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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest, the law son is law. make jihad give a positive response to the us back ceased by proposal for gossip, but one assurances is riley forces willfully. we store the money inside this out, is there a noise from the whole? so coming up the is really attacks. continue across does at least 40 palestinians, the killed in the last 24 hours. in
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the okey pod westbank, is there any helicopter? as strong as a residential neighborhood near janine 6 palestinians called home to buy them. the us president found this found guilty on all counts and a gun case. his father says he respects the traditional price. that's the welcome to the program. how much is lama jihad say? they are ready to reach a see saw deal in garza. they've sent their response to the us back to proposal to could tarry. um egyptian mediators. the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but the 2 groups say it is responsible and positive as they go on to say they have proposed amendments, which include as ready, troops pulling out from the rough, a boat of crossing out of the philadelphia,
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cornel which runs along the border with egypt and a joint statement, they say the response prioritizes the interest of palestinian people and the necessity of complete a stopping the ongoing aggression against garza. and as well as withdrawal from the entire gaza strip. the policy and delegation expressed its readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement in this war against all people, based on a sense of national responsibility. what sources of told out is there a the last response includes amendments. iran con has moved from amman in jordan. they include a ceasefire to begin before the official 6 weeks ceased by a actually begins to take place. the other amendments include a withdrawal from the entire goal is to strip, including the rough and crossing and the philadelphia, colorado. the philadelphia, colorado is use ready code name for the border between garza and egypt. now
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this is already being spawn in israel is ready officials. i say that this is a rejection of the bite and a piece a ceasefire proposal. and what was tabled as a resolution uh by the un security council. how mess are actually saying that you asked us to respond. we have responded, and the, the bull is now from the israel's course. israel needs to come to the negotiating table. i'm asked of also said that they're willing to send, negotiate as a to be able to go and get a ceasefire. deal don't to just to remind you again that benjamin, that you know, as cabinet is found out, is there in israel. and a short while ago extended that decision, which is why our team is report take from neighboring jordan. let's say that for mike hannah, he has a response from the white house on what homos has set on the national security
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council spokesperson. john coby has confirmed that the us administration has received the response from us. he says, in a phone call with reporters that we are evaluating it right now. he added that. it's certainly helpful that we have a response. as for the report to details, i think i'm just going to the miller right now. that means that they have received the response, and now they are looking at it and working through the details of us secretary of state has said that the bowl was in her mouth as quote in terms of responding to president biden cx, 5 proposal. well, that wouldn't all appear to have changed since that how much the response of the ball would now appear to be tossed over the net and in, as well as quote, to come up with some form of response. i certainly must now moving with the holes method forward, particularly with its commitment to hold dialogue with
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a view to reaching agreement on a last thing ceasefire. the one sticking point though, although we're waiting for full details, what appeared to be the most insistence that a complete is rarely withdrawal from gaza, precludes a cease. why isn't a consequence of one, but we'll get those details as they become available. president binded himself a went down to delaware, to be with his son following him to biden's conviction on federal gun charges. however, we understand he's closely watching the situation. this is something that he's being pushing all parties to accept. and certainly this 3 phase c spy that he announced just spend the 2 weeks ago is something that is absolutely adamant. he wants implemented by kind of outreach hera washington to well, let's go back and take a look at that cease fire plan that was announced by the us a few weeks back. the 1st phase of the proposal would see
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a 6 weeks east by at the withdrawal of israeli forces and the exchange of some captives for palestinian prisoners. the 2nd phase would see a permanent and to the war and the release of the remaining captives for more prisoners. the 3rd and final phase would involve a major multi year reconstruction plan for gaza. wiley and mind calling me bulk a spoke to daniel levy, the president of the us middle east project on a former is riley negotiate that. he said as well as the government has been clear, it doesn't want. a permanency is 5 least the mom for a full withdrawal is not you. in fact, it is in the paper. it is in the proposal. it is even in the un resolution. i don't have of the details of the car if occasions to pay a gospel. what i do know because it's, it's out there in the public domain is that the eas,
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ot all any deal. and so i think what we're really seeing here is the question being closed. what kind of commitment on you, as the mediators, but in particular, the mediator that's not really a mediator, a tool, the one that speaks on behalf of israel, namely the united states. what kind of a commitment are you making to your own plan? in all its phases because need what has prevented a breakthrough, what is prevented the into the areas that we see in gaza prevented that you get a q monetary and assistance in which should happen anyway, prevented getting the the x rays out these ready hostages out in the deal is that throughout the audio not has been is this an actual c file, or is this a temporary pause followed by more data or as and destruction? and these really position off to bite,
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announced his plan was on the quizzical it is that the will would continue on. so the how most question is america? do you stand by what he was saying? because you had a very strange position. these last school, those 2 weeks. you said america except the plan, when the whole well, sorry. you said as america the is read accept the plan. when the whole well $200.00, these ready prime minister and these cabinets say we will carry on prosecuting the will. so which easy not to me is a question, not just how much that is. why don't you have to asking, but everyone is asking where you are a secretary of state. and to me blinking is in the region pushing these, these fine proposals, speaking as an emergency summit on gauze and jordan, he insisted, israel's prime minister has reaffirmed his commitment to the due balance. smith has moved from i'm on 75 states, 75 international organizations. the biggest a global conference as being to try and coordinate to humanitarian response to the
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crisis in casa excellence is the order must stop as it sites time for a suze fire. along with the unconditional release of hostages view, a secretary of state gave the clearest indication, yet israel's prime minister, how's accepted, precedence joe biden ceased by a plan that's now backed by the united nations. when i met presents for nothing, you know, yesterday, in his real, he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line today as we gather one. and only one thing stands in the way of this deal happening. and that some us, while israel presses on with his assault on the southern gaza, the biggest complaint among delegates here was not being able to get a through land. the crossings controlled by israel exempt. it's what you see that it is necessary for is realty in the state of siege,
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and stop using the weapon of starvation to punish the people of the gaza strip. and to remove all obstacles to the immediate sustainable and adequate access to humanitarian and relief. a to the cause, a strip from all crossings. jordan's king also highlighted increase these riley settler attacks and violations of muslim and christine holy sites in the occupied west bank at east jerusalem. we must learn that without the action of every one present today. westbank tensions could escalate into a larger conflict that will leave a far more devastating impact on the reach of one of the biggest obstacles to getting aid into gauze as been the failure to stop the fighting. the pressure was perhaps been never more intense than it is now on israel . on how much to agree to this you in back see spawn proposal burnett smith. i'll just say era a month. this is really military is carried out
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a series of deadly strikes across gauze and killing at least 40 palestinians in a 24 hour period. forces showed a 10th account for the displaced in the central parts of the streets. many of the people sheltering the i've been forced to flee ongoing fighting in the south. you and human rights officers as role may have committed war crimes in gaza. they have question whether international humanitarian law was observed when is rarely forces rated and desirous in central garzo on saturday during an operation to free for captives. the comments relate to the high number of casualties, 270 for palestinians have killed you know, as nations also says war crimes may have been committed by palestinian fighters. they include the detention of captives and densely populated areas. jeremy lawrence is the spokes person for the un high commissioner of human rights. he says the
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agencies assessment of what took place in is there. it will be passed on to the relevant court during the operation on the way you can hundreds of palestinians. many of them civilians were reportedly killed and injured. our concern is that fits the manner in the way in which these ride was conducted in such should densely populated area in the middle cause of the seriously cold seemed to question whether the principles of distinction precautions, any proportionality which of bedrock of the molten pool were respected bodies riley forces. there were 270 people killed. now for hostages, but freed in the process, we welcome the fact that they have been free. they should never been taken in the 1st place, but what we saw was a mass destruction and
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a massive amount of killings. uh so this, that aspect, we always simply do, we will collect evidence and then pass it along to a relevant confident quote. is there any as try has targeted 711 on canning at least 4 people it talk hit the village of julia. a senior has bullock. amanda is among the dead. move in 320 is full of members. have been killed by is riley strikes since october the palestinian, when present says at least 6 palestinians have been killed by his ready forces in the occupied westbank. the raid was carried out in the area of casa, done, near the city of jeanine convoys. if it's ready on the vehicles drove through the town, witness to say is ready. so just followed a missile at a house which they had surrounded then to abraham reports from ramallah and the occupied west. spike under cover is really of forces that way. that's cool. sort of
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then village around 5 p m local time and surrounded the palestinian house before they show up towards the palestinian home. on palestinian said that they've seen and about to play shooting towards an empty area. medical teams could not get to the scene right. to wait so long as these really forces where they are. but because of the arm confrontations that took place between the palestinian quite as they are and the is really forces. we've seen 3 palestinians being taken to hospitals before being announced that now after the raid has ended, these really forces said that they eliminated for policy. it's palestinian men did they say that they were involved in federalism as far as that is, rate is our concern. so for palestinians, once these really forces left the house, they discovered the bodies of 3 palestinians and they were able to take them to the
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hospital. this is afford, i what it, that resulted in the death in killing of 6 palestinians. this brings the total of palestinians who have been killed by the is really the army. and these really settlers fire to $514.00 for palestinians since october the 7th. this is an idea of what palestinians here in new york you apply to effect are going through on a daily basis with these intensive is really res, that's are killing. processing is wounding processing is and leaving them really wonderful to the is radio occupation the humans as the to the occupied westbank palestine. so head on the al jazeera malawi is wise, vice president is confirmed dead in a plane crash via craft wreckage was found off and extensive such operation. and while flies rage in the walls launches tropical wetlands, no assistant director of the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now? i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera or on the pair. this journey is taken by countless refugees fleeing danger. to mid me perhaps worse than death is the survivor syrian refugees seeking answers, searches for disappeared. sister. mine may suit
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a witness documentary on a just the challenges here with the the you're watching out there among the top stories based our mouse and this allow me jihad say they all ready to reach a see saw deal in gaza. they've sent their response to mediation as of the us back to you. however, the 2 groups want assurances that is there any forces will fully withdrawal from
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the strength. is randy, ministry is carried out a series of deadly strikes across concepts. at least 40 palestinians have been killed in a 24 hour period. 24 is this child attend, come sheltering for somebody to slice people. and, and is really as try, has talked to the village of julia and southern 11 on canning, at least 4 people. a senior has full commander is among the dead of a 3 inch and 20 his bullet members have been killed by his writing strikes in october. you as president joe biden says he will respect the judicial process. office on hunter was convicted of all 3 charges in the federal government. trial. prosecute, just say home to bought in lied on a mandatory fire on purchase for him by saying he was not legally using or addicted to drugs out there as christmas. letting me has more on the trial and its implications. a 100 biden's wife and other family members were with him in court
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when the verdict was revealed. it took the jury less than 3 hours to find the president's son guilty of lying about his drug addiction. to illegally purchase a gun back in 2018 us attorney, david weiss, who was appointed by the biden justice department to prosecute the case. very said it goes to show that no one is above the law. no one in this country is above the law. every one must be accountable for their actions. even this defend, however, on our body should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. the trial included photos and text messages documenting biden's addiction to crack cocaine, as well as excerpts from his memoir and testimony from his ex wife and daughter who hugged her father after taking the stand. first lady jill bide and his step mother and other family members showed their support by filling the court room during the
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trial. in a statement after the verdict, hunter biden said, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week. then i am disappointed by the outcome present, and joe biden did not mention his son's case when speaking of an event for victims of gun violence, but said in a statement he loves his son, and quote, will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. after the event, the president headed to his home state of delaware to be with his family. but his sons, legal troubles aren't over yet. he has another trial on tax evasion, charges scheduled for september just 2 months before the elections. kristin salumi al jazeera to the conference is on the way and by the end to sure of support for ukraine's
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reconstruction off to the will. equating officials and trying to persuade international allies and investors to finance the long time recovery. the cost of rebuilding ukraine over the next decade is estimated at nearly full $190000000.00. resident below the visit lensky says, russian assets should be used to pay for some of that. well. following the confidence to lensky visited a ministry base in northern germany way ukrainian troops all being trained to use hub tree it missile systems. savanski has aust west and allies to increase defense affords. as rushing as drawings have intensified in recent weeks. germany is ukraine, 2nd biggest weapon supply off to the united states is always vice president and 9 others have been killed in a plane. crash the croft wreckage was found. often extensive such operation in the north can web reports from long way his supporters
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hoped he'd be milady's next president. but the remains of vice presidents are lost to lima of being proved to the capital of a long way in 40 bags. logan's had been waiting to find out what happened since the plate and he was in when missing on monday morning with 9 other people on board . it was found on tuesday. the search and rescue team has found the aircraft and the a hill in the ground galler forest. and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors, as, as all passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima. and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with us of elections 4 years ago. governments get accused of corruption over procurement of military vehicles. only
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to leave my face charges in cold 2 years ago, which we dropped last month with the to the explanation will always stuff it's signed, claims drowned and food shortages in recent years. many people are frustrated with the government to see that will be the country's going. nowhere i don't see is progressing in any way. if things are handled like this, the government needed to have moved phones to search for the plane, even within the same hour. it got lost on the radar to do things. i isn't that while i me would be to lima and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a former cabinet minister in the city. as in zoom in, the 2 engine prepare, the plane turned back in bad weather before disappearing from radar in a sub a long way. here outside to him is home cause a parked in the street, belonging to officials, friends and family, is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next
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. yeah. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements, they will say, wondering who president chuck quite a while the points as his successor. political samuel here in the weeks ahead. malcolm web out, is there a long way lower the democratic republic of congo has sworn in its new prime minister and had government ending move in 6 months of delays do this so meanwhile, to lock up becomes the country's 1st female prime, minnesota. the new small cabinet is made up of $54.00 ministers. the government's formation was delayed by internal disagreements or the ministerial post following president felix felix tissue. kitty's re election on sunday residence in the south of mexico fled that homes of the gang members. open fire of the 4000 people escaped to a neighboring town off the government stores in the town of
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t. like can i get nice to people? they will say about and cause and thousands of buildings in the a time can be 6 suspects. i've been to tate president on the manual lopez open the door has deployed the army and says, the government is in negotiations with the on groups to naples. locals to return to their homes now fires all tearing through the pounds. no wetlands, in brazil, in 2025 destroyed almost a quarter of the natural region which stretches deposits of neighboring bolivia in paraguay. wetlands play a vital role in storing the carbon. monica deana keeps how small of the flames tearing to the brazilian form by mouth reducing vast areas of vegetation to ash. since january. there have been more than 1000 fire outbreaks in the states of my to go to a store and my to good also the show. that's 10 times more than last year and the
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dry season has not even begun. say i've got a product that i got, but the, the continental is supposed to be flooded right now. it's known as the largest tropical whitland and the world. and now it's like a decent to interfere not by a rate for you a lot. the natural region, slightly larger than england, is home to hundreds of species, came man's and a contest, jaguars, in paris. 4 years ago, the worst fires in history destroyed, afford or of the funds to announce the dictation. killing 17000000 animals. experts say climate change and the natural phenomena mean you have contributed by causing serious droughts this year. but in any fires are also a man made when the bad for market mount issue, their small farm is here a used to starting 5 to clear the land will to make smoke, to scare away the bees and collect the honey. but these methods can no longer be
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used because climate change has drastically reduce the amount of rain full size can easily get out of hand. or it's not only the wildlife that is in danger. ranches are desperately looking for means to keep their cattle safe along with the volume and we're trying to take the casual to the other side of the base so they have a better chance of survival. the why the fire is coming, it could surround him and been them to dance you home via the smoke has also reached the historic city of foot on by forcing local schools to shut down and drying up important waterways like the pot r y river to say that they're using the same as these though, but i'm in the afternoon, you're no longer able to see the horizon to be able to navigate some work with the boat. it's hard to breeze its hudson, you bones. the heat gets stronger and stronger, kind of in my firefighters have been battling the flames for weeks, but their work is only beginning the dry season in the front. the now will continue from months to come. monica not give audra 0. okay,
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that's it for me. molly, inside lots more information on website al jazeera dot com when that is next and inside story. we'll discuss games made by the fall rights of recent elections in the european parliament the the, okay, it's just the way to some of the stuff in china, the seasonal rains are forwarding to plum, right? and if you like, resulting messages you usually find between $1.20 millimeters per day in one or other. the city, this is just one i've chosen in food yet, and it's underneath that funding required. so we'll see more of the say they will be funding here. it stretches back to will know in viet nam and central and on me and. and eventually as it moves knows, will affect the good part of japan and the company and put into it. but at the
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moment, you're north of the yangtze, which is particularly health $4041.00 degrees, is around heading up towards beijing on the high side. so this time of the year, both study down here because part of the line side of the woods and it should be dry, but he is not fall to fall too many shouts of developing a java this probably on to march, or what should be the dry season so on, usually we could see flash flooding here and he will not be necessarily expected us has i'm on a certain soft goes knowles through india. there's been a lot of reading to the sides when it's gone through, particularly in carola, but the biggest thunderstorms are going to be my roster. maybe a little bit so the know some heavy right if in the up in the north east as well. otherwise, we talk about the heat and it is hot invalid nancy and daddy, the shifting to the right. all right parties made games in the european parliament of
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selections, seriously threatening main screen politicians. so what's behind the rise in popularity in europe, and how can that shape politics from the old country? this is inside the hello there and welcome to the program uninstalled you'd pay. now you're paying for right policy is made substantial gains in your opinions, parliamentary elections in france and germany policies. but one is considered to be on the fringes on now establishing themselves is viable challenges to the establishment. so what's driving this shift and will these policies be able to ton their successes in the is your pin elections into power at the national level? well, there's not a panel in just a few minutes, but fast friends them on a hand has this ripple.


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