what her country plans to do, she was non committal said, were still reading over the document. but it's clear that russia and china and even some other security council members have voice, the concerns about some of this language that we've seen in this us draft. the key here is that they want, and i mean they, i mean, russian china have voice this in the past that they say, unconditional immediate cease fire full stop period is what's needed and that's not what is necessarily in this us draft. so we'll be watching very closely on what russia in china plan to do when they cast their votes. later we've been talking to diplomatic sources and aren't getting any sort of idea yet on what is plants will
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be watching this meeting very closely when it takes place and days in about 3 hours time. thanks so much. that's gabrielle ellis on that for us. the at the united nations headquarters as well to the 5 west bank. now it is rarely false as have conducted a series of rights when they were gunned vessels in the fall, or a refugee camp into boston. he with a bomb, was used against and is rarely pulled as a key. it is ready. soldiers, right. at homes arresting at least for palestinians. no, i die reports from from all that in the occupied west bank with the exit of many guns from the is really government. this is randy, coalition. government is back to its hard right wing efforts and where there is no disagreement is in relation to the west bank. an agenda. embodied in the coalition agreement of crushing the westbank economically, militarily and socially, and unexplained as much territory as possible wherever and whenever possible.
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overnight we saw that layout rate across the territory to people killed, including a 15 year old boy. 3 dozen people detained. that brings to almost $9200.00 the number of palestinians now behind is really at bars 40 percent of them being held without charge or trial. that area of policy nothing. you a whole can count on complete support of his coalition and there will be very little room to discuss what can be done and how tensions can go down in the west bank so long as the war rages elsewhere. and so long as the us efforts to reach a ceasefire continue default or not all the data from a law, palestine as well. there's plenty so late here on al jazeera, including defines into fate. find out why francis president called a snap complimentary poll. after losing to the fall of rights and elections,
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to the european problems the i had a lot of, there's a divide picture weatherwise across the south base and we've got extreme heat with dry conditions across the moving parts of the region. but down in the south, it is a story of a very wet, whether the monsoon rains have now picked up the central parts of india, bringing very heavy falls to the likes of con, kind of go maharaj trent. and con. now i took the reins also pushed further east into me and my rash up into bangladesh with some heavy force to come to the north east of india, baton and the pool. but for the west of this 4 north west in india and pakistan is a story of exceptional heat, was temperature sitting well above the average for this time if you will be picking
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up ever so slightly again in new delhi through to a friday with those very hot and hazy conditions continuing on is the story of heat across the move of east asia for move in china, the korean peninsula and into japan. we'll see temperatures pick up here in the days ahead. this got to show is here and that it is looking much dry on wednesday. it's very wet. however, for the very south of china, the may, you front continues to pump that colorado of wet weather through to the southern islands of japan, with some heavy falls and some of the fondest stones for hong kong through to the mid week. the hours before is killing a canadian sea key there, said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a fault lives, explores how the coal for an independent state as spilled beyond india's borders
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and investigates. the nation's alleged campaign of eliminating critics on foreign soil beginning the of assessing nation on the jersey to the or the the what you notice here a reminder of our top story is the ssl hospitals across costs of running out of fuel and medical supplies, threatening the lives of thousands of people tell us the needing officials, i know medical supplies of incense, the gaza strip since the roof of crossing was closed. last month. us secretary of state and to the blinking says he wants the arab countries to press from us to accept a us back. see,
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find proposal about the groups is washington is biased towards is ro blinking says this route has already accepted the plan outlined by you as president. you abide in last month's or getting cranking use. now out of malawi, a plane caring, the vice president has gone missing sellers to lima, was traveling to the northern city of missouri. so, but the pine was forced to head back to the capital to, to bed with a communication with the craft has been lost and will bring you more information as it comes in to us here at al jazeera, for the last operating hospital in the west. and sued in the city of al fashion, who shots down opposite. it was attacked. that's according to the doctors without borders. it may say if it says staff were forced to transfer patients opposite the paramilitary rapid support forces opened fire inside the facility on saturday. i will function in north stuff will, is the only state capital width and so done, not on the iris if control is fine,
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i think began in the area last month the iris safe and the sudanese military had been fine for control of the country since april last year, earlier we spoke to michelle last friday, the head of emergency operations at the doctors without borders. he says the rep in support for us as a losing medical supplies that's inside the city of the associate in the the who is know, facing one month of the fighting between the rapid support versus joint forces. and the supported by the student is the army. this a violence and the impact on hospital is not to you. this the same hospital of sort of people i've seen shopping in street. well, it's uh, 2 people killed the in the hospital, the into the best, most of us. now what we have seen seeing the piece of horses up is what for us is entering the hospital, shooting, looting, the pharmacy, looting the administrative or office looting one of the images under this evidence
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. this is really a treacherous, anybody line has been trusted during the past. week, along with the minnesota else, we started to evacuate some patients because the offense is coming by the eastern part of the city of associates. so we, it's basically a bits of some of them were uh, referred to some of the hospital and some of the just fleet, uh, the hospital. so when the we were forced to close and to stop the activity hospital, this is the 2nd of all because 11 to go to pediatrics hospital as well on the eastern part of the city were closed just after the so then these are meant for shelf in front of the hospital and the impact on us, that's all we needed to close it. so this is the 2nd hospital within a month, uh and in a city where the excess wheelchair is complicated. uh and uh,
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in the account uh, full of each of these based people in the south of the city as well is struggling with the uh, useful to access to food with the skyrocketing uh, nutrition, the rate that's well with missing. so it says we ask for the protection of civilians including the worker and the protection of the hospital. and of course, we have a safe access to support and to supply the city of and especially in the camp of themselves in the south of the city, of course is in france, will be heading to the polls again in 3 weeks, up to presidents and manual chrome to solve the national problem, is it called a snap election. this decision comes off to his body self and stomach losses to the 5 rice and european elections on sunday. we have an a policy on how he's decided to gamble on and you vote in 3 weeks when the nation is hosting
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the olympic games. and the national really came 1st and front and all the found right. policies made major gains in germany and austria, patasha butler reports from paris. the main reaction is the shoke. nobody quite expected this. what was expected of the busy you election is the far right. what do particularly well and they did making big gains. it was also expected the present, emmanuel, my calls policy would not do so well, but nobody expected the presence then come out of his old file and all the stuff that makes me begin to june and july. and the reaction has been across the political spectrum as i said, supplies. and so you have some politicians who are saying that if i knew my course gambling with democracy, but this is not the sort of thing he should be doing that he's playing into the hands of the far right. one, a prominent socialist petition thing is absolutely flabbergasted. that emanuel michael was taking this decision, then you have other positions who was saying that emanuel,
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my call is being brave and courageous. that he is listening to the people. i'm but it might just be something that ends up working in this phase, or perhaps he will be able to win a presidential apollo imagery majority because currently he doesn't have one. and then of course, the far right, well they all, as you can imagine, delighted it was already a good night for them, but it became even better when they realized they might have a child's. having a problem mentioned majority even fox forming a government or which of these 5 rod pod, he also made games in the european elections by the official projections. jo this into right, positive european commission president the telephone to land one. the most states said boston reports from finland. hard to imagine by scandals celebrating its 1st election results in history. the far right alternative for germany party or a f d. as from 2nd in the european vote, to see think the center left coalition of chancellor oil filters, social democrats, and the greens you think of yours?
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i think this is a historic result for us unless you pay the election. we've come seconds. my friends, super. the anti immigration for us, he was recently expelled from the far right identity in democracy group by moving the pen differential national rally party for being to radical. the rise of the far right is a major headache for us left on the lion with santa right. you will see and people's party is projected to win the election and still be the largest in brussels. we will build a best chin against the extremes from the left and from the right way. well, stop them. this is for sure. recently she hinted at a partnership with georgia, maloney of the ultra conservative process of it to the party which is projected to wind nearly 30 percent of the phone in belgium. the also national elections will have the far right parties, lands belong, was less successful than predicted. the nationalist, right, we knew flemish alliance came out 1st, which lives with long 2nd prime minister,
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alexander the co, spotty law, significantly has announced his resignation. while the santa writes remains firmly in the saddle, the file right is expected to shake off politics and bustles as a result. so you will see in union could become less environmental friendly, less from an increasingly unwell coming to refugees. that is, if the fall rise can overcome, it's the efficient stuff awesome else's era berlin, fix it. polls and bulgaria shuffle. the prime minister, boy code bar soaps, into broad pot e as in the lead impala entry elections. his party was part of the coalition. the collapse and march triggering device move, quit, seems you ready for points from the capitol? sophia, the sunday's parliamentary election involved guerria the 6th and just 3 years has given predictable results. and here's some of the newspapers. the 1st one says, a strong come back for the gab, which is we can set up to 40 headed by former prime minister board. cool bought
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a so of the 2nd newspaper talks about it just says gap. and then it says a 2 in one we lead talking about the your can call them and treat elections and the snap elections with the party leads the voltage. so now the official will to turn out does not out as yet, but a good majority of bulgarians have just given it a no show about 30 percent, which is down from about 35 percent last year. and if there's any reasoning for it, it's elections every 6 months and 3 years has just tied out many bug gabrielle. it's the 2nd and 3rd place that's a bit net connect with the turkish minority policy and a party called we continue the change day about 15 percent, which remember, boots are still being counted. the officials tele mike, but one of those bodies ahead of the other. now at the time like this is just speculation and it talks, could there be if and eventually coalition government faulty is expected to talk?
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the policies ideologies range from the russia fall right to full e, whether they can come together and form and government remains to be seen at the same time this, the preston room and read that please criticize political policies saying that they put their personal interest about the country's interests and visiting speculation, and this speculation has been on for quite some time that could the president himself has his own policy. now the president is popular, but by his predict, see seen as extremely to washing those pain meds that they've been talking about. and the guardians have been hoping to and has smoked some shoddy. i'll just see sophia foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies of meeting and refresh it. it's the 1st meeting of the bricks block, since the group expanded to include the 5 new members, including around in saudi arabian folks, i'm so challenge of world or the dominated by the west. it was founded by priscilla
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of russia, india, china, and south african leadership of all of a. it's a niche need of a girl. she explains what's on the agenda at the breaks. amazing. the role or the brakes countries is growing. so once again, these are brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa plus of 5, but new states have joined the group and about said to states also want to join the brakes family. so the presence of bricks in the international arena is guessing more and more significant new centers of power hour, measuring, enlighten america, asia, africa, and then released, striving from great team dependence and self sufficiency. the ministers have been discussing ways to develop the organization, which is on the fonts facing an influx of other countries wishing to join its ranks . one of the whole topics is the possibility of to key and they to member with close ties with the us and the you joining breaks.


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