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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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see the sensitivity is that agent, it does, it's the that we all adore single off the. all of our policy is very clear to support ticket that 1st year it'd be a good idea of the lights. but at the end of the day, we honest, yes, we have lots of, it's a good. thank you. check on molly question, kind of was it, how did you remember you feel about that and stuff them with the amount of 5 feet of you or you're watching. just say or if you just joined us, we are being listening to a joint press conference. my cattle is probably minutes them haven't been up to around amount of how tiny of us active state entity blinking they of course and dressing hope surrounding the adult turtle. rejection of the 3 point us see spot proposal adult to to the un security council on monday. in response to that, the ceasefire planned by the united states, a mass on assignment you had gave my own requests for amendments for changes, changes. that's a prime minister mohammed been
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a bill romano autonomy said they are still examining in detail. nevertheless, they hope for way of reaching the adapt, taking a much more frank approach to progress when it comes to the ceasefire plans, of course. and to me blinking, who said when it came to the suggestions being made by stomach, you have, and my son, my workable, some on not workable, pointing the finger firmly that i'm also is having essentially the onus when it comes to progress going forward. while i'm to show how is there a senior political analyst as a starting by being listening to all of that? well, what it sounds like a real blaine game is on the way here at the moment as to who which side may be responsible for doing railing progress when it comes to a cease fire a while. and it is for the united states to decide ironically because it is its proposal that was adopted by the un security council into
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solution $2735.00. it is a dominant power. now it is very part of sign. clearly, beijing, moscow, patterson london has given up on the issue in favor of the united states. and now it's up to the likes of the secretary and to me back into decide whether how much is amendments of good or bad constructive board on constructive because it is, or it wouldn't be the godfather of this uh, these fire a process of 3 phases. uh, moving forward, and as far it was, it was eating, as you say, that the blinking has judged that how much of the response is partly helpful, partly not helpful, right? so as i've been saying the past couple of days, this is not going to be a sprint. there's going to be a matter on. and clearly the judge here is going to be the united states. alas, because it is the dominant task force in this region,
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and it is the only power in the world able to weigh in and use this coverage with this right? if, if, if i'm still more left. so let's stove into a claim made by hon to the blinking because he said when it came to the proposal, the plan, the cease fire plan, the 3 point a plan put forward by the united states back to the course of the un security council that it is exactly the same is not put forward by a mass on may the 6 i'm us could have on said with the a simple yes. i mean if it is exactly the same as the plan put forward by him also made the 6 why. what any proposals amendments put forward by class. and of course if somebody to a guy, i'm so glad you asked this question and i was the which that it was supposed to look at himself. but you are correct. come the percent up to see this is the thing about blinking, right? this is what so infuriating about 60 percent of the on the one hand he is so what
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a 9 or so soft spoken. so deliberate, you know, still accurate and such a different way the magic. i didn't notice it meant all these press conferences, his body language, the man is just born to be a nice death provide perhaps assignment in mind. i don't know when it comes to the conflict of what he says, he's the ultimate spinner. i mean, you know how facts, choose selective practice, select his memory. he just spends every faith. and of course, it's normal. he's a definitely not. he's at the service of us for them to send us centers and he needs to do what needs to be done to serve or might connect to stop by the city and interest. or perhaps you say to interest buckner proceedings. and so, yes, he said they are virtually the same, but it could be virtually the same, but similar to say, i would menu to important differences and they are enough for how much to turn the
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world against that is you shouldn't, if it wasn't booked it in by to stick with the concept one is that the have most proposal goals for the end of the israel siege? this proposal does not. what is the whole point of this what? what's the point of the past 20 years? what was it goes guys? are you going to go back to square one? what is read imposes a siege them guys are stopping the people. gotcha. so the master proposal is suggested towards the end. and then is there any c delgado? right? that's one. this one, this new proposal does not do, and that's the key difference between permanency spar and attempt photos. he's fine . this proposal is a temporary spar. it is not a problem, it's useless presented a problem and if they need it. busy but it's the spot where the difference lies is
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it lives in the product. and in phase 2, in phase 2 it says that is the withdrawal from the cause a step towards from the. busy testing that these are on the agreements of the parties upon the agreements with the part is in fact the paragraphs starts with a hyundai agreement part these this and the other thing would happen, which means is i would have to agree and there's and what does incentive every proof demonstration the past few days, that is all does not want to end the war. i just keep saying that this resolution will not allow it to achieve its 4 objectives. so there are differences between the textbook present the 10 and the present text presented by israel and the united states in the month of may. which leads us to have most amendments or have my suggestions is saying that the strength of the positively with it and it has few
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things blinking anticipated. and he said we're waiting for the parties to respond. and the parties are responding. but there's one exception, again, as part of the spin sucking to blinking shows us. that is there. i've said yes, i am not going to. i'm sorry. yes, he's one of my not. yes, he starts working. yes, he could be a wonderful pay them. i don't believe him. as we are in the media, we need to push to step our we need to question power. why hasn't nothing you know, came out into open and say i on it called the police support. embrace the new and secret that comes with new should. why hasn't these are in the government yet? approved in a cabinet meeting, the new you on the resolution and the american proposal. that's the question to fish, to be uh, photos, to secretary clinton. all right, to my one, many thanks for that mind, but sure. i was there
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a senior political analyst joining us there from paris. so let's go to a some of the binge of age who uh, as being out those talks in doha salma. i mean, it seems like an unnecessarily complicated question that that might have been said, but is this still what you've heard? still at the a on the type of that's what i asked the secretary of state because he used the words, there was a deal on the table and then he said there are certain elements that can be negotiated. so this seems to be a contradiction in terms of the pay is that the us administration wanted to put this square claim squarely on from us and it has done so again. and this is what was expected. but there was also a expectation that the secretary of state would come to the coming with some assurances that he would give to him us to come back and embrace this proposal which has not happened. and it appears that all sides are back to the drawing board . and as you heard from our ron bouchard there, that yes,
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there has been similarities between what some us proposed. but if it was the same, it would have been no objection. so interfered with the sticking point as we discussed this morning that i'm us once a permanent c spy. how much once all is ready for us to leave and assurance that it will not ignite again. and israel on his part has been looking for not just the 1st phase, but even right after the 1st week. the 2nd in the 3rd grade with these negotiations are to take place ability to go back into gaza and continue to war, which is a non starter for some us. and according to what we've been hearing from tennessee, the non starting cost is the talk of a ceasefire. so it's back to the drawing board. all sides have not set said that this has a failure, but again, they have not said that it's a success as well to us. um, i mean, blink and categorically over and over again, maintain the o. this is on how boss at the moment the boss is responsible for c railing progress
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and that's where the pressure points should be focused to internationally. but what you said clearly that was that. so what i'm asking as long as you had, we're off to word clarifications. to on the school, big key to moms and they've always maintain which is the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza on a permanent note temporary permanency. so what i think one words in diplomatic speak was quite important, which was said by the cut 35 minutes to hear the frustration. and that seems to be the case on all sides who have been trying to bring people together on this. it, it is, it's appears that there's still a different language which is being spoken by both sides where the united states is holding down on israel. the hoss is really hostages to be released, and an end to hostilities from how i'm honest with you see the arrow position them this where they say the needs to be an immediate cease fire. so the suffering for
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the 10s of millions of thousands of people who are for the wounded and the millions who are essentially affected by this war could. and that needs to be an exception to the 1st stopping of the violence that needs to be access to 8 to 4, to fuel, to basic health services. and that seems to be a priority, which seems to have been forgotten in all of this. so there is a concerted effort to put things, funds from us, from the american perspective. but as you heard the company fragments to saying that you had multiple incidents fell off of violence. and i to disregard for him to not be here by and taking the role whether it would be a fact of no problem. but more than 270 people were killed. whether it was either raised, whether it was a tax on a breakfast, such as the intention. so this is the end as well as you and agencies which have come under attack inside the territory which is currently being occupied by it's really forces. so it is difficult to see how all of these points can be taken on board, and yet come to an agreement where there seems to be maximum dispositions on both
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sides come off of insisting that needs to be apartment c 5. and israel saying that it will, it is still bent upon eliminating what it sees as an existential threat. them got. yeah, it's very difficult right now to say exactly where that all important gap will be. hopefully eventually bridge to solid binge of a bad. ready 5 and don't think you know you and by human rights experts have accused these rather committing crimes against humanity and posting non groups of war crimes. and that 1st in depth for pushing into the wall on garza and the attacks. on the 7th of october, the independent due and investigation found israel responsible for using salvation as a method of wolf i. in gaza. he says he's ready for us. he is half intentionally engaged and then attacking civilians and the forcible transfer. it also sites examples of sexual violence, torture in human treatment, an arbitrary detention well, the 3 member commission also investigated the october 7th attacks. the inquiry
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accuses by the city and the sizes of killing civilians and taking captives and also documents to torture and mistreatment of victims. during and after the attacks full of let's go to business matthews, joining us from the jordanian capital amman. firstly bennett, to this question of these the for the strong allegations made against israel. yeah, navy, it's a $185.00 page report. all may actions of israel and how most of the fighting groups on october, the 7th and in the we'll subsequent tobias on israel. it says that these rows use of heavy weapons in densely populated areas is a direct attack comb civilians. i'm not, is it a central element of a crime against humanity? what israel stands accused of. now in this report, these as accomplished as killed and maimed. tens of thousands of palestinian children on a scale of
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a race of casualties unparalleled across conflicts in recent decades. and it says has been mixed up in the nation, murder, forcible transfer, and torture of palestinians, and the use of sexual violence including forcing you to see as an operating procedure on palestinian men and boys. and they also touches on the occupied westbank as well, where there's been a big increase in federal violence post october. the 7th and battery says it's rarely policies have again been using acts of sexual violence, torture and juvenile, cruel treatment, all of which a war crimes. and it says israel has permitted and fostered instigated a come paid upset plus filess. israel says, is rejecting this reported into let be investigated into the country orange they up to 5 charges to, to investigate the how to do it outside the country. it says it's systematic, and t is riley discrimination. and it also policy unified has very much the subjects of this inquiry. yeah, on
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a separate part of the report, it looks at the actions of how masses military wing plus 6 of their own groups and civilians all across the border and not in bay and not to attack onto is riley territory on october. the 6th, on the 7th, at a says the innocent people, civilians were killed and tortured grenades were thrown into shelters where people were hiding. people with no, does it the know the music festival? it says many abductions of x rays were carried out with significant physical, mental and sexual violence and degrading on human aging. treatment on the commission also says it's found and documented a pass and of sexual violence. how much has rejected all allegations by the way of sexual violence against is riley women? now the reports findings are not legally enforceable. they don't have any legal penalties, but it's a legal assessment, a legal document. it could be used, for example, by the international court of justice, as it looks at allegations,
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particularly against israel, is, comes up typical. right? but many things bump into smiths live in the jo, dainey and capital amman. and just to remind you, the story, the government has bind down to 0 from operating it is around itself and extended that decision, which is why bended and uh, the rest of the team on joining us and reporting almost having it, israel from jordan, have videos of emotion, guys that are appealing to show summary executions of palestinians by is ready soldiers, they would take in the outer rashid street. that's the coastal road connecting north and south cause a israel had designated it as a safe zone for palestinians wanting to move between the areas. this footages from june, the 1st he shows a person walking along the beach. is there any soldiers this page of stopping by mistake to the customer short? so this next video appears to show a group of palestinians working north on may the 17th. one of them steps out of the group and raises their hands and the apparently showing them and they all shot
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within minutes. then the video shows soldiers coming in to take the person's body away. and in this village, another person is standing in the same area with a hands, and this is shortly before they're apparently short by israeli soldiers. the same then happens to another person. later will a group say, palestinians are suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger and starvation. thousands of people died all of hunger and the hydration. this is 8 year old and the sweetie. i was phillips just days before. she died about nutrition, a brother to died last week of starvation that's had the central kaiser and speak to tag, obviously is outside of the aisle, opposite hospital and in their out. but i'm kind of like, well, we talk about the hopes and failings of a possible cx. 5 plan. clearly civilians on the ground that continue to suffer up to a huge extent of the yeah,
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that's right. palestinians are completely saying it's following all the latest round of talks with him off and is when regarding reaching us, he's fine. do you that my friend get in for the status is on the ground box? the phrase, it's time to have a sense of optimism due to multiple failures that these rounds of negotiations have come to a due to the main significant differences in the minds of how my son is about for how much. so it's a mazda so keen to have an image for the following thing comes from says on, because very withdrawal from the entire territory impulse, or from philadelphia for result. it's a roots that completely splits between goals and agents, and from the east, very slowly. they are so restricted to continue the will until achieving told them that targets were presented in eliminating and to ride the case and come off politically and militarily alongside, to guarantees that goals. let us know the kind of pros,
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any sign over threats full the is where the territories and this is also a most taking points related to the complete. i'm 5 minutes trunk quantity. i'm calling on the ground us as well. saying that the warm to continue the officer even carrying out this, these fine deals with how much they've generally published and you'll see all the tracks in the middle. we come off and as well, same vasquez, we are waiting for the day to hear appropriate announcements for this is for it to you. i'm to be able to return back to the most of this trip time to return back to normality that they would apply to from special needs that they have been doing to really drastic on being human. a situation and conditions were presented in all kinds. busy hardship, some challenges on the humanitarian level. alongside with the is very craving prussia, who do civilian speaking contentedly displaced multiple times ending up living and make ship filters. um its me escalating. that's across this trip so far into the
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deepening crisis of the west and conditions for people in gun was a really exemplified body image of 8 year old and 9 who simply stopped to death. tell us more about these reports of my own nutrition and how people are being affected well, basically the entire gallons of population is facing holly levels. busy foods insecurity as there is a steep wrong is in terms of ammonia tracing cases among children. pregnant women who are in a very desperate need for nutritional elements that are no longer available due to is ready to play. to avoid is under prevention of pay supplies to get into the tax right now we're talking about the most marginalized portion of the goal of the strip, which is the know the cost of the church and people that are starting to speaking about a remarkable increase of the rates of famine within the members of the community to
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that, as they are not even getting any sign of value unless only 35 few minutes heavy until to start a new did would smoke slower. that gets into the know that positive garza from the viewpoint that was established by the is with the military in big town and then other parts of cars. a similarly, people are, are experiencing high rates of acute food as security. the say that we have new kinds of vegetables, fruits and even a central ascension nutrition developments including fitzsimmons from food seats for those children. and we also, he and the been larry rep recorded some that's in case of the money attrition for children, especially who are unable to print with treasure might go into high rates of money attrition. and now what he's really wanting to get into the commercial chips that are not getting to any kind of dates of minus into the strip. and that is absolutely contributing to what the international court of justice has been urging
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as well to do, which has increased the capacitive phase of police department in dallas. i'm. this is the grim reality that day by day is exhausted. packaging, as, as well, continues to about to say is that they are getting paid to be there to even to close. that has been recently established by the united states. benefits of alternative specifications moving to a to can get into the church. we know over time, that really happens the very latest from the ro, butler and central goes a topic. obviously i'm thank you know, biology over okay. so level has being fine to various locations in northern israel . some projectiles reach the mer on air base on the house because of the city of type, various cruising fires of damage. as below is claimed, responsibility for the attacks. the group says the rockets for fide and retaliation for an overnight attack. the killed a senior has block amanda, and 3 others say to hold as lie for us in by route to design a,
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bring this up to speed with the latest surrounding this. we're walking by raj, following the israel is killing of that has block them on while there's been a flare up of hostilities along the border following the killing of a senior commander of hezbollah in overnight strikes in southern lebanon. he was the most senior figure in the movements have been killed since the confrontation began in october. as well as initial reaction was to fire a, a large barrage of rockets, nearly 200 rockets at is really military positions in northern israel. and now some of those rockets landed quite deep inside as well, some 20 to 25 kilometers. so that has got loss sending a message to the israelis and one of his senior officials a short while ago. it's threatening as well that as well as operations will increase is in force, intensity, and quantities and re tell
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a sion for the killing. what has all that is trying to do is stop these assassinations. it is hoping that the stress will deter as well from continuing this campaign of, of pinpoints attacks targeted assassinations. they've already killed 2 high ranking commanders in recent months, but dozens of fighters and pinpoint strikes not just in loveland on, but in neighboring syria as well. now these really media is quoting is really army sources and saying there's still no decision to launch a wide scale operation against the army in 10 to continue. it's a policy or strategies of assessing, i think has fall off, come out there. so the situation is quite dangerous and tense to join us always seems like create a lease and there has blah perspectives that they are willing, they have the capabilities to israel hard. what does this mean in a lot of context where uh, we know we in a new phase where could this be heading?
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well, no doubt, we've been at the new phase for a few weeks now. and in recent days, like you mentioned hezbollah showing his paper abilities as well to know that it has a very different arsenal, then what, what would it have during the last 4 in 2006, but it's been doing is slowly unveiling. it's new weaponry. it's anti aircraft, ms tiles. this is all parts of a deterrent. yes. well, i was ready to go to war, but it's officials keep on stressing that we do not want war, but we are ready and prepared if it has brought upon us. now the is really is have been talking about the war really talk before is growing. they've been threatening even loving on that there is going to be quotes i hot summer and that they can flatten babies of hezbollah doesn't pull back or retreat from the border. but also at the same time this really say that a diplomatic solution could, so it could still work and that too is still on the table. now both sides,
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if they do, if there's a full blown conflict, each can really cause destruction and inflict damage on both sides of the border. so far they're still calculating as much as we talked about the escalations for roddic escalations. they're still calculating and they are being quite careful and can, can finding themselves really to the unwritten rules of engagement whereby this war of attrition is focused on military targets and large leads to border areas. or i'd say no many things. so that is a no hold a lot for us in a fi, hesitate to a residential building in kuwait can at least 40000000 people. the building was filled with labors, mostly from india. stephanie deca as well. the fire broke out around 6 a on local times this building housing, farm, or labors. then it should quite center administer visited the site tomorrow. how many are you accommodating in this building? you are responsible 1st of all,
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before god for all those killed. how many are you competing in here? we are a company. do not tell me a company i asked how many are you keeping in here about 196. where is the gibson foreman in charge of this accommodation? bring him in, both him and the owner of the building must be kept in custody. the fire broke out in the southern montgomery district, an area known to be popular with foreign workers. the interior ministry said he blamed the greed of the real estate owners for packing the building with labours create another gulf countries have often been accused by human rights groups. the abuses when it comes to the conditions of the hundreds of thousands of foreign labors who formed the bulk of the construction sector. stephanie decker, i'll g 0. okay, it's time for the weather. now here's a rob with news to me. america's the. it's raining heavily in the middle of july and the reason is bill. so anyway, there is light to be under these conditions environment and not severe. but there are enough, for example, here in color. now,
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to require the rescue of other people or animals, but a 160 minutes has recorded the last 2 days. but he is not yet over the cesar coast coming in the winter. we've got the assistance of right. it's getting heavier and the thing was never tied in this part of july, but also in continuing contrast. just come a bit further north and you're into an area which is too hot. this is the border between bolivia and brazil. $57.00, a new record in the area that should not be at least with the pond to now, which is it goes to big west the country on 5 to go back to the right. and we'll concentrate and all sorts of new content. but in some us, so florida where it's writing it in the night, which you would expect to see a picture like this on the beach in florida. but that's how it sits. and that's affectively nearly a 100000000 beats in the last 20 for as shown in miami. no far away, but we've got more to come over the next day or 2. this line is going to be slow to new surface, central and southern florida. the chances are it'll keep raining, and just one thing of note is not a tropical storm know a hurricane,
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but this circulation is the 1st indication. now we're into the season. the still ahead on that which is the red. us begins with drawing its troops some days. yeah. as the mer to jump to expands, ties with russian forces. plus i am indeed recei uh, being a rubber plantation in the ivory coast. why more on most local farmers are focusing on rubber instead of their traditional ideal preparation. so christy on right now, the head of his 6 bureaus campaign lives coming up in the interrogate. the narrative is the us has continued support for israel, affecting is global standing. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having
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a free and open democratic pro upfront without the the us is changing. why aren't we? we have civil cells from the living world. i, the re uncovers theme, physical obstacles to meaningful climate action. everything is totally unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and our place. oh, hail the planet. coming c o 20. the
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you're watching out as a right, here's a reminder about of stories this now of no major breakthrough in how boss on israel signing up a post by your secretary of state entity blinking isn't doha, discussing it with concepts. prime minister lincoln says some of the changes proposed by him us would know workable from us has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with different colleagues. and today with the prime minister. some of the changes are workable. some are not the 1st independent due and investigation into the war and gaza has final. but israel has committed crimes against humanity. i'm will crimes including extermination. i'm told you. the commission of inquiry also chooses palestinian on groups of more crimes, particularly on the 7th of october. these 49 people have been killed in a fight in a residential building and quakes. the building was filled with labours,
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mostly from 8 o clock, as the said to unveil the budget that it hopes will help it to win a new international monetary fund. a lot. the coalition government is expected to lay out a vicious fiscal targets in the $22425.00 budget august. don is in talks with you on a mess for a loan. estimated to be anywhere between $6.00 and $8000000000.00 to the default post on naturally of the to default last summer. thanks for short time. i'm f bailouts of $3000000000.00 have been 9 months. the economy is growing of the slowest pace in the region at the moment. introducing software off top who's an economic policy expert, adverse, so consulting she joins as life on the summit by jeff. i will welcome to the program start by asking you to set the see what factors have led to focused on having the slowest economic growth as i mentioned that in the region. as
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i think the number of factors um focused on. so order to producing sector that more can do it with your cell. i just finished and has been a, you know, up and down on that and that's basically the number of sectors which are under um, focus on itself. i wanted to get an instability. i think that it had something to do with it um over long periods of time, in fact some decade, the investment enrollment government has consistency being low. and lee knowledge, the point where all these things have started back to. so basically it's a big uh, fall as you know, the knack of investment in human share, particularly to, to happen over a decade. it just wanted to kind of stability with that since it's been a few days, officials in the front of the office. we have to secure that no being rude, so people talk to be brought to fight by success and government leading to buy.
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they cannot make decisions. so it's a combination of factors put it to send that to their energy phenomena. so that's the, that's, that's the same step for us. so look in order to release the structure of our mac money. as i mentioned somewhere between $6.00 and $8000000000.00. it comes with stringent requirements. what all those demands will they be met in full by this full coming budget? i think they would have imagined for it because the government seems to be very determined. um, the last guy my program ought to be a just small one, was actually a computer richard on your part time because the fast out the programs again going to get n. um, i think the dumont are basically going to center on revenue generation starting subsidies. and pro division of state mon enterprises. so again, something related to you. um, so the i was going to insist on reading also expanding the tax there we are expanding the dot net. possibly so many places in dark day. i don't know how that i
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wonder negotiate that it is easier for the government to raise the people who are already being there. so other than bringing you to set those into the backpack, which is something that the government and board was awarded in arkansas by this time wrong. i think there is the patient to be checked as i say in this space like i'd be by jerry for the doctor said to bring to doesn't to the doctor. so i'm hoping that in there, in fact that does happen, that they are the increase the number of tax stairs in the country and other than continuing to it's still between the tax, those who are already paid. so there's going to be a lot of emphasis on revenue generation that is going to be, i think of the info for privatization of state farm enterprises. as soon as they know that we've been getting over here. and then again, the finance minister gave a statement just yesterday saying that donald could be dictate on enterprises and focus on which was unexcused and the pos, the strategic institution, which cannot be sort of what this is a big thing to say. but i mean,
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i think everyone is everything, you know, is potentially a, for a consumer not initial across a 430 time. but they're, i think these are the 2 major things that will happen, right? so you suggest to watch a greater avenue. we're suggested wanted to, to, to reach these great to revenues and what does it meet the demand. so the math that will be a degree of pain when we think about bailouts. we think of countries like greece, maurice and these for lanka, island during the economic crisis. how would you go about restoring the country's economy without parsing the pain on to consume is namely in the form of economic austerity tax hikes, comes to public spending. coupon for me, i mean the pain may be brought to can do much and i think of, you know, reached out for disorder situations before and but because i'm able to sort it again, the van will be 500 jack stairs. so ok to people who are, you know,
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be essentially really poor, but banging director. so the auto parts are taxpayers and parts of the time because we all pay large amounts of been done it. and uh, there is no way to avoid defending. uh, basically what the government should do is to, as i'm saying and accepted into the front of me, the address from work mitigates the secure version. oh, interesting doug smith and arrange to receive whether they will do that or not. the did speak to started off and auto mall. um, so i haven't listened to it yet. i don't know what the tax proposals are um, but there's no way to avoid difficulty. i mean, they're with their state of the economy. the way it is. we are in front of it. all right. all right, so good to hear your thoughts on this stuff. you'll have top economic policy expert advice, so consulting, thank you for your time. thank you. of us has become withdrawing its troops from new jack or the 940 soldiers stationed in bases across the country is set to leave
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by the 15th of september. meanwhile, and is ass building stronger than she ties with russia. nicholas huck report some dotcom and this may not have been what the americans wanted, but these years didn't the seems happy to bid us troops farewell officers gathered on the tarmac of the image airport and they visibly uncomfortable ceremony marketing at the beginning of the end of american troops and these air, this withdrawal of us forces will not impact the ongoing development relation. developing relations between the united states and new share of both countries remain committed to establishing diplomatic dialogue to shape the future there by law. busy relations, but over 900 us soldiers are being forced to leave the west african nation. the u. s. is dismantling. what was the united states biggest intelligence hub in the region? this includes 2 strategically located air bases, from which it operated, manned, and unmanned surveillance, drones over north africa. and this
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a hell in an interview with the washington post new shares, prime minister, explains the decision, saying the americans stayed on our soil doing nothing while the terrorist killed people and burn towns. it is not assigned to friendship to come on our soul. but let the terrace attack us, he went on to describe the condescending tone and lack of respect, shown by a high level us delegation visiting the country in mid march. the us award these here a student against selling the countries uranium rich resources to be around. and having any military alliance with russia, and yet, as the us withdraws, russia is stepping in, they will take over the installations built by the us military. we board with us training facilities to train all sorts of specialists. we have the counterterrorism experience. russia is now present in these there molly burkina,
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faso and the central african republic. the american choose may be leaving these here, but they're certainly not leaving the region. there are some american soldiers right here in the car center. go and discussions are and a way to re base us true in coastal countries. this is to help them fight off on groups, links to all tight and i so, but also to contain the rowing influence of russia in the region. the us is struggling to hold onto it status of a reliable superpower in the region. with the latest departure of american soldiers in these air, the winds of change appears to be blowing in rushes favor. nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car from is of the world's biggest co coproducer. if we co sell moving away from tradition in favor of another project product, they say robin is less intense and less costly than coco. i'm addressed to as being finding out more about a trend that could have a major impact. one of the country's biggest industries of the,
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the cocoa industry in west africa says these white gripping sap as the biggest threat fits colquitt supply after climate change. the growing number of problem is either diversifying into not to rubber or turning their backs on. oh crap. that sustain livelihood for generations. and for the ivory coast on the top of the global list of coal corporate uses, it's in you said the small thing. so why do go mussa is a president of the local cocoa cooperative. and i will feel at town north of the capital, i'll be show you problems both perhaps evaluate mostly on so policies and things. so not falling rubber is like being on a salary. you harvested almost every month on like cocoa, which is office to one soul at most twice. so yes, it may not fetch as much as cocoa, but at least you have something to live on every month. it is much of rubber production in ivory coast rose from 170000 tons. just 3 years ago. 1.5000000
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tons in 2022, propelling the country to the top 3 producers in the world. industry and others believe it could suppose it's kevin of portfolio. the 205322 divorce eats it. climate change in sort and production cost off forcing move farmers to switch dropping while rubber trees taking nearly as long as cocoa to produce a 1st output. they require less hard work and i'm like cool, cool rubble prizes us tables. something many pharmacy appreciate for their own financial stability. that systems of concern for the coping district. colquitt, diversification of sustainability consulted. edwin canada says the colquitt industry is at a crossroads. small scale on from farmers, provide 90 percent of the water supply. they have to do that us, nobody from conflict at any time. the content on the properties is not like big
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farms data from, you know, be controlled by photo small order firms. you can't control them. he says, the quick lane industry must come up with an acceptable support system to have pharmacist will continue to live in poverty while supplying a multi 1000000000 dollar industry. if not, fuel farm was, will come to visit the crop, which could mean high prizes for the chocolate box, or the supermarket shelves accommodated reasons. why would you see that? are still ahead here and i'll just say around. i'm on the southern, i'm 50 in northwest columbia where thousands of families tired of the years of broken promises on the re distribution of land having baited the property of an extra di fits drug trafficker movies. did oh, well he, the music see of russell b. c. 19 year old palace, which is good and god, so he's sending
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a message to so 3 days off. so, winning the friendship and call us out garages, team done with another form, a champion city olympics, find out who in school the the,
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the, the columbia was one of the highest levels of land in a quality in the world. thousands of families have decided to take the mastery and about her own hands by invading a property owned by a convicted drug trafficker. of this under run, patsy explains from the town of co costs you see in the north west columbia. within
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shacks, expand across the 378 sectors of this i'm filling the range in the past 2 months and 7000 families of occupied this property on the outskirts of the town of co cars. yeah. it's currently columbus largest lane invasion. yeah. yeah. i'm 1st i think about the spokesman for the dress passers says the 1st $200.00 families arrived at the end of march after being homeless or not able to afford pain rising rains if that's a thought or a numbers. and why do i have to sell in this sector is called new jerusalem. and these are all vulnerable people who don't have a home. and they decided to come here to live due to lack of opportunity for the federal government. because 51 years old movie, a movie and it was displaced from a nearby gold mining town after a non group killed her son. just set up a little sharper in the front of her shack to make ends meet. i know how does that look and 11, what i make is not enough to pay for rent, rent,
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so very high you can pay up to $1000000.00 plus us with utility bills. it's impossible for me. that's why we took matches in our hands to get decent housing, and we'll be able to pump it up. but what was a relatively manageable crisis group explanation the to president gustavo 5th, a promise to buy land starting bay. there's thousands more families occupied. the rest of the property outside of the met you of your 30 here and i request you to talk to the owners of the land. and the ranches consultation is and tell them that if they trick us and don't offer us for thailand, we will buy it at commercial prices. but it's not been that easy. this property was owned by a convicted drug trafficker, extradited to the united states, and that has been at the center of a legal back though for over a decades. people here tell you that thing patient is a reaction to too many years of broken promises on the redistribution of land.
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columbia is one of the highest degrees of land inequality in the world. less than one percent of the population on 60 percent of the country's best land since coming into office. 5th row has promised to buy upwards of 3000000 hectares of land to redistribute to the for the, the arrival of pedro has meant that the political will is the, it's the 1st time that the government has put so many resources into advancing with land redistribution. unfortunately, the current laws, the quotes, the protocols and the culture of some officials going to allow the plan to move forward as needed. local authorities have tried to evict they there's twice, but they were blocked by the government or the courts, leaving them in an easy limbo between hope of achieving a decent home and the misery of their situation. i listened that i'm 50 a, jersey and outcast. yeah. so i and tom just pulling up his file names. thank you so
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much with just over a month to the olympics, one of the world's biggest athletic stars mom did you plan to use his told al jazeera, he's just trying to live in the moment. the swedish cobalt world record holder is a need to win his 2nd gold medal in paris hall rece reports under the prom chase. this was the moment sweetened on the point is extended one of the most astonishing streaks in sport. bracing the pole vault will rec. hold for the 2nd time, it's made the defending olympic champion, a star of track and field. i just try to get the most out of myself. i live, i live very much in the presence. of course, when it, when it's the olympic years, it's always, it's a little bit hard to dodge it. mentally. these will be the 2nd to live big sensor a time. it's of sprint icon using both. it's a vacuum that athletics types can be filled by the mind known as monday. paris loved love 12 voting thing. it's a great thing and it overall gets as much attention as a 10,
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as i can put football on the map as much as i can then i guess, and i'm doing the job, right. and he's doing a very good job with that too. yeah, it's, he's home club in sala know if it's still kind of old is technically and physically one of the most demanding events of the olympics. the polls come with a health warning. it wasn't a particularly populous. both parents wait until monday came along and made it look easy. do you want to start to training an ups or a lot of to choosing to compete for his mother's home? country sweden instead of his native us say that since for the surgeon demand for potable defense of competitions nationwide know that he's breaking world records almost every competition and every season. it's probably a lot of people in troll, i think, gets me pumped up to get better sometimes when you're here at the re nice year tre asked me about my jumping and my competing and so is right down to earth and very friendly and nice is kind of just fun seeing him jump extremely high and be or
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dislike. okay, i was planning to try that. they've, i guess notes. you don't have to move in spalding circles to encounter more of the sweden. his face is known to people who have never watched a single 2nd po, volt, royal and he's a hero to the friends who watch every 2nd. if he's contests, power is 2024, maybe the time he becomes a legend, not just in the record books, but in the hearts of a global public. he's already secured a legacy for po volt. here in sweden. maurice out is their ups all 10 as far as rest madell, and call us alco as will came up to play doubles for spain at the paris olympics. the news comes just 3 days after out for a won the french open for the 1st time. the 21 year old now has 3 career grand slam titles, while hers is set to play alongside his childhood hero and his dow, the 38 year old, has already claimed 2 elliptical metals. one of the singles in 2008 and the other
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in doubles in 2016. the air can hide, will remain as manager of manchester, united after a post season review by the clubs board. the dutchman was expected to be sacked after the club injured, their lowest primarily finish ever. but the lab decide to be as a cup title against throttles, man, city to become just the 4th. united bandage are twins trophies, and back to back. 6 is thomas to go en route 0. punch. latino were linked to the roll. bought the board, which includes a new shareholder, jim radcliffe decided to stick with the 54 year olds. just 2 days i would until the euro is and former united play. because john rinaldo is in great goal scoring form . the 39 year old ones out for his 6th year in this campaign in familiar style. he's for twice in portable, 3 know when against the republic of ireland. takes his international tally to a record extending 130 goals us to the trophy in 2016 who saw his side look to reclaim title starting with their group f opener against the check for public. on
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tuesday. for the corporate america takes off in the us on the 20th of june and defending champions. argentine are finalizing their preparations. we know massey and co have been training at the balance or for the winners home ground at inter miami. i had a friendly against guatemala on friday, argentina, beet, brazil, in the final and 2021 before lifting the world cap the following year. they had caused the tournament against canada in atlanta. for us really were a victorious and the cricket world cup they, it's ration and maybe at the book their place and the next stage of the competition, they both number the out for just 72 is adams and 5 to 4 widgets. and then chase and the target is 5.4 overs, ensuring a progression to the super easy so this is what their group looks like by the time australia play, scotland and the final group game. both teams will know exactly what they need to do to make sure england are knocked out. one,
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australia and player was asked if they do their best to do that. and this was the response. this is only basic kind of because the south side, again, as i said the on the top few times, you know, we can get them out to him and that's in the interest as well as probably around one days ago until the start of the us open and former champion, john ram has withdrawn due to a foot injury. the spaniard was also forced out of last week's live event. he revealed the news 6 hours after he addressed the media. hopeful then that he would participate around one event fact in 2021 world. never one. scotty shuffler has already won 5 tournaments this year and he'll go in as favorites when the us open at 1st as he aims for his career. a 3rd major title. the american was runner up to william clark last year and says there is no added pressure on him to succeed as he's off, alongside former winner worry mcelroy and p g championship
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a winter saunter softly. when we start the term that week, we're all even par, and it's not like anybody's out there playing defense. you know, like when it blows andrea and rory here thursday and friday they're not going to be saying weird stuff. i'm out on the golf course or trying to, you know, block my part from going to the holders. we all kind of got to go out there and play our game. and so not really much that we can do in the game adolphe. you know, most of it is against the golf course and planning into yourself. so target on that back doesn't really. i don't really feel it. and then i don't really think about it much. and tiger woods says his son, charlie can be the secret to any success he has at the upcoming term. and the 3 time champion has been with the 15 year old or at his practice sessions at pinehurst. it will be just a 4th competitive appearance for the up the year for what to. okay. and that is all your sports now back to your department many thanks for that. uh, 19 year old ross nah, says education was the royal by as i was war and guys, a medical student in a music lover, she had to flee is ready bombs,
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along with our family unable to study. and she now play songs in the rubble, the children of dear obama slow i did. oh, well, the that was right. and the, the uh, uh, the, the, i'm not a whole setting also for the hot cuz i'm a and then as a head minister i'm, i'm a general. so i was for a hand some of the the and that's enough. and uh, what was that the say no, no, to no good. good. so anytime soon that's beautiful. let me see if other i'm in an investment owens for the sonata,
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basically all the time they have. uh, i don't have to do this. i ask you and i was before the lennox was to find this. and now i can go there and study. so i board, my father's friends, the guitar, to continue to deliver my my message. so there was some of them have also relied on. yeah, i know, listen to me, i had a question about the title question at home or some useful to and that's why that's a medium box for this new housing use. our you can find much more on a website just so you don't call much more to all of us stories. i'll be back in a moment with much more off the days news. make sure you stay with us here on out,
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just like so much the to interrogate the narrative. is the u. s. this contains corporate israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the latest news as it breaks, the heart fidelity is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down all the for this with detailed coverage houses are being forced down. they live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks,
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are never far behind from the hall to the story. the is very well in the gaza strip . has led to talk to, can you tell your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste, like forces factory the a meeting of minds. it's what his deadly word freedom, which is used to cover so many different things, the family or mainstream economics. if that happens in any other profession, they will be fine. yeah. well, not just fight it. they'll go to prison. musical innovative, brian, you know, meets renowned economist, hod june chang. part one. i see a lot of hope. i see a lot of experiments going on in the studio would be on script data analysis era. here's from al jazeera on the go and need to know out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from alpha 0 new at using. is it the of the no breakthrough yet in see sign negotiations to end israel's war on cause of your a sick to a state i'm to be blinking. blame some us for the impasse last night we received a response from us has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the tape. we discussed those changes last night with different colleagues. and today with the 5 minutes. some of the changes are workable. some are not a mouse and kind of send you an assignment to demand a complete seas far and the withdrawal of israeli forces some comments or when that
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response to the us website on that proposal. the.


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