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tv   101 East Indias Disappearing Mountains  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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so this agent will buy the coke of beings, so some labeling unzip bins, as fact rates that device duct wait, they can charge more for the produce ivory coast. coco regulator says 95 percent of the beans from last season. walmart, us fair trade sacrifice. the previous week i was around 50 percent, hybrid cost cocoa and coffee regulator says it's reducing the number of its approved agents often reported irregularities in the volume of coco certified as fact trade. the announcement comes as the industry braces for a huge shortfall in supply with some analysts say was caused by suppliers and producers will ship out small companies and they're supposed to last year. the regulator has declined. our request for into you the quote number was organic coke always recognized for quality. and the sustainable way he produces that yet, a criticize of the fed crates education process all the way this as if you go
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through a 1000 certificates, so useless unless they change the life of the from the multinational issue, the certification only says that benefits the clients of the market, they don't really care about the small file. it sends the bill to the journalist on truckle, or to fill about a bunch, coffee agrees who lost it. if he got your certification, only benefits big business, they insist on it before raising prices. but it's just a smoke screen, the european union and other international by just introducing the fed trade principal to eliminate child labor and other practice aside for consumers and the environment. but even with 50 percent of advert coast cocoa meeting, those standards little has changed for the smaller scale pharma who produces 90 percent of the country's output. in addition to, for our pricing, the also struggles with a steep rise in the price of fertilizer and other pharmacies that shows how many degrees i just need to be sure. now it's
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a question which has stopped naturalist for years. can animals talk to each other? wow, if you are right here, that sounded might be the name of an elephant. new research suggests wild african office call each other are unique names. they come in the form of low rumbles that can be heard over long distances across the savannah and a 6th stream we rare for a wild animals to call each other by unique names, but it's a talents that elephants apparently possess. all right, that does it for me on way laraca, you can find us online at any time, just hudson out to 0 dot com the a we look at the worlds to place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect
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from china? if tech talk is in the best markets in economies and small businesses, how prime cube is why the economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects the 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost, oh no, just the euro in india rampant illegals mining and threatens in ancient mountain range. the police fired, discarded them on top, is lit up as good as well. but i think going to get the minds of eating india's infrastructure, but they're also having a devastating impact on the local population for the start time. cuz it's an oil pick. if you need me to do the bulk of it to make love a little more movies and we got the i could even say the mountains
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a crucial to safeguard the environment. and the future of hundreds of millions of people to the job dictating it from the mission. we've got the box. what do i need to travelers to ride this time in india to investigate this on the, on the other off the mountains, the, it's nice one individual find all in india is tried just con, state id, legally binding activist can actually not here and is, as we'll see from a haitian, a planning an investigative mission, they received a tape off the nearby store mines that are operating at night, which is illegal. yeah, john and part of this cataloging is left. is it something that you and you're going to come around, contributing a lot of companies to optimize water evidence that you gave within to you and i'll come goodness. by carrying out the mission, galoshes, breaking a promise,
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he made his family to not leave his home after doc, you know, there was been test out the bottom of the game a lot about him and some, some of the a lot got chuck yagi demolition or apple some ticket, isn't it? i'm it, it is a lot of the teams and find in the nighttime mining activities the you have to be careful enough to be supported. illegal. mine operators in india have previously attacked multiple activists and even to police officers, your product. that's how you got that squared because i've already been legal. i now by the process of control him on the outside. is christy turn it in to sit and create chemist on which thoughts here you're going to process the garage gets to sort of the entire
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operation. it's much larger than he had imagined. the team drives to a safe space to review the evidence. each of the internet, usually upon the portfolio gps game is important fix. if you like, here we didn't take it off between the 2 because the asterisk on the readings are really the, the mountains. that collage has repeatedly risk his life to protect these get off the lease, it estimated to be around 670000000 years old. and stretched 700 kilometers from good shot in west and india all the way up to the capital. new data source of multiple rivers. home to
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a large variety of trees and endangered wildlife experts say, get the main battery of protecting the photo. plains of northern india from the dry hot wins off the top deserts. but these mountains are under attack. if i'm a who was fields, i just sit down here the beach and he's been telling me that this used to be a him 3 bottles of the are not part of the mountaintop galloway's is really good as well. but i think that it does who behind galoshes village could also been blown away if he had intervene to save it 25 years ago. we were going to get boss here just to do a lot industrial that i left for the la, somebody from the hartford. is it somebody you should talk to me please? i've got an additional time. yeah. what i can do is move him to the job,
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dictating to cut the emission. we cut the bodies as the number of both legal and illegal mind. scroll across rides. this time class uses his decades of experience to help organize other communities to fight back on the score the expert who will either do it. and so how do you took a look at the couple 3 on the slide kind of a little younger. i'm ready to dispute that activity a construction already. it may even be a to me or do you any kind of like a glove and we'll get to accommodate you. keep in mind to local something controllable, can anybody else? i'm going to put the audio control task linearly and logging into st binding. it doesn't, it took anybody on mondays have what's called your action a look if there's a little, you know, height on there that you know that you want to too much collage says he's active as an against the legal mining as let to him being implicated in multiple court cases
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. today, he has a hearing in a 13 year old case where he's accused of disturbing the peace for protesting against the expansion of a mind collage. he's hoping to have the case dismissed, but neither the governor to prosecute to 4 witnesses show up a little more to tom was report spinning for me when i pushed from jumped to come from. i'm the one who knew i thought the garage is under towed to leave the court to go meet a group of villages to live along side. what has become one of the largest mines in the area, the georgia that lines don't mind for lights of all material for this mess. they have to submit to factories. preventive advert. come,
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come cause me with the no one because most of the company running the mind says it's a pioneer in protecting the environment and people safety. but nearby residency it is floating multiple environmental regulations. optis permits are funny to you know, to $5.00 on north divided dodge all most, pardon me, cool. hook you up those like a realtor possible. i mean that is correct coming and this is the of the major issue. people living around the mine see explosions like these are destroying the whole hot i'm, i'm in the subject to buy a game economy bomb. the big la deal. i'm really not going to create the villages here in georgia that have in protesting every day for more than a year, which is demanding the company of relocate them from the area class organized for a group of independent experts to study the impact of the mining and explosions on
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the health of the residents who are blasting for a new check. up on him, it will report to liberty just thought i might produce a larger funding locked into the funding. well, so i just thought i'd give you an idea of what to yes. how did you make it? joshua ogden, it bob, go maybe talk to lot was in the more toward when i audio the night. so this is going to be opposite. will you have any come or is it the next part, civil liar on it. it could afford when a homeowners report on dr. bob key key or someone to use. yeah. i'll definitely, i'm gonna put me about almost housekeeping money. i'm gonna put you on the order. got. i'm the totally mothers from the village telling me they have sex. that children to live with relatives elsewhere, amada, yeah, goodness, yeah, little bit. yeah. my to do on a lot of the dns sacks are labeled there. do you start subs if i live at them?
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what do you think make ends a leg due by the eddies? it yeah, but that's the, that's the, that's the, that's the situation is desperate for the villages of to put up. but not everybody wants to leave. how do you know sort of and his family live and saw when a patch of land right next to the my city listed in the family say they haven't been offered adequate compensation for their land to get you. can you tell me that you're coming to the body? come and check them out. is to come into the game with the local dealer or the, the more we have totally monique, the better all you will just kind of get your thoughts and was them at the beginning of the before the main. how do you lot of said the area was prime agricultural land even though very little clothes here. now he still feels attached to it. the family makes amiga living from the animals to save on
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legal expenses. how the law is no studying environmental people. the case is i'll be able to get all those people to the most slow boys in caught a named john john john little guy, the fan they got together only when they got together because of the conflicting on this. have you done, but i haven't gone. give your task up. the final case, opposite place. i think it the home kind of getting it made the home guys have some money, something called the or do you think of you? and i don't think this was how the law has a hearing coming up in 2 weeks for his claims our own compensation. but till then, he has yet another sick call to deals with. despite his best attempts, it dies. 2 days later, the mines are only one part of the problem. still in crushing units like this,
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one of which process the mind drops into construction materials, are also a major. how does it define toxic dusty? mit is a leading cause of silicosis, a deadly intuitively disease at the lungs that affect tens of thousands of people in drugs as time it is pretty via very sort of in the at present of read. there's a lot of really good. my name is tony brushing units. we've come here to speak to residents about how it is to live in the middle of the village of tortilla is surrounded by storm, crushing units, most of them running without following state environmental guidelines. on percussion, many grew up here to to i live in payments out of what i made out to opt out of the funny thing. now below when we see so much, i'm
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a little bit talk sick dust from this. the impression unit covers everything around, talk to you over, gosh, takes me to see his feelings, side of the game here. so you kind of get a little bit back up there like any of the me and with the you this? yes, i select the spare to because i need to kind of the not mean that i can move in this in the days or because i know i owe gets out though i typed it at the end of the. yeah, because it um is it bailey? so you closest case will do the jonathan ethan kansas city courses. so i'll be that's one of the singles in here. let me see donnie is me. i'll pull up this little book, delivers and causes the single website to where to cobra to come up with the columbia. i will say the closest is caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust emitted by mines and storm crushing units. cobra gosh,
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took me to see it relative who's lungs have entirely collapsed because of the disease of the boy that i'm able to get these to be extra diminished headed at this time the big and as i said, we have a good sort of income going to it is, i me that i felt as i texted that i did good instead of it, but it's integrated capability, but i poured apple or is it over photos as high as new with it? and it's odd to me that sort of deal with the routing you how you got the whole thing. but then i just said, of course, this stuff for like me to and mean i should be eligible for the government payment for almost $4000.00 and monthly pension of $15.00 to help pay for treatment for your yes, because these guys they have full what at pacific automat purposes me mother. yeah . i meant that up. what was the name of the report and all that so the, the august dont those of them but i got to do is go to can i get thank you up when
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they're using me because you see because the question is what are the don't take any calls or even into idea that stephanie jones silicosis diagnosis was approved by local doctors rejected by state authorities of his daughter recall tells me the family have had to sell their land to pay for his treatment of o u. but then they said to have them in the item to collect today, this group of you was other see this will here the, the guys and will put the, the, i assume to do all the you need the is the, they'll pick them up, will start all the able to all of the made it possible support of the board. the was so i think that it's a little big if you need me to 3. if i thought it would continue club a little more moments and leave the to you of, of you. so much to see the to the vehicle, to be the guy they all give them the good they cut it off is up. and is it the bid for the cut over that this also me up. it's not
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the let me tons condition due to roommates during the night without government aid, the family, a forced to hitch hiked to hospital. luxury chunk isn't alone. that tens of thousands of city courses cases which don't get approved by the government's complex and constantly changing certification process. and even in cases that are officially recognized, only 1.5 percent have received compensation. the
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almost everyone we spoke to in this area, including people of luck in the mines, complained about government and actions, but it came to tackling not just legal mining, but also the trucks, pollution, and related health problems. so what's funny is, how do i need this deals of the kind of cas county gives me companies and the companies that have gotten in the 2023, the body of agents have already beat the vote in congress by the state election invest. this time, it immediately launched a campaign against relief of mining to date, the following officer, dropping seeing a transport inspect uh, on the lookout for dangerously overloaded trucks. okay. is that the guardian of the possible does the lock is going to be open and be?
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i'm even though i don't need and i've gotten some of the upgrades obviously, but that's gonna get the liberty with it because of the it could have been some 30 in the wilderness item and i got the, the bottom of the week with you probing allows us to accompany him on patrol on route, he explains the importance of mining to the local economy or the governor's office of some of the easier. yeah, nice me to the argument linux in the video to all the findings of the legal binding beasley and again, the reason they get the money, the only jam packed the trucks, the roads, a suspicious cmt rubbing nose. his every movement is being tracked, but he's also under pressure to hit his targets.
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the the that is the end of the bill. on the, on the vehicle, the robin suspect the truck is carrying more material that is legally permissible learning. and the only way nobody
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can come in and pick one up at either one of the 3 meg. i know what the name that i gotta do some nice clothes academy for me. some of the, you know, one of the little tiny will economy bugs, they might even be loving, but it was getting loaded up on the east end of my legs. the nice, you know, a quick check. the use of the truck is carrying 18 extra tons of construction materials online, but they will be on the face page and give you the quote. you're getting a do whatever, but it's time to go back to someone else. look it up for you don't pay me while i go to lunch. we're going to go get goes a lot of them. the words, but i have an individual. yeah. go, well, who will know you about the political? everybody gonna, uh you said they pulled besides the name of the guy. yeah. be that's how they
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pulled the study for yourself. you're doing a study, you're mining, so now we don't get anything. i'm look, i'm gonna go with the big ones on the policy subject to the lead. somebody about going to me is i've gotten, they have to go to the subject with the, you know, i'm gonna say the one thinking they got you or what do you go up? what does the norms would spend? the postpone goes in minutes on mueller through the campaign, coming to an end, i go to speak to dropping things boss about what it is achieved. but in our office, then we make it to you, we want to speak about. so the courses and the environmental costs defining the interview is suddenly cause of the bill to attempt to speak to a number of mind and student prussia owners, even though their workers are eager to speak to. a single owner agrees to an interview the i'd be owns a lot done a similar, but i'll be honest at the low the the move on to get better though. i told him i
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was going to go to my the outside the truck, stuff back and racing to make up for lost time receive 1st time how dangerously they drive the dust, reducing visibility on the road, accidents are common. and so the families affected catastrophic life. what is the good? good, uh, the the family home of 22 year old. i mean it's me not who is on his way to play cricket with 2 friends. all treat what killed by mining truck. villages say was speeding and on the wrong side of the road, or they cannot, it,
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they can regarding the day 30 day was forwarded again over real good. we need the blessing of the lady. i would also like a christian, the clicked add to the penny. does it will get you to be able to get the get off as it, as it will get you. but if i was gonna make about the will get to this. josh, you will be cut the marketing part. the best way to have a maximum going to be a little deal because you're moving menu item. it's a little quick industrial. remember who is the husband just to meet you, ma'am? well, tough to come up with. these are the some key ag jim i've done so the 1st one got to the left as located mr. before every required reporting the story, we heard reports of accidents involving overloaded trucks. so one of the was led to the death of 3 policeman and their cars. crushed by
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a speeding truck that overturned the truck, was transporting gravel from a storm prussia owned by local government officials fits political contacts. the hardest make, i don't for which lead name contact in the federal accidental dentist with this package on the team and their business in some way. we've got a slip slip. okay. you said you only accept or bad fits lit, the solid man inside of open up the so total like for the garage isn't giving up the fight. today. he's hoping a group of villages filed a petition against a new mine in there can be lots and there's a reason why people seek him out in spite of the setbacks. he's also had some major successes along the way. he's taking me to see the most significant
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this mine in charlotte, west village was one of the largest in the region and full of illegal activities. gosh, go to shut down, inspiring local villages. thank god they shop sharma to join the fight. or yes, how do you mind doing? it? depends. we introduce it. obvious heidi here, we talked about them. whatever elaborate at the very top. ok. last dna, i'm gonna post quickly that or i'm in a and get under them and then i let it go. i'm going to go to me on that movie. how did about the minute 10 minutes? i get the process on next month. what am i going to? yeah, i'm ready approximately. he's almost within a hit. what am i decided mama, one on the same time. or julia hop indeed, we will see your upgrade on the bus and go to save you. i me. what's paper about why didn't you, how central she told me? well, how deep the assembles which many of the car no good item and a good car looks good item and it gives douglas electric. got you?
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let me go back to florida typing it. i'll be here to and you to yeah, this even less lucky. a visa to me, either by name or looking i way to come in. yes, i believe you do. i mean, that might be more race way on the 9th of may 2020 for the work of activists like collage and rubbish on that to an indian supreme court ruling that declared no new mining leases could be given anywhere in the mountains without the court's permission. enforcing the decision would be the real challenge in these ancient mountains would continue to meet allies like kill us if they are to suffice in the competitive world of chests. and you generation of kings and queens has taken over to achieve something big for myself and the country is very special. one east goes inside the high 6 world of indian chests and meet the young prodigies who are meeting their mark on the international stage in distress cottages on out to 0
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. a hearing disliked shark populations is declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story is the rails war machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most beautiful in decades. the night to vote,
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and by doing this was part one on that. it's just the showcase of the best documentary films from across the new on the 0, the you and says israel's captive rescue operation inside guns as new saying that refuge account which kill 270 for palestinians may amount to war crimes. the rock, this is alger 0 life from bill how also coming up as the lights helicopter read on a residential neighborhood near jeanine in the occupant.


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