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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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drilled the masters in famous intellectuals, the like, has reached its final thrust award winning documentary is from around the corner, which is 0. the the know i know about this, and this is the news on life from jo. how coming up in the next 60 minutes video is obtained by i'll just see it up here to review some of the executions of on the palestinians by is really soldiers in a street that was meant to give them a safe passage in gaza. thomas and pa, the city and it's not a jihad to demand a complete c sparks under withdrawn. and this really forces from johnson and the response to a us led proposal you and blacklist the suit and he's army and part of military
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rapids support forces for an increase in violations against children, including sexual violence. the body of malawi is vice president arrives and the capital officer. he was killed in a plane crash with 9 others were live and a long way. plus i'm going to say that i'm 15, northwest columbia where thousands of families tired of the years of broken promises and the re distribution of land having bay the property of an extra day to drug traffic or the . we're going to be getting this news. i was videos emerging out of gas, appearing to show somebody execution. so palestinians buy as many soldiers all to 0 . it has obtained the videos on. let me give you a warning. some of you might find them disturbing. we're choosing not to show the moment of death in the videos that were taken out on our sheed street. that's the co stole roads connecting north and south gaza. israel has a designated it as
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a safe is own for palestinians, wanting to move between the areas. this voltage is from june. first, it shows a person walking along the beach is where the soldiers appear to have stopped them . and moments later, the person is shot. this next video is set to show a group of palestinians walking north on may 17th. one of the steps out of the group and raises their hands in the air upon a police showing that they are on on their shots within minutes. then the video appears to show soldiers coming in to take the person's body away. and in this voltage, another person is standing in the same area with their hands in the air. this is shortly before they're shot by is really soldiers. the same then happens to another person later, we're going to bring it down to the lowest and he's the author of the palestine laboratory. it's a book on israel's arms and civilians industry. he's joining us live from 70. thank you very much indeed for being with us. i want you to help me out with some context
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1st of all, geographically. what's your understanding of where the safe is old was at this time as well. the truth is there is no sides on as every view of the amenities relatives claimed at various points in the last 8 plus months of sudden pots and cows or recess. and particularly in last month or so, for example, way around 800002 1000000, posted in some rough and mood slightly away from the border on egypt. but there was no sign because those areas were all side bomb. so there are no signs of spot where these rock lines, and this is sort of foot days that your showing is just the, at the latest example of the conflate criminality. really and on accountability of these rally false as a, without any kind of rules of engagement. across these rarely military says the rules of engagement, if you ask them directly. and if they're saying for a long time being guys are, and frankly, long before on type a 7, those rules of engagement on lex at best. one of the, um,
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when it comes to situations like this, one of the arguments that are on the defensive, should we say that is and put forward by the is really military, is that individuals would pull some sort of stretch to the troops or they would encroaching on some sort of a military installation, you've seen the pictures. what's your interpretation? would that argument stand up? you know, is the short answer and it's similar to what we saw or i think about a month or so ago. so now to hear from, for the drive and footage of palestinians on um to uh, walking in an open field, nothing they are in military installation who was shocked at the number of them. and this is a fits into a long standing passion. and almost certainly if he's real, does a respond to this that will say yes to investigate. it was against the rules of engagement . we deeply apologize, but it's never goes anywhere. and that, similar to what we're saying, for example, a huge amounts of israeli soldiers documenting on tick tock and other social media platforms, other abuses of palestinians,
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things simulation and palestinians. and the id that there's a particular saves. so nothing goes that goes to the heart of what israel's creation and gals, which is large and buffet zones. that in the current negotiations for a circled ceasefire, which appear to be sold, yet again, varies. a total undermine from homos at all is really false, as would inevitably withdrawal from the reasonable amount of time. but these are all has been creating for months, largely out of the international law. i bought designs where around 16 to 20 percent of guys that had a sensually being doubled up by the circled buffer zone. and there's no suggestion for mutual that they would never leave that office and essentially allowing them access and then know from the south of guys or any time they want when and if the war. and so the idea of say, signs armies tragically, we are talking about a war zone and soldiers combat troops under fire um can be under significant stress
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. is there anything in these pictures to indicate that the soldiers may have been responding to a stressful situation? it was not that we're saying obviously it's impossible to know exactly what happened before this footage and what happened. finally after bought it fits into a long standing pet. and as i say, all these riley soldiers being treated happy and this has been since october 7 along these rout guys, a board of 4 years. somebody on the extra member number days ago, the circle guys, i'm not sure for 10 with thousands of palestinians, but shows many of the names forever. simply walking towards a fence in gaza and she's numbers of palestinians were killed as well. so yes, he's really soldiers would fill under the threat. that's not true because it's a was on that that does not justify any kind of killing of on on civilians. nothing justifies that whatsoever. benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly, for referred to, the is really military as the most model army in the world to do these pictures
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reflect that many id that in 2024. these riley, goldman doesn't many, it's has been supporters claim that there's any such thing as a model. may, i mean, the concept of armies, by definition you could argue i. e, moral, i'm, what i mean by that is that if you look at the us military in the last 20 years, iraq or afghanistan, all these reli miller trained guys are, will the west bank, or frankly living on in the last 2 years. the morality is of a point mass killing these the point mass slaughter is the point, as they're saying gases since october said when the idea of having potentially 40 to 50000 palestinians killed the vast majority from the civilians. no one really buys this argument, but these arroyo is immoral. i mean it's great is backers and supporters might support that or believes that delusion. but no one who is rational does and that's why many pets the world. now it's equally young people in the us, israel's image has tang completely tang, and that's a problem of these roles. going to have moving forward, hunting,
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that one soon. we appreciate you being with us and i'll just do this. so thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. a tom austin thought to send you in as long as you. hi. and i've responded to the us back proposal for a cease fire in guys that they've sent their reply to the content, the encryption mediations, and the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but they say it is quote, responsible and positive, and the joint stipends. they've said the response prioritizes the interest of a palestinian people and the necessity of complete, the stopping, the ongoing aggression against johnson and israel's withdrawal. from the and todd guys and strip the palestinian delegation expressed is readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against our people based on a sense of national responsibility. and we've also proposed amendments to the proposal which include as many troops pulling out immediately from that off a border crossing the philadelphia cottage, which runs along the border with egypt. us secretary of state,
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onto the blinking is not on route to the cost of the capital. don't have to discuss the response to the cost of the mediators as part of lincoln's whistle stop touring . the region where he visited egypt, israel and jordan, that we're going to speak to bundle smith live in. i'm an agent just a minute. let's go head to central gaza and speak to i'll just get his hand called you who's live outside the likes, the hospital in den obama. i what are the reactions to the possibility that there might be some move towards deceased by him? the rep for the 1st time, for since a long time college sinews are admitted to the top floor. but they're also cautious inspect your car. the past couple of months have been horrifying for policy and you starting from being displaced from dropbox a couple of times and now being us please into the middle area. people are coming in approaching us and asking us, what does this mean when are we going to know if this is these fired every single time someone ask the ask, are we going to go back to the north,
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or were you going to go back to our houses, there's another woman who asked me if we go back to our houses and there's a ceasefire. well, i know anything about my missing brother. honda sinews have been trapped and separated from the north through the south for months now. assigned me to use have been separated. people have been not knowing anything about their beloved ones, and there's have been a lot of people that are missing their family members. there are thousands still trapped under the rubble and the palestinians are waiting for the minutes. they're counting the seconds to a ceasefire deal because this is the only thing that will bring, bring them at the spot again, palestinians are in this state of fear on of an frustration also that this deal would fail just like some other deals in the past. couple of months, rob, and of course in the meantime,
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these really attacks continue and guys have just bring us up to date with alexis. well, yes, there has been a couple of error strikes on because of safety or where are these 3 houses have been targeted? since the early hours of the morning, and dropbox is still being targeted according to owner where there's at least 100000 policy new sell in drop off as the is really military operation happens there. there was also a child's killed earlier this morning as the is where the forces target the house and dropped off. there has been a lot of our tele re sending in the middle area and in the northern parts of the gaza strip. it's still ongoing and people are scared that the ongoing air strikes me that this axis far u. v is going to fail, but still, palestinians are still striving to find food. they're still striving to find drinkable water, and it's not only air strikes that are ongoing. also the located on the cloud
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district and the closure of rough crossing is also killing the policy news solely rob, hidden, thank you very much indeed. homes, right? yeah. and constantly my 1st there in the, the, i'll fall off while these are in a government is bind, i'll just data from reporting is also about as smith is joining us from the jo, danny, and capital amman. so we understand that there has been a pellet palestinian response from the groups there to it to this deal that has been put forward by the us. that to the us as was originating with the is written is have the, is really, is made any statement or any commitment to this will so fall, rob. these riley's have said essentially the time us has rejected the original proposal, but both sides in this israel and how much of only have i given vague commitments to what was jo biden's proposal that he said was proposed by israel. that is now
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parked by the un security council. yes. and they blink and it has said, are you settle it yesterday on tuesdays at the benjamin netanyahu? i think ready governments have accepted this proposal, but publicly when benjamin netanyahu is asked about the idea of a permanently negotiated see spot with how much he calls it a non stop. so this seems to be some sort of contradiction in these rarities position that i menu have come us who have responded to this late deceased by proposal, but they haven't fully endorsed it. how much sticking to that original? always long help positions that i want a permanent withdrawal of israeli forces from the territory of gaza and an end to the fighting waters. as a reminder, what is seemingly on the table is sold of initial 6 week ceased by the release of some compet saves on these rails withdrawal from populated areas. and that not is supposed to lead onto a loan to negotiate to, to negotiate
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a nice but us secretary of state on to the blinking wasn't israel. he then moved to jordan for that to monetary and conference that we were covering 24 hours ago. now he's expected to arrive here in doha, in, in cotton for more thoughts. a yeah, your eyes in castle, you will speak to the prime minister, the amid the counselor along with egypt to close those main links, carrying conveying messages to hamas as part of the negotiating team. lincoln has settled along and he's got arrival here in the middle east. that the onus is on how much he says he's going to try and persuade and pressure middle these leaders, those particularly now in kat's a need to get him us to accept this deal. but as we've said, neither israel haven't really publicly accepted this deal either. so the challenges of getting a ceasefire over the line when both sides remain so entrenched in that position. a
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very, very clear, it's gonna be very difficult for him to get some sort of agreement close to the c spot proposal that came from joe by the initial band and smith. thank you very much . indeed. let me just give you a reminder that the is really government's bind. i'll just see it or from operating in israel. that's decision was extended on sunday and that's why band, it has been joining us from neighboring jordan. ok, lucy yano is all kind of is associate professor of golf politics and katya university. he's joining us here in the how good to have you back with us at all? just 0. so the, the palestinian groups are performing a homeless and as long as you had have put forward their response to the proposal that's on the table. what's changed? what so far? not that much. uh, even though if you, for the, if for any press, you see that there are some nuances and how they reply. i mean, basically, there we throw all of the troops. is the main at, on some of the most express of this the same that they have been asking since the
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very beginning and the end of the old l. a meet that i've seen. but these, some of the media, i'll send the actually be slots of departments as part of it's dropped from the how much for both. so we don't know exactly about this as to a lot, but what it's clear is that the strategy, it's a all for it is already said that they would reject that response because it keeps repeating the same that they were asking. what is confusing here is that the, when i'm blink, and so just if he's proposed like his 3 sites plan a couple of weeks ago was east friend who said, oh this is not actually our proposal. they made some amendments. i know that they may have some, some edmonds, in order to get approved. they will have the additional security council resolution based on his release changes now blinking to send up how much production because it's actually how much proposal. so we don't know exactly which for both of these is israel or how much, what we see is that both types give sign that's the mornings in your, in your court on no, you just need to accept on the other site. no, no. yeah,
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we accept the but we need some changes to send out this send you started. so we are, i assume in more or less the same situation done 345 months ago. and so, um, how much as long as you have that position hasn't changed to a certain extent, it comes down to how these readings are going to define what they would regard as a victory. and they've never been clear on what they would regard as a final point if you're like, in this conflict. exactly the final objective of in and by now isn't anybody beginning? and i assume from main, i mean, or most of the got a spectrum any style, including the population of these for at least to eliminate the threats. that's how much we present these means. it was worse to eliminate how much politically and mean it's already in the front that they are dealing with some group that the of the end of the deal. if that is said these unimpaired minds, as far as however, we allowed them to continue the work to eliminate them, something that this elizabeth contradicting us well,
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and i'm more over consumer than that. so far it was the most for the, the mediately, they kind of eliminate the problem that they have even do that they say fall, then you kind of, we, this one. so if this is the final goal, how they'd be fine. victoria, maybe 30 times. i'm not important because terms know, being released in the hostages, said only the only before they once would be very difficult to which that's deal without risking the continuation of the war. and also of course, um how much this position in the short time is to an end to conflict in gaza. what it does not do is address the longer time goals of the palestinian people, which is to establish a palestinian state. and therefore, although homeless and this lemma jihad, i have said that they are willing to talk about the proposal that is on the table again, those longer time issues still have to be addressed a moment. imagine that's gotta factor in at some point to the thinking of the way that they approach whatever the deal is eventually on the table. what supposedly this is included in the 1st phase of this agreement that is going to be signed,
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but anything that can happen with the rate or the rate of this to reach this thursday. so if the final objective will, how much is to will reach an agreement that allowed stick to that policy and site to be, to be created? i don't think even that this did with got on to that because it's rarely was making very clear at least, and it's on the whole dormant that they, we never allow a 2nd state to be creative. so what can be achieved if the reach of his heart only releasing the hostages to free or to reduce the, the east or the 4th is a deliberate. the host is to focus only on this monthly on this one i'm us, which is kind of contradict. and themself in terms of long term object. if there would be no 11th and not long term objective for how much it's really good to get your thoughts on this one is not going to, we appreciate it. thank you very much. as well as being blocking the flow of food and essential goods. and there is a lot of everything in guys. and now what's available in the open market is too
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expensive for most people to afford international aid organizations of accused israel's government. i'm trying to deliberately stop people. i am a 100 points from central gaza, the killing and maiming of a trap. civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on god, on this obvious, the slow data from the in a star, the residence of guys i live under a crushing land, a naval blockade, even long before the war in the last 8 months is what it has typed in. it's a truck sold and supplies and squeeze people into tighter spaces so that i as we are in the house where i live, there were so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move there even feeling the hallways and regarding the prices of food. that's a different wells, a different rule. it's a will and of itself. rather than say what cost less than a dollar before the war is now selling for $510.00,
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even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now, not only this really military has pushed palestinians into internal displacements, but a housing horse, a suffocating, a blockade. on the gauze of reb, severely limited gain 3 of essential goods and food supplies. into the small in clouds this blockade has led to severe, a scar, city of basic necessities, triggering sharp, a spike of buddha prices. it's an intensification of the seas is rep, has imposed and destroyed since homeless to power in 2002nd street vendors for survival and daily earnings now can turn a profit even if they have something to. so the say most people can pay for the law in the past 10 days. i lost 50 percent of my capital, maybe more. and it's not just me,
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it's everybody. as for the price is sort of on the president and levels. people here see regulation to keep the price is affordable, is not working. and international groups criticize israel for what they described as a deliberate attempt to start the people of god. i need my more a 0 from this central area of the gaza strip. how is the dogs on the, on the bottom of the trees above it? support forces. so it'd be nodded to the un, blacklist for killing and injuring children, and attacking schools and hospitals. they are as follows, listed for recruiting children and for rates and other forms of sexual violence against children. and you run report shows a staggering 480 percent increase in grave violations from 2022 to 20. 23. the report verified more than $30000.00 crimes committed last year, including during the war in garza,
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the international criminal court prosecutor once witnesses to help with an investigation into allegations of war crimes. this advance golf for region. positives of floods of fashion, the largest city, and all 4 is fighting intensifies between the army and the part of military rapids support forces. unicef says thousands of children are trapped in the middle of the increased fighting and then not able to reach safety fears. fighting began in the area last month. the evidence my office is collected to date seems to show credible, repeated, expanding. continuous allegations of attacks against the civilian population. in particular, attacks direct to the gains comes for internally displaced persons. it seems to show the wide spread prevalent use of rate and other forms of sexual violence. 8 seems to disclose consistency of the shedding of
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civilian areas. the looting of properties and attacks against hospitals just as capable of and reports from call to or the prosecutor for the international criminal court has appealed to those who have evidence of crimes that have been committed or are still being committed in the dark for region to come forward with those evidence and present it to the court to help it with its ongoing investigation regarding work crimes and other crimes that are committed in bizarre for region. now the prosecutor made a special concerning, knows about and fashion, and that's the last city in that are for region that is under the control of this is denise army, which has been fighting department of through rapid support for assistance. april last year, the prosecutor says that civilians have been targeted, rape has been used as a weapon of war. and that's hospitals where those who have been injured in the fighting between the hours have invested in his army. and if i should have been
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targeted as well, now civilians in the city of i'd pass you to say that they are concerned that if they are a step continues its attacks, they will continue to be displaced over the past month. more than 100. 30000 people have been displaced from a fashion as a result of fighting between the food in these army. i'm the parent military rapid support forces. the humanitarian research lab at the university says that more than 30 estimate of our communities have been burned to the ground by the parent military rapids support forces and says that there is an imminent attack that is bound to happen by the iris f. as it seems to take over the military garrison in the city over the pressure which is being described right now as a kill box, we spoke to one person and displaced person in particular open associated. who says that while he is quite happy, that the international criminal court is looking into work crimes or other crimes that are taking place in bizarre for region. he also reminded us that this is not the 1st time the international criminal court is investigating crimes in the dark
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for region. since 2003, there have been were crimes, crimes against humanity and on the side that have been committed according to the international criminal court itself. and business place person who we spoke to says that while he is happy that they are investigations taking place, see also reminded us it reminded us that over the past 2 decades, nobody has been held to account for the crimes that have taken place and left to the displacement of more than 2000000 and the death of about 300000 people. he says that they've been waiting for 2 decades. i know it just as has been served and this time they are concerned that even if there is a process underway just this may take years. he by morgan, alta 0 cartoon. so i want to give you a closer look at all 4 shows. the last stronghold of the city is government in north stuff or is it but was just describing b, u r s f is taking control of nearly all the main cities. they're local, i'm groups of broken months and you're trying to declaring allegiance with the citizens. all mean framing that the state is going to fall completely into their
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hands. off asha has also been a major supply route for aid. and the conflict there means relief is no longer being distributed and is making a dire humanitarian situation. even worse, we're going to bring in dalia mohammed of the money. i mean, she's a political commentator, specialize in saddam, she's joining us now from title. thank you so much for being with us. i want to ask you, 1st of all about the fact that the armed forces of sit down on the bottom of the tree, rapid support forces have been added to a blacklist or do we have any indication of what that means? um it just it high up for so thank you for having the time like the fact that both sides are violating and the committed crimes against the civilian population on obese. the crimes committed by the iris of are more horrendous and more holistic than i've ever read or seen in my life. but it shows the maybe they're trying to show an even handedness. we need to really responding to the,
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to the war and so bad. but we also have to say that the majority of the violations and the war crimes that have been committed have been done. so i've been done by the r a step and it's not just inside here or in the floor where they've been doing it. they have been committing their crimes throughout all the areas that they're in . this controls, the children more than 200 civilians in the village, in dizzy or state just last week. in cartoon, women are in the areas that they still hold. i can buy harry that women are held in servitude. you know, rape is, is rank, but you know, they were reports of a disabled child being great by the reset of a 17 year old elderly lady being raped by the recess. so the crimes of the art stuff are horrendous, and i welcome the i. c c's decision. but i think they also need to expand and look into the other areas of the country. so i'll just start for the sufferings of the whole country that's under the control, the are itself suffering from the crimes of the are assessed. i want to ask you
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about this i c c investigation because the prosecutor is asking witnesses to come forward giving the level of of threat that there is in the countries you've just been describing. do you think it's likely that people are going to be prepared to step forward? hello. this is a bare, i mean, i see the reports. i see the videos, i read the testimonials. it's a, they're the fact that it's taking them more than a year to actually, it's instigated this investigation is in a way, not probable, even though it's on nothing matter at all. because the kinds of been committed since day one since war broke out on april 15th 2023. and you know, the have to simonian so you know, those who, there's more than 10000000 to the needs displaced right now. that's a quarter of the population. said, sounds alternate investigating teams find setup a fact finding mission. the evidence is there, it doesn't need anyone to come forward then present it. it's there. it's available . those in those in the uh,
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refugee comes in chad. this is it needs who are displacing egypt. the ones and if you'll hear everyone has a story, there is number one singles to the needs that does not have a story about the volume of nations that have been committed against the people. i guess the people of sit down. and so this call is welcomed, but i think a little more work is needed from the, from the i c p. and i understand that you were into down, you know, in cairo. can you talk to us about what it was that made you leave? well the area, the neighborhood that i lived in in car too, was one of the center points of the war of the conflict between the 2 sides. we had our assess snipers in our neighborhood. our house was hit by missiles, so it was not in the safe for us to stay. i mean, i never thought of them. i love those how i'd be forced to leave my home, my country, but we have to. and like, i'm fortunate enough that i was able to leave and i was able to leave on farms, and i was able to set up a base here in egypt with my immediate family. but so many of us are in but lucky.
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and the do think the please the words, but it just has gotten worse. sorry, i'm a honda of the money and i apologize for interrupting your thank you very much indeed for being with us to thank you for having me go ahead to malawi now, where people are still taking him use of the death of the vice president silo. surely emma was killed in a plane crash alone with 9 others on monday. his body's not being returned to the capital lock and web reports. from the long way his supporters hoped he'd be malawi as the next president. but the remains of vice presidents last to lima, have been brought to the capital a long way in 40 facts. logan's, it'd been waiting to find out what happened since the plate and he was in when missing on monday morning with 9 other people on board. it was found on tuesday.
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the search and rest of your team has found the aircraft in the hill in the ground galler forest. and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors. as all passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with us of elections. 4 years ago, governments get accused of corruption over procurements of military vehicles, only to lee my face charges in quote 2 years ago, which we dropped last month with the lead to the explanation. we've always suffered, signed claims drowned, and food shortages in recent years. many people are frustrated with the government to see it will be the country's going nowhere i don't see is progressing in any way . if things are handled like this, the government needed to move funds to search for the plane,
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even within the same hour it got lost on the radar. to do think i isn't that the problem, it would be to lima, and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a for my coming to administer in the city. as in zoom in, the 2 engine prepare, the plane turned back in bad weather before disappearing from radar in a sub for the long way. here outside to him is home cause a parked in the street, belonging to officials, friends and family, is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next . yeah. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements, they will say, wondering who president chuck quite a while the points as his successor. political samuel here in the weeks ahead. malcolm web out, is there a long way below away the mountains where there's no, he's joining his life from the long way of markham, so an uncertain future from
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a lot he's politics, but also for some blow from the vice president supporters. that's right. so now the government's announced 21 days both morning is that the state general movie organizes fortunately man in the coming days. and it's announced the vigil take place. it is official residents, we're just outside that right now. people are arriving located in the gates as the biased thing inside the lima was he have leadership roles in the several, the 3 international ration, simple print here in the lobby before he went into politics selected as vice president in the last election in the 20. now that was part of a political lines to be the party at the leg. and then we'll say the policy of president lazarus, wherever i just got a line in naples and i removed but then the other service,
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which is the story that are waiting to find out the check where it will appoint as 866. so it's being discussed on the radio stations here and you know, wait, we discussed and social media as well. 2 names being mentioned, substituting likely to be in the police because we have sold power point politically. so each of the new supports will expect somebody from welcome. thanks very much. indeed. as monica web joining us from a long way, we'd like to apologize for the quality of the sun on malcolm's line. they're still ahead on order 0 here on ones the escalation. advise you ma'am, on the west of all kind of states force 455 isn't working yet to flee to the bank that actually border plus my dig. oh
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okay. that was sort of user going to see over trouble. we need a 19 year old palestinian girl, and johnson is sending a message to the world super. so uh well is that the, the to europe is still divided with weather coming in from the north, meaning that in northern europe, it isn't too much like summer. but that's in the south and some places a bit too hot. on the dividing on this front of the system that won't go away. it's producing big chairs all the way from spain. so we central funds 9 rolls mid to late and increasing the in the bulk in states, and it's a pretty nasty weather in australia as well. so that's the situation as we see it at the moment. that's when say, so this i sees more of the same that spain poach going from rejoining summer
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temperatures into the high twenty's and the sunlight. it's and he was, he's a big fan, the stones as we'll croatian property over mania and south of that. notice that united athens that is particularly oh, there's not a reco or surprising, maybe hang on to that till friday. then it cools down as the wind direction changes . don't think we'll see any sense domes here throughout the. it's a hot inside of the met training to those maybe a tripoli open gals. the both in the low fourties carter is back up to $41.00. and indeed, it's pretty hot throughout the whole of africa. this when that was a higher means that this passed or west africans holt, whereas coming up against it, useful shower was big ones. finally, moving into the south of molly, the certainly in nigeria is a big one. say that also in the full across. and they stretched 2 sides to then to each. yep. yeah. the,
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the us is changing. why aren't we? we have 7 dial cells from the living world alleyway, a covers theme, physical obstacles to meaningful cline attacks. everything is totally unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and our place. oh, hail the planet coming soon on 20 the
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the origin or does it a reminder of i told stories this ok. videos of it matters out of guys. opportunity to show somebody execution of palestinians by as many soldiers. all just data has obtained the videos. some of you might be finding them disturbing that we're checking around all of her sheets strict that's across the road, connecting north inside of cancer. israel had designated it as a safe sub for palestinians. wanted to move between the areas thomas and tanya spinning as long as you know, hod have responded to a us back proposal for the ceasefire in gaza. us secretary of state on to be brings on his way to don't want to discuss the response with cost of the media sedans, army and the pot of military rapids support forces will be not into a un blacklist with kenning and injuring children and attacking schools and
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hospitals, the auto sap has been listed for recruiting children for rates and other forms of sexual violence against children and reports due to be published on thursday. ukraine and its allies of met invalid and to discuss securing support for post war reconstruction. president means that mc address the conference highlighting the damage the russia has inflicted on the countries energy facilities. as estimated you claim to be to run $500000000000.00 in the next decade. he's also looking to solidify his position as a future. you member of those 370 z as in this meeting in itself is already a result because it's very difficult not to lose l eyes. and part of the countries and united countries who are partners and non partners is a difficult mission in itself for ukraine. when the war has been going on for months, so to speak, to john home, his following developments for us from caves. so as we were saying, repeated version attacks and ukraine's energy. and what's being an uninstalled of
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the stop in a couple of announcements rope. the european union said it's going to get 15b euros of profit from pros and russian assets that he's rushing us is they've been frozen for some time. but your opinion on the united states has been searching for ways to try not to get that money to you cried. it seems that they found it and they said that will get transferred by july. 90 percent of it is for defense, 10 percent of it is for reconstruction. germany. so he said in this conference that it's going to be giving upon the pot trip system. please read defense systems to crate. it already set the actually, but it re, it's right to the united states has said that it's going to pledge a $124000000.00 to support ukraine's energy system. and that's really the main point for presidents. the landscape is you were mentioning robes of this
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reconstruction conference. the rest of it said about hall of ukraine's energy producing capabilities have been knocked out by russian aerial strikes. so as, as well as the defense systems, the patrick ones we've been talking about at presidents zalinski has been saying that also the country needs to be repaired and it needs support to do that, especially for the winter months when temperatures can go well below 0. here and also the demand goes up, actually that the tech company, which is the biggest private company for energy and you cry and said that we could do for 2820 hours a blackouts and a worst case scenario later on in the year. and that would obviously be very difficult for this country, both in terms of waging war, but also in terms of morales and not being set for its population brought in rolling blackouts in the capital in the rest of the country. so that's the 1st priority for presidential landscape on the last day of this conference. a reporting to us from keith that is on home and thank you. are there
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a here association of thailand? honda is 100 the electro to the u. n. refugee agency about the human rights situation, then me and mazda of elk hang states fighting there. as far as to many behavior communities out of their homes. tony chang has more from bangkok, here outside the united nations headquarters and bank called the right hand good community. china is come out to protest and head over led to the united nations of what they say. also serious human rights. this is taking place in northern we're kind stayed on the animal and they're talking not just about the actions of the military june to those at the, our account on the resistance posted. it's been fighting against for the past few years since the military grew up to one, just supported this supporting from united nation. please help us and take care of us. we just one piece. we don't want to see more
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reports that we have heard from inside say that the a has also been to the guy who can get a few more inches truthfully, far outside of the city. a boat he's done or in mid may moving 800 homes with certain life altering no a 100000 people to sleep. never had good community here so that as the college intensifies, the people once again, getting sold in the middle. tony chung else's the conditions and the over crowded comes and neighboring buying was actually becoming dire, was talking of your charter, the reports from cox's bizarre of the caught in the middle of the conflict between the rock kind rebel army and the me on my military tens of thousands of predominantly muslim going to have racing, they spread the northern rock kind state and now hiding in the jungles near the enough river bordering bung with dish. oh,
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just spoke to 2 men who recently managed to escape to bottom of the ash, to avoid being forcibly conscripted by both sides. both left their families behind and on not worried about their safety in me and my young and middle aged mean of forcibly taken away and recruited by other con you rebels. and to me, in my military life is getting increasingly difficult. the so i took the risk and flight to banquet the address on was low on a goodly processed the amended me really difficult of the on the boat or military don't that didn't come with us and i cannot, is telling us or come with us. i call to the know for the bible, the united states and united nation both say they're deeply traveled by recent reports of escalating violence and tension between communities in rockford and state to the allegation of force, encouragement off romane got by different sides in this conflict appear to be the
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latest instance of expectation of the ethnic minority community that as long complained about persecution, and marginalization more than a 1000000, drawing a living bodies. now the world's largest refugee can. but the face, new in security, is inside as of arrival to hang a groups of bevels for dominance in the camp. gang violence and fires are frequently reported in the past 3 months. several 100 running, amend and teenage boys have been abducted from the refugee camps to whom does military is accused of sending them to me and my to be forced to fight. recently my 15 year old son was abducted late at night to buy members of a he a political group. it's almost 20 days and i have no idea why and where he was taken on the band with this government say's it will not allow any more rang uh to enter its territories. my money to the shop. somebody going to be on my always had
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internal strife, may be more intense now. so this internal conflicts should not be used as an excuse for stalling in. you would put ration process the expert text by the un with investigating events in me and mark stays thousands of innocent lives will be lost if the international community, faster response to signs of another impending message killing, operating in rock kind state. it's gonna be each other, you know, just data cox as bizarre into as i'm it is director of the center of a general genocide studies at the university of jack. he's joining us from the bangladesh capital. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. we heard one range of protest are in bangkok said to tony chunk that they don't want more genocide. how does the situation that they're here facing now compared to what we saw in me involved in 2017 this uh, thank you to uh, well, this time it said, i think the ranges, uh, i mean got uh between um the config, not an army and but my de,
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my middle tree it's, it's a little bit different. i would say are rather different from what happened in 2017, when you had a clear case of getting, sadly intent on the part of the me and my ministry. a game though he goes. but this time, the cost of between these 2 uh, you know, conflicting parties. i find a started correctly the one of the reasons why the conflicts has stepped up is because the con, the army is taking advantage of the punk beach would appear to be splits within the forces of the national unity government. that's a medium of government in exile. what's driving those splits within the government forces? one of the course of the community of the media to community going to be why didn't know the you have and you g, p, d, f. uh, you know, those are support on so so t, and on the other hand, you have them in my, a ministry of, you know, it's, it's the, the, the split of the, me give the community and i guess
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a bit to calmed organizations. both of them are all taking advantage, including our economy. so don't know how to con army other if the positions that they have also picking up a delta thing, opportunity to, you know, increase their hold on, on, on the, on the territory that they had. so i guess it's an opportunity that economic find that like the, you know, easy display and that's what, what's happening now in ma. mm hm. that are being continued calls for. i'm upside in someone's decide to bring some sort of control, some sort of uh, confusion if you like to the situation in me and more particularly the situation with regard to direction. yeah. is there anything that, that i think your people themselves should or could to be doing in order to strengthen their case? as i think, what is the gland is a great opportunity among building the community, particularly those who are residing abroad, you know,
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or to enter the 19 countries where you have reading guys. and there are several organizations working on the language issue. but unfortunately you, you have to have a civil then $51.00 civil entity would actually campaign that calls to the one of the sort divided at and that i think needs to be somehow addressed. so if they can all get together and form unity and have a civil entity, because whenever we talk about, you know, wrinkles we talk about us on a minute and we can, but we don't talk about the civil and do the i think it's important to have a see with in the ad building and global level. and here's, i'm the director of the center of a genocide studies at university of duncan. so thank you very much indeed a southern hand and i'll just say the gang violence forces sizes or people to flee southern mexico. the
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columbia has been one of the highest levels of land and equality in the world. and sizes of families have decided to take matters into their own hands by invading a property own devices victim. drug trafficker are assigned to arrive if you have any reports from the time to case you. as within shacks, expand across the 378 sectors of the sun filling the range in the past 2 months and 7000 families of occupied this property on the outskirts of the town of co cars. yeah. it's currently columbus largest lane invasion. yeah. yeah. i'm 1st i think about the spokesman for the dress passers says the 1st $200.00
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families arrived at the end of march after being homeless or not able to afford paying rising rains if that's a thought or a numbers. and why do i have to sell in the sector is called new jerusalem. and these are all vulnerable people who don't have a home. and they decided to come here to live due to lack of opportunity for the federal government. because 51 years old movie, a movie and it was displaced from a nearby gold mining town after a non group killed her son. just set up a little sharper in the front of her shack to make ends meet long. well, how does that look? and 11, what i make is not enough to pay for rent, rent, so very high. you can pay up to $1000000.00 plus us with utility bills. it's impossible for me. that's why we took matches in our hands to get decent housing. and we'll be able to pump it out. but what was a relatively manageable crisis group, explanation, the to president gustavo 5th, a promise to buy land starting bay. there's thousands more families occupied the
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rest of the property outside of the met you, of your sorry to hear and i request you to talk to the owners of the land and the ranches and consultation and is and tell them that if they trick us and don't offer us for thailand, we will buy it at commercial prices, but it's not been that easy. this property was owned by a convicted drug traffic our extradited to the united states, and that has been at the center of a legal back though for over a decades. people here tell you that thing patient is a reaction to too many years of broken promises on the release to the ascent of lands. columbia is one of the highest degrees of land inequality in the world. less than one percent of the population on 60 percent of the country's best land since coming into office. 5th row has promised to buy upwards of 3000000 hectares of land to redistribute to the for the,
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the arrival of pedro has meant that the political will is the, it's the 1st time that the government has put so many resources into advancing with land redistribution. unfortunately, the current laws, the quotes, the protocols and the culture of some officials going to allow the plan to move forward as needed. local authorities have tried to evict they there's twice, but they were blocked by the government or the courts, leaving them in an easy limbo between hope of achieving a decent home and the misery of their situation. i listened that i'm 50, i'm just the outcast. yeah. people in the southern mexico had to leave their homes of the gang members open, find the ton of chileya. more than 4000 people escaped our neighbouring turn off the government opened fire, killing at least 2 people. president under this manuel lopez, not at all and has sent in the army besides totes that are under way with on groups to a lot locals to return home. 19 year old or have nachos education was derailed by israel's
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war on garza, a medical student on a music lover, she had to free is really bonds with her family. unable to study sion, hopefully songs in the rubble for the children. that obama, the slight dixon was the that was right. and the, uh uh, uh, uh, the, the, i'm not a whole setting also for the hot cuz i'm a and then as a head minister i'm, i'm a general. so i was for a hand some of the the and that's enough and uh here, but sports at the say no to no good. good. so fun in tennessee area. beautiful. let me see if either i'm in an investment
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owens for the sonata, basically all the time they have. uh, i don't have to do this. i asked you and i was before the lennox was to find this. and now i can go there and study. so i board, my father's friends, the guitar to continue to deliver my my message to the the tell them have often a lot of them. yeah. i know. listen to me is how do i flush it up? well, i know how do i flush and at home i some useful and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with loading all these stories that don't forget to post the website. all the 0 dot com lots more pictures and background to all those songs on
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there. i'm roll matheson and stay with us on august. the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide, and however it is bringing attention to advise that this is not a rock and looks like rock. it looks like it's hell on heard voices. we lost everything. we're not through through this like connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region documents and other companies are still in indigenous land. the stream on our just the are from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia. ok. foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting
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communities in areas affected by more family policy and dishonest. your coupon a isn't lifeline for someone in the donate. now with confidence give you a coupon. a today without kind of foundation. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one in every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day, the internal security acts against violators, and then they don't do anything to use. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review and the latest crack them security forces are closing. shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the government
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into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the you and investigators accused both israel and the palestinian on groups of war crimes, the officer, this is obviously life and go home also coming up your secretary state onto the blankets on his way to go home to talk about the latest ceasefire plan for guys. do you run blacklist facilities on me, on potter military rapids award forces for an increase in violations against children, including sexual violence plus.


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