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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and the place with this, oh, hail the planet. coming soon on 20, the the hello there i missed of the attain. this is a new zone at life from dawn, coming up in the next 60 minutes. no break through yet and she's fine negotiations to end israel's war on gaza. us secretary of state as me blinking blames hum us to the impulse. i'm us and had a student. does that make sure you had them on a complete safe spot. and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and their response to the us lead cx 5 for place of. meanwhile,
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are you an investigation accused as israel and the palestinian groups of war crimes . and it's fast in that proportion to the war on garza and the attacks of october. the 2nd also ahead, huge protests outside argentina's congress. as m. p. 's prepared for decisive voters on controversial reform times the economy and school approval to a champion that mondor defenses itself. out to 0 above his and limpid conditions. well, record holder is aiming to when his 2nd gold medal at the parish case, the lot smell 1500 cmt and we begin this news our focusing on the latest diplomatic moves to try to end israel's devastation war on gaza. the us secretary of space is in the hall this hour on the last leg of what is now his 8th trip to the region since the fighting began in october. and it's me blinking has been time us for the
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deadlock and agreeing to a proposal announced by us president joe biden last month. he says the palestinian groups response to that plan on tuesday night came with amendments. some of which i'll walkable, but some of which i'm not thinking was addressing a news conference alongside the prime minister of castle, which has been a crucial mediation between home us and israel. has always been debated was at that press conference for us in the hall. here's this report. the operative word used by the secretary of state was there was a deal on the table. and now there are some parts of it which from us has proposed, which are viable and the others that aren't so essentially means that for negotiators it's back to the table and drawing board to figure out how best to bring these sites together is real accepted. the proposal the entire world got behind the proposal from us came back and as of now asked for changes to that proposal. and i'll repeat what i said. some of the changes i think we believe are
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workable, but some are not. and so we'll have to see over the coming days whether the, the gaps that are there as a result of from us not accepting with a clear and simple yes proposal whether they can be bridge or not. and as i said, i believe that they are preferable, that doesn't mean they won't be bridge because ultimately a moss has to decide. and we've heard from the 3 prime minister as well, that there has been, there been indications that there should be a pressure on both sides of israel has been committing gross violations of international humanitarian law. pressure needed to be on the spot to said that we have said that to basically without a thought have us auto auto auditors or 8. but to like, for that exact, for the last 6 of the day of the total that they just have to do. and then also we
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have see that and also a contradicting experience that's from the difference is 80 also shows that also requires a lot of pressure on that as well as, as the i asked the secretary of state about the latest report by the united nations committing is accusing israel of committing crimes, including extermination. he said he happens so i seen that particular report, but he once as well to know that at all sides of this conflict need to abide by international humanitarian law. last month you said there are no red lines for israel. is that still the case? and if there is, what will this mean for yourself and the us administration, we are determined and assist that is real or any other country adhere to internationally about a train law. the laws of our conflict opposed human rights not does not commit the gross violations of those uh, those rights. and that remains and will always remain
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a policy. this is yet another meeting we're just taking 58th time since the secretary of state has visited them, at least since the october, the 7th. and it appears that we are as close to a cease fire as far as we were 48 hours ago. so i'm going to drive it out to 0. don't all these really government has bound alda 0 from reporting from this. so i'm just tell her to joins us now from the to damian capital and on, on the we've had that from the, by the administration. can you give us more of a read on israel's actual position given where things stand right now? the pulls really officials have said that have masses response falls short of what israel is looking for when it comes to a cease fire proposal. remember that both sides have had hard speaking points throughout all of these negotiations. and in fact, all of the rounds that have been going on with mediators have mass wants to see a total and complete end to the war. withdrawal of these really troops,
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while israel was saying that that's not going to happen, that's there. if there is a pause in the fighting for no matter how long israel will continue the war until all of the objectives are met, they say they want to release all the remaining is really captives. they want to make sure the gaza is no longer a threat to israel, and they want to destroy have massive military and political capabilities. so these really, as i have said previously, that a lot of him as, as demands are unrealistic and that they are delusional. but it seems again that we are no, we're closer to a cease fire as both sides say they're looking for different things. how does, how, what's the, with the nation? as far as a reminder, the israeli government has found out as they are from appraising israel and has extended that decision and not is why honda joined the staff from neighboring jordan. well, that spring and well on bizarre i was. is there a senior political unless he joins us today from paris? mountain, it really doesn't sound like any kind of a deal as imminence. maybe not imminent,
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but that doesn't mean that it's, there's going to be no deal. this is a think about situations of this nature is that they've gone up to storage centers . there are quite a lot of patients and certainly is going to be haggling and there's going to be a lot spin down the road. but it's certainly a matter of on not a sin and it's, it's not a sprint, or it's a matter of another spring. and hence, we just going to have to, you know, wait and see how now the united states response to have mice and, and so on. so forth that for some of us who been watching this diplomacy, american diplomacy in the region, you know, we've been patient for 30 years since america sponsored the additional cost will process in 1993. you know, it's only been 50 hours for this one. we've been waiting for 50 years american to
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promise you on that front called the peace process just moment just how different the 2 proposals on the table at the moment. but we don't actually have all the details of that previous proposal for to fix the i. so it's definitely a differs on 2 main points that i can point down to. in this brief time that we have one is about the end game here, which is ending the siege. a mazda is tech said, and the siege, once the cease fire was the pair bonded cease fire is a by that. but the, the other aspect is the face to which is even more explosive. and as far as that processing isn't concerned in the american text that's been adopted by the young sick, with the counsel for a lot, for lack of that text that america agrees. it says that the movement differs to that involves the fully with the. ready forces what happened on the,
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upon the agreement of the parties, in fact, the public are set, starts with a one day agreement over 5 days, such and such and such would happen the poppies. uh, is it all in house. mm. how about ones to move to the 2nd phase is, are those months it has to be saying. so our correspondence has just on the line, the fact that it's a little pushes one after another. i be saying that the need to actually of our water objectives and that starts by saying with accept phase one probably the is or i would not want to go for the restoration. well, speaking of the agreement of the parties, it was interesting to see there that it is the us now who's responding about what is walkable or not just how much influence do they actually have on the use? randy, is that the mind blinking is saying israel is on board with the pen all day. this the thing, right. we haven't heard from the israelis clear statement of adopting the american proposal. more importantly,
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i must underline. it's not just the 5 official. i'm saying something. it's about the is there any government? clicking on the official position, i sort of built into the cabinet because the war half is through a war of what is the cabinet and visit one of what's in the connections is a funding. you've got $3000000.00 a total, a cease fire proof. busy of by the united states without a vote in the government, because one, even that could you could say something, but then the cabinet decides not just so there is to be i'm it for the quote is the position by the prime minister. i buy the car for the run, say we embrace our own proposal because this is june of late is all proposal, right? that was expanded by the united states, which also begs a bit of another, i don't know, excuse my excuse, my laughter. but i mean the help with how much embrace prefers that this is
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entirely is really considering the gap between israel and have us. i mean, it was bound to come that how much it was going to have some sort of issues or some amendments to clarify how you went from phase one through. um, what is the end game here? is it just these renders withdrawing and mentoring procedure goes up, or is it actually the end of this agent kashal mal, in the saw out, is there a senior political analyst? great to get your thoughts today from paris. thank you for joining us now. meanwhile, you and human rights expense have accused israel of commission crimes against humanity and palestinian arms groups of war crimes. and their 1st in depth reporting into the war on cause a and the attacks of october, the 7th. the independent un investigation found israel responsible for using starvation as a method of wolf that and gaza. it says is really forces have intentionally engaged and attacking civilians as well as the forcible cronsa. it also sites examples of
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sexual violence, torch and humane treatment and arbitrary detention. well that 3 men, the commission also investigated the october 7th attacks the inquiry accused as palestinian fighters of killing civilians and taken captives. it also documents the torch and ms. treatment the victims during and after the attacks. well, that's good places for my correspondent game, but as under he joins us now from un headquarters in new york. can you talk us through a few more of the details here? this was a bit of a land walker paused. it really is incredibly significant report, and there is a lot in it, quite frankly, a 126 pages. it looks at factual and legal findings over the course of this investigation. simply can't get into it all, but the real highlights are, as you mentioned, you know, is, report accuse is israel starvation as a method of war, intentionally attacking civilians goes as part of say,
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extermination. i mean, the report is wide and has a lot of detail in it. i'll read just a couple other parts of it. it says it is real, has committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. they documented this, including hostilities undertaken by israel with the intent to cause a maximum damage, disregard distinction, proportionality and adequate precautions. therefore, on lawful course, it also does a look at a palestinian fighters uh mosse. uh, alleged crimes as well, mostly looking at october 7th. but the un investigators stating that the allegations from israeli officials and from is really media that on october 7th, i'm us to part are fighters, took part in a mass rape. the u. n. report says they were not able to confirm any of those
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allegations. so certainly a lot in this report, it will be presented publicly to the un human rights council in geneva next week, gave. so this, by my understanding isn't to report that necessarily has legal standing on its own, but it can be used in legal proceedings. so just how much of a difference does it make as well, i think in the wider context of what's going on a could make a lot of difference. it adds really to the body of evidence if you will, that we've seen built up over the last weeks and months, particularly from the i c. j. of course, it is now says provisional measures calling for among other things, a scale of, of aid in the guise of which we have not seen by the way. also in the wider context of the international criminal court as well. of course, as a chief prosecutor, they're suggesting that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and the defense minister, as well as some from us officials could be arrested if they travel. so with you,
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add it all up. that is release of significance, quite frankly. and i should point out that this report also does offer some recommendations. one is the israel stops, it's war on gaza and opens up a border crossings for more aid to come in. because for an immediate cease fire, something, of course that the un secretary general and the security council just this week. i also called for. okay, but that is on the that keeping an eye on proceedings for us at united nations. thanks k o. meanwhile, more videos have emerged from gauze of these ones appearing to show the summary executions of palestinians by is riley soldiers. say, well, we understand taken the rashid street and now that's the coastal road which connects the north and south tops of garza. israel has designated it as a safe soon to palestinians wanting to move between the 2 areas. now this potential,
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what changes from june, fast as you see that shows a person walking along the beach is really sold as a page was stopped. then my mistake is that the passengers shots as well. this next video appears to show a group of palestinians walking north. this is may 17th, one of the steps out of agreement and raises their hands in the air. apparently showing that on on. they all shot within minutes, the video then shortly. so i'll just come in to take the passes body away and, and this voltage and now the person is standing in that same area with their hands in the now this is shortly before they're apparently shot by israeli soldiers. the same then happens to another pass some later. well, that's got the nicest from central goal is that we can speak to our correspondent tar cowboys in today. he's outside the hospital and they're all the type. this isn't the 1st time that people have been targeted in the vicinity of our sheets, st. the, the. yeah,
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you are correct. this is not the 1st time this very minute. 3 carries out such a kind of deals, executions, full against palestinians who try to return back to the north even to those who are trying to come from the north, to the south, escaping from the ghost assignment on the unrelenting secular football months. and escalating is ready attack, so we need to know that because many uh, forces have been carried out such kinds of minutes, reparations, even in the areas that must be designated uh, saved zones. but we need to go back in time to the 19th of december to remember what happened with i know its families in central garza city where the is what the forces have to storm the building that they were living in a, in the open to fight against a number of young men they've been immediately killed in later. they have got that older women in the house and the such a room. and ladies that have food that they used by the tax to show the building that the way inside. so this is a clear report that had been, that has been gathered by the overall met money,
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so which really documents who will pick testimonies for by witnesses on the ground about how is wait a minute treat was completely violating principles of international humanitarian law. and would it be, do? that's how it gives the remedies to obtain, showing how that palestinian was completely dest, imposing new, any kinds of threats for the it's very true on the ground, but they have to be tough, killed. the palestinian includes not includes black man, this is absolutely terrifying because palestinians will what trying to seek refuge or at least this case from the farm. and that is a really, monique, even rising into another part of gaza are no longer can be saved from these various types as thomas, to me, as have been to the executed by these are the men to treat him in the opposite for she thought, hospitably come on at one medical facility and even, and, and also medical compound, southern goals into, in particular incognito to 6 pm to now we are slowing to know more about such
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calling to see was executed since that there was 2 doses of his stories i'm told by the citizens, as we are trying to get time to uncover on the truth as these, while the forces continue from the ground to commit different sorts of genocide as the is there any kind of laptop and fighting, of course, as high as threats. and now instead of the task, i was reporting for us from the ground from general balance central goal. so thank you. time the age groups all saying that palestinians are suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger install vacation. dozens of people have already died of hunger and d. hydration, this is h o l to 9. now this video is found just days before she died as non nutrition. i brought the to died last week of salvation. israel has been blocking the flow of food and essential goods and what's now on the market is often too expensive for most people to afford. international aid organizations have a curious as well as governments of trying to deliberate to meet stalls people.
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honey monkwood reports from central gulf the killing and maiming of a trap, civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on gaza. this obvious, the slow death of from being a star, the residence of god lives under crushing land in naval blockade. even long before the war in the last 8 months is what it has typed in. it's a truck full and supplies and squeeze people into the types of spaces and events when the, you know, to the ice via in the house where i live. there was so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move the readings feeling the whole way and regarding the prices of food that's a different well, a different rule. it's a rule and of itself. rather than say what cost less than a dollar before the war is now selling for $510.00, even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now,
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not only this really military has pushed palestinians into internal displacements, but a housing force, a soft locating a blockade on the gauze of red, severely limited gain, 3 of essential goods and food supplies into the small in clouds. this blockade has led to severe, a scar city of basic necessities triggering is harvest slide of the prices. it's an intensification of the seas is rep has imposed on the strip since how much to power in 2007 street vendors for survive and daily earnings now can turn a profit even if they have something to. so the say most people can pay for most of the law in the past 10 days, i lost a 50 percent of my capital, maybe more. and it's not just me, it's everybody. as for the price is sort of on the president of the levels. people here see regulation to keep the price is affordable,
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is not working. and international groups criticize israel for what they described as a deliberate attempt to start the people of god more as a 0 from the central area of the gaza strip. how is that a barrier orange of rockets from 11 on has been fired at various locations in northern israel. some of the projectiles reach the mirror and at base on the outskirts of the city of type various causing fires and damage that has belong has claimed responsibility for these attacks. the group says these rockets were fide in retaliation for an overnight attack that killed a senior has the colanda and 3 others for that scotia's anna called out. she has the latest for us from babies is and this has been a particularly heavy barrels of rocket scientist on has like, is cooling it, retaliation the of the will. yes. the flourish of hostilities follows the killing of one of its senior commanders an overnight strike. in
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southern 11, on top of the believe to be a regional manager and the 2nd commander to have been killed. but the most senior one never done. this has been lost claiming responsibility for firing of those for roger's of profit to 40 to the is really are the more than 200 were fired from 11 on and they landed in various areas across northern israel somewhere intercepted. others were landed in open areas causing fire as well as others cause damage. but hezbollah says this is just the beginning. it is promising to intensify the quantity and frequency and for following the assassination has the low. once these killings to stop is rough strategy has been to carry out these targets at assassinations, not just against commanders, but prices as well, and not just 11 on spots in neighboring syria. and
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a short while ago is really media floating sources in the us. maybe our me saying that while this way the army has off decided to carry as a wide scale attack against has the law, it will continue to carry out targets it assassinations again. it's come master's dana off to all these moments that we've been watching is kathleen calibrated attacks and responses to those. all we now seeing in phase in this complex well, there has been a new phase in this conflict for some time. now in the sense that hezbollah has escalated, it's a times it has started to showcase that you like it's capabilities using new weapons, more advanced weapons, it's all about messaging. it's wants to tell this really look, our arsenal is much different and we can inflict damage. so if you do expand this conflict beyond the boarder regence hezbollah has repeatedly said it does not support the full scale war is opened up the front. the northern is routes in order
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to help relief pressure on garza. but if a war is forced upon them, they will fight. we saw them use surface to air missiles and in recent days, but, but has the law and as well are still calculating their moves. both of them know that a full scale war would bring about a lot of destruction. we can forget, as well as the bog down in delta 2. and it is expected to turn his attention to the northern front once once the, the battle in the, you know, the war on gaza as subsides and dies down a. but hezbollah too is relying in one way or the other on us pressure on as well. not to escalate this conflict. so yes. what we've seen in the past 8 months has been for roderick escalation and both sides talking tough talking about, you know, a wider war. but right now it seems that this is still unlimited concierge. then ahold of the reporting for us from the lebanese capital by route to thank using
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the india as prime minister engine light. he says he's saddened by the news of a fire in kuwait that's killed at least 494, and was mostly from india. the 5 rips through their accommodation. coates, deputy prime minister, has ordered an investigation. stephanie deca has. so the fire broke out around 6 am local time, this building housing for more labors. then it should quite center administer visited the site tomorrow. how many are you accommodating in this building? you are responsible 1st of all, before god for all those killed. how many are you competing, and here we are a company. do not tell me a company. i asked how many are you keeping in here about 196. where is the gibson foreman in charge of this accommodation? bring him in, both him and the owner of the building must be kept in custody. the fire broke out
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in the southern montgomery district, an area known to be popular with foreign workers. the interior ministry said he blamed the greed of the real estate owners for packing the building with labours create another gulf countries have often been accused by human rights groups. the abuses when it comes to the conditions of the hundreds of thousands of foreign labors who formed the bulk of the construction sector, stephanie decker, i'll g 0. the head of the world health organization has wanted some regions of suit on all facing mass starvation. more than 18000000, susan is acutely hungry, and approximately 3 and a half 1000000 children are acutely malnourished. thousands will face the risk of using their lives due to lack of medical care, more than 70 percent of all those incompletes that fit to the states and 45 percent of heads, facilities and another 5 of states that are not working. and the remaining
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ones are overwhelmed with people seeking care. people are dying from a lack of access to be say, each other, the services and medicines. while there is a very little risk of must start of ation in some regions. the 3 think of the services including matter, not even child and health care. the management of see that kids migration and the treatment of patients with chronic conditions have been discontinued in many areas . meanwhile, through drones army and the power military rapid support forces have both been added to a un blacklist for killing and injuring children and attacking schools and hospitals . the, our staff was listed for recruiting children and for rape and other forms of sexual violence against children. the young revolt as to you should be published on thursday. a separate you and report shows a staggering 480 percent increase. graves violations against children from 2022 to
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2023, jamal a. l. d. inside. or what is a sudanese man who lives just outside the capital call to he describes what happened when the rapid support forces came to his home for 2 years in his own once you might have dancing about me, so con, higher on the chevy circle. the moving meaning center city to, to many is the word talk wasn't going to remove, i've been leaving, you know, and yet the don't want viewable on you the lives you've done. not a bit, my god, i'll still support a few then. how does it come on? we'll really thought about the daily you know. why to them were, you know, gum regarded, well, definitely my game. she hasn't been just a dual down in my gut feeling really,
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really starting to start with you all the golf. that little city, the one can use it up to the side. but on we feel good as the i could see what we charge of doctor visual. i'm laying a salmone down the fuel door not being super hold on for what i had. how do you? well, i had the pleasure. i know that we get to those one mobility. i mean is the word no good enough that i know? yeah, i need most of us continue to follow. come up. you're going to bid the is a minute that to be at the now you might have said this one, it definitely be the high. yeah. i mean with the gun, i'm around, i'm the, i'm little it had been very reliable. the worst case it again has to live in a game show. much really did done while it was
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it out loud and are you, lisa schafer, that's a possibility, an image of the video and also $190.00 with the mazda the. yep. and the machine must die for the we, i wouldn't get guns that along with the already and the bottom up along. i mean, what you say was i went to the west and pause of democratic republic of congo. now when moving a few people had been killed off to a boat capsized on a river, any of the capital contrasts a dead. reversing accidents occur frequently in the country with small wooden vessels, often overloaded and unsafe lowing is observing 21 days of national morning after the vice president was killed in a plane crash on monday. so as to leave his body has now been returned to the capital of a long way. he and 9 others were travelling in
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a plain which crashed and the mountainous area and the north of the country. the president says to lima will receive a state few, a still a head here on out here and sports a strange to hit their way into the next round of a t 20 cricket world cup sign will be here with all the action for the the it's been raining steadly to heavily i thinking and central posit julie just south a conceptual there is flooding as a result, certain number of rescues that had to take place this river funding but also the amounts of rain fully have this guys cause funding elsewhere in nearby in terms of the cities most are kind of, i think, in the same sort of area of next couple of days. that's the rest of everyone else is much dry as bright, tina hudgens and robin sunny temperature bank, right?
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the shelves are moved off shore. so if you're going power going brazil, the store is completely different. it's hot weather. in fact, sunsets city, full rio to buy it so that he pretty much on the high side of right should be all beyond that. the seasonal range on top of didn't shower was the top produced in columbia some flash study, some 9 slides, the same potentially exist in venezuela. and to some degree to the north, is that because we've had significant rain in florida and more recently in the town that might be repeated also in possibly the correct you o clock tomorrow. but flooding has already taken place in florida, and there is more to come than most of the us. that's not a story. it has been in houston, texas is probably on the streets. i'm think the gulf states might be at risk of further in that regard. otherwise, a very much dr. pictures still halting the south west, but not reco breaking lisa, the
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alice's team in the gaza strip, as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it means is to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes his readings and actively humanizes palestinian. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing that's reporting in the field means i often get the witness, not just news is breaking, but also history as it's unfolding from serbia one day i might be covering politics covering protest. what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing on the
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truck a match and watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. this is a day off. the i'm also is responds to us. these 5 proposals has been no major break through us equities states on st. blinking is in the honda discuss it all with catalyst fun, minnesota thinking. so some of the changes proposed by him us when not was enrolling independent un investigation has found. so israel has committed crimes against humanity and will crimes. and the 1st in depth for forcing into the warm cost expense say as well as crimes include that of extermination, torture in treatments of the policy. how to stay in on groups are also accused of
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war crimes, particularly on october. the 2nd video 7 match from gaza appearing to show summary executions. tell us why it's written sources. they were taking the hours change streams and that's the costco, right? connecting north and south concepts. it was meant to be a social thing. oh, that's now speak to mohammed l mastery. he's a political analyst and a professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies. he joins us today from minneapolis, nama, thank you for joining us on the news. our again, when you see videos like that, i mean, this is a rule that the world has been watching. people know what's been happening on the ground and we see global outrage building. how much does this new un report feed into any kind of pressure to, to get ahold of the finding? well, there's been a lot of evidence now compiled against israel, right? obviously you have the south africa genocide case. south africa produced
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a $584.00 page report repeat with what evidence of crimes, including the crime of of genocide you had francisco albany, is that you one special rapper tour producer. very detailed report, also documenting evidence of crimes. and here you have another report, this is adding to the growing body of evidence. i don't think there's any difference of opinion among scholars of genocide studies and scholars or international humanitarian law that israel has been carrying out a genocide. so in many ways what we're seeing is not, is not particularly surprising in terms of the, the, the report. there's nothing really new, the incidents are new, but it's, it's the same pattern which is real targeting civilians and killing civilians. and this is part of what they've wanted to do from the star. you have to go into is
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really ideology and i don't want to go too far down that road because there's not time, but people want to read on the doctor, your doctor. and this is the intention of the is really government to inflict as much damage as possible among civilian population, to turn to civilian population against its leadership. as you say, mohammed that evidence has been bouncing has and people are documenting what's happening. i've been wondering whether that's contributing to any kind of and then some around the tools. i mean now how mouse is saying to me blinking this part of the problem, not the solution. they clearly don't feel as blinking is continuing to insist that the us plan we're looking at is about to leave the same as the previous proposal in may. yeah, it's just it's, it's a huge mess. it's a huge mass. things are very, very convoluted in part because the united states is, is being very misleading. i think deliberately misleading that i keep on saying that this is israel's proposal and that israel has accepted it no matter how many
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times blinking says it, it's not going to make it true. israel has not accepted anything. israel has repeatedly said that they are going to continue this war that is in direct violation or in direct contradiction to what the proposal the ceasefire proposal presented by the united states lays out. in fact, a couple of days ago at the un is randy wrapped, but i'm not sure why more people are talking about those. but the, the is really representative at the un said that israel is going to continue the war until a mazda is completely dismantled, not just militarily, but also politically. so israel has no intention of accepting this deal, but if they did, they would have come out and said, but instead words were expected to believe anthony, blinking anthony blinking and who says that israel told him in private that they accept a deal. so, um were unfortunately just uh, were running in place here and nothing has changed from us once a permanent and to the hostilities and history is real,
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wants the right to continue the war. and until that equation changes, we're not going to move anymore. as you say, many of the main sticking points still remain. i'm wondering how the rest of the while and feels about this. this us, let's use 5 kind of the moment time. i know some of the countries still have their reservations to as well. if you listen to anthony blinking today, he kept, he kept repeating, that the whole world is behind this proposal. but the reality is that the whole world was on previous was on the side of previous ceasefire. proposals that would have brought and brought about an immediate and permanent and hostilities, and it was the united states and israel that repeatedly blocked those efforts of the united states has imposed this up on the, on the international community right now has put forth a proposal. and then the countries that are in the security council voted for it, or in the case of rush out of state and just to sort of give it
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a chance because there's nothing else available. the u. s. has ensured that there is nothing else available right now. but to say that the entire can international communities behind it is again very misleading. so several countries expressed reservations including russia and china, malta, algeria, and others. so this is a very imperfect proposal to say the least mastery in political and less than a professor. immediate studies at the institute for graduate studies, always great to get your thoughts. mama, thank you for joining us again on the news on thanks i, i am leaving on on august on has that a tax revenue target have more than a $46000000000.00 for this is budget and put forward the business plan and the hopes of strengthening its case for new bell out, deal with the international monetary fund focused on isn't talks for fatherland, estimated to be anywhere between $6.00 to $8000000000.00. well, let's take a closer look at pocket stones economy right now. the nation has been in severe economic crisis since 2022. it's carnes. he has lost more than half its value.
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inflation is above 20 percent last year pockets. now natalie, avoid is default of to the i method read a $3000000000.00 bailout, a wall that cover deficits. it also pushed inflation up to 38 percent. that's improved this year with inflation forwarding to just under 12 percent in may. and response packaged on central bank has cut interest rates to 20.5 percent for the 1st time in 4 years. low interest rates are expected to help demand and suppose in economic recovery with price of 3.6 percent expected. in the coming here. earlier we spoke just a few out of an economic policy expense, or she says congress down has of the political instability which has also led to its economy. stagnating stock is done so order to produce infected and working with big or small desk connections have been uh you know, up and down own and uh,
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basically the number of characters which are unfair focused on itself. i put in a different instability. i think that it had something to do with it. well, let alone be there. so a time, in fact, some decade the investment in roman catholics has consistency renewal and knowledge, the point where all these things have started matter. so basically it's a big call and you know, the national for investment in human care, particularly to, to happen over decades. it is going to depend instability. we did officials in the front of me also via to secure the lobbying rule. so people talk to be surprised by success and government leading to buy they cannot make decisions . so it's a combination of factors. what are the phenomena, the police and engine administered kashmir, blaming pockets done. so rising separatist attacks and that region, 2 separate fist fights is under security. official were killed in gun baffles,
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and the general area on tuesday and 7 others were injured. 2 days earlier, 9 hindu pilgrims were killed when the bus was targeted. essential operations still underway for the attack and he didn't either casey, see if the comes to going to be seen. he done a good, it is at least a 3rd or the 4th attack is it's targeted often because it is very close to the national hiring and the development border with focused on well, instead of head here on out of here, i am. i'm indeed recei. uh, being a rubber plantation in the ivory coast. why more and more families are focusing on rubbing instead of their traditional 3 days after winning the french open. kinda sal garage has teamed up with another form. and champion, the interstate center will be here to tell him the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant,
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the on business latex, to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant, the
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the welcome back to origin tina now web protest, currently taking place of a president, coffee emulates flagship economic reform bill demonstrates as have gathered outside congress and one is aries as the off the house, the senate debates that bill now this so hold on about slo prefers is sweeping changes to the economy, including staple stairs, emissions and privatization lay originally wanted to privatize before c companies bought the bill was significantly the usage before being approved by the lower house back in april. precedent. well, that's not bringing our correspondence raise about, she's out the protest for us in the capitol to raise it. can you give us some context? it took us through what the snow was actually about and why so many people are
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against it. gathered outside of the space is very, very strong. also police surrounding the survey of what the faces know, is the 2nd time that the government tends to pass. such a bill, the 1st one was earlier, the series that at least $600.00 last, but the government have to bring it down to a little over $282.00 shoes, like the delegation of legislative powers, to the precedents reforming. the argentinian states privatizing companies legal reforms given privileges to companies who want to invest in argentina, social a physical package that would carry out tax reforms. so this is a major bill for the vault and mentor for president. have you ever seen a it's part of what he says?
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he's, he's planned to transform. i didn't tina to transform this country that has been struggling with an economic crisis for many years that the base is expected to be a long one is for the last several hours, someone if occasions where i made him defend it, takes expected for this not to go back to but no more house. if it's passive later today, have you gotta be ready to call for a 6 months ago since pick office has implemented shuttle square, which i'm not sure. listening stop city and make sure you're among other things you do by the way, did the currency 50 percent, was the station rate and does come from. that's why there's thousands of people on the streets, mostly concerns, especially among labor unions, among states, employees over $50000.00 of them already being laid off. so there's lots of concerns about what will happen in argentina, and many are extremely concerned that the transformation off this countries will come up very expense on. certainly quite the crowd, the trays that are on the streets of one is are as far as will stay constant for
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you here on the 0. thanks to is well, it is now times of support and his time. thank you very my to and the size here. well, we're just over a month to the olympics. one of the world's biggest academics, stars, one to plan to has told all does, there is just trying to live in the moment. the swedish pole hold world record holder is aiming to win his 2nd gold medal in paris. police reports a dante. this was the moment sweetens on. the point is extended one of the most astonishing streaks and sport breaking the pole vault will record for the 7th time. it's made the defending olympic champion, a star of track and field. i just try to get the most out of myself. i live, i live very much in the presence, of course, when, when it's the olympic years, it's always, it's a little bit hard to dodge it. mentally. these will be the 2nd to live big sensor a time. it's of sprint icon using both. it's a vacuum that athletics types can be filled by the mind known as monday. paris
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loved love 12 voting thing. it's a great thing and it overall gets as much attention as it 10, as i can put, put on the map as much as i can then i guess, and i'm doing the job, right. and he's doing a very good job with that too. yeah, it's, he's home club in sala. nope. it's still kind of old is technically and physically one of the most demanding events of the olympics. the polls come with a health warning. it wasn't a particularly populous. both parents wait until monday came along and made it look easy. the punch is stopped to training an ups are a lot of to choosing to compete for his mother's home country sweden, instead of his native usa. this since been a search and demand for potable defense of the competitions nationwide. know that he's breaking world records almost every competition and every season gets brought a lot of people into a lot. they get to be pumped up to get better. sometimes when you're here at the re nice year,
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tre asked me about my jumping and my competing and so is right down to earth and very friendly and nice is kind of just fun. seeing him jump extremely high and be or dislike. okay, i was planning to try that, they with a get some notes. you don't have to move in spalding circles to encounter more of the suite in his face is known to people who have never watched a single 2nd po, volt, royal. and he's a hero to the friends who watch every 2nd. if he's contests, power is 2024, maybe the time he becomes a legend, not just in the record books, but in the hearts of a global public. he's already secured a legacy for pole vault here in sweden. maurice out is there ups on tennis thought as well. i found a don carlos out of kind of a will team. i'll put to pay doubles together for spain at the periscope olympics. or the news comes that just 3 days after i was kind of one of the front open for the 1st time. 21 year old now has a 3 career grass. some titles he set to play alongside his childhood hero,
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an adult, the 38 year old has already claimed to olympic gold medals, one and singles in 2008, and the other in doubles in 2016. it's just 2 days out until euros and christiano, rinaldo is in great goal scoring form said you 9 year old, warmed up for the 6th euros campaign. and so many assign you score twice and for to those for you know, when against the public of ours. and it takes his international attorney to a record extending a 100 and that he calls it listed the trophy in 2016. he's a side that would look secure and reclaimed the title, starting with the group as open to i guess to check with public. on tuesday, australia thrash nivia to book their place, and the next stage of the t 20 crickets woke up a bold and the movie out for just 72 s. as in sam talked to who we could and then chase down the target to of just 5.4 overs. ensuring that progressing to the super
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8. so this is what the group looks like by the time most truly plays copeland and the final group game of both teams will know exactly what they need to do to make sure england are not the top one australian play. i was off if they do their best to make sure that happens. yeah, i think that is only basically kind of because the south side, again, as i said the on the top 3 times only you know, we can get another to one of them. that's an adverse interest, as well as probably around one of hey we're to win the upcoming us open a has withdrawn due to injury on the wrong one. the offense, back in 2021 was an infection a his left foot has ended. his hopes for this yet event. he's also at the pinehurst, the course in north carolina on thursday as well. number one scholarship that has
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already won 5 tournaments of this year. he's now aiming for he says, major title. the american was runner up to ends in the last last year. he'll be taking off a long side form, a winnowing mcroy and pga trying to see if it went to santa sophia. when we started the term that week were all even par, and it's not like anybody's out there playing defense. you know, like when i put a xander in rory here, thursday and friday they're not going to be saying weird stuff. i'm out on the golf course or trying to, you know, block my part from going to the whole there's, we all kind of got to go out there and play our game. and so not really much that we can do in the game of golf. you know, most of it is against the golf course and planning it yourself. so target on my back then really. i don't really feel it and then i don't really think about it much. and tiger was hes a. his son, charlie could be the see chris to any success he has at the upcoming tournament. the 3 time champion that has been with the 15 year old, the 2 of his practice sessions. pinehurst, it will be just the full competitive appearance of the yet for what's that?
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so for me in the says, you know, i've read cursed is the world's biggest producer of cocoa. but farm is that now prefer rather they say it's cheaper to farm and takes up less non power. i'm going to just reports from ivory coast because city on how this trend could mean high chocolate prices at your local supermarket of the the cocoa industry in west africa says these white gripping sap as the biggest threat fits cocoa supply. after climate change, the growing number of problem is either diversifying into nights of rubber or turning their backs on a crop that sustained livelihood for generations. and for the ivory coast on the top of the global list of coal corporate uses, it's a new system. so why do go most a is a president of the local co cooperative and i will feel a town north of the capital. i be show you problems both,
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perhaps the most you have. so policies, ethics, i'm not finding rubber is like being on a salary. you harvested almost every month on like cocoa, which is office to one soul at most twice. so yes, it may not fetch as much as cocoa, but at least you have something to live on every month. it is right to rub a production in ivory coast rose from 170000 tons. just 3 years ago. 1.5000000 tons in 22 to propelling the country to the top 3 producers in the world. industry and others believe it could suppose it's kevin of portfolio. the 205322 divorce eats it. climate change and sort and production cost off forcing move farmers to switch, dropping wild rubber trees, taking nearly as long as cocoa to produce a 1st output. they require less hard work and i'm like cool, co rubble prizes us tables. something many pharmacy. i appreciate for the on financial stability that systems of consent for the concrete district cocoa
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diversification of sustainability, consulting edwin canada says the colquitt industry is at a crossroads. small scale on from farmers providing 90 percent of the low supply. they have to do that us. nobody come compelled anytime to compel the couple of trees is not like big farms that can you know, the control photo swell order, farmers, you can't control them. he says the cool cool industry must come up with an acceptable support system to help farmers will continue to live in poverty while supplying a multi 1000000000 dollar industry. if not, fuel farmers will come to be at the crop, which could mean high prizes for the chocolate bar or the supermarket shelves. committed reasons, why would you see that? i don't remember you can always find much more on our website has to be addressed. so that is out of there a dot com. that's it for this news out. don't go away. then i'll be back in
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a moment. was much more of today's news to stay with the israel's war on gossip be coming forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. a quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line. the latest news as it breaks, put immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa rights remains from the in the saddle, the fall right is expected to shake off politics and bustles from around the world . the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. average and russia
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has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. a meeting of minds. it's always deadly. what freedom, which is used to cover so many different things. the family or mainstream economics . if that happens in any other profession, they will be fine. yeah. well not those 5 that they would go to prison musical in the day to brian, you know, meets renowned economist hodges and change part one. i see a lot of hope. i see a lot of experiments going on into a studio would be on script data analysis era. even if you look at reach countries which are now being impact about climate change, almost invariably the most vulnerable people who are suffering now are poor people . in the u. s. for example, it's one of the richest comes to the world and the 25 percent of the populations live in substandard housing. but it's important to understand that. so that's climate change is an issue that a shot through is any policy in multiple respects. and we see it in class terms,
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1st and foremost, i guess the most obvious way we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming and responsible for, for accessing machines. and so there is a very big display is amongst who causes the problem and who suffers the breakthrough yet and see sign negotiations to end as well as war on garza, us secretary of state on st, blinking blames. come off to beat him. ha, ha, ha ha, the thing is, i'm a jihad have demanded a complete si size. and the withdrawal of israeli forces from garza and their response to the us fed cx. 5 replaced the color that i missed on the pay. this is out of their life. and uh huh. also come
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and you an investigation, a q is israel and palestine in groups of war crimes. and that's fast in depth for forced into the war on garza, i'm the attacks of.


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