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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates, the rock vistas and use our line from door coming up in the next 60 minutes. the un security council adopts a us proposal for cease fire and gaza her mos welcome to move. america's top diplomat returns to the mid east to push the deal, which would secure the release of is really captives and palestinian prisoners and gaza itself. at least a palestinians are killed by israel's latest attacks of fine eunice as fighting
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intensifies in southern gaza. also, it has foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies. meeks, in russia, as a bricks, roof looks to expand its influence. is full of stuff that forget edge of the low scoring through the crickets seats when seat will come set down. forget holding then of with bangladesh in she's away from snatching victory in new york. the, the time is $2100.00 gmc and we begin this news hour at the united nations where the security council has passed a resolution supporting a us proposed guys a ceasefire plant. well, the proposal includes 3 phases that would end with a multi year reconstruction plan. for gossum, which has been largely destroyed due to the fighting to
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those against extensions. the results of the voting is as follows. for 10 votes in favor, 0 votes suggest one extension to drop the resolution has resulted as resolution turned to 735. while the 1st phase of the proposal would see a 6 week cease fire, the withdrawal of israeli forces and the exchange of some captives for palestinian prisoners. the 2nd phase would see a permanent end to the war and the release of the remaining captives for more prisoners. the 3rd and final phase would involve
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a major multi year reconstruction plan for gaza. seas for our deal would pay the way toward an enduring cessation of hostilities and a better future for all as president biden acknowledge, just the other day, the palestinian people headed toward sheer hell in this war. started by him us. there's an opportunity to charge a different course. some us mistake in egypt and katara have a short the united states that they are continuing to work to ensure that mos engages constructively and the united states will help ensure that israel lives up to his obligations as well. assuming him us except the deal. why is the diplomats that they would and the war if from us, released all the captives and turn themselves in. israel is committed to these
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goals, to free all the hostages, to destroy from us as military and governing capabilities. and to ensure that gaza does not pose a threat to israel in the future. as it does, we have to include numerous times in this very chamber. once these goals are met, the war will end. if come us were to release the hostages and turned themselves in, not one more shot needs to be fired. yet sadly, for the past 8 months, hamas has refused to the by the senior leadership. what come this to that thought this step in the right direction. and the emphasize that to, of course, our position has been always to have an immediate cease fire to stop the killing of our people. so this resolution is a step in that direction. we are grateful for our brothers and not judy,
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whom we worked with very closely to try to influence the draft resolution to be closer to the objectives of the national price of the palestinian people. how sam baset speaking just moments ago, a state you now live to gabriel. alexander, who was at the united nations headquarters in new york or gape, or the resolution has been passed, is adopted, or can it be enforced? what happens now? well, it's binding under your national law. so now the big question is, is it in forest? but more so how is it implemented? and i think that's what you're starting to hear now from investors as they were giving their speeches in the council chambers. and i think that's what you're going to start hearing in the coming hours, days, and perhaps even weeks. because let's remember this 1st phase of this cease fire agreement last 6 weeks. and in the resolution it was now adopted.
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overwhelmingly it says if it cannot get fully implemented and that for 6 weeks, the ceasefire will stay in place so long as both sides are still talking. it's all right to gabriel alexander with thank you so much. and i'm also the meantime has released statements welcoming the un security council voting to back that sees fire proposal. the group said in a statement that the emphasize readiness to cooperate with the mediators to enter into in direct negotiations on the implementation of the series. fire deal and how mos also said they will continue their efforts to achieve national rights for palestinians. let's get reaction now from my model number. sure l g 0 is that senior political analyst. he joyce's via skype from paris, more one,
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a diplomatic win for the u. s is a leadership up to now has not publicly endorsed the ceasefire roadmap. we've heard from her mosque, they welcome to the resolution. where do they go from here? well, this is part and parcel of this american victory, american to come back to victoria, the security council is that it would be america that will decide that base and the basically the phases and the stages in the coming weeks and months. i mean, and the end of the day, this is the powers of the united states 8 months ago and put the fence at all gaza it to the world. no one can interfere with is the end as it goes this genocide, unpaid dom slater. up until yesterday it was supporting that getting go 300
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people in gaza and today it is the mediator overseas fire and probably a piece of believe it or not. so it is in the hands of the united states now. but what does that exactly me and it means that the united states, as per usual one, will continue to put them on how boss and will continue to give excuses to us. right. so we probably hear from these in the government that yes but okay, we agree, i wherever there are a number of reservations. and then 2nd, 3rd blinking and the object sort of, i'm and saw. so 4 of them that kind of pushes we'll start discussing with then is there any counter parts? what are this is right, there is impressions and then by don't have to get the phone with nothing. yeah. and so on and so forth. and then it would be up to the united states to interpret its own plan, or as, as no plan according to its own, which is because the rest on china. how about are they given up on the effort by
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basic, either upstanding or looking for and that is addition to that. as i said earlier, this is out of commission by beijing and moscow of america sphere of influence and is the kind of start. so really is going to be up to america. america is there as best trends it special hotline and it's an election year in the united states. so i think we're going to see the united states continuously giving is running excuses. why also not just hit on to wind down the war and to agree to hostage prisoners as well as the yahoo government, as it is right now, it does not accept this cease fire a roadmap. could we see a ceasefire take place just because of, you know, the humanitarian toll that this war is taking on? you know, everything is possible in terms of the short term. right?
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but the whole point, the of the procrastination to get this deal done to get this distribution fast is that we're talking about a 6 weeks cease fire lead, think talk to dependencies, fire leading to fun is. ready withdrawal from guys, otherwise how could, how much justify an operation that eventually pro book to 0 to the killing of those of thousands of guys and see if we can even get into our permanency slide it under the construction of guys anything short of a betterment of the ceasefire, the reconstruction of garza and the support for the simeon stay independent, something contiguous and livable. 11 suffice and would take us back to the cycle of more of the said is right in the occupation, missouri. the quantity is really by me is the rate of genocide, ethnic cleansing on so on so forth. there is an opportunity today. this is not
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ideal. this is stephanie far the farthest thing for my deal. and the fact that it's america that stands on top of a mix with ethan. more doubtful. right. and yes, i would say the out of the world that is meeting with blinking this week, the restaurant china or what is for that as a nation? or i've said this week need to start pushing because this had to be a collective action where the i'd have to get involved. but this thing has got to involve the international committee. it gets involved in order to make sure that the d in works. otherwise i think the war. ready the war, the good, even obviously, then it was in the past. remember shara elders, there is a senior political analyst, thank you. or in the alone, the little is a former director of israel's foreign ministry and served as israel's ambassador to
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south africa. he believes the un security council decision will come as a surprise to these relays. that was the best way to get out of it. we'd be happy to hear the result of the do you want us to guarantee the cost of oh, i think a days let me go back. it was taken by surprise and well done this. i saw a guest the show we do a i think the resolution is giving you a call to do that by the visa here. i see it will be a very hectic warning and discussing tomorrow. and as i see, the key country is united states. i think a lot of stuff is going close to exhausting. is a big don't blood pressure i do, but you god placed. the agent is now in a position to both the normal pressure form is way to add to the law.
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every day is coming closer to the edge in boulder. d w. russell. refugees going we g. m. s a agent. to be expected by the world by the united states, not only to book the necessary personal philosophy get the necessary visual nice way. and you are a secretary or sit antony blink and has a return to them. it is to to push the ceasefire deal. he met with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the tel aviv on monday. and earlier he was in cairo where he held talks with egypt president, while he is really, governments has bound al jazeera from reporting in his real. so bernard smith sent as this update from the jordanian capital amman. on to me blinking is back in the region and roll out, push to deliver the ceasefire between the i'm us and israel that joe biden 1st
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tables at the end of mates and in a meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. lincoln's office at the end of amazing issued a statement, and in that statement, blinked and said, he told me that and you know, the us stands behind the comprehensive proposal outlined by joe biden, which includes spot, the release of hostages and increased aid to gaza and bumped lincoln's office said would give his rail. the possibility of, i'm looking piece along the countries, the northern border and for the integration with countries in the region. so the suggestion that from lincoln's office is that they've been trying to persuade or convince netanyahu of the merits of this cease fire deal. previously. netanyahu says, but he is in this will to destroy how much time it won't end until how much and is leadership. i not able to fight again in gaza. i'm us. it's part says the blinking has been too biased towards israel and he says the blinking stumps is
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a real obstacle to reaching a ceasefire agreement. and it's made out to 0 a month. and a reminder, again, benjamin netanyahu is a cabinet has been and i'll just there in israel and extended the decision on a sunday. and that's why we've been talking to bernard smith from jordan and gaza itself is really a tax of cause more death and destruction across the street. on monday, at least a h. palestinians were killed in hon. eunice after his really forces gone to residential areas. tense, sheltering displaced people were also hit and crisis between is really forces and palestinian fighters. i've also been intensifying at alpha and l g 0 is the status of the zoom. isn't that better and has more now on the is really strikes across kaiser. within the past couple of hours, there is a clear up scaling of the is what the attacks on the southern parts,
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including roughly district we can completely see how the power button until the is very um, it continues to destroy residential houses and changing the entire milestone the lowest in a rough spot now we see, and we hear that the is where the forces are completely now stations in the hall between areas of roof having confrontations and crashes with palestinian groups as the east valley. official sources have been completely stating that brussels are excessive painting and getting much more complex as they have been engaging in a very drastic fighting with palestinians. specifically that within the past couple of hours, the mentoring with homeless has announced the managed to to a number of is really so just in just a doses of them after being pushed in a residential building that was later, completely blowing up by palestinian points, his own v uh over the heads of those who just with
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a late to have evacuated by as well look up to as of carrying out front cover on the ground in order to drag them a from the place that was completely targeted by the palace. the new fight to so swimmingly, the attacks continued over different parts of the goal is to strip within the past 24 hours. at least 40 palestinians have been reported killed while more than 200 others so far being wounded. and hospitals across casa, are running out of fuel and medical supplies, risk and the lives of thousands of patients, medical staff, working beyond their capacity as facilities that are being over whelmed by demand. and some patients at a loss the hospital and the say they've been waiting for care for months on the mortgage is a partial at the bottom of it. i have been in front of the hospital doors since april 6th takes the amount of work since april 26th. and i have been waiting to be transferred abroad and waiting for the crossing to open. so i can travel and
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continue treatment was his treatment is not available here. and so far the crossing is closed. of course, this is due to the continuation of the war, which has entered its 8 months. so i was up there, i've been out of assessment. i'm ended in sitting outside the hospital on the bed. there's no room inside, so i stuck outside. the situation is very difficult. the engine to thrown into the car doors and on the ground. as you can see, the situation is difficult and there is a shortage of medicine on the side of the aisle. what was this for? what he. alexa is the only hospital in the central area, and it can not receive such injuries, especially since the hospital was already very full with injured people, replace the injured along, the internal cord doors and in between the beds. there is no room at all inside this hospital for the injured. we had them sleeping in external tents. the hospital is now completely full and the number of injured people exceeds the number of beds by 4 or 5 times. meaning the clinical capacity cannot bear these numbers. and dr.
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tara ahmed is an emergency room physician who spends 3 weeks volunteering at nasir hospital in time units in january when he says the restrictions on a delivery greatly impact to the care, the doctors are able to provide all these hospitals are functioning on electric generators and not just that there isn't enough fuel entering, but it's also really difficult to access these hospitals and deliver it in a safe way as the bombardment intensifies. and as these raving military continues to seize different areas of gaza and provide humanitarian aid from getting there. but it's also important to recognize that maintenance of these electrical generators is impossible during these 8 months. the restriction of humanitarian aid also include spare parts repair parts that you would need to make sure the generators are functioning. and so there's no reliable way for patients to be able to get to hospitalized and expect to receive care every day is different than the day before. and the day after is different than, than today. and so it's really,
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really tragic because no one can really predict what's going to happen in the next few hours, let alone in the next week. so you see cues for care growing and growing. people who have things like die out a kidney failure of any dialysis or diabetes. we need insulin or infections that need antibiotics. none of this is reliable throughout the gaza strip. on one day a hospital may have the antibiotics that it needs. but on the following day, it's not there. how can you possibly care for patients when you're under the sort of restrictions? but on top of that, there are f sixteens. there are times rolling through neighborhoods and there are evacuation of orders moving the people of gaza. so this is really a public health disaster and it's a nightmare for any health care system. let alone one that's currently being attacked and bombarded and targeted is really military has released footage of its attack on the under side as a refugee camp on saturday. 274,
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ballast and use were killed in the operation to free for is really captives. this video shows is really soldiers storming the refugee camp and entering an apartment building where the 4 captives were being held more than 600. other people were injured. as a barrage of missiles and gunfire hit the densely populated camp. around 100000 palestinians have been sheltering there. here are some of the stories of the survivors of that attack. the saw that the
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best way to do the like a forgotten the the
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i would have thought it was the subject that belonged to us. sure. the . 7 yeah, that's the foreign ministers from some of the world's largest economies are meeting in russia . it's the 1st meeting of the bricks block. since the group expanded to include 5
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new members, including iran and saudi arabia or bricks, aims to challenge a world order dominated by the west. it was founded by brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. and are you yeah, shop a whole over is in news. the novel broad actually explains what's on the agenda at the breaks me in the role or the rich countries is growing. so once again, these are brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa plus of 5. but new states have joined the group and about said to states also want to join the brakes family. so the presence of bricks and the international arena is getting more and more significant new centers of power hour, measuring, enlighten america, asia, africa, and then released, striving from greater independence and self sufficiency. they ministers have been discussing ways to develop the organization,
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which is in the font facing an influx of other countries wishing to join it's wind . i want to behold, topics is the possibility of turn key and they to member with close ties with the us. and the you joining breaks at the texas delegation is not here, but is expected here tomorrow and choose day to day the ministers were discussing how to expand contacts and supports culture use exchanges. be corporation to feel the a i digital economy, big data interaction to prevent the risks of mass infectious diseases. and the bricks. countries are also actively working to develop a platform for payments in national currencies. the meeting was held behind closed doors, representatives of the region were only allowed to fill 1st 15 minutes of it and rushing, 4 minutes to serv. gala grove was speaking about a new world order, which would take time to establish font, the roll, or bricks and solving global problems, according to level,
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would no doubt increase. playing carrying malawi as vice president has gone missing, so low, so it should be my was traveling to the northern city of zulu, but the aircraft failed to land at the local airport as scheduled communication with the aircraft has been lost. and the last operating hospital in the western suit and the city of fisher has shut down after it was attacked. and this according to doctors without borders. and myself says, staff will force to transfer patients after the parent military rapid support forces opened fire inside the facility on saturday. of fisher is in north star 4. and it's the only state capital in western is through john. not under artis of control officers. finding the down in the area last month, the r s. s, and the student needs military. i've been buying for control of the country since
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april last year. and earlier we spoke to michelle the last year he said the ahead of emergency operations at doctors without borders. and he says, the rapids support forces are loading medical supplies. in fact, the city of lou associated in the flu is know, facing one month of the fighting between the rapid support forces joined to the forces and supported by the sudanese, the army. this violence and the impact of people is not to you. this the same hospital of sort of people i've seen shopping in street. well it's uh, 2 people killed uh, in the hospital the, into the best. most of us know what we have seen seeing that i'm happy to horses up is what for us is entering the hospital, shooting, losing the pharmacy, looting the administrative office, looting one of the images under this evidence. this is really a treacherous,
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anybody line has been trusted during the past week along with the media. so else we started to evacuate some patients because the offense is coming by the eastern part of the city of associates. so we anticipated a bit of some of them were uh, referred to some of the hospital and so just sleep uh the hospital. so when the we were forced to close and to start the activity hospital, this is the 2nd of all because 11 to go to pediatrics hospital as well on the eastern part of the city. uh, were close just after the so the needs are meant for shell in front of the hospital and the impact on delta dental. uh we needed to close it. so this is the 2nd hospital within a month. uh and in a city where the excess wheelchair is complicated. uh and uh, in the account uh,
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full of each, only these base people in the south of the city as well is struggling with the uh, useful to access to food with the skyrocketing uh monday edition the rate. that's what with missing. so it was just we asked for the protection of civilians including the worker and the protection of the hospital. and of course, to have a safe access to support into supply the cd over and especially in the camp of them . so in the south of the city, at least $41.00 people have been killed in an attack on several villages. an eastern, the democratic republic of congo. an army spokesman says that members of the allied democratic forces, or behind the attack, according to a local official, they use guns and machetes to attack residents of the communities in the new territory. a group affiliated with iso has been blamed for several attacks in the
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region. at least 80 people have been killed in violence there in the past week. as so head here on alger 0, we examine presidents have gave me lose 1st 6 months in office as controversial at times to revive argentina's flagging economy. as a sports fan, los altos has his hands on the french open trophy, but he's not at the time of the new world rankings. and he will have to details for you the . the color temperatures are named very much on the high side across the eastern positive. yep. and 60 down to what was that southeastern cold up towards the north west on the other hand, because normally when, so it's much, much pressure. we got that cool wind coming down across the good pots of the
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pressure sauce. and in between because this low weather from which is making his way right up into the northeast, over here, up in the spring and the fat bit of rain and as well. so we got the heat down to the se, but pressure right up towards the northwest and live the south still in place across central parts of you ever running across the powder and pushing across to what was that? what's the side of russia? some live the showers to still coming down across and automatically around the outs and into that eastern side of maybe push on into a way to stay level step a little further southwards and east. what's coming behind? somewhat driving private but still what a rash a shout was coming in across the north, west of europe, running down into denmark and into jeremy. still some heavy showers. cost at the west side of the mad fly drive and hunt, which was that eastern side of somebody to ride in that heat. so into the middle of the stove, africa, i'm still getting up to 42 celsius. the full tripoli, one or 2 showers 2 for north and were okay
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the. ready ready ready in the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old kings tunes for the living to fish in a country that celebrates the deceased. ready can he earned enough to both support is with a mother realizes dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy a witness documentary on that just so you know of hearing disliked sharp populations is declined. 70 percent and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world
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bring you closer to the house at the story. the houses are a reminder of our top stories this hour for the 1st time. the un security council has approved a resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the us backs proposal includes the exchange of palestinian prisoners with his really captive eventual withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and a return of displace palestinians to their homes and mos release the statements welcoming their. you one security council votes of banks that cease fire proposal. the group
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says it is ready to cooperate with the mediators, to enter in the reference to the go stations on implementing the deal. meanwhile, at least 20 palestinians chills and is really bombings across the gaza strip. the southern city of con eunice for the runs of these really strikes more than 20000 years, have been killed across the gaza strip on monday. and israel's war has trapped people living. and gosh, i've a for decades is really restrictions have preventive. freedom of movement of palestinians living in the occupied territories, a palestinian couple living through the war and gaza. se stopping them, making this years stopping them, making this years hodge pilgrimage. and it only makes the pain of the war even worse. saying bas robbie has more for able muslims, the annual pilgrimage to the cub in mecca. the slums holy site is mandatory at
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least once in their lives. so as my mood and thought the most out of who and piece together, what is left of their home and gaza, they also express grief and regret about being unable to perform hutch a self forget and that'd be a necessary beneficiary for you. unfortunately, we lost a house. as you can see, there is destruction and devastation. and then came the closure of the border. and we kind of go to hutch. it was to blows in one go to secure the pain of the war, the pain of the destruction of the pain of the siege and the pain of not being able to go to hutch palestinians living and gaza face in durham is hurdles if they try to travel anywhere after registering their names with his really authorities every year for 2 decades, they were finally granted permission. they sold every single value to pay for the trip. then the war happened. and what they describe is a lifelong dream, nearly realized, slipped away. i'm not, well if i look to the rough or border is very important for us from the date was
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shot, our hopes were lost. people very upset because they are, those were sick and injured. and those who a students a close every thing and their face and the same goes for the pogroms huck the even though they even want to deny us. i wish i did. i us the hutch. i don't know who we should complain to or cried to our speak to. who should we go to? we ask god to relieve us and for them to open the border moved and fatima say they were looking for with the hutch as a chance to feel connected to other muslims from around the world on able to go and with what is happening and god. so they say they feel more isolated than ever. same bus robbie. oh to 0. it's a federal appeals court in california is hearing a lawsuit filed by a group of activists, which accused is joe by and his administration of complicity and israel's genocide . and gosh, a panel of judges will hear arguments from palestinian human rights groups will say
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bind along with his secretaries of state and defense. have failed to prevent the war and are providing support to israel. and this case was dismissed in january, but judges are now hearing an appeal against the earlier decision. rob reynolds is outside the court in san francisco until told us more about the case. this case goes back some months and was argued before a lower court in january. at that time, the plaintiff's representing several human rights organizations in palestinian legal organizations, argued that the united states and particularly president white and secretary of state, lincoln, secretary of defense, austin, was a boston, were in violation of various us was and treaties that prohibited the aiding and abetting genocide, the judge in that case for the the arguments and later issued a ruling saying that while he found that there was
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a factual basis for the claims of genocide and a bed in genocide on behalf of the on the part of the united states government he could not accept the case for jurisdictional reasons. that is that there is a doctrine in american legal law saying that judges cannot counter man political decisions by the executive branch. and he said the distance, it was considered a re, a little decision on the plate. this then appealed that to the 9th circuit court of appeals here in san francisco, where they argued today that this was not, in fact, a political decision in the sense of whether a certain political is a foreign policy matter was correct or incorrect, or wise or unwise. but rather that this was a matter simply of law, that there is a law and our international treaties that the united states has pledged to adhere to. and that the courts do, in fact have
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a role in enforcing the law. and so the judges did seem somewhat skeptical of this one judge saying, well, you are asking us basically to interfere in every aspect of us military of operations overseas, and what weapons can be used and sent to allies, etc. but the, the judges having heard all of this, they retired now, they'll probably issue a, a, a ruling, but probably in the plus the, the, the soonest they would, would be a week or 2. the argentine as controversial right wing presidents have young me that has completed 6 months and power installation has come down under his presidency. but this has come at a cost of slashing public sector jobs and subsidies. 3, several reports now from one side, us an assembly by left when groups and when
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a site is to discuss how to challenge precedent. have you had a release plans for out in tina? many of those here have been laid off since taking office have you had really has lead off at least 50000 state employees money. i know a visa is one of them. we have some of the money and i went for my regular duty at the state airline company, and they were lots of police and they had a blacklist, and i was on it. they're kind of sort of sponsor of the company and tried to prototypes. i attacked the workers since becoming president and defender really has the value of the currency by 50 percent, halted all public works slash subsidies and fuel and electricity. and we'd use the number of ministries bye have. but this is only part of the plan we made came to power with a promise to carry out the label tax, and other reforms that he says was one form argentina, but really has
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a minority in congress. and since taking office, he has been in constant consultation with other political parties. that's why he has been unable to pass legislation that will help him push the code. i'll make agenda release to stay with the plan has an objective to reduce information, but it has also cost the construction of the economy with a sharp drop and consumer spending. set them up as it might be in the tasks i lawmaker and an economist says they've got them and lots of civilization plan a get to get under the investment buckle. the inflation is going to go down. you'll see very high unemployment because economic activities will not recover immediately and it's going to be difficult to find people who are better and knowledge. and so, you know, people gave me layer blank check to stabilize the economy, tired of living with high inflation for years. really has been traveling around the world meeting with far right, politicians and business men like you don't mask in an attempt to attract forwarding investment. but until it arrives,
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people on the street so struggling. you're going to trust you and people get older . i'm a guy who works, but you come makings make that the money. and the truth is that those and how not taking into account of people from the middle class down because look, i was paying 1000 pay those for electricity and i've been back today. i pay 12000 in spite of his chainsaw plan, nice popularity remains high. the question is whether it will last city. so i'll just see that when a site is allen, the civils is the political economist, and he comes to us now live from window cyrus a very warm welcome to alger 0, sir. it's time to take stock. it's been 6 months. so what's your assessment of mr. malays the 1st half year in office as well from the economics point of views. it's really a very tough 6 months. almost every indicator of we cannot make activity has
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dropped very substantially. poverty has increased by 10 percentage points and indigent studies. hunger has duplicate his basically in the 6 months, so the employment is down, wages, rear wages of though so people's livelihoods are, had indeed been very affected and negatively affected. and these 1st 6 months. so it's, it's really a complicated, a very complicated situation. so it's not clear what else the future evolution of this will be. what is true is that a delay has managed to reduce inflation, but he's reduced inflation through counting essentially are substantially reduce economic activity in every branch of the comic activity consumption, pr. busy the consumption is,
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is very substantially dropped. so that is the main reason why inflation has fall. and if you cannot just activities eventually picked up, which one would hope it would then uh, it remains to be see what would happen with the price is, but it is probable that they would begin to increase once again. so it's a, it's a, it's a difficult situation, a so, so a lot of economic challenges, it's leaking up, saving argentina, that he said he was going to resolve. let's turn now to the diplomatic side of things. from a diplomatic point of view is russell. the lot of feathers and a relatively short time so alienated one of the origin to knows, made allies spain, to yes indeed, his phone policy appears to be the sum aux, erotic, or in comprehensible from the, from the point of view of the interest argentina's economic interests or political interest um but as the delay has essentially ad uh,
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has had had rouse width of those presidents, a new law sheila with china or one of our gina's main trading partners and also uh it has provided argentina with substantial financial support in the past through the central bank swaps and most recently with spain, where he essentially went to spain, to talk at some right wing a gathering. and essentially offended, said had very offensive remarks to the prime minister and his wife, spain being one of the main sources of foreign direct investment margin. tina. so it's really not very clear why relate doesn't to have a more pragmatic approach to, to at least argentina's main economic trading partners. said sergeant tina benefits
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from the uh and not all the benefits but needs foreign investment needs. the financial assistance needs trade with brazil. so his, uh and uh, the, the color side to that is that his main alignment is a sort of una natural alignment with the united states and united states. foreign policy interests. also not very clear uh, beneficial for argentina, but that's the way mulay is chosen to conduct his foreign policy on uh see what else uh, commenting there on have you emulate the 1st 6 months in office in argentina. thank you sir for speaking to us. a thank you now and when's the football or so head rather i should say english footballers get a royal pep talk ahead of the european championship and he will be here with that. and the rest of the sports
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the these business uptake the school by the city bank grove, partner of on the dashboard to use the
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this business uptake the rooftop net bundle dash football. he is the band is sign up for your sports. here's andy. thank you. so much that it will sift that forget edge didn't have a low scoring thriller. it crickets seats wency world cup south africa holding then uh, with bangladesh in she's away from snatching the wind in new york chasing a victory. talking of a 100 and full st. on a tricky playing surface, mount of the, the getting very close to hitting bangladesh to victory as it was a democracy suit the cache on the boundary on your single score of the final vote.
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a success committed, 3 wins from 3 games. well that's up to you from each group, qualify for the next phase, and sub pasco, old, my son to the just that now on choose day and a power play shrunk in florida at shanker, last, their opening game against bangladesh. now the head of the palestinian football association is being denied a visa to attend his country's woke, a qualifier in australia. the palestine team arrived input without your bill was you but football strategies said the decision was a master for the government. the government set, the countries immigration department had made the final call. the match takes place on choose type. both teams already through the next phase of qualifying and footballs. european championship kicks off in germany on friday, the netherlands, and one of the top rank teams heading into the tournaments. and that final wilmont game was against iceland. but that's how the post extend a fair and most of them are the pools village of van dyke, the helping the same on my wife's for,
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for and when the netherlands are in group days to bureaus with australia, friends, and poland. now some potentially where we can use the poland, still strong can counts in row 11 down sky limping out of his countries friendly against a kia the boss. learn apply was making his 150 international, a parents, and the 35 year old doesn't have a lot of time to recover. it's less than a week. and so poland faced the netherlands in the years opener, poland going on. so when this game, say 1000000 score had a royal visit on monday, prince william is also the president of the english football association. the team lay sort of set back in that yours build up losing a friendly against iceland last week and then kick off the campaign against serbia on sunday as we've been getting. the major told him is the last, the last day that our, my name is going to be charged. if, if we win it, i know,
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and we probably got into this one is one of the favorites. and the one that you have a nation's are looking to look out, but that's the responsibility that we're gonna have to take within and prove that we are one of the best. and you know, we had a really good totem. and in the end of last year, o's, an opponent, 2 hour away from, you know, within the, within the tennessee. so we've been, there, we've been in the big moment, it's just about getting over that line, which we're going to do this on the raw madrid head coach calling shots. he says he's being misquoted and he is happy. first seems to compete in next year is expanded, club will come on. chelsea was reported in the it's how he made her a saying that faith the when offer enough money to the 15th, some european champions, when the other big clubs could also refuse to play. right. have since come out to say that process of patient isn't in dance. while the club woke up most recently involves 7 seems but next year will be expanded to $32.00. it will be played of a one month at the end of the european season. and then held every 4 years and 2025 is due to be held in the us then use an broad cast deals yet to be announced by the
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global players united states price site. plaza being asked to compete into many games we've been talking to as director of global policy, as we definitely know intrinsically against the filament. it has much to do with the timing with this can sit in the calendar without creating negative effects really as a problem with metric congestion in the calendar is negatively impacted by a performance, the product for the fans. but equally, also the help of the players do that, and they are curious on assessing compared to of their careers, but also the injuries throughout the season. and we have a particularly to dive into context of international mesh calendar to fi file for the past few years. we have on the line that is asking several reasons between play unions and paper. there was exchanges of letters. however, passing on, taking just consider serious staff not responded. and on top of that,
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they have now added to further tournaments into the calendar. in the summer $25.00 to which you up and referring to the cup, woke up, and that is heading for the mattress mattress and the glass side. but it's also impacting the restock domestic season. it impacts season breaks for players. and um, yeah, therefore, we are extremely disappointed with the non complication and not against the vice shown with the glass of the representatives. all the players over you refuse to call us alkercaz has been keeping a tight grip on the trophy that helps him make tennis history. he's become the youngest plan. so when grand slam titles on all 3 surfaces on sunday, the 21 year old faith always on his era. so when the french harp in sancho for the 1st time, it means he's not went on the dress wimbledon hauled cool to the us open. and the clay of roland carroll's younique's and it looks down to outcries and assemblies of
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the french sharpen the constellations vitale, and is that he's become weld number one, for the very 1st time replacing of a joke. rich the top of the rankings outcries. he's up to number 2 in the beginning of the us said we're going, we're going hunting now and then we'll see what we can catch and um, and this now is the, is doing the same thing. every tournament is a great opportunity to, to show something something you don't want to show. also, they're willing to, to win as much as we can. unplug boards is getting ready to play, and his 1st us occupancy is 2020. the 48 year old. i don't have practicing at the pinehurst number to cos events, he's off on thursday, we'll just play it in just 3 tournaments this year. he missed the cuss at the last major. that was the pga championship. right. that is how you score is looking for an online bank source and the greatly appreciate it. all right now are voters in
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france will be heading to the polls in 3 weeks time after president am unaware of my call, dissolved parliament and called a snap election. who surprised decision came after his party suffered stunning losses to the far right in elections to the european parliament on sunday. the sasha butler reports from paris on whether my coons or gamble will pay off in the words beautiful smiles, reading the pen, arriving at headquarters in paris the far right leaders wasting no time. she proposed national rally policies campaign for a snap election to the end of the month. her team says the ready was going to be good to be. uh yes, i think we are set under foster the 7th of july. there was a majority either from the national rally or in coalition with others. we will very quickly be able to get funds moving again. the day off to cooling a snap election in the move, the shop, the country bridge present to manual micro look surprisingly relaxed to the world
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war 2 commemoration in the southern town. as to his own expected decision to dissolve parliament was prompted by his son to write policies embarrassing defeat at the hands of the far right in front of you election on sunday. the recipe ton of offence preparing his ministers into a campaign even they hadn't expected longer. what is at stake is what the french nation will become in the years and decades to come. that's will be decided in 3 weeks time. let's not think that this election is just like any of the, it is i repeat an election was consequences out of unprecedented gravity or nation back hall. surprise decision has shaken politicians and some the public. some say that he's move is courageous that he's giving people a real choice other say that he's playing a dangerous game with french democracy. micros policy doesn't have apollo the memory majority. he hopes to achieve one in the election by making you with lines
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these with politicians on the right to the left who want to block the far right from victory. but this poster says macro overestimates his own popularity and on the estimates the appeal of independence policy. uh, so can the comfortable he's not taking into account with his back is these days the fall, right? national riley is a policy like any other, you know, don't just guess people didn't see it is particularly he says or the stream. and the policy has a huge advantage exist because it's never been in power. it's never been in a position to disappoint people. the elections barely started, but now one of the most likely outcomes isn't even move for minted parliament. and a coalition government is macro wins is best and the majority, he's daring gamble, could make french political history if he loses, it will still enter the history books. but as the president who put the fall right in power, it talks about the out to 0 power. and with that, we've come to the end of this news,
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our more news coming your way after this short break, the the latest news as it breaks. the situation is the prince here in the hospital, a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources left with detailed coverage. its been more. 7 than a and a half hours of civil different themes trying to put to all the fire from the house at the story palestinian farm was this have a fee to be the pay could withhold for old golf families. you will scott, a duty in the grove using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs
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are requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red, chris is the rails one machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most brutal boar and decades. the night to vote, and by doing this was part one on that. it's just the us is changing. why aren't we? we have civil cells from the living world. i the re uncovers theme, physical obstacles to meaningful climate tax and everything is politic,
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unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and our place. oh, hail the planet. coming c o 20, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello way of a rock. this is the news our life we have coming up in the next 60 minutes. the web security council jobs a us proposal for a cease fire in guns on the 1st time in 8 months of war, a mos welcomes the move americans. tom diplomat returns to the movies to push the deal, which would secure the release of is really captives and palestinian prisoners.
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while that comes as at least a palestinians are killed by israel's latest attacks and find newness as fighting


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