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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the from the hoss of the story palestinian farm was this half of feed to be the p could with hope for old gauze as best place families, the feelings of georgia council adults. a us proposal for a c spot and gauze. the 1st time in 8 months. a girl come off says at well comes to move. but fighting continues in tough and gaza. it was late, just attacks, kill h palestinians, and con units. the of them are kyle, this is out there on my from so also coming up a rush to guest house, thousands play the west, some student,
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the city of al vasta as placing the intensifies class of protests and cities across from the day off the presence of monumental announces, and the people in goals of waking up to some hope of an end to the will. the united nations security council has approved a us back proposal for a cease fire. it was a cause for an exchange of captives for palestinians to return home. give her those on the reports for mondays votes asked the un headquarters in new york, the draft. the resolution has resulted a proposed ceasefire and guys presented by the united states when support and the security council, a clear diplomatic victory for the americans who block previous attempts to stop the fighting. over the past state months, this council has often faced divisions and the world has taken notice with
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understandable frustration. but there's another side to this story because today we adopted the 4th resolution on this kind of conflict. algeria, the era group representative on the council side with the us draft, almost guaranteeing it would receive overwhelming support from other council members, revolted in favor of the task. here's a lucian submitted by the united states because we believe it comes to the present step for toward an immediate and last thing, she's far off. so after the vote, the palestinian ambassador, welcome to any news that could silence the guns and the suffering of palestinian people. the number one item in that resolution is to have a ceasefire. to end this fighting,
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and we are determined with our friends to make it a long lasting, permanent ceasefire. russia wanted unconditional and permanency spire, but chose to not veto the us draft. choosing instead to abstain, must book on critical solicit was these are want, specifically, has as while agree to use the haps we will hear from the is riley representative. the council should not sign onto any agreement that has vague parameters, as you know, centrally. disagreement gives comp launch on details. we don't have to put on it, but a couple at the you in on monday the us said repeatedly that is real, had agreed to the terms of a deal, but after the vote, it was unclear if israel would abide by the resolution. israel will not engage in meaning less than and less negotiations which can be exploited by some us as a means to stall for time. security council resolutions are binding international law, but their impact often depends on implementation. that will be particularly the case
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with this one. the united states says they will work directly with israel to make sure it lives up to its obligations and the resolution. and the us also says it expects that cuts are an egypt 2 countries that have played an important role in trying to bring about peace. will also continue to liaise with i'm us gabriel's on to, i'll just be here at united nations in new york. it says, welcome a decision saying the group is ready to cooperate with mediators. let's take a closer look at the 3 phase proposal approved by the united nations security council. the 1st phase would see a 6 weeks is fine. the withdrawal of israeli forces on the exchange of some captives for palestinian prisoners. the 2nd phase would say a permanent end to the wall and the release of the remaining captives for more prisoners. the 3rd and final phase is a major multi a reconstruction plan for girls. monica shaw is out there
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a senior political unless he says the us will choke up the you and security council vote as a when the same united states that until 24 hours ago was supporting the clinical 300. but it seems in garza, it's the same the united states that similar dangerously is uh, uh, godfather, a ceasefire proposal that is winning at the un security council. so here you have a lesson in geo politics. geo politics. where diplomacy is the reflection of the balance or in balance of power. and the united states has come out on top in terms of the geo politics. is very palestine ever since it's said it's are my does. on october, 10 or 11 to the area to defend is are, and as is read candidates crimes against because all it is is right. it is the united states that has imposed. it's made it to the strategic when under region
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a. now if it is imposing its diplomatic when it has for 8 months, opposed any mention of a cease fire, any mention of a cease fire at the us to get the console. but now it's proposed its own a ceasefire. ambiguous isaac. they be every product that over with probably need another agreement, another set of negotiations, but it is what it is. this is the what we live in the united states will be leading the process forward. and then calls are itself is rarely a type of cosmo death and destruction across the strip. on monday, near gauze, the city and the north is ready forces strongly altov and neighborhoods and install them. galls or at least 8 percent of students have been killed, and con eunice off to his really forces bummed, residential areas. 10 sheltering displaced. people were also hit battles between those really forces and posted in flights. as i've intensified in rafa, i was there is target. assume has moved from darrow bala and there is actually
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a legal fee is what he attacks on the southern parts, including rough on district. we can completely see how the development of the is very um, it continues to destroy residential houses and changing the entire milestone of noise in a rough spot. now we see, and we hear that the is really forces are completely now stationed in the hall between areas of roof having confrontations and crashes with palestinian groups as the east valley. official sources have been completely saying that the buses are exhausted. hating and getting much more complex as they have been engaging in a very drastic fight thing with palestinian specifically that the mentoring with homeless has announced the moneys to q a number of is ready. so just in just a, those of them after being pushed in a residential building that was later, completely blowing up by palestinian flights of the over the heads of do so just
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with the late to have evacuated by as well. look up to, up to carrying out on it, cover on the ground in order to drag them from the place that was completely targeted by the powers, the new fight to so swimmingly, the attacks continued over different parts of the goal is a strip of hospitals across gauze are running out of fuel and medical supplies risking the lives of thousands of patients. medical staff are working feelings that capacity the facilities as well and find them on some patients that the likes the hospital in general. but let's say they've been waiting for cash for months. the mortgage is a partial at the bottom of it. i have been in front of the hospital doors since april 6th takes the amount of work since april 26th. and i have been waiting to be transferred abroad and waiting for the crossing to open. so i can travel and continue treatment. august treatment is not available here. and so far the crossing is closed and of course this is due to the continuation of the war which has
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entered its 8 months. so i was up god, but it was best bet. i meant it and sitting outside the hospital on the bed, there is no room inside, so i stuck outside. the situation is very difficult. the engine to thrown in the car doors and on the ground. as you can see, the situation is difficult and there is a shortage of medicine on the side of the wood with us for what he. alexa is the only hospital in the central area, and it can not receive such injuries, especially since the hospital was already very full with injured people uh, replaced the injured along the internal cord doors and in between the beds. there is no room at all inside this hospital for the injury. we had them sleeping in external tents. the hospital is now completely full, and the number of injured people exceeds the number of beds by 4 or 5 times. meaning the clinical capacity cannot bear these numbers and that's where the forces have killed 6 pallets and ends in the occupied west bank.
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several rays took place on monday in the northern city is a typical room and the 2 of us is ready for us to say they've talked it's kind of sent in suspected of attacking. and then legal settlement that came from nima village west of ramallah as well, has killed at least 2 members of hezbollah and as strikes and northern lebanon, around a 130 columbus has from his folder. the attack is one of the 1st operations launched by as well as ministry. since the war on guns have become the strikes. come off to hezbollah, down on his way, the drone of a southern 11 on monday, the humans whose the rebels say they've arrested members of what that cooling american is, riley spine that work in the capital santa. and comes days also. they detained at least 11. you and staff members from aid organizations, they say the spine network has worked for decades to infiltrate and humans economy levels have been targeting israel linked vessels in the red sea since the beginning
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of the war on garza. i'm the i'm also ship. it gets to celebrity on it. so the idea was the name is of the american is riley spiny work. and the american officers had taken advantage of the official positions at the american embassy to count out espionage and sabotage activities. far from the diplomatic gnomes and the limits and regulations imposed by giving the laws, activities of embassy after the american embassy live. so now in italy, 2015. the members of the espionage and it were continued to implement the same subversive agenda under the cover of international and viewing organizations. raising the banners of humanitarian work to cover the reality of the espionage introduce an activities of in the thousands of people have had the west and sidney city of l. sasha, as fighting intensifies between the army and the power ministry,
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rock and support forces. it's the only state capital in westminster, down on the r s. f. control. fist fighting began in the area last month yourself on the minute. shipping vine for control of 2 don. since april last year. from the city of l. faster to the city of to wheeler. there's stray gunfire that's not allowing people to go up to the markets or even get water. children are afraid, we are suffering and we suffered until we reached all faster. all the other villages on the we have been burned. food is expensive, living is expensive. drinking water is where to find the salaries are suspended and after months we've only received 60 percent of them. and of course that finishes before the next month begins. last operating hospital in l, sasha has shut down after it was a ton of doctors without borders, say stuff with both to transfer patients off. they are a self open for inside the facility. but i know we spoke to michelle last every day who's had the head of emergency operations as adults as an outboard, as he says,
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the r s f of being losing medical supplies. the inside the city of the associate in the flu is now facing one month of the fighting between the rapid support forces joined to the forces and supported by the sudanese, the army. this violence and the impact of people is not to you. this the same hospital of sort of people i've seen shrapner street. well it's, uh, 2 people killed the in the hospital, the, into the best. most of us know what we have seen seeing that i'm happy to horses up is what versus entering the hospital, shooting, looting, the pharmacy, looting the administrative or office looting one of the images under this evidence . this is really a treacherous, anybody line has been processed during the past week. along with the minnesota
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elder, we started to evacuate some patients because the offense is coming by the eastern part of the city of associates. so we, it's basically a bits of some of them were uh, referred to some of the hospital. and so just fleet, uh, the hospital. so when the we were forced to close and to start the activity hospital, this is the 2nd of all because 11 to go to pediatrics hospital as well on the eastern part of the city. uh, were close just after the so the needs are meant for shell in front of the hospital and the impact on delta dental. uh we needed to close it. so this is the 2nd hospital within a month. uh and in a city where the excess wheelchair is complicated. uh and uh, in the account uh, full of each, only these base people in the south of the city as well is struggling with the uh, useful to access to food with the skyrocketing uh monday edition the rate. that's
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what with missing. so it was just we asked for the protection of civilians including the worker and the protection of the hospital. and of course, to have a safe access to support into supply the city of and such you in the camp of them. so in the south of the city and i suppose one people have been killed in the attack on several villages, an eastern democratic republic of congo. and all these states, when it says members of the allied democratic forces were behind the violence. official says they use guns as much as he's against the residents and benny territory. the group affiliation with iso has been blamed for several attacks in the region. at least a few people have been killed in von and stuff in the past week. a plane car in malawi is vice president has gone missing solace to lima, was traveling to the northern city of them. susie blackwell failed to land at the
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airport as shuttled, communication has been lost, mdf soldiers steel on the ground. karen out the search. and i have given strict orders that they operation should continue until their plane is found that it has had on the al jazeera, the window of your pin parliamentary elections insist best still in a strong position despite the rise of the rights and finds rage and brazil tons of huntsville wetlands that the west could be get to come the, the hello, the weather is looking pretty quiet now across much solve the raping printed stuff . i, mike told x reliably informed me that it's pretty humid and hot,
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not too much of a wind blowing as we go on through the next couple of days type, which is the low for this. some of the temperature, it's a good one. it's a way to say maybe just nothing up or not so, so it is tries instead of course mount. so the middle of last week, a one or 2 showers between the caspian and the black sea. otherwise it's really about the heat and that he continues because that is the side ultimate. it's right . and what is, how is it has been recently for cyprus for the eastern side of the night, but still plenty cost enough of one to 2 spots. pick it up into the full teeth as we go on into the middle of the week. once again we are into the forty's across the pots of northern africa. tripoli, touching $42.00 celsius a few showers, cause no the policy of algeria northern parts of america. on july, the 8th, plenty of showers may mile, a seasonal range that stretched across a good part of west africa, not serious, thinks and beloved down pulls and not just a shout was now running across southern chad. moving to a good part of the suit, don for the south across the southern africa, it is jen ridge drive. we have got
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a fusion. i was just routing at the central pos of mozambie the size. what would be my guess guy? he says he went to more towards here yet to provide aids. are you looking back? are you know, i'm not far but not in the eyes of his government to my life as being us. can you just me like i just said, because of these really toes in the 2nd part of the series, we follow a british age work or as he prepares to contest his citizenship revocation. less than attitude. so you're only as good as possible. take listen sir. yeah, and i'll just 0 the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 3rd annual, what challenges era has reminder of our top story is this our, for the 1st time the human security council has approved a resolution calling for c spot. and garza us back proposal includes the exchange of palestinian prisoners with as many captives eventually withdrawal of israeli forces from garza under a ton of displace palestinians to the hinds classes when he's to statement welcoming the un security council and fight to box the seas fund proposal group says it's ready to cooperate with mediators to enter into it negotiations on implementing the deal. maybe at least when she found a sense of being killed and is ready bombings across the gaza strip. southern city of con eunice for the front of the as really strikes us extra estates and steeper. and ken has, are tons of them,
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at least to push for the cx. 5 deal on monday he met as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and television. uh yeah, he was in colorado. he held tools with egypt, presidents. but as with, as more i'm thinking visit, he's reporting from jordan's capital of mine has as well, has shut down. i'll just do is operations in the country. so we're reporting from outside of as well on to me blinking is back in the regents and roll out, pushed to deliver the cx 5 between the i'm us and israel, the joe biden, 1st tables at the end of mates and in a meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu blinking his office at the end of our meeting, issued a statement, and in that statement, blinked and said, he told me that and you know the us stands behind the comprehensive proposal outlined by joe biden, which includes spot, the release of hostages, and increased aid to gaza and bumped lincoln's office said would give his rail the possibility of unlocking peace along the country's northern border and further
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integration with countries in the region. so the suggestion that from lincoln's office is that they've been trying to persuade or convince netanyahu of the merits of this cease fire deal. previously. netanyahu says, but he is in this will to destroy how much time it won't end until how much and is leadership. i not able to fight again in gaza. i'm us. it's part says the blinking has been too biased towards israel and he says the blinking stumps is a real obstacle to reaching a ceasefire agreement. and it's made out to 0 a month. and just reminder that benjamin s know his cabinet has bind to alex's era . and as well, on the extent of that decision on sunday. and that's why we're reporting from neighboring jordan federal courts. and california is hiring a lawsuit, filed by a group of activists accusing us present job eyes and his administration of
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complicity. and as well as the genocide and gaza. a panel of judges is hearing arguments from several policy and in human rights groups is a binding the loan with his x rays of state and defense of failed to stop the war and the aging. and the best thing genocide, by providing military supports to as well this case was dismissed in january, but judges a hearing appeal against that decision. the us police of storms, the university of california, los angeles compos to remove another incumbents that help and support a people. and gaza. several students were detained off the police awesome to the special face being arrested. as the latest demonstration that you see a late, despite protests being fined off to sometime violent in april pro is really counted demonstrates as attacks and incumbent injuring several peaceful students. the, the hundreds of protesting in the french capital after
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a full white policy searched and the european parliamentary elections. the far right probably these games has prompted presence of mind. me on my strong suit as those holloman's and coolest small collection french left. we need to say they are willing to work together to put up a united front and coming vote in 3 weeks time. a police of 5 take us to this past crowns, and the funds that you have not hundreds were protesting. it talks about the reports from friends, with a microns gamble, for payoff. words, beautiful smiles, marine the pen, arriving at headquarters in paris the far right leaders wasting no time. she propose a national rally policies campaign for a snap election to the end of the month. her team says the ready was going to be good to be uh yes, i think we are set under foster the 7th of july. there was a majority either from the national rally or in coalition with others. we will very quickly be able to get funds moving again the day off to cooling
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a snack connection and to move the shop the country french present to manual micro look surprisingly relaxed to the world war 2 commemoration in the southern town. as to is unexpected decision to dissolve, parliament was prompted by his son to write policies embarrassing defeat at the hands of the far right in front of you election on sunday. the representative of fence preparing his ministers into a campaign even they hadn't expected longer. what is at stake is what the french nation will become in the years and decades to come. that's will be decided in 3 weeks time. let's not think that this election is just like any of that. it is, i repeat an election consequences out of unprecedented gravity or nation black hole, surprise, decision that has shaken politicians and some of the public. some say that he's move is courageous that he's giving people a real choice other say that he's playing a dangerous game with french democracy. micros policy doesn't have apollo the
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memory majority. he hopes to achieve one in the election by making you with lines these with politicians on the right, some left who want to block the far right from victory. but this post, the says, my crossover estimates his own popularity and on the estimates the appeal of independence policy. uh so can you comfortable, he's not taking into account with his bed. is it these days the fall, right? national riley is a policy like any other. you know, don't just guess people didn't see it is particularly racist or extreme. and the policy has a huge advantage. and just because it's never been in power, it's never been in a position to disappoint people. the elections barely started, but now one of the most likely outcomes isn't even move for minted parliament. and a coalition government is macro wins is best and the majority is darren gamble could make french political history if he loses. he'll still enter the history books. but as the president who put the fall right in power and talks about the out
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to 0 power as well, despite games by the fall, right across the continent, the majority of states in the european parliament remain in the hands of centrist policies, europe and peoples policy of european commission present as up on the land is still the strongest set of us and bolts from bell in the winter of sundays election, keen to start to 2nd term as president of the european commission was left on the alliance party is projected to have secure 26 percent of the $720.00 seats in the parliament, but far right and populous parties are and far behind if they succeed in forming their united block. what does the success of the far right parties in europe tell you about the move in us? so indeed, that is an increase of the extra in right, actually in the extreme left we have both phenomenon, but not as much as predicted. not as much as expected. the, the opposite is the case. we had
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a strong wind as europe and people's party. so this shows that is you can withstand the pressure from the extremes, some photos in germany. i'm not convinced the alternative for germany potty d a f d game in seconds and defeated the government coalition of chancellor olaf show contests involved with the tests that i find incredibly scary that so many people voted right wing us get to think where this might lead to so can you, it's shocking. i mean, everyone knows by now that there's a drift to the right, but i still kind of lived in my own bubble thinking that everybody would vote for them. but starting to see it written in black and white. after being ex spouse from the far right groups and you for being to radical, the a f d has distance itself from its controversial main candidates. a confident mode here at the headquarters of the question, democratic party invalid. after sunday's victory was left on, the lion sees no reason to change her, of course,
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but many wonder what impact the rise of the fall rights will have the policy and the next 5 years. people don't feel that this progressive of gender actually is, is what they can't afford right now. so therefore people tend to rather vote for a conservative parties which promised to go give them back the good old days. so the green did, which was the big move shots pro jake, off ones on the fund alina's she called it is now kind of gone the green d, which was meant to bring c o 2 emissions to 0 by 2050 has come under pressure from both testing farms also on migration policies could become more strict. the next few days and weeks will make clear out the election results may affect tons of millions of people in and outside the block. step 5, some elgin sierra building or organs. he is controversial, like when preston's having
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a malay has completed 6 months impala inflation has come down under his present state, bought it up, the cost of slashing public sector jobs and subsidies. so as of a report from but as our as an assembly by left when groups and when a site is to discuss how to challenge precedent. have you had release plans for origin? tina many of those here have been laid off since taking office. have you had really has lead off at least 50000 state employees? money. i know a visa is one of them we got from is the money and i went for my regular duty at the state airline company, and they were lots of police and they had a blacklist and i was on it. they're kind of sort of sponsor of the company and tried to prioritize i to attack the workers since becoming president and defend the really has to evaluate the currency by 50 percent, halted all public works slash subsidies and fuel and electricity. and we'd use the number of ministries,
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bye have but this is only part of the plan when they came to power with a promise to carry out a naval tax. and other reforms that he says was one form argentina, but really has a minority in congress. and since taking office, he has been in constant consultation with other political parties. that's why he has been unable to pass legislation that will help him push these economic agenda. laser stairway to plan has an objective to reduce inclination, but it has also cost a construction of the economy with a sharp drop and consumer spending. set them up as it might be in the tasks i lawmaker and an economist says they've got them in blacks, us civilization plan a get to get under the investment buckle, the inflation is going to go down. but you will see very high unemployment because economic activities will not to recover immediately, and it's going to be difficult to find people who are better and knowledge. and so, you know, people gave me layer blank check to stabilize the economy, tired of living with high inflation for years really has been traveling around the


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