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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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done so this how does the progress on know quite a lot of the the mosse and his lot of jihad gave a positive response to the us box. these 5 proposal for guys that warranty? sure. and says he's ready. forces willfully withdraw the blow. i'm for the back to boy of watching l g 0 life from don't also coming down. he's really a tax continue, a cost, gaza at the school, she thought as to music, killed in the last 24 hours any occupied westbank is really highly comp to strike a residential neighborhood near janine 6 products that kills and fi is ravaged of
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wells biggest tropical wetlands threatening hundreds of species before the dry season hasn't been because the thank you for joining us, tomas and is why mcgee had said they are ready to reach a ceasefire deal in gaza. they set their response to the us bank proposal to country and egypt should mediators, the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but the 2 groups say it is responsible and positive. they have proposed amendments, which include is really to us pulling out from the roof of border crossing and the philadelphia cordele, which runs along the border with egypt and a joint statement. they say the response prioritize this, the interest of palestinian people, and the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against garza. and these are as withdrawal from the entire gaza strip. the palestinian delegation
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expressed its readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against people based on a sense of national responsibility. alger 00, and con has more from amman, jordan, on the amendments, as they include a ceasefire to begin before the official 6 weeks ceased by a actually begins to take place. the other amendments include a withdrawal from the entire gaza strip, including the rough and crossing and the philadelphia, colorado. the philadelphia, colorado, is he is ready code name for the border between garza and egypt. now this is already being spun in israel is ready. officials say that this is a rejection of the bite and a piece, a ceasefire proposal. and what was tabled as a resolution uh by the un security council. how mess are actually saying that you
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asked us to respond? we have responded and that the bull is now from the israel's course. israel needs to come to the negotiating table. i suppose i said that they're willing to send, negotiate as a, to be able to go and get a ceasefire deal done. and so i'm kind of reporting that from amman, jordan, because the missing yahoo government in israel has bind, i'll just hear from reporting from inside is ro and has extended that decision here now is mike kind of in washington dc with the us reaction to what her mazda said the national security council spokesperson, john coby has confirmed that the us administration has received the response from us. he says, and a phone call with reporters, that we are evaluating it right now. he added that. it's certainly helpful that we have a response as full the report, the details. i think i'm just going to give me
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a right now. that means that they have received the response, and now they are looking at it and working through the details of us secretary of state has said that the bowl was in her mouth as quote in terms of responding to president biden cx, 5 proposal. well, that wouldn't all appear to have changed since that how much the response of the bowl would now appear to be tossed over the net and in, as well as quote, to come up with some form of response. i suddenly am us now moving with the holes method forward, particularly with its commitment to hold dialogue with a view to reaching agreement on a last thing, cx 5, the ones sticking point, though, although we're waiting for full details, what appeared to be the most insistence that a complete is rarely withdrawal from gaza, precludes a c spy, isn't a consequence of one, but we'll get those details as they become available. president binded himself
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a went down to delaware, to be with his son following him to biden's conviction on federal gun charges. however, we understand he's closely watching the situation. this is something that he's being pushing all parties to accept. and certainly this 3 phase c spy that he announced just spend to 2 weeks ago is something that is absolutely adamant. he wants implemented mike, hannah, which is hera washington, and the us secretary of state antony blinking is in the region pushing the cx 5 proposal. speaking at an emergency summit on guys in jordan, he insisted israel's foreign ministry had reaffirmed his commitment to the deal. then it's $23.00 for some, a month, 75 states, $75.00 international organizations, the biggest a global conference as being to try and coordinate to humanitarian response to the crisis in the casa expos. use, the order must stop inside time for
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a ceasefire. along with the unconditional release of hostages, the us secretary of state gave the clearest indication yet that israel's prime minister. how's accepted? president joe biden cease my plan that's now backed by the united nations. when i met presents for nothing, you know, yesterday, in his real, he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line today as we gather one and only one thing stands in the way of the steel happening and that some us, while israel pressed his own with his assault on the southern gaza. the biggest complaint among delegates here was not being able to get a through land. the crossings controlled by is around them. it's what you see that it is necessary for is realty in the state of siege. and stop using the weapon of starvation to punish the people of the gaza strip, and to remove all obstacles to the immediate sustainable and adequate access to
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humanitarian and relief. a, to the cause, a strip from all crossings. jordan's king also highlighted increased is riley settler attacks and violations of muslim and christie and holy sites. in the occupied west bank at east jerusalem. we must learn that without the action of every one present today, of westbank tensions could escalate into a larger conflict that will leave a far more devastating impact on the region. one of the biggest obstacles to getting aid into gauze as been the failure to stop the fighting, the pressure as perhaps been never more intense than it is now on israel. on how much to agree to this you in back see spawn proposal but smith, i'll just say era. i mean, while these really military has carried out a series of deadliest ranks across guys that killing at least 40 palestinians and the 24 hour period is ready for his child,
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attend, can for the displace in the central part of the strip. many of the people sheltering that has been forced to feed on going fighting in the south and is really a strike has targeted a 711 on killing at least 4 people the attack hit the village of julia. a senior hezbollah commander is among those killed more than 320 has problem members. i think kids in these really strikes since october the policy me and read. preston says at least 6 policy needs have been killed by is really forced to d, occupied westbank. the raid was carried out in the area of katherine dine near the city of janine convoys of these really ami vehicles drove. so the town witnesses, sage ready, soldiers fight, miss sign that a house which they had surrounded. neither a brain has more firmer my line, the occupied west back under cover is really forces as
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a way to go forward. then village around 5 pm local time and surround to the palestinian house before they show up towards the palestinian home on palestinian say that they've seen and about to play shooting towards an empty area. medical teams could not get to the scene right to wait so long as these really forces where they are. but because of the arm confrontations that took place between the policy and fight as they are. and these really forces we've seen 3 palestinians being taken to hospitals before it being announced that now after the raid has ended, these really forces said that they've eliminated the 4 policy. it's palestinian men did they say that they were involved in federalism as far as that is really is our concern. now for palestinians. once these really forces left the house, they discovered the bodies of 3 palestinians and they were able to take them to the hospital. this is afford, i what it,
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that resulted in the death in killing of 6 palestinians. this brings the total of palestinians who have been killed by the is really the army and these really sucks . there is fire to $540.00 for palestinians since october. the 7th, this is an idea of what palestinians here in new york you apply to us bank are going through on a daily basis with these intensive is really ways that are killing processing is wounding processing is and leaving them really wonderful to the is radio, occupational the deputy him as the to the occupied westbank palestine the noun throughout the world. news in the international criminal courts, prosecutor wants witnesses to help with an investigation into allegations of little crimes. ensconced awful region, thousands of flights of fashion, the largest, the and off for
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a slighting intensifies between the army and the power military rapids. the 4 forces. it's the last city and the region of down for that is still under the control of government forces. fighting in the area began last month. he but morgan has more from saddam's capital call to the prosecutor for the international criminal court has appealed to those who have evidence of crimes that have been committed or are still being committed in bizarre, for region to come forward. with those evidence and present it to the court to help it with its ongoing investigation regarding work crimes and other crimes that are committed in bizarre for region. now the prosecutor made a special concerning nodes about and fashion, and that's the last city in that are for region that is under the control of this is denise army, which has been fighting department a through rapid support for assistance. april last year, the prosecutor says that civilians have been targeted, rape has been used as a weapon of war. and that's hospitals where those who have been injured in the fighting between the hours have invested in his army. and if i should have been
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targeted as well, now civilians in the city of pressure to say that they are concerned that if the rest have continues its attacks, they will continue to be displaced over the past month or more than $100.00. 30000 people have been displaced from a fashion as a result of fighting between us within these army. i am the parent military rapid support forces. the humanitarian research lab as eagle university says that more than 30 estimate of our communities have been burned to the ground by the parent military rapids support forces and says that there is an imminent attack that is bound to happen by the iris f. as it seems to take over the military garrison in the city over the pressure which is being described right now as a kill box, we spoke to one person and a displaced person in the city open associated. who says that while he is quite happy, that the international criminal court is looking into work crimes or other crimes that are taking place in but are for region. he also reminded us that this is not the 1st time the international criminal court is investigating crimes and bizarre
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for region. since 2003, there have been work crimes, crimes against humanity and on the side that have been committed. according to the international criminal court itself and business place person who we spoke to says that while he is happy that they are investigations taking place. he also reminded of reminded us that over the past 2 decades, nobody has been held to account for the crimes that have taken place and led to the displacement of more than 2000000 and the death of about 300000 people. he says that they've been waiting for 2 decades. i know it just as has been served. and this time they are concerned that even if there is a process underway just this may take years. he but morgan, alta 0 cartoon, or more 9, the united nations as one the escalation in 5, seeing in the rec kind state has forced 45000 going to flee to the bangladesh border. but life in the running accounts is also becoming move all the time. time the chandra, re,
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for some cox has been caught in the middle of the conflict between the rock kind rebel army and the me on my military, tens of thousands of pre dominantly muslim going to have race. and they sped the northern rock kind state. and now hiding in the jungles near the enough for bordering bangladesh. oh, to 0, spoke to 2 man who recently managed to escape to bangladesh, to avoid being forcibly conscripted by both sides, both left their families behind. and i'm not worried about their safety. the in me, in my young and middle aged, i mean of forcibly taken away and recruited by other count on the ripples. and the me, in my military life is getting increasingly difficult. the so i took the risk inflate to bank with the address on was low on a goodly processed, the amended many really difficult of the on the boat or military didn't come with us. and i was gonna tell him not to come with us. i call to the not for the bible,
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the united states and united nation both say they're deeply traveled by recent reports of escalating violence and tension between communities in rock island state of the allegation or force encroachment of ro hang up by different sides in this conflict appear to be the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic minority community that as long complained about persecution, and marginalization more than a 1000000, joining their living bodies. now the world's largest refugee can. but the face, new in security, is inside. as the driver will hang groups and battle for dominance in the camp, gang violence and fires are frequently reported in the past 3 months. several 100 running, amend and teenage boys have been abducted from the refugee camps. to whom does military is accused of sending them to me and my to be forced to fight recently my 15 year old son was abducted late at night by members of a he
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a political group. it's almost 20 days and i have no idea why and where he was taken on the band with this government says it will not allow any more rang uh to enter its territories. my money to the shop, somebody going to? yeah, my always had internal strife. may be more intense now. so this internal conflicts should not be used as an excuse for stalling in you patrice and process. the expert text by the un with investigating events in man, marseilles, thousands of innocent lives will be lost if the international community failed students sponsor to signs of another impending mess, killing up running in rock kind state under each other. you know, just data cuts as bizarre still ahead on allergies. they're either us begins with joining is true some share as of june to expands military ties with questions force . plus i'm going to something i'm 50 northwest columbia where thousands of families
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tired of the years of broken promises on the re distribution of land having bay that the property of an extra day to the truck traffic or the the . now it is still halting the desert southwest of the us, but not reco breaking. you say we're into the forty's, but it's persistent. so people don't really like you very much have to say there was a hawk, comes up against the cold weather. we tend to generate cheryl as well as not much of the cold weather, right. as the shows are often limited for wednesday and thursday, i have to say with the exception of florida, which will see some flooding. it's looking pretty quiet. so almost all of the us, i'm kind of admittedly, if you're in the east in ontario and enter onto desperate rather disappointing the width, but is a drive right down to the gulf coast. otherwise,
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maybe the focus is good to be on florida, possibly west in cuba that you could time we're ready is looking particularly heavy . the trade winds are blowing fairly steadily now, and pressure ratings going through the wind would also pop from occasional chairs. looks like the small account of being how's it going to joyce and fine weather breezy. admittedly, the seasonal right to the south of that is breaking up. nothing enough in the western side of brazil. and these fall to the south, is that down through peru into power going? i think temperatures are if anything going to rise. we shouldn't really be seeing something like searching for and a sense young. but beyond that, it does look a bit more wintry with all the rain or snow down the indian che, of the . ready ready ready and the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old kings tunes for the living to place in a country to celebrate the deceased. ready
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can he earned enough to both support is with a mother realizes dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy, a witness documentary on that just so you know, the the watching all g 0 live from to high recap of on top stories. come off and his mom and she has the they are ready to reach us these 5 really guys on this set, their response to the mediators of the us postal. however, the 2 groups want assurances that he's ready forces willfully withdraw from the
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gaza strip. these are, the military is carried out, a series of dead strikes across casa, at least $2.00, and these have been killed in the 24 hour period. is there any forces, child attends, kept sheltering the space and then is really a strike is targeted. the village of some guy in southern 11 on canning, at least 4 people, a senior has the commander is among the dead. and when use us present, joe biden says he will respect the judicial process out to his son hunter was convicted of all 3 charges in a federal gun trial. the judge is relate to the purchase of a gun in 2018, prosecutors say hunter bite and lied on a mandatory fi on pers purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs. jurors found him guilty of lying to a federally licensed gun data and making a false claim on the application and illegally having the gun for 11 days. and
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friends protested against the far right have taken to the streets of paris for a 2nd day running. the demonstrate is a connie or less leaning potties and trade unions to build a stronger line. seeing the opposition to the right head of parliamentary elections . essentially, right, republican party announced it would be joining forces with the extreme right. national riley potentially setting the scene for a search in the right wing. complimentary seats still were also protests in van in northwest and france. demonstrators said any gains by the national randi would be a threat to civil rights and democracy. the conferences on the way they need to shore up support for ukraine's reconstruction after the war. you're creating officials of trying to persuade international allies and investors to finance the long term recovery. the cost of rebuilding ukraine
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over the over the next decade is estimated that nearly $490000000000.00 present. well, it means that lensky says, russian assets should be used to pay some of that. and following the conferences, the landscape visited the military base in northern germany, way ukrainian troops are being trained to use patriot miss austin stance. polanski has asks western allies to increase the defense support as russian as strikes have intensified in recent weeks. germany's ukraine 2nd biggest weapon supplier after the us african now and in the democratic republic of congo, a new prime minister and her government have been sony enough to move in 6 months of delays. judas. so meanwhile, toluca becomes the country's 1st email from mia. the news, while a cabinet is made up of 54 ministers, the government's formation was delayed by internal disagreements, over many stereo posts following president inflicts to securities. re much of
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a us has begun with drawing its troops from these uh more than 940 soldiers stationed in bases across the country. a set to leave by september. the 15th comes, as me share is building stronger military ties with russia. nicholas hawk reports. this may not have been what the americans wanted, but in these years just seems happy to bid us troops farewell officers gathered on the tarmac of the i'm is airport and they visibly uncomfortable ceremony marketing at the beginning of the end of the american troops. and these air, this withdrawal of us forces will not impact the ongoing development relation to the open relations between the united states. and this year both countries remain committed to establishing diplomatic dialogue to shape the future there by law. busy are relations, but over 900 us soldiers are being forced to leave the west african nation. the u. s. is dismantling. what was the united states biggest intelligence hub in the
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region? this includes 2 strategically located air bases, from which it operated, manned an unmanned surveillance drones over north africa. and this the hell in an interview with the washington post's news. here's prime minister explains the decision, saying the americans stayed on our soil doing nothing while the terrorist killed people and burn towns. it is not assigned a friendship to come on our soil, but let the terrace attack us. he went on to describe the condescending tone and lack of respect, shown by a high level us delegation visiting the country in mid march. the us award easier is doing to, against selling the country's uranium rich resources to be around and having any military alliance with russia. and yet, as the us withdraws, russia is dipping in. they will take over the installations built by the us military. we board with us training facilities to try and all sorts of specialists
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. we have big counterterrorism experience. russia is now present in these there molly burkina, faso and the central african republic. american church may be leaving these here, but they're certainly not leaving their region. there are some american soldiers right here in the car center go and discussions are and a way to rebase us true in coastal countries. this is to help them fight off on groups, links to all tied up and i so, but also to contain the rowing influence of russia in the region. the us is struggling to hold onto it status of a reliable superpower in the region. with the latest departure of american soldiers in these air, the winds of change appears to be blowing in rushes favor. nicholas hawkins al jazeera, the car. people in southern mexico have been forced to flee their homes after gang members open fire. over $4000.00 people escaped to
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a neighboring town after gunman storm the town of kayla kling. at least 2 people, they burned cars and dozens of buildings in the attack. at least success specs have been detained. president address money lopez open the door, has before the army and says the government is in negotiations with the groups to enable local to return to their homes. that columbia has one of the highest levels of land in equality in the world, leaving many people homeless in one area in the north. thousands of families have decided to take the matter into their own hands by invading a property owned by a convicted drunk traffic address. areas that is founded on p a t has been to the town of cal cost. yeah. to talk to some of them as within shacks, expand across the $378.00 sectors of the sun filling a range in the past few months. some 7000 families of occupied this property on the outskirts of the town of co cars. yeah. it's currently columbus largest lane
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invasion. yeah, yeah, i'm 1st i think about the spokesman for the dress passers says the 1st $200.00 families arrived at the end of march after being homeless or not able to afford paying rising rains if that's a thought or a numbers. and why do i have to sell in the sector is called new jerusalem. these are old vendor, but people who don't have a home. and they decided to come here to live due to lack of opportunity for the federal government. because 51 years old movie, a movie and it was displaced from a nearby gold mining town after a non group killed her son. just set up a little shop in the front of her shack to make ends meet. i know how does i look into lemme, what i make is not enough to pay for rent, rent, so very high. you can pay up to $1000000.00 plus us with utility bills. it's impossible for me. that's why we took matches in our hands to get decent housing, and what we had no problem put out. but what was a relatively manageable crisis group explanation the to president gustavo 5th of
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promised to buy land starting today there's thousands more families occupied. the rest of the property outside of the met you of your sorry to hear and i request you to talk to the owners of the land. and the ranches consultation is and tell them that if they trick us and don't offer us for thailand, we will buy it at commercial prices. but it's not been that easy. this property was owned by a convicted drug trafficker, extradited to the united states, and that has been at the center of a legal back though for over a decades. people here tell you that thing patient is a reaction to too many years of broken promises on the redistribution of land. columbia is one of the highest degrees of land inequality in the world. less than one percent of the population on 60 percent of the country's best land since coming into office. 5th row has promised to buy upwards of $3000000.00 hectares of land to
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be distributed to the for the arrival of pedro has meant that the political will is the it's the 1st time that the government has put so many resources into advancing with land or distribution unfortunately, the current laws, the quotes, the protocols and the culture of some officials going to allow the plan to move forward as needed. local authorities have tried to evict him, they there's twice, but they were blocked by the government or the courts, leaving them in an easy limbo between hope of achieving a decent home and the misery of their situation. i listened that i'm 50, i'm just the go cause you a amber sail size is tearing through the pond to now. wetlands in 2025 is destroyed almost a quarter of a natural region which stretches deposits of neighboring bolivia and found why white man's play a vital role in storing the earth is comp on. when he came back in flames
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tearing to the brazilian from demo reducing vast areas of vegetation to ash. since january there have been more than 1000 fire outbreaks in the states of my to good also. and my to good also to show that's 10 times more than last year and the dry season has not even begun. i've got a product that i got, but the, the continental is supposed to be flooded right now. it's known as the largest tropical whitland and the world. and now it's like a decent to interfere not by a rate for you a lot. the natural region, slightly larger than england, is home to hundreds of species came. man's anaconda is jaguar is in paris 4 years ago. the worst fires and.


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