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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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start dances has really helped a lot of generation trauma connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere the stream on out just the or the a how my son is, lama g. had respond to the us box. these 5 proposal for guys i but want a showing says that a feminine ceasefire and complete withdrawal buys, where the forces will take place the low this vouchers, 0 live from dell for new back. people also ahead us secretary of state down to the link and continues his diplomatic for sore, the middle east to secure a guys a sci fi deal is set to arrive and cut off the talks in the coming hours.
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as you and report very 5 thousands of grade violations committed by is really forces against children in palestine or send and use the body of malawi as vice president to rise back in the capital after he was killed in a plane crash with 9 of the mouse and his lama g as they, they are ready to reach us these 5 did with this route this send their response to the us back proposal to country in egypt. should mediators, the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but the 2 groups say it is responsible and positive. they have however, proposed amendments, which we understand include these really chose pulling out immediately from the roof of border crossing. and the philadelphia cord or not just from popular this centers in the 1st space and a joint statement time off and as long as g had say,
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the response prioritize of the interest of a palestinian people and the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against sky and is rest withdrawal from the ty, gaza strip. the palestinian delegation expresses readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against people based on a sense of national responsibility. meanwhile, the us secretary of state antony blinking is on his way to do how to discuss the response with catherine mediators after visiting egypt and israel. he was also in jordan, where he page more than $400000000.00 in humanitarian aid to palestinians. best go live now to i'll just, there is handout whoever a who's in central guys are in del blah and good to have you with us. tell us 1st about the reactions that 2 of the hopes of a ceasefire of people hopeful that with this some us response. they could be
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a ceasefire. imminently, apologies, we've lost connection to hand who do rate in dial by, in central gas of a we will reestablish it and come back to her. and just a few minutes at the white house. meanwhile, has confirmed that it has been given the response from her mouth, but revealed a few details. his mind kinda in washington with more, and that's on the national security council spokesperson. john coby has confirmed that the us administration has received the response from us. he says, and a phone call with reporters that we are evaluating it right now. he added that. it's certainly helpful that we have a response as full the report, the details. i think i'm just going to give me a right now. that means that they have received the response, and now they are looking at it and working through the details of us secretary of state has said that the bowl was in a mazda is quote, in terms of responding to president biden cx, 5 proposal. well,
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that would not appear to have changed since that how much the response of the bowl would now appear to be tossed over the net. and in israel, as quote, to come up with some form of response, i suddenly am us now moving with the whole matter of fluid, particularly with its commitment to hold dialogue with a view to reaching agreement on a last thing, cx 5, the one sticking point, though, although we're waiting for full details, what appeared to be the most insistence that a complete is rarely withdrawal from gaza, precludes a c spy, isn't a consequence of one, but we'll get those details as they become available. president binded himself a went down to delaware, to be with his son following him to biden's conviction on federal gun charges. however, we understand he's close me watching the situation. this is something that he's being pushing all parties to accept. and certainly this 3 phase c spy that he
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announced just spend to 2 weeks ago is something that is absolutely adamant he wants implemented by kind of which is hera washington to the united nations, has released its annual children and armed conflicts re for detailing the increasing violence children are facing across the globe. in 2023. there was a 45 percent increase in the killing and maiming of children worldwide. much of that was in palestine and israel wake re violations against children. have sold a 155 percent. and of the $371.00 you and verified a tax on schools and hospitals in 2023 is really forces were responsible for almost all of them. gabriel, at least on to has more on the report from the united nations in new york. the children in armed conflict report is mandated by the security council and issued by the secretary general every year for the past 22 years. now. private copy
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of the report was given to the security council members on tuesday, but the u. n. is expected to release it publicly on thursday. but the report which outages here has seen an advance copy of says that last year is really armed and security forces killed and maimed children and attacked schools and hospitals. i'm austin, as lubbock jihad are also mentioned that listed in the report as grave violators of children's rights. later this week of virginia gamba the secretary general's special representative for children. an armed conflict who composed the data for the report will be speaking about its findings for the 1st time. gabriel's on to l, just need at united nations in new york. let's return out to central guys and handout of who did re, who's in daniel belie for us. and i was asking you earlier about the reaction that to the how mosse response to the ceasefire. fine,
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are people hopeful that i see fire could be minute? well we're in the state of mixed feelings. we're talking about how sadness, optimism, and people are cautious are spectacle. there's a lot of feelings, but most of the time people are very hopeful. this is going to bring as he's fire. some people are thinking how they're going to dismantle their tents and go back to the north. go back to their houses. other people are wasting the ceasefire because they want to go and search for the bodies of their beloved ones, chopped under the rubber. other people want to go and make sure their home still exist, or if they were bombs. most of the people are saying that even if they could with boxes and measuring parts of photography and sounds their houses, bonds are going to set up a tent on the rubble of their houses. everyone here right now in a box, the hospital in this courtyard has been sharing their experiences. what will happen?
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what will this is why it brings us? are we going to go back through the uh to our houses are uh, is uh roughly crossing going to open and a lot of hope. an every once a heart snow in the gaza strip. but people are still cautious about the fact that this may sales just like the other at times during the past 9 months. so cautious optimism there in the meantime, and they've been more strikes across the guys that bring us up to speed with the laser. there has been a couple of targets. our teller is showing an air strikes in dropbox. at least one child has been killed. and there has been a target for 2 residential homes and the gods. the city of the 6 palestinians from a human house were killed earlier this morning after it is, is there any. a plays targeted them and according to the civil defense,
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they were not able to reach the house and they were not able to pull or rescue anyone who was living inside the house. but we have been witnessing a lot of targets on residential homes in the past. couple of months and it's still continuing yesterday in the cause of $54.00 houses were targeted and at least 8 palestinians were killed at it's, it's still continuing and, and it's it despite the talks of ceasefire, is the environment on the causal strip. continue pain. thank you. very much for the update that sound to zeroes and also to re live there in darrow bloss central gas the non to out of world news and international criminal course prosecutor wants witnesses to help with an investigation into allegations of war crimes. in this ron stoffel region thousands of flight out fashion and the largest city in down for us
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fighting intensifies between the army and the power of military rapids support forces. it is the last city in the region of don for that is still under the control of government forces. even morgan has more from saddam's capital cartoon. as the prosecutor for the international criminal course has appealed to those who have evidence of crimes that have been committed or are still being committed in the dark for region to come forward with those evidence and present it to the court to help it with its ongoing investigation regarding work crimes and other crimes that are committed in bizarre for region. now the prosecutor made a special concerning knows about and fashion. and that's the deluxe city in that are for region that is under the control of this is denise army, which has been fighting department a through rapid support for assistance. april last year, the prosecutor says that civilians have been targeted, rape has been used as a weapon of war. and that's hospitals where those who have been injured in the fighting between the hours have invested in his army in fashion,
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have been targeted as well. now civilians in the city of i'd pass you to say that they are concerned that if they are as have continues its attacks, they will continue to be displaced over the past month. more than 100. 30000 people have been displaced from a fashion as a result of fighting between the food in these army. i'm the parent military rapid support forces. the humanitarian research lab at the university says that more than 30 estimate of our communities have been burned to the ground by the parent military rapids support forces and says that there is an imminent attack that is bound to happen by the r as f, as it seems to take over the military to garrison in the city over the pressure which is being described right now as a kill box. we spoke to one person and displaced person in the city open associated . who says that while he is quite happy, that the international criminal court is looking into work crimes or other crimes that are taking place in bizarre for region. he also reminded us that this is not the 1st time the international criminal court is investigating crimes in the dark
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for region. since 2003, there have been work, crimes, crimes against humanity and on the side that have been committed according to the international criminal court itself. and business place person who we spoke to says that while he is happy that they are investigations taking place, see also reminded us it reminded us that over the past 2 decades, nobody has been held to account for the crimes that have taken place and left to the displacement of more than 2000000 and the death of about 300000 people. he says that they've been waiting for 2 decades. i know it just as has been served and this time they are concerned that even if there is a process underway just this may take years. he by morgan, alta 0 cartoon lauins are still taking use of the death of the vice president sellers to lemme was killed in a plane crash along with 9 others. his body has now been returned to the capital markham. wherever for some day langley, his supporters hoped he'd be mil always next president. but the remains of vice
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presidents are lost to lima of being proved to the capital of a long way in 40 facts. logan's, it'd been waiting to find out what happened since the plate and he was in when missing on monday morning with 9 other people on board. it was found on tuesday. the search and rescue team has found the aircraft in the hill in the ground galler forest. and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors. as our passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with us of elections. 4 years ago, governments get accused of corruption over procurements of military vehicles. the need to leave my face charging cold 2 years ago,
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which we dropped last month with the to the explanation will always suffered, site claims drowned and food shortages and reason. yes. many people are frustrated with the government. they want to see it will be the country's going nowhere i don't see is progressing in any way. if things are handled like this, the government needed to have moved phones to search for the plane. even within the same hour it got lost on the radar. visions which i do think i isn't that you provide me with the to lima and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a for my coming to administer in the city of assuming the 2 engine prepare the plane 10 back in bad weather before disappearing from radar in a sub a long way. here outside to leave is home cause a parked in the street, belonging to officials, friends and family is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next. yeah. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements,
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they will say, wondering who president chuck quite a while the points as his successor. political samuel here in the weeks ahead. malcolm web out, is there a long way lower the still ahead on algae 0. the us begins with drawing its tools from the chair as the june to expands military ties with russian forces. i'm also going to get the northwest columbia were thousands of families tired of the years of broken promises on the re distribution of land. having baited the property of an extra day to the truck traffic or the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the
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justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera, the hearing dislikes shark populations, a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet. the story, the colleges here with the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, they watching l. g 0 live from to high reminder about top stories. moss and is, lama g has say they're ready to reach a sci fi gene in gas on them. they sent their response to the mediators of the us back proposal. but the 2 groups want assurances studies really forces willfully withdraw from the street us secretary of state. and to me, blinking is on his way to del hodges customer response with costs remediated as optic visiting egypt and israel. he was also in jordan where he page more than $400000000.00 in humanitarian a to policy outstanding use malawi is,
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are coming to terms with the loss of the vice president and a plane crash fellows to them as body as being returned to the capital the non great of the united nations has warned the escalating violence in young laws. what kind state has forced 45000 go hang a to flee to the bank, or does she border by the conditions in the over crowded camps? i'd be coming on stable, which is here, is tanveer champ, really for some cox's bizarre, a caught in the middle of the conflict between the rock kind rebel army. and the me and my military tens of thousands of pre dominantly muslim going to have race. and they sped the northern rock kind state and now hiding in the jungles near the enough river bordering bangladesh. oh, just spoke to 2 men who recently managed to escape to bangladesh, to avoid being forcibly conscripted by both sides, both left their families behind. and i'm not worried about their safety, the in the me and my young and middle aged,
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i mean of forcibly taken away and recruited by other con, um you ripples and, and me, in my military life is getting increasingly difficult. the so i took the risk and flipped to bank with the address on was low on a daily process to amended. many really difficult of the on the boat or military don't that didn't come with us and canada is telling us, or come with us. i call to the not for the bible, the united states and united nation both say they're deeply troubled by recent reports of escalating violence and tension between communities in rock island state to the allegation of force, encouragement, off romane got by different sides. in this conflict appear to be the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic minority community that as long complained about persecution, and marginalization more than a 1000000, drawing a living bodies. now the world's largest refugee camp. but the face, new in security, is inside. as of rivalry hang
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a groups of bevels for dominance in the camp. gang violence and fires are frequently reported in the past 3 months. several 100 running, amend and teenage boys have been abducted from the refugee camps. the home does mandatory is accused of sending them to me on my to before it's to fight recently my 15 year old son was abducted late at night to buy members of a he a political group. it's almost 20 days and i have no idea why. and where he was taken on the band with this government stays, it will not allow any more rang uh, to enter its territories. my money to the shop, somebody going to be on my always had internal strife, may be more intense now. so this internal conflicts should not be used as an excuse for stalling in. you would put ration process. the expert text by the un with investigating events in me and mark stays thousands of innocent lives,
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will be lost if the international community failed stood response to signs of another impending mess, killing operating in rock kind state. it's gonna be each other, you know, just data cox, as bizarre and democratic republic of congo, a new prime minister and her government have been sworn enough to more than 6 months of delays. judas to meanwhile to look at is the country's 1st female premier . the new cabinet is made up of 54 ministers. the government's formation was delayed by disagreements over minis. terry, a post following president felix to securities re election in the us has begun withdrawing its troops from the share. more than 900 soldiers stationed in bases across the country are due to leave by september, the 15th, the jazz building stronger military ties with russia instead. nicholas hoc reports . and this may not have been what the americans wanted, but these years didn't seems happy to bid us troops farewell officers gathered on
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the tarmac of new i'm is airport and they visibly uncomfortable ceremony marketing, the beginning of the end of american troops and these air, this withdrawal of us forces will not impact the ongoing development relation to the open relations between the united states and new share. both countries remain committed to establishing diplomatic dialogue to shape the future there by law. busy relations, but over 900 us soldiers are being forced to leave the west african nation. the u. s. is dismantling. what was the united states, the biggest intelligence hub in the region? this includes 2 strategically located air bases, from which it operated, manned, and unmanned surveillance, drones over north africa. and this the hell in an interview with the washington post's news. here's prime minister explains the decision, saying the americans stayed on our soil doing nothing while the terrorist killed people and burn towns. it is not assigned
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a friendship to come on our soul. but let the terrace attack us. he went on to describe the condescending tone and lack of respect, shown by a high level us delegation visiting the country in mid march. the us award easier, a student against selling the countries uranium rich resources to you around and having any military alliance with russia. and yet, as the us withdraws, russia is dipping in. they will take over the installations built by the us military. we board with us training facilities to try and all sorts of specialists . we have big counterterrorism experience. russia is now present in these there molly burkina, faso and the central african republic. the american choose may be leaving these here, but they're certainly not leaving the region. there are some american soldiers right here in the car center. go and discussions are and a way to re base us true in coastal countries. this is to help them fight off on
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groups, links to all tight and i so, but also to contain the rowing influence of russia in the region. the us is struggling to hold onto it status of a reliable superpower in the region. with the latest departure of american soldiers in these air, the winds of change appears to be blowing in rushes favor. nicholas hawk al jazeera the car. the people in 7 mexico has been forced to free their homes after gang members open, find a ton of taylor over 4000 people escaped to a neighboring town. after gunmen stormed a residential area, kidding. at least 2 people, they burned cars and thousands of buildings in the attack seats success space have been detained by columbia, has one of the highest levels of land in equality and the world's leading. many people homeless in one area in the north, thousands of time. these have decided to take the matter into their own hands by invading a property owned by a convicted drug trafficker. alexander,
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i'm get you have a force in the town of cal kasha within shacks, expand across the 378 sectors of this. i'm feeling a range in the past 2 months and 7000 families of occupied this property on the outskirts of the town of co kaz. yeah. it's currently columbia largest lamed invasion. yeah, yeah, i'm 1st i think about the spokesman for the dress passers says the 1st 200 families arrived at the end of march after being homeless or not able to afford pain rising rains. if this had thought a numbers more, i had to sell in the sectors called new jerusalem. these are all vulnerable people who don't have a home. and they decided to come here to live due to lack of opportunities. the federal government, the 51 years old movie a movie and it was displaced from a nearby gold mining town after a non group killed her son. just set up a little sharper in the front of her shack to make ends meet. well,
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how does that look? and 11, what i make is not enough to pay for rent, rent, so very high you can pay up to $1000000.00 plus us with utility bills. it's impossible for me. that's why we took matches in our hands to get decent housing. and we have no problem but, but what was a relatively manageable crisis group, explanation the, the president, gustavo federal promise to buy land setting bay. there's these more families occupied the rest of the property outside of the mat you of your 30 here, and i request you to talk to the owners of the land and the ranches and consultation and as and tell them that if they trick us and don't offers for thailand, we will buy it at commercial prices, but it's not being that easy. this property was owned by a convicted drug traffic our extradited to the united states, and that has been at the center of a legal back though for over a decades. people here tell you that thing patient is
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a reaction to too many years of broken promises on the re distribution of land. columbia is one of the highest degrees of land inequality in the world. less than one percent of the population on 60 percent of the country's best land since coming into office. 5th row has promised to buy upwards of 3000000 hectares of land to re distribute to the for the arrival of pedro. it has meant that the political will, is the, it's the 1st time that the government has put so many resources into advancing with land or distribution. unfortunately, the current laws, the quotes, the protocols and the culture of some officials going to allow the plan to move forward as needed. local authorities have tried to evict him, they there's twice, but they were blocked by the government or the courts, leaving them in an easy limbo between hope of achieving a decent home and the misery of their situation. allison that i'm 50,
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i just the outcast. yeah. that is a news for now, analogies here and that's it from me for the bad to both. stay with us. the weather is next. then inside story, we'll look at what is behind the rise of the fall lights in europe. as always more information on our website that out just here at dot com. stay with us on the of the that's, that's a review of this time of the delivery then took you, you'd expect to have just to rise didn't to be hauled. it's exactly what it is, and it's ready for relief from that from either cloud or charles or wind for the most part. so we're heading up towards 50, then i forty's in iraq. we're off in the fifty's quite happily near the coast of the east and met and knows in the past of egypt and the middle of to the cube which
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will be higher, thirty's. but the real heat is held for central saudi arabia, possibly q 849, or 50 the warnings that unusually in saudi arabia. as we approach this 49 to 50 level along the customer, miles is normal to see the wind pick up. this time here, they catch the edge of the monsoon. the south west one seats are still outstanding . so 23, i need increasing the clarity but dry otherwise. and that's also to threat tropical africa. the winds are still strong up the coast to somalia can in terms of near the warnings here because of the strength of the wind and the height of the ways on the coast attends them here. child spouse. but there are a few in the congo central african republic and south to dine, which i'm hoping are useful. but the size of the season is very dry picture of the night when the sun is that by day. but because the land is quite high degree in south africa, it's cold by night. the,
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the shifting to the rights far right policies made gains in the european parliament selections, seriously threatening, named spring politicians. so what's the high and the rise in popularity in europe and how could that shape politics from the old country? this is inside the


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