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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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for the seller, i bet you to the, [000:00:00;00] the of the clock. this is the new, the life window coming up in the next 60 minutes to drop. the resolution has resulted after 8 months of bloodshed, the un security council approves the us back to proposal for an immediate cease fire and gaza. i'm not says it's ready to co operate with mediators. despite the legally binding you and resolution is rarely a types continue in gaza,
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several people including children killed in over night strikes the to has full of members are killed in israel's deepest attack, yet sold 11 soldiers in malawi truck through mounts. and as far as looking for a missing plane carrying the country's funds, president and bank, that's his start cents and gets a facelift to attract space, local and for them to the so of to 8 months of israel's war on dogs. the, for the 1st time, the united nations security council has voted in favor of a ceasefire to in the blood shed. 14 members of view and the top of body approve to us back sees for proposal rusher, abstained. part of the plan would see is really captive swaps with palestinian prisoners and displays palestinians return to their homes,
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especially in the north. but despite that legally binding vote, israel has continued its attacks across the strip. at least 11 people have been killed, including children. it is renters also suffering casualties. the army says full soldiers were killed in southern gaza and then no fighting on the israel 11 and border is also escalating. is there any forces killed at least 2 husband are members during a striking northeast and 11 and it is the deepest is right. the strike yet on lebanese territory, since the war on cause of the god. and as those tensions rides, the talk us diplomats, anthony blinking is israel meeting. see the political need is he's due to head to jordan this. well, bennet smith is live near the dead sea with jordan is hosting an emergency international conference. and run con is in a mon truck in the is rarely reactions on the cx 5. and then the honda is live in sit on 11 and i'll just there was headquarters is outside the i likes the hospital
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in there up. i live in casa for 1st. let's begin on coverage with this report from gabriel and is on the from united nations to drop the resolution has resulted a proposed ceasefire and gaza presented by the united states when support and the security council. a clear diplomatic victory for the americans who block previous attempts to stop the fighting. over the past 8 months, this council has often faced divisions and the world has taken notice with understandable frustration. but there's another side to this story because today we adopted the 4th resolution on this kind of conflict. algeria, the era group representative on the council side with the us draft, almost guaranteeing it would receive overwhelming support from other council members, revolted in favor of the task. here's a lucian submitted by the united states because we believe it
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comes to the present step for toward an image. it have lost and she's far off. so after the vote, the palestinian ambassador, welcome to any news that could silence the guns and the suffering of palestinian people. the number one item in that resolution is to have a ceasefire. to end this fighting, and we are determined with our friends to make it a long lasting, permanent ceasefire. russia wanted unconditional and permanency spire, but chose to not veto the us draft choosing instead to abstain this book. i'm curious as it was, it was, these are want, specifically, has as while agree to use the haps we will hear from these riley representative. the council should not sign onto any agreement that has vague parameters. esentially disagreement gives comp launch on details. we don't have to be part of it,
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but at the you in on monday the us said repeated lead it is real. had agreed to the terms of a deal, but after the vote it was unclear if israel would abide by the resolution. israel will not engage in meaning less than and less negotiations which can be exploited by some us as a means to stall for time. security council resolutions are binding international law, but their impact often depends on implementation. that will be particularly the case with this one. the united states says they will work directly with israel to make sure it lives up to its obligations and the resolution. and the us also says it expects that cuts are an egypt 2 countries that have played an important role in trying to bring about peace. will also continue to liaise with from us gabriel's on to i'll just here at united nations in new york. all right, let's get some live reaction to all of this. we can go to the central gods, now
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a hidden good, already standing by outside the i like so, hospitalized are about and, and so despite the un security council, the strikes continue of the. c the 1st targets after the united nations security council resolution was that house up for us in by the hospital and as to why they were at least at 5 palestinians have been a 5 policy needs, have been killed and others have been injured from the same time. and 3 other houses from different parts across the god lester part were also targeted. were 3 families as says that a boy you buy and there was another shot. many of those houses have been targeted when they were people living there. there were also a couple of targets on farmers that were trying to provide food for people from
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agriculture labs and dropped off. there were also a couple of targets and lab immunization targeted on the people in tents in the western parts of the file. it's then escalating, we can hear artillery shutting in the background, and it, it did not stop. and there has been a news that sort of is now a battlefield between the palestinian fighters and these ready soldiers, johnson's people in general. so what is the, the resolution made for those kind of thing and struggling for safety and food? well, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's different from a person to another. some people are striving to have food. some people are striving to find drinkable, walter, but most of the people really rely on monday are waiting for medical supplies or waiting for humanitarian aid. and now we have with us docs and i lot stuff in the
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and he was a, they're all doing that. and super hospital, 1st months of treating people and treating the one that and it was a lot for doctors. and now we have a doctor a lot. that's not, can you tell us how does it the whole thing after everything you have, which is everything you have seen in the past couple of months? nope. you know, and it's not easy. actually, i'm personally, i had the trouble. the experience is so why lou, that and see if i was with them, you know, they never imagined that you can see these kinds of casualties civilians and then went back to things that i never had a lot of things that i have sung for the time being, you know, edited by the of us as a person have, it's a i mentioned had, i saw a man in the late fourties and he was like one diamonds. you know, you know, imagine that the 2nd is a go like 8 or 9, use it as
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a try. it's officer. i found to have it like this. been to this, that's not easy for me as a human, before i am, i'm going to get a stuff. it was like tied up and when i forced to leave ship a and the 1st invasion to ship all us, but on the is that a little gems it for us to leave? and i have to see might somebody i used to will couple of going to because if the day just to get the right of the it of the, the a like the and good, the sadness and the presentation i had as a human do. what does the u. n. a security council resolution mean to you? what do you think this is going to get for the whole on a but a sort of a lot that's to stop between the sides. that's the last thing that eh, you know, i wish to have because not the human under, but assuming for the civilians who just want to stop this and cease fire for us. i mean,
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i'm is that maybe can stuff we need for the most ones who need to be ceasefire because we are totally exhausted. you know, our house because the show deluxe is just the last one working with the it'll be and also getting dropped off. and we as a humans and the music and stuff, so that exhaust isn't good in bed if we want to. it's this break down just to stop it. i hope this time it works. i hope. thanks. thanks doug. it's, as you heard, people in the gaza strip are drained, are exhausted, and have been waiting to hear anything positive. hopefully they're hoping that this time this you and resolution is going to carry a ceasefire after 9 months of endless air strikes and bombings. indeed, and thanks for that to enter the enter a pallet and gaza let's shift over to among the jo, dining and capital, and run con his dining by 1st as a him run with the this backdrop of the resolution that you and security council
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resolution being policy us touch your state, of course, in the region. he's relegating this cx 5 cools right. and that's absolutely right. and the reaction from israel to the un security council resolution that has been muted or is riley is really saying is we welcome all efforts that compare that to the reaction to the last 3 un resolutions, which was absolutely furious coming from israel. they told the un, simply an empty is really body and they went further, they called it empty symmetric and they said that nothing was going to make the change the way they were going to fight. they will. but this resolution was presented by the united states. so israel has to go along with this. i have to not criticize that, certainly not openly in public, but back stage. there is some panic going on for these ratings because this
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resolution at the seas pipeline, that 3 phases of our plan is always been presented by jo button as these right time . but these res haven't agreed. so each 3 of those phases, in deepest, still talking about whether they can commit to the 1st phase of this. so that's concerning to these ratings because now this is legally binding. and perhaps the us strategy is to make it legally binding and to force these rightly stakes up. but this actually was their idea. now the us keep saying it's all about how mass now, how i'm asked me to accept this, these 5 deal. i'm asked me to step up, well, how about somebody or do you react to it? and they've said that they welcome this un resolution. also on use have run live is ready sold just being killed in gaza. that's right. they were entering a house in the southern gauze that wouldn't explosion when types of houses, baby shop. actually what the house stayed was completely collapse in on the floor. so just killing them immediately. oh,
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so we're hearing that now. the full soldiers are actually injured in that attack. these right, these are saying that the house belonged to a how much operative now the soldiers were actually in training. and now normally when soldiers are in training, they never that deep into the front lines. but this just goes to show you how stretch the is really is, but it's sending. so just in training into deep into a reference. so it's a very concerning thing for the is re lease and it brings up the total number of tests. so that is where you saw just around about the 650 bought, but the injuries are skyrocketing as well. that's over 3350 right now. it run. thanks about the impact on that in amman, in jordan. gonna show you some pictures now coming to us from tel aviv entity blinking is it runs has been talking about has been a meeting of the is really probably minutes spent with nothing you know, who and also benny guns and the leader, the opposition. yeah. let me that needs
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a protest is outside that meeting that was taking place a little bit earlier, protesting for a release of the captives being held in gallons of these. the latest pictures coming to us from tel aviv, as unto the blinking, that meets with the left pete, the opposition leader in tel aviv and is shortly heading to amman and we'll hear from him later. let's get an update now from ben smith who's joining us from the dead sea where there's a conference going on that. so ben and tell us about this conference and what the focus it or will make the purpose of this conference, its title, the coal for action is taking place in a hotel, a conference center over there, along the dead sea, the pressure being kept to and its separate place away from it, but the purpose, the organizers say, is to standardize procedures, identify needs and seek a commitment for a collective, coordinated response to address the humanitarian situation and gaza. and the
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organizers describe how you might a tighter and response that is under great pressure. i may say that an extended conflict on the scale of palm means as grave implications for regional peace and stability in the immediate on the long term. and the organizes without naming israel, specifically point to the saying that the delivery of humanitarian assistance remain severely come put on they will on these sites unpredictable due to the constraints at many levels. while most complaints that israel is deliberate, deliberately hampering the delivery avail of aid, something these riley's denied, but it's why we've seen ad drops in the us use about to pay around to know the mediterranean. when really, the quickest way of getting aiden is overlap, or a better leave that for the moment to a more later adopt dependence smith. the at that see, we're heading now to israel's northern front with lebanon, where to his beloved members were killed in a hold. is live for us and see it on what more can you tell us in a,
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a well, over night it was one of the biggest is really a tax against a hezbollah target. it was also one of the deepest, in fact, the deepest strike in 11 on it was in her mail. this is in the northeast of the country, very close to the syria border. this really army saying that to bits targeted quote, a significant hezbollah compound, which was used as a logistical base seventies. security sources say what was hits was a building as well as fuel tankers. what we understand those fuel tank crews could have just crossed into 11 on of, from syria. there's really armies saying that this was in response to hezbollah as downing of one of its advance drones earlier in the day. but israel, what it has been doing really is try to degrade the capabilities of hezbollah, whether in lebanon or whether in syria, syria, of course, has been that has
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a presence there, along with other iraqi and linked groups as well, has really stepped up a tax, the attacks have become more frequent targeting airports, warehouses, supply lies. so just of a week or so ago, it targets through the weapon storage in the northern, the syrian city of a level. so israel really has been as stepping up a tax as it's residents, a wider conflict with has full law. if the lebanese department book refuses to withdraw from the boarder regence will continue fighting until the war on the process stops. and it also does not seem interested in negotiating a new deal with the is that also seen has the hezbollah use of surface to air missiles? what do we read into that? in the context of everything is going on? well, in recent weeks, how's bella has intensified its operations against military targets in northern israel and in recent days, employing surface to air missiles. what has what has been doing since the start of
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this conflict in october is slowly on failing. it's new capabilities. this is a very different hezbollah from the time the last 4 with israel in 2006, it is telling me is rarely, if it has surface to air missiles, it has downs up to 5 is really arm drones, very sophisticated and expensive drove so her mess for 50 and a hermas 900. and as well as saying in the past few days, it targets it is really fighter jets using surface to air missiles. how's the claims? those fighter jets were forced to retreat. these regular armies, acknowledging that a surface to air missile was fired, but said our aircraft, we're not under any right now. you talk to military of servers and they tell you what has are likely to suppress in low flying aircraft. and that is why as well as not using helicopters and what is as well as trying to do this is more about the parents then destruction. it is trying to deter it as well from expanding this conflict and widening the conflict. it's still too early to say whether israel is
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the air superiority in air dominance. this is really the basis of that strategy is under threats. but what is clear is that has well as weapons and our signal really have changed. it's much more sophisticated than it's was years ago, is they know thanks to that to the heart of the, with this update from and so you don't in lebanon. thank you. well, plenty of developments this hour. it's all happening. let's break it down with not a sunshine who's in the tel aviv live for us. so she's a scene. it is real unless at the international crisis group at great have you with a smart life at so of to 8 months of bull and mass killing. the un security council is finally built to this, these 5 resolution. how does it move the dialogue? do you think of so i think we have yet to see, but obviously 24 hours less than 24 hours later we haven't seen a change of either in the war is really policy or the fact that the government now is smaller as
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a result of many guns leaving the government and the work cabinet there haven't been, you know, there hasn't been any kind of bigger protests last night. as a result, everything is kind of the same. we have yet to see any major, any major significant changes. have mouse size. it's willing to cooperate with negotiates as the as rainy verb or respond to at least has been interested in giving, giving himself to rejection and refusing the previous un mandates being relatively new to certain fall. i mean, the sticking point has been the same for months from us, demands an end to the war for withdrawal of the ideas. and israel has refused in the last few weeks that has shifted a bit as far as the work cabinet and the defense establishment getting behind the deal to abide in. formerly laid out because i think they understand that the war effort and strategy is not working. and also that the situation in northern israel with these by the is reaching breaking points. um you know, you're a partner mentioned that israel has stepped up. it's
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a tax please. bala is also stepping up. it's a tax, it's also testing out and learning the defense abilities of israel and i think but in some ways, israel is losing out strategically on the northern border by continuing this trajectory of escalation in which it might be forced to go into a more major escalation. not at the time of its choosing. so i think the security establishment understands that the military needs upgrade and then it can regroup and understand what it wants to do. whether to go to a dable maddox solution for um, you know, for their military escalation. but in any case, the political crisis here as well, has made it so that its in yet who has absolutely refused to enter a deal in which she commits to ending the war. so that remains the major sticking point strong. but this resolution companies that don't, through the united states and support as it is by the united states, is a big shift from the united states and its position and signals this growing gulf between israel and,
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and the us. it's like over this. how worried will israel be about that and that front to that relationship? and i don't think the us has put enough actual pressure on israel. um and you know, can use conditions an aid to make it changes behavior. i think it could do that. i think providing that would be a big a big leap and something, but he would probably not be ready to do. but the, the defense establishment in israel are very, very concerned about the situation with the us. and i think that regardless of how this war plays out, is rose, you know, image reputation, the allegations of atrocity and more crimes. the i to see um, you know, watching a rest warrant for the prime minister. these will have major, major implications for his really officials and for his really society at large in the years to come. that's something that many israelis are concerned about. but unfortunately, at this point, there's no movement because you have a prime minister who is primarily interested in his own political survival. similar
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in some ways to hum us and seen who are in gaza, where they are both are pretty much ready to continue on this trajectory and are not showing signs of wanting to stop it. and you know, who is just completely interested in his own political survival and he's even risked b, u. s. is real relationship as a result. but again, i have to say the us with, with all the shifts and all the different kinds of efforts it's making. it's still a positive put, it's put down to make this for stuff, reducing, blinking in the region right now, do you think he's bringing it perhaps of, from a message this time around. and i think the message is firm, but that hasn't been in us is wrong. can not wage wars without us aid without us support without us economic and military aid. so if those things were to be put on the table, that would, i think for us a very, very different approach in israel. but again, that is something that is almost unprecedented in the us, his relationship. and that's something that i think would be very hard for biding
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to do in an election year. so that would i think b, b, b, what would need to happen at this point? that's just not i don't see that on the horizon that we've worked closely to see how it opens out to get your analysis amount of as on try and thank you very much. thank you, nick. these rarely ministry. his release footage of the attack on the elements about the refugee. com the yes is ready, so just stormed into the refugee camp, entering an apartment building where full couches were being held more than 600 of the people were injured. as a biologist, missiles and gun fi hit, the densely populated camp around 100000 palestinians have been sheltering to hear the stories from survivors of the attack of the
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so the the best way to do the like a forgotten
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the sure. the . 7 on the yeah, the, the, the of the, the
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claim carry malawi is vice president has gone missing so also to lima, was traveling to the northern cc me soon, but the craft failed to line to the airport. a schedule communication has been lost . mdf soldiers are still on the ground. karen out the search and i have given strict orders that they operation should continue until their plane is found that speak to her and my thoughts are a correspondent to joins us live now from her. all right, and zimbabwe at so hurry for us thought, what more do we know about this missing plane in the search? if it's the wrong guy of the woman, always information, minutes is expected to give a press briefing in a few minutes from now to date. people and what is going on, what we know so far is that the play belonged to the malawi defense forces. it was going to a funeral of
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a former minister when it took over it experience some problems. it also turned back and then it's been lost contact with authorities at the child because of, according to authorities. it was because of a poor visibility. we know that they say they think the plan went out in a forest area in the north of the country. it's a rugged terrain which could explain why seemed difficult to access the cross. pleasant as a clear has said that he's aust regional countries including south africa which has a lot of the tools and machines to help with the search to come in and look for this a craft. and he says, such and risk operations are ongoing. but of course, people wait now for that analysis and from the minister information, which is expected to see when this time, what about the vice president has the viewed has the seen by people in minot, why the 51 years old and africa in politics? that is, yeah, and he's support to say he's kind of magic and he's popular and they were expecting him. oh,
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are expecting him to run for the presidential election extra invalid when that's takes place. but recently he's been accused of corruption allegations. it's a lace that he took some brides from a british businessman, money, gifts, etc. he's a novice allegations and the court recently dismissed the scruff navigation saying that there was nothing to the case, but of course all eyes out on that search. and basically, if it's, what will the play be found and will they be any survivors or heard back with you? as soon as we get more news heard matessa into about to sit down with thousands of people have fled the western city val fashions fight to the tents, fights between the army and the apartment, which we rapid support. it is the only state capital in weston to dawn on the r assess control, fist fights, he began in the area of last month yourself and the minute treat could be vying for control of 2 dunces. april last year. from the city of al faster to the city of to wheeler. there's 3 gunfire. that's not allowing people to go up to the markets or even get water. children are afraid,
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we are suffering and we suffered until we reached out faster. all the other villages on the way have been burned. food is expensive, living is expensive. drinking water is where to find the salaries are suspended and after months we've only received 60 percent of them. and of course, that finishes before the next month begins. or family is playing the fighting of arrived at the exams and refugee camp, which is 14 kilometers south of el fisher, a groups of all, and that 30 percent of chill child refugees, the a suffering from acute nutrition. one my you know that the whole, but when we came from till we know we had to leave at night and that we could not keep during the day because we were scared of strikes and weapons. they searched and threatened us. where are you going? and what do you have in your bag? they took all our belongings, leaving us with very little. and with that little money we were able to get to the refugee compare before the war, our life was happy. we used to farm. we didn't have to buy bread or food from the market. we got to meet from livestock that we raised a toe,
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but they still all the lights stoke. when we arrived at the rescue g come, they provided us with few things. but now we've run out of my new situation is bad . we don't have any money for food and water, but home we would eat 3 meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. here we only eat one meal breakfast and i missed a home with my tories and to my friends is still a head here now to 0, broke area has one of the fastest shrinking populations in the world will tell you why people are leaving and then millions and finding ways to pay for the rebuilding of ukraine. one supporters, eva officials, neutralize to offer much needed billions of dollars. the color temperatures from
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a very much on the high side across east and positive. yep. and 60 down towards that southeastern corner, up towards the northwest on the other hand, because normally when so as much much pressure, we got that cool wind coming down across the good part of the pressure sauce. and in between, we got this low weather from which is making its way right up into the northeast of here. and it's bringing a fat bit of rain and as well. so we've got the heat down to the se, but pressure right up towards the northwest and live the south still in place that go central path of you ever running across podium, pushing across dibels, that western side of russia, some live the showers to still coming down across an automatically, around the outs and into that eastern side of spain, we push on into a web, the state level slip a little further south with add a switzer company behind, somewhat driving private, but still what a rash a shout was coming in across the north. west of europe running down into denmark, heading to jeremy,
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still some heavy showers close at the west side of the mad fly drive account, which was at eastern side of them, but it's right in that heat. so into the middle of the stove, africa, i'm still getting up to 42 celsius, the full aaa one or 2 showers to for north and ok. the, the latest news as it breaks, put immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage while the santa rides remains from the in the saddle. the file right is expected to shake off politics and bustles from around the world. the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world average. and russia has already overtaken japan in germany in terms of the size of its economy from palestine to pakistan, from syria to being donasia. ok,
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foundation has delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible families, culverts and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon a today without kind of foundation the the are you watching out 0 reminder about top story is this. uh and the un security council is approved the resolution quoting for a cx 5 and does the us bank proposal includes the exchange of palestinian presidents with this brand new cap. just let me eventually withdrawal of israeli
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forces from dallas had masses released the statements welcoming the un security council of dates. the group says it's ready to cooperate with mediators and to enter in direct negotiations to implement the deal. i. let's bring in hudson burr are, you know, he's a professor of international affairs. it's kind of university enjoying his life now from amman. so it has on 1st up we have this resolution for us these, for, at last, but we need both parties to participate. of course the, what's your sense of how this could progress or otherwise a hi. yes, nick, do you know it is very important to have this resolution passed. so simply because it's a kind of a roadmap for hopefully a permanency side. but you know, the, the liberal in the details, and now there's a lot of negotiations between is straight is and how nice you know, to me, the interest, i think, you know, and this is going to be a little bit, uh,
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not paid by the, for the media to us to come up with a compromise that's with the probably the bridge, the gap between the 2, the 2 sides of the complex. so again, $88.00 is a very positive step, but at the same time, it a template ation of each. each quantity is very important now how, how big are not compromise and reach a common ground or the, you know, point to where they both agree on is, is, is the, i think, is the key. right? and all this, of course, will be discussed behind the scenes negotiations of the dead sea, where lots of those need is a meeting. the anti blinking will be that to the us extra estate. and he has already, as really does to try and pressure how much into accepting the cx 5 proposal. yeah, well, i must accept it, you know, because the statement through that they will come back. but again, this is in sufficient for how much i'm not looking for permanency if i am not to, you know,
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as she's paying for 6 weeks. and so this is very important because i didn't get to a resolution talks about, you know, a gives as well. the lead to, uh for a family is fine because it depends on the 2 pots, is what they're getting angry or not. on the stage to on state street. and so again, as i told you in my freshman intervention and the, the liberal in the detail. so we're gonna see how, what part is going to approach negotiations? are they gonna negotiate in good faith? i think you know what, we know that these latest and they may just perfectly appear that they have no interest in information is fine. but again, you know, there's a whole that is 6. we were probably would create a dynamics where these ways would probably build out the down the road for a permanency expired. in the past is running causes a gold's un mandates mandates from the end security council. it says time likely to be any different and what kind of pressure can onto the billing can bring to bear
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on the is really administration. unfortunately, the american pressure is on and how much a seen the link in store many data store in the middle east. but is this message that's pressed from us? so this is the only thing that we can hear from him, but implies in his messages. that is rather than more. so we going to see because if she like previous resolutions would, is right, is, can, for the, you know, i don't know what the american administration and everyone else because beyond, because they had no interest in and it says 5. so probably we'll see how nothing the all, who's going to do his job this time, you know, having and when taken into account the resignation of the ministers and the intern enterprises. i think company i is now more hostage to his bond right when off as well. and those people to make it effective for you, that'd be have no right? no, no, no interest in this is fine. i listed on a permanent one. so the,
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and they talk about the condition of the war until they achieve it to that enough to you. and they said, so i think kevin is really going to be the problem in, in, in this will come. alright, husband will leave that for the moment to, thanks very much indeed for the novices that's number. are that speaking to us from a mom? a sure. the a 2 day conference focusing on international support for ukraine's reconstruction. often wars taking place invalid you creating officials will try and persuade international allies and investors to finance a long time recovery. the french president. let them in, savanski will address the meeting head of this weekend's peace conference in switzerland. the cost of rebuilding ukraine over the next decade is estimated at nearly $490000000.00 to a lot of money. that's big now to john holman, who's following developments from cape. so john,
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tell us more about this. and while the main topics in this reconstruction conference all this time, right. as you were speaking about the long term reconstruction to view crime that which is undoubtedly going to be on the table. but really the top issue president's landscapes at this time around is that to me right now, trying to get back up and running. the energy network in ukraine rush has been consistently attacking over recent months, taking advantage of the fact as well that ukraine hasn't had sufficient defences to really stop it. and the ones that had been really concentrate on trying to protect cities like the one we're in at keith. and during that process, some reports say that 50 percent of the countries energy generating capacity has been a. it's been knocked out by those russian air attacks. right. here in the capital and around the country has been rolling blackouts and street lights down and also,
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and homes that have gotten without energy. and of course, that's certainly going to get most of it is it goes into winter here, where the temperatures plummet and whether the mom goes on the heat and things like that. so at the moment presidents lensky is really going to be pushing that to other governments. and donors here at the conference in georgia, it has me being plain sailing in the run up to this as a that yeah, that's actually been a bombshell announcement that came on monday. the day before this conference on it came from new stuff and i am, he's the top key crane, an official in charge of reconstruction. and he resigned. he said in a lengthy post on facebook that he was doing not because they've been all sufficient obstacles put in the way of him during his work, which is safely la, using with foreign governments and donors and getting projects off the ground. not just the energy, but it will site to bit works for will to projects and things like that. anything
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to get the infrastructure of the country going again after it been destroyed by uh, by russian attacks. and he said that contracts hadn't been approved, but salaries and his agency had been cut and it comes just off the and males are lives on the cooper call. the infrastructure administer was sacked. so they're all, there is a re shuffle realignments going on. the government, on the eve of this conference. it's going to make things difficult. or i don't think so. that's a john holman's basis from keith 100 separate testing and the french capital of power itself to the far right party says in the european parliament collections. all right, funding stages have from to presidents, middle microns is old parliament and told us not collection french left wing leaders say they're willing to work together for the united front and coming elections in 3 weeks time. and police are 5 to a gas to dispose crowds. and the, for instance, you have no where hundreds were protesting latasha butler reports from, from now on with
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a mac homes gamble can pay off the words beautiful smiles, marine the pen, arriving at headquarters in paris. the far right leaders wasting no time, but she proposed national rally policies campaign for snap election to the end of the month. her team says that ready was going to be good to very uh yes, i think we are set under foster the 7th of july. there was a majority either from the national rally or in co relation with others. we will very quickly be able to get funds moving again. the day off to cooling a snack connection in a move to shop the country bridge. president emmanuel micro look surprisingly relaxed to the world war to commemoration in the southern town as to is unexpected decision to dissolve. parliament was prompted by his son to write policies embarrassing defeat at the hands of the far right in front of you election on sunday. the recipe ton of offense preparing his ministers into
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a campaign even they hadn't expected, known for what is at stake is what the french nation will become in the years and decades to come. that's will be decided in 3 weeks time. let's not think that this election is just like any of the it is i repeat an election consequences of unprecedented gravity or nation back hall surprise, decision has shaken politicians and some public. some say that is, move is courageous that he's giving people a real choice of the say that he's paying a dangerous game with french democracy. macros policy doesn't have a problem at g majority. he hopes to achieve one in the election by making you a line says with politicians on the right to the left who want to block the far right from victory. but this poster says macro overestimates his own popularity and on the estimates the appeal of independence policy. uh so can you comfortable, he's not taking into account with his back. is these days the fall, right?
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national riley is a policy like any other, you know, don't discuss people or didn't see it is particularly racist or extreme. and the policy has a huge advantage. and just because it's never been in power, it's never been in a position to disappoint people. c, elections barely started, but so now one of the most likely outcomes isn't even move for an mentor paul limits. and a coalition government is macro wins is best and the majority, his daring gamble could make french political history. if he loses, he'll still enter the history books. but as the president who put the far right in power, the facts about the i'll do 0 paris. bulgaria has one of the fastest shrinking populations in the world, in the late 191879 1000000 people in the country. life has census data from 20202021, shows that figure is down to around 6 and a half 1000000. a political instability and recent years, including multiple general elections has the push. many, both many young bulgarians,
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out of the countries who may cause some chevy for points, not from cutting them in southwest book area, a veteran of friends, a boutique hotel, and can some build your bug areas border with north macedonia. and sylvia, the small town of 5000 people has almost reduced by health in recent years. so puts a note for lies and bookers from nipple because bacon stone and project is down to from his business. so they just turned into the offer and we see foreigners come here to live. so why people leaving there is no prospect of development. the educational system is really lacking in young people. go abroad to study and they don't pretend they just get good jobs in the west. north fall from his hotel is this house been school building? the project abandoned off to the forty's realize the village, no children in the neighborhood, june. cindy is among the sets of cities and bulgaria that reflect the countries
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acute demographic crisis. it has one of the fastest thinking populations globally. the worst challenges in terms of multi konami developing social development, lots of some of the young law. so the big majority of working here is population. and the loss of growth of the old agents organized population and pensioners works in general. this is slight, i think, which in my opinion was expected to happen after the fall of communism and the opening up on the west. it's migration crisis escalated up to bulgaria, joined the european union in 2007, the united nations development program projects. the country lose 23 percent of its population by 2015. in recent years, political instability and corruption have driven more young people from the country dissolution at the lack of stability and progress, and the invitations, health care and social services, and even in the judiciary and will be
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a little bit off and goes. well, gavia is also struggling to contain new both rates, but in she does like jennifer smith and the tea leaves and attractive credit rates for young families seemed to be having a positive impact. where of course i would have 5 gonna baby board more than the year before. how can we create this change sustainable for more than a month and for more than 9 months. and the only way to do it, if there is enough people wanted to be cited, but it's not the bog down as demographic crisis is into it's population has been shrinking over decades with combined with outbound migration. it's leaving bulk area, but fuel by getting some shoddy. i'll just say ro can spend due by get out. now, for a ministers from some of the world's largest economies of media, russia, it is the 1st macy of the bricks block since the group expanded to include 5 new
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members, including iran and saudi arabia brooks aims to challenge weld order, dominated by the west, was founded by brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. let's bring now to you least have available who joins us from this. the novel, good, as are usually a day to today yesterday was more about a stand to learn, gathering it for a minute as a broad participation today. what developments have we had so far as well as you said, it is a significant gathering here in new jersey. no good. the delegates, a still arriving at the conference center behind me, day 2 and the gearing out for a joined photo right now. so what's been done so far, drawing statements has been issued by minister of foreign affairs of the brakes countries and according to advance that joins takes one state refund that
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commitments c. as frank summing the brakes, cooperation on so many spears, like politics and security, humanitarian, cultural economics and finance, and many more. so obviously they've also a, they, they've spoken extensively about the african issues because we have by a lady for administer of the south africa here. and according to adopts, joins taste when the principle of african problems african solutions should continue to serve as the basis of solving coal fixed on the african continent. and also it was quite important administers express, deep concern about the, the tier erasing situation in the occupied by the students who are trained particularly and precedents, escalation of buttons and the gaza strip. uh g to as a result of the is really occupation. so obviously the main message we're here at this for all the time that breaks accounts for 15 percent of land with the combined
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population of more than 3000000000 people. meaning that the expansion of breaks uh is a clear confirmation of the price of formation of a multi pool at world world. uh, are you able to live with that for now? thanks very much. uh, you'll have some available. thank you. now, so the head hearing out there, we looked at the origin to the best attempts to revise the economy. and did you 9 good ask another the windshield and they have
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the the
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other day to onto and to you know where the controversial right when president harvey and miller has completed 6 months in the office to raise it. but like i said this time so far as the assembly by left when groups and when a site is to discuss how to challenge precedent. have you had release plans for origin? tina, many of those here have been laid off since taking office have you had really has lead off at least 50000 state employees? money. i know a visa is one of them. we have some of the money and i went for my regular duty at the state airline company, and there were lots of police and they had a blacklist, and i was on it. they're kind of sort of sponsor of the company and tried to prototypes. i attacked the workers since becoming president and defender really has the value of the currency by 50 percent, halted all public works slash subsidies and fuel and electricity. and we'd use the
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number of ministry's bye have. but this is only part of the plan. when they came to follow up with a promise to carry out labeled attacks and other reforms that he says was one form argentina, but really has a minority in congress. and since taking office, he has been in constant consultation with other political parties. that's why he has been unable to pass legislation that will help him push the code. i'll make agenda release to stay with the plan has an objective to reduce information, but it has also cost a construction of the economy with a sharp drop and consumer spending. set them up as it might be in the tasks i lawmaker and an economist says they've got them and lots of civilization plan get to get under the investment buckle. the inflation is going to go down. you'll see very high unemployment because economic activities will not to recover immediately and it's going to be difficult to find people who are better and knowledge. and so, you know, people gave me layer blank check to stabilize the economy,
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tired of living with high inflation for years really has been traveling around the world meeting with far right, politicians and business men like you don't mask in an attempt to attract forwarding investment. but until it arrives, people on the street so struggling. you're going to trust you and people get older . i'm a guy who works. but you come makings make that the money. and the truth is that those and how not taking into account of people from the middle class down because look, i was paying 1000 pesos for electricity and i've been back today. i pay 12000 in spite of his chainsaw plan, nice popularity remains high. the question is whether it will last city. so i'll just see that when a site is work is underway in iraq's capital to renovate a site, dating back to the ottoman era, the project james, to attract to new visits as well. for me, the head reports from back that this lend model, going to tell you, distributing about that so as admitted 3,
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but rigs for the ultimate autonomy due to the 19th century close to pushing out. it's now under going through innovation and then goes it sick look tall and the other sites is gonna, i'm gonna clean the volume loud and shut out with the work. includes all the buildings overlooking the street, the square with its facade straight, and the square itself. and all of these required interventions in particular renovations from salt damage, moisture and leaks over. busy this historic area in the city center was one's home to many policies and other significant buildings. some dating back centuries to the at a dining is the known as the us at cal, if it was reconstructing these heritage sites, say the want to recreate. there is, let me get to talk to you, then it's color i'm working today we're talking about the historic center of baghdad, which is made up of a rectangle of about 6 of square kilometers of administrative boundaries. it borders the banks of the tigris river and includes the adjacent streets and alleys
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rashad street, and i'll hold off a square. this rectangle is the historical center of baghdad. it is the beating heart of baghdad. it is the city center and the downtown of baghdad. as i say, i'll call you've shown previous restoration work at these sites were destroyed during the us led invasion over year lock in 2003 for the people who bought a bed as well as many visitors. this historic area is a place to meet and enjoy cultural activities. this renovation project is meant to preserve various heritage and turning it into a coolest attraction for both local people and photo notice with hundreds of other killers. because sites across the country that have been damaged by decades of water and neglect. have yet to view this cube. how would that be? do i have a just the utah now finally,
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if you've ever wondered if animals talked to each other and if you ever heard that sound, and mike has been left, who's name usa, suggest that wild african elephant is told each other by unique names. and they come in the form of those low rumbles that can be heard in long distances all the way across the savannah. how do you, how does it for me? because this is, uh, i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with another offer on these perhaps we'll see you then the he says he went to more towards here yet to provide a. are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not far but not the eyes of his government to my life as being us. can you just me like i just said these are these villages. in the 2nd part of the series, we follow a british age work or as he prepares to cut a test,
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his citizenship revocation the less than attitude. so you're only as good as possible state list in syria, and i'll just 0. after years of strain, use political battles, columbus, congress spans move biking nationwide. it brings to an, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers, this victory, reevaluate culture. we inherited the culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the law proposes fanning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old tradition which used to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like,
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has reached its final thrust. the . ringback the i dropped, the resolution has been adopted. after 8 months of bloodshed, the un security council approves the us backs proposal for an immediate cease fire and cause i must say that it's ready to cooperate with media interest at the clock. this is out. is there a life and also coming up despite the legally binding you in resignation? israel is continuing its attacks in tulsa,
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several people including children of been killed in over 9 strikes the to hezbollah members are killed in israel's deepest


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