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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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pulling back out again the . ready the color that i missed all the time, this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 16 then come us cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future. us secretary of state and the same thing, can blame him us for the deadlock in advancing the us lead cx. 5 proposal for garza female home us. and how often is that? make sure you had have demanded a total si, fi and withdrawal of israeli forces in response to the 5 thousands of palestinians fleet garza's, alma wasi refugee camp is really forced as woman to leave the area,
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the dying of hunger, the w h. o ones of mass salvation is to dawn because of a lack of food and medical supplies caused by the contract. and often times defy a police. crackdowns has been fair on get outside the congress against controversial economic performance being put to the principal and your targeting. here for the when they need to progress at the p 20 cricket woke up into a close and then on victory and the group game against co host, the united states, the whole it is now $1800.00 g n t. and we begin this news, our focusing on the latest diplomatic moves to try to end as well as devastation for on casa the u. s. equity stage was here in the home on the last leg of what is now his 8th trip to the region. since the fighting began back in october,
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and me blinking has blamed from us for the deadlock and agreeing to a proposal announced by us president jeff bye from last month. he says the palestinian groups responds to that plan on tuesday night came with amendments, some of which are watchable, but some of which on not blinking address the news conference alongside the prime minister of castle, which is then a crucial mediation between homos and israel. i was on the verge of age was at that conference and sent us this report. the operative word used by the secretary of state was there was a deal on the table. and now there are some parts of it which from us has proposed, which are viable and the others that are and so essentially means that for to go see it is, it's back to the table and drawing board to figure out how best to bring these sites together is real accepted, the proposal the entire world got behind the proposal from us came back and his is now asked for changes to that proposal. and i'll repeat what i said. some of the
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changes i think we believe are workable but some are not. and so we'll have to see over the coming days whether the, the gaps that are there as a result of from us not accepting with a clear and simple yes proposal of whether they can be bridge or not. and as i said, i believe that they are breakables, that doesn't mean they will be bridge because ultimately from us has to decide we've heard from the prime minister as well that there has been there been indications that there should be a pressure on both sides of israel has been committing gross violations of international humanitarian law. pressure need to be on to both parties that we have said that basically without a thought have us auto auto auditors or 80. but to like for that except for the last 6 of the day after that they just have to do and then also we have see that
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and also a contradictory and you see it that's from a different is of 80 offices. that's also requires a lot of pressure on that as well as as the frontier. i asked the secretary of state about the latest report by the united nations. committing is accusing israel of committing crimes, including extermination. he said he has his sight seeing that particular report, but he wants as well to know that it all sides of this conflict need to abide by international humanitarian law. last month you said there are no red lines for israel is that still the case? and if there is, what will this mean for yourself and the us administration, we are determined and assist that is real or any other country adhere to internationally, amount of training law, the laws of our conflict opposed to human rights. not it does not commit the gross violations of those uh those rights. and that remains and will always remain
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a policy. this is yet another meeting. we're just taking 58th time since the secretary of state has visited them, at least since the october, the 7th. and it appears that we're as close to a cease fire as far as we were 48 hours ago. so i'm a job without the 0. the all these rarely government has banned out of there from reporting from nasa home to sell hook, joins me now from the gold any and capital a non honda. we've been hearing from the biden administration, but really just how much is, is we have on board with the us proposal we've been hearing about it is worth mentioning that these really have actually never publicly acknowledged that they did agree with the american administration's proposal for a 3 phase ceasefire deal that would ultimately see an end to the war and end of all hostilities. at the end of that 3rd phase, we are hearing, though, adjusted in the last several minutes. but these really prime minister is going to
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hold a situational assessment to discuss a wide variety of topics. the 1st is the increase in the garages of rockets we saw in northern israel today at least 215 rock expired from southern 11 on. but the main agenda item on the table is going to be what these really is, are calling a negative response from some us regarding the ceasefire deal previously, we heard from is really officials who spoke anonymously saying, but how mazda is response had eliminated main proponents and the structure of the deal that israel would want so, but how much was not agreeing to the main parts israel wanted. but that's because there are main sticking points from both sides. how mass wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, a total and to the war. and the withdrawal of israeli troops from guns us while these really is have said that until all of their goals of the war are cheap, they're not going to end the war even if all of the count bids are released. even
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if there is a ceasefire. for a certain amount of time, but they are going to continue that war until their objectives are much so we are still nowhere closer to a deal a honda. so hutch that we see is raining perspective reporting from amman and jordan. reminder, these really government has banned algebra from operation israel. they've also extended that decision and that's why i have noticed joining us from neighboring jordan. well, that's bringing the honda down the street. he's a political analyst and a professor of media studies. the institute for graduate studies, he joins us now from minneapolis. mohammed, it certainly does not sound like a kind of deal as imminent just how different right now. all the 2 proposals on the table. well, as i said earlier, we're sort of just standing in place from what i can see. nothing has really changed. we've been talking about the same thing the same sticking point for months . israel wants to be able to continue this war until that all in their words,
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total victory is achieved, which means dismantling from us completely as a both a military force, as and also as a government or administrative entity. and from us once a permanent and a permanent end uh to the war. and you can see in the blink and bite in proposal. and at the end of phase one they're giving is real sort of a printout, right? they're giving has a real, maximum flexibility. the, the agreement or the proposal says that israel will have to agree in order to move to phase 2, which is when, which is when the, the hostilities are supposed to are supposed to. and then from us has now re, you know, cuz they've been doing for months and it's coming back and saying, wait a minute, we need some sort of an agreement that this is going to be a permanent end to, to the war. so we're honestly, we're where we were uh, several months ago. nothing has changed as far as i can see. one of many of the main sticking points still remaining,
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especially about that permanency spot issue. i'm wondering why media is, is seem to think that there is room from the news with 2 from here. now, what's the next move as well? i think i think the mediators are doing all that. they can. i think there's a sense of desperation. i think some of the countries in the united nations security council voted in favor of this proposal, simply out of a sense of desperation. doubt jerry and representatives said something like, you know, there's no, there's nothing else. and we hope that this, that this, that this will work, although there have been better proposals put forth over the last several months, which the united states and israel have, i have, have blocked the way forward is, is the, you know, what i've been saying and what many other people have been saying for, for months, and that is that the united states passed to exert its leverage for israel to force it to stop the war. israel is not gonna stop of its own volition,
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but they keep telling us what they, what they want to do. but for some reason, we don't want to believe them. or they've said that this war will go on for many more months. certainly, at least through by 2024. this is what they've said, and i don't think they're going to stop unless they're forced to stop. and there's only one international body or entity that can, that can do that. and that is the united states because the us holds all of the leverage over his room. well, you say the us has oldest leverage. what we were just hearing that from honda that there has been no word from israel as to whether or not they even agree with the us proposal. just how much influence does washington have right now? the israel, i'm sorry, the united states has all of the leverage. they have all the influence, but they don't want to use it because we have to understand that there are 2. there are 2 sides here. there's a homicide. that's true, but them is the israel united states side the united states is not a neutral arbiter there not a mediator there on the side of israel. israel did not accept this,
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this proposal. they've never come out publicly said that they accepted it. in fact, they've said the opposite, they said that we are going to continue with this war until how cost is defeated. and that is in direct contradiction to the proposal itself. and the un wrapped is really you when rep said a couple of days ago that they are going to continue the war. so i'm not sure why. anthony blinked and keeps repeating this line about israel accepted the proposal. they haven't accepted the proposal and what he's saying is, is just not true. mohammed al nice for you that a political analyst and progressive media studies and the, the institute for graduate studies, always great to get your thoughts. thank you for joining us again on the news on the next. so meanwhile, you and human rights have expense have accused israel, of committing crimes against humanity and how the spinning on the groups of war crimes and their 1st in depth to forcing into the war on garza, i'm the attacks on october the 7th and said israel committed crimes of extermination, anata and also targeted palestinian men and boys. the independent un investigation
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found israel responsible for using starvation as a method of wolf. it involves a, it says is really forces have intentionally engaged in attacking civilians and therefore civil cronsa. it'll say site examples of sexual violence, torture, and schumann treatment an arbitrary detention well that 3 member commission also investigated the october 7th attacks. the inquiry accuses palestinians fighters of killing civilians and taking captives. it also documents the torch and mistreatment of victims during and after the attacks. gabriel is under, has more details for us on that report from the united nations. a in a wider context of what's going on, it could make a lot of difference. it adds really to the body of evidence if you will, that we've seen built up over the last weeks and months, particularly from the i c. j. of course, it is now says provisional measures calling for among other things to scale up of 8
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in the guise of which we have not seen by the way. also in the wider context of the international criminal court as well. of course, as a chief prosecutor, they're suggesting that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and the defense minister, as well as some from us officials could be arrested if they travel. so with you, add it all up. that is release of significance, quite frankly. and i should point out that this report also does offer some recommendations. one is the israel stops, it's war on gaza and opens up a border crossings for more aid to come in. because for an immediate cease fire course, it also does look at a palestinian fighters and how most leashed crimes as well. mostly looking at october 7th, but the u. n. investigators stating that the allegations from israeli officials and from is really media that on october 7th, i'm us to part are fighters,
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took part in a mass rape. the u. n. report says they were not able to confirm any of those allegations. so certainly a lot in this report, it will be presented publicly to the un human rights council in geneva next week, as well as dozens of palestinians right now a fling on the wasi area and rough off to 5th renewed is really violence. the 8 organization say that these really ami has one to them to court, take precautions. at least one residential building we understand has been hit during is really selling. thousands of people are already flooded the area following and is ready assaults on rough as it began last month about israel had designated to this area i'm a while see as a safe sun? well, let's get the latest from central goals that we can speak to. talk about soon. he joins us from outside the box, the hospital, and they're all by the time because we've been saying just in the last couple of hours we've been getting use of an uptick of a tax. and now milwaukee,
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it is supposed to be a say, so in tens of thousands of people for that, what's happening on the ground right now? well generally now what we do know, and here from my end it says is that these wait a minute tree has been run me, got the military attacks a who's roughly generally a monthly is a very tiny strip of land located at the western portion of the city, this is where palestinians have been generally told by the use by the all me to seek refuge. i'm to be a waste from the is very from button the but generally these kinds of attacks did not stop since the hours of this morning got these, but now i mean has been targeting residential houses. i make shift tons, but people there have been seeking refuge, a number of casualties have been recorded as they have went to answer to few hospitals in that area. now we so some of these today for you from the is very bombardment in. i'm also going to one unit to central areas of the gall, this trip,
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as we have been speaking to them, they have confirmed that the situation that is extremely critical and dangerous as the palestinians. all know that can be able to live in that area. it's the unrelenting set of all the tax release and even carried out by the user, the army. but generally, all the areas of rough a have been witnessing different sorts of attacks on fighting that we, a mazda is ready, so which is on the ground in the hot leasing areas of drop off time, also close to the west coast. and um, philadelphia fully told that is selecting when egypt goes up as a, the is by the forces have been saying that they will continue the manager of operations in russell until achieving hold a minute to political votes of that campaign for presented in this month. and from us politically and militarily, as well as you talk, i was in the reporting for us from the ground just overlays as the from darrell about that. and central goal is that thank you. time on move videos have a match from cause of these appearing to show the summary executions of
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palestinians by israeli soldiers. we understand these were taking the receipt street. that's the coastal road which connects north and south casa israel had also designated that as it saves so into palestinians, wanting to move between the 2 areas and watching for that from june fast pass. and there is working along the beach is already sold as a paid to have stopped then moments later, the pass and with shots of this next video appears to show a group of palestinians walking off. this is may 17th. one of them stepped out of the group, raises their hands in the apparently showing that on, on they all shots within minutes. then the video shows. so just coming in to take the person's body away as you see that well and this voltage and now the person is standing in that same area that hands as you see that in the as this is shortly before they're a part of the shots by is riley soldiers the same that happens to another pass and that lisa, it's a bar on several fits from 11 on has been fired at various locations
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in northern israel. some projectiles reach the narrow and add base to the outskirts of the city of type, various causing fires and damage. the hezbollah has claimed responsibility for these attacks. the group says these rockets were 5 in retaliation. for an overnight, the attack that killed a senior has blocked them on to as well as 3 others is in the heart of has the latest developments for us from barry's to flourish off hostilities follows the killing of one of his senior commanders, an overnight strife. in southern lebanon color, i believe to be a regional commander in 1007 on the 2nd commander to have been killed. but the most senior one never isn't that hezbollah claiming responsibility for firing those for rogers or prophets of 40 to this? raise the army more than 200, were fired from 11 on and they landed in various areas across the northern israel,
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somewhere intercepted. others were landed in open areas causing fires while others cause damage. with hezbollah says, this is just the beginning. it is promising to intensify the quantity and frequency and following this assassination has below one. these killings to stop is rough strategy has been to carry out these targets at assassinations. not just against commanders with fighters as well, and not just 11 on spots in neighboring syria. and a short while ago is really media floating sources. india's way the army saying that while this way the army has stopped decided to carry as a wide scale attack against has been lost, it will continue to carry out targeted assassinations. again, it's the moving on,
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on the head of the world. health organization has one that some regions of food on facing mass, starvation, moving 18000000 student needs a to, to be hungry. approximately 3 and a half 1000000 children that are acutely malnourished and thousands will face the risk of losing their lives due to a lack of medical. ok. it's more than 70 percent of all speed that is incomplete effect to the states and 45 percent of those facilities in another 5 states that are not working and the remaining ones are overwhelmed with people seeking care. people are dying from a lack of access to be say, each other, the services and medicines. while there is a very little risk off, must have ation in some regions. or you think of the services including my 3rd mother and child and health care. the management of see that i keep my
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limitation and the treatment of patients with chronic conditions have been discontinued in many areas for me in law. so don, is ami, the power military about the support forces have both been added to a new and blacklist for killing and injuring children. and attacking schools and hospitals. they are assess, was listed for recruiting children and for rates and other forms of sexual violence against children. the you and report is due to be published on thursday. a separate to you and report shows a staggering 480 percent increase in grave violations against children. from 2022 to 20. 23. hold them all the inside. uh, what is this good news, man who lives just outside the capital cartoon? he describes what happened when the recess came to his home force. he is in his own . what you might have didn't say about me. so con,
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hire. i'm not sure he to circle the moving meaning center sit. dominique is a word top, wasn't going to remove. i've been amazing, you know, and yet the don't want viewable on you the lives you've done. not a bit. my god, i'll still support a few then. how does it come on? we'll really thought about the daily you know, why to them? well, you know, gum regarding, well, definitely my game. she hasn't been just a dual down and my gut feeling really, really starting to start with you all the com to that little city level. can you do it up to the sideboard on lean, feel good. as he could seeing what was treasure package of his young, i'm laying a salmone down the fuel door now being super hold on for what i had. i did. well i
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had the pleasure. i know that we get to those one. mobility meeting is the word. no good enough that i know. yeah, i need to know. so let's continue to follow. come up. you're going to bid. no, it's a minimum that to be at the like i said this one to definitely be the high. yeah, i mean with the gun i'm around i'm the literally had been very reliable. the worst case it again has to live in a game show much really a little different been done while it was it out loud. and are you gonna need to shave it as a possibility, an image of the video and also i need the mazda on the yep. legit. my thought for that we, i'm going to guns that along with the the, and the phone. i'm up alone. i mean,
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what you say was i on to the western part of democratic republic of congo. now wimbledon, ac people has been killed off to a boat capsized on the river near the capital congested on tuesday. that'd be voting. accidents occur frequently in the country with small wooden vessels of an overloaded and unsafe now the cause of freedom policy in south africa has expressed its willingness to join a government of national unity. the, i've seen a conservative policy with an ethnic zulu bass, says it will join the ask and national congress and the countries may not physician . the democratic aligns of the exact composition of the government though is still unclear. together the 3 parties would have a comfortable majority in parliament. so ask has been in political limber since last month's elections, the governing amc stuff and it's west electro set back. dropping to 40 percent of the verse, the country will elect a new president at the 1st session in parliament on friday. the is the 4th join
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the government, the condition of unity, that includes the agency and the democratic alliance. in the, regarding to the funding, the options are to become part of the government for part of the monday to we received from the electricity is for the i p to contribute to the effective governance of south africa. miss talantino and protest, currency taking place or the present coffee, immunize, flags of economic reform. bill demonstrates as have gathered, as you see the outside congress and buenos aires as the on the house, the senate debates that bill and the so hold on about the floor, propose a sweeping changes to the economy, including staple stairs. he moses and privatization. now really originally wanted to privatize some 40 companies,
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but the bill was significant feed. i use it before being approved by the lower house back in april. but it's bringing our correspondence raise a bow. she has been keeping an eye on those protests for us on the streets of one of ours. trees. oh, i see a crowd there of thousands. tell us why quite so many people are against this, this package of legislation outside of congress right now. you see right behind, there is a group of protesters here, mostly from labor unions, less when you come to use, among others who have gathered here a right outside of congress. many of them have been post by the police to see that it's okay for the wrong this area, or wherever you know,
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250 that nation of legislative powers to the right by station of some state companies giving foreign companies the people here, the 6 months ago, evaluated that, may still karen's, the 50 percent this far away, increased inflation in this country, even more left it stop exhaust fuel electricity. i'm on the other things also come from industries and a half. so people use a what's coming next and what's coming this is lloyd talk to you yet, whether it's going to pass or not. there's lots of tension and lots of discussions ongoing and defend it right now to the government because of what it
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wants to do in argentina. again, it's all part of we had to come to transform this country to carry out deep reforms . to get our, let's argentine out of the recession. it is currently in, however, many of the people that you can see why behind me that are on the streets right now . they believe that this transform, maybe some of the largest is going to come at the expense turnover and the stick of those protests for us outside congress in the us and time capital. thank you very much to raise well, that's not bringing james granger. he is a political analyst and editor in chief of the barn his various times he's doing this now from when is there is james, we know origin tina is no stranger to being purchased, but i see that to a guy who has already come out today wants to these thousands of demonstrators actually feel is at stake here. i mean, it's a very difficult thing to put in to put into us a small phrase. i think in many ways, we're definitely seeing some tension on the streets. we've seen at least 5 have
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a nice little make this. so that's the opposition at the moment that has been treated by medical style, foster being t guest. and you can see at the moment i think on the streets that the security forces are trying to separate the groups of protesters in order to, you know, kind of chat with them into certain areas if you like. but the real thing that's on, as think of is, is the president may like he is really put this into a kind of portal, nothing game. it's kind of 0 some outcome at the moment. you can call it data. and in many ways, the stakes are very high. uh, i think what your, what you're seeing is a based on position to a lot of the resistance of the reforms. to, to outline them quite frankly, that you numerous this, this last off the, that more than 600 close isn't articles and it's now been slashed down to something that 200. and even now the report is that i haven't congress that hearing about things that are being dropped out of the bill. even ball weird when it's being debated. so really, you know, how these and, you know, and it's very much up in the and that's to do with the makeup of the senate as well
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. well, james, as you say, this is a watered down bill from what mulay wanted from what he promised during the election. it's been a test of as negotiations goes, what? so that's on how this mike, that's what i think. so the key thing just saying here is that the light is so he's in such a small minority. i mean, if we take the senate for example, they have 7 lawmakers from his policy that's out of 72, you know, so it, it bolts negotiation. unless, if i'm quite honest, that is not the full tell you of the 1000000 ministration. it's very much been my why of the highway. he's already tried to send this bill through one's the pulled it out of the house once it became clear that it was going to need the re negotiations. and you know, the way the president is, there's nothing to say that he won't do that again. is due to the pa for the g 7 tonight as a special invite to have the, the tell him premier, georgia maloney but you know, we're hearing at the moment a slot might be there as well. so we'll see exactly what this comes down to. i mean, really they need it, that's 6 to let them for him. they reach that the session has begun and they need
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37 votes and the room is all at the moment, but this page needs to come down to a tie breaker. and that would mean that the vice president has the costing both who it's from me life policy. so that's kind of where the money is looking at the moment if you like. but the, you know, as for the desired outcome, however much you've been on that list, i am, it's very much that college and so, you know, it's impossible to predict it next year at this juncture. james, who use the phrase the day, simulate just how much of a, a political test is this familiar in his party? will they be political consequences for failure as well? i mean, the consequences are difficult to say, but i mean, let's say that he's been in office 6 months. we haven't had a single single, right. i mean, not is unusual perhaps, but it also highlights the fragility of his it'd be probably. so i really, i mean he wants to run off. yes, but he's not got very much representation in congress, but frankly, and that requires negotiation. and you know, if you say it's my way of the highways that makes things a little bit on the other side of the but yes, i mean it's,
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it's really gonna come down to the, you know, it's probably gonna come down to one vote, which is something that we haven't seen for quite a while. i think the real consequences if you like to study a little bit, it's about foreign investors that really looking at this the controversial investments gain. argentina have the reputation of being completely and hopefully, you know, i'm reliable. if you want to be an outside investor and then looking for the scheme, i think this team would be a real side uh to find the best as the hodge and see the result button uh, you know, ready for business and everything else. um, but like i said, who knows what will be pulled out of the last minute. we're already seeing that some of the spectrum is out the process. i shouldn't be pulled out the bill and we'll see, we'll see. we'll see what, what stage it gets to by the time it use pasco know we'll continue watching very closely indeed, and lots and lots to keep an eye on. and i'm going to, there is today james green to the the editor in chief of the buenos aires time, thanks so much for joining us on the on. is there a news on james? i know it's like sort of still a head for your head on out as i am. i'm indeed recei uh, being
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a rubber plantation in the ivory coast. why more and more families are focusing on rubber instead of their traditional the, on the cool of hundreds, millions of muslims are necka to perform the most enforcement. tell them inch of a life 3 days also winning the friendship and tell us authorizes teamed up with another form of challenge in the city of convicts found on behalf of the right, the son is that didn't go to and the east administrating, which means that it's time to use getting hotter and hotter, not necessarily reco breaking, but when you see temperatures in the 40 two's or a faulty is usually pretty close and you're right. in nickel said we've reached 43.316 months. that's equal the record. we're getting close again,
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and this heat you can imagine spreads east was worth to at homes, for example. it's tempted to a degree in the high ground in eastern turkey, and as by john and pots of north in the wrong, where we're in the thirty's. but otherwise we're talking about heat and across. iraq is also still, as indeed likely will be q $849.00, you're using 50. there's been a trend to heat up in the middle of saudi arabia. i think that will start to drop off a little bit on thursday and friday. and these middle to low forty's in the gulf, states are accompanied by currently fed, humid weather. so you can imagine how i'm present it might feel just catching the edge of our mind is the edge of the month soon. so that's cool. so all of them is cutting claudia here. so very few jobs and trump glasgow. something showing in south sea diamond easier for you, otherwise you could think of it as being fairly dry. the winds dropped around the coast with tons of the s of the warnings have gone in the hollow south africa looks dry, but for madagascar it could be wet. the
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faces took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties than just those use looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties from palestine to pakistan from syria to me and donasia ok, foundation was delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible families, conversely and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in
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a donate. now with confidence give your to bonnie today without kind of foundation the the the welcome back. you're watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound a day off. the house is response to the cx 5 appraisal. there's been no major breakthrough. u. s. equity in states on st, blinking as country and our home discuss handle was cut off by minnesota thinking so some of the changes proposed by him us when not. meanwhile, thousands of how this thing is offline. me, i'm a wasi area and rough of the fields of know is really a time 8 organization say these really ami has wants them to take precautions. at
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least one residential building has already been hit. steering is my understanding as an independent to an investigation has found that israel has committed crimes against humanity and war crimes, and their 1st in depths for forcing into the wall on casa, posting on the group. so also accused of all kinds, particularly on october. the 2nd, the now the u. s. federal reserve says it will keep interest rates and the current 5.25 to 5.5 percent range of decision that was widely expected for all the latest that speak to our cost $1.00. and how does your cost or she joins us now from outside. the federal was of heidi, i see that jerome how the fed chair is speaking right now. can you tell us a little bit more about the decision today? it was an unanimous one. i see the rightness sazia and as you said, this was widely anticipated. and in essence, what the majority of the central bankers who voted are saying is that they believe
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the us economy. that is a ship that it is, is still headed in the correct heading without needing an edge on the captain's wheel. and so they are leaving that federal benchmark rate right around 5.3 percent where it has been now for quite a while. this was a much anticipated move and it was bolstered by data that came earlier in the day, showing that inflation in the united states has slowed a little bit. it's now at 3.3 percent from main numbers that is still higher though than what the federal reserve once its target, which is at 2 percent. and so that concern, coupled with a recent strong jobs report from the us that still gives these a federal, the central bankers risk. they believe that if they were to lower the, the interest rate now it's just too early. and so the benchmark rate remains at that to a 2 year high at 5 point point 3 percent. which of course means for the millions of
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americans who want to borrow money to buy a house, to buy a car, to find their student loans, or to use their credit cards if they're still paying the highest interest rate in 2 decades to do that, which is very unpopular as you can imagine. how does your caster keeping an eye on old developments out? the said for us today. thank you very much, heidi. as well, as heidi was alluding to the veterans of has moved interest rates dramatically over the last 5 years. back in late 2019, the rates was between 1.5 to 2.25 percent. on march 16th, 2020 of the fed cup, the rate to 0 to 0.35 percent, and move to cope with the coin a virus pandemic. economic downtown. the fed then raised rates by a quarter percentage. point 3 is a so that was in response to high inflation. that then followed the post. pandemic recovery rates have been raised steadily each month until july 2023. they've now stayed in the 5.25 to 5.5 percent rate since then. well,
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joining me now from henderson, nevada is william league, he's the chief economist with the milk and institute williams. so as we've been hearing that no surprises today from the fed bite and was hoping for a pre election rate cut though, it sounds like you might guess his wish later. this is as well, maybe maybe not, even though we got some very good news about inflation not getting worse, the month to month change us has been should 0 increase in prices, which is a very good thing. but unfortunately, the service or is looking forward to more fundamental changes. in other words, inflation itself has not decided lead to turn to 2 percent and not even on a path that continues to say their work. only 20 percent. even though we've had some of this month, mostly brokerage in from improvements in energy prices on her haul. so they could go back up quite easily next month. and sort of says, look, really looking for what's happening to services. and on the start of the site,
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we still see the flashing as well, the cost of 4 percent. and unless we see some partners there, service artist can be very reluctant to move because people are now accustomed to, to worry about whether or not we're going to get to 2 percent and, and defend wants to be sure. one that we are decided we going to get to 2 percent and we're going to keep race fly until we get through it. but it's wrong with that . when you mention the energy sector, is that really what's driven this? the seeming inflation cool them we've been seeing. do you expect it to continue and perhaps spread to other sectors? the energy prices are very important, but they are good. they again, because they're so also is of a slightly to changing world markets. the fed itself really has to focus on what it can do here at home and uh, for places that are pushing and flushing up are things like medical services and on the transportation services. the price of auto insurance will show some improvement, but it's still 20 percent higher than it was last year. all we have different
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stores are on 10 percent higher than the one last year. so these cheap medical sort of stuff so vital to every consumer out here are they are still going on in the sense these to maintain its type market policy to try to contain the amount of demand and pressure going after these, these design services. i will often say inflation is not popular, but at the beginning of this year they will also expectations of several interest rate cuts that all seems to have been delayed. unders about what the impact has been of these ongoing high interest rates on every day. americans a well, it's certainly hard every consumer off here is that has a credit card bills. any consumer wants to buy cars funded very far, but finance is when she's one of my house. you can pay stub for some mortgages. where's the work for yourself before? so on the, on the consumer side, there are people that are hurting on the business side. hi, just as also make it become more likely to invest in construction. and then in the commercial real estate for one good thing about high interest rates is that each sources business met to say, is this the investment project worth it?
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is it going to improve our productivity? so a higher interest rates have the effect of sorting out the good for the projects and really allowing the good ones to rise in the top and get put in place. and that's a very good thing for us to finally go on for interest. he's a good investment projects, whitewater, functionalities in august, which will make the american worker more productive, which will need more, more money eaters and their paychecks. and so high interest rates and we'll have a long term benefit. you can go some of these very hard short on the cost on the home buyers and foreigners, willingly the chief economist with the milk and institute joining us from nevada today. thank you so much for joining us on the houses here and use with him and sharing or insight banks of that nature who has secured insurance from hungary that the country will not develop plans to provide funding and military assistance to ukraine. gary, environmental civic to all that made. that pledge during amazing was nature was equity general. you installed some back in budapest. amazing takes place. the head
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of a naser summit and washington next month. we're $43000000000.00 annual support package for ukraine is on the agenda. you'll recall hungry has in the past impose the plan, arguing that it would bring nation closer to war with russia, spells and backs as an agreement that satisfies both parties has been reached. from is the old one, has made it clear that term do hungry will not participate in these nato efforts. and i accept this position. and i'm glad that today, department, just an i have agreed to and we'll done it. this for hunger is non participation in naples support. so claim, no. hon, gary and personnel. we took part in these activities and no one gotten funds will be used to support them. at the same time, the prime minister has assured me that's hungry will not oppose these efforts.
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ivory coast is the world's biggest producer of coca that follows the non prof. i rather they say it's cheaper to find and takes up less manpower and address reports from ivory coast biggest city on how this trend could mean high chocolate prices and your local supermarket. as the cocoa industry in west africa says these white gripping sap as the biggest direct feed scope of supply after climate change. the growing number of problem is either diversifying into nights of rubber or turning their backs on the crop that sustained livelihood for generations . and put ivory coast on the top of the global list of coke upward uses. it's a new system to small things. so wanted to go mussa is a president of the local cocoa cooperative and i will feel a town north of the capital a be show you farms both, perhaps the most you and so policies and thanks a lot funding. rubber is like being on
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a salary. you harvested almost every month on like co code, which is office to one soul at most twice. so yes, it may not fetch as much as cocoa, but at least you have something to live on every month. it is not to rub a production in ivory coast rose from 170000 tons. just 3 years ago. $1500000.00 tons in print to do to pro pending the country to the top 3 producers in the world, industry and others believe it could surprise it's kevin 5 foot for the 202322 drawers each. that climate change in sword and production cost off forcing move farmers to switch, dropping wild rubber trees, taking nearly as long as cocoa to produce a 1st output. they required less hard work and i'm like cool co rubble prizes aust table or something. many pharmacy i appreciate for their own financial stability. that's some sort of concern for the co queen district. cocoa diversification of
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sustainability consulted edmond canada, says the colquitt industry is that a cross road, small scale on from farmers provide 90 percent of the low supply. they have to do treat that us. nobody comes on any time. the content on the couple of trees is not like big farms that can, you know, be controlled and the photo swell order forms. you can't control them. he says, the quickly industry must come up with an acceptable support system to help farmers will continue to live in poverty while supplying a multi 1000000000 dollar industry. if not, fuel farmers will come to me at the crop, which could mean high prizes for the chocolate box, or the supermarket shelves. committed reasons. why would you see that? a hostile, a head here on al jazeera as far as a whole lot of time, jim on the kansas sound, is there a mount, his olympic competition? son, it will be here with that's the
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business like this. this route to you believe i guess is i live my on one of your this makes model leads. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model and plates the welcome back. it is time to support and here's some. thank you very much and this tells you well, and you have progress in to the next round of the t 20 cricket woke up. they did so by beating co host the united states. us score the 110 for 8 on a tricky paying surface in new york. and you went on reaching that target with 10 bows. and you're qualifying for the super a with a game it to spread the usa or still in contention to make it to the face orland, on friday, a straight it'd be and it would be at to book the place. and the next stage of the
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competition move. yeah, we're bold out for just 70 to australia. reach the target of just $5.00 overs, ensuring they would be moving on to the super 8 by the time of year. let place cool . send in the final group again, both teams will know exactly what they need to do to make sure england are knocked out on australian play. i was off if they do their best to make sure that happen in this on this account. i think i see what it sounds like. again, as i said, that only on the top 3 times. only you know, before you get another one of those, that's an adverse interest as well as probably around the house. and we just over a month to, to the and then pick. so one of the walls biggest athletics stars mando defensive has told all the sarah, he's just trying to live in the moment. the swedish pull volt world rustled holders
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aiming to win his suffering goals. metal in paris, police reports under the prom face. this was the moment sweetens on. the point is extended. one of the most astonishing streaks in spilt breaking the pole vault will record for the 7th time. it's made the defending olympic champion, a star of track and field. i just try to get the most out of myself. i live, i live very much in the presence. of course, when it, when it's the olympic years, it's always, it's a little bit hard to dodge it. mentally. these will be the 2nd to live big sensor a time. it's of sprint icon. you st. bolt. it's a vacuum that athletics types can be filled by them on known as monday. paris loved loved global team. think it's a great thing and if overall gets as much attention as of 10 as i can put football on the map as much as i can then i guess and i'm doing the job right. and he's doing a very good job with that too. yeah, it's, he's home club in sala. nope. it's still kind of old is technically and physically
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one of the most demanding events of the olympics. the polls come with a health warning. it wasn't a particularly populous. both parents wait until monday came along and maybe it was easy. the point to start to training an upside, a lot of to choosing to compete for his mother's home country sweden, instead of his native usa. this since for the surgeon, demand for potable defense of competitions nationwide. now that he's breaking world records almost every competition and every season gets brought a lot of people into the lot they get to be pumped up to get better. sometimes when you're here at the re nice year, tre asked me about my jumping and my competing. and so he's right down to earth and very friendly and nice is kind of just fun. seeing him jump extremely high and be are just like, okay, i was planning to try that. able to get some notes. you don't have to move in spalding circles to encounter mando and sweden. his face is known to people who
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have never watched a single 2nd po, volt, royal and he's a hero to the friends who watch every 2nd. if he's contests, power is 2024, maybe the time he becomes a legend, not just in the record books, but in the hearts of a global public. he's already secured a legacy for pole vault. here in sweden. maurice out is there ups on tennis tags? well found a don carlos i have kind of a will team off to pay doubles together for spain at the post lympics news concert . just 3 days after i'd cut us a won the french open for the 1st time, 21 year old and now has 3 career grass and titles he set to play alongside his childhood, the hero and the dollar. the 58 year old has already came to olympic gold medals, one and singles in 2008, and the other and doubles in 2016. the head of the policy and the big committee expects to up to 8. actually it's a from the nation to be competing and paris. it's a visa do, says the olympics,
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it will provide the sheets with the global platform to talk about the war on gossip . spell it for me, is it to, to expose. that is true. it's a historic degrade moment to go there until the war that it's the time to see stop enough is enough. and a was the basketball player who's zillow as inspired. the and b is the official logo has side at the age of 86, west help the lake has reached the n b a finals, 9 times winning the championship of once in 1972. he was also part of the $9.00 to $60.00 usa team that claimed olympic gold and executive role. he oversoul 8th title, winning teams with the lakers. and that's always well for me, 100 bucks in the size you. thanks so much on a. now, more than 3000000 muslims are in saudi arabia for the annual hodge pilgrimage.
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hodges are really just to see for own lesbians who are able to perform the ritual, which is one of the 5 colors of his on how some of the reports now from mecca as pilgrims of the way to the great bulk of mecca. this is these lines hudy's side and each why do we go around the cab 7 times, signaling this thought of a journey that we'd take them from here to stay. could blaine's bodies in the mountains and once finished, they would have accomplished an important religious duty. the young, the elderly, the healthy and the sick old together for what they say is the most significant trip or that entire lives believe lot were coming here where it all started is amazing. this is way is long started and to come here and he has a story of his mom is a powerful experience of the is the same ritual muslims gather here around the
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cubicle structure, which they believe was built by abraham. and his son is mine. necka is also why they believe the prophet muhammad was full. and why the koran was revealed to him. hash is a journey, muslims hope would change their lives for days, the week before the success of rituals and into into what the describe as a state of purity and spirituality. and this explains why men with to what sin for white glove is the principle for it. doesn't matter here, what does not to is a display of unity and the quantity of the pilgrimage. growth man cable, all the way from morocco, along with his mother. she won't be able to perform has on her own. so he wanted to be part of her journey to the visit me low. i want her blessing and i also seek repentance. i can't describe the overwhelming emotions i experience here. what has
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isn't just about people seeking to with pounds from boss scenes is also about young couples like moved and his wife, i are looking for the deepest sense of purpose of to the journey is over and it has been trying so much and it's not. and it's, it didn't work out many times before, but this time invited us. yeah, i mean it's what it came out of nowhere in like 3 days and we applied and we were accepted. soon. all these people would move to the plane of mena and put that themselves for the most important day. it had a day of pray is inc. and patients and with membranes of the value of that hash about bottle, i'll just be right back. all that set for me and the stones, you pay for this news on a 100. it's a jessica washington. she'll be here in just a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us here on i was, was here the
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is the rails war machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most brutal war and decades. the night to vote, and by doing this was part one on us just you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on web presence. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems costs on request.
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in some neighborhoods across lebanon, the syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day, the internal security acts against violators, and then they don't do anything for us. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deforestation often without judicial review. and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in
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a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the homeless cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future. us secretary of state antony, blinking blames how much for the deadlock and phone thing. the us live seems 5 proposal for casa. the mazda is demanding, it shows will cease fire, and is rarely withdrawal from the strength the i'm just the washington. this is elena 0, live from to ha, also coming on summary executions by is there any forces in garza videos obtained by entre 0 show on the palestinians or near a street which kills deer street? the safe passage.


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