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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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there was any policy in multiple respects and we see it in class terms. first and foremost, i guess the most obvious way we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming and responsible for, for accessing missions. and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers the consequences. the no break through yet and see sign of those jasons to end israel's war. on garza, us secretary of state arms name blinking blames him off to be in. ha, ha, ha, ha, this thing is, i mean she had, have demanded a complete safe spot on the withdrawal of israeli forces from garza and their response to the us fed cx, 5 for price color that i missed on the pay. this is out of their life. from doha, also coming and you went investigation accuse is israel and the palestinian groups
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of war crimes. and it's fast in depth proportion to the war on garza, i'm the attacks of october, the 2nd, the dying assigned to the w h. i was of mass starvation and sued on because of a lack of food and medical supplies caused by the conflict. also ahead, huge protests outside argentina's congress as m. p. 's prepared for decisive verse on controversial reform plans for the economy. the while we start with the different classic efforts to try to end as well as war on gaza. us secretary of state on st, blinking has blamed from us for the deadlock and agreeing to a cease 5 proposal announced by us president joe biden last month blinking had been holding talks with leaders here in cost. ok,
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which has been mediation discussions between homos and is right along side egypt. he says the palestinian groups responds to biden's plan on tuesday night came with amendments, some of which are walkable, but some of which are not. blinking held a news conference along with cutoff prime minister some a bunch of aid was that on filed this report the operative word used by the secretary of state was there was a deal on the table. and now there are some parts of it which from us has proposed, which are viable and the others that are and so essentially means that for negotiators it's back to the table and drawing board to figure out how best to bring these sites together is real accepted the proposal the entire world got behind the proposal from us came back and his is now asked for changes to that proposal. and i'll repeat what i said. some of the changes i think we believe are workable, but some are not. and so we'll have to see over the coming days,
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whether the, the gaps that are there as a result of from us not accepting with a clear and simple yes. a proposal whether they can be bridge or not. and as i said, i believe that they are preferable, that doesn't mean they will be bridge because ultimately i'm off has to decide we've heard from the 3 prime minister as well that there has been there been indications that there should be a pressure on both sides of israel has been committing gross violations of international humanitarian law pressure needed to be, or both parties that we have said that basically without a thought have us auto auto auto lives or 80. but to like for that exempt for the last 6 of the day after that they just have to do and then also we have see that and also a contradictory and you see it, it's from a different is a the offices that's also requires a lot of pressure on that,
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as well as as the frontier. i asked the secretary of state about the latest report by the united nations committee is accusing israel of committing crimes, including extermination. he said he hasn't started seeing that particular report, but he wants as well to know that at all sides of this conflict need to abide by international humanitarian law. last month you said there are no red lines for israel is that still the case? and if there is, what will this mean for yourself and the us administration, we are determined and assess that is real or any other country adhere to international humanitarian law. the laws of aren't conflict, uphold human rights, not does not commit the gross violations of those uh those rights. and that remains and will always remain a policy. this is yet another meeting which is taking place the 8th time since the secretary of state has visited them, at least this since the october,
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the 7th. and it appears that we're as close to a cease fire as far as we were 48 hours ago. so i'm a driving down to 0. the of all these ran a government has banned. alda 0 from a portion from nasa to south joins us now from the gold, 80, and capital a non. i'm that we've been hearing from the vitamin ministration. but can you perhaps give us more of a read on israel's actual position given where everything stands right now? it is worth noting, and that is really officials never publicly accepted us. president joe biden ceasefire proposal, but rather anonymous officials speaking to media said that it wasn't exactly what israel was looking for. however, once how much did give a response officials from israel speaking anonymously, yet again, had so that how much had removed main and key for opponents of the ceasefire deal. but israel was looking for and remember there are major sticking points from both
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sides have mass wanting to see an end to the war, calling it a comprehensive ceasefire. a total withdrawal of these really troops, while these really say that even if there is a pause in the fight, no matter how long, no matter how many phases the work goes on for the ceasefire, rather they're going to continue the war until all of their objectives are met, they want to see the release of all of the remaining captives held in gaza. they want to make sure that guns are no longer poses a threat to israel, and they want to destroy him as his military. and political capabilities is really officials have always been pointing the finger at him as during these negotiations, blaming them for why they are not working. but remember that both sides one completely different things. and for the last several months, mediators have been scrambling to come to some sort of agreement, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen just yet. some of the so that's that with overlays as far as a reminder is really government has found out a 0 from operation and as well they've extended that decision to so that's why
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honda joined us then from neighboring jordan. well meanwhile, you and human rights textbooks have accused is relative committing crimes against through non i see the palestinian arms groups of war crimes and the 1st in debt to pushing into the war on garza, i'm the attacks of october the 7th. as the independent do. an investigation found israel responsible for using starvation as a method will fit in gaza and says is rarely forces have intentionally engaged and attacking civilians. and therefore simple cronsa. it also sites examples of sexual violence, torture in human treatment, an arbitrary detention without 3 men. the commission also investigated the october 7th attacks. the inquiry accuses palestinian fighters of killing civilians and taking captives. it also documents the torch and mistreatment victims during and after the attacks. ok, but alexander has more details on that report from the united nations in a wider context of what's going on. it could make
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a lot of difference. it adds really to the body of evidence if you will, that we've seen built up over the last weeks and months, particularly from the i c. j. of course, it is now says provisional measures calling for, among other things, a scale up of 8 in the guise of which we have not seen by the way. also in the wider context of the international criminal court as well. of course, as a chief prosecutor, they're suggesting that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the defense minister as well as them from us officials could be arrested if they travel. so it was you added all up that is release of significance, quite frankly. and i should point out that this report also does offer some recommendations. one is the israel stops, it's war on gaza and opens up a border crossings for more aid to come in. because for an immediate cease fire course, it also does look at a palestinian fighters a good him,
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us alleged crimes as well. mostly looking at october 7th. but the u. n. investigators stating that the allegations from israeli officials and from is really media that on october 7th, i'm us to partner fighters, took part in a mass rape the u. n. report says they were not able to confirm any of those allegations. so certainly a lot in this report, it will be presented publicly to the un human rights council in geneva next week. so videos have a large from gaza appearing to show summary executions of palestinians by is randy soldiers. these were taken near l received street and that's the coastal road connecting north and south cause on israel had designated it as a safe certain for palestinians wanting to move between the 2 areas. the footage of watching is from june fast to chose
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a pass and that walking along the beach is rarely sold as a pet to have stopped in my place at the pass and shopped on this next video appears to show a group of palestinians walking north on may 17th this time, one of them the steps out of the grief and raises their hands in yeah, apparently showing their on, on their shop within minutes. and the video shows soldiers coming in to take that passes body away. and this footage you're watching now another pass and the standing in that same area with the hands in the this is shortly before the apparently shocked by israeli soldiers the same then happens to another pass. and lisa, without correspond to her a couple, was there and isn't there all the in central cause was more on those cuttings. this is not the 1st time this very minute 3 carries out such a car and just feels executions full against palestinians who try to return back to the north. even to those who are trying to come from the north to the south,
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escaping from the ghost assignment on the unrelenting secular buttons. and escalating is really a tax. well, we need to know that the is very, uh, forces have been carried out such kinds of minutes, reparations, even in areas that must be designated uh, saved zones. but we need to go back in time to the 19th of december to remember what happened with i know its families in central garza city where the is where the forces have the storm, the building that they were living in the open to fight against a number of young men, they've been immediately killed and later they have gathered all the women in the house and the such a room. and ladies that have food that they use by the tax to show the building that the way inside. so this is a clear report that had been had that has been gathered by the over met money. so which really documents? who do i think testimonies for by witnesses on the ground about how the is really minute treat was completely violating or principles of international humanitarian
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law. and would it be do that? i would just be remish to obtain showing how that palestinian was completely dis, imposing, knew any kinds. all right, so this is very true on the ground, but it has to be tough. killed. the palestinian includes not includes black men on this is absolutely terrifying. all age groups say that palestinians also suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger installed ation. thousands of people have already died of hunger and the hydration. this is 8 year old and then this video was filmed just days before she died of malnutrition, her brother to died last week of starvation. it is rather husband blocking the flow of food and essential goods and what's now on the market is often too expensive for most people to afford. international aid organizations have accused, as well as governance of trying to deliberate based off people. honeywell for reports not from central garza, the killing and maiming of
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a trap. civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on gaza. this obvious, the slow death of from being a star, the residence of god, lives under a crushing gland to naval the blockade. even long before the war in the last 8 months is what it has typed in. it's a truck full and supplies and squeeze people into tighter spaces and events when the you know, to the ice via in the house where i live. there was so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move the reason ceiling the whole waste and regarding the prices of food that's a different well, a different rule. it's a rule in and of itself. rather than say what cost less than a dollar before the war is now selling for $510.00, even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now, not only this really military has pushed cala simians into internal displacements,
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but it housing forces suffocating a blockade. on the gauze of reb, severely limited gain 3 of essential goods and food supplies into the small in cloud. this, the blockade has linked to severe, a scar city of basic necessity, triggering the sharpest spike of buddha prices. it's an intensification of the seas is reb has imposed on the strip since how much to power in 2002nd street vendors for survive on daily earnings now can turn a profit even if they have something to. so the say most people can pay for loss of the law in the past 10 days, i lost the 50 percent of my capital, maybe more. and it's not just me, it's everybody i, for the price is sort of on the president of the levels. people here see regulation to keep the price is affordable, is not working. and international, 8 of groups criticize as well. so what they describe as a deliberate attempt to start the people of god more as
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a 0 from the central area of the gaza strip. how is that? a barrels of rockets from lebanon has been filed at various locations in northern israel. some projectiles reach the narrow, narrow base on the outskirts of the city of type, various causes, fires and damage that has the law has claimed responsibility for the attacks. the group says the rockets were 5 invitation for an overnight attack that killed a senior has the come on to and 3 of them still have here on out of pocket stones. new coalition. government said 1000 um vicious plan to get the economy back on track that kind of why the on counting the cost your a screen deal is the lowest most time vicious climate plan. but will it be implemented? our sharing in south africa is that good news for the economy. plus the telephone
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governments in afghanistan says that it's becoming financially self reliant country and the cost on al jazeera, these off cheers solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person and yourself in that person, shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country, the nazi, becomes a lot to on the we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be trades and equally we are false. that's our officers. whatever has been done by will tend to be done even better
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as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the visions, keywords you to the the welcome back to watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories, the sound a day off, the mouse has responds to us. these 5 proposals says the no major breakthrough us secretary of state on st, blinking is content and go home discussing it all with capital is 5 minutes. that blinking says some of the changes proposed by him. us went north west. meanwhile, an independent and un investigation has found the israel has committed crimes against humanity in full crimes. and the 1st index for forcing into the war on gaza,
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expand, say, as well as crimes and to passive extermination, torture and inhuman treatments of palestine costing. an armed groups are also accused of all crimes, particularly on october. the 2nd video is, has been matched from gaza appearing, discharge summary executions, palestinians by israeli soldiers, they were taken, man stands near received the street. that's the coastal road connecting north and south because that it was meant to be a so called safe side how the head of the walls house organization has one to that . some regions of sued on all facing mass starvation, more than $18000000.00 sudanese, all currently a cubes be hungry. approximately 3 and a half 1000000 children acute female nourished and thousands more faced, the risk of losing their lives due to lack of medical care. a more than 70 percent, the false be the same conflict affected the states and 45 percent of those
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facilities in another 5 states that are not working and the remaining ones are overwhelmed with people taking care. people are dying from a lack of access to essentially the services and medicines. while there is a very little risk of must start of ation in some regions. 3 services including my 3rd mother and child and health care. the management of see that i keep my limitation and the treatment of patients with chronic conditions have been discontinued in many areas forming laws. so don's ami um to the power and then a true rapid support for us as have both now been added to the un blacklist for killing and injuring children and attacking schools and hospitals. the r s f was listed for recruiting children and for rates and other forms of sexual violence against children. do and reports as to should be published on thursday about
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a separate you and report shows a staggering 480 percent increase in grade violations against children. from 2022 to 2023. induced prime minister and run remote. a says he sevens by the use of a fire in kuwait that's killed at least 49 for and because most of them from india, the 5 rips through their accommodation towards the deputy prime minister has ordered investigation. a focused on has a tax revenue target of more than $46000000000.00. so this is budget and for the for that um, business plan in the hopes of strengthening its case for a new bailout deal with the international monetary fund, passed on is in towards, for, for the loan estimation to be anywhere between $6.00 to $8000000000.00. naturally advice of the default last year, thanks to a short term. i left that out of $3000000000.00 of a 9 months earlier we spoke to savannah outside of she's an economic policy x,
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but she says congress down has suffered political instability, which has led to its economy stagnates, focused on the market, producing sector marketing, doing with big or small deck finished and has been as you know, up and down on and basically their number of the unfair focus on their stuff. i put in a different instability. i think that it has something to do with it. um, well, but a long period of time, in fact some decade the investment in roman catholic has consistency being low and lean on each the point where all these things have started matter. so basically it's a big call of, you know, the national congestion in human care, particularly to, to happen over a decade. it is significant in stability. we did officials and the funding meals. we have to secure the lobbying rules. so people talk to be surprised by suspense. and government leading to buy, they cannot make decisions. so it's
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a combination of factors forward. and that's gonna depend on the to hold the origin, tina. now when i purchased kindly taking place, i have a present hobby emulated flagship economic reform bill. demonstrations have gathered outside congress and buenos aires as the of the house and senate debates the bill. this, so for on the bus will propose a sweeping changes to the economy, including staple stairs he measures and privatization, now relate originally wants to privatize some full 2 companies. but this bill was significantly done. you said before being approved by the lower house, back in april or that spring and now corresponds, weighs about she's on the streets, the out those protests for us. and one is aries toys that can you give us all a bit of context? it took us through this and it was about and why so many people are against the? well, that's right. i'm right outside of the congress. i'm just thousands and thousands of people have gathered here to protest against what is known as the basis. no,
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there is, as i said, thousands of people that are right behind me and all the st surrounding cause. it's also a very strong pressing sort the police. i just saw some members of the police in riot gear. so it is very, very likely that they would try to remove many of the people that don't pick this road in the next few hours. so this baby cisco used to have initially, earlier this year around $600.00. now, it has a little over 200 i need includes a broader issues among them, the delegation of legislative powers for the president, for example, how profound with form of the art in time. some stage companies are doing moving invest privileges. i'm on the other things are labor reform among other things. so this is just part of what have you had a place is road map to transform argentina and that's why it is always important for someone like him. however, for the people that are right now here on the street that makes really concerned
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about what will happen to them among them, there's labor, union, states, employees left with in groups. among many, many others who are concerned about what will happen with argentina's economy. what would happen with their jobs have your me that has said in several interviews that she's well, it wouldn't be to destroy the argentinian states that she believes that the state in this country has failed and that it needs to be reform. so when you talk to, we will hear what they're saying is that to this, what will happen to them to raise as you say me, they made this a real sense, a piece of his campaign. he's going to go to the last on the line here of the well that's direct me to have. you had to be ready to call for 6 months ago when he promised to transform this country. and since taking office, you have implemented national posterity flying up to them that included, for example, lifting the subsidies on electricity transport fuel, evaluating the currency by 50 percent,
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something that's part of the inflation rate in argentina, even. 2 there's something the hard continues have been struggling with for many, many, many years. they has also, for example, taught the number of ministries by half, among other reforms. the main objective is to reduce the fiscal deficit. in fact, argentina's economy for the past month have had a fisco surplus and the lady said that this is something that he's going to defend . however, what we happy seeing in this past month and argentina is that increase in the other 2 rates, for example. there's also, we not sharp dropped and consumption. most economies saw warning that unemployment is going to start going up. thousands of already of private employees have been laid off, aside from the states, employees over $50000.00. but i've already been laid off for the government. this law is crucial to be able to continue with this reforms to be able to give investors flooring investors. they guarantee that this reforms are not going the
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way. however, many of the people that you can see right behind me, thousands of people are extremely concerned that this transformation would come at their expense tourism birthday and keeping an eye on those persons for us on the streets of one is aries a thank you to raise and i'm allowing is observing 21 days of national morning after its vice president was killed in a plane crash on monday solitude him. his body has now been returned to the capital of a long way. he and 9 others were travelling in a plain which crashed in a mountainous area in the north of the country. the president says to him, it will receive a state from are. now nature has secured an assurance through hungry that the country will not block plans to provide funding and military assistance to ukraine on gary in 5 minutes to victor. hold on, made to the pledge during a meeting with the nature of secretary general young stokes and bugs in budapest meeting. take face a head of a naser, a summit in washington next month with a $43000000000.00 annual support package for ukraine is on the agenda. hungry your
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call has in the past, oppose the plan, all giving it to her to bring nato close that to wall with russia. spells and back it says, an agreement that satisfies both parties has not been reached. from is the old one, has made it clear that strong to hungry will not participate in these need to efforts. and i accept this position. and i'm glad that today, department just an i have agreed to move down at this for hunger is non participation in naples support. so claim no. hon, gary and personnel. we took part in these activities and no one gotten funds will be used to support them. at the same time, the prime minister has assured me that's hungry will not oppose these efforts from suspending voting reforms in the french pacific territory of new caledonia. after the post changes triggered on restaurants, funds,
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those changes would have allowed everyone living in the territory for at least 10 years to version local elections. that i'm go to the indigenous island as they make up just over 40 percent of the total population. well that's it for me counting the cost of the you shouldn't really be seeing big thunder storms and java also after this time the able to back again at least for a few days. the potential for flesh funding is that including in jakarta, but more likely it's going to be in. so nobody see, i'm increasing the looks wet night in the southern philippines, the seasonal range to the north of that is being, getting stronger than we are currently in north vietnam. the rain has stopped least nicely, but it in southern china, the seasonal rains are back not will be producing flooding. it comes across just
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north of tai wallace or as it see beyond japan. and we've got rain in the form of showers, thunderstorms coming across this process, those in charge of region, north korea. it attempt, you've done an amazing a few degrees that seasonally okay. this is seasonally correct and it will move slightly north of the next few weeks. just pull part of the mom student shop which you pick up across across the bang goal. and indeed, what she's getting slightly knowles of dish has been hit by particularly high temperatures because where you are not covered by this class and humidity and showers. and so here north westwood, it's hot and dry and has been for a month and it's getting slightly, was fair enough. east 45, maybe the whole just but there's no guarantee of that. and of course, that heat also affects pakistan which has had some relief from shelves, but there's nothing in the full cost. there is no channel that covers world news like we do as a roman correspondence. i am constantly on the go covering topics from politics to
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environmental issues, scalable companies like nothing ever seen. what we want to know is how do these things affect people? we revisit places stay human when there are no international headline, houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the hello i'm adrian said again of this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll wiki, look at the world of business, the comics. this week, it's described as the world's most time vicious climate plan. the e is green deal though is facing serious challenges. so could the blocks election results.


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