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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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and why had this is tina, how many between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the for you and puts israel on notice site and possible war crimes over to read in new say that's that's read for captives for killed 270 for palestinians. house and you fighters also accused an american diplomats against me blinking says israel's prime minister, has reaffirmed his commitments to the gods of ceasefire. a plan. a ma says is ready to cooperate with mediators. the,
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this is al jazeera, alive from joe, also coming up. the us presidents, son, hunter biden, is found guilty on 3 felony gun charges. and reaching out for more a presence. a lot of his lensky in berlin's are sure of supports for you, phrase battered economy. the and we begin this broadcast with more accusations by the you when that is, will, may have committed war crimes and goes on the united nations human rights office has questioned whether international humanitarian laws were observed. when is really forces read of new statements in central garza on saturday to free for captives. it's commons related to the high number of casualties. some $270.00 for palestinians were killed and more than $700.00 and injured. the when also says war
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crimes may have been committed by palestinian fighters. they include that the tension of captives in densely populated areas. and jeremy, your lawrence is the spokesperson for the un high commissioner for the human for human rights. and he says the agencies assessment of what took place in new saying that when he passed on to the relevant court during the operation on the way he can hundreds of palestinians, many of them civilians were reportedly killed and injured. our concern is that fits the manner in the way in which these ride was conducted in suction, densely populated area, and in the middle of the seriously closed seemed to question whether the principles of distinction precautions, any proportionality which of bedrock of the molten pool where respected bodies riley forces with respect to the pallet skinny and,
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and groups by continuing to hold hostages. now the taking of hostages under international humanitarian law is forbid, it's a, it's a serious for each to be on that. we have the holding of hostages in densely populated area. so, you know, not only putting the hostages themselves at risk, but also palestinians that pres, uh, both of these aspects that are right on the amount of old trunk there was $270.00 taken killed. now for hostages, but fried in the process, we welcome the, the, the fact that they have been free. they should never been taking the 1st place. but what we saw was a mass destruction and a massive amount of killing. so this, that us, but we all we simply do, we will collect evidence and then pass it on to
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a relevant confident quote if need be. and i will take the decision based on the assessment that we have. my and the 2nd are to central gaza and speak to officer as a thought about who, who's outside the locks the hospital in their, in better health director, a ceasefire. need more than ever. tell us about the fall out from the new state upgrades. slightly supplies the main demand now for whole palestinians aligned to what was going on in the past 8 months till now, where the body forces have completely times in the entire trip into a pile of rockland. far within the past couple of studies. the palestinian community of them is the rock to fiji count has been subjected to on 1st into the scale of is there any file on the ground is what has this talk to a minute you of the ration to release to is really kept is now today we can see the repercussions on the goodly consequences result of the from such operations. and so
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the departments of oxide hospital the capacitive, be hospitalized, all the rooms, only with the victims on the engine. people result of the from the m as a rock attack alongside 0 talk to you about the 698 times thing is not receiving it treatments in the very tiny court. we don't hope that already for release hospital . now, the situation and the grimly reality, we've had the pro 5 and this is, was completely disturbing. we have been listening and even speaking to these people saying that there weren't completely shocked by the level of funding of being used by these, by the army as they were also surprised by the houses being targeted. those of palestinians being directly shocked by the it's very special forces on the ground that they weren't taking a civil and humanitarian a 12 as a civil cut off to carry out that precise and complex operational successfully. that's a patient happened to the managed to release a full captive spot, leaving behind mount account with this level of destruction in the residential
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houses that was targets alongside with the number of casualties that the vast majority are in a very desperate need to receive a medical treatment on a bump. surgeries that are no longer available in the district which also hum this by the is very close to of course the board is a part of a miniature operation or walk. now we continue every now and then tragic stories from this is day by day thompson. you are losing the hope to get to us each one of that might bring and what was status is on the ground layla. and the thought of them we're hearing that a group of palestinian prisoners have been released by israel in northern garza. what more did you learn? yes, uh, we have a receiving confirmation that at least uh, 23 thompson mean prisoners were released from isabel detention caps off to being arrested from multiple areas across the street. they have been taken to undisclosed location in the east valley territories, as they have been experiencing different colors and signs of to check on palms of
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the east valley. investigators. on one side with the detectives, they have been reporting on a different also who just circumstances that they were forced takes serious dentist and it being the deed, since with a need to pause and being deployed from having access to basic, essential is that these include in fluids with that and they did not even have access to toilet for a couple of days, which is absolutely contributing to the main principles of international humanitarian law. now, one of the palestinians have been killed on terms of that has been sewage as a to ring being taught to a fluid into one of the palestinian prisoners who has been released today to come on at one hospital. he says that there is 2 behind doses of palestinian, the prisoners who are experiencing different different shapes of suffering as to now they are no longer able to cope with the situation, but they are waiting for the day that they could be released. this mainly is not
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the 1st time the pump these went on there really is probably gonna be present as they have been previously reducing the number of prisoners who had witnessed the same size boxes as small, thriving of these men that tax, the 1st district laid out a report from right outside alexa hospital and there in bella. thank you as ever. thank you this and your secretary of state antony blanca says israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has re affirmed his commitments to the latest news fire proposal for goss. i'm the secretary of state has been pushing for the deal on his 8th trip to the middle east since the war began. and he says a mazda is earlier support for you, when approve resolution was quote, hopeful, sorry. and it's now up to them is evacuated to the everyone's folders in except for one vote. and that's from us. and that's what we wait for it is autumn, us to move forward with this proposal for or not. and
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it's very clear what, as i said, virtually the entire international community wants to see. and of course, with so many families want us. and it's also what the people of gaza so desperately need. well, paul samuels and gaza have reacted to the un security council is about to approve a ceasefire proposal outlined by the us and many have under the scale of loss. it's hard to imagine and they're hoping this deal will finally bring an end to the bloodshed of the above. we hope that this decision will be implemented by all parties. there have been several attempts that cease fires, and we hope that no party will oppose this one. the way we hope to god that we will return, it is enough, we are tired. the situation cannot be described. we are tired enough of the woods.
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our children were killed and we did not see our families on nephew's upfront as our relatives and the people dearest to us. they are all gone down in the heart of my house is destroyed. how long will we stay in this full? they must stop the war. we want a solution so that we can rest like the rest of the world and live in safety and peace. and georgia is hosting an emergency conference to coordinate that humanitarian response to israel's war on god. so you are a secretary of state anthony blinking expected to attend and he's likely to hold talks with several regional leaders, including jordan and egypt. you want to security general uh toner. with that us it says more humanitarian aid needs to be allowed. and let me think about that must be a professional and the lens, the roots absolutely crucial. i also welcome all quoted united efforts to form your personalize the mechanism to facilitate
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a into gaza as mandated by security council resolution 2720 the international humanitarian responsive. as it has been severely lacking with the delivery of aid facing obstacles at every level to matcher and excess cannot wait for a ceasefire. i cannot be subject to the political agendas of any party on turbine. the son of the us presidents has been convicted of all 3 charges and a photo federal gun trial. the charges related to the purchase of a gun in 2018 when prosecutor c hunter by lied on a mandatory fire arm purchased for him by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs soldiers. the jury found him guilty of lying to a federally license gun dealer, making a false claim on the application and illegally having the gun for 11 days. all
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right, let's get you more now on this breaking news. the christmas will be standing by in new york christian. what were the charges? a yes. well, he was found guilty of 3 felony charges related to purchasing a fire on basically he lied when he filled out a form saying that he was an, an addict, or a user of illegal substances in purchasing a fire arm. this is a charge that could carry up to 25 years in jail when he was sentenced at a later date. although many think that it's unlikely that he'll get that high of a sentence given that he has admitted his drug use in the past. it really, it only took the jury about 3 hours to reach this verdict. it was no secret that he had a history of drug abuse and drug problems. the prosecution even had a,
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a text message from hunter bite into a drug dealer showing that he had tried to purchase drugs right around the time that he was making the purchase of that gun. he had hoped to avoid going to trial and sign a plead deal last year, but that fell apart at the last minute and he was forced to go to trial and confront these charges head on a reaction coming just in the last hour from president joe biden. saying that he loves his son, he is a president, but also a dad. and that he's proud of the journey that his son has taken to overcome drug addiction going forward. and he also is saying that he will not pardon his son, even though as president. he could do that, that he will not pardon his son for whatever, for the in this case, for the verdict. it's been a very difficult case for the find the family, a very salacious court proceedings. and this is all happening. you know,
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during this race, the run up to the 2024 election. what possible fall or could there be for presidential binds re election bid yeah, absolutely. it is in the run up to this very tight uh 2024 presidential election . but again, given everyone knows about hunter biden's past and his drug use, it's not clear what impact this will have on voters. the bite and family was attempting to show. they were very much behind him in the court room showing up filling up many seats in the court room 1st lady joe biden. his step mother was there almost every day. his wife was there, his daughter testified about his efforts to overcome addiction and showed love and support. so it suggests that his family is behind him and that he has gone beyond
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this drug problem. but that said, it isn't the end of his legal problems. he has another case coming up in september in california on tax evasion charges, and that one couldn't be more dangerous for joe biden, given allegations, so far, not proven that the 100 by the end was doing business using his father's name to pad his pockets. if you will, so that one could be more dangerous for the campaign coming up. christmas o me, you're reporting on the hunter bite and being convicted of 3 felonies. thank you very much, kristen. the and the conference is underway and berlin to show up support for ukraine's reconstruction after the war. and you created a ukrainian officials are trying to persuade international allies and investors to finance the long term recovery. the cost of rebuilding ukraine over the next decade
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is estimated at nearly $490000000000.00 and present of alarm. or as well as cases russian assets should be used to pay some of that. the middle of when you logged into the mileage the job, we must rebuild a normal life rebuild together. every russian asset that can be used for this must be used without compromises, without any compromises with the aggressor. the time for compromises is exhausted. it was exhausted. exactly when put and started burning down our cities and awarding his killers. and john holman, is in cave and has more on the summit the rest and makes a 50 percent of the country's energy capacities have been knocked out by russian air strikes. are we talking about rolling blackouts all over the country? here in the cats who just walking down the street at night? there's traffic lights that aren't working, they street lights down. there's whole department blow existing, complete darkness and not being replicated elsewhere and you cry. so presidents,
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the landscape saying that he needs countries to get involved in that and investors to invest in the energy and network cost quite hard. so when you're a country, it will because obviously russians gonna continue to launch ariel strikes. he's saying to the end, but he also needs more a defensive to protect ukraine's infrastructure the day before and this conference and there was a resignation. we stuff and i am. and he was one of the 2 top officials involved with a reconstruct things you crying for rebuilding, things like that. no, it just ended cheap, but it was so rude to the roads, things like this. and he resigned because he said he was facing at all sufficient obstacles being put in the way of his state agency for reconstruction. salaries being taught projects not being approved an earlier in may the infrastructure administer, which was the other of those 2 top officials standing. we've reconstruction,
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alexander cooper, a call was dismissed. so this wheels being turned during government and people that are involved with politics here that we've been talking to say the one thing that is happening here is that presidents, the landscape and his chief of stuff in his special that in a circle seems to be shifting and tightening, and if you're not aligned with the government on policies that you've got over ideas at the moment, it seems to be increasing the possibility that you're going to be out. and so have here on al jazeera malawi as far as presidents, confirmed dead after a military plane crashes in bad weather. and wild fires range in the world's largest tropical whitland. we hear from those who are directly affect the
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the right and is reappearing in java, west job at the southern c. motrin bonior. this the dry season. and i obviously gonna get spells a wet weather, but you don't want too many of them cause a seasonal right. should be here. it's just taking a day as that was quite possibly nevertheless, has been flooding in north vietnam. they will certainly be flooding from this in southern china, which is seasonally correct size of the young c. this is the plum rains that go across and eventually move up into mainland japan and then the, the career and insure and the cost for the knowles in what is currently a very hot profit chart at 4041 degrees, for example, in june. now, but this is how it's supposed to look all be on the health side. and if you follow the break in the month, so you can profit then reappear is over india and it's going north with. so this is all shumate and fatty wet. therefore, the temperatures are suppressed north of it. and let me just breaking that. probably in a good, you're not know if it's still too hot that enough, he's 46 just degree off the record. and that's true through all of no meaning that
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india and most of pakistan. and although we have seen some of the storms in the city province in the last week, which relieves the heat, there's nothing in the full cost to suggest anymore. it just gets hotter the in india illegal mining is having a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and the local residence. and you look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is staring destined to face $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate. my name's gimme a ralph, as he mounted on out to see about the showcase of the best document truth films from across the network. on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else as a reminder of our top stories this hour. so you is human rights office says israel could be guilty of war crimes during his reed and guns of that free for captains on saturday. 274 palestinians were killed in more than 700 injured in the operation. the un says palestinian fighters also may have committed war crimes by holding captives in densely populated areas. and top us diplomats, anthony blanco, says he is really prime minister, has reaffirmed his commitments to a un approve ceasefire resolution for gaza. lincoln has been pushing for the deal on his 8th,
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mid east trip since the war began. and hunter bind the son of the u. s president has been convicted of all 3 charges and a federal gun trial. the charges relate to the purchase of a gun in 2018 when prosecutor se hunter vine lied on a mandatory fire arm per to form about his drug use will always the vice presidents and 9 others have been killed in a plane crash. so those 2 amount was traveling to the northern city of zulu, but the aircraft failed to land at it's airport. and rescuers have been searching for the place since monday. it was found in the she can go uh, forest in the north. while i always present a lazarus check where a confirmed that's in a national address, where it's kind of described how heartbreaking this is. and i can only imagine how
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much pain and anguish you all must be feeling at this time. as well as much pain and anguish, you all will be feeling in the coming days and weeks as were more than this terrible loss to the international criminal courts. prosecutor wants witnesses to help with an investigation into allegations of war crimes. and so does dar for region. thousands have fled a fresher, the largest city in dar 4. as fighting intensifies between the army and the paramilitary rapids support forces. it's the only state capital in western sou. done under control of the army. and fierce fighting began in the area last month. the civil war, which started over a year ago, has resulted in more than $16000.00 deaths. and want to turn our focus now to brazil, where wild fires are expanding in the world's largest tropical whitland. that's
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been hit hard by drought. the pants and all are wetlands are in central west, brazil. they covered area of $42000000.00 acres and brazil owns 80 percent of it. while the rest is shared between the power of y and bolivia. a satellite data shows a 980 percent increase in fires in the continental of this year, and that's the highest number since 2020. and that was the worst year on record. while nearly 320000000 square meters of whitland have been destroyed. their home to jaguar is a tappers, a caymans, and a condos and giant. and eaters, and another strong drives is expected this year after a wet season with raised 60 percent below average or the
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same dollar that part that i purchased them. i find the sale. i gotta be yeah, going to be such you. but as soon as eric but its only fair but the yeah go to see. yeah, i have a this uh, this one. would this be much, can you just search the name? i don't think i can set up a bar that fees, but it has to be the main lower kind of reason. i don't think i lower lower. see last
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the my head 1st. there's a move in the same for the outside of the home. you know, some divided by the let's go live now to monica in a cave who's in the rear diginero or brazil are good to have you with us, monica,
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what has caused these fires? well, this is the dry season. i mean, and it's supposed to start in july, but it started earlier a months earlier. and this is because we have a natural climate phenomena called a nino, which has caused extreme draughts in the droughts in the north and also floods in the bill. but also there's global warming responsible for this, and also of experts say that 84 percent of the problems, there are also a default of man human activities. when's the lands drive there? these are the largest tropical wetlands in the world. when the lands drive their life now, then people can start digging their cattle there or trying to grow fraud in areas that they should. and so this, the conjunction of these 3 factors is what is causing this. right?
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and i imagine the impact on the caustic lenses are quite significant. yes they are. this is the region that lives off tourism. thousands of people go there every year to to get to see jaguar is from close to get to see k minds and, and birds. the largest power is there, and these people, they won't be able to do this. now if there's this really affects the tourism business, but also it's a, it's an area. it's another cultural area where there's a lot of cattle growing. so those animals are also at risk in 2020, which were the worst of fires in the funds on low area. 17000000 animals died as a consequence directly of the fires or afterwards because of the smoke which is already all over the smoke is,
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is already invading the city of caught them by. and schools have had to close for a couple of days. a monica on a keys or a report in some of the other scenario. thank you, monica in the ivory coast, small scale coco farmers are struggling to put food on the table and that's despite prices for their produce being high. and they say that's not fair. trade and now from the other, john, here is ahmed entries. so i do go most up repairs, annuity have visited coke of the season. has been cultivating the crop for over 2 decades, but is concerned how yeah. on. yeah. coca prices remain very low despite high demand and low output. good to so i should be good. it doesn't matter if it's organic or not. the price is just ridiculous. but if not for the love of farming, who for many of us would have just walked away from us for habit means less the
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income for both pharma and produce agent will buy the coke of beings. so some labeling unzip bins as fact rates that defies duct wait. they can charge more for the produce ivory coast cocoa regulate, says 95 percent of the beans from last season. walmart, us fat, right? sacrifice. the previous week i was around 50 percent. hybrid cost cool, cool, and coffee regulator says it's reducing the number of it's approved. agents often reported irregularities in the volume of coco certified as fact trade. the announcement comes as the industry braces for a huge shortfall in supply with some analysts say was caused by suppliers and producers who shipped out smoke cocoa beans, the best opposed to last year. the regulator has declined our request for him to you. the quote number was organic coke always recognized for quality and the sustainable where he produces a yet a criticize of the fact, right?
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certificate should process all the way this as if you go through a 1000 certificates. so useless unless they've changed the life of the from the


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