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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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is unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantees. piano moves up that engine free. the, the human puts israel notice starting possible war crimes over the right instead of the freed 4 chapters, but to kill 274 palestinians, we're going to speak to this folks, the un human rights, all the, and all i'm about this. and this is all just a life from don't have also coming up america, solve diplomatic onto the bank and says, israel's prime minister has reaffirmed his commitment to the gaza cease fire. plan on us says it's ready to cooperate with mediators un security council folks in favor of a ceasefire, but israel's continuing its attacks on gaza. several people,
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including children, are killed and overnighted storms. on malawi, vice president is confirmed a dead officer of the military plane crashes in bond west the we're going to be getting gaza, whether you on the sides, that israel may have committed war crimes, juniors, right, and all the say that's a refugee camp on saturday. the united nations human rights office has questioned whether international humanitarian laws were observed when is ready, forces rated the accounts in central guys on saturday to free for captives. 270 for palestinians were killed in more than 700. were injured view and also says war crimes may have been committed by palestinian on groups and include the detention of captives in densely populated areas. we're going to have to central, gosh, i'm going to speak to todd a couple of them outside deluxe. a hospital in dental bhalla and the alexa hospitalized for many of the victims of data attacks are being taken. talk to us
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about what's been happening with what we really hear from those victims that either from the injuries is absolutely devastating. where i say anything about at least 600000000 c late powers, things being ones that are from the attack that was carried out by these very special force in iraq comp, in order to release volt is very comparative. now we're really talking to a number of egypt, people that being described in the general atmosphere where they have been injured . and one of them has been saying that we were getting ready to ease out. we suddenly had loud explosions as we say, doses of ease when he can call to his firing and opening the fire against multiple areas. and then as i rocked refuge account them later on, we had the sounds of the is many times as we saw hearing from people that there is a special full is operating in just a rock refugee camp. a laser on the is a special for it has the stones, this person house the,
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has arrested his father and his grandpa and of the site and saw him one of because very special forces. soldiers have opened the fight against him, where he has been shot from his chest on his, out of it being not receiving treatment in august the hospice of and this is one of the critical conditions that a result of the from under that rise refugee attack that was carried out just 2 days ago now the green reality is the only that this case, but general cases are right now in a very desperate need for a font surgeries and they are unable to leave calls in order to get the treatment to do to the is very full, closed out food is the ongoing control of a philadelphia, colorado and the green reality day by day is excessive. hating and light to bitch, chronic shortage of basic medical supplies. as there are some things that people are unable to afford for them. different kinds of medications that are essentially requires in order to help them to recover as soon as possible. well,
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but people are still afraid due to the collapse of the sense of safety course. the strip and an area is an area is also that. what does it need to buy the is wait a minute, treat to be safe signs tardy. thank you very much. indeed. that's tiny capitalism. bringing us up to date from outside the i likes the hospital in general about in garza while i'm joining our from geneva by jeremy laurence who's spokes person for the un high commissioner for human rights. thank you very much indeed for being with us. so the allegations are being made, a war crimes may have been committed by is rarely forces during this particular rate, but also by palestinian fighters as well. can you describe to me how you gather evidence for allegations like that? yes, hi and thank you. so we are obviously we have when monitoring closely what's happening on the ground and we assessed the information that comes in. now as your correspondence that said, during the operation on the way you can hundreds of palestinians, many of them civilians who are reportedly killed and injured. our concern is that
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that's the manner in uh, the way in which these ride was conducted in stop should densely populated area in, in middle gaza. be seriously calls into question whether the principles of distinction precautions, any proportionality which of bedrock of the molten pool respective bodies riley forces in terms of the, the applications that are being made against the palestinian fighters. again, how is it that you are able to assess the situation in order to be able to gather evidence to suggest that that uh, war crimes may have been committed in that case. oh, okay. so the sign up saw it is and when it kind of compact with respect to the palestinian and the groups that are continuing to hold voltages. now the taking of hostages under international humanitarian law is forbidden. it's a, it's a serious breach. be on that. we have the holding of hostages,
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intensely populated areas. so you're not only putting the whole speeches themselves at risk, but also palestinians that freeze both of these aspects that all right would be an actual product. so when you mix the assessments that you've made for both sides, what do you then do with that to evidence? and also what constitutes evidence that can be presented in a form that would allow a case to move forward. well, quite simply, l offers, i gather this information and we know what the laws of the international humanitarian rules are quite clear. we then make sure that both sides potties abide by those at abide by the by those laws which is set down under the geneva conventions
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. then we assemble the information. we will cool out if we see an issue with respect to adherence to these laws. and then that this information can be passed on. take international tribunals. they into a certain degree, it comes down to an, please forgive me, but i don't understand how the system works. but there is, i get the sense that there is an element that is open to interpretation. that's uh, the un will make an assessment based on this, on the criteria that you have put forward. but of course these readings on the polished indians may come back and say, no, that is not how this was actually on the ground. this is simply abroad assessment of parts of abroad picture that was seen. what, by how confident can you be in there and the evidence that you're presenting, that the case is actually representative of what you being saved on the ground. okay, so in the case of the we can software, i shouldn't,
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as your correspondence said, there were 270 people killed. now for hostages, but fried in the process, we welcome the, the, the fact that that bang freight, they should never been typed in the 1st place. but what we saw was a mass destruction and a massive amount of killings. uh so this, that aspect, we always simply do, we will collect evidence and they toss it on to a relevant confident quote if need be. and i will take the decision based on the assessment that we have. my, jamie laurence is very interesting to get your assessment of this and the benefit of your expertise and this. thank you very much indeed for being with us on all does here. thank you. us accurate research on to me banking size is what was prime ministers, reaffirmed his commitment to the latest proposal for gaza. lincoln's being meeting
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is randy leaders, including benjamin netanyahu. us secretary of state says homicides earlier. support for you. an approved resolution was quote, a hopeful sign on it's now up to them. everyone's vote is in except for one vote. and that's from us. and that's what we wait for. it is awesome us to move forward with this proposal for or not. and it's very clear what, as i said, virtually the entire international community wants to see. and of course with so many families want and it's also what the people of gaza so desperately need whether united nations security council has supported that resolution for us is finding garza, the us box proposal in terms of the exchange of palestinian prisoners with his reading captives and the eventually withdrawal of israeli forces from johnson that also calls for palestinians in gaza to be allowed to return home in wrong con has
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more from jordan's capital that he was reporting from. i'm on because obviously it is banned from operating and israel that you and resolution is actually legally binding is not stopping is all keeping it's will on garza going. but the reaction in israel, the to that vote was very muted. in fact, you any real reaction? we got was a quote from us secretary of state, i'd say blinking, who said that promise to benjamin netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to the ceasefire proposal. the reason for that is because america portfolio with the proposal, remember the last 3 proposals that were put forward and the security council is wrong with off the united nations. a quoted empty is really empty. symmetric that it wasn't going to stop, it was going to stop the way it for the war on goza bought. so there is something going on the back stage. the israel is still sticking to its gums when it comes to a permanent spot. so this commitment to this, these 5 proposal, well, i'm good,
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but there's still lots to go before i'm us and israel can get to an agreement, but the onus is on how mass, according to the americans, the americans keep saying this is really proposal at these rate is already accepted all of it and how much needs to come to the table with our is a surprise to be is radius, particularly the 3rd phase, which goes with the withdrawal of israeli troops and the reconstruction of goals. and that's something these readings on even talking about. so basically we have this, what could well be a deal between the americans. and these riley's to put pressure on a mass to deflect criticism. a way of, uh, from israel, the know launching into a full agreement on a 3 phases of the sci fi. and that's what biden wants to see. so maybe by taking this to the united nations security council, getting it legally binding is one way of actually just forcing israel to come to the table. so let me just remind you,
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benjamin doesn't. yeah. who's covered his bind. i'll just see it out for more. probably thinking israel the news extended that decision on sunday. that's why your mind's been joining us from neighboring jordan. joining us from tennessee is really political commentator on go back. thank you very much indeed for being with us with regard to, to the, the cx 5 proposal that's being put forward, given the changes that we've seen it within the war cabinet of benjamin getting nothing. yahoo, i'm the increasing pressure of members of the fall right on in the coalition. where does that leave any room for maneuver if you like, for benjamin netanyahu, when it comes to accepting the ceasefire proposal that the us has put forward in the un has agreed to as well. i'll just add that. that is, what was the one who put it forward initially? this is not, this is a, a draft. it's not very different from the one is old. put on the table when negotiating, just not just being taken to the united nations. i think what do you need to consider is that the reality is in a bind these use it is that
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a real dilemma here is packed with the religious right to have supported him throughout this war is straining the right wants all out for wants total more once we're completely removed from israel's international obligations and from is those kind of international circumstance that the hell knows this. he also knows something else. he knows that the great majority of his early is even those who, quote unquote, oppose him. and these are the center, actually agreeing with the way he ran the war. they are not opposed to as well as campaign and goes to what is essentially a genocide on campaign. and she has to make a choice if he stays with the religious right. and they will be loyal to him as long as he comes to line, as long as he does therapy, they're doing their building is getting to be more and more complicated if he's actually facing a security council sanctions, or if he's actually facing arrest warrants from the i c, c, he has a choice, he can rely on the broad silent consensus in his role,
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which sees his policies as uh, basically legitimate, the conditional religious, right, which is something he's already done. they've already judged him in the past, and he can sign this deal and claim to be representing a great majority of his varies and doing so. he wouldn't even have to lie. so in terms of ditching the, the far right it's for those of us watching from the outside, it does seem that the there are 2 particular individuals in the far right. it's a business function. it's not going to be or who repeatedly blocking any attempts to even move forward or even consider. and i cease fire option as i say, this is the view from somebody outside. why is it then therefore the benjamin netanyahu would not consider doing exactly that? and removing them from the picture, if at a loss and the freedom to come out with some sort of what he might perceive to be a victory. oh, this is classic, nothing. you know, he's always done this every major domestic political battle,
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as well as in issues that have to do with foreign policy. he consistently pays the highest price at the worst time for the lowest return. he is our cowardly line and if you will, he does not like to make decisions, especially not binding ones. and he is reluctant to let go of the right that has supported him so intensely so far. but his interest and the religious rights interests are diverging. and he is boss coming to the point where he will have no choice. i think he's already there. uh this uh us moved whether it was arranged with nothing you know, in the know or with missing out of the move. it doesn't matter. this us move puts him between a rock and a hard place. you have to make an unpleasant choice, which is again, something he tries to avoid doing at all costs. but i don't see a way for him not to make this choice, especially as support for the deal grows and the deal. and the prospect of the deal
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is rallying. even the houses is really center in the event that he died. he decides to reach that point where he is going to make that decision again for those of us watching this whole situation from outside. but what it looked like, what, what do we have to be able to identify to see the benjamin netanyahu is making that move? he's ditching the far right. and he is giving himself the elbow room. if you'd like to start negotiating to whatever ends you might choose. oh, i think the 1st thing to look for is, is a republic display of reluctance. you didn't want to do it. maybe she had to do it . he's doing it for the security of the safety of the state. um, you know, it's our relationship with the united states. it's are standing in the world. it's a prospect of the war. she will him and hall, and bob and we are in a very, very dramatic fashion to prove that he's doing this only because he has to. and israel, reluctance and necessity are the best bonus side for a politician,
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especially when making a decision like this. here's the thing is really is what they want is a positive, definitive end to what they see is a prolong predicament, not just with regard to the word, but with regard to this thread from god they support is all genocide because they think now it is the most effective solution presented with something that would seem either more effective or more necessary. i say very majority of as always would support that as well, especially as it brings the hostages home. so what i would look forward from that send me out is not any is, is no, no sense of trials, no sense of positivity. she will do this as though he's being forced to do this. but once he started speaking in the tone, i would assume he's going for the deal. it's really interesting to get your analysis on this. so i want to go back. thank you very much indeed for your time.
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thank you for having me. out of settings and guys have reacted to the un security councils vote to approve us as far proposal outlined by the us. many have enjoyed a scale of last that's hard to imagine, and they're hoping this deal is going to finally bring an end to the bloodshed of the above. we hope that this decision will be implemented by all parties. there have been several attempts that cease fires, and we hope that no party will oppose this one. the way we hope to go that we will return, it is enough, we are tired. the situation cannot be described. we are tired enough of the woods. our children were killed and we did not see our families on nephew's upfront as our relatives and the people dearest to us. they are all gone down in the heart of my house is destroyed. how long will we stay in this full? they must stop the war. we want a solution so that we can rest like the rest of the world and live in safety and
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pace. jordan is hosting an emergency conference to coordinate the humanitarian response to israel's war and gaza. us secretary of state onto the blanket is expected to attend and it is likely to hold talks with several original leaders, including jordan, egypt, you and the secretary general antonio chavez says more humanitarian aid needs to be allowed in all available. c, 2000. that must be all professionals and the lens and roots absolutely crucial. i also welcome all corded united efforts to form your personalize the mechanism to facilitate a into gaza as mandated by security council resolution 2720 the international humanitarian responsive. as it has been severely lacking with the delivery of a facing obstacles at every level to match here an access cannot wait for a ceasefire. i cannot be subject to the political agendas of any party. the still
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ahead on all the 0, the protections behind faired site itself is an island coast. farm is struggling with low cocoa prices and what size of expanding and the world's largest tropical rutland in south america. we're going to hear from those who being directory to effective the the drain is reappearing in java, west job at the southern c, motrin bonia. this the dry season. and i obviously going to get spells of wet weather, but you don't want to many of them because of seasonal, right. should be here. it's just taking a day or so off quite possibly. nevertheless, has been flooding in north vietnam. they will certainly be flooding from this in southern china with these seasonally correct sides of the yankee. this is the plum
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rains that go across and eventually move up into mainland japan and then the, the korean peninsula and the cost for the noise in what is currently a very hot profit chart. and 4041 degrees, for example, in june. now, but this is how it is supposed to look or be on the health side. and if you thought of the breaking the model, so you can shop it, then reappear is over india and it's going northwood. so this is all shumate and fed. he went there 4 times as are suppressed north of it. and let me just breaking there. probably in the good you're not north, it's still too hot that analyses 46 just degree off the record. and that's true through all of knowing that india and most of the stuff. and although we have seen some of the storms in the city province in the last week, which relieves the heat, there's nothing in the full cost to suggest anymore. it just gets hotter. the from palestine to pakistan from syria to indonesia. ok,
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foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible families, 12, etc, and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give your to bonnie today without kind of foundation the the doors you know does 0 reminder about top. so is this out of you in human rights office says israel could be guilty of war crimes in relation to his right in gaza
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on saturday. the freed for captives 270 for palestinians were killed in the operation in more than 700 for engine. you and it says palestinian fighters may also have committed war crimes by sheltering captives in densely populated areas of us. diplomats we bring concerns be as really prime minister has reaffirmed disagreement into a you and approved see spot resolution for gas. banking describes how much is reported support for the proposal. as a whole song at least 49 people are dead and another 140 a missing officer. a boat carrying migrants sank off the coast of yemen. the winds agency for migration says the boat sank on monday as it made the journey across the gulf of 8. and you have an as a major route for migrants leaving east africa. smallways, vice president the 9 others have died in a plane crash. and sol assume i was traveling to then all of this, if you have with susan, but the aircraft failed to land, is it? the airport rescue has been searching for the plane since monday. it was found in
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the chain tongue. why forest and the north of the country when the president was address the nation with the news? words kind of describe how heartbreaking this is. and i can only imagine how much pain and anguish you all must be feeling at this time. as well as much pain and anguish, you all will be feeling in the coming days and weeks as were more than this terrible loss. kind of a task of joining us now live from hot a neighboring was involved. we talk to us about what's been happening on tell us a little bit about the vice president as well, such a little president, lazarus declared that has called this a terrible accident. he says, a note survive is among the dead. include the vice president, a former 1st lady and some senior officials authorities of saying that it took so
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long to find the plane because 1st of all, the weather was so bad, there was lots of fault. the play came down in a forest area north of the country. it's a is rugged terrain hodge. to reach. officials say there was a time when a phone kept ringing using a nearby tower. they were able to pinpoint a certain location business spit to the played was in the now down the search here and eventually found the plane with the help from countries like south africa and the united states in terms of the vice president. he was he out and he was 51 years old. his support is that he was cosmetic, and they expected into the one for the presidency in next year. elections that will cause who no longer happened. he wasn't brought to some corruption scandals a while ago. accuse of accepting bribes and gives sort of a but his business man, but of course they to drop those allegations as it is nothing to those planes but, but not in the morning. the last of the vice president focused not of course, is on investigation and to find out what exactly caused the crash. i'm
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a task that is involved where you, how to thank you. you're not very close to small scale. coco farmers are struggling to put food on the table despite prices for the punches being high. and they say that's not fair trade, even though that's what it says on the 10 from advice on his. um, it does so i do go most i prepared is new to have his to cook off the season. he's been cultivating the crop for over 2 decades, but it's concerned how yeah, on. yeah. coca prizes remain very low despite high demand and low output. good. this will actually be a good, it doesn't matter if it's organic or not, the price is just ridiculous, but it's not for the love of farming, for many of us would have just walked away from as for harvest means less than come full both farmer and produce agent will buy the cocoa beings, so some labeling unfit bins as fat crates that the price duct wait. they can charge more for the produce ivory coast cocoa regulate,
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says 95 percent of the beans from last season. what marked us fat right? sacrifice the previous week, i was around 50 percent. hybrid cost cool, cool. and coffee regulator says it's reducing the number of gets approved. agents often reported irregularities in the volume of coco certified as fact trade. the announcement comes as the industry braces for a huge shortfall in supply with some analysts say was caused by suppliers and producers who shipped out smoke cocoa beans, the best opposed to last year. the regulator has declined our request for him to you. the quote number was organic coke always recognized for quality and the sustainable way he produces that yet a criticize of the fed freight, such as the kitchen process or the way the media does it, have to go through a 1000 certificates, so useless unless they change the life of the, from a, the multinational issue, the certification only says that benefits the clients of the market. they don't
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really care about the small fi fins. you don't think the journalist on truckle, or to fill about 5 months, coffee agrees after you lost it. if he got your certification only benefits big business, they insist on it before raising prices. but it's just a smoke screen. the european union and other international by just introducing the fed trade principal to eliminate child labor and other practices samples to consumers and the environment. but even with 50 percent of advert coast cocoa meeting, those standards little has changed for the smaller scale pharma who produces 90 percent of the country's output. in addition to pricing, the also struggles with a steep rise in the price of fertilizer and other pharmacies that shows how many degrees i just need to be sure. now it's a question, what's a stomach naturalist for years can animals talk to each other? the 12th,
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if you ever hear that sound, it might be the name of an elephant. your research suggests the wild african l evans call each other unique names, become in the form of that low rumble that could be heard over long distances across the savannah. no, it's extremely rare for wild animals to be able to call each other by unique names . but it is a challenge that elephant opponents really possess. wildfires that are expanding and the world's largest tropical westland brazil is pantano, which has been hit hard by dr. bonds and all wetlands are located on brazil is boulder with public life. the high season for wild flies isn't due to start until july, but the figures are already alarming. satellite data shows a 980 percent increase in fires in the region. that's the highest number says 2020, which was the worst year on record to that point, nearly 320000000 square meters of westland just home to jagow is topya's, caymans,
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anaconda is and giant on teaches already being destroyed. the situation is expected to get worse, officer wet season with the rain fault, 60 percent below average. as the telegraph popping up, i see them. i find the sale i got to do. you are going to be such you but a settled as eric, but it's only fair folk but the yeah, go to see. yeah, i have a that's a that's and would this be much, can you just search.


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