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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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in between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the feelings towards the counselor dumps us proposal for the spot in guns up for the 1st time in 8 months. so for thomas says, welcome to move the child. this is 0 live from though ha. also coming up more is rainy as strikes his nose and gone. so and then the south age kind of city is a killed in residential areas of con, unit 1000. lee, the west,
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and sidney city of el paso, is pointing the intensifies plus protests in paris on the across from the day off to preston announces a surprise election. the united nations security council has approved the us bank proposal for a cease fund and gaza. it goal is for an exchange of his rated captives with palestinian prisoners um, so the displaced in garza to be returned time given to us on the begins of coverage from un headquarters in new york. a draft resolution has resulted a proposed to cease fire and gaza presented by the united states when support and the security council. a clear diplomatic victory for the americans who blocked previous attempts to stop the fighting. over the past 8 months. this council has often face divisions and the world has taken notice with understandable frustration
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. but there's another side to this story because today we adopted the 4th resolution on this kind of conflict. algeria, the era group representative on the council sided with the us draft, almost guaranteeing it would receive over whelming support from other council members, revolted in favor of the task is lucian submitted by the united states. because we believe it under the present step for toward immediate last and she's far after the boat, the palestinian ambassador. welcome to any news that could silence the guns and the sufferings of palestinian people. the number one item in that resolution is to have a ceasefire. to end this fighting and we are determined with our friends to make it
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a long lasting permanent ceasefire. russia wanted unconditional and permanency spire, but chose to not be to the us draft choosing. instead to abstain. nurse book, i'm could you post. it was, it was either want, specifically, has, as royal agree to receive helps. we will hear from these riley representative. the council should not sign up to any agreement that has vague parameters as intially disagreement gives comp launch on details. we don't have to be put on it, but a couple at the you in on monday the us said repeated lead it is real. had agreed to the terms of a deal, but after the vote, it was unclear if israel would abide by the resolution. israel will not engage in meaning less than and less negotiations which can be exploited by some us as a means to stall for time. security council resolutions are binding international law, but their impact often depends on implementation. that will be particularly the case
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with this one. the united states says they will work directly with israel to make sure it lives up to its obligations and the resolution. and the us also says it expects that cuts are an egypt 2 countries that have played an important role in trying to bring about peace. will also continue to liaise with from us gabriel's onto ouch is here at united nations in new york. well, how mass as well comes to move saying it's ready to cooperate with mediators. let's take a look at what do you and security council proposal involves. first phase would see us 6 weeks is fine. the withdrawal of israeli forces and the exchange of some caps, of the policy and in presence, the 2nd phase with the opponent and the will and the release of the remaining captives from will present as a fed and final phase as a major, multi yeah, reconstruction plan, for golf, so what i can go off of is randy ministry has been continuing its foaming campaign
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and 11 people were killed in antoinette garza city of nice monday and tuesday. and these 2 of the victims with children and in southern galls or at least 8 palestinians were killed and con eunice officers ready forces bummed residential areas on monday, 10th sheltering space. people also hit baffles between these really forces on policy and influences have been intensifying further south. and rafa is ready. army says that full of its soldiers have been killed. an explosion and rough or 5 others was seriously wounded. well then, 650 as way. the soldiers have died in garza since the stats of the war. i was at now to central garza and speak to a correspondent that hand cordaris has live for us in federal viola. and what move can you tell us about all this latest fighting? well, it was a very deadly night for the palestinians in the gulf of city where at least 3
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houses were targeted in a policy news. rick hills were talking about 3 families about a bus and a done and i showed up, but 3 of the houses were targeted in the city of the causal strip. let's move to as to why the central area where as to bonnie house was also at target. and all of these houses had people living there. and the civil defense themes are still to this point. searching for people trapped under the rub of moving to defy. we know at that at least a 2 fibers were killed after that is where the forces targeted them. and according to the, is there a need? the for is where the soldiers were killed by a blast. and the booby trap building in suffering cause was dropped off yesterday. and there has been more casualties. but we still don't know and have confirmed sources but, but that's a has been a bottle field for the past couple of weeks. and we do not know what's currently
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happening on the ground for a couple of reasons. first of all, there has been no internet and network and collected telecommunications. also, there has been no ambulances or civil defense teams able to go and to pick up and at the people that are killed and taps from the houses and the fees. also, it's very risky and being serious, they're saying that plus countries and a lot of munition in the drones target them every time they try to go west of dropbox. but we knows that phase where the soldiers have been moving towards the western parts of the refund. their husband also live, i mean mission fired on palestinian still sides to show 3 and the western parts of . 2 an intense, it's still escalated and there is obviously more to know about the incidents and drop off in the next couple of hours. okay. well, we will keep coming back to in those hours to find out more,
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as we know at the moment, and many signs for the update us extra stay times the blinking is continuing, has to offer the middle east to push forward the faith 5 deal on monday he met his rainy prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and television. and yeah, he was in kyra away. hell. tools with egypt president. and on tuesday morning, he's been missing benny guns, who has resigned from the war cabinets on the opposition leader. yeah. last page. okay, so how somebody all ready, now he's a professor of international affairs. castle university joins us today like from a mine in georgia, and we're going to bring it in just a minute. first of all, we'll talk about this united nations security council resolution cooling for a seas far. how effective is it likely to be what it is very important to have this kind of resolution. but the problem here is that, you know, the implementation of such resolution depends on the agreement of how much time is
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riley. and until this moment i think can, and none of them is and they're kind of saying that they accept this fully as so we have to wait and see. or we have posts of noises from last have welcomed the resolution. they say that they're ready for tools, want to think we're going to have from the as rainy's as well. i mean, no, i will. he's from the right kind of that is right is i'm in board. but until this moment, you know, we know that it is right in the apartment is in a trouble. now simply because it is i n v as a nation out, some key ministers. so we have to wait until we see their final uh response. but i think, you know, when we look at the resolution itself, uh, the, the, uh, the control it better solution is very problematic for from us. because it does, it does not secure a permanent use file, which is, you know, one of the demands that how much has been holding on um all the way. uh, so id and, you know, also hear some different voices from us. many spell expressions. uh,
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but we have to wait and see like a final decision, not big enough. i agree to this and if yes, what are they gonna do exactly? what days? variety is i agree to this and if yes, what do they accept like an immediate cease fire because what we're seeing like last night is really the night for they've had a senior and he is right, is have them mounting there and administer minute to pressure on how much? okay, i will go down to the blank in the a section of states sitting down with mess and yahoo later today. what pressure do you think he'll be pushing on him to accept this these upon proposal as well? i think you will. let's put a lot of pressure because simply it is what we've pulled it presidential investment and this, the initiative, it is the present president biden is going to the security council. he's going to discuss this with the g 7 and next week in like 2 days to come. so we're seeing like a lot of investments on the bottom of the american ministrations that i think the last thing the annual ones at to see is my know there was this agreement with
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america and, and also implies an old statement is coming from the american administration added that the, the, the initiative is and is really one. so there was a kind of combination between the, the, the white house and these ready to government or had a draft resolution for how some very good to get your thoughts. thanks for joining us. that from i'm on show, this is where the military has released a video of the operation in this or at the refugee camp that killed more than 270 palestinians on saturday. is ready. so just to come to entering an apartment building with full confidence were being housed only 600 other people were injured as a firearms of missiles and gun fine. it didn't st. paul today to come by the 100000 pounds. assuming those have been sheltering best. here was some of the stories from
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survivors. the saw that the best way to do the like a forgotten
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the the the i'm not sure. the on the yeah the, the
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israel has killed at least 2 members of hezbollah and as strikes and know them 11 and around 130 kilometers from as for the the, the attack is one of the 1st operations launched by israel's military since the war on guns that began yeah, strikes come off to hezbollah down and is really drain of a southern lebanon on monday. so it has head on out of sarah. we take a look at the origin 10 in pressed as controversial attempts to revive the economy in his 1st 6 months in office and finds rage and brazil, tons of the wetlands. but the west could be yet to come. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now? i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, unique perspective, a lot of people, they never know that there are indigenous people in norway, sweden, finland, and russia. reconnecting to buy some sort dances, really help generational trauma connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere the stream on out to 0, sears from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app
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is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alpha 0 new at using is it the, [000:00:00;00] the oregon you're watching out is there a has reminder of on top stories this hour. even security council has approved a resolution cooling for us, the spot and garza the 1st time since the war began. us back proposal includes the exchange of palestinian prisoners with its way to captives and eventual withdrawal
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. if it's where any forces from thompson, from us is when a statement welcoming the un security council face. it says it's ready to cooperate with mediators and to answer interactive cushions to implemented. do these 20 palestinians have been killed as waiting for means of course, the goal is to split those the night monday it's tuesday, kansas city, and the newest. and connie, in his folder from thousands of people have said the west and sydney city of l. sasha, as placing the intensifies between the army and the par, note to rapids support forces in the state capital in westminster. john, on the are a self control phase fighting began in the area last month yourself on the minute she had been buying for control of suits on since april last year. from the city of al faster to the city of to wheeler. there's straight gunfire. that's not allowing people to go up to the markets or even get water. children are afraid,
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we are suffering and we suffered until we reached all faster. all the other villages on the way have been burned. food is expensive, living is expensive. drinking water is where to find the salaries are suspended and after months we've only received 60 percent of them. and of course, that finishes before the next month begins. playing time will always vice president has gone missing sol as to lima, was traveling to know them, since you have them suzy, via across, failed to land at the airport. i scheduled a search and rescue operation is under way of being processed and the french capital off to the far right policy says in the european parliamentary elections before i bought his games prompted present to my new my contents as old parliaments and coal, a small collection french left wing legions say that willing to work together to put up a united front in the coming elections in 3 weeks time. it does about reports from the front, so with
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a back close gamble will pay off the words. beautiful smiles. marine the pen, arriving at headquarters in paris. the far right leaders wasting no time. she propose a national rally policies campaign for a snap election to the end of the month. her team says that ready was going to be good. okay. uh yes, i think we are set under fall for the 7th of july. there is a majority either from the national rally or in coalition with others. we will very quickly be able to get funds moving again. the day off to cooling, a snack connection and to move the shop. the country bridge president emmanuel my chromebook, surprisingly relaxed to the world war 2 commemoration in the southern town. as to his own expected decision to dissolve. parliament was prompted by his son to write policies embarrassing defeat at the hands of the far right in front of you election on sunday. the rapid turn of offense propelling his ministers into a campaign even they hadn't expected. known for what is at stake is what the french
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nation will become in the years and decades to come. that's will be decided in 3 weeks time. let's not think that this election is just like any of the get is i repeat an election was consequences out of unprecedented gravity or nation black hole. surprise, decision has shaken politicians and some public. some say that is, move is courageous that he's giving people a real choice other say that he's playing a dangerous game with french democracy. macros policy doesn't have a pool of memory majority. he hopes to achieve one in the election by making new lines. these with politicians on the right to the left who want to block the far right from victory. but this polls the says macro overestimates his own popularity and on the estimates the appeal of depends policy. uh, so can you comfortable, he's not taking into account with his bed. is it these days the fall, right. national riley is a policy like any of that. it no longer scares people or didn't see it is
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particularly racist or the stream. and the policy has a huge advantage, and just because it's never been in power, it's never been in a position to disappoint people. the elections barely started, but for now, one of the most likely outcomes isn't even move for mentored parliament. undercover lucian government is micro wins is best and the majority, his daring gamble could make french political history if he loses. he'll still enter the history books. but as the president to put the fall right in power, it talks about the i'll do 0 power as well. despite the gains by the fall right across the continent, as the majority of seats in the european parliament still remain in the hands of centrist policies, european peoples policy of your pen commission presents as live on the land is still the strongest boss of step by some reports from violin funds land will have a what costs out the window of sundays election, keen to start to 2nd term as president of the european commission that was left on
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the lions party is projected to have secure 26 percent of the $720.00 seats in the parliament, but far right and populous parties are, and far behind if they succeed in forming their united block. what does the success of the far right parties in europe tell you about the move in us? so indeed, that is an increase of the extreme right. actually in the extreme left, we have both phenomenon, but not as much as predicted. not as much as expected. the, the opposite is the case. we had a strong wind as europe in people's parties. so this shows that you can withstand the pressure from the extremes, some photos in germany. i'm not convinced the alternative for germany potty d a f d game in seconds and these feet at the go lemon coalition of chancellor. whole of souls consists of opposite assessment. i find incredibly scary that so many people
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that you'd like when i was get to think where this might lead to a. so q, it's shocking. i mean, everyone knows by now that there's a drift to the right, but i still kind of lived in my own level thinking that everybody would vote for them. but starting to see it written in black and white after being ex spouse from the far right. in your for being to radical d a f d has distance itself from its controversial main candidates. a confident mode here at the headquarters of the christian democratic party in berlin. after sunday's victory was left on, the lion sees no reason to change her, of course. but many wonder what impact the rise of the fall rights will have you policy in the next 5 years. people don't feel that this progressive gender actually is, is what they can't afford right now. so therefore, people tends to rather vote for the conservative parties which promised to go give them back the good old days. so the green did,
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which was the big move shots project off ones on the funder. linus she called it is now kind of gone, the green d, which was meant to bring c o 2 emissions to 0 by 2050 has come under pressure from both testing from us. also on migration policies could become more strict. the next few days and weeks will make clear out the election results may affect hundreds of millions of people in an outside the block steadfast, and l. just a rough building to resume now well wald flies continue to ravish the was largest tropical wetland, which has been hit hard by drought. as of last week, satellite data shows a 980 percent increase in the number of funds in the area compared to the same time last year for the water 5 season haven't even started yet. it typically begins in july and ends in september. for a long couple other we're trying to take the casual to the other side of the by said i have a bigger chance of surviving the why the fire is coming good surrounding and been
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introduced myself that up at hans and all was supposed to be flooded at this time, it's known as the largest whitland in the world, and now we see it here. it's like a days it and, and the noise by it is very well. but the audience in as controversial like twin present have him in the a has completed 6 months impala. inflation has come down under his presidency, but has come up the cost of flashing public sector jobs and subsidies to where the book has moved from. but as far as an assembly by left when groups and when a site is to discuss how to challenge precedent, have you had release plans for origin? tina, many of those here have been laid off since taking office have you had really has lead off at least 50000 state employees? money. i know a visa is one of them. we have some of the money and i went for my regular duty at the state airline company, and there were lots of police and they had a blacklist,
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and i was on it. they're kind of sort of sponsor of the company and tried to prototypes. i to attack the workers since becoming president and defender really has the value of the currency by 50 percent, halted all public works slash subsidies and fuel and electricity. and we'd use the number of ministry's bye have. but this is only part of the plan. we made came to power with a promise to carry out labeled attacks and of the reforms that he says was one form argentina, but really has a minority in congress. and since taking office, he has been in constant consultation with other political parties that he has been unable to pass legislation that will help him push the code. i'll make agenda release to stay with the plan has an objective to reduce information, but it has also cost the construction of the economy with a sharp drop and consumer spending settled looked as it might be in the dusky side lawmaker and an economist,
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or says the government accessibility station plan for the investment buckle, the inflation is going to go down, that you will see very high unemployment because economic activities will and will, to recover immediately. and it's going to be difficult to find people who are better and options. you know, people gave me layer blank contract to stabilize the economy, tired of living with high inflation for years. really has been traveling around the world, meeting with fi, ride politicians and businessmen like you don't mask in an attempt to attract bullying investment. but until it arrives, people on the street so struggling to go in there just young people get older. i'm a guy who works, but you can't make gains make the money. and the truth is that those and how not taking into account people from the middle class down because look, i was paying 1000 pesos for electricity and i've been back today. i pay 12000 in spite of his chain. so plan nice popularity remains high. the question is
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whether it will last a sample of the theda when a site is not fit for me, nor a kyle of weather is next. and then i'll be back with inside story discussing it runs presidential election, was 6 kansas best on the ballot. and you can always find, hold on on websites. out of sarah dot com, the, the hello. the weather is looking pretty quiet now across much solve the raping printed stuff. i mike told x reliably informed me that it's pretty see me here. and uh huh. i'm not too much of a wind blowing as we go on through the next couple of days. type which is the low for this some of the temperature as we go one, it's a way to say maybe just nothing up or not show. so it is tries instead of course mount. so the middle of last week,
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a one or 2 showers between the caspian and the black sea. otherwise it's really about the heat and that he continues because that is the side ultimate. it's radian, what is, how is it has been recently for cyprus, for the eastern side of the night, but still plenty cost enough of $1.00 to $2.00 spots. pick it up into the full teeth as we go on into the middle of the week. once again, we are into the forty's across the pots of northern africa. tripoli, touching $42.00 celsius, a few showers, cause no the policy of algeria northern parts of america on july, the 8th, plenty of showers. meanwhile, a seasonal rain, so stretched across a good pots of west africa, nigeria sinks and beloved down pools and not just a shower was now running across southern chad. moving to a good part of the suit on for the south across the southern africa, it is generally try. we have got a few showers, just rotate the central positive mozambie the size wet with the, from my desk of the award winning program from international. so make us,
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we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, web. net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from wells today on alger 06 kinds that have been cleared to run. and yvonne's presidential rates. who ave, how do they just, uh, and what role they play? the vote is less than a month off of the death of the former president. so what's at stake this time around? and how to the outcome affects the country's role in the region. this is inside story,
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