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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the are you an investigation accuses israel on palestinian groups of war crimes. and its 1st in depths report into the water on garza and the total of the some of the tax, the know i'm about this and this is on 0 live from don't have also coming up. you are a secretary of state, down to the banking, arrives in doha for talks of key mediate or console also hom, us on the palestinian islamic jihad is their response to us back seems 5 times more
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than 40 people have died off to the lodge farm with through a buildings housing farm workers into waste buildings owners as being detained. plus i'm going to something i'm 50 and northwest columbia where thousands of families tired of the years of broken promises on the re distribution of land having bay that the property of an extra day could truck traffic or the . so we're going to begin with the 1st in depth you and investigation into israel's war on guys that my group of right sex spots of accused israel, of committing crimes against humanity. they also accused palestinian groups of war crimes. the independent un investigation found israel responsible for using starvation as a method of warfare in gaza. it says is where the forces have intentionally engaged in the attacking civilians and therefore simple transfer. it also sites examples of
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sexual violence, torture in human treatment, an arbitrary detention is remember condition also investigated the october 7th attack by homeless, but israel prevented its investigations from visiting the sites of violations. inquiry, however, accuses palestinian fighters of killing civilians. i'm taking captives, it says it also documents the torture and mistreatment of victims for more let's go to bonham. if he's joining us not from the jordanian capital, i'm on talk to us more about these accusations. what details all the run the report rob this is very difficult reading. it's a very detailed report, a 126 pages long from the human rights council that's looked at all sides of the conflicts and talk tobar, the 7 both sides from hamas and other fights in groups based in gaza, from israel, or accused of war crimes. as the you and human rights council, while israel in addition,
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is alleged or committed crimes against humanity because of the immense civilian law send. it says israel has been using starvation as a method of bull 5 that makes committed murder is intentionally attacked civilians . it's false to be transferred, people use sexual violence and torture, and humane and cruel treatment. i know also significant bank also mentions the occupied westbank benjamin a big increase, particularly secular violence in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. that is that, that the invest guys is found. israel's forces committed acts of the sexual violence, torture on an juvenile, cruel treatment, uncommitted, fostered and instigated a complicity on the action of settling violence behind us on october 7th, i know there are groups that it says they deliberately mode at people killed civilians at the no but music festival, particularly, i kill people hiding in public shelters through grenades into shelters. they set
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the commission, also documented and identified a pass and of sexual violence. now the penalty has been chattering. this commission of inquiry, she says, is imperative that all those have committed crimes beheld counsel pro bono. thank you very much. indeed. let me just remind you. the reason the band is talking to us from amman and jordan is because the is really government has bind. i'll just see it up from operating inside. israel is also extended that decision. it now is us secretary of state onto the bank has landed in the cottage a capital doha muse there to discuss how much response to the gaza cease fire plan with cotton. the mediators as part of lincoln's whistle, stop touring the region, but he's visited egypt, israel and jordan, thomas and palestinian. as long as you had responded to our us back proposal for a cease fire in garza, they sent their reply to the category and egyptian mediators. and the exact wording hasn't been disclosed, but they say it is responsible and positive, you know,
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the joint statement. they've said the response prioritizes the interest of our palestinian people and the necessity of conflict. the stopping the ongoing aggression against garza and israel's withdrawal from the entire gaza strip. the thought of standing delegation is expressed as readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against our people, based on the sense of national responsibility. we have also proposed amendments to the proposal which include as many troops pulling out immediately from the off on the border crossing and the philadelphia caught a dog which runs along the border with egypt spitting go to his central guy said that we're going to speak to fin cartridge, there's life for us in their ball at the bottom. and we've been here before, haven't we? hadn't where there has been the possibility of possible talks towards a c star. is it possible to get some sort of sense of the reaction in gaza to this possibility? why, of course the violence is continuing. the well,
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some people are positive and some people are pessimistic. this would fail because this is definitely not the 1st time we reach at that stage. and then everything says and that type thing continues. policy and use are in the state of panic, of horror, of hope, of frustration, of despair. they're counting the seconds the minutes, the hours this a more wood and they have lost a lot. they have lost their houses, they have lost their memories or beloved ones. they have been displaced from place to another. it has been very hard on the policy news since at 8 months now, and the only thing they can do is stay hopeful that they will reach at these fires do in subsidy. that agent is coming in the next couple of days. so they are believing that maybe they would spend this ease in ceasefire because they stepped ramadan and made them so that a war and the set that they did not feel that they had celebrated or they had at
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because they were actually killed. and there was a lot of incense air strikes at that time. so some kind of sinews are, this is a bit hope but, and be said that, yeah, i mean, it's enough. they have went through a lot and it's time for a ceasefire. now things stay with us because a groups have been saying the palestinians are suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger and starvation. dustin so people have died of hunger and d hydration. this is a 2 year old, one on this video was filmed as days before. she died among nutrition, her brother, to died last week of starvation pins. let's talk to us about the reports among nutrition and how people being affected. they're upgrading to unicef. there's 3000 palestinian children in risk of mon nutrition. and there are ready moms nourished and their risk of death. as at the blow paid
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on the glasses for continue sense the request incursions. there has been no medical treatments. those cases were supposed to get transferred abroad for treatments, but they were in band because the refund, encouraging all of these children and facing mom, nutrition are being in the hospital. doctors are trying to has them. but unfortunately there has been no medical supplies for them. they need medicine that is not available in the cause of the trip right now. and it's not only in a locks, a hospice in the sounds of garza, but there are also numerous cases in the north of the gaza strip. we talked to a couple of fathers and mothers and they're saying it's so hard to see your children dying in front of your eyes and they can't do anything about it because there's no food in the market. a does not reaching the serve and also they're not allowed to be transferred. and then is one of the children that died due to molly
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attrition in the past couple of months. and more palestinian children are in risk of death in the next coming a couple weeks. and thank you very much. indeed. there's an 100 kilometers from zillow about our videos of a nice from guys, appealing to show somebody executions that palestinians buy is really soldiers. all just data has obtained the videos which contain disturbing images that were taken near oliver. she'd street now that's the coastal road that connects the north and south of garza. israel has designated it as a safe stone for palestinians wanting to move between the 2 areas. now this voltage is from june. first. it shows a person walking along the beach is many soldiers appear to have stopped them. the moments later, the parsonage shots, if next video appears to show a group of palestinians walking north on may the 17th. one of them steps out of the group and raises the hands in the air upon the showing that they are on,
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on their shots within minutes. then the video show soldiers coming in to take the person's body away. and in this voltage, another person is standing in the same area with their hands in the air. this is shortly before the pump. the shots by israeli soldiers, the same then happens to another person. laser palestinians have been subjected to various forms of attack since october. the 7th is where these forces have arrested more than 9300 on the standings. the majority of them in the occupied westbank since the war started. many of them are being held and was being called an administrative detention without any formal charges or trials. many of the detainees said they were beaten, stepped on the abuse, the humiliated when the change. by the way, the soldiers, as well as being blind folks in strict, is early on the soldiers of also use social media to show their destruction of jobs . so many videos shared and their tick tock accounts show them blowing up,
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or demolishing buildings. and there's really soldiers of also use social media to mock palestinian tragedy. many of those videos show the vandalizing and routine forms in a way that's meant to be demeaning onto the low in state. and also who wrote a book on israel's arms. and so families industry explains why the claims of safety in gaza are simply false as well. the truth is there is no sides on as every viewable. now, i mean, these relatives claimed at various points in the last 8 plus months, that sudden pots and gals are recess science, particularly in last month or so, for example, way around, 800002 1000000, posted in some rough and mood, slightly away from the border on egypt, but there was no sign because those areas were all side bombs. so there are no signs of spot where these rock lines. and this is the sort of foot east that your showing is just the, at the latest example of the conflate criminality. really. and on accountability of
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these reality forces that without any kind of rules of engagement across these riley military says their rules of engagement, if you ask them directly. but is they're saying for a long time being, guys are, and frankly, long before october 7, those rules of engagement on lex at best. and this is a fits into a longstanding passion and almost certainly if he's real, doesn't respond to this. that will say useful investigated was against the rules of engagement. we deeply apologize, but it's never goes anywhere. and that's similar to what we're saying. for example, a huge amount of israeli soldiers documenting on tick tock and other social media platforms, other abuses of palestinian things, humiliation, and palestinians, and the id, but there's a particular saves. so nothing goes that goes to the heart of what he's rouse. creation in gaza, which is large buffet zones that in the current negotiations for a circled ceasefire which appear to be sold yet again. there is a total undermine from homos that always really forces would inevitably withdrawal
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in a reasonable amount of time. but these are all has been creating for months, largely out of the international i bought designs where around 16 to 20 percent of guys that had an essentially being doubled up by the so called buffer zone. and there's no suggestion for me, israel that i would never leave that buff is on a senshi, allowing an access in the notes in the sales have guys to be any time they want when and if the war. and so the idea of say signs are nice, tragically, or israel has been blocking the flow of food and the central goods thought ascending families. a desperate for the basics and what's available on the open market is too expensive for many international 8 organizations have accused israel's government of trying to deliberately star people, honey mode, reports from their home on the killing and maiming of a trap. civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on gaza. lis obvious, the slow death of from being a star. the residents of gauze,
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i lived under a crushing gland to naval the blockade. even long before the war, in the last 8 months is what it has typed in. it's a truck full and supplies and squeeze people into tighter spaces and events when the you know, to the ice via in the house where i live. there was so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move the readings feeling the whole way. and regarding the prices of food that's a different well, a different rule, it's a rule and of itself. rather than say what cost less than a dollar before the work is now selling for $510.00, even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now, not only this really military has pushed palestinians into internal displacements. but a housing force, a suffocating, a blockade. on the gauze of reb,
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severely limited gain 3 of essential goods and food supplies. into the small in cloud this, the blockade has linked to severe, a scar, city of basic necessity. it's triggering the sharpest spike of food prices. it's an intensification of the seas is red has imposed on the strip since how much can power in 2000 and 2nd street vendors survive on daily earnings now can turn a profit even if they have something to. so the say most people can pay for the most the last in the past 10 days, i lost a 50 percent of my capital, maybe more. and it's not just me, it's everybody, as for the price is sort of on the president and levels. people here see regulation to keep the price is affordable, is not working. and international, 8 a groups, criticize israel for what they described as a deliberate attempt to start the people of god more as a 0 from the central area of the gaza strip. how is the still ahead on all do 0
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good. did um well he that was assigned to music. let's see rubble. we're going to meet a 19 year old kind of student enrolling counselor for sending a message to the world through her song. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now i don't think so and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story on al jazeera, as the
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. ringback the government challenge, as well as the the
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want to go to 0 reminder of us hope stories. this are an independent you an investigation who responded. israel has committed crimes against humanity on wall trucks. in the 1st in debt support against the war on garza, you went back to human rights experts to israel's crimes include that of extermination, torture on the in human treatment to find a standing commission of inquiry also accuses palestinian arms. goods of war crimes, particularly on october the some videos have been myers out of gas appearing to show somebody execution. so palestinians buy is where the soldiers that were taking the on the machine street. that's the coastal road connecting the north and the sides of johnson. it was meant to be a so called state, some kind of sentience wanting to move between the 2 areas on my son's understanding is one of john have responded to a us back proposal for ceasefire and garza us secretary state and to me blinking in
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doha to discuss the response with cancel the meeting kind of some of the things you have is joining us now live from doha. so there will be a lot of focus on the meetings that are going to be happening over the next few hours. given everything that has ramped up over the last sort of 24 hours or so, but expectations can know the cost of a and other mediators have so we can confirm that the us execute state to here in the is meeting deficiencies as we speak in the next half hour, we're expecting that he'll come out and have a briefing for the press here who are waiting to hear more details. what guarantees is he bringing to the table now? and what has been saying to the mediators to make sure that both sides come together towards this piece. not that as being presented by trends him to by then as israel's proposed piece plan of the united nations security council has approved it. so there is definitely a lack of trust it's, it's not the 1st time that we are hearing about this proposal we've been had before
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is, is the 8 visit, often use extra few states in the last 8 months since october, the 7th, to try and been old sites together and as you've been hearing from the country prime minister in the last few months, that there are 2 sides to this complex one that wants to and is willing to come to where it's a negotiated settlement. and on the, on the, the other side which is bent on continuing this war. so we're going to see how this is going to pan out and how assurances have been given to both both sides. but the sticking points remain that some us once a permanent ceasefire, right after or during the 2nd phase. but as israel is being seeking guarantees, but if those negotiations after the 1st phase fail, it should be able to go back to the bottom field. and this is, this is where those maximum dispositions will have to be brought together to some sort of an agreement where there could be moved to words east by where people could go back to with these faces where they were just based from and is really forces essentially will have to pull out, they've got to me. i you, as president joe biden has been suggesting, is done to hom, us alone,
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to respond to this 3 point these 200. he blinked and has been repeating that over the last 48 hours. and so that response has now comes where does that leave the process and in terms of a cease fire, where is the pressure now or well, it depends on where you are, depending on your geography. it will change the prism of how this these talks are being perceived. you see that it is an election. yeah. so the united states has a very different view. there is a region interview from the neighbors of the israel and the palestinian territories, as well as the view from within each side in israel and occupied palestinian territories. but it seems that now we're closer than ever to a negotiated at least pause in finding out. although how much does not want a pause and fighting, but it has been put front tracked and sent to from the united states as being the only impediment towards fees. but as in the past 2 months has come out and said
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that any negotiation which brings peace towards the god, this trip it is willing to negotiate and talk about it. and it, according to how much it is israel, which has always been at torpedoing these, these efforts in every single time they've come closer. it is these really government which is pulled up in sales. you're carrying those contradictions from tennessee there at this is allegedly, it is really piece brand that has been performed by the united states, but from tend to be if you're heading. benjamin netanyahu is government saying that any a negotiated settlement where there is a permanency spot isn't on stock. so again, the eyes are going to be at the negotiates as here in the what president the biden has said, what has each given as we like to the secretary of state and the blinking again in the region and talking to all the sites to try and see how they can move towards fix or something. thank you very much. indeed, there's some, a bunch of good talking to us from doha. there we'll move on to shonda is all just need a senior political on us. he's joining us by skype, from pa, a power as,
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as the summit was just explaining there. we don't have a lot of details about what's at the center of these proposals. how much has made us responsive, essentially restating a position that it's held right from the start? we seem to have a lack of enthusiasm within israel as well. the only people that seem to be really pushing is of the us. are we any closer to where we are, say several months ago with regard to these negotiations? and what's the problem the us, especially if it's one proposal, it's not pushing for an immediate some 30 minutes. he's fine. the u. s. is pushing its own proposal, which has been contrary to what the international community wanted for 8 months, but was forced to accept the american tax because otherwise the world would have continued to grind on and $200.00 just palestinians. every week you've talked every
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day. so that u. s. is basically pushing its own back, somebody come and that's normal. that's what it does. america advisors, it's interest. and this proposal is in the interest of the united. ready is the interest of the budget administration and election year, and it's pushing it because as you said, and i, i won't say they're locked in. i think these raising one more they've been saying get non stop. i'm not sure why the rest of us can understand what the israeli government wants to. is there any government once it wants to destroy him us? i'm not sure what i mean. the americans give it excuses. i don't think the rest of us to give these res excuses is there any governments want to continue with the war and just or how much period newport are right now, that might start to say not, let's get some of the hostages all over 6 weeks. and then we will see, and why do i say we will see why have mass continues to hammer on this point on why the 1st is all? what about this point?
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which is called more than from page one to page 2. this is the most important part . and the biggest problem with this american proposal come un security council resolution 2735. and that's anything that would happen in phase 2, including. is there any withdrawn from guys? uh, what only happens on agreement of the parties upon agreement of the parties, which means in simple english is right, has a veto. over phase 2, which means we could end up just which phase one. because of his, uh, doesn't like what, how much is doing towards phase 2 is that who can continue with the war? and that's why yesterday is really high, but we shall store the work towards that risk because of this, as a nation will not allow is right or couldn't that out side to achieve it's one
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object. part of the problem is if i understand it correctly, my one is that we are back to talking about something that we were really talking about several months ago as well, which is the vague, or e all for those objectives. actually are we still don't know, fort israel would, would consider as being a, in quote, victory at the is the thing that they would be able to say, right? that's it. we're done. we have eradicate is how much them was one. but imagine that remains vague that allows an awful lot of maneuverability for israel, in terms of how it deals with these negotiations. a look, i certainly agree with you on that. and i think within is there a sense there is a bit of a nuance upon what victory means. and by the way, for all practical purpose, gender, those guns, i'm generalizing car left the, the government or the work happened. because they did not agree on the end game,
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right? what constitutes, and it's very difficult to do, did not agree with nothing. you know, and i think the united states as is ryan and monica now, government, don't i agree upon what the game is? what constitutes the missouri to victor? or at least, how do i, chief it for example, for the americans. let's wind down the war. we can achieve our objective, is there a lack of jack the pulse finishing off how much they can control because away from us without these just suddenly kidding. $30000.00 more about of since that's what the americans like the continued to agree with these writers. that's how mosque i no longer control, gosh, come nicholas, they agree with these are these that if possible guys, that must be the minutes that ours they agree with these really is that is defending its own security and will continue to defend its own security in guys not that is or is defending its occupation and it's racist just and well part of paid
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for them better. but to the see, know, the back is a news or it is say, i'm argue that it is merely defending itself in, gosh, so expect at least usually not that it's defend, that gets occupation. and there's a huge difference between the 2. know these areas at this point in time, this very narrow government for security cabinet that includes the likes all that radical fanatics, a big viewed and smart, rich as world has some really precious from the liquid part the ad, nothing. the whole. the godfather of oral is one to see how much one the end of how much in guys like they tried to achieve the end of how much in the west . they want to make sure that the or the either dead or in jail or outside guns. they don't want any trace of how much wind guard and they would like to take control of uh, of a security zone, or college or
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a my loan that was from the north of a saw as possible for years to come. they would like they would like to be they control over for crossings and borders. the guys are, has with the rest of the world just as they do in the west back. so they want to maintain, basically, overall control of gaza without how much they would control they would consider the fact i actually think a lot of just on one of the things that i've been to find interesting about all of this, of the homeless is focusing on our appears to be focusing on with regards to the cease fire, the immediate problem with stopping the war within gaza. but what it does not do is ultimately leads to what it had originally hoped for, for palestinians, which was somebody i came to a 2 state solution. talk to us about what you think, how much is thinking is at the moment with regard to the priorities that it has.
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well, certainly there has been a different you should, the independence didn't have cause in the homeland. for the 550 years. we have gone from the idea of a 2 state solution to the idea of a limited economy around drama in the west bank. and then we ended up with a split between garza and the west bank. and of course the jerusalem was panics by these ranges. i'm blessed by the united states, including unfortunately by this administration, democratic administration, not just by the trumpet instruction. and now what the procedures are doing is no more than defending himself. believe it or not, neither how much nor the fact that nor the piano, nor that but a single part of the, nor any for the city of popped at this point. the time is due against the deliberate palestine or the free font of science. and these are the occupation what they've been doing now pieces to causes to is merely defending themselves in gaza
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at the end. romano. in the west bank, the palestinians have been in a mood of self defense not for over 2 decades.


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