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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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why had this is tina, how many between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the . the flow on the bucket of business that use our life, some of the coming up in the next 60 minutes from us on the assignment you had respond to the us back see spot proposal to end the war on gaza. expressing a readiness to reach an agreement, the fund is ready to get sykes continue across garza at least 40 percent of students accused of past 24 hours
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the the occupied. westbank is ready had the call to strike a residential neighborhood near geneva. 6 posting. it was a dead pool, so a head home to bind into us. president's son is found guilty on all counts and a gun case. his father says he respects which additional process the thanks for joining us will begin this new use uh with the developing news on the us led guys a ceasefire proposal last week. go to where the white house says it's evaluating the response from her mouse and the slumming job earlier representatives from the 2 groups submitted their official response to egypt and kind of fell home. the proposals now in the hands of the us and white house spokesperson, john cubby says the working they wakes. fluid sources of told i was just there. the response includes amendments to include israel's full withdrawal from the guns.
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this trip, including the roof of border crossing and the philadelphia cordele, which runs along the border with egypt. well, this is the joint statement issued by him us on this. let me to have. they say the response prioritize is the interest of a palestinian people. and the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against gaza and israel's withdrawal from the entire gaza strip. the palestinian delegation expressed is raising the readiness to deal with positivity to reach an agreement to end this war against people based on the sense of national responsibility. why was there was a wrong com has more on the response from us from the georgia and capital. a mon reminds that one of you is israel as shut down. i was just, it was operations in israel itself. that's why are reporting from outside the country in this response includes amendments. they include a ceasefire to begin before the official 6 weeks ceased by a actually begins to take place. the other amendments include
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a withdrawal from the entire goal is to strip, including the rough and crossing and the philadelphia, colorado. the philadelphia, colorado is use ready codeine for the border between garza and egypt. now this is already being spawn in israel is ready. officials, i say that this is a rejection of the bite and a piece a ceasefire proposal. and what was tabled as a resolution uh by the un security council. how mess are actually saying that you asked us to respond? we have responded and the, the bull is now from the israel's course. israel needs to come to the negotiating table. i'm asked have also said that they're willing to send, negotiate as a, to be able to go and get a ceasefire deal done. and a reminder, again, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet,
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has bind al jazeera and israel in a short while ago, and she extended that decision. that's why a team is reporting from neighboring jordan. the us actually have states mc blinker and there's in the region pushing the sci fi proposal. speaking of the bugs, the summit on guys in jordan is assisted. israel's prime minister has reaffirmed his commitment to the deal, or the smith as this report from them on 75 states, 75 international organizations. the biggest, a global conference has been to try and coordinate to humanitarian response to the crisis in the casa expos. use, the order must stop in site time for a ceasefire. along with the unconditional release of hostages, the secretary of state gave the cleverest indication yet that israel's prime minister. how's accepted? president joe biden cease my plan that's now backed by the united nations. when i met presents for nothing, you know, yesterday, in his real,
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he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line today as we gather one and only one thing stands in the way of the steel happening and that some us, while israel presses on whether it's a salt on the southern gaza. the biggest complaint among delegates here was not being able to get a through land. the crossings controlled by israel exempt is what you see that it is necessary for is realty in the state of siege. and stop using the weapon of starvation to punish the people of the gaza strip, and to remove all obstacles to the immediate sustainable and adequate access to humanitarian and relief. a, to the cause, a script from all crossings. jordan's king also highlighted increased is riley settler attacks and violations of muslim and christie and holy sites. in the occupied west bank at east jerusalem. we must learn that without the action of every one present today, or westbank tensions could escalate into
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a larger conflict that will leave a far more devastating impact on the reach of one of the biggest obstacles to getting aid into gauze as been the failure to stop the finding the pressure was perhaps been never more intense than it is now on israel. on how much to agree to this you in back see spawn proposal bernard smith, i'll just say around a month with more on the us reaction. here's my kind of of the white house on the national security council spokesperson. john coby has confirmed that the us administration has received the response from us. he says, in a phone call with the reporters, that we are evaluating it right now. he added that. it's certainly helpful that we have a response. as for the report to details, i think i'm just going to give me a right now. that means that they have received the response,
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and now they are looking at it and working through the details of us secretary of state has said that the bowl was in her mouth as quote in terms of responding to president biden cx, 5 proposal. well, that wouldn't all appear to have changed since that how much the response of the ball would now appear to be tossed over the net and in, as well as quote, to come up with some form of response. i certainly must now moving with the holes method forward, particularly with its commitment to hold dialogue with a view to reaching agreement on a last thing, cx 5, the ones sticking points, though, although we're waiting for full details, would appear to be the most insistence that a complete is rarely withdrawal from gaza, precludes a c spy, isn't a consequence of one, but we'll get those details as they become available. president binded himself a went down to delaware, to be with his son following him to biden's conviction on federal gun charges.
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however, we understand he's closely watching the situation. this is something that he's being pushing all parties to accept. and certainly this 3 phase c spy that he announced just spend the 2 weeks ago is something that is absolutely adamant. he wants implemented by kind of outreach hera washington with the latest developments come a day of the un security council passed a resolution supporting a us proposed guys a cx 5 plan. the proposal includes 3 phases, would end with a multi year reconstruction plan for gaza, which has been largely destroyed, of course, by fighting for joining me now from the united nations is correspond to cable as on do a gabe? it's a how many of mazda of ours, i suppose, since the un security council pos that will important resolution backing the cx 5 deal, perhaps? no coincidence that this was proposed by the us. yeah,
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that's right. it was a us pin draft and us put, quite frankly, a lot of political and diplomatic capital behind it for many, many days. talking to different diplomats behind the scenes council, members behind closed doors, trying to encourage them to vote for this. and in the end, quite frankly, it worked and it was a big diplomatic victory for the americans. as 14 council members voted for it. no council members against it. russia was the only one that simply abstained. they had some serious uh reservations about the draft, but ultimately said they would not veto it. now essentially, this draft resolution, it was adapted follow. so overall outline of what president joe biden has proposed . it added a few extra things to it, but it is essentially what the us was trying to do here was present something to the security council that the security council could pass. that could then add pressure to both israel and come us to accept the deal. it is legally
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binding, isn't it? but it's not essentially enforceable, especially given israel as long history or projecting past resolutions or yeah, that's right. it is the security council resolutions are legally binding under international law. that's very clear. as you correctly mentioned, israel has a long history of ignoring and security council resolutions as do some other countries by the way. but the bottom line here is it's, it's, it's about enforcement. but it's also about simply implementing, i think that's why you saw the spokesperson for the secretary general as early as today mentioning that the ones that they want a really implementation of this by all sides. and the us and bass are with you and actually said that the us was going to, to really hold is real accountable in her words and, and see that they are implementing. they're part of this. and us and best are also
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saying that they hope and expected that they use the egypt and cut our who have been instrumental in these negotiations, trying to bring about peace will also continue with dialogue with from us on that. and so, but clearly implementation is going to be a big key and we'll be watching that closely over the coming hours and days. all right, so let me, thanks like gabriel, as on day life was with you and then you okay, let's get some context and look at the ceasefire applied in more detail that was announced by the united states. the 1st phase of that proposal would see a 6 weeks east by the withdrawal of israeli forces and exchange of some captives, full palestinian prisoners. the 2nd phase with a permanent end, the war and the release of the remaining captives for more prisoners. and the 3rd and final phase would involve a major multi year reconstruction plan for gaza. williams. i spoke to daniel levy, east presidents of the us middle east project and a full the is waiting negotiate. he said israel is government has been clear. it
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doesn't want to permanency is fine of this, the demand for a full withdrawal is not you. in fact, it is in the paper. it is in the proposal. it is even in the un resolution and i don't half of the details of the car if occasions to pay a gospel what i do know because it's, it's out there in the public domain is that the eas, ot all any deal. and so i think what we really seeing here is the question being posed, what kind of commitment on you as the mediators, but in particular, the mediator that's not really a mediator, a tool, the one that speaks on behalf of israel, namely the united states. what kind of a commitment are you making to your own plan in order it's phases because the board has prevented a breakthrough. what is prevented the into the areas that we see in gaza prevented
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that getting humanitarian assistance in which should happen anyway, prevented getting the the x rays out these ready hostages out in the deal. is that throughout the audio not has been is this an actual see file, or is this a temporary pause followed by more data or is and destruction? and these really position off to bite and announced he's plan was on the quizzical it is that the will would continue on. so the how most question is america? do you stand by what he was saying? because you had a very strange position. these last, almost 2 weeks. you said america except the plan, when the whole, well, sorry. you said as america the is read accept the plan. when the whole well $200.00, these ready prime minister and these cabinets say we will carry on prosecuting the will. so which easy not to me is a question,
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not just how much that is. why don't you have to asking, but everyone is asking. so let me get this straight done your, your, your saying that the code for a complete withdrawal of israeli forces from causes is already that implicit in the us see spot proposal. what is plumbing to hide in a mass. so basically looking for is something to build some face and trust on moving forwards. the side of our i think give you, you ask a really important question to because people may say, but wait a minute. why does this matter? if surely, there is no i in plat commitment, what do they expect to there's no guarantee to expect the americans to say, you know, we will forcibly remove these re lease. so why would they need this? and i think they would need this because to go into a process. well, they all saying, i imagine is, this needs to be credible. and we need to at least have
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maximum pools, ability, and maximum a commitment that you will go into this with that as your intended outcome. we have not heard that from the united states. what we have heard from the united states is the the so we saw totally not credible blame. the everything's okay on these really side. the world space. that is not the case. the world sees nothing. yahoo has no governing majority. if he does this, the world sees that nothing yahoo himself does not committed to this. the world sees that he is not really under pressure to do this. i don't think it's serious when people talk about pressure is really not on to significant pressure. not internally, not ex dudley and the tool that equation changes. i don't see a deal being possible, but what i think is being off for here is and you make credible your road
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commitment because that's not what we're hearing from you. and i don't think that is a position narrow the confined to of the policies that made this statement today. i think that was pretty much the, the, the text, the narrative of most of the countries that the un security council that took about yesterday. because what you saw, i think, is united states position that had much of the world scratching its head in the, in the speeches that came off to the most of the states who voted with this resolution said. and now we have to see. and then explain what they have to see and it sounded nothing like the american narrative. and so was this actually much of the world turning round and say, this resolution is meaningless. why not take the boat? it don't do anything anyway, unless the united states steps up and we haven't seen them stepping up yet again
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today by them repeated something which is not constructive and can do what it is something that is out probably dishonest and deceitful. i'm the ones buying it because they're leaving speaking to be a bit early, i think is already the ministry is carried out a series of data. the strikes across gaza can at least 40 palestinians us in the past 24 hours is ready for us to show the 10th account for the forcibly displaced in the central strip. many of the people sheltering they have been forced to flee ongoing fighting in the south human human rights office as israel, and may have committed war crimes and guns. and they've questioned whether international humanitarian law was observed when his ready forces rated and the threats in central guns are on saturday, 3 full captives. the comments related to the high number of casualties, 270 for palestinians who killed you and also says war crimes may have been
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committed by palestinian fighters. they include the detention of captives in densely populated areas. jeremy lawrence is the spokes person for the you in a high commission of human rights. he says the agencies assessment of what took place and those rights will be passed onto the relevant court. during the operation on the way you can hundreds of palestinians, many of them civilians were reportedly killed and injured. our concern is that that's the manner in the way in which these ride was conducted in stop should densely populated area and in the middle cause of the seriously calls into question, whether the principles of distinction, precaution and proportionality, which of bedrock of the molten pool were respected bodies riley forces. there were 270 people killed. now for hostages, but freed in the process,
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we welcomed the the, the fact that they've been freight. they should never been typing in the 1st place . but what we saw was a mass destruction and a massive amount of killings. uh so this, that aspect, we always simply do, we will collect evidence and then pass it along to a relevant confident quote. and jeffrey nice is the human rights slower. he says both sides may have full, they were in a come face where the rules of war simply do not apply. obvious from the beginning . the crime is very well. we being committed throughout 5, both sides, and the time we recognize that and set it for what it is. it may well be that both sides have sold for different reasons that all was never going to be applied to them. they may well be the both sides again to find out what they were all about. that of course, to say that both sides may be committing crimes in the way the view and represent
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stable human rights commission. i think space tends to be says in my views that they may be being committed on both sides isn't to say which size is that the grade for all the less a wrong to a that's not the point. both sides may be acting criminally in here. you see the true tragedy of what's happened over the last 89 years. it was a time in 1990 for the 2014 and then at the beginning of 2015. but how much was quite prepared. habits conduct consumed by the i c. c. that's why the i c c got jurisdiction and the you have to consider supposing the icpc had gone on with a business in a vigorous way of investigating criminology. a ledge by both sides from then on. with this have a has happened, we not, of course, and it's not the challenge in any way that most said, and the united states of america between them said things to try to been sued to
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the chief prosecutor, to the international criminal court at that time. designed to stop however, investigating these crimes. now the history of what happened in a t is snail's pace worked by the i. c. c will have to await the opening of the files, i dare say. and he has to come. but it's at least was thinking about supposing in those 8 he is, is it being shown to both sides, the conduct, if not, norful, might lead to them handcuffs and being taken to prison. this may never have happened. and so by who, who now respects the law he tells it says it applies to his son hunter who is just being convicted of crimes. but who is being said, willing not to respect the international criminal. sure thing where he could have done overall, but his previous is and he could have bound by not fighting the law,
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but by say, yeah, let's the low in because a legal analysis which now probably shows what the un is that he said just might have stopped pull this and is there any strikes targeted southern 11. no, i'm kidding. at least 4 people. me a time to the village of julia. the senior has block them all and there was among the task within 320 has belong members. have been killed by is really strong since october the policy and right president says at least 6 pilots teams have been killed by it's ready forces in the occupied westbank. raid was carried out in the area of code for the most nearly city of jeanine convoys of his radio. how many vehicles drove through the town and witnesses say it's really so just 5 a missed saw at a house which states around it. it. abraham reports romano in the occupied westbank or under cover is really forces as a way to go for then village around 5 pm local time and surrounded the palestinian
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house. before they show up towards the palestinian home, on palestinian said that they've seen and about to play shooting towards an empty area. medical teams could not get to the scene right. to wait so long as these really forces where they are. but because of the arm confrontations that took place between the palestinian quite as they are and the is really forces. we've seen 3 palestinians being taken to hospitals before being announced that now after the raid has ended, these really forces said that they eliminated the 4 policy. it's palestinian men did they say that they were involved in federalism as far as these ratings are concerned? now for palestinians, once these really forces left the house, they discovered the bodies of 3 palestinians and they were able to take them to the hospital. this is afford, i what it, that resulted in the death in killing of 6 palestinians. this brings the total of
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palestinians who have been killed by the is really the army. and these really settlers fire to $514.00 for palestinians since october, the 7th. this is an idea of what palestinians here in new york you applied to a spect are going through on a daily basis with these intensive is really res, that's our killing palestinians, wounding processing is and leaving them really wonderful to the is radio occupation . the heem as ita the occupied left bank palestine or let's say the austria now with the question is being stiff sensitivity to its role in the whole cause as effect its reaction to the will in guys in recent months, your thoughts ease of crack down the number of demonstrations in solar down to you would palace time, which is 0 is obtained video would show police detaining students, which activists say we're not broadcasted by austria media. the some, a bunch of aid reports from vienna of the university of technology is usually
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a quiet campus like campuses all over the world. student protest is gathered here on the the 29th ers degree diversity to divest from companies. they see a comparison in the genocide in gaza. within hours, the police moved in and dismantled the protest. students do not want to give their full names, reprisals from the police, and also to be in the thirty's. those who study here say they were surprised by the heavy handed tactics, but it's if we continue to voice the demands, the, the immunization of all our universities in austria. like i think that ties with the autopay and defense fund and the austrian different funds. the demand for the buy cards of all these very universities added estimates, programs that are dined with them, which i completed in the genocide of the scene. and people are active as the more austin citizens and residents are joining the gatherings and meetings from all social and religious backgrounds. we feel that has a jew is because of the history here. and because of the history there are voices
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can be heard in a way that other voices are not. and the chance for camp here was there is only one solution revolution into fraud or revolution. and then you're going to say that into fighters paid speech when actually it's of less or thing then revolution. you can expedite the basic rights and freedoms in australia are increasingly in the fire and nor astrid martin, nobody's freedom of speech is under threat of thoughts. second east das didn't basically know about garzo is, well, it's about freedom of speech, explaining the legal context of the slogan from the river. tennessee was that outside by 5 heavy, all policemen. freedom of speech, basic rights are in danger in australia and all these concepts please. yup. the police should not discriminate on the basis of the sick. the gentleman that cadet
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makes the upon you to be in train, but in green is done before the then it will be and racism in society is making far right politics, more mainstream. most clear, like germany has a certain pause and the perpetrators of the articles. so we are particularly sensitive to everything that might be again, going to do, likes not violent ways that they can just say to visa is not to be standing whatever. what kinds and guides against humanity to co and these the way the government is perpetrating in, in gaza. that many of those people who calling for a c spine and goes as a machine from crimes of the past, cannot justify support for today's public great. as a violence, someone without, without 0 being without a 0, still a head below, always vice president has confirmed that in a plane crash law and size rage,
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and the world's largest tropical wetland. to hear from those who direct effect the as cold as a bite to flood through victoria and new south wales region. the origin is probably . yeah. and talk the cost has been tempted. some of it is enough to give snow for the victorian outs and a bit of rain if you're not quite that hot and that goes out of the way. there's rain still in western australia. it's been there for at least a week now. probably 2. so i think probably you've had enough that is drying up now . anyway, the whole lot moving west to east being bright, but dry each day. cool down a bit of time to get to says the victoria, new southwell coast, the rain comes across the task and see usually and hits these even the starting to do that on thursday. friday will probably be wet. so we should not be seeing
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a huge amount of writing this time of day or this time of year in java or it's dry season effectively. so to see some of the stones we're setting to jakarta isn't necessarily a good thing, flash flooding, a potential here. the seasonal rain is further into august and it goes through north viet nam into a southern china. the result of that is flooding. and it's been some of this is almost on the border with china with you not. and that will give them the funding as required. some rescue that'd be more of the same, quite possibly. this is seasonally normal and they'll be funding as a result of that season, right in southern china. and eventually they don't immediately itself in japan. the he says he went toward towards syria to provide aids. are you looking back? are you excited for? no file but not in the eyes of his government to my life as being us. can you just me like i just see you. so these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow
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a british age work or as he prepares to contest his citizenship revocation, nationality due to the tenants increase. so you're only as good as fuel costs for state list and syria on out to 0. the latest news as it breaks the situation is the prince here in the hospital, a desperate attempt. the saved lives with a few resources left with detailed coverage, its been more. 7 than a and a half hours of civil defense teams trying to put all the flyer from the house at the story. palestinian farmers does have a fee to be the pay could withhold for old garza's death. place families the
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the broken by your geologist here, his reminder about top stories this hour from us on the stomach, the heart of submitted their response to egypt and kind of fell on us. the spot proposals. sources have told that'll do 0. the response includes amendments including israel's withdrawal from the entire governance trip us, as it's now evaluating the reply before commenting further. please read the minute trees carried out a series of deadly strikes across cause at least 40, promising into being killed in a 24 hour period is ready for this child. a tense come sheltering forcibly displaced. people strike is target to the village of july and southern 11 on coming at least 4 people. a senior has block combined every supposedly among that, that more than 320 has prolonged members have been killed by israeli strikes since october. these rails,
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a taxi in the early months of the war leveled most of con eunice in the south of gauze, and it's rarely choose withdrew from the area 2 months ago. and that's charles stratford reports. the city became a refuge for the displaced, exhausted traumatized faces. children and the parents, so what they can belong, obliterating streets in the barely recognizable neighborhoods. they once cooled phone, these ready ministry 1st destroyed calling units with strikes. adults, hillary, when the roll began, as the thousands who lifted flayed, he's ready. soldiers move. deed, i'll keep calling the area until early april since they withdrew palestinian residents have started to return. how much go on the surroundings by rubble next to his daughter. these watch were past old official records over here. there was not a bit of place to go to. all the places are destroyed is the consent. i tried to
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work and repairing the watches, o my sons with an even my little daughter works because we must win some money. it's a tragedy. i can test to free every single one here. but how many of these firmly, like the estimated 1700000 people displaced the ladies rails bombardment, time and time again. okay, the quote to show threats is still surrounding all of us, regardless which area we are in. we still facing dangerous no matter where we are. soon i will be 60 years old and i need nothing from this line. but what about my children and the new generations? i seemed to have no bright future them for 8 months since the boning solitude onto the homicide tanks inside as well. there's still no way totally safe to hide. and the goal is to strip families. dr. broken vehicles ferrying people and whatever they can salvage from the wreckage along the streets homes, businesses, schools once stood,
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transporting water in the summer heat. once just the choice for children now will challenge on which survival depends. yeah, because we have no services at all. we can hardly use our mobiles to contact their relatives. the situation is catastrophic. there's danger everywhere. situation can change at any moment. the search for food volta medicine sources of electricity, it goes on day and night. yes, the okay. i came back to han units to find my house, a pile of rubble. everyone here is living on the rubble of their homes. there is no drinking water. sewage or flu is everywhere. our 6th floor building was level. we were all the space to different places. enough is enough. we don't have energy anymore. generations of palestinians, scholars for life, the children's smile on it's a camera too young to understand the desperate state if their lives too early to
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know the deck to the skulls, they will have to bear trouble, stop it. i'll just say to where they are. we spoke to james elder, he's a spokes person for unicef. he says it's clear in there as well as intent is the complete destruction of guns that we have to look at at the evidence on the ground and the evidence on the ground. literally in terms of the level or literally with wounded children in cheese on the ground is there for all to see the intent here is paid the devastation of java and the devastation of dollars up from schools and universities, the education to the agriculture, to, to the learning capacity it's, it's, it's printing your pre cortez and we see this across now the dial, the strip to see a 1000000 people have had to move from rafa exhausted. shell shopped to try again and find another home and believe it or not, there was a shortage now tense and people on the plastic shooting. it's 45 degrees. so i
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think it's very clear what the reality is that people are enjoying. now of course, they hold on to home. when i meet people again, people have become friends with that i say, how are you? which has like such a silly question, their responses alive. this is people are grateful for being alive. it is in sign that this beautiful society is being reduced to gratitude for being alive. so yes, the faithful, i need to look into the eyes of doctors who asked me, how much more evidence does the western world need, or children who simply played lee to see their parents. again, this is what they say as far, hopefully, hopefully will bring. now 19 year old ross now says education was derailed by israel's war and guys, my medical students and a music lover, she had to flee, is really bones of the family. unable to study, she now play songs in the rubble of buildings for the children of darrow butler. a
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slow i did. oh, well the that was good . right. and the, the uh, uh, the, the, i'm not a whole setting also for the hot cuz i'm a and then as a head minister, i'm a general. so i was for a hand some of the, the, nothing of the here. but 1st, at the say no to no good. good. so fun in tennessee area. beautiful. both me see if either i'm in an investment owens for the sonata basically all the time they have. uh, i don't have to do this. i ask you and i was before and then it was to find this.
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and now i can go there and study. so i board, my father's friends, the guitar, to continue to deliver my my message. so there was the, some of them have also relied on. yeah, i know, listen to me is how do i set it up for i know how do i flush and at home i some useful to and then the conferences under wayne butler to show up support few cranes reconstruction after the war, ukrainians officials and trying to persuade international allies and investors to finance the long term recovery. the cost of rebuilding ukraine over the next decade
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is estimated and $8490000000000.00. president gloated means that lensky says, russian assets should be used to pay for some of that total holdings in care. with more on the summit, the president, below them is the landscape view. crime arrived in berlin at the foot reconstruction conference since rushes full scale invasion of his country. and this is really an opportunity the trying to put its bit an off countries and also private investment to help the country and to come in and to help in rebuilding at this time around. there was something that was top of his agenda and that was rebuilding the country's energy network and repairing its energy plots at some estimates. put it that about 50 percent of ukraine's energy generating capacity. it's been knocked out by russian strikes. there's been rolling blackouts around the country, but it's not an easy off to ask of the countries and private investments come in
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and try and repair those thoughts when the russian air strikes that have caused the damage in the 1st place. a still ongoing. so he was also asking for a defenses against those areas strikes. he spoke on tuesday afternoon to jeremy's parliament. it's going to stop. this is part of what he had to side. but we need to divide into minus the job. we must rebuild normal life rebuild together . every russian asset that can be used for this must be used without compromises, without any compromises with the aggressor. the time for compromises is exhausted. it was exhausted exactly when put in and started burning down our cities and awarding his killers such strong rhetoric that from presidents landscaping. it hasn't been playing silent within his own administration in the run up to this reconstruction conference. actually one of this country's top 2 reconstruction officials resigned the day before on monday. we stuff and i and he's the director
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of the state agency for restoring you crime. what he said was it that been occupational obstacles put in the way of his agency? the projects were being signed off on the salaries within his agents. it had been costs and even before him, early in may uh, the minnesota for infrastructure, who's the other one of those top 2 officials dealing with reconstruction, alexander cooper cole was all sort dismissed. and what some people are saying with a new crime is a presidency lensky and his chief of staff who has a lot of power here. there in a circle is tightening. and people, the not necessarily aligned with them, with the thoughts of being discarded along the way. so at this point, save a troubling a full presidency landscape for his government going into this reconstruction conference, which especially relating to when a j. lo is riding on this country, going home. and how does it a key?
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now the news, at least 40000000 people have died and another 140 missing melcher boat carrying migrant sine coast to coast with him and the u ins. agency for migration says the vessel went down on monday while traveling across the gulf of aidan evans. and major route for migrants leaving east africa but always vice president and 9 others have been killed in a plane crash. yeah, across a wreckage was found off to an extensive search operation and the door lock web report some long way. his supporters hoped he'd be malawi as an ex presidents, but the remains of vice presidents last 2 lima have been put to the comparatively long way in 40 bags. logan's, it'd been waiting to find out what happened since the plate and he was in when missing on monday morning with 9 other people on board. it was found on tuesday. the search and rest of your team has found the aircraft in the hill
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in the ground dollar forest. and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors, as, as all passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima. and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with us of elections 4 years ago. governments get accused of corruption over procurement of military vehicles, only to lee my face charges in, quote 2 years ago, which were dropped last month with the to the explanation will always suffered site claims drowned and food shortages and reason. yes. many people are frustrated with the government. they want to see it will be the country's going nowhere i don't see is progressing in any way. if things are handled like this, the government needed to have moved phones to search for the plane, even within the same hour it got lost on the radar. to do things i,
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it isn't that you provide me with the lima and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a former cabinet minister in the city of assuming the 2 engine propeller painted and back in bad weather. before disappearing from radar in a sub a long way here outside to leave is home cause a parked in the street, belonging to officials, friends and family is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next. yeah. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements, they will say, wondering who president chuck quite a while the points as his successor political settlement here in the weeks ahead. malcolm web out, is there a long way away? us? us president joe buys and says he will respect your dish will process after his son home to was convicted of all 3 charges and the federal gun. the trial. the judge is
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relate to the purchase of a gun back in 2018 prosecutor say on dividing the light on the monday she firearm touch is full by saying he wasn't legally using or addicted to drugs. joyce found him guilty of lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application and legally happened the gun for 11 days. no one in this country is above the law. every one must be accountable for their actions even this defend. however, hunter, by them should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. the prosecution has been and will continue to be committed to this principle. christmas to lead me as more from new york. he was found guilty of 3 felony charges related to purchasing a fire on basically he lied when he filled out a form saying that he wasn't an addict or
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a user of illegal substances in purchasing a fire. this is a charge that could carry up to 25 years in jail when he's sentenced at a later date. although many think that it's unlikely that he'll get that high of a sentence given. he has admitted his drug use in the past. it really, it only took the jury about 3 hours to reach this verdict. it was no secret that he had a history of drug abuse and drug problems. the prosecution, even though i had a, a text message from hunter bite into a drug dealer showing that he had tried to purchase drugs right around the time that he was making the purchase of that gun. he had hoped to avoid going to trial and sign a plea deal last year, but that fell apart at the last minute and he was forced to go to trial and confront these charges, had on a reaction coming from president joe biden saying that he loves his son,
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he is a president but also a dad and that he's proud of the journey that his son has taken to overcome drug addiction going forward. and he also is saying that he will not pardon his son even though as president. he could do that, that he will not pardon his son for whatever, for the in this case, for the verdict, us just begun with drawing its troops. some news. yeah. will the 940. so just station to base is across the country. a said to leave by the 15th of september. by comes the new share is building stronger military ties with russia. nicholas hawk reports deca, and this may not have been what the americans wanted, but these years didn't the seems happy to bid us troops farewell officers gathered on the tarmac of the image airport and they visibly uncomfortable ceremony marketing at the beginning of the end of american troops and these air,
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this withdrawal of us forces will not impact the ongoing development relation. developing relations between the united states and new share of both countries remain committed to establishing diplomatic dialogue to shape the future of their bilateral relations. but over 900 us soldiers are being forced to leave the west african nation. the u. s. is dismantling. what was the united states biggest intelligence hub in the region? this includes 2 strategically located air bases, from which it operated, manned, and unmanned surveillance, drones over north africa. and this a hell in an interview with the washington post new shares, prime minister, explains the decision, saying the americans stayed on our soil doing nothing while the terrorist killed people and burn towns. it is not assigned to friendship to come on our soil, but let the terrace attack us. he went on to describe the condescending tone and
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lack of respect, shown by a high level us delegation, visiting the country in mid march. the us award these here a student against selling the countries uranium rich resources to be around and having any military alliance with russia. and yet, as the us withdraws, russia is stepping in. they will take over the installations built by the us military. we board with us training facilities to train all sorts of specialists. we have the counterterrorism experience. russia is now present in these there molly burkina, faso and the central african republic. american church may be leaving these here, but they're certainly not leaving the range. and there are some american soldiers right here in the car center, go and discussions are and a way to re base us true in coastal countries. this is to help them fight off on groups links to outside of an ice. so, but also to contain the rowing influence of russia in the region,
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the us is struggling to hold onto it status of a reliable superpower in the region. with the latest departure of american soldiers in these air, the winds of change appears to be blowing in russia's favour. nicholas hawk, elder 0 the car. now re coast a small scale coco farm is struggling to put food on the table. that's just by prices for their projects being high. and they say that's not even, that's not fat trade even though i've sold the 10 from i'll be jen. hey, tell me the address. so i do go most up repairs newly harvested coke of the season. he's been cultivating the krupel over 2 decades, but it's concerned how yeah, on. yeah. coca prices remain very low despite high demand and low output. good to so i should be good. it doesn't matter if it's organic or not, the price is just ridiculous. but if not for the love of farming, many of us would have just walked away from us. for harvest means less the income
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for both pharma and produce agent. go buy the cocoa beings, so some labeling unfit beans as pay a crate. sacrifice duct wait, they can charge more for the produce. the ivory coast. cocoa regulator says 95 percent of the beans from last season. why marked as fat? right? sacrifice? the previous it gave was around 50 percent. hybrid cost cool, cool. and coffee regulator says it's reducing the number of gets approved. agents often reported irregularities in the volume of coco certified as fact trade. the announcement comes as the industry braces for a huge shortfall in supply with some analysts say was caused by suppliers and producers who shipped out smoke cocoa beans, the best opposed to last year. the regulator has declined our request for him to you. the quote number was organic coke always recognized for quality and the sustainable where he produces a yet
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a courteous size of the factory certificate should process all the way this as if you go through a 1000 certificates. so useless unless they've changed the life of the from the multi national issue, the certification only says that benefits the clients of the market. they don't really care about the small file, but then you go to the journalist ton truck, let you feel about a bunch coffee agrees who lost that if he got your certification, only benefits big business. they insist on it before raising prices, but it's just a smoke screen. the european union of the international, but just introduce the fed trade principal to eliminate child labor and other practices i'm for consumers and the environment. but even with 50 percent of advert coast cocoa meeting, those standards little has changed for the smaller scale 5, my whole produce is 90 percent of the country's output. in addition to, for our pricing, the also struggles with a steep rise in the price of fertilizer and other pharmacies that shows how many
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degrees did you see that you show as, let's take you to brazil. now, while pfizer expanding of the world's largest tropical wetland, that's being hit hard by droughts, the continental wetlands are in the central west to build a covered area of gold and 42000000 acres. present loans, most of it while the rest of share between power, white and bolivia. satellite days it shows a 980 percent increase in fires in the continental this year. that's the highest number since 2020 we just the worst year on record. and nearly 320000000 square meters of wetland, of being destroyed home to jackie was type is caymans and condos and john and teaches among strong another strong drive which is expected this year after wet season with rains. believe to be 60 percent below average. it's the same
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color that on my on the cell i got to be yeah. going to be sent to you. but it's settled as eric, but it's only fair but the yeah, but uh yeah, and i have a that's a that's and would this be much, can you just search the name? i think i can set up a bar that fees, but i see that the main lower categories my go per month and i think i lower lower see the last name of the
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to my move in the same plan side. and once we get home to the the works on the way in iraq's capital a renovate assign facing bank to the also me they wrap the project aims to attract new visitors. i moved up to one head reports by god. or this lend model. going to
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tell you, distributing about that so as admitted 3, but rigs for the altima army during the 19th century, caused the pushing out. it's now under going through innovation and then goes it sick? look paula and the other sites. the screen i'm going to create a loud and shout out with the work includes all the buildings overlooking the street, the square with its facade straight, and the square itself. and all of these required interventions, in particular renovations from salt damage, moisture and leaks over. busy this historic area in the city center was one's home to many policies and other significant buildings, some dating back centuries to the at a dining is the known as the us. it's kelly, if it was reconstructing these heritage sites, say we want to recreate. there is, let me get to talk to you then to tell them i'm working today. we're talking about the historic center of baghdad, which is made up of
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a rectangle of about 6 of square kilometers of administrative boundaries. it borders the banks of the tigris river and includes the adjacent streets and alleys rashad street, and i'll hold off a square. this rectangle is the historical center of baghdad. it is the beating heart of baghdad. it is the city center and the downtown of baghdad. as i say, i'll call you've shown previous restoration work at these sites were destroyed during the us led invasion over year lock in 2003 for the people who bought a bed as well as many visitors. this historic area is a place to meet and enjoy cultural activities. this renovation project is meant to preserve various heritage and turn it into a tourist attraction for both local people and for the notice with hundreds of other killers because sites across the country that have been damaged by decades of water and neglect. have yet to view this cube. how would that be? do i just see it?
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all right, that's it for the news. the 1000000 side will be back to they might, we would much more the days. the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide and however it is bringing attention to that. this is not a rock and looks like rock looks like it's hell on heard voices. we lost everything. we're not to do this like connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region documents and other companies are still in indigenous land. the stream on our just the are hearing the fact chart, populations a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting. somebody picks it whatever
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happens next to the university have already made history. i'll just say who is teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story of the . ringback the, you will see a duty in the grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs
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are read, present, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. the sun allow me to respond to the us box. these 5 proposals and the one gone. so expressing a readiness to reach an agreement, the money inside this is out. is there a life and a or so coming up as early a tax continue across gaza at least 40 palestinians are killed in the last 24 hours .


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