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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in western and it used to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the mouse and this allow me to hon. give a positive response to the us box, the spot proposal for garza, but won't assurances, is really full, says will fully withdrawing the money and say this is all and is there a life from don't or so coming up is really attacks, continue across the street, but at least for the palestinians are killed in the last 24 hours.
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in the okie pod, westbank is running helicopters, throwing a residential neighborhood near geneva, 6 palestinians a dead. the un report verifies thousands of great violations committed by his writing policies against children in palestine. the most is lubbock jihad say they are ready to reach a cx, 5 deal in gossip i've sent in their response to the us box proposal to guitar. in egyptian mediators. the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but the 2 groups say it is responsible positive, or they have proposed amendments which include as riley troops pulling out from the roof of border crossing. i'm the philadelphia cordele which runs along the border
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with egypt and a joint statement. they say the response prioritizes the interest of palestinian people on the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against garza and israel's withdrawal from the entire gaza strip. the palestinian delegation expressed its readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement in this war against the people based on a sense of national responsibility in wrong called his move from the jordanian capital a non on the amendments. they include a ceasefire to begin before the official 6 weeks ceased by actually begins to take place. the other amendments include a withdrawal from the entire gaza strip, including the roof and crossing and the philadelphia, colorado. the philadelphia, colorado is use ready code name for the border between garza and egypt. now this is already being spawn in israel is ready. officials say that this is
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a rejection of the bite and a piece a ceasefire proposal. and what was tabled as a resolution uh by the un security council. how mess are actually saying that you asked us to respond. we have responded, and the, the bull is now from the israel's course. israel needs to come to the negotiating table. i'm asked of also said that they're willing to send, negotiate as a to be able to go and get a ceasefire deal done. and just reminded benjamin let you know his cabinet has found out is there in israel, an early extended that decision as while team is were pushing from neighboring georgia. i see it now from mike hello. who as more reactions from the white house on the national security council spokesperson, john coby has confirmed that the us administration has received the response from
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us. he says, in a phone call with the reporters, that we are evaluating it right now. he added that. it's certainly helpful that we have a response. as for the report to details, i think i'm just going to give me a right now. that means that they have received the response, and now they are looking at it and working through the details of us secretary of state has said that the bowl was in her mouth as quote in terms of responding to president biden cx, 5 proposal. well, that would not appear to have changed since that how much the response of the ball would now appear to be tossed over the net and in, as well as quote, to come up with some form of response. i certainly must now moving with the holes a matter of fluid, particularly with its commitment to hold dialogue with a view to reaching agreement on a last thing ceasefire. the one sticking point though,
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although we're waiting for full details, would appear to be the most insistence that a complete is rarely withdrawal from gaza, precludes a c spy, isn't a consequence of one, but we'll get those details as they become available. president binded himself a went down to delaware, to be with his son following him to biden's conviction on federal gun charges. however, we understand he's closely watching the situation. this is something that he's being pushing all parties to accept. and certainly this 3 phase c spy that he announced just spend to 2 weeks ago is something that is absolutely adamant. he wants implemented by kind of outreach, hera washington or any of my colleague new bulk. a spoke to daniel levy, the president of the us middle east project and a form is writing, negotiate to. he says as well as government has been cleared, it doesn't want a permanent cease 5 least the mom for
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a full withdrawal is not you. in fact, it is in the paper, it is in the proposal, it is even in the un resolution, and i don't half of the details of the car vacations today of austell. what i do know because it's, it's out there in the public domain is the, the eas, ot all any deal. and so i think what we really seeing here is the question being closed. what kind of commitment on you, as the mediators, but in particular, the mediator that's not really immediate to a tool, the one that speaks on behalf of israel, namely the united states. what kind of a commitment are you making to your own plan? in order it's phases because the board has prevented a breakthrough. what is prevented the into the areas that we see in gaza prevented that you get a q monetary and assistance in which should happen anyway,
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prevented getting the the x rays out these ready hostages out in a deal is that throughout the audio not has been is this an actual c file, or is this a temporary pause followed by more data or as and destruction. and these really position off to bite and denounced. he's plan was on the quizzical it is that the will would continue on. so the how most question is america, do you stand by what you are saying? because you had a very strange position these last school last 2 weeks. you said america except the plan when the whole, well sorry. you said as america, the is read except the plan, when the whole, well $200.00, these ready prime minister and these cabinets say we will carry on prosecuting the will. so which easy not to me is a question. not just how most of these long do you have to asking, but everyone is asking. well, the us next year say on the blinking is in the region pushing the cx 5 proposal.
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speaking at an emergency summit on garza and jordan, he insisted as roles. prime minister, had reaffirmed his cut them into the due deal, but it's smith reports from a month 75 states, $75.00 international organizations, the biggest a global conference as being to try and coordinate to humanitarian response to the crisis in casa excellence is the order must stop as it sites time for a suze. fire. along with the unconditional release of hostages, the secretary of state gave the clearest indication, yet israel's prime minister, how's accepted, precedence joe biden ceased want a plan that's now backed by the united nations. when i met presents for nothing, you know, yesterday, in his real, he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line today as we gather one. and only one thing stands in the way of this
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deal happening. and that some us, while israel pressed his own with his assault on the southern gaza, the biggest complaint among delegates here was not being able to get a through land. the crossings controlled by is around them. it's what you see that it is necessary for is realty in the state of siege, and stop using the weapon of starvation to punish the people of the gaza strip. and to remove all obstacles to the immediate sustainable and adequate access to humanitarian and relief. a to the cause, a strip from all crossings. jordan's king also highlighted increase these riley settler attacks and violations of muslim and christine holy sites in the occupied west bank at east jerusalem. we must learn that without the action of every one present today. westbank tensions could escalate into a larger conflict that will leave a far more devastating impact on the reach of one of the
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biggest obstacles to getting aid into gauze as been the failure to stop the fighting. the pressure was perhaps been never more intense than it is now on israel . on how much to agree to this you in back ceased fund proposal, bernard smith, i'll just say around a month. this is really military is carried out a series of deadly asteroids across gauze or killing at least 40 palestinians in a 24 hour period is really full of the shell to 10. come for the displaced in the central parts of the strip. many of the people sheltering that have been forced to flee ongoing fighting in the south. north nations has released as on your children and on the conflict report detailing the increasing violence children are facing across the globe. in 2023, there was a 35 percent increase in the killing and maiming of children worldwide. lots of
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that was in palestine and israel with gray violations against children have sort by 155 percent. and of the $371.00, un verify the tax on schools and hospitals in 2023 is really forces were responsible for almost all of them. gabriel, as older, has the latest from the united nations. the children in armed conflict report is mandated by the security council and issued by the secretary general every year for the past 22 years. now. private copy of the report was given to the security council members on tuesday, but the u. n. is expected to release it publicly on thursday. but the report which houses here has seen an advance copy of says that last year is really armed and security forces killed and maimed children and attacked schools and hospitals from austin as lubbock, jihad are also mentioned that listed in the report as grave violators of children's
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rights later, this week of virginia gamba the secretary general's special representative for children. an armed conflict who composed the data for the report will be speaking about its findings for the 1st time gabriel's on to i'll just see it at united nations in new york. and is there any ask for like, is targeted self 11 on killing at least 4 people they attacked the village of junior senior has bullock. amanda is among the dead. more than 320 has all the members have been killed by is really strikes since october. the palestinian by president says at least 6 palestinians have been killed by his riley forces in the occupied westbank. the raid was carried out in the area of confidant near the city of jeanine convoys of his riley on the vehicles drive through the town where it is to say is rarely so just followed
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a missile at a house which they had surrounded it. abram reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank and under cover is really of forces have waited to sort of then village around 5 pm local time and surrounded the palestinian house. before they shop towards the palestinian home on palestinian said that they've seen and about to play shooting towards an empty area. medical teams could not get to the scene. right. to wait so long as these really forces where they are. but because of the arm confrontations that took place between the palestinian quite as they are and the is really forces. we've seen 3 palestinians being taken to hospitals before being announced that now after the raid has ended, these really forces said that they eliminated the 4 policy. it's palestinian men did they say that they were involved in federalism as far as that is, rate is our concern. now for palestinians, once these really forces left the house,
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they discovered the bodies of 3 palestinians and they were able to take them to the hospital. this is afford our, they, that's resulted in the death in killing of 6 palestinians. this brings the total of palestinians who have been killed by the is really the army. and these really settlers fire to $514.00 for palestinians since october the 7th. this is an idea of what palestinians here in new york you apply to us bank are going through on a daily basis with these intensive is really ways that are killing palestinians, wounding processing is and leaving them really wonderful to the is radio occupation the humans as the to the occupied left bank, palestine still ahead on the al jazeera vs president song is found guilty on all counts and the gum case for 75, and says he will respect the traditional process. plus,
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i'm going to something i'm 50 and northwest columbia where thousands of families tired of the years of broken promises and the re distribution of land having made at the property oven, extradited drug, plastic or the from palestine to pakistan from syria to indonesia. ok, foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible family policy and dishonest. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give your to bonnie today without kind of foundation in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election?
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i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se felt that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story. on al jazeera, the the watching out, is there a mind a thought top stories, 5th hour, a moss on his lot make jihad say they all ready to reach us? the spot deal and gossip have sent a response to media. is this the us back deal? i went to the 2 groups, one assurances that is rarely forces willfully withdrawal from this trend is really
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minute treat has carried out a series of deadly strikes across garza east 14 palestinians been killed in a 24 hour period. is there any forces show the 10 come sheltering, forced to be displaced, people and another is really strikers talking to the village of julia and southern 11 on killing at least 4 people. a senior has product is a mind a debt. so as president joe biden says, he will respect the judicial process of the son hunter was convicted holes re charges in a federal gun trial. i'll just say it was christmas. leave me as well on the trial . and then some occasions, a 100 biden's wife and other family members were with him in court with the verdict was revealed. it took the jury less than 3 hours to find the president's son guilty of lying about his drug addiction to illegally purchase a gun. back in 2018 us attorney david weiss,
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who was appointed by the biden justice department to prosecute the case. mary said it goes to show that no one is above the law. no one in this country is above the law. every one must be accountable for their actions. even this defend. however, hunter, by them should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. the trial included photos and text messages documenting biden's addiction to crack cocaine, as well as excerpts from his memoir and testimony from his ex wife and daughter who hugged her father after taking the stand. first lady joe biden, his step mother and other family members showed their support by filling the court room during the trial and a statement after the verdict. hunter biden said, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week than i am disappointed by the outcome present. and joe biden did not mention his son's
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case when speaking of an event for victims of gun violence, but said in a statement he loves his son, and quote, will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. after the event, the president headed to his home state of delaware to be with his family, but his sons, legal troubles aren't over yet. he has another trial on tax evasion, charges scheduled for september just 2 months before the elections. kristin salumi al jazeera us lobbies, weiss president a 9 all those have been killed in a plane crash. the aircraft wreckage was found often extensive. such operation in the north american web has moved from the long way his supporters hoped he'd be middle always next president. but the remains of vice presidents are lost to lima, have been put to the capital of a long way in 40 facts. logan's it'd been waiting to find out what happened since
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the play and he was in when missing on monday morning with 9 other people on board . it was found on tuesday. the search and rest of your team has found the aircraft in the hill and that strung out a forest. and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors. as our passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with us of elections. 4 years ago, governments get accused of corruption over procurements of military vehicles, only to lee my face charges in quote 2 years ago, which we dropped last month with the to the explanation will always stuff it's signed, claims drowned and food shortages in recent years. many people are frustrated with
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the government to see it will be the country's going nowhere i don't see is progressing in any way. if things are handled like this, the government needed to move funds to search for the plane, even within the same hour it got lost on the radar. to do think i isn't that while i me would be to lima and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a former cabinet administer in the city. as in zoom in or the to engine, prepare the plaintiff and back in bad weather. before disappearing from radar in a sub a long way here outside to leave is home cause a parked in the street, belonging to officials, friends and family is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next year. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements, they will say, wondering who president chuck quite a while the points as his successor. political samuel here in the weeks ahead.
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malcolm web out to 0. the long way law way. in the democratic republic of congo, renew prime minister and had government happen soon enough to more than 6 months of delays. jesus submitting what to cab became the country's 1st female premier. a new smaller cabinet is made off of 54 ministers. the governor's formation was delayed by internal disagreements of that ministerial post, following president elect to she. kitty's re election on sunday residence in the south of mexico who fled the homes of the gang members. open fire of 4000 people escaped to a neighboring town off the government stores in the town of tila coming at least 200 people. they also burned cause and thousands of buildings in the attack, and the 6th of the suspects have been detained. president on the way menu lopez open the door, has destroyed, deployed the army, and says,
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the government is in negotiations with the groups to naval locals to return to their homes. columbia has one of the highest levels of land in equality in the wells, leaving many people homeless in one area in the north, thousands of families have decided to take the mazda into their own hands by inviting a property owned by a convicted drug traffic. a i'll just, there is alexander, i'm betsy, has been to the town of caucasian to talk to some of the as within shacks, expand across the 378 sectors of the sun, filling the range in the past few months, some 7000 families of occupied this property on the outskirts of the town of co cars. yeah. it's currently columbus largest lane invasion. yeah, yeah, i'm 1st i think about the spokesman for the dress passers says the 1st $200.00 families arrived at the end of march after being homeless or not able to afford
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paying rising rains if that's a thought or a numbers. and why do i have to sell in the sector is called new jerusalem. and these are all vulnerable people who don't have a home. and they decided to come here to live due to lack of opportunity for the federal government. because 51 years old movie, a movie and it was displaced from a nearby gold mining town after a non group killed her son. just set up a little sharper in the front of her shack to make ends meet long. well, how does that look? and 11, what i make is not enough to pay for rent, rent, so very high. you can pay up to $1000000.00 plus us with utility bills. it's impossible for me. that's why we took matches in our hands to get decent housing. and we'll be able to pump it out. but what was a relatively manageable crisis group, explanation the to president gustavo 5th, a promise to buy land starting bay. there's thousands more families occupied the rest of the property outside of the mat. you of your 30 here and i request you to
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talk to the owners of the land and the ranches and competition and is and tell them that it's a trick us and don't offer us for thailand, we will buy it at commercial prices, but it's not been that easy, this property was owned by a convicted drug traffic or extradited to the united states, and that has been at the center of a legal back though for over a decades. people here tell you that thing patient is a reaction to too many years of broken promises on the release to the ascent of lands. columbia is one of the highest degrees of land inequality in the world. less than one percent of the population on 60 percent of the country's best land since coming into office. 5th row has promised to buy upwards of $3000000.00 hectares of land to be distributed to the for the, the arrival of pedro has meant that the political will is the, it's the 1st time that the government has put so many resources into advancing with
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land or distribution, unfortunately, the current laws, the quotes, the protocols and the culture of some officials going to allow the plan to move forward as needed. local authorities have tried to evict they, there's twice, but they were blocked by the government or the courts. leaving them in an easy limbo between hope of achieving a decent home and the misery of their situation. i listened that i'm 50 and jesse to go cost you a far as a tearing through the ponds. now wetlands, in brazil, in 2025 is destroyed almost a course of the national natural region which stretches deposits of neighboring bolivia and paraguay, monica yanna, keith as small flames tearing to the brazilian from demo, reducing vast areas of vegetation to ash. since january there have been more than
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1000 fire outbreaks in the states of my to go to a store and my to good also to show that's 10 times more than last year. and the dry season has not even begun. so i say i've got a product, the gods, but the, the continental is supposed to be flooded. right now. it's known as the largest tropical whitland and the world. and now it's like a decent, interfering, or fire avery way of life. the natural region, slightly larger than england, is home to hundreds of species, came man's and a contest, jaguars, in paris. 4 years ago, the worst fires in history destroyed afford or of the funds on owls the dictation killing. 17000000 animals. experts say climate change in the natural phenomena mean you have contributed by causing serious droughts this year. but many fires are also a man made it back to me. i can only issue their small farmers here. i used to starting
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5 to create a land will to make smoke, to scare away the bees and collect the honey. but these methods can no longer be used for this climate change as dress, secrete reduce the amount of rain full size can easily get out of hand. or, you know, it's not only the wild life that is in danger. ranchers are desperately looking for means to keep their cattle safe. along with the, we're trying to take the casual to the other side of the base, so they have a better chance of survival. the why the fire was coming, it could surround him and bring them to the home. the smoke has also reached the historic city of put on box forcing local schools to shut down and drying up important waterways like the bottom why river. so you're going to start using the same as the zone, but i'm in the afternoon, you're no longer able to see the horizon to be able to navigate some work with the boat. it's hard to breeze its hudson, you bones. the heat gets stronger and stronger, kind of in my firefighters have been battling the flames for weeks,
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but their work is only beginning the dry season in the pump. now will continue for months to come. monica not give. i'll just sarah, or the spanish island of may, you will cause main. apple was forced to close off the torrential rain flooded the runways or flights were cancelled or delayed leaving travelers stranded many described chaotic scenes with water pouring from the ceiling and 3 windows oak area house. one of the faust is shrinking populations in the world in the late 19 eighties. nearly 9000000 people lived in the country with the latest census data from 2020 to 20. 1 shows that the big is now down to about 6 and a half 1000000. my goal is to ensure your reports from houston to do in southwest oak area pete to veteran of friends boutique hotel and can some build your bug areas border with north macedonia. and sylvia,
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the small town of 5000 people has almost reduced by health in recent years. so puts a note for lies and bookers from nipples was based on and project system to from his business. so these are turned into the often we see foreigners come here to live, so why people leaving there is no prospect. the development, the educational system is really lacking in young people, go abroad to study and they don't pretend they just get good jobs in the west. not fall from his hotel is this house been school building the project abandoned after the forty's realize the bono children in the neighborhood, june cindy is among the sets of cities and bulgaria that reflect the countries acute demographic crisis. it has one of the fastest thinking populations globally, the worst challenges in terms of multi konami developing social development, lots and some of the young,
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the last. so the big majority of working here is population. and the loss of growth of the old agents organized population and pensioners works in general.


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