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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the, [000:00:00;00] the photo on to mccrae, this is then use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. a diplomatic push for a ceasefire and gowns of the un security council is set to vote on the us proposal . as washington's top diplomat was back in the regents of torques, another day of heavy is for any phone. 5 minutes kills $26.00 palestinians across the gallons of strip residential areas. and the southern city of con eunice, other with test for us called his a petition against prison,
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showed by then accusing him of complicity in israel's war. wrong console. apply and carrying belongings. vice president goes missing. will be hearing from the countries information minister out of service and attacked by the parent military records support forces closes the main hospital and the sudanese is last stronghold and no stop for the kind of full aroma druid head coach calling shots. he says he's being misquoted, and these happy his team to compete in the next club will come footballs, governing body. facebook as announced controversial funds to expand the tournaments to include $32.00 teams. the welcome to the news, how it is 18 gmc that is 9 pm and garza and 1 pm in new york with the united nations security council is due to meet in the coming out to discuss the situation
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in the strip. it is ex, thank you to vote on the draft of the news. the spot proposal announced by president joe biden, to hope the finding between him. boston is row now into its 9th month. were us secretary of state entity blinking is an israel after making a stop in egypt. he's held talks with prime minister benjamin netanyahu blinking is urging him off to accept the spot proposal. the only part that is not accepted, the only part it is not said yes. some of the palestinians and gaza are waiting on these railways or waiting on it. some of the hostages in the hostage families are waiting on little on the ground and goes to palestinians have enjoyed another die of insistence is riley bombardment, con eunice pool. the front of the attacks which targeted residential areas, the 10 sheltering the displaced will also have at least $26.00 people have been killed in gaza on monday,
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a line. but we have to correspondence to discuss these diplomatic moves. since l 0 is banned from his output is with the following, blinking strip from a mom. but 1st we're going to go through gabriel ellis on the, at the united nations headquarters in new york guy. but can you just bring us up to date with exactly what the us has proposed here and as part of as draft resolution to the un security council? yeah, this draft resolution is a little over one page long about a page and a half if you will print it out. and it basically follows the the con tours of the proposal by president joe biden. and that's no surprise because this, of course, is a us draft resolution. now let's go through the 3 phases of the phase. one of issue a strep resolution calls for an immediate and full and complete cease fire with the
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release of captives being held in guides of specifically women elderly and those that are injured or wounded. it also costs for the release of some prisoners being held in israel. that are palestinian prisoners and it also calls for the palestinians to be able to return to their homes in all of guys, including in the north and a scaling up of humanitarian aid. that's essentially phase one. moving to phase 2 and is a draft resolution by the us. it, it calls for a permanent in def hostilities. and in this way, the more captives would be released and that israel would halt all of their military operations and pull out completely all of their military personnel and hardware where out of gotcha. and that would lead to us up these 3, which is a multi year reconstruction plan for guys, a leading to a 2 state solution. now the key part of this us draft resolution is that phase one
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is supposed to be implemented in 6 weeks. however, the drap says if it cannot get done within 6 weeks, that's phase one that they will continue with the ceasefire as long as there are negotiations continuing. and it underscore the importance of cuts are in egypt in that regard. and then also i should mention that this draft resolution also rejects any attempt of demographic or territorial change in the gaza strip, including any actions that reduce the territory of god. so this is a little bit out of what the us deputy investor to the u. n. had to say, as you well walked into the security council meeting earlier this morning. this proposal is the best opportunity we have right now to bring at least a temporary halt to the sliding, to be able to get more assistance in get hostages released. and all the other things that are included in the proposal. so we want to work hard to get that done
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. and this proposal gives us the best opportunity to do that. yes, they'll be differences of opinion on, you know, which side wants this and which side wants that. but overall this proposal i think is the best realistic opportunity we want to put pressure in from us to accept this deal so far. it hasn't accepted this deal. so that's why you want to have this resolution because we think right now we're on the, you know, we're in the customer doing something very, very important. and so we want to see it done. and that's why we're working so hard to try to get everybody on board. israel has internally accepted advisory. israel's accepted the deal, get some us from us, needs to accept this deal. now this deal could lead to a permanent cease fire. this strapped resolution calls for that, but could, is the key word. it doesn't guarantee it by any stretch of the imagination. and that potentially could be a problem for russia and china and even perhaps some other members of the security council. russia has expressed in the past that they believe that
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a full and unconditional an immediate cease fire a period full stop is what needs to happen and distracted solution while getting close to that is definitely not that. so that's what we're up to see where russia stands on this. of course, they and china both have veto power. it's unclear. we've been trying to talk to diplomatic sources to get a sense of where china and russia are on this draft so far today. uh radio silence for the most part. so we're gonna be watching very close a little over an hour from now. when this boat takes place here at the un headquarters in new york, well, we will be checking back in with you as soon as that happens. that's gabriel ellis under for us there at the un to let's get an update now from penndot smith, who joins us from a mon been to blinking. this has been basically laying the blame that is these 5 deal hasn't been reached at the feet of the mouse. what else has he been saying on has to of the region as well. he's meeting now
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with israel's defense minister. you uh go on to meadow. yeah. we prime minister benjamin netanyahu and add about blinking said yes, b o, and this is on how i'm us to accept this deal. but there are 2 policy. see if there is, how much varies is around both of them. actually, a very entrenched, deeply held views on the how the role and how any sponsored pun out and that well argued israel has set about noon netanyahu's repeated. we are committed to total victory for him. that means the destruction of thomas and his leadership in dogs. about $65.00, the americans suggesting that israel was agreed to receive 5 plan. those 2 positions don't seem to have very well together and how much the cost is sticking to its argument that it wants a total see sign into the fighting and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. now there is more pressure on netanyahu because of the to release small cap tips because of the, for the released a couple of days ago. i mean,
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indications that really you're not going to be able to get the rest of those companies out by false. it's going to need a diplomatic resolution, but also on the other side, benny guns, a political arrival, jeanette, and you know, let's pull it out to the little cabinet. it was in, it seems to beginning of october to show some sort of national solidarity. but there's no love lost between the 2 man. a gun says that now it was not obstacle to police to piece an obstacle to ending the war, but without guns, netanyahu could be more reliant on the very far right. characters in these cabinets who we relies on to stay in office, they button to pull the plug on the cabinet if netanyahu agrees to deal with time us. so net by uh, blink, and walking straight in to this political store. okay, thanks so much. been it and as we've mentioned that since helped with here has been banned from as rapid as miss a is been covering all of those lines from the jo, dining, and capitol amount. thanks so much i. it's literally a we spoke to thomas pickering,
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a former us ambassador to the you in jordan and is ro, he says, the safe spot proposal being put to the security council office hope for an in to suffering and gaza. there is enough uncertainty about how this would come out to say that we're in a classic situation. the security council where in fact we have increasing confidence that we can bring along the v toes that are at this point potential from a to rush or china or both. or the alternative is that they will have to bear the responsibility for interrupting a process that at the moment seems to offer one of the few hopes for an end to carnage in the region. the rebuilding of stability, the protection of your human life, the return of hostages, and the release of almost any of the the stakes are large in effect
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using the security council as a leverage point is a risky proposition, but not one that has been abandoned by the us in the past with mixed success. so i say keep your eye on the space. anybody who tells you they know how it's going to come out is to be listen to what skeptical about. well, as we've been reporting, thousands have been killed and is riley strikes and guys, and many of them targeting residential areas. how does arrows tarka but resume is in debt on following the central council with the south dies. there is no any. it's hot in flight say no one is really strikes just couple of minutes ago. we just heard the loud bottom and send them a dairy by town. just we so smokes saloons just tries on the horizon. just a few meters away from the opposite hospital. now it's, it's still now it's unclear what was the place that was target. is it a residential building? is it an agriculture land, as i'm sure, and says,
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have completely rushed in order to get to that location, looking for survivors in get people. but generally, within the past couple of hours, there is a clear cutting of these. what do you tax on the southern parts, including roughly district we can completely see how the power button until the is very um, it continues to destroy residential houses and changing the entire milestone. literally in a rough spot. now we see, and we hear that the is ready forces are completely now stations in the hall between areas of rough or having confrontations and crashes with palestinian groups as the it's very official. a sources have been completely saying that the buses are exhausted. hating and getting much more complex as they have 15 gating in a very drastic fight thing with palestinians. specifically that within the past couple of hours, the mentoring with homeless has announced the moneys to q a number of is really so just in just a doses of them after being pushed in
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a residential building that was later, completely blowing up by palestinian flights is only over the heads of those who just with the lights that have been evacuated by as well as look up to, up to carrying out front cover on the ground in order to drag them from the place that was completely targeted by the palace. the new fight of so seemingly the attacks continued all the different parts of the goal is to strip within the past 24 hours. at least 40 palestinians have been reported killed while more than 200 others. so far, beings, one is that the federal appeals cold in california is hearing a lawsuit filed by a group of activists which accuses joe biden. and his administration of complicity . and as well as genocide and guns on the pedal of judges from here, arguments from pellets and in human rights groups beside binding, along with his secretaries of state and defense, have failed to prevent the war and providing support as ro this case was dismissed
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in january but judges are now hearing and appeal against that earlier decision. well from on all of this robeto's joins us now from outsides. the court in san francisco. okay, just outline exactly what this case is actually all about and what the arguments are on both sides here. right, well the, this case goes back some months and was argued before a lower court in january. at that time, the plaintiff's representing several human rights organizations in palestinian legal organizations, argued that the united states and particularly president by the secretary of state, lincoln and secretary of defense. austin was a austin, were in violation of various us was and treaties that prohibited the aiding and abetting genocide. the judge in that case for the, the arguments and later issued a really saying that while he found that there was
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a factual basis for the claims of genocide in a bed in genocide on behalf of the on the part of the united states government. he could not accept the case for jurisdictional reasons. that is that there is a doctrine in american legal law saying that judges cannot counter man political decisions by the executive branch. and he said the distance, it was considered a re, a little decision on the plate, gets then appeal that to the 9th circuit court of appeals here. it's of francisco where they argued today that this was not, in fact, a political decision in the sense of whether a certain political dis, uh, or foreign policy matter was correct or incorrect, or wise or unwise. but rather that this was a matter simply of law, that there is a law and our international treaties that the united states is pledge to adhere to . and that the courts do, in fact have
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a role in enforcing the law. and so the judges did seem somewhat skeptical of this one judge saying, well, you are asking us basically to interfere in every aspect of us military of operations overseas, and what weapons can be used and sent to allies, etc. but the, the judges having heard all of this, they retired now, they'll probably issue a, a, a ruling, but probably in the plus the, the, the soonest they would, would be a week or 2. i'd like to introduce now one of the people involved in this in, in is, this is off limits of the full i'm at. please stand right here. thank you very much . you, you represent a hock which is a palestinian legal and human rights organization. if you could recap what the arguments are before the us judiciary here on behalf of a case that making
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a case that the genocide is being committed in the us as implicit complicit. so absolutely as, as uses the, our case based and basically says that the, by the end ministration, specifically 3 defendants presented by then scripture states then can, that's good rate of defense. austin, are complicit and is genocide and are feeling their duty to prevent genocide from taking place. so there are 2 issues that are in the state here. us complicity and it's failure to prevent the edge inside the is taking place. this is the yeah, at the table hearing in the previous hearings and i think that was circle meant for the 1st time we have the policy and people and the rating, their own struggle drawing and their experiences of neck though, and what their grandparent's experience and 1948 being is negative things from their sister line and then their indigenous line for the 1st time. also we've heard from the palestinians themselves,
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so i'm only about the house. so i think the importance of this case is that the policies have been speaking directly to the american people through their democratic institutions, through their judiciary, the right thing, what they're uh, going through. so what's the 1st time that we hear from the policy is not only about them, which i think it's one of the many sins of us policy towards palestine and israel that always listens to what these radians are saying. and it's, it's always need to store to a version of, of reality. and now it's just an excuse me for interrupting you. but i wanted to, for a time is up. it's a you also have a, a close personal stake or connection or tragedy yourself involved in this, in so far as you have relatives in gods or who have lost their lives. can you tell us a little about that is so i was born and raised because i spend the 1st 25 years of
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my life in garza. and since the beginning of this genocide at loss over 82 members of my family. and that's, that also was part of my testimony. so i was involved in this case as a representative of hawk, one of the organizations that took this, this, the cord capital sized legal experts and as an individual that suffered tom from a dis genocide. anything the, the 1st hearing was very promising. the, the, the judge heard all the just say, monies allowed or the, just among these. but unfortunately the rules against dismiss the case was based on the political a doctrine which you just mentioned that the district cannot tell the executive branch. how to decide on matters of foreign policy. while this is true, what we're saying that the judiciary, we're not asking sure do you decide? what was the match uh, but on our legal monday, the us administration is in violation of its international legal obligations. under
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the genocide convention, but also validations of the us law. so what at stake now, and i think that the importance of this case is what does this system entail? here in the us, we've always heard that the us system, us democracy is built on this idea of checks and balances. if does your district cannot hold the, to the french accountable when they're violating international and us, then what does that mean for the whole system? so i think this is a challenge to american democracy. thank you very much. we'll have to leave it there, a little hockey and full of from i'll hock in the palestinian human rights organization. so as i mentioned, the decision of this court this, the appeals court will probably not come immediately, but we will be monitoring the case as it proceeds through the us system and unprecedented as mr. of
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a full set and unprecedented opportunity for hello cindy is to give their own testimony in the us courts back to you. okay, thanks so much rob for all of that. this robe reynolds for us outside the quote in san francisco of the floor plan and carrying malawi as vice president has gone missing solos to lima, was traveling to the northern city of missouri to bounce the across town to land at the local airport. a shield communication with the croft has been lost at least 41 people have been killed in an attack on several villages in the eastern democratic republic of congo. an army spokesman says that members of the, a lot of democratic forces were behind the attack. according to a local official by use guns initiated east to attack residents of the communities in the penny territory. the group affiliated with us on has been blamed for several
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attacks in the region. at least i see people have been killed in violence the in just the past week. for the last, the operating hospital in the west and sued in the city of al sasha has shut down off the it was attacked. that's according to the doctors without borders. is if this stuff were forced to transfer the patients off to the paramilitary rapid support forces opened fire inside the facility on saturday. oh felicia and north stuff was the only side capitol of wisdom sit on, not on the iris if control fist fighting began in the area last month, the received from the suited these military had been buying for control of the country since april last year. literally a we spoke to michelle luxury, the head of emergency operations, a doctors without borders. he says, the rep and support forces looting medical supplies inside the city of the associate in the food was no facing one month of the fighting between the rapid support forces joined to the forces and supported by the sudanese,
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the army. this violence and the impact on hospital is not to you. this the same hospital of sort of people. uh, i've seen shopping in street. well it's uh, 2 people killed the in the hospital in the past months. but now what we have seen seeing the piece of horses up is what versus entering the hospital, shooting, looting, the pharmacy, looting the administrative or office looting one of the images under this evidence . this is really a treacherous anybody line has been processed during the past week. along with the minnesota else, we started to evacuate some patients because the offense is coming by the eastern part of the city of associates. so we, it's basically a bit of some of them were uh,
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referred to. so the hospital and so just the fleet of the hospital. so when the we were forced to close and to stop the activity hospital, this is the 2nd of all because 11 to go to pediatrics hospital as well on the eastern part of the city. uh, were close just after the so then these are meant for shell in front of the hospital and the impact on delta dental. uh we needed to close it. so this is the 2nd hospital within a month. uh and in a city where the excess wheelchair is complicated. uh and uh, in the account uh full of each of these basic people in the south of the city as well. he's struggling with the useful to access to food with the skyrocketing uh, nutrition, the rate that's what with missing. so it says we ask for the protection of civilians including the worker and the protection of the hospital. and of course, we have
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a safe access to support and to supply the city of and especially in the camp of them. so in the south of the city of ice as in france will be heading to the polls in just 3 weeks out to present the manual mccomb dissolves parliament and cooled a sniff. election surprised decision came off to his policy self and stunning losses to the 5 rise and elections to the pilot european parliament on sunday. now, detached upon the reports from paris on with them, a crumbs gamble will pay off. so the words beautiful smiles. marine the pen, arriving in headquarters in paris the far right leaders wasting no time. she proposed the national rally policies campaign for a snap election to the end of the month. her team says that ready was going to be good to me. uh yes, i think we are set under false to the 7th of july. there is a majority either from the national rally or in coalition with others. we will very quickly be able to get funds moving again the day off to cooling
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a snack connection and to move the shop the country french present to manual micro look surprisingly relaxed to the world war 2 commemoration in the southern town of 2 is on expected decision to dissolve parliament was prompted by his son to write policies embarrassing defeat at the hands of the far right in front of you election on sunday. the rapid turn of events preparing his ministers into a campaign even they hadn't expected. loza. what is at stake is what the french nation will become in the years and decades to come. that's will be decided in 3 weeks time. let's not think that this election is just like any other is i repeat an election was consequences out of unprecedented gravity or nation black hole. surprise, decision has shaken politicians and some public. some say that is move is courageous that he's giving people a real choice. other say that he's playing a dangerous game with french democracy. micros policy doesn't have
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a problem at g majority. he hopes to achieve one in the election by making new lines these with politicians on the right and left. it want to block the far right from victory, but this poster says macro overestimates his own popularity and on the estimates. the appeal of depends policy. uh so can the corporate, what he's not taking into account with he's back is these days the fall, right? national riley is a policy like any other, you know, don't discuss people or didn't see it is particularly race. it sort stream. and the policy has a huge advantage existing because it's never been in power. it's never been in a position to disappoint people. the elections barely started, but for now, one of the most likely outcomes isn't even move for minted parliament. and a coalition government is micro wins is best and the majority is darren gamble could make french political history if he loses, it will still enter the history books. but as the president to put the fall right
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in power and talks about the out to 0 power as well, just by guns, by the fall, right across the concert. the majority of seats in the european parliament still remain in the hands of centrist policies. you are pay and paperless party of european commission present as a level of the land, the still the strongest positive about as to advancing reports from poland from the land as it would cost house the winter of sunday's election, keen to start a 2nd term as president of the european commission was left on the lion's party is projected to have secure the 26 percent of the $720.00 seats in the parliament, but far right and populous parties are and far behind if they succeed in forming their united blog. what does the success of the far right parties in your tell you about the move in you? so indeed, that is an increase of the extreme right. actually in the extreme left, we have both phenomena, but not as much as predicted, not as much as expected. the opposite is the case. we had
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a strong wind as europe in people's parties. so this shows that is you can withstand the pressure from the extremes, some photos in germany. i'm not convinced the alternative for germany potty d a f d game and 2nd and defeated the government coalition of chancellor or life show contests of bonds and assessment. i find incredibly scary that so many people the light is like wing, so i was scared to think where this might lead to into a so cute. it's shocking. i mean, everyone knows by now that there's a drift to the right. but i still kind of lived in my own bubble thinking that everybody would vote for them, but starting to see it written in black and white. after being expelled from the far right groups. and you, for being to radical d a f d has distance itself from its controversial main candidates. a confident mode here at the headquarters of the question, democratic party in berlin. off the sunday's victory was left on the lion sees no
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reason to change her. of course, but many wonder what, in fact, the rice of the fall rights will have the policy in the next 5 years. people don't feel that this progressive of gender actually is, is what they can't afford right now. so therefore, people tend to rather vote for a conservative parties which promise to go give them back the good old days. so the green did, which was the big move shots pro jake, off ones on the funder. linus she called it is now kind of gone to green d, which was meant to bring c o 2 emissions to 0 by 2050 has come under pressure from both testing farms. also on migration policies could become more strict. the next few days and weeks will make clear out the election results may affect hundreds of millions of people in and outside the block. step 5, some l. g c, rough billing, supposedly hotel, ronelle. just air assuring off old alliance is
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a 2 day meeting of foreign ministers from water cold bricks countries, something russian will have an upset and england's football is get a oil pip talk ahead of the european championships and he will be here with that and the wrist also dies the tattler there. it's a story of scorching heat across the north of africa. we'll get that in a moment. first of the middle east and live and, and those hot conditions continue across the event with temperatures sitting well above the average for the likes of syria is one of the rock and to wait before 9050 degrees celsius over the past few days. and not as high will be picking up certainly across the gulf. those numbers will be sitting around the mid forties as we get into the mid week. lots of hot and dry weather to be found. and the heat
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continues to pump into the likes of libya as well as egypt with temperatures picking up again in cairo. and as $141.00 degrees celsius that on wednesday, the little cooler in the north west is unsettled whether it takes hold of morocco, pots of algeria, as well, from showers forwarding here, but the west. so weather can be found across that central belt with some heavy force when i jerry a rain stretching all the way through to ethiopia as well. so what, whether continues to fall into coastal areas of mozambique went to weather as well touching into madagascar before the west of us for southern parts of africa. lots of hot and dry weather to be found. so little bit cooler in cape town, tuesday into wednesday. and we could see some rain falling day, actual from palestine to pakistan from syria to indonesia,
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outcast foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible families, 12, etc, and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence, give your to bonnie, today without kind of foundation, the latest news as it breaks, but immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa writes remains from the in the saddle, the fall right is expected to shake off politics and bustles from around the world . the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany,
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in terms of the size of its economy. of the the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stores, the salad. do you in security council is due to focus on the draft of and you guys as the spawn proposal announced by president joe biden, last month. the us is the 3 phase plan would eventually lead to a film and then says, find you a secretary of state and state blinking says he wants heiress. countries to press them off to accept the us backs proposal. but the group says, washington is biased towards as ro. lincoln is in the middle east of the moment, pushing buttons plan. at least 20 palestinians have been killed and is ready bombings across the kansas trip. the southern city of con eunice, for the brunt of the licensed is rarely strikes residential areas in 10 sheltering
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displaced people with is holding 20 palestinians have been killed across this trip on monday, or hospitals across guns uh, running out of fuel and medical supplies risking the lives of thousands of patients, medical staff are working beyond their capacities, facilities of being overwhelmed by demand that some patients at logs the hospital. and the i'll follow say is i've been waiting secure for months since april 26th, one of them. i have been waiting to be transferred abroad and waiting for the crossing to open. so i can travel and continue treatment was treatment is not available here . and so far the crossing is closed. of course this is due to the continuation of the war which has entered its 8th month, so i was up god, but it was best that i mentioned and sitting outside the hospital on the bed. there is no room inside, so i stuck outside. the situation is very difficult, the engine to thrown into the car doors and on the ground. as you can see, the situation is difficult and there is
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a shortage of medicine on the side of the wood with us with what he. alexa is the only hospital in the central area, and it can not receive such injuries, especially since the hospital was already very full with injured people uh, replaced the injured along the internal cord doors and in between the beds. there is no room at all inside this hospital for the injury. we had them sleeping in external tents. the hospital is now completely full, and the number of injured people exceeds the number of beds by 4 or 5 times. meaning, the clinical capacity cannot bear these numbers, is not just hospitals, but also children across casa, who are bearing the impact of, as well as closure of the prophet crossing. that's the reason by starvation and the hydration of the israel sees control holding the only way to get life saving items . the you in children brots agencies. unique tips is 9 in 10, palestinian children and the strip faces of a lack of food because of israel's actions. so if i bought buy or expand,
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it shows that 85 percent of children and gaza don't eat for an entire day, at least once every 3 dies. more than 3500 of them could die from starvation. according to guns, as government, though since the beginning of the war, more than 15500 children had been killed in gaza. this tom shadow, charlotte is the director of the palestinian in g o's network. he says they are in desperate need of clean water and food supplies due to that is ready to offensive by the is right as bikes and bombardment over dogs less than at the same time, the shortage of their needs, basic needs. food items mil, uh, hydrogen water and uh, looked at was stories about the situation related to the children was suffering from malnutrition. we have of all the children who died during that short digital
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phone. and now the impression and the same time we have about 5000 other, a lot of suffering and no space of the hospital to, to cover them or to get them for at least they need a for the items and the different, the items that the children had bettany this morning. i mean child who was just digging somebody on it but uh and she said to me that the, for the last 2 days she got all the uh, one new ones they billed me. so this is one meg, but this is a where the children obeyed. this surprised, as i said, most of the children was due to the shortage of both the children and water. the water issue is at all to have it added to somebody for the be will
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be, i'm indebted by that for example, only to need this is each bedroom in all over the for the and we have also shortage of was the data you in this rounds war has trapped the people living in garza, a palestinian couple, living through the war, stopping them, making this is harsh. pilgrimage only makes the pint of the war even with the same best. raphi has more for able muslims, the annual pilgrimage to the cupboard in mecca. the slums, whole, the site is mandatory at least once in their lives. so as my mood and find the most out of who and piece together, what is left of their home and gaza. they also express of grief and regret about being unable to perform hutch as a forget, and that'd be a necessary month to shape fee. unfortunately, we lost a house. as you can see, there is destruction and devastation. and then came the closure of the border. and
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we kind of go to hutch. it was to blows in one go to secure the pain of the war, the pain of the destruction of the pain of the siege and the pain of not being able to go to hutch palestinians living and gaza face enormous hurdles if they try to travel anywhere after registering their names with his really authorities every year for 2 decades, they were finally granted permission. they sold every single value to pay for the trip. then the war happened. and what they describe is a lifelong dream, nearly realized, slipped away. i'm not, well if i look to the rafa board is very important for us from the data shot our hopes for the last people very upset because there are, those were sick and injured. and those who a students a close, everything in their face and the same goes for the pogroms. hot the, even though they even want to deny us. i wish i did. i us the hutch. i don't know who we should complain to a cry to or speak to. who should we go to?
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we ask god to relieve us and for them to open the border, to move in, start to must say they were looking for with the hutch as a chance to feel connected to other muslims from around the world on able to go and with what is happening and gaza, they say they feel more isolated than ever. same bus robbie, oh, to 0. the. the foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies, amazing and russia. it's the 1st meeting of the brick splunk. since the group expanded to include 5 new members, including a bron in saudi arabia, bricks, i'm through challenge a world order dominated by the west. it was founded by priscilla, frustrated india, china, and south african. usually a ship of all of a is in this need of god. she explains what's on the agenda at the bricks, meeting the role or the brakes countries is growing. so once again,
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these are brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa plus of 5. but new states have joined the group and about sarah to states also want to join the brakes family. so the presence of bricks in the international arena is guessing more and more significant new centers of power hour . imagining, enlighten america, asia africa, and then released, striving from rating dependence and self sufficiency. the ministers have been discussing ways to develop the organization which is in fox, facing an influx of other countries wishing to join it's wind. i want to behold, topics is the possibility of tar key and they to member with close ties with the us . and the you joining breaks at the tech is delegation is not here, but is expected here tomorrow and choose day to day the ministers were discussing how to expand contacts and supports culture use exchanges. be corporation in the field of a digital economy,
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big data interaction to prevent the risks of mass infectious diseases. and the bricks. countries are also actively working to develop a platform for payments in national currencies. the meeting was held behind closed doors, representatives of the region were only allowed to fill 1st 15 minutes of a russian form in the system. gala grove was speaking about a new world order, which would take time to establish font, the roll, or bricks and solving global problems, according to level, would no doubt increase to let us take a closer look at breaks the latest that presented russia, india and china found at the group in 2009. so the africa joined, elijah, that bricks is designed to be a new global voice opposing what it sees as a unilateral approach to geo politics. both stresses, it is not opposed to western powers, the u, i. e, around a few of you in egypt, join the block this year brooks, where it presents nearly
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a 3rd of the world's economy and as well as the only half its population was demo kewl. bundio is a senior lecture at the department of management and economics of driven university . he says there was increasing diversity within the brooks block that i visit your views. we've been breaks. even those who have been previously to see as the board to start watching the west and they're putting on the, or the western countries by now we're going to watch a software seem to grow by saw. so the brakes uh braces open for discussion. so any other time should it be that it can beneficial and they can also have developing countries to benefits can play a role in breaks. that is why is not what produced throughout the nation is because it's do all kinds of other countries. however, the did accept the membership and to be part of pretty explanations,
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depend on the how the country that is. but so let me set it up occasion, believe in the economic situation, and also how they are going to one of the dudes in an interesting, that's 3 plus countries is growing. exit polls and bulk area shuffled, the prime minister and boy of a bar soaps center ride potty is in the lead in pelham entry elections has potty was part of a coalition that collapse and march triggering this follows me cool. soon she reports from the capital, sophia, the sunday's parliamentary election involved guerria, the 6th and just 3 years has given predictable results. and here's some of the newspapers. the 1st one says a strong come back for the gab, which is the conservative party headed by former prime minister board. cool, bought a so of the 2nd newspaper talks about it just says gap. and then it says a 2 in one week lead talking about the your can call them and treat elections and the snap elections with the potty leads. the voltage. so now the official voltage.
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so now it does not house as yet, but a good majority of bulgarians have just given it a no show about 30 percent, which is down from about 35 percent last year. and if there's any reasoning for it, it's elections every 6 months and 3 years has just tied out many photo gallery and it's the 2nd and 3rd place that's a bit net. connect with the turkish minority policy and a party called we continue the change day about 15 percent, which remember, boots are still being counted. the officials tele mike. but one of those bodies ahead of the other. now at the time like this is just speculation and it talks, could there be if and eventually coalition government faulty is expected to talk? the policies ideologies range from the russia fall right to for you, whether they can come together and form and government remains to be seen. at the same time this, the preston police criticize political policies saying that they put their personal
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interest about the country's interest and visiting speculation. and this speculation has been on for quite some time that could the president himself have his own policy. now the president is popular, but by his predict ccnf explaining to washington, so the political pain that they've been talking about in the areas i've been hoping to and has smoked some charities. i'll just see sophia, donald trump has altos for his major. rarely since he was convicted as to trying to cover up hush payments to a palms done. the presumptive republican nominee for the us presidency has been in nevada, is a swing state. we oppose put him in the lead. so level reports from las vegas, extreme hate, but extreme times. according to donald trump. last week rooker joe signed an executive order that is pro invasion pro child trafficking, pro woodman drive,
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virgin pro human trafficking and pro drug dealers, blistering temperatures in las vegas. still not enough to keep thousands of suppose the way the republican presumptive nominee taken to the stage for his 1st big valley as a convicted criminal. 10 days ago, he was in a court room in new york being found guilty of falsifying business records. now he's on the other side of the country in a swing state. he says he will when we, when nevada we wouldn't. the whole thing with support is even buying t shirts, endorsing that southern status that actually motivates me to vote. i feel like he's been unfairly targeted for political reasons. donald trump is in a strong position haven nevada. right now. he has a 5 point lead ahead of joe 5. and if it takes nevada, it will be the 1st time a republican has done this since george w bush in 2004. but remember there was still 5 months to. 2 the question is, how do you keep hold of that?
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he's hoping this place will help las vegas, nevada is real money maker employees. thousands. a huge proportion of them. let's. he knows work is in the service industry. hit hard like hybrid the economy, furious about illegal immigration. he meets the votes and is pushing called for the . the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values, our core. it's the core of us. a lot can happen between now and november, but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada. at least it's donald trump gets his way. philip fell out of this era. las vegas, a bustle, a head to own altos air, and sold. carlos hillcrest has his hands on the friendship and trophy that he's not at the top of the new world rankings. and he's here with that story. the business like this, this route to you believe i guess is i live my on one of your this makes more than please
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates
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the, [000:00:00;00] the post office for now his andy, thank you so much. tomo around with with head coach caught on charles, he says he's being misquoted and is that piece of his team to compete in next year is expanded club wells, come on. chelsea was reported in the italian media saying the faithful was offering enough money to the 15 time. you're paying champions. the ones that of the big clubs would refuse to play. braylan's since come out to say the participation isn't seen down and they do intense. compete on zillow, see is issue this statements. my words about the fee for club will couple not see interpreted in the way i intended. nothing could be further from my interest than
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to reject the possibility of playing in a tournament that i consider could be a great opportunity to continue fighting for big cycles with royal madrid. with a couple of companies recently involved 7 teams, but next year, fee for to increase that number to $32.00. it will be played of a one month at the end of the year, a pain season and then held every 4 years. the 2025 addition is to be held in the united states menus and broadcast deals are yet to be announced. the global play is unions to pro site players being asked to compete into many games. and we've been talking to the director of global policy as we definitely know in principle against the struggling with it as much to do with the timing with this can sit in the calendar without creating negative effects really as a problem with metric congestion in the calendar. is negatively impacting by a performance, the product at full defense, but typically also the health of the players and their careers on the
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sustainability of, of the careers, but also the injuries throughout the season. and we will take that into the context of international mesh calendar to see sort of boss years we have on the line. that is, that could several meetings between play unions and fee for the was exchanges of letters . however, passing on, taking just consider serious staff not responded. and on top of that, they have now added to for the tournament into the calendar. in the summer 25 to which you up and referring to the cup, woke up, and that is heading for the mattress mattress and player side. but it's also impacting the restock domestic season. it impacts um, season breaks for players and um yeah. therefore, we are extremely disappointed with the non complication and non engagement vice shown with the players of the representatives. all the players over you were
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to use. well, bit of rest isn't on the agenda for many leading players in the coming weeks. as we count down to the corporate america, i'm the european championship, the england squad had a royal visit on monday. prince william is also the president of the english football association. the same sort of set bucking that you are always build up losing a friendly against iceland last week and then will kick off that campaign against the beer on sunday, as we've been getting. the major told him is the last the last day that our, my name is going to be just if, if we win it, i know, and we probably got into this one is one of the favorites. and the one that you have a nation's are looking to look out, but that's the responsibility that we're gonna have to take for within and prove that we are one of the best. and you know, we had a really good totem. and in the end of last year, rose and autonomy to hour away from you know, within the, within the tennessee. so we've been there, we've been in the big moment, it's just about getting over that line which we're going to do to some brand new champions. it's we have arrived at the training campaign, host country,
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germany. despite that you're a success easily failed to qualify for the last 2 weld comes there. and one of the toughest groups alongside spain, corporation and albania, 3 football funds of h received 8 month prison sentences. the racist abuse towards rummage, reply witnesses junior and what is the 1st conviction for racist insults in a spanish football stadium? the incident occurred in a leak match between valencia and right out in may last year, when monkey chants were directed towards the 23 year old bazillion. the funds involved also being handed to us stadium balance before the people should know that this type of act is punishable. it is punishable as a hate crime because the sentence is for moral integrity with the aggravating fact of hate. it is also very important that they have written a letter of public apology. they are banned, not only at the stadium, but any stadium where official matches are play, told me to call us all across has been keeping
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a tight grip on the trophy that helps him make tennis history. he's become the youngest plants when grand slam titles on all 3 surfaces on sunday, the 21 year old feet is on his there up the when the front sharply sancho, for the 1st time. it means he's now one on the grass at wimbledon. hold. cool. so the us open and the clay overall, a gas as well. yeah, i sent a list down to alcoholism, the semi signs of the franchise, and the constellation of states holly is that he's just become weld number one. for the very 1st time, senior replaces of a joke of each of the some of the rankings outcries. he's up to number 2. and the beginning of the year is said, we're going, we're going hunting now and then we'll see what we can catch. and um, and this now is the, is doing the same thing covered through one in mind. it's a great opportunity to, to show something it's something you don't want to show. also, they're willing to, to win as much as we can. the boston celtics quest for record 18th and be
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a toss. it remains on track. they beat the dallas mavericks to go to up in the finals. drew holiday help the cell 6 take full advantage of home coats of school, 26 points, and 11 ravens start want finished with 18 points and a couple of blocks including one with just over a minute left in the game, cell 6 going on. so when one i find to 98, that's 2 wins away. now from that 1st championship cycle, since 2008. now look at this, the untimely collision of the major league baseball game. it happens when oakland agents all the soldiers from round straits and see blue eyes pit you use like a country well trying to capture flyable cage. he says he was doing his best to get out of the way he liked to study, have made a mistake on the right move for me and a couple of hours time, but that i suppose looking finance for them. thanks so much ending. so see you then press one for me, tell me chrysler this new zone, my comedy khalilah herrick will be here in just
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a moment with much more of the guys use to stay with us. that's coming up. the the surround, just seen, has leukemia and needs and treatments approved for as well as will and locate ongoing. so is this something that you're seeing is also suffering from malnutrition ox, the hospital endeavors by he's not load calling since again the frank assignments as long as christian among palestinians continue to spreads. so as far as the due to the lack of all kinds of basic human, italian and medical supplies, according to the you on more than 20 children, have deli devonte attrition in the north and no one and 31 percent of acute lima norris. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use a caught,
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to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revise wells and increases systems cost on request. a unique perspective, a lot of people didn't even know that there are indigenous people in norway, sweden, finland, and russia. pre connecting to our song sort dances, really help generational trauma connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. the stream on out to 0 is the rails war machine is decimating entire households. and because in the words of those who supply and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights
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tells the harrowing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most brutal boar and decades. the night to bolt. and by doing this was the 1st part, $100.00 is just the after 8 months of war, the united states takes a draft resolution on a gauze, a ceasefire, deal to the united nations security council. and these are a live pictures from the council chamber where members are expected to vote on the proposal later this our,


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