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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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to waited again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the mouse and his lama jihad gave a positive response to the us by seized by a proposal for gas on that want to assure and says he's ready forces wilfully withdraw. the play you watching l g 0 live from bill. how with me funding back people also coming out is there any attacks continue across guys, or at least 40 policy names that killed in the last 24 hours in the occupied? westbank is really highly comp to strike a residential neighborhoods. in the janine 6 pilot means i can certainly use hunter
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bide in the us. president, son is found guilty on all counts in a gun case. his father says he respects that traditional cross from austin hispanic g has say they are ready to reach a ceasefire. deal in gaza as send their response to the us back proposal to category and egyptian mediators. the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but the 2 groups say it is quote, responsible and positive. the proposed amendments, which include is ready to is pulling out from the rafa border crossing and the philadelphia core door, which runs along the border way with egypt in a joint statement, they say the response prioritizes the interest of our policy and people and the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against gaza at israel's withdrawal from the entire gaza strip us,
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the palestinian delegation expressed its readiness to d. a positively to reach an agreement to end this war against people based on a sense of national responsibility address. there is a non con has more from amman, jordan on the amendments. they include a ceasefire to begin before the official 6 weeks ceased by a actually begins to take place. the other amendments include a withdrawal from the entire goal is to strip, including the rough and crossing and the philadelphia, colorado. the philadelphia, colorado is use ready code name for the border between garza and egypt. now this is already being spawn in israel is ready. officials, i say that this is a rejection of the bite and a piece a ceasefire proposal. and what was tabled as a resolution uh by the un security council. how mess are actually saying that you
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asked us to respond? we have responded on the, the bull is now from the israel's course. israel needs to come to the negotiating table. i'm asked have also said that they're willing to send, negotiate as a, to be able to go and get a ceasefire. deal done to him on con, reporting that from amman, jordan, because he is really cabinets his band $1.00 and his route and extended. that's a decision. that's why our team is reporting from neighboring georgia. here now is my kind of in washington dc with more on the us reaction to what have also said the national security council spokesperson. john coby has confirmed that the us administration has received the response from us. he says in a phone call with reporters that we are evaluating it right now. he added that. it's certainly helpful that we have a response as full the report to details. i think i'm just going to give me
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a right now. that means that they have received the response, and now they are looking at it and working through the details of us secretary of state has said that the bowl was in a mazda is quote, in terms of responding to president biden cx, 5 proposal. well, that's what now appear to have changed since the how much the response, the ball would now appear to be tossed over the net. and in israel as quote, to come up with some form of response. i certainly am us now moving with the holes method forward, particularly with its commitment to hold dialogue with a view to reaching agreement on a last thing, cx 5, the one sticking point, though, although we're waiting for full details, what appeared to be the hum us insistence that a complete is rarely withdrawal from gaza, precludes a c spy, isn't a consequence of one, but we'll get those details as they become available. president binded himself so
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went down to delaware to be with his son following him to biden's conviction on federal gun charges. however, we understand he's supposed to be watching the situation. this is something that he's being pushing all parties to accept. and certainly this 3 phase c spy that he announced just spend to 2 weeks ago is something that is absolutely adamant. he once implemented montana, which is hera washington of the us, secretary of state on to me blinking is in the region pushing the sci fi proposal. speaking at any emergency summit on guys i enjoyed and he insisted he, israel's prime minister, had reaffirmed his commitment to the deal. bennet smith, 3 for some, a month 75 states, $75.00 international organizations. the biggest a global conference as being to try and coordinate to humanitarian response to the crisis in the casa expos use. the order must stop inside time
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for a suze fire. along with the unconditional release of hostages, the us secretary of state gave the clearest indication yet israel's prime minister . how's accepted? president joe biden ceased my plan that's now backed by the united nations. when i met permits for nothing, you know, yesterday in his real he reaffirmed his support and his commitment to bringing this proposal across the finish line today as we gather one and only one thing stands in the way of the steel happening and that's from us. while israel pressed his own with his assault on the southern gaza, the biggest complaint among delegates here was not being able to get a through land. the crossings controlled by is around them is what you see, that it is necessary for is realty in the state of siege, and stop using the weapon of starvation to punish the people of the gaza strip. and to remove all obstacles to the immediate sustainable and adequate access to
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humanitarian and relief, a, to the cause, a strip from all crossings. jordan's king also highlighted increased is riley settler attacks and violations of muslim and christie and holy sites. in the occupied west bank at east jerusalem. we must learn that without the action of every one present today, of westbank tensions could escalate into a larger conflict that will leave a far more devastating impact on the region. one of the biggest obstacles to getting aid into gauze as been the failure to store the finding the pressure as perhaps been never more intense than it is now on israel. on how much to agree to this you in back see spawn proposal but it's smith. i'll just say era, i mean, while these really military is carried out a series of deadly strikes across guys like heating at least 40 palestinians in a 24 hour period. is there any forces,
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shall the 10th account for the displace in the center of the gaza? strip many of the people sheltering that has been forced to for the ongoing fighting in the south. you and has released its annual children, an armed conflict report, detailing the increasing violence children facing across the globe. in 2023, there was a 35 percent increase in the killing and maiming of children worldwide. much of that was in palestine and israel wake re violations against children. have sold by a 155 percent. and to be $371.00 you and verify the tax on schools and hospitals in 2023 is really forces we're responsible for. almost all of gabriel is on to has one is from the united nations in new york. the children in armed conflict report is mandated by the security council and issued by the secretary general every year for the past 22 years. now. private copy of the report was given to the security
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council members on tuesday, but the u. n. is expected to release it publicly on thursday, but the report which out is here a has seen an advance copy of says that last year is really armed and security forces killed and maimed children and attacked schools and hospitals. i'm austin, as lubbock jihad are also mentioned and listed in the report as grave violators of children's rights. now later this week of virginia gamba the secretary general's special representative for children. an armed conflict who composed the data for the report will be speaking about its findings. for the 1st time gabriel's on to, i'll just need at united nations in new york. and he's really s or i guess targeted 711 on killing at least 4 people. the attack hit the village of julia. a senior hezbollah commander is among the dead. more than 320 hezbollah members have been
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killed, killed by is really swipe since october and the occupied westbank, not the policy me and read. preston says at least 6 policy needs have been killed by is really forces the raid was carried out in the area of conference done near the city of janine convoys of is ready on the vehicles drove through the town. witnesses say is ready. soldiers fight. ms. tyler of the house which they had surrounded. another is really ami rate in the occupied westbank, left for palestinians dead on monday. they were killed in the kind of cars from nima during fighting with soldiers. their bodies have been house by the army. no day has more on the scene of the in cash, the violet nights and the sleepy town of guilford not worries really occupation forces killed 4 men later mourned by how mosse is barely forces frayed. this car
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with bullets killing 3 and another further up the road. they also took over that house from which they carried out part of the attack. let me, i will here in the kitchen or clean was had in the the screen buick special forces . they started crying or who came over to see and the soldier pointed. the laser at me and ordered us at some point to enter inside for what after they looked us all inside the house. yeah, soldier came out and shut towards the street. looked at the bookcase. things are still here that the others went to the roof and shut some more. paramedics weren't allowed anywhere near this location, is really occupation. soldiers took the bodies of the form and they killed before designating this car. this is a part of a long standing is really policies of holding the bodies of palestinians. they kill captive a bit over $500.00 bodies, remain and is really captivity a $111.00 of them were killed since october of last year. not all the address
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either before, 9 me palestine to austria, where the question is being asked if the sensitivity to its role in the holocaust has affected its reaction to the war in gaza. in recent months, the authorities of crack down on the number of demonstrations in solidarity with how to sign. obviously, era has obtained videos which show please detaining students, which acted as they would not broadcast by all stream media as haven't been java. dre for some vienna. the vienna university of technology is usually a quiet campus like campuses all over the world. student protest is gathered here on the the 29th ers degree diversity to divest from companies. they see a complicit in the genocide in gaza. with an hours the police moved in and dismantled the protest. students do not want to give their full names and your prizes from the
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police and also to be in the thirty's. those who study here say they were surprised by the heavy handed tactics. but it's if we continue to voice the demands, the, the immunization of all our universities in austria by cutting that ties with the autopay and defense fund and the austrian different funds. the demand for the buy cards of all these very universities added estimates, programs that are done with them. we to accomplish it in the genocide of the scene . and people are active as the more austin citizens and residents are joining the gatherings and meetings from all social and religious backgrounds. we feel that has a jew is because of a history here. and because of the history there are voices can be heard in a way that other voices are not. and the chad for camp here was there was only one solution revolution into fraud or revolution. and then your going to say that into fighters paid speech when actually it's
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a less or thing then revolution. the next with a basic rights and freedoms in australia are increasingly and the fire in nor astrid bog. nobody's freedom of speech is under threat of thoughts. i can east das didn't basically know about causal is, well, it's about freedom of speech, explaining the legal context of this logan from the river, tennessee was that outside by 5 heavy, all policemen. freedom of speech, basic rights are in danger, in austria. and all these concepts please, yup, the police should not discriminate on the basis of the slick academic c upon european train, but in green is done before the, the for b and racism in society is making far right politics. more mainstream. austria, like germany, has a certain pause and the perpetrators of the articles. so we are particularly sensitive to everything that might be again going into the likes of
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violent waves against the state. a visa is not to be standing, whatever war crimes and guides against humanity to co and is the way the government is perpetrating in gaza. if many of those people who calling for a c spy and goes as a machine from crime is of the past, cannot justify support for today's public. great is a violent. so i'm a job without 0. being the stella head on algae 0, malawi, vice president, discontent dad in a plane crash year wreckage was found after an extensive search operation. and will gary it has one of the fastest shrinking populations in the world will tell you why people are leaving them. many of the israel's war on god becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine
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being met with military style pressed down wide? is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on our to 0, government shut off access to social media. the the welcome back. a reminder about top stories on the algae 0. my son is lama g has say they are ready to reach a ceasefire. de gaza. they sent their response to the mediators of the us back proposal. but the 2 groups want to show in says that he's ready forces were fully
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withdraw from the gaza strip. these are the military is carried out a series of deadly strikes across guys, at least $45.00 as the needs have been killed in the 24 hour period. is really forces show the 10 cam sheltering force to be displaced. and and these really yes swipe has targeted the village of julia in 711 on getting at least 4 people. a senior has full of commander is among the dead. i found out it was news in the united nations as one that the escalation named fighting and laws were kind status for us. 45000 will hang on to flee to the border with bangladesh. but life in there will hang accounts is also becoming move all the time. time the child to report some concepts. bizarre. caught in the middle of a conflict between the right kind rebel army and the me on my military. tens of thousands of predominantly muslim going to have racing, they fled to northern rock kind state and now hiding in the jungles near the enough
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river bordering bangladesh. o, just spoke to 2 men who recently managed to escape to buying a dash to avoid being forcibly conscripted by both sides. both left their families behind. and i'm not worried about their safety, the in me, and i'm a young and middle aged to being a forcibly taken away and recruited by other con you rebels. and to me, in my military life is getting increasingly difficult. the so i took the risk and flight to banquet the address on was low on a good we process the amended many really difficult of the on the boat or military don't that didn't come with us and i kind of it is telling us are come with us, i call to the now for the bible, the united states and united nation both say they're deeply traveled by recent reports of escalating violence and tension between communities in rock island state to the allegation or force encouragement of ro hang up by different sides in this
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conflict appear to be the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic minority community that as long complained about persecution, and marginalization more than a 1000000, joining a living bodies. now the world's largest refugee can. but the face, new in security, is inside. as the driver will hang groups and battle for dominance in the can, gang violence and fires are frequently reported in the past 3 months. several 100 running, amend and teenage boys have been abducted from the refugee camps to whom does military is accused of sending them to me and my to be forced to fight. recently my 15 year old son was abducted late at night by members of a he a political group. it's almost 20 days and i have no idea why and where he was taken on the band with this government says it will not allow any more rang uh, to enter its territories. my money to the shop,
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somebody going to be on my always had internal strife. may be more intense now. so this internal conflicts should not be used as an excuse for stalling in you were, betrays and process. the expert text by the un with investigating events in me and marseilles, thousands of innocent lives will be lost if the international community fails to response to signs of another impending mass killing, operating in rock kind state under each other. you know, just data cuts as bizarre the international criminal court prosecutor wants witnesses to help with an investigation into allegations of all kinds. and so don style for region, thousands of flat out fashion of the largest city and our 4 is fighting intensifies between the army and the power military rapids support forces. it's the last to be in the region of don for that he's still under the control of government forces. he is fighting began in the area last month. the u. n. has warned of increasing violence in the area. often aid worker died of
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a gunshot wound on monday from these a caught in the middle of the fighting with nowhere to go, leaks, and unicef have received hearing reports that at least 6 children have been killed and many more injured in the city. since the 7th of june, thousands of children, including those living and large displacement camps, are trapped in the middle of the increased fighting and are not able to reach safety. alger zeroes have a morgan has more from car to the prosecutor for the international criminal court. has appealed to those who have evidence of crimes that have been committed or are still being committed in bizarre for region to come forward with those evidence and present it to the court to help it with its ongoing investigation regarding work crimes and other crimes that are committed in bizarre for region. now the prosecutor made a special concerning, knows about and fashion, and that's the last city in that are for region that is under the control of this is denise army, which has been fighting department a through rapid support for assistance. april last year,
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the prosecutor says that civilians have been targeted, rape has been used as a weapon of war. and that's hospitals where those who have been injured in the fighting between the hours have invested in his army. and if i should have been targeted as well, now civilians in the city of passion say that they are concerned that if they are as have continues its attacks, they will continue to be displaced over the past month. more than 100. 30000 people have been displaced from a fashion as a result of fighting between the food in these army. i'm the parent military, rapid support forces, the humanitarian research lab. as ego university says that more than 30 ethnic, that our communities have been burned to the ground by the parent military rapids support forces and says that there is an imminent attack that is bound to happen by the iris f. as it seems to take over the military to garrison in the city over the pressure which is being described right now as a kill box, we spoke to one person and displaced person in the city open fashion. who says that while he is quite happy,
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that the international criminal court is looking into work crimes or other crimes that are taking place in bizarre for region. he also reminded us that this is not the 1st time the international criminal court is investigating crimes in the dark for region. since 2003, there have been work, crimes, crimes against humanity and on the side that have been committed according to the international criminal court itself. and business place person who we spoke to says that while he is happy that they are investigations taking place, see also reminded us it reminded us that over the past 2 decades, nobody has been held to account for the crimes that have taken place and led to the displacement of more than 2000000 and the death of about 300000 people. he says that they've been waiting for 2 decades. i know it just as has been served and this time they are concerned that even if there is a process underway just this may take years. he by more than alta 0 cartoon malawi is vice president, and 9 of those have been killed in a plane crash the across wreckage was found after an extensive search operation in
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the north. welcome web report. some little ongoing support is hoped he'd be milady's next president, the remains of vice presidents last to lima of be improved to the capital of a long way in 40 bags. logan's, it'd been waiting to find out what happened since the plate. and he was in when missing on monday morning with 9 other people on board. it was found on tuesday. the search and rescue team has found the aircraft in the hill in the ground, our forest. and they have found it completely destroyed, with no survivors. as our passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with us of elections. 4 years ago,
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governments get accused of corruption over procurements of military vehicles. you need to lee my face charges in cold 2 years ago, which we dropped last month with the to the explanation will always stuff it's signed, claims drowned and food shortages in recent years. many people are frustrated with the government. they want to see it will be the country's going nowhere i don't see is progressing any way. if things are handled like this, the government needed to have moved phones to search for the plane even within the same hour it got lost on the radar. to do thank god, it isn't that you provide me with the lima and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a former cabinet minister in the city. as in zoom to engine, prepare the plaintiff and back in bad weather. before disappearing from radar in a suburb, a long way here outside to him is home cause a parked in the street,
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belonging to officials, friends and family, is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next . yeah. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements, they will say, wondering who president chuck quite a while the points as his successor. political samuel here in the weeks ahead. malcolm web out, is there a long way law way in democratic republic of congo, a new prime minister and her government have been sworn enough to more than 6 months of delays. judas. so meanwhile, to look, i becomes the country's 1st female premier. the new smaller cabinet is made up of 54 ministers. the government's formation was delayed by internal disagreements over ministerial post following president for the extra securities re election. the us present, joe biden says he will respect the judicial process after his son hunter was convicted of all 3 charges in a federal gun trial. prosecutors say hunter by then lied on
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a mandatory fi on purchase form by saying he was not a legally using or addicted to drugs. i'll just here as christians allow me, has more on the trial and its implications. hunter, biden's, wife and other family members were with him in court when the verdict was revealed, it took the jury less than 3 hours to find the president's son guilty of lying about his drug addiction to illegally purchase a gun. back in 2018 us attorney, david weiss, who was appointed by the biden justice department to prosecute the case. very said it goes to show that no one is above the law. no one in this country is above the law. every one must be accountable for their actions. even this defend, however, 100 bugging should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. the trial included photos and text messages documenting biden's
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addiction to crack cocaine, as well as excerpts from his memoir and testimony from his ex wife and daughter who hugged her father after taking the stand. first lady joe biden, his step mother and other family members showed their support by filling the court room during the trial. in a statement after the verdict, hunter biden said, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week than i am disappointed by the outcome present. and joe biden did not mention his son's case when speaking of an event for victims of gun violence, but said in a statement he loves his son, and quote, will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. after the event, the president headed to his home state of delaware to be with his family. but his sons, legal troubles are over yet. he has another trial on tax evasion, charges scheduled for september just 2 months before the elections. kristin salumi,
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l g 0. in transfer notice against the far right i've taken to this race and buyers for a 2nd day. they demonstrate as a calling for a left leaning parties. i am trade unions to build a strong airlines in opposition to the right ahead of parliamentary elections. the center, right republican party announced it wants to join forces with the extreme right national radi potentially setting the scene for a surgeon right wing parliamentary c. that will gary it has one of the fastest drinking populations in the world in the late 19 eighties, nearly 9000000 people lived in the country with the latest census data from 20202021 shows that figure is down to about 6500000 or we can assume sharif reports from southwest bull, gary, veteran of friends boutique hotel in kingston. the bug is border with north macedonia. and sylvia, the small town of 5000 people has almost reduced by health in recent years. so
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puts a note for lies and workers from nipple does make histone and project histone to from his business to business turned into the offering. we see foreigners come here to live. so why people leaving there is no prospect. the development, the educational system is really lacking. in young people go abroad to study and they don't pretend they just get good jobs in the west. north fall from his hotel is this has been school building the project abandoned of to the forty's realize there are no children in the neighborhood. kids and this is a month set for the cities and bulgaria that reflect the countries acute demographic crisis. it has one of the fastest linking populations of globally, the worst challenges in terms of multi konami developing social development. lots of some of the young law. so the big majority of the work here is population and the loss of growth of the old agents organized population and pensioners.


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