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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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about 5 pm local time on wednesday, we'll have precisely what he's managed to come away with off to this major visit to the region. i didn't run the we're hearing all so separately that said war crimes may have been committed, possible will crimes at a biased ready forces on policy and on groups a off to the next. right. right. the free for us. choose insensitive that's up to you. right. and incredibly strong statement from the you in human rights. so i'll face you say we are profoundly show the impact of civilians. all these really forces operation, hundreds of palestinians. many of them civilians were report to be killed and injured. furthermore, by holding hostages in such a densely populated area, the on different groups during so i'll posting the largest palestinian civilians as well as the hosting is old at audi risk from all these actions, but both parties may amount to will crime. so once again, the view and office of human rights putting forward a very,
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very strong statement. again, all of this just as pressure on israel and on us to try and put a stop to this will. but both of those sides like been reposing, although they have very, very different ideas on what the potential sci fi could look like. all right, and run, thanks for that and bring on that in the georgia and capital of a month. little bit of a news below is vice president has died in a plane crash. the news has been confirmed by the president, solace to lima, was traveling to the northern city of miss susan, but via cra failed to learn that it's apple 9 others on board. the plane, i've also been killed. the plane was found in amounts of this era. there was easy in the north of the country. the thousands of people have fled. the west ensued and the city of al sasha is fighting intensifies between the army and the power of military reference of poor forces. it is the only state capital in weston to done under control of the r s. s. fist fighting began in the area last month yourself.
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the military have been vastly for control of 2 done since april last year and refugees fleeing the fighting have arrived at the zat sams refugee camp 14 columbia south of el sasha. a groups will in that 30 percent of children arriving the suffering from acute mountain nutrition. and that's it for now, whether it's coming up next week on the bottom line. and after that 4 bucks it will be here with a new job. so you think by the on the pair this journey is taken by countless refugees fleeing danger. to mid me perhaps worse than death is the package of surviving the syrian
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refugees seeking officers. searches for disappeared assist. my may so a witness documentary on adjust the scribes here all the seasonal rains in east asia. the stuff it'd be the old lady had really flooding in china, but this is not what you might expect. so south of the anxiety you'll get the assistant room jeffrey now to get his sundry and pretty heavy and we'll close flooding that live when she extends counting the across. the smaller lines of japan will move slowly north over the next few weeks, but currently to the north, but it's just fine. it sounded pretty hot to 40 and you'd have 38 in beijing and it's getting hotter still with you. as the rain continues to fall for the south, this is what you might expect for change at least. likewise, the monthly and trough is on his way north was through india here. it's certainly
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going through my harass trend. he's on his way into probably a dish or in the next day or so. that's just where you get the biggest dime pulls and quick flash struggling once he's gone through, it cools down, but it becomes a lot more humid. so maybe and i'm present feeling and you get fairly frequent right. last but it's still very hot. 45 in new daddy. 46 in downtown c, not quite reco breaking the book, but it should be. i'm with a breeze it off and picks up the dust and the same. same is true in pakistan, jacob about his getting acosta. 4748, and next few days we had a week ago, some relieving thunderstorms. but there's nothing like that in the car in full cost . hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question. china is playing a bigger role in the middle east than ever, but can't compete with the united states to be a peacemaker between the palestinians and israelis. let's get to the bottom line. the last year after
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year is a possibility between iran and saudi arabia. china was able to get both sides to agree to with the top. something that the united states was either unable or unwilling to do. now with the war on gaza and its 9th month, china has presented itself as a major power. it's less biased towards israel than the west. b thing is criticized israel for going well beyond self defense and argued before the world court that the palestinian use of force to resist oppression is there right and cannot be equated with terrorism. for years, china is been expanding its economic footprint and criticizing the world order run by washington. but will that translate to a bigger diplomatic and military role for beijing in the palestine is real conflict . today we're talking with one who jo, president of the non governmental think tank, the center for china and globalization. and he's former advisor to the china state council, which is china cabinet. that's the one. thank you so much for joining us today. i know it's going to be an unusual show because, you know,
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typically we're talking about what washington thinks about the world. now i'm really interested in what beijing is thinking about the israel gas, a conflict other conflicts. and you know, really china's role in the world and so i'd love to get your take on these real guys, a conflict, how decision paying and the chinese leadership and the chinese population is looking at this conflict right now from your point of view. the thank you. thank the state uh for, for this uh show actually uh uh, i think that the wall this wall has been, uh, dry gone for quite some time. no is more than a half year and it's really devastating to see uh, people aside from there and also that, uh, you know, the with the whole world is watching these and they're leaving on a daily basis yet. and we cannot solve that. this guy says, i think the chinese, the positions gotten, the position, of course is, is where a clear china are the very beginning. come damsel kind of uh, you know, uh,
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violence. so uh, attacks on civilians. i mean, that's very clear for, for china. but china actually would like to see uh, you know, this is not really a goal or beyond the uh, you know, the, the, the, the toner is, of the, of the human uh, you know, the security because we see a lot of the casualties of the civilians we see a, there's a committed tiring crisis happening and we see there's so much international effort . so international consensus un resolutions wants to bring this and want to. busy to uh, you know, a ceasefire yet we still have not seen that happening. that's really, really disappointed to, i think, to, to, to many try. these are not really uh, this made to, to really until the war to see this was through continues. so we're hoping that we're going to really see a ceasefire. we're going to see some kids make things going on and that we see that to, you know, the whole world community. and of course china can work with them to really stop is
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a crisis that they're really happening uh already so too long. i told them to lot skills. i'd be on the imagination, you know, i was interested in the various chinese leaders statements that from their perspective, that is really actions right now and gaza have gone beyond the rationale of self defense. and i think that's a pretty bold statement from, you know, compared to others that china has made. and i've been to be honest, i think there, there are americans that may, rightly or wrongly they think they're fair to both sides. they think they're fair to palestinians and that they want, you know, to protect palestinians, but they have this relationship with israel that seem to have no boundaries. so i'm interested in how you see this and whether you see america in sort of a hypocritical moment, and whether or not um china is willing to weigh in more greatly to basically to say to israel back off what it's called possible. i think that the,
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that exactly happen to us used to be the, the, the war placement of cause. they are trying to maintain the, the sort of a hostile order. but they are really looks very, very uncomfortable now. and then particularly all of these clauses that we've seen a double stand there, probably a pie to, to, to this situation. a southerly uh there is, and there is a large uh, inference of, of colors of the user in, in the united states. but, but now we're human, see about the in front of a diminishing and but, but did but, but to get a particular problem is about the yahoo actual uh, still hang on the pilot there. and uh, i, you know, the wall is really beyond the, the, the, you know, the, what the, what the necessary, of course, to, uh, to, to retaliate it. i think it was over 10 times more, probably attach reduce or even 20 times more. which is, which is uh, which is a word beyond the imagination, the suffering of the,
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of what human is hiring people that way location of 1500000 part of standing on the god that street. and particularly where same is the cries is going on the under the, the, the do you know, the casualties of the children, the woman i know there's a sufferings that that displayed on a daily basis and you are leaving room. it is really beyond the people's imagination. so i think the china actually of calls us that probably it's a, it's app for china has been talking to uh oh, the bodies. but think originally john, as a minister of some, you tell the up arrow but minutes to meeting with chinese leaders. i think john, as of you know, really, hopefully that to, you know, we should really solve is fundamentally, was, was to stay solutions, ways to ways really stop the fight and of a sense buyer. you know, let's gather you in resolution uh you, in place and the really to put this uh, uh,
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to the end up being the basis really uh, you know, really law, me and i thing unbearable poverty with such a causes going always such a large attach a deal to civilians which is a really a totally beyond the, you know, control. i think that that is really very unfortunate. very tragic. i think chinese government and chinese people is really getting more and more uh, you know, really attended at a bunch of times you, on his, on his crazy line, wants to get involved and wants to help. absolutely. this is a, there's a great desire on, on the chinese side to, to really want to see a piece making going on as a result of the chinese government. as of right now, is that going to donate the 500000000. i'm be a full team anytime aid to the people in gauze, i haven't really caught him for open. know the china is open all the rest of june packages and really the same situation improved and,
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and the same applies stop. we all woke up in washington dc, one day to the news that china had had play this key role in normalizing relations between saudi arabia and the wrong. and i tell you it, there was a whiplash effect. people said, my goodness, that was sort of america's terrain. and that sort of what we did and, and china in a way, i jumped into a role that we hadn't seen before. i'd love to get your insights and not only with israel, gaza, but china is, you know, kind of new diplomatic mission around the world, the role in, in, in surprising ways. and, and what is driving that right now? actually i think china know how does actually increase the it says a soft power, but in the so spin using the joseph nice term to because of china. i, you know, know as the open bob and the last for the 5 year john and grow into the 2nd largest economy, chinese become the largest trade image was over 120 countries. so the worst,
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the ad plus bird is the vital to china's browse and, and prosperity as well. so, so what has happened these, that china, of course, for example, you imagine about the end of may the piece do, forest, rudy, that any ron is, which is great because china is the largest the trading nation was both countries of china buys a logic older and i'm 90 percent probably be out there. export of energy is to china and to the war probably. and then that's really a big good in for. and so i think that the, the, the information but particularly in off from some of these and probably from either use stuff on the iran and point of view. and they also had the loan to see the nice and positions they want to have a lab or to come down. and then they don't want to do is sort of the us. so you, because, you know, they were involved in the us was involved in the was, i mean, you know, many conflicts in the me. there is the so there may have somebody nice on the clean me some, but incredible. i like somebody never had anybody did or never have altered by the
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any of the territories. i'm a china is the largest treating agent with all of them. and it's very natural for them to come to china and china is willing to engage more to, to make the peace. but it's, it's to the chinese interest and also to the warm pulse markets. so i think that's what happened. what has happened for making this to between a user and the bidding that you're on and, and so what it is because of china is really uh, wants to show who down to, you know, the friend who is both countries are one. jonathan, please don't do it. please let stop, give me a face, stop it. and then they probably want to because they, they respect china as the 2 largest trade emission of both of their contracts. so it's about happening actually, you know, be there's even for the, for the, for the god, the conflict. china is the largest strange. the result are. but nations chinese, the 2nd largest trading is it was the israel. i think china used to maintain both good relays because both are well add a 0 above and
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a time will come for china interest. that being said, look. busy you know, let's, let's really come to the end and that's really solve this issue. and the find a solution to that and probably in china, but they are not always global solves, would have more influence on china originally been something ways, but still a 6 point piece of time for a, for ukranian and, and roger and conflict and the i, the turkish for a minister competency to do a few days ago. imagine and the saying that to a talk is also would like to what was trying to help on those conflict in, in the me that is the only in, in uh, you know, rush and all you credit so. so i think there's a lot of things that to try to come play a more active uh, uh you know, peace, me making and peace. me the agent role? no, i then used to be so, so i think it's also because china has a vested interest to see a more prosper, most stable book, just from work that is really binding site in both china anymore. do you think
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there's a pathway with international institutions to be more effective in these complexes? i have to tell you my, my view is secondary general once it can't do it. what, what are the, is there a resolution besides just having constant paralysis in some of these, you know, horrible bleeding ulcers in the world that involve real people's lives? absolutely. i, i think that the organization like you and, and, you know, also the security council could do much more. absolutely. the problem i see that now is that we're having all those problem in the world. so much conflict and on top of that climate change, you know, yeah, i saw a secretary good or is was mentioned today. you know, we should stop using all of those up for you and the gasoline advertisement. now things like that. so there's more challenges, a phase and given the eyes to become an uncertain emmanuel aspect. so i think the big, big power, major power should really gather back together and work together. for example,
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at the you show the gauze, i will do it really is, it seems like kind we send the un peacekeeping force to the station. they're. 6 actually separate the uh, the, the, the, the conflict, the parties, i'm not making sure that the business tool space solution be implemented because it also. and so the, the fundamental china is that the, those big power sometimes with different views. but you know, they actually have a, you know, come on them, solve the sanctions, the trade was and all those things going on. you so, so that the difficult to reach consensus. but even general, even though united nation rich becomes as, as national security risk, because as, as you, it says, it doesn't have a binding power sometimes. so it's really absurd to say that happen. you know, i mean, within the secular cause of the, what is really the backlog of the war piece and that is really the, the things we, we, we stop it after the 2nd world war. i know such a part of the country is following the united nation. that's, that could cause
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a cost of a small original, you know, you know, cause i, that's really absurd. i, i really think united nation should, should just standing. it's a, a implementing a power actually been, you know, like, you wouldn't peacekeeping for, should be actively employed, use the in stop the guys outside and the, that's really, i think what we can do and also be able to do a space solution. you know, proposed by, of the, you know, your getting countries recognized by it, but it's also proposed by china and given us the object that present biden, those us as cost base solution. why can't we implement that mean there's a cost as opposed to stay solutions. and let's start, let's, let's, you know, get the resolution on that to do it so, so this is really, fundamentally we have to solve that problem. otherwise it's really incompetent. not only for the domestic politics but international politics. we're power lives and now we go to the, those not the, i'll shoot some new challenges on
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a new cartridge that, that, that are going to happen more. so we have to really, uh, put all acts together and discovery as well. and, and the making piece immediately such a powerful comment. let me ask you a question. more about a geostrategic picture in economics, you know, is real view a india and united states of announced the new effort to open a cord or from asia to europe. maybe it's a different form of a belt and wrote initiative. japan is announced a new global partnership with united states and looking at is china feeling any of that pressure or you feeling very comfortable with what you've got? you know, i think you actually will, i me with is a, is a positively, you know, 10 years ago, 10 to 15 years ago. nobody is the think about the global solves only initiate in a go. but the bottom project on china been down, you know, or 11 years ago, china proposed about a really initiative which is great and all, i think it's really, i agree it's, it's got the channel, the reactions, all the bad. all the congress got into regular voting for this infrastructure
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deficit, the global structure deficit. so united states football is a big bug mother war bass or a w. and then you propose a global gateway. i know we, we have an indian you where you and your but say ok the indian uh, your economic carnal. great. if all the countries wants to put more investment, you know, putting the project into this would be very good. what department? now when we say a lot of plans being pub. busy but not really saying much actions, for example, but don't really understand for the last decade, the match with the over one trillion us dollars. i bill to 3000 project, but it'll ras developing countries. so what are the other countries of the, usually the concrete, the and the results would you have to be seen. but i would like to see the concept is on the global univers, dr. deposition. let's work together. you know, b, i bits are w, you, goble, gate, doing india you. we do use the yorba economic card. well, that's all combine that. combine. let's use one back. let's use the agent in stock
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. you mentioned back a, the agent. they bought them back. they asked him to follow them back, you know, you open to them back. let's go though the follow backs the share a similar charters and the white kindly worked together. so, so i really see that a comment changes. one of the big concerns is infrastructure deficit repairs. i'm not a conservative, but let's work together. uh, you know, robert, that we're all going the different directions on quoting. they did a lot of the redundancy on the waste. so i would really like to see how we can work together and try to walk comes the form is the one you said b r i is walk up, be ser wu, google gateway, a lot of the similar initiative to join hands that's worked together so that will be a china's book approach. henry, let me ask you a question about russia, china, a, say, russia, ukraine, since you mentioned that, do you suspect there are more things that china can do in terms of putting mediator of nudging it's friend without boundaries? russia and ukraine?
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into an arrangement that would end the war and conflict between russia and ukraine . we're weird or raise your thinking in that as well. actually, i'm in china as a, as a gradually filed a, this is a, this is ready to go all the about a and about post channel a set of right beginning, you know, i wonder what boat called the sovereign do charge ari and certainly they should be respected, but while when i shall come to the agent present, she said no nuclear weapon should before uh in ukraine and should be utilized there . i'm evelyn present. my com can present. she called the president zalesky to ride off of that. so john is really a, be a substantial play or no, uh into this, trying to have a stops. i'm going back to the way it was a traveling the business related to countries and always say, you know, if it was a sub this made to and, and the west the lead. uh, you know, uh, collision is really not able to really put the angel this war vendors. there's
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a global solid is really getting very annoyed into account is like brazil, like turkey, india, and saw separately they will want the media. i want to do something, i think china is, is actually play more role and i'll tell you and you have a great terms, ways those us, uh, you know, long non comp sleeping countries. right. you know, roger is by the way, with the, with the, with the nato is you but the child and the goal because it's not in the fight and bodies. so they could be really, really in a good position to be a mediator, to be a peacemaker. and that, as i've seen that happen in china, just so you should, the statement was a brazilian and talk to you for minutes, things and page in the grid on those many of those ponds. so i think more and more about john a couldn't be a more, a peacemaker and mediator for these guys, of course, would want to work with you as an you to work together. but, but the, the, the position of a child is clear. you know, if it's piece making that's got all the complex parties to the piece making piece
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talking ok, some it, a lot of that just wasn't excited. let's get both sides to call them to talk to out to and this was a through dialogue. so the goes uses through a communication and i think that is really the john his point. one of the questions is the bricks itself paralyzed in its efforts of intentions between india and china, within bricks keeping it from playing in the role. do you take the bricks, notion seriously as an alternative way to think about how you know power and frankly, global problem solving gets done and we'll, we'll make this our last question, but i would love to hear your thoughts. yeah, yeah, thank you. if that gets there, but i think this is a great question actually. you, you said that the bridge suite was group events or economic globalization. you know that that's actually the attraction. we see the base country dog over the last year . i know we've seen the purchasing power to power of the brakes is already larger than just 7. and the adults cause also uh the,
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the brakes. uh there's another ton is on the calendar lined up to john brakes. i know that you need to talk, is it for me? just a told me i'd susie jean that he's going to attend bridge plus a assignment and that next next week or sometime so. so i think, you know, this is really important that even though there's ideologically, or maybe, uh, the companies thought may be different. but breaks country all 5 or economic globalization in favor economic development. i'm not subtraction of a big countries. what are the other, you know, all the, all the other lines of. 1 security or security of his eyes. oh, well, made it to realize, we see the nato expanded. we see 5 lives. we see all colors. we see quad that we see comp, david, you know, are you name it view all the lives by the way to produce a lot of the bread the brought up, but really the increase of the mandatory budget of all the countries so. so i think the final really, uh,
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solution to that is we still have to keep the past biology and the hidden baggage of the possibilities of the because the risk we cannot really uh take, you know, we have to avoid that risk. so, so the risk of the, the bus barrett is really the biggest risk we are having though. so i think we have to really push continuously all the economic go. but i vision possibility. i think about exactly what john is doing, trying to do with the bill. broder really initiative, john as a a, i be a shame, a strong investment bank, trying to join the c b b b wants to, john that china is a part of the opposite. and paid the largest free trade agreement award. and john wants to have, you know, all the economic, the cobra just saw me to was african not the american oscio, central asia and gulf countries. china is the big country personally, because i think over others actually i see the breaks up to likes that you know, they want me to call them is a good nomic organization continue so, so i see the difference of these are, you know, uh, breaks uh, is not even though they are not really a so uh established or that still needs all the room to improve not perfect but,
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but that thing baby, by the end of the ride trend of they can only go by vision continue. and of course uh uh that is where the photos breaks, country goble sides of that and find all from the global knowledge because when the don't care that you're gonna be developing that much now. and then the current more above the, you know, oh the security issue. oh, those oh, those includes me that every budget i know those issues. and that's the word of squeeze the saws go besides. now there's, there's more people back to anger to the property. and that's where i think breaks represents a new alternative. i'll be can nominate governance issue where if we're not working together that are telling me it will become more and more attractive. fascinating. one who? yeah, founder and president of the center for china and globalization really appreciate you for joining us today. thank you for your candor back to sleep. so what's the bottom line? everybody hates the enforcer of the rules, but the hard truth is that the world needs enforcers,
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whether we like it or not. why? because some conflicts cut so deep that the warning antagonist just can't find the balance, but deliver safety and justice from each other. so the enforcers may global rules, which of course tilt in their favor for almost a century. the u. s. is believe it, it alone is the premier diplomatic, economic and security for solving global disputes. and of course it resolves things its way. but more recently, other countries are entering the field. china's reasons are clear. geo political competition with the united states. i don't think china has deep roots and concerns about either palestine or is real. but on the other hand, if it can get some credit with air of states and iran by playing a balancing role in the crisis, then all the better. and that's the bottom line. the of the
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. ringback the he says he went to more towards here yet to provide a are you looking back or? you know, i'm not file but not in the eyes of his government. my life has to be the most. can you do for me? i just see it because of these really toast. in the 2nd part of the series, we follow a british age work or as he prepares to contest his citizenship revocation, the less than that of the tenants increase. so you're only as good as your possible state list in syria and i'll just 0 the
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domino matheson and don't have the top stories and i'll just 0 united nations human rights office size is ready forces and polish standing on groups may have committed war crimes during israel's deadly right on the, on the side of the refugee camp over the weekend. for is there any captives who are being held in gaza since october were free during the operation on a standing health officials say $274.00 palestinians were killed as spokesman for the you and the human rights office that quote, we are provided to show at the impact and civilians of the is really forces operation. jordan is hosting an emergency conference to coordinate the humanitarian response to israel's war on gaza. you're a secretary of state and to be blanket is expected to attend. is like.


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