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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this has been used on life from dill, coming up in the next 16 minutes video and put israel on notice size and possible war crimes over the right. a new set that free for kept it, but kills 274 upon his studies palestinian fighters. i've also been accused folks grow for us. see spar anthony drinking says israel's prime minister has reaffirmed
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his commitment to the gaza cease fire plan says it's ready for till we have the prospect of an immediate cease fire building toward in and during one and a tremendous release for people in gaza. monopolies vice president, this confirmed dad officer, a military plane crashes involved weather and russia along to stage 2 of its strategic nuclear drills with fellows after president fuson ones of publication and the west and on far as small with the sports with just 3 days ago until the euro 2024 hollins, captain robert, the windows key has been ruled out of their opening game with a leg enters rapid rise. the so we're going to begin this news with more accusations by the you and that israel, and may have committed war crimes. in gaza, united nations human rights office as question, try the international humanitarian laws. what observed when is there any forces
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rated new setup and central gaza on saturday to free for captives? it's basically just allegations on the high number of casualties, 270 for palestinians were killed, more than 700 others were injured. you and also says that the war crimes may have been committed by palestinian fighters, including the detention of captives and densely populated area, is going to have to central guy not to speak to todd of hope. all is well not side deluxe. the hospital in their obama. so the reverberations from the satellite still carrying on and now we have locations of possible war crimes. true. yeah, that's right, right. be in fact to the minute trip ration that was carried out by the it's been a minute treat in one of the hall facing areas of buttons that raj refugee camp has pro deadly consequences in all levels of the security of the humanitarian. one as at least uh, we are talking about $270.00 full palestinians, whitfield and uh, $698.00 now are receiving good treatments being in just in the hospital. and this
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is one of the clear repercussions of that i talked to, oh, that's a really useful is where the captives from, from oscar, tennessee fall, the grim realities. thought that the vast majority of police was not receiving a change in the rocks. the hospital are in a very desperate need for the fonts surgery, and this is the absolute nissan available right now, due to these very operational control over philadelphia. here we go on the close of the main crossing borders with egypt, and this is absolutely has what we're sending the entire situation for those palestinian spots as we've been hearing from private. this is that on the ground, that people, some of the, as the operation was ongoing, that were preparing an order to have lunch. quite a bit of a surprise by the styles and even don't 5 as being showering being taught place where they were supposed to completely take a cover as the casualties amongst civilians was absolutely, absolutely um, present in that full decade spot as well. the entire place has been widely selected
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from the embodied compartments as is but has been using at least 2 unprecedented c supply. apollo of the underground times to release these captives and may lead to have been using a humanitarian, a trip. as a civil call boss to release the is very top cents, which is which really puts most times on the nature of the work abuse of humanitarian organizations in house as well, has been using various approaches and for us to input traits into this trip and carry out such very precise and complex military operations. palestinians are absolute, chased by the nightmare that's happened. does that say, i see it close at the bottom and just put their minds in every single time that'd be up and bottom and as no longer they are feeding, save, especially off to some families being displaced from rough i they came to an as a right refuge account believing that it would be a safe place, but they have been killed in that area. i'm a new and assigned to now. and for this home, getting confrontations and home flicks on the horizon ball tire. thank you very
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much indeed. does topic i was in bring yours up to date from outside the lock. so hospital in del obama love us secretary state on to be drinking, says israel's prime minister has reaffirmed his commitment to the latest proposal for god. but he has been meeting is rarely leaders including benjamin netanyahu. the secretary of state says, homicide earlier support for you and approve resolution, most quote off hopeful sign and it's not all up to them. everyone's vote is in except for one vote. and that's from us. and that's what we wait for it is awesome us to move forward with this proposal for or not. and it's very clear what, as i said, virtually the entire international community wants to see. and of course, with so many families want. and it's also what the people of gaza so desperately need. united nations security council supported a resolution for
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a cease fire. and guys, the us backs proposal includes the exchange of palestinian prisoners with is rarely captives and the eventual withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. and it also calls for palestinians and gaza to be allowed to return home. gonna go to him on con, who's in the jail, danny and capitol, i'm on should explain that we're reporting them there because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has banned all the data from reporting and israel. so onto the blinking during his tour of the region, trying to show up support for this cease fire arrangement. arguably one would imagine stronger following that you and vote. now we have to just see how that's gonna play out. i'm not literally that you a resolution is actually legally binding is not stopping is all keeping it's will on garza going, but the reaction in israel, the to that vote was very muted. in fact, you any real reaction we've got was a quote from us secretary of state,
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i just think lincoln who said the problem is to benjamin netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to the ceasefire proposal. the reason for that is because america put forward the proposal. remember the last 3 proposals that were put forward and the security council is wrong with off the united nations. a quoted empty is really empty. symmetric that it wasn't going to stop, it was going to stop the way it for the war on goza bought. so there is something going on backstage, the israel is still sticking to its gums when it comes to a permanent c 5. so this commitment to this, these 5 proposal. well, i'm good, but this still, i lots to go before i'm us. and israel can get to an agreement, but this is on how mass, according to the american see americans keep saying this is right. the proposal is right is already accepted all of it and how much needs to come to the table with a is a surprise to be is way these, particularly the 3rd phase which goes for the withdrawal of israeli troops and the
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reconstruction of goals or that something these right, these aren't even talking about so basically we have this, what could well be a deal between the americans and the use right. needs to put pressure on a mass to deflect criticism. a way of from israel, the know launching into a full agreement on a 3 phases of the sci fi and that's what biden wants to see. so maybe by taking this to the united nations security council, getting it legally binding is one way of actually just forcing israel to come to the table. and remember, we're just talking here a moment ago. we've talked about those about the value of occasions of this uh, rate that we saw in the satellites. and guys are just in the last few days now the un saying the possible war crimes were committed by both sides during that. right? yeah, absolutely. i've got the statement ahead, the union human rights office says we are profoundly shocked at the impact on
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civilians. busy of these ready forces operation, hundreds of palestinians, many of them civilians were reportedly killed and injured. furthermore, by holding hostages in such densely populated areas, the arm groups doing so a put in the lives of palestinian civilians as well as the hostages themselves to added risk from the hostilities. all the actions by both qualities may account at may amounts of to will crime is very strong stipend. the very split language. it's lucky. the b is un office of human rights is going to be investigated that a little start right. that took place on such a kill $270.00 full palestinians. don't fade full captives, this women, but was seen as a historical peroration and israel, the military upsets it's a blueprint. so the operations to come. so again, all of this is simply mounting. international pressure on is low. what is right, whether it's at the office of human rights, whether it's the security council,
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the pressure is building, but his role is very good at resisting pressure, came on. thank you very much. indeed, damn wrong, john talking to his from jordan's capital i'm on now. let me just remind you, the reason that i'm talking to us from a neighboring jordan is because benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet is actually bind. i'll just data from working in israel. now, jordan is hosting an emergency conference to coordinate the humanitarian response to israel's war on gaza. us secretary state anthony blinking is expected to attend or is likely to hold talks with several regional leaders including jordan and egypt . your executive general entering the status says more humanitarian aid and needs to be allowed in all available in 2000. it must be full professional and the lender will start absolutely crucial. i also welcome all corded united efforts to form your personalize the mechanism to facilitate
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a into gaza as mandated by security council resolution 2720 the international humanitarian responsive as it has been severely lacking with the delivery of aid facing obstacles at every level to matcher and access cannot wait for a ceasefire. i cannot be subject to the political agendas of any party. but let's get an update by for brian smith's. he's joining us not from the the day i'd say a lot of very strong public statements being made to talk to us about what might be going on behind the scenes to that might actually facilitate what the politicians are talking about overall. yeah, they've all been talking about the need, particularly for israel to allow access through the lamb colorado's into gauze of that is the biggest obstacle to humanitarian aid getting in. i don't know. the major obstacle, of course is the luck of
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a ceasefire. and to me blinking is here the secretary of state. he's already been had some meetings. he's met the palestinian present mood abbas and is due to speak to publicly very shortly. it's a unique, rare opportunity perhaps for him to see so many regional leaders in the same place at the same time. and we know, he said, as part of his old out push to get a sci fi. i agree between israel and how much now blinking said earlier today and tell of eve, but israel had agreed and benjamin netanyahu would agree to the terms of his jo biden's proposed spot publicly. though we know that netanyahu has previously said he will continue the fight in gaza until he's destroyed how much and his leadership, nevertheless, blinking says the ownership is now on how mouse. well, he believes he's hoping that he can speak to regional leaders here who kind of also for the pressure on how much to agree to assist by the categories of egypt. sions, of course,
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are represented here. they've been the media interest between israel and the us. and also there are other regional leaders here, or my hope is that you can help book this pressure, but we're still far from an agreement to assist. and thank you very much. indeed, that's bernard smith's giving us that updates from that i see, as well as a tax in the early months of the war levels. most of con eunice in southern gaza is there any troops withdrew from the area 2 months ago when his child stratford reports, the city has become a refuge for the displaced, exhausted traumatized faces. children and the parents. so what they can belong, obliterating streets, and the barely recognizable neighborhoods. they want school phone. these right immediately 1st destroyed, calling eunice with strikes. adults, hillary, when the roll began, as the thousands who live to flayed is ready. soldiers move the i'll keep calling the area until early april, tuesday,
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withdrawal palestinian residents have started to return. how much go on the 6, surrounded by rubble next to his daughter. it is watch repair store official records. i see there was no bid a place to go to. all the places are destroyed is the consent. i tried to work and repairing the watches. oh my sons were leaving my little daughter works because it must in some money. it's a tragedy. i could test to free every single one here, but how many of these family liked the estimated one point? 7000000 people displaced. the lady's rails bombardment, time and time again. okay, the show threats are still surrounding all of us, regardless which area we are in. we're still facing dangerous, no matter where we are. soon i will be 60 years old and i need nothing from this line. but what about my children and the new generations? i seemed to have no bright future them for 8 months since the boeing solitude onto
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the homicide tanks inside as well. there's still no way totally safe to hide in the gaza strip. families drive broken vehicles, ferrying people and whatever they can salvage from the wreckage along the streets, homes, businesses, schools, one stood, its bolting was in the summer heat. once just the choice for children now will challenge on which survival depends because we have no services at all. yeah, we can hardly use our mobiles to contact their relatives. the situation is catastrophic. there's danger everywhere. it's not a situation can change at any moment. the search for food volta medicine sources of electricity goes on day and night. yes, the okay. i came back to han eunice to find my house a pile of trouble. everyone here is living on the rubble of your homes. there is no drinking water. sewage overflow is everywhere. our 6th floor building was level. we
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were all the space to different places. enough is enough. we don't have energy anymore. generations of palestinians scholars for life. children small and it's a camera too young to understand the desperate state if their lives too early to know the deck to the skulls, they will have to bear trouble starting to see that it is $1316.00 gmc we're taking you to uh that c conference center in jordan, it's hosting a summit, i was discussing the urgent humanitarian responds for kind of stands in gaza. this is us secretary state grounds real quick and virtually everyone in gaza depends on a to survive. most of guys, a sanitation system has been destroyed. fewer than a dozens of guys us 40 hospitals are open. and as we know,
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and i've heard more than 270 mount train workers have been killed. one of those see man insurance was jamal. i broke a lot, a long time, henri staffer and gaza, who for years was the united states main level contact. and for many a friend he was killed last months after evacuating rasa. he was looking for a shelter for his family. he survived by his wife and as for children, the single most effective step we can take to address the urgent humanitarian challenges and gaza is to reach an immediate and ultimately enduring ceasefire. 11 days ago, president biden set out a comprehensive proposal to do precisely that. in his 1st 6 weeks, the proposal would provide for a full cease fire. to pull back is really forces from all the populated areas of gaza, the release of a number of hostages, including women, the elderly, and wounded. a dramatic serge in
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a deliveries. the return of civilians to their homes were neighborhoods in all parts of gaza and it would also initiate negotiations towards a permanent ceasefire. the 2nd phase would see the release of all remaining living hostages. so as for all of all, is relative forces from gaza. the implementation of a permanent cessation of hostilities and the final phase would launch a massive reconstruction effort in gaza when i met presents for nothing, you know, yesterday in israel he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line. the same day yesterday, the united nations security council adopted a resolution sponsored by the united states in support of the proposal for team members voted for it. not one country opposed. it is just the latest vote of support the proposals received from around the world. virtually everyone around this table, the airplay countries throughout the region. today,
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as we gather one and only one thing stands in the way of the steel happening and that some us. so my primary interest message today to every government, to every multi lateral institution, to every humanitarian organizations that wants to relieve the mass of suffering and gaza. yet from us to take the deal, press them publicly. trust them privately. and i should not require much convincing . after all, the proposal is nearly identical to one that amongst themselves proposed on may the 6th having said that, we're gather today because all of us i believe, recognize the imperative of taking bold immediate actions to help civilians and gaza and to do it now. and here are a few thoughts on how we can do that. going forward. first, give more aid. you've heard this already from our colleagues at the un,
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only one 3rd of the current united nations appeal is funded. that leaves a shortfall of approximately $2300000000.00. every country can help fill this gap. yet some of expressed great concern over the suffering of the past and even people in gaza including countries with the capacity to give a lot that provided very little or nothing at all. it is time for everyone. everyone to step up and for those are already given and given generously get more. united states has for decades, been the largest single country provider of assistance for palestinians. today, announcing an additional $404000000.00 in new age palestinians. in addition to the more than $1800000000.00 and development, economic, any amount of train
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a the united states has provided since 2021. second. let's work together to ensure that more aid gets into gaza. and once it's in gaza, reaches the people who need it the most by land fire, bye. see. so this has been our intense focus since the conflict started typically in recent months, as well as taking some important steps to open more crossings to address obstacles, to delivery of assistance. but it can and must do more. as we convey directly these really government, it is crucial to speed up the inspection of trucks and reduce backlogs. to provide greater clarity on and shorten the list of prohibitive goods. to increase visas for 8 workers and to process them more quickly to create clear, more effective channels for you, manager in groups to the conflicts with idea of operations to search, flight setting,
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medicine and equipment to provide everything necessary to repair water and sanitation systems. and israel must take further steps to reduce civilian casualties even as a confront anatomy started this war with a barbaric slaughter of civilians. october 7th. and then to me, to conduct the operations from schools, from hospitals, from camps to displace families anatomy that cynically hides behind or underneath the people it reports to represent i think we all know there is no time to waste, given the hell that hundreds of thousands of palestinians are enduring every single day. 10 year old oven lost his parents, his brother and other family members, they were children and air strikes. that was targeting terrace. he said, when my mom and dad were alive,
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i used to sleep. now i can't sleep anymore. there's an acronym that has become increasingly common for children like of it in gaza. w. c. n. s. s. wounded child, no surviving family members. 6 year old body had cystic fibrosis. when the conflict began, his parents could no longer get the food medicine that he needed to remain healthy before he was evacuated to the united states from gaza. just last month. he was so severely mountains, no nourished that his legs could no longer support the weight of his body. 11 year old junior, she lost her parents or brother or sister. when their home was struck in con eunice, she said this, i lost my leg. i lost my family, but i still have dreams. i want to get it for static leg. i want to travel,
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i want to become a doctor. i want for this war to end. and our children to live in peace. these 3 children of a funny doing you and all the policies civilians suffering and gaza. we know they're not numbers, they're not extractions they're human beings, their children, their women, their men who all want the same things that we want for ourselves. and for our loved ones, just like the people who are murdered in israel, october 7th, just like the hostages, who continue to be held in gaza to this day. so we all have to re commit to doing our part to ensure that these individuals cannot merely survive, but that they can live in peace. they can have their rights respected, they can have an opportunity to realize their dreams. and we have to commit to
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something else we have to commit together to try to extricate the poison in our common well, the poison of the immunization, the inability to see the humanity. and the other. when that happens, when hearts harden to the extent that they have on all sides, then the worst it becomes possible and the best very, very difficult to achieve. but. but if we can see the humanity in everyone and commit to do everything we possibly can to oppose that humanity, then everything is possible. so let's do more than just call for a better future for palestinians and israelis. let's help build that path to the future. do it together and we can start by maximizing all of the
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efforts that we're engaged in to help the people who need it and help them now. thank you very much. thank you mister secretary, if i may call his excellence the deputy prime minister and for the minister of package that you want to know. i'll just say that we're bringing a lot of coverage of the conference that's being held on your jordan. it's an emergency international conference working on this humanitarian response to israel's war on guys, and it was a round of applause that was just following a statement that'd be made by us secretary of state and. and he blinked, and he said that the most important elements of the most important stage to be reached next was an immediate and outcome comprehensive. so as far he was outlining the faces of the cities far that have been put forward by a pro us present and 5, and then subsequently agreed on by the united nations security council. these said, however, that one thing stands in the way of this deal happening. it is how much event called on all the members gathered around the, the tables there to get how much to,
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to uh, to take the deal. he's been going to on to say that was going to be a further $404000000.00 that was going to be biased by the united states to help the palestinians in gaza. and he outlined some stories of the 3 children in the jobs who had been injured and had lost family members as a result of the is really action in guys. now we can go to model of the shot of who's all just need a senior political on the list who's joining us from powers mom. and i don't know how much of a um, under the banking statement to you were able to hear. but i actually want to take you back to something that was said by king abdullah of jordan jordan. of course, one of the hosts of this conference right at the start of this conference. he said that people of jobs are not looking for us to us for platitudes and speeches. they need action and in many ways that sums up exactly the problem that this conference is going to face. there's a lot of good intention if you like making it happen. it's going to be very
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difficult to yes, i think he's correct but not. busy us, that's what we have for a whole bunch of speeches. i know of course, a bit too little and a bit too late for the people because most of those who are there and i'm of course, have that done. not that much for the people you guys are system. they didn't do enough to stop the war on guys. but he's also correct to say that he might be on an age should not be conditional to cease fire. that in his words that it should start flowing in medical and other, he meant the regardless of what date uh, the actual official ceasefire is reached. so in a sense,
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the necessity to end the war beneficial committee to save the millions and gaza from the brass of israeli war is uh, you know, never more important than today. yes, i did hear a rob. i did hear the secretary state course as usual, rolling my eyes, and honestly, i'm wanting to buy from my eyes as i roll them into sleep. listening to blinking. there's something sylvia this stick about this thing and up to on american president, recounting the disaster that gus has become the destruction of hospitals and schools of death to people in dire families, as if they were not killed by american munitions. as just the united states did not block every attempt at an immediate answer, one of the ceasefire capacity models to be that as it may now we're on the less than once again. that's when it comes to america. it's either america's way or the
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highway that the most part is america is concerned, america might, is right, and everything else is wrong. and hence until america passage phone distribution taking in consideration a good number of points by other countries including the algerians. when i kind of see the rushes, i'm just trying to use, the resolution has passed and how boss has welcomed. and yes, the secretary of state continues to emphasize acknowledge quantity of how much conducted what needs to pressure, how much to accept the ceasefire when in fact in fact, not according to my opinion. i mouse and all those and guys all have died for i cease fire. they have always been for the past 8 months dying for i cease fire takes place. so if anything that people don't guys are including how most one sees
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fire more than any one else, including the united states and israel. the response that from israel to the building by the unit un security council was significantly muted compared to what we've seen in the past or previous occasions. israel has been very, very strongly worded in his response to the way that uh, some of those resolutions have been put forward before they've been voted on and only 2 of them have passed. of course, i'm given the fact that this is a more muted response is not a reflection of the fact that this is sponsored by the us. does that kind of slightly bulk cindy is really government when it comes to the way that it is got to be able to deal with all responds to this resolution as well. now that the proposal of the ceasefire leading adventure to 30 minutes, each fire in the work blinking has been adopted by the security council,
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enshrined in international law is right, is have a less wiggle room done before. and the americans have indeed succeeded in boxing that online into a bit of a corner. having said that, being a student of the history of this conflict and of israel's american attitude towards it are, you know that these are, these have once and again, rejected or somehow bypassed international including you. i'm sick of the counselors solutions in the past. and i think they would probably be attracted to that again. it would be up to the americans to discipline them. but judging from lincoln's usual excuses for his role is once again putting the on the spot to how much not. and those read when these writers wouldn't even come publicly and embrace the american proposal and the un speaking with the console solution. and
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they haven't done so because they actually don't like it. they certainly as our course funding said that they don't like a piece. the 3rd phase of it, which actually calls for total dollars of is read from the the occupied territories, garza and for eventually the establishment of the 2 states were the senior states in the west bank and gaza. these things are not to the like you will . this is very the government, i think we will trace some major turnville offices within days, right. the polity in that there is on which to come while on as always. thank you very much. smile on the shot. i'll just see it as a senior political analyst. a lot of these $49.00 people are dead on another $140.00 a missing offer, a boat coming migrants sign costs the cost of yemen. the runs agency for migration says the boat sank on monday. is it made the journey across the gulf of everything? you haven't is a major root from migrants leaving east africa lives collage and with some of the
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lots up his life for us and humans capital. so now what more do we know about what's been going on? i guess a risky operations, a continue to risk. you ask you the yeah, the other survival is natalie. somebody was talking about 71. people have been rescued of the many costs. a local uh, people are going to fishermen who have taken part in this rescue operations. also some of the people have been taken to hospitals in order to be treated. so we have talked about about the continuation of the people of losing their lives. take you to the uh, the res risk p trapped from the a some one of our freak out towards a young man, especially just to the shop. uh, which is the b roads where natalie, hundreds of thousands of people are taking this risky tribes and all of that. so in
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search for better lives, the knots aiming as human by the crossing young men towards adults. countries in a bit to didn't search for better lives without talking now about the death of 49 people in the previous uh, okay, just a natalie a, a is eighty's. 68 people are being killed and separate incidents over 1800 of the so some of those situations have taken place in previous times. so we are talking about a serious a incident that continues to happen from one time to another. the, the, the people and then in the admin, especially in chapel. uh you don't have the like the capabilities and also the, the tonight isn't about you. crisis management so. so supervising this appraiser,
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various corporations are appealing for over $140000000.00 us dollars in order to equip the rescue of regions did or not that to cut off on to product and to the this debts scenarios for migrants. and thank you very much indeed mama talk in the humans, capitals, not the monopolies, vice president and 9 others have died in a plane crash, sal assume i was traveling to the northern city over so so the aircraft failed to line to the airports. rescuers have been searching for the plane since monday. it was found in the northern she can go as far as how the montage is joining us now. live from cut out a n, as in bob, but just bring us up to date with the latest on the search. and what we know about the victims of across the little president, lazarus declared, i is calling this a terrible accident. he says there are no survivors and all the buddies will be flown to the capital. the long way funeral arrangements be made. a thought you said
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it took so long to find the play because the weather was bad. there was lots of fog in the area of the play and went down in a forest area north of the country. it's jerry healey, the right good. it was hard to access the cost slides. they all said earlier, they had heard a phone ringing, so they using a nearby tyler. they managed to pinpoint the estimates of the search sites, the search area with the vis you find the plane. he also said that he is working with comes to like, so that's a good goal at the united states. they help find the wreckage as well as well as drugs will also deployed to find the play and the right now you see is a focus, of course is on the conduct into the family members, including a former 1st lady was also on board the plane and then he says, investigations underway to find out exactly what happened. tato, thank you very much. indeed. that's how to my task for talking to is from zimbabwe . was to the head and all the 0, a hospice on the wild
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elephants talking to reach out to you research suggest the giving shout the unique names. i'm going to explode back shortly. also by god's historic center gets a face to attractive both local on following tourists. on the players prepare for the euros which are going to kick off on friday. we're going to look ahead to the
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tournament with far as the the the law size of expanding and the world's largest tropical westland for those. and so now let's be in the heads hard by driving the ponds and all wetlands are located in
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brazil is voted with public life. the high season for wild fires isn't due to starting to july, but the figures are already alarming. satellite data shows a 980 percent increase in fires in the region. this is the highest number since 2020, which was the worst year on record. and the 320000000 square meters of westland, were just home to jacko's. top is cayman, is that a condo son, john and teachers have already been destroyed? the situation is expected to get worse after a wet season with rainfall. 60 percent below average of the telegraph. how can i buy to come? i find the sale. i got to do, you are going to be such you but a settled as eric, but it's only fair folk but the yeah,
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but uh yeah, i have a this uh this and would this be much, can you just like the same as the 0 bar that fees, but i see the main lower kind of reason. i go from the lower, the lower see last the the finish to my head 1st, there's
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a move in the same for the outside of the home via the divided by the well, the question that stumped to naturalist for years can animals actually talk to each other or well, if you ever hear that signed, it might be an elephant name you research suggests while the african elegans can call each other unique names. common to form of low rumble this, it could be heard of a long distance is across the savannah. they are extremely rare for wild animals to
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call each other by unique names, but nevertheless, it is a talent that allison supposed to possess with joseph now is chairman of the scientific board, i'd say the other friends and the senior officer, this study, and he's joining us not by skype, from somebody in kenya, thank you very much. indeed for being with us. can you define to me 1st of all, what a vocal label is? uh, yeah. so it does say we're referring to the use of names of vocal label. essentially . it's a sound, an individual mets, to label an object to mystery. that would, since our vocalizing labeled, call to identify other elephant assets. it's a made their user name for. so i got my other and i want to ask, you mean other specific circumstances under which elephants would use this, did or did they use it all the time? and we were only just beginning now to understand what it is. well it's, you know, they're quite vocal, the highly social, like i submitted, they're very vocal as well. similar to us. and i think like us,
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they don't always use the names like you and i are, are seeing you might use my name ones that are conversations. and it seems like that's also simpler with eloquence, and particularly they use the name when they were calling to an individual that was separated that specially and frequently we saw mother communication with the mothers rate. katie moore just came to the cache. it seemed like those communications were also available to speak with me and then other communication. but the context is less obvious. they were, they were much lower use for your. this is an indication that this indicates some sort of obstruct salt in the parts of the elephants. and if so, why could that be important? yeah, so it's very exciting. so there's only one he's up to now that we knew was able to create garbage, we call an arbitrary sound. and that that to name another individual. so my name is
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george, it's a relatively arbitrate. i have nothing to do with me. and julie, i will respond to that name because it was hard to be done. the other animals when that you're going to in the image. if i wanted to get your attention, i would like your voice, and that would draw your attention to the service. there's imitative and ellison by humans are not imitated, but they're called. ready because they have created a sound and they have to label the stove, that sound encore and the other individuals by the bad sound is not for them to explore that give it to me. and so like i able to create sounds, able individuals have that recognized by everybody and use that to communicate. and so that our, for that ability is quite rare. receipt of a human. and now this suggested to are able to do that. and that the parents,
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eve of things out of segment create didn't just stand a fire and i need and teach that information to other individual. ready so it's really over billy these things we didn't know if possible for the animals actually are so smart now we're going to have to leave it there and i'm sorry, i did judgement to me. i would appreciate you being with us. but i think it's ironic. the fact that we're talking about allison so are able to communicate with each other, but we're getting break up on your signal. i, i'm from the kenya, but we do appreciate you really being with us. thank you very much. indeed. my pleasure. thank fabulous. a library called a small scale colorful as a starting to put food in the table despite prices for their projects being high. and they say that's not fair trade, even though that's what's on the 10 for my boys young here's um address. so i do go most i prepared snooty, have visited coke of the season. he's been cultivating the crop for over 2 decades,
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but is concerned how yeah on. yeah. coca prizes remain very low despite high demand and low output. good to so i should be good. it doesn't matter if it's organic or not, the price is just ridiculous. but if not for the love of farming, who for many of us would have just walked away from us for habit means less be uncomfortable, both farmer and produce agent will buy the coke of beings. so some labeling unfit beans as fact rates that the price that way they can charge more for the produce ivory coast cocoa regulate, says 95 percent of the beans from last season. walmart us fair trade sacrifice. the previous week i was around 50 percent, 500 cost cocoa and coffee regulator says it's reducing the number of its approved agents often reported irregularities in the volume of coco certified as fact trade . the announcement comes as the industry braces for a huge shortfall in supply with some analysts say was caused by suppliers and
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producers will ship out small companies and they're supposed to last year. the regulator has declined. our request for into you the quote number was organic coke always recognized for quality and the sustainable way he produces that yet a criticize of the fed freight certificate should process. it's all the way the media does it, have to go through a 1000 certificates, so useless unless they've changed the life of the, from the multinational issue, the certification only says that benefits the clients of the market. they don't really care about the small file, but then you go to the journalist on truckle or to feel about a bunch of coffee agrees. i've lost it. if he got your certification, only benefits big business. they insist on it before raising prices. but it's just a smoke screen. the european union of the international by just introducing the fed trade principal to eliminate child labor and other practices time for the consumers and the environment. but even with 50 percent of advert coast cocoa meeting,
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those standards little has changed for the smaller scale find the hope produced as 90 percent of the country's output. in addition to pop pricing, the also struggles with a steep rise in the price of fertilizer and other farming. he said shows how many degrees i just need to show a surface board here as far, rob, thank you so much, 3 days to go until the euros and poland. captain robert, the windows key has been ruled out of their opening game against the netherlands that are still on the player and holding the whole time leaving for her and his leg during their friendly against her keel. on monday i was subbed in the 1st half and it wasn't the only only pull into striker to go up injured. towers for those piece, for their opening goal, but then turned his and closer you celebration. all this comes after another of their striker, a cardio smeeley was ruled out of zeroes with indian nixon. they took use this at holland eldon's will have to do without their barcelona star frankie dion. he's had to pull out of this one because of an ankle injury and his captain out of actions as far as his defeats round madrid. in april. the young was included in the dutch
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squads, but it's now been confirmed. he won't be fit in time. despite that benevolence rounded off their preparations with for now, when over iceland, virgil van dyke, getting on this for a sheet for the 2nd game, one a. their attention now turns to my game against poland and hamburg, followed by friends and austria. well, it all gets under way on friday when host germany opened their group, a campaign against scotland and the scots have received a warm welcome in their host time in bavaria. tom size land reports without to yours. when since 1996, there is no hope for the next big station on scotland to perform. the team arrived in the small town of gomez, pots and cooking on monday, with many friends making the trip over after another successful qualifying campaign . some fence, however, were already the there opening fixture might be against hoist germany,
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but there was some proud locals who will be cheering on steve clark side as they came to qualify for the knockout stages for the 1st time using you somehow we are now part of you a for 2024, which i think sensational, and it's a great honor to be the host town. and especially for the scotts, i'm really please because the scotts were actually my dream team. there will be expectations, however, on the germans to perform well on home soil. the last time the host one, the yours was fronts 30 years ago. the funds believe they can go for the spy failing to get post to preach stages at the woke up 2 years ago since i've been looking for gemini, will at least make it to the semi finals. and we're very excited for friday. and the 1st, when we kinda wait for it to stop here, ok, i'm very excited for the championship and especially if we're to be happy in my country. and of course, when political meanwhile we'll have to record break is in the ranks christy. on the right now, there will be featuring for the 6th time, something no other player has done well at the age of $41.00 pets. a will be the
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oldest ever. and there's always a lot will depend on the pair as push, who looks for a claim, the title that they want in 2016. and with a pep, a has a lot of experience. kristi and i to propose to apply, so it was over. i have no doubt that they're important players when they're on the page, but also when they're not on the page, they're important players because of what they represent was coming from the nurse, the problem. and unusual punishment for the when is it that group, however, as it could see them come up against the team from group be featuring spain, croatia and defending champions, italy tom size went out to 0. there was exactly 2 years ago until the fif. i woke up takes off in 2026 across mexico, the united states and canada. it'll be the 1st expanded $48.00 team edition of the tournament, co hosted by the united states mexico and canada. first game will be on june 11th at mexico cities as tack the stadium. and the final will be at the met life stadium
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in new jersey on july 19th. 48 countries for the national teams participating. $104.00 games which would be the equivalent to $100.00 for super bowls in $59.00 days. the trophy is already here. ready? we take care of it. and we are all getting ready. gearing up for the kick off off the greatest events the greatest show. the greatest tournament that the world has ever seen in south africa on course to reach the next round of the t 20 world top. after edging another low scoring thriller against bangladesh, bangladesh can very close to causing an upside. they needed 6 from the pharmacy, both in new york and inches away from here in boundary roads with a shot. but instead it was aden, a mark ram who took the catch to then i them, bangladesh could only manage a single off the final ball which gave south africa the wind by for one's. it's now
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3 wins from 3 for south africa, top their group and are closing in on place in the super the florida panthers are now just to winds away from lifting the stanley cup trophy . that's after they be the edmonton oilers again. and the title series. things took a heated turn in ford on monday. you are literally on dry side hill knocked for the captain, alexander bar called out of the game and was given a minor penalty for watching. the panthers responded with the $41.00 flashing of the boilers. they leave the series to nothing and are aiming to win the stanley caps for the 1st time in new history. tiger woods is getting ready to play and his birth us open since 202048 year old has been practicing at the pinehurst. number 2, cordons for the event will t off on thursday, which has won the us open 3 times, but played and just 3 tournaments this year. he missed the cots at the last major. the pga championship and toronto is watermark career or junior is flying that
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became a story of its own, not the blue jays game in milwaukee throw his back out of his hands and into the protective napkins stayed there for 2. and this is different. it took some creative thinking, but the jays managed to get it down eventually, although it didn't really help much is trauma went onto loops 31 to the bruins were okay, and that is all your support for now. back to you, rob 5, thank you very much. of a smart works on the way now, rocks capital to renovate the site, dating back to the altima erupt. the project aims to attract new visitors when the one head reports from bug that this landmark on the tigris rebuilding bubble that says, as admitted 3, but rigs for the ultimate army during the 19th century. close to push that it's now under going through innovation. and then goes it sick, look, all of the other sites is going. i'm going to create a, provide you with a loud and shadow. so have to work includes all the buildings overlooking the
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street, the square with its facade straight, and the square itself. and all of these required intervention in particular renovations from self damage, moisture and leaks over how. busy this historic area in the city center was one's home to many pundits, susan, other significant buildings, some dating back centuries to the, at a dynasty known as the cal, if it was reconstructing these heritage sites. say we want to recreate. there is lenika to talk to you, then it's color i looked at today we are talking about the historic center of baghdad, which is made up of a rectangle of about 6 of square kilometers of administrative boundaries. it borders the banks of the tigris river and includes the adjacent streets and alleys rashad street and i'll hold off a square. this rectangle is the historical center of baghdad. it is the beating heart of baghdad. it is the city center and the downtown of baghdad. the key to say,
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i'll call you've shown previous restoration, look at these sites were destroyed during the us led invasion of the lock in 2003 for the people who bought a bed as well as many visitors. this historic area is a place to meet and enjoy cultural activities. this evaluation project is meant to preserve various heritage and turning it into a sort of set traction for both local people. and for the notice with hundreds of other i q, logical sites across the country that have been damaged by decades of war and neglect. have yet to view this q. how would that be? do i just see it all? by that, i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories, including our top story of the human rights office, saying that israel to be guilty of all crimes in relation to this right and go so long. you say that's come on this saturday is also saying the palestinians fighters to be has to have committed war crimes as well. i am rob madison. stay with us on
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august. the here's from, i'll just on the go in the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type domain new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the a g . a serena has spent most of his life on the water. he's a fisherman just like other than his family. but things are different now for when
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he was a boy. in 2022 long days, mcgarr will declared and endangered species. i'm the one of the family at the school today. he's taking us to the band so the only stop leak in central den bode. yeah. he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i mia the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be, i mean, molnar calling me about some of the power while the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy
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medical research. this black ball concrete, not only indeed just was brian me, populations, but puts public health risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up pathogen free. the, the human puts israel notice starting possible war crimes over the right instead of the freed 4 chapters, but kill 274 palestinians. we're going to speak to this folks, the un human rights, all the, and all i'm about this. and this is all just


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