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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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says foster, due to the lack of all kinds of basic humanitarians and medical supplies. according to the you on more than 20 children, have tony devonte attrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acute lima norris . the of us under stomach to had responds to the us back c spell that proposal to end is the cause of war expressing readiness to reach a deal. the bulk of this is that which is 0 last and the also coming up to you emphasis around on notice. so i think possible war crimes over the rage and the threats that freed 2 captives for 2274 post posting in flight as well. so
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is there any other going to strike a residential neighborhood near janine and the occupied westbank 6 palestinians of that? the thanks for joining us. we'd be gain with breaking news on guns, a ceasefire, negotiation, so mass on his stomach side of submitted their response to egypt and capital on us seize. 5 proposals, sources have told out just the are the response includes amendments. well, this is the joint statement issued by him us on the assignment you have, they say the response prioritize is the interest on palestinian people and the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against garza and israel's withdrawal from the entire gaza strip. the palestinian delegation expressed its readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against our people, based on a sense of national responsibility. i would say error icon,
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whose life for us and job dining and capital a a mind. so we're on our readiness to continue with tools, but not without a degree of pushback. course movements from hamas and islamic job. well, i don't think we should go. the push back is very certainly a response from islamic jihad. and from how much that what sources of told us is that the lead is politically just of a budget, possibly the an excellent job and how many sites they sent a response to the prime minister of council on the farm is of can so the response was that was delivered include amendments was those amendments? well, they include a cease file, they include a withdrawal from the entire cause, a strict including the roof of crossing and the philadelphia for the was the
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philadelphia card that's effectively the bowed up between garza and from egypt. now, on to the blinking the a secretary of state as been in the region. he was in egypt just a day ago. he said that the egyptians were pushing for a ceasefire proposal. he woke up now and then he arrived in is wrong. he spoke to the private as to the defense witness that he spoke to the president. she also spoke to one of the fall of a move and says benny guns and off to that meeting he was very clear that her match needed to respond. am as needed to agree to this is fine. the mass where the problem is ro i'm us, lots of now responded. it's now up to israel to actually come forward with a response to this. the bolt is very family and medical. what we're hearing from
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egyptian security sources is there is a flurry of phone calls going on right now between the categories between the egyptians, between the americans. you would normally expect that it's like this point, this kind of juncture in a ceasefire tools. but the americans have been very clear, like i say this was on a mouse. the reason for that possibly is because the americans wanted to deflect criticism away from the is reading. these riley position hasn't changed. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been very cautious in his response to the year 19 nations proposal. s or a resolution. he called it, we will commit. we say that this is something that we can work with, but it wasn't a full throated full hearted response to that. so let's see what israel does. thanks, but that is
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a most english the deadline to all of this 5 pm on wednesday is way. busy and pardon me, is that hands v as our 6th street state entity blinking and the cast 3 prime minister will issue a press conference. let's see what they say that. let's see if the americans have accepted the response from asked. and what's the american say is the is ready response. all right, and by many sites that we're willing to, what seems like over carefully for that response to your mind calling that recruiting for me to danny and capitol, amman. reminder again, benjamin, that noise cabinet has band, which is here in israel and, and a few minutes ago extended that decision. and that's why in run is reporting from neighboring jordan, unless we just had the us extra estate. and to me, blinking is in the region pushing the cx 5 proposal. speaking in the emergency summit phone calls when jordan, he said he's roused. prime minister had reaffirmed his commitment to the deal,
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and the smith report, so a month 75 states, $75.00 international organizations, the biggest a global conference as being to try and coordinate to humanitarian response to the crisis in the casa excellence is the order must stop in sight time for a suze fire, along with the unconditional release of hostages, the us secretary of state gave the clearest indication yet israel's prime minister . how's accepted? president joe biden ceased my plan that's now backed by the united nations. when i met prime minister netanyahu yesterday in his real, he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line today. as we gather one and only one thing stands in the way of this deal happening and that's from us. while israel pressed his own with these assaults on the southern gaza, the biggest complaint among delegates here was not being able to get
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a through land. the crossings controlled by israel exempt is what you see, that it is necessary for is realty in the state of siege. and stop using the weapon of starvation to punish the people of the gaza strip, and to remove all obstacles to the immediate sustainable and adequate access to humanitarian and relief. a, to the cause, a strip from all crossings. jordan's king also highlighted increased is riley settler attacks and violations of muslim and christie and holy sites in the occupied west bank at east jerusalem. we must want that without the action of every one present today. westbank tensions could escalate into a larger conflict that will leave a far more devastating impact on the region. one of the biggest obstacles to getting aid into gaza has been the failure to stop the fighting. the pressure as perhaps been never more intense than it is now on israel, on how much to agree to this you in back see spawn,
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proposal burnett smith. i'll just say era a month the let's take you to my account and now he's in washington d. c. for us said, mike, we've been talking an awful lot about the work that went into this u. s. sci fi proposal. they've staked a lot on se for being adult. did you think they anticipated this response from us? well, the heavy and pressure rising. have mazda come up with the responses they have been pressure, rising israel to perhaps alyssa degree. now they have got the response from us. and we just stood from the national security council spokesperson john cubby, who has confirmed that the us administration that has got the response from us and adds that we are a valuating right now. he says he goes on to say that it is certainly hopeful that we've had a response. as for the report to details, he continues, i think i'm just going to give you a right now that is code pull. we're looking at it. we're not going to talk about
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it until we've gone start really through it. but he did say it is helpful, and certainly the fact that a must has responded is a very important step in this entire process. and also importantly, that a mazda has reportedly committed itself to continuing to negotiate, to get a final settlement on the seas. 5, proposal, 5 present, and 5. and so it would appear that things have moved forward a tad had, given the fact that the now has been a formal response from her from us. now, earlier we heard from the us secretary of state that the bonus in a mazda is quote, well, it is no longer so because of my says comfortable back over the net and has given a response and has committed to further discussion on the matter. so the us and all the other parties involved in particular, israel will now have to consider the how much response and come up with some sort of formalize response themselves. right, so many thanks for that, mike, mike, kinda in washington dc as well. the license developments come
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a day off to the un security council passed a resolution supporting the us post guides a ceasefire plan. the proposal includes 3 phases that would end with a multi year reconstruction plan for gaza, which has been largely destroyed to, to the fine to join me now from the us. it's all correspondence. okay, but i was on zillow and gabriel, to, to say an awful lot was riding on this decision by the un security council would be an understatement. it was a received a huge amount of packing that reminds us of how we got the or yeah, that's right. it did, it was a us backed resolution that the us put a lot of political and diplomatic capital behind to get it passed. it was passed overwhelmingly, quite frankly. 14 boats in favor, 0 against russia decided to abstain, but did not use their veto power. because they said algeria,
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the era groups representative on the council decided to vote for it. so that is why russia is simply abstained to veto it. now clearly this was an overwhelming vote by the security council. it really gave the security council one voice if you will on this issue, calling for an immediate cease fire. but linking it in this 1st of 3 phases, for the release of is really captives, particularly elderly. uh, those that are injured and others in children. uh or women, i should say in exchange for palestinian prisoners. and also in this 1st space, a palestinians and guys are being able to return to their homes immediately including in the north. so clearly it was a loud statement by the security council on monday. and one that a certainly go running concurrently with these talks being broken by the us cuts are in egypt as well. now from us on monday,
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i immediately said that they would abide by the un security council resolution that which is binding under international law. on israel's side, though it was a little unclear, quite frankly, from his real if they planned to move forward with it is really a representative in the counsel afterwards that they would continue on with their for as necessary. okay. uh gabriel. many thanks a lot. gabriel. i was on to the you and in new york. okay. let's just take a look at the see. so i planned that was announced by the us as he just said that the 1st phase of the proposal would see a 6 week seas 5. the withdrawal of israeli forces and exchange of some comp to suppose taking prisoners. the 2nd phase which see a permanent address of the war and the release of the remaining captives for more prisoners. the 3rd and final phase would involve a major multi year reconstruction plan for gaza. they speak to mom and michelle, and i always have just ever seen in political homeless to joins us from paris. so
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my, one of my mazda stomachs you had, have given their response to the us see spot proposal cooling for a key amendment. namely, the withdrawal is where the force is from casa. however, there is some suggestion that that may have been embedded in the us proposal. in the 1st place, why then do you think there's a need by a mouse and i saw that you had to have this kind of fight to join the align 100 find the of the crossings on the board just as much. i think that's the part that needed to be highlighted to ensure that the gaza has an international border. you see that says is ryan, sit on the guys are from the east and the north. and of course to the west, there's the media to the new see the on the international border that uh guys
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actually houses with egypt to the shop and is there i insist on occupying that as well and maintaining zeta soldiers there as it means that is right and that can continue to strangle guy. so whenever, once there would have been actually no point of this entire thing is just going to go back. not only after so much instruction to be what it is, but also to occupy the so called for an adult. you are crossing, so that's just important. the highlights on i think they're probably going to see more things highlighted. we're going forward. if you're losing for patience, your moving off to the task that i'm talking about. you have some kind of like all of us because this is not going to be a sprint that's going to be a matter of hon. and we'll see if uh uh, how much and job have a great a stamina then to be a little did in dealing with the united states. and those are because tax plus
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a 2 year process and still needs to basically nothing really is there a continues to occupy the worst back east jerusalem and a guy. so, and it continues to 2nd legally and all of them and continues to construct. it's a party just and from 3 of up to the sea. so you can imagine 30 years of p l o negotiations or so called peace process split, so not so if anyone's underbrush have to have 50 hours of us secret that comes to a resolution to get this thing. go to the finish line. well, that's just the lucian. all right, i'm so just to be clear, clear, i'm on your suggesting but the amendment that hamas islamic jihad, a pushing for when they say the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza speaks of desire for suffering t over crossings of borders. but has a deep residence that is pretty seriously significant for, for our publish things across the board as well. but there may still be seen who
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wouldn't be on the borders before the war. uh, and especially after that ticket was 2006 of 2008. and the idea of was, was to uh, but uh, the directions and the pursuing or sort of the observers on the borders. of course, they would always have to be checking with is right about who gets that amount and what gets in or not. but the idea was that this needs to be an international border . so i'm not suggesting that's how much it was going to take control of the board just because i would not probably agree to the liking of the egyptians. but again, uh, needs we haven't seen yet, the full text of how much is response of the so called amendments. and we probably should wait to see that what i'm basically saying here that this the principal and the principal is one that has been learned by our after 30 years of up at
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a sitting in dealing with his own in the united states. and that's a simple fact that the united states will not let any other international proxy broker or maybe age or over see anything in his article this time. but it says in the united states that the united states is not an objective observer. it is not exactly a credible broker, not even an honest broker, to be honest, because it is a major online ways right across from that is right. for the past, 50, perhaps 70 years. and it's clearly been uh, a bedding uh general side over the past 8 months in guys uh uh, furnishing goes there and with all the munitions farms and even finance and diplomatic protection needs. so how mouse is not dealing with just any 3rd party? how much leading with the united states that is, has been part of the at bottom parcels to the war,
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the passengers much. but mike is right in geo politics today. mike is right. and the united states has the mike and it says, i'm right. and everyone else is wrong, my way or the highway. i can't see we are today after rejecting all that in submission initiatives for the ceasefire. if there's a mac, i suppose that the best they can stick with the console. it's america that's going to be dictating the piece of negotiations on the ground in the weeks and months to come. and how much is going to have to reckon with that? well, on the many things for your analysis is always my one, but charges are senior political analyst navigation the street is around a mass of be mediated by egypt and concept kind of helps government to issue this statement. so hot and cairo confirmed that joint mediation efforts with the united states of america will continue until an agreement is reached. the mediators will examine the response and coordinate with the parties concerned regarding the next
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steps. while i spoke to daniel leaves the president, so if the us middle east project and a form is writing negotiator, he says israel as government has been clear, it doesn't want a permanent 6 phone list. the mom for a full withdrawal is not you. in fact, it is in the paper, it is in the proposal, it is even in the un resolution, and i don't half of the details of the car vacations today of austell. what i do know because it's, it's out there in the public domain is the, the eas, ot all any deal. and so i think what we really seeing here is the question being closed. what kind of commitment on you, as the mediators, but in particular, the media to that's not really immediate to a tool. the one that speaks on behalf of israel, namely the united states. what kind of
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a commitment are you making to your own plan? in order it's phases because the board has prevented a breakthrough. what is prevented the end to the areas that we see in gauze prevented that getting humanitarian assistance in what should happen anyway, prevented getting the the x rays out these ready hostages out in the deal. is that throughout the audio not has been, is this an actual c file, or is this a temporary pause followed by more data or as and destruction and these really position off to bite and announced his plan was on the quizzical it is that the will would continue on. so the how most question is america? do you stand by what he was saying? because you had a very strange position these last almost 2 weeks. you said america except the plan when the whole well, sorry,
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you said as america the is read accept the plan when the whole well 200, these ready prime minister and these cabinets say we will carry on prosecuting the will. so which is not to me is a question, not just how much that is. why don't you have to asking, but everyone is asking. i find your levy that will area you and human rights office said that israel may have committed war crimes and goes they've question whether international humanitarian laws were observed when it's ready for us is rated most a rats in central guns are on site today to free full captives, the comments relates to the high number of casualties, 274 piloting this will kill you and also says war crimes may have been committed by posting and finances that include the detention of comp, tubes in the densely populated areas. jeremy lawrence is the spokes person for the un high commissioner for human rights. he says the agencies assessment of want to place enough so that will be passed on to the relevant course. during the operation on the way you can hundreds of palestinians,
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many of them civilians were reportedly killed and injured. our concern is that fits the manner in the way in which these ride was conducted in such a densely populated area and in the middle cause of the seriously calls into question. whether the principles of distinction, precaution and proportionality, which of bedrock of the molten pool were respected bodies riley forces. there were 270 people killed. now for hostages, but freed in the process, we welcomed the the, the fact that they've been freight. they should never been typing in the 1st place, but what we saw was a mass destruction and a massive amount of killings. uh so this, that aspect, we always simply do, we will collect evidence and then pass it along to
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a relevant confident quote. the policy and a request and says at least 6 policy needs have been killed by is ready for the storming a town to the northern. occupied westbank of the right. it was carried out in the area code for the new. the city of janine witnesses say, is really sold just by the shoulder mounted miss. all of the house were state surrounded me. they had been bo reports from a mile. i mean the occupied westbank and under cover is really of forces have waited to sort of then village around 5 pm local time and surrounded the palestinian house before they shop towards the palestinian home on palestinian said that they've seen and about to play shooting towards an empty area, medical teams could not get to the scene, right? to wait so long as these really forces where they are. but because of the arm confrontations that took place between the palestinian quite as they are and the is really forces. we've seen 3 palestinians being taken to hospitals before being
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announced that now after the raid has ended, these really forces said that they eliminated the 4 policy. it's palestinian men did they say that they were involved in federalism as far as these ratings are concerned? now for palestinians, once these really forces left the house, they discovered the bodies of 3 palestinians and they were able to take them to the hospital. this is afford, i what it, that resulted in the death in killing of 6 palestinians. this brings the total of palestinians who have been killed by the is really the army. and these really settlers fire to $514.00 for palestinians since october, the 7th. this is an idea of what palestinians here in new york you applied to a spect are going through on a daily basis with these intensive is really res, that's are killing. processing is wounding processing is and leaving them really wonderful to the is radio occupation. the humans as the to the occupied left bank
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palestine. israel's attacks and the early months of the war leveled, most of con eunice and southern guns that israeli troops withdrew from the arrow 2 months ago. and as charles stratford reports, the city became a refuge for the misplaced, exhausted traumatized faces children and the parents. so what they can belong, obliterating streets in the barely recognizable neighborhood. they once cooled phone, these ready ministry 1st destroyed calling units with strikes. adults, hillary, when the roll began, as the thousands who live to flayed is ready, soldiers move deed occupying the area until early april. since they withdrew palestinian residents have started to return. how much go on the surroundings by rubble next to his daughter. these watch were past old, a shot record. oh yeah. there was no bit of place to go to. all the places are
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destroyed is the consent. i tried to wake and repairing the watches. oh, my sons were leaving my little daughter works because we must, in some money. it's a tragedy. i could test to free for every single one here. but how many of these family, like the estimated 1700000 people displaced? ladies, rails, bombardment, time and time again. okay, the do is to show threats is still surrounding all of us, regardless which area we are in. we still facing dangerous, no matter where we are. soon i will be 60 years old and i need nothing from this line. but what about my children and the new generations? i seem to have no bright future them for 8 months since the building started to delta the how much the tanks inside as well. there is still no way totally safe to hide. and the goal is to strip families. dr. broken vehicles ferrying people and whatever they can salvage from the wreckage along the streets where
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homes businesses, schools once stood, transporting water in the summer heat. once just a choice for children. now a challenge on which survival depends. yeah, cause you have no services at all. you can hardly use our mobiles to contact their relatives. the situation is catastrophic. there's danger everywhere. situation can change at any moment. the search for food volta medicine sources of electricity goes on day and night. yes, a just a bit. ok. i came back to han units to find my house. a pile of rubble. everyone here is living on the rubble of their homes. there is no drinking water, sewage or flu is everywhere. our 6th floor building was level. we were all the space to different places. enough is enough. we don't have energy anymore. generations of palestinians scholars for life. children small and it's
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a camera too young to understand. the desperate state if their lives too early to know the deck to the skulls they will have to bad cello stuff. but i'll just say that you're watching. i would just say right inside stories next as cold as a bite to flood through victoria and new south wales region. the origin is probably . yeah. and talk the cost has been tempted. some of it is enough to give snow for the victorian outs and a bit of rain if you're not quite that hot and that goes out of the way. there's rain still in western australia. it's been there for at least a week now. probably 2. so i think probably you've had enough that is drying up now . anyway, the whole lot moving west to east being bright, but dry each day. cool down
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a bit of time to get to says the victoria new south wales goes to rain, comes across the task and see usually and hits these even the starting to do that on thursday. friday will probably be wet. so we should not be seeing a huge amount of writing this time of day or this time of year in java it's dry season effectively. so to see some of the stones were setting to jakarta isn't necessarily a good thing, flash flooding, a potential here. the seasonal rain is further into august and it goes through north viet nam into a southern china. the results of that is flooding. and it's been some of this is almost on the border with china with you not. and therefore, given funding as required some rescue that'd be more of the same, quite possibly. this is seasonally normal and they'll be funding as a result of that. so you can write in southern china and eventually they don't immediately itself in japan. the this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the shifting to the rights far right policies made gains in the european parliament selections, seriously threatening main screen politicians. so what's the hyundai arise and popularity in europe and how could that shape politics from the old country? this is inside the .


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