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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the knowledge is 0. well as the . ready or at least age palestinians. it kills off the is riley forces. talk at home and con eunice. just focusing intensifies in southern guns or the, until mccrae, this is all just here. a live from dog. ha. also coming up. america's top diplomat isn't, is round to push for c 5 deals, hit a virus on the proposal at the un security council. like carrying malawi as well as prison goes missing. we'll be hearing from the countries in summation, minnesota,
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and foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies meeting russia, as the brick squared looks to expand, it simply means the it's 17, g and t. there is a pm and gaza with relentless is riley attacks, have caused mold death and destruction right across the strip. at least a tell us the names have been killed in con units up to is ready for his bomb to residential areas. 10 sheltering displays people but also has moving towards the palestinians, have been killed across the strip. on monday, the hospitals across goes running out of fuel and medical supplies for skiing. the lives of thousands of patients, medical south of what can be on that capacity is facilities of being overwhelmed by demand. but for more on all of the elders, there is terrible resume is outside, likes the hospital into a ballot for us now and physically can you just bring us up to speed on these
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latest attacks that have been taking place across the strip? which areas in particular are being targets as well. tom, there is no any. it's hot and fighting. no one is really a strife just couple of minutes ago. we just heard the loud bombardments and then a dairy by the town. just we so smoked pollutants just tries on the horizon. just a few at meet is away from the box the hospital now it's, it's still now it's unclear what was the place that was target. is it a residential building? is it an agriculture land this i'm shooting, says have a complete the russian order to get to the invitation, looking for survivors in get people. but generally, within the past couple of hours, there was actually up scaling of the is what he attacks on the southern parts, including roughly district. we can completely see how the development of the is very ami continues to destroy residential houses and changing the entire milestone of noise in
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a rough. i know we see and we hear that the is really forces are completely now stations in the hot beating areas of roof a having conference, sanctions and pressures with palestinian troops as the he's very official. a sources have been completely saying that the buttons are exhausted, aging, and getting much more complex as they have been engaging in a very drastic fighting with palestinians. specifically that within the past couple of hours, the mentoring the promise has announced the many su to a number of is ready. so just in just. busy a doses of them up to being pushed in a residential building that was later, completely blowing up by palestinian finances on the over the heads of do so just with the lights i have to wait to buy is what is the fastest of carrying out front cover on the ground to drag them a from the place that was completely a targeted by the a palace the new fight to so seemingly the tax continued over the different parts
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of the goal is a strip within the past 24 hours at least to, to palestinians. have to drop one to 2 is why move them to 100 others so far being the one that to into because of that we've seen the numbers of casualties and we've continued to rise. can you just explain how hospitals are actually coping under this? i mean, pressure well, i'm up to committee condition right now. what we can see inside the departments hold on lock. so hospice to button not only unlocks the hospice and hospitals in the north, in the southern parts of gauze are struggling to keep operating and blowing until these ongoing city chronic shortage of medical supplies. and we need to clearly understand that to the isabel, you see the whole cursing bites of fluid as have prevented the flu and even medical supplies into hospitals of bbc's thing for you, for a lease. what has gets into the goals a strip cannot really help the medical check tests to be operational functioning in
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the ground. not only locks the hospital, the 600 patients who really are receiving the treatments in its own beds as the capacity of the hospital now is entirely overwhelmed with one's people. and there's a growing pressure on medical teams on the ground really hung about all kinds of medical, essential, cad that must be provided for children, pregnant women and also wounded people who are also suffering from the ongoing shortage and black over a few that has to throw negative impacts on because they sent you a medical care that must be provided for them. but what we do here for medical sources that humanitarian organizations continue to provide, use hospitals with a very limited amount of fuel. just a couple of homeboys that could be even enough for a couple of days later, this amount must be renewed at less different departments of the hospital. we went to go down as long as there was new, any essential and even sufficient food. the ability of a few just to hills patients to receive getting treatments. as doctors have been confirming back in some, some cases,
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their workforce to deal with different kinds of surgeries on the flu using the flash lights. and for that to save energy and even to provide the limited minimum rates of medical costs with his patients. tom, thank you so much, derrick. as always, we really do appreciate all your hard work to erica bozer. and for us, the outside deluxe a hospital and dental bama as a mouse, has posted a video of what it says out of the bodies of 3 captives who were killed during his riles right in this rod refugee camp on saturday. the group did not release the names more than $100.00 is ready, captives, i believe, to still be in gone. so were you a secretary of state as a blinking has arrived and is right left to making a stop in egypt? he's asking arab states to press them off to agree to the truth still recently announced by you as president trump binding. the only part that is not accepted. the only party has not said yes. some of the palestinians and gaza are waiting on
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these railways or waiting on it to the hostages and the hostage families are waiting on these ready government has been to l just here or from reporting in israel. so i've been and smith is joining us from the jordanian capital. a ma now and then it blinking the it basically claiming a mosque that there is no progress on this 652, he's putting out a song i'm asked, but of course there are 2 parties to this as well on how much the both we pretty entrenched opinions that we know very well after many months of attempting to reach a cease fire from how much they want to complete withdrawal of israeli forces at an end to the fighting and the israelis, according to button yahoo are committed. he says to total victory, even though the americans believe that the, these really government has agreed to some sort of see spot proposal. benjamin netanyahu statements don't really work without agreement to some sort of stage c spot link. and then he's meeting with nothing. you know,
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at the moment then he'll go on to beat defense minister. you are galant and benny guns and blinking walks right into the middle of yet another political crisis in israel. but he comes, has left the war cabinet. he joined at the stats of the wars a sort of indication of a symbol of national solidarity. but there's no love lost between him and that y'all who governs is a political rival to man, yahoo. but it could mean that without guns and not will, competent netanyahu was even more beholden to the extreme right. members of hays coalition, and they upset if there's any deal with how much we will bring down the government . i'm us there. it's point. it says the blinking stance is a real obstacle to the reaching of a ceasefire agreement. and he says as an example of american bias towards israel. so you see already the challenge is blinking faces before he's back in jordan tomorrow. well, be meeting our buddhist to try and persuade them to put pressure on how much to
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agree to receive spot. okay, thanks so much ben. it's in just a reminder. getting benjamin didn't. yeah. who's cabinet? his band elgin's here. and isabella and extended that decision on sunday. that is why been it smith is joining us in neighboring jordan. thanks so much i. and so the u. s. a is trying to show up support for this, these 5 deal between as well as a mass proposed by president joe biden. last month. it's putting this latest drop to the un security council is go live now to gabriel. l as on the who is that the united nations headquarters in new york and guide can you just focus through? what exactly is part of this draft resolution as well, you might not be surprised that it's really sort of an outline of what president joe biden has already announced. and it's important we'll kind of go through those points again for specifically what is in this us draft resolution. it's really a 3 phase ceasefire phase one, of course being an immediate cease fire in exchange for captives that are being
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held in gaza, specifically women elderly. and those that are injured or wounded. also a release of palestinian captives that are being held are prisoners that are being held by israel. it's call us for a scaling up of humanitarian aid, as well as palestinians to return to their homes, including in the north that takes us to face to face to would call for a more permanent industries in exchange for even more captives, as well as is real pulling out completely, all of their military forces out of guys up once that took place, it would then go on to stage 3, which would begin a multi year reconstruction plan leading to a 2 state solution. now the interesting part part about this is based on one is it
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according to the security council, a draft resolution at the us crafted a has 6 weeks to be implemented if it is not implemented within 6 weeks. the resolution states that the negotiations in stage one would continue and that the seas fire would continue so long as the talks continue past 6 weeks. so that's interesting point to keep, keep in mind here. it also rejects any attempt on demographic or territorial change in the gaza strip, including any actions that reduce the size of the territory of guys as well important sort of change in language there in this draft resolution. now we spoke to the deputy, us and bastard, here at the u. n. is who's going into a meeting? this is what he had to say. this proposal is the best opportunity we have right now to bring at least a temporary halt of this funding to. ready will to get more assistance in get
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hostages released and all the other things are included in the proposal. so we want to work hard to get that done. and this proposal gives us the best opportunity to do that. yes, they'll be differences of opinion on, you know, which side wants this and which side wants that. but overall this proposal i think is the best realistic opportunity we want to put pressure in from us to accept this deal so far. it hasn't accepted this deal. so that's why you want to have this resolution because we think right now we're on the, you know, run the customer doing something very, very important. and so we want to see it done. and that's why we're working so hard to try to get everybody on board. israel has, i'm totally accepted advisory, israel's accepted the deal, get some us from us, needs to accept this deal. now this us draft resolution could lead to a permanent cease for and that right there that could is potentially the problem because russia, china and even some other security council members have stated that it needs to be
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a permanent immediate cease fire period. full stop. and this draft resolution is not quite go there. there's some stipulation to that if you will. so it'll be interesting to see what china and russia do. they both have veto power on the council. we've been reaching out to diplomatic sources to try and get a sense on that. and so far have not been able to get a steer on what brush or trying to plan to do. the russian, deputy ambassador was walking into a meeting just a couple hours ago. we asked her and she simply said she was non committal. she was still, she said russia was still looking over the language here. so we watching this vote very closely. vote is expected to happen at about 19 or 20 g m t, which is about 3 or 4 pm local time here in new york. so about 2 to 3 hours for my right now will be watching it very closely and day just we will. thanks. so much gabriella, gabriella alexander, for us there at the united nations. what's in the west bank now where it is ready
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for us as have conducted a series of rides they were gunned vessels in the fall, or a refugee camp in to boss. so he was a bomb, was used against and this rarely bulldozer and cascadia is rarely sold just right at homes arresting, at least for palestinians. no, a day reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank. with the exit of many guns from the is really government. this is randy, coalition, government is back to its hard right wing efforts and where there is no disagreement is in relation to the west bank an agenda embodied in the coalition agreement of crushing the west bank economically, militarily and socially, an amex thing as much territory as possible wherever and whenever possible, overnight we saw that layout rates across the territory to people killed, including a 15 year old boy. 3 dozen people detained. that brings to
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a almost $9200.00 the number of palestinians now behind is really at bars 40 percent of them being held without charge or trial. that area of policy. nothing. yeah. who can count on complete support of his coalition, and there will be very little room to discuss what can be done and how tensions can go down in the west bank so long as the war rages elsewhere. and so long as the us efforts to reach a ceasefire, continue default or not all the data from a law, palestine as well. so late here on the l just here, i'm with calls from sherry from bog areas. capital sophia, by the conservative party is the funds from the in some this call meant to election, but it may find it difficult to the
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. ready ready in the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old kings tunes for the living to place in a country that celebrates the deceased. ready but can he earned enough to most support is with a mother realizes, dreams name. i believe he has another boy, a witness documentary on that just so you know, he says he went to more towards here yet to provide aids. are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not far but not in the eyes of his government to my life as being us. can you just me like i just said these are, these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow a british age work or as he prepares to cut a test, his citizenship revocation, little less than attitude. so you're only as good as possible. take listen sir.
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yeah. and i'll just 0. the challenges here with the the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the south hospitals across scouts are running out of fuel and medical supplies, treating the lives of thousands of people. hello, sending an official signed non medical supplies of into prescriptions throughout the crossing was closed last month. did you
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a secretary of state institute blinking says he wants everetts, countries to press amounts to accept to us? bank sees find proposal, but the group says washington is biased towards is rome. lincoln says israel has already accepted the plan. for the last operating hospital in the western suited, the city of al sasha, the shut down operative was attacked bets according to the doctors without borders . it may say if it says stop, were forced to transfer patients off to the paramilitary rep and support forces. open fire inside the facility on saturday, l faucet and north stuff was the only state capital in width and so down not on the iris if control phase finding began in the area last month. the receive and the student needs military had been buying for control of the country since april last year. exit polls in bold, gary, a shuffle, a prime minister boy code bar solve sent to write policies in the lead in parliamentary elections. his party was part of the coalition that collapsed in
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march triggering this function. we consume sheree for points from the capitol, sophia, the sunday's parliamentary election involved guerria, the 6th and just 3 years has given predictable results. and here's some of the newspapers. the 1st one says, a strong come back for the gab, which is faulty headed by former prime minister boy co bought a. so of the 2nd newspaper talks about it just says gap. and then it says a 2 in one week lead talking about the your can call them and treat elections and the snap elections with the potty leads. the voltage. so now the official voltage. so now it does not out as yet, but a good majority of bulgarians have just given it a no show about 30 percent turned up towards which is down from about 35 percent last year. and if there's any reasoning for it, it's elections every 6 months. and 3 years has just tied out many bug gary, and it's the 2nd and 3rd place that's a bit net connect with the turkish minority policy and
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a party called we continue the change day about 15 percent. but remember, boots are still being counted. the officials tally my foot one of those bodies ahead of each other. now at the time like this is just speculation and it talks, could there be if and eventually coalition government faulty is expected to talk? the policies ideologies range from russia followed rise to for you, whether they can come together and form and government remains to be seen at the same time, the preston room and rather please criticize political policies saying that they put their personal interest about the country's interests and visiting speculation and this speculation has been on for quite some time that the president himself has his own policy. now the president is popular, but by his predict ccnf explaining to washington, the political pain made that they've been talking about and the variance. i've been
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hoping to in, has smoked some shoddy. i'll just see sophia, us. well, we're getting breaking news out of malawi now. a play in the caring, the vice president has gone missing. sell us to lima. was traveling to the northern city of missouri's or about the across style to land at the local airport as scheduled. communication with the craft has been lost and will bring you more information as it comes into us here at l. just or at least 41 people have been killed in an attack on several villages in the eastern democratic republic of congo . and army spokesman says that members of the allied democratic forces were behind the attack. according to a local official by use guns initiated east to attack residents of the communities in the beginning territory. the group affiliated with iso has been blamed for civil attacks in the region. at least i see people have been killed in violent spirit and just the past week. european markets have been rattled by the announcement of
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a staff election and from president and manual mccolan has dissolved parliament after his potty suff and stunning losses to the 5 rise and european elections on sunday. we have enough wholesale. how is this? how does it get on a new version? just 3 weeks in the lead on to the olympic games. the national really came 1st in front of a fun ride. potties made of major gains in germany and austria. natasha butler reports from paris. senior action is sold. nobody quite expected this. what was expected of to visit you election is the far right. what do particularly well and they did making big gains. it was also expected the presence emanuel my calls policy would not do so well, but nobody expected the presence then come out and dissolve, follow the steps and makes me begin to june and july. and the reaction has been across the political spectrum. as i said, supplies, i'm so you have some politicians who are saying that if i knew my course gambling
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with democracy, but this is not the sort of thing he should be doing that he's playing into the hands of the far right. one, a prominent socially for the tuition saying is absolutely flabbergasted that emanuel michael was taking this decision. then you have other positions who is saying that emanuel michael is big, brave and courageous, that he is listening to the people. i'm but it might just be something that ends up working in his favor. perhaps he will be able to win a presidential apollo imagery majority because currently he doesn't have one. and then of course, the far right, well they all, as you can imagine, delighted it was already a good night for them, but it became even better when they realize they might have a child's. having a problem mentioned majority, even perhaps forming a government foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies, a meeting in russia. it's the 1st meeting of the brick splunk since the group expanded to include 5 new members, including a ron and saudi arabia brooks. i am the challenge of world or the dominated by the west. it was founded by priscilla, russia, india, china,
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and south african to the system of north korean leader, kim jong, and has wounds that tensions with south korea. our prelude to a very dangerous situation. the south korea's installed loud speak is right along the border. broadcasting propaganda critical, appealing yang beds of to the north. since thousands of balloons caring the new and rubbish into the south. katrina, you has more. south korea's military has resumed loud speak, a broad costs directed edits need, but in the north the broad costs are being used as psychological will say, and let propaganda critical of young. yeah. across the heavily militarized buddha, they include use and catchy south korean pop songs. this is the latest tit for tat move as tensions rise between the 2 rivals i put in the gun conduct. we want to make it clear that north korea will be responsible of any tensions escalated between the south and north on. our government will maintain
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a firm and thorough readiness against any provocation from the north and doing what he may take it for one. do you want that's prompted an angry warning from kim, your trunk, the powerful sister of north korean leader, kim jong, and she's called to move a prelude to a dangerous situation and says, unless soul stops the broad costs, the south korean people will undoubtedly witness a new counter action for you, north korea, according to young. yeah. and the latest escalation started going south. korean activist and effect is from the north, st. balloons carrying messages, criticizing kim's family and regime dollar bills and usb sticks containing south korean music and television shows. the north retaliated by sending hundreds of believe it's carrying waste paper cigarette butts, an animal menu across the border. they are part of the reason, in my estimation, why the camry game is since it is a trash bill detritus essentially 50 spelled billions in this out. 3. 0,
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i know is to put a president union south create a difficult position and so will describe to the move as an attempt to cause disruption, anxiety, and suspended a 2018 mercury packed between the 2 countries that had halted military exercises and propaganda campaigns. the navy is remain technically at war after the conflict and the 1950s ended in an armistice, but no peace treaty at maximum output sound from the south. korean loudspeakers can reach more than 20 kilometers into the north, far enough to potentially demoralize soldiers and civilians who hear them. it seems the latest spot is not about to end. as north korean forces are reported to be setting up their own loudspeakers in response. katrina, you just there at least 3 people have been killed in northern vietnam is heavy rains cause flooding and land slides. presidents of hog young were forced to concert the roots of their houses as they waited for risk to the thousands of homes
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have been submitted. officials say some villages bordering china had been completely cut off by the land slides with diesel prizes have risen by more than 50 percent in malaysia on monday. that's happened to up to the government's cotton diesel subsidies saying it's needed to improve finances. it says it expects to save more than $850000000.00 a year. fuel, along with cooking oil and rice, had been subsidizing malaysia for decades. which many site have strange public finances for part of a popular mountain road in the us, state of wyoming has collapsed in the land slide. drone for each of the title and pos shows the extent of the damage. they were attempts to build a detour around the damaged area, but the land slide eventually destroyed the entire road, closing it off to motorists. now officials say it's unclear when the road can actually be reconstructed or will that. so for me,
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tell me the price of the moment so you can find much more information on our website itself. is there a don't com, where there is coming up next. then inside story, we'll look ahead to runs presidential election happening later this month. stay with us, the, the hello there. it's a story of scorching heat across the north of africa. we'll get that in a moment. first of the middle east and live and, and those hot conditions continue across the event with temperatures sitting well above the average for the likes of syria is what is the rock and to wait. we saw 9050 degrees celsius over the past few days and not as high will be picking up certainly across the gulf. those numbers will be sitting around the mid forties as we get into the mid week. lots of hot and dry weather to be found. and the heat
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continues to pump into the likes of libya as well as egypt with temperatures picking up again in cairo. and as $141.00 degrees celsius that on wednesday, the little cooler in the north west is unsettled whether it takes hold of morocco, pots of algeria as well, from showers forwarding here, but the west. so whether it can be found across that central belt with some heavy force, when i jerry a rain stretching all the way through to ethiopia as well. and what weather continues to fall into the coastal areas of mozambique west to weather as well. touching into madagascar before the west of us for southern parts of africa. lots of hot and dry weather to be found. so little bit cooler in cape town, tuesday into wednesday. and we could see some rain falling day as to whether the latest news as it breaks. the situation is the prince here in the hospital,
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a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources left with detailed coverage. its been more. 7 than a and a half hours of civil different themes trying to put off the flyer from the house at the story palestinian farm which does have a fee to be the pay could withhold for old garza families. the, the 6 times that have been cleared to run and it runs presidential rates to all of a. how do these different unbox, vogel they play to vote is less than a month off of the death of the former president. so what's at stake this time around? and how to the outcome affects the country's role in the region. this is inside story. the .


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