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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, a link that correct, but so is the international community upfront only without just here. the . ready ready ready and you an investigation accuses both israel and palestinian on groups of war crimes and its 1st in depth support into the bar and garza and the evidence of october. the 2nd the i'm about to send this is obviously rely from the hub also coming up us secretary of state onto the blanket, was on his way to contact to talk about the latest cease fire plan for garza, you and blacklist the student is ami um potter military rapids support forces for an increase in violations against children,
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including sexual violence. and the us begins with joining its troops from new jazz, the military zone to expands, ties with russian forces, the u. n. by human rights, experts of accused israel, of committing crimes against humanity on palestinian on groups of war crimes and their 1st in depths reporting into the water on garza and the attacks on october. the sense the independence you and investigation found israel responsible for using starvation as a method of warfare. it says is very forces have intentionally engaged and attacking civilians and therefore civil transfer. it also sites examples of sexual violence, torture in human treatment, and arbitrate detention. so let's remember, commission also investigated the october the 7th attacks, but israel prevented investigators from visiting the site some violations the pro 5
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accuses palestinian fighters of kenning civilians and taking captives. it says that also documents the torture and mistreatment of victims. i'm drawing nearby diplomatic attitude, james based james, i've just been having a very brief look through this report of the 60 pages long at once. your take on what's in the report, what i think it's very damning and you're right. it's dining because the detail is 65 page report, but actually there are 2 of the fact finding a sections analysis the attached to the report, the reports in 2 bits. really because this commission of inquiry has the mandate to look at human rights abuses that take place in the occupied palestinian territories . so that's garza, the westbank and occupied east jerusalem. but also to look at what has happened in israel as israel is 90 in 1947, a border. so there are 2 different uh,
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detailed reports attached to this, the bit that's on israel. 1947 board is mainly what happened all over the $759.00 pages, and the bit that's about the bypass a new cartridge to the west bank and gaza, a $126.00 pages. and as you say, the allegations and the findings here really serious war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the crime of extermination has been carried out. according to the commission of inquiry by israel. it talks about starvation being used by israel as a method of wolf or intention with attacks on civilians and starvation being used as a method of war collect to punishment including the use of sieges. now with regard to october, the 7th, it's very critical of hamas. it says it carry that will crimes to will full killing but to and torture. and it does say there was some instances of sexual violence, gender based filings. well, the ones that it's worth noting,
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but it's looked at some of the allegations of rapes made by these radio, socrates and by some is ready gen list and says it cannot independently verify some of those allegations. james of ever mentioning this is the 1st time and in depth report has been brought to bear. and as you say, the level of detail does appear to be quite significant. just on a quick look at it as you're talking in terms of the importance of this report, has significant visit as well. this is a body that is set up by the un human rights counselor for the human rights council . the report is coming out in a weeks time in geneva, but also to the un general assembly. it makes its report in new york is headed by the former high commission of human rights. now they play in terms of the human rights architecture of the united nations. this is the main thing. the main body of investigating human rights abuses is an ongoing investigation that has no end date for its monday. looking at human rights abuses in israel because the west bank and
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occupied east jerusalem. so on top of what we've already had, which is rulings by the international court of justice professional measures that and the international criminal court, which is now wants to bring charges against from us leaders and these, right, the prime minister defense minister. this is very important. i think, as i say, among the bodies of united nations and even human rights. yes. you have a special rep hotel who looks at the palestinian territories. you have special relatives in the u. n. system. and look at other aspects specific subject areas like to cheryl housing, but in terms of the whole of this conflict, this is the body that is tasked with looking at human rights abuses. finding the fax and finding its own view, legally of what's happened. it's allowed to make legal findings and most importantly, gathering evidence. and a lot of evidence has clearly been gathered here, which potentially can go to
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a judicial body to one of those costs as a later stage. it is worth saying that israel can condense, this latest report never cooperates with his body. the commissioners have to do all of its evidence gathering remotely because israel doesn't allow it into israel or into gaza, or into the west bank or east jerusalem for that matter. and the us so not sympathetic towards this commission of inquiry of body, but it's yet more diming weights of evidence, i think against israel, which senior is writing these. and so that might have senior americans like president biden, who because he where i am to pull you initially in, in the, in the, in the coming hours they will have to take quite seriously. james, thank you very much. indeed that's had to put magic edison. james base videos of emerge from guys appealing to show somebody executions the palestinians by is really soldiers. i'll just say that has obtained the videos which contain
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disturbing images that were taken care of sheet street. now that's the coastal road connecting north and south garza, as well as a designated it as a safe zone for palestinians wanting to move between the areas. this voltage is from june. first, it shows a person walking along the beach is running soldiers appear to have stopped them. in moments later, the person is shots. this next video appears to show a group of palestinians walking north on may the 17th. one of them steps i was at the group and raises their hands in the air upon and they showing that they're on off their shots within minutes. then the video show soldiers coming in to take the person's body away. and then this voltage, another person is standing in the same area with their hands in the air and this is shortly before they're upon for shot by israeli soldiers. the same then happens to another person later is thomas and palestinian islamic jihad have responded to a us back proposal for
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a cease fire in johnson. they sent the reply to the cost of the encryption mediators. the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but they say it is responsible and positive in a drawing statement. they've said the response prioritize is the interest of our protestant and people on the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing direction against garza and israel's withdrawal from the entire gaza. strip, the palestinian delegation expressed its readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against our people based on the sense of national responsibility. they've also proposed amendments to the proposal, which include as many troops pulling out immediately from the gulf of border crossing. and the philadelphia caught a dog which runs along the border with egypt. us equity estate onto the blankets on his way to contact us capital. don't have to discuss the response with cost of the mediators. we're going to go to binding. smith is joining us from the jordanian capital. i'm on. so talk us through what we know about this. the developments with
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regards to these, these 5 proposals, the lincoln's 8 visit since october, the 7th to this region and pops, the pressure has never been greater on how my son is rel, to agree to this. first in a c 5, this proposed by joe biden, who's that it came from these riley's now by the, by the un security council, but no clear indications of either side is willing to give way. yes. how must have responded to the latest proposal, but they have not accepted it the sticking to the demand for a complete ends of the fighting and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. b as riley's blink and says net and yahoo has agreed to the tests of a ceasefire. deal bought publicly the only thing these various set netanyahu's set, but any idea of in a go see a to permanency spot, he says, isn't on stop. so it seems like a contradiction, and we know that the negotiating teams, the categories in egypt and
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a slightly concerned about this, a power and contradiction in these riley position. and they hope the bring can conclude, give them some power vacation. i also said as a positive, but how much is still willing to take part in negotiations despite the mastercard of more than $270.00 palestinians and gaza a few days ago when these were conducted that operation to risk to rescue full captives. so clinton's last step as though uh, meets with the media and the prime minister and then from matthews on to it. so we will get more clarification from blinking after his meeting with the counselors partner. thank you very much indeed by dismissed talking to us from jordan's capital i'm on, i'm going to have just central guys and that we're going to speak to him the contract of his life for us and they're all about us. all these moved towards a possible negotiation towards the cx 5, it's all very tentative, isn't there? and what are the, the reactions bearing guys with these renews possible hopes of
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a possible cease fire? of the rough people are whole thing. they spend either a ton in their houses in peace because we know that they spend from of that and age of stupid during the war. and this was very hard fighting through them. all of these children are now preparing for ease. there's, there's a listening to a possibility of these fires, so there is hope among policy news but, or there's also constant caution and fear that this would fail. but people are saying maybe i even love how it's bringing peace and bringing a sees failure to their lives. we're talking about policy news that have been in a box up here for more than 8 months now. they have been separated from their families, they lost their houses, they lost everything, they have, their business is their jobs. and also they have been under severe, located the humanitarian situation is
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a catastrophe. the house situation is collapsing and has been used are waiting, counting the seconds for a ceasefire agreements and announcement that everyone is very positive. today, i'm heading to begin here. these are the reconnaissance rooms, flying overhead, just focus to, of course, the backdrop to all of this. which of the ongoing is reading strikes and guys are it has been very intense. the past couple of hours in the flow for a full residential area has been targeted, but it is rarely, workplace. we're talking about at least 5 families that have been targeted. a, it's the, is a very densely populated area and houses are sticks to each other. so when the is really forces targets a house, it's not only the house that is being targeted. also the surroundings of the area. and we know that according to your whether or at least 100000 policy,
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you still in the flat and they refuse to fax you waste and to listen to the orders of the is ready at forces to evacuate to the middle area and newness. but there has been also 2 houses at target to in the cost of the city and for you me. and as them at families end of the civil defense being states that they're the people are still trapped under the rebels. they were unable to rescue any one, but they're sure that people, some people are still alive and stuck under the rubble. and they have been facing a lot of challenges. and in the north, not only there's no fuel for them to rescue those palestinians trop, under the rubber, but also there's a new simon in the north and policy. and you are saying that the only thing available right now is wheat flour and there's no food, no vegetables, nothing. so it's, it's on all aspects escalating and that's why policy and use are in severe needs
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for a ceasefire. rob, and thank you very much indeed. that's in the contract talking to us from debt obama or the sit on. so i mean, the pot of military rapids support forces have been added to a un blacklist for killing and injuring children and attacking schools and hospitals. now all that stuff is being listed for recruiting children and for rape and other forms of sexual violence against children. and you and report shows a staggering 480 percent increase in greater violations from 2022 to 2023. the report verified most of the $30000.00 crimes committed last year, including during the war and gone some international criminal course, prosecutor once witnesses to help with an investigation into allegations of war crimes and sedans. da, for region 5 is, is a flight of fashion. the largest city in the 4 is fighting intensifies between the
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army and the part of military rapids support forces. units that says thousands of children are trumps in the middle of the increased fighting. and they're not able to reach safety in the us has begun withdrawing its troops from these. yeah, more than 940 soldiers stationed in bases across the country set to leave by september. the 15th not comes as much as building stronger military ties with russia. nicholas hawk reports from dot com, and this may not have been what the americans wanted, but these years didn't the seems happy to bid us troops farewell officers gathered on the tarmac of the image airport and they visibly uncomfortable ceremony marketing at the beginning of the end of american troops and these air, this withdrawal of us forces will not impact the ongoing development relation. developing relations between the united states and new share of both countries remain committed to establishing diplomatic dialogue to shape the future there by
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law. busy relations, but over 900 us soldiers are being forced to leave the west african nation. the u. s. is dismantling. what was the united states biggest intelligence hub in the region? this includes 2 strategically located air bases, from which it operated, manned, and unmanned surveillance, drones over north africa. and this a hell in an interview with the washington post new shares, prime minister, explains the decision, saying the american state on our soil doing nothing while the terrorist killed people and burn towns. it is not assigned to friendship to come on our soul. but let the terrace attack us, he went on to describe the condescending tone and lack of respect, shown by a high level us delegation, visiting the country in mid march. the us award these here a student against selling the country's uranium rich resources to you around and having any military alliance with russia. and yet, as the us withdraws,
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russia is stepping in. they will take over the installations built by the us military. we board with us training facilities to train all sorts of specialists. we have the counterterrorism experience. russia is now present in these there molly burkina, faso and the central african republic. the american choose may be leaving these here, but they're certainly not leaving the region. there are some american soldiers right here in the car center, go and discussions are and a way to re base us true in coastal countries. this is to help them fight off on groups, links to all tight and i so, but also to contain the rowing influence of russia in the region. the us is struggling to hold onto it status of a reliable superpower in the region. with the latest departure of american soldiers in these air, the winds of change appears to be blowing in russia's favor. nicholas hawkins. l g
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0. the car. still ahead and i'll just 8 of the year ends warning the escalation and fighting me and laws west of rock i in states as for 455 isn't working yet to fling to the banker that she board plus i did. oh okay. that was assigned to music and let's see a rumble. we're going to meet a 19 year old palestinian girl and cancer who sending a message to the was to her. so was that the, the, it should not be particularly wet term, the year entities yet, but i have noticed the shelves are coming back to west and job to march or on the cover of the composite bone. you know, you might get 3 or 4 days of wet weather. typically in jakarta we've already seen 3
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or 4, so we're getting up to where it should be. and yet there's more to come across as full cost is gotten another $3.00 days of shelves, even some of the stones we've got much visible sky. so that suggests some decent diet impulse us. and this disappointing looking weather on his way into victoria a new south wales. when from the south we suggest it might well be bright, rough and sunny, and maybe feeling a little bit on the cold side. the rain that's been floating in western australia is now disappearing, and that little circulation invite will probably bring significant re, maybe to have a late in west inside of victoria. it might be colder for this and it was well on the victorian outs cause eventually it tends to go this way across the tasman see towards new zealand. not a big surprise. i know, but here is the full cost in full assistant easier the winds from the know also it series not particularly cold, but i think you might feel it certainly smell on the hard red rain for most of the sapphire and then that crosses into north on during friday, so a couple of days that i know that pretty it the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you watching or is it a reminder about the home? so is this an independent you an investigation has find that israel has committed crimes against humanity on war crimes in the 1st in depth supporting into the war on god you went back to human rights experts to say israel's crimes include batch of extermination, torture and the inhuman treatment of palestinians. the commission of inquiry also accuses palestinian on groups of war crimes, particularly on october the 2nd on us and pano streaming. and as long as you have a report responded to a us box proposal for a cease fire in guns. these on boarding hasn't been disclosed, but they say it is responsible and positive us secretary of state and to the bank is on his way to contact to discuss the response with cost of the meetings. video 7 matches of guys are appearing to show somebody executions or palestinians by his
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rating soldiers. they were taking the overall sheets to discuss the coastal road connecting north and south 1000. it was meant to be a so called safe, so upon a simians mortgage and wanted to move between the areas so that i can get association to thailand is kind of the laptops and they care about. we just one piece. we don't want to see more and more reports that we have heard from inside the the a has also been to go ahead and get him on that is really far outside of the city. a boat he's done or in mid may moving 800 homes with says the light will say no, a 100000 people to sleep. never a hint, good community here. so that as the college intensifies, or i think of people once again. getting in the middle. tony channels as well. and so he was mentioning the vitamins in all kinds states for 45000 where he
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can get a free to the bangladesh, a border, but conditions and the over crowded camps. they are becoming dia, time to charge it. reports wilcox is bizarre. is caught in the middle of the conflict between the rock kind rebel army and the me on my military. tens of thousands of pre dominantly muslim going to have race. and they sped the northern rock kind state and now hiding in the jungles near the enough river bordering bangladesh. oh, just spoke to 2 men who recently managed to escape to bind with dash, to avoid being forcibly conscripted by both sides. both left their families behind and i'm not worried about their safety, the in me and i'm a young and middle aged to being a forcibly taken away and recruited by our economy rebels and, and me, and my military life is getting increasingly difficult. the so i took the risk and flight to banquet the address on was low on a goodly process,
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the amended many really difficult of the on the boat or villages didn't come with us and kind of it is telling us, or come with us across the now for the bible, the united states and united nation both say they're deeply traveled by recent reports of escalating violence and tension between communities in rock island state . the allegation of force recruitment of ro hang up by different sides. in this conflict, appear to be the latest instance of expectation of the ethnic minority community. that as long complained about persecution and marginalization a more than a 1000000 running a living bodies. now the world's largest refugee can, but the face, new in security is inside as of rivalry hang groups of metal for dominance in the can. gang violence and fires are frequently reported in the past 3 months, several 100 running
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a man and teenage boys have been abducted from the refugee camps. the home does military is accused of sending them to me and my to be forced to fight. recently my 15 year old son was abducted late at night by members of a he a political group. it's almost 20 days and i have no idea why and where he was taken on the bottom of this government says it will not allow any more rang uh, to enter its territories. my money to the shop, somebody going to be on my always head internal strife. maybe more intense now, so this internal conflicts should not be used as an excuse for stalling in you patrice and process. the expert text by the un with investigating events in me and marseilles, thousands of innocent lives will be lost if the international community, faster response to signs of another impending mass killing, operating in rock kind state under each other. you know, just data cuts as bizarre in democratic republic of congo. a new prime minister has been sworn in after more than 6 months of delays due to so many lots of harmony
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comes the nations, 1st female and that mold or new cabinets made up of $54.00 ministers. the government's formation was delayed by disagreements about administer your post office of the re election of president, fixture, security, not feelings, that snow july got fish, lea make free primary education. a permanent feature which is very important. seeking lead, make the population feel secure, securing the population means putting an end to the war, imposed on us by our neighbors. in particular, the rwandan family, the social welfare of the congress. these people, the monopolies observing 21 days of national morning after his vice president was killed in a plane crash on monday. so i'll assume that it moved what surely my body's not being returned to the capital in law commands has this report long way. his supporters hoped he'd be milady's next president,
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the remains of vice presidents last to lima of be improved to the capital. a long way in 40 bags. logan's, it'd been waiting to find out what happened since the plate and he was in when missing on monday morning. with 9 other people on board, it was found on tuesday. the search and rest of your team has found the aircraft in the hill. and that strung out a forest. and they have found it completely destroyed. with no survivors. as all passengers on board were killed on the impact to lima and president check where i haven't always had a smooth relationship since they were announced with this of elections 4 years ago . the government's been accused of corruption over procurement of military vehicles, only to lee my face charges in quote 2 years ago,
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which we dropped last month with the to the explanation will always suffered site claims drowned and food shortages and reason. yes. many people are frustrated with the government. they want to see it will be the country's going nowhere i don't see is progressing in any way. if things are handled like this, the government needed to have moved phones to search for the plane. even within the same hour, it got lost on the radar visions, which i do think i it isn't that you provide me with the to lima and the other passengers would do to attend the funeral of a for my coming to administer in the city as in zoom in the 2 engine, prepare the plane 10 back in bad weather before disappearing from radar in a suburb a long way. here, outside to him is home cause a parked in the street, belonging to officials, friends and family, is gathered as his home. he was expected to run in presidential elections due next . yeah. as his policy members wait for the funeral arrangements, they will say,
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wondering who president chuck quite a while of points as his successor. political samuel here in the weeks ahead. malcolm web out, is there a long way law way ukraine and its allies have mentioned bartlett and to discuss securing the support for postwar reconstruction. president is not to me, is that i ask, is address the conference highlighting the damage of russia has inflicted on the countries energy facilities. its estimates of ukraine could meet around $500000000000.00 in the next decade. keeps also looking to solidify his position as a future. you remember those 377 has and thought this meeting in itself is already a result because it's very difficult not to lose l as in part of countries. and united countries who are partners and non partners is a difficult mission in itself for ukraine. when the war has been going on for months, called me 19 year old and a half now, so as education was di, rail, why israel's war on?
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gosh, i'm a medical student. and a music lover, she had to flee is really bones with her family. unable to studies, you know, plays songs in the rubble for the children of dan obama. well, i've had it. oh,


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