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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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to boscus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the homeless cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future. us secretary of state as me blink, and blame so much for the deadlock and phone thing. the us live seized by a proposal for casa a mazda is demanding, it shows will cease fire, and it's mainly withdrawal from the strength the understood washington. this is elena 0, live from to ha, also coming on summary executions by is there any forces in calls the videos obtain
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to biology 0 show on the palestinians or near a street which kills near a street to safe passage, the dying of hunger, the w h. o warns has messed elevation incidentally because of a lack of food and medical supplies caused by the conflicts oftentimes defy a police crackdown defense the anger outside the congress against controversial economic reforms being put to phones. we begin focusing on the latest diplomatic moves to end. israel's devastating rule on guns, a few a secretary of state was in doha, on the last leg of his 8th trip to the region since fighting begun in october. actually blinking has blamed from us for the deadlock in agreeing to a proposal announced by us president joe biden last month. he says the palestinians
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groups response to that plan on tuesday night came with amendments, some of which a workable, but some of which on notes, lincoln addressed a news conference along with the prime minister of cancer, which has been a crucial mediation between homos and israel. the sum of interest aid was at that press conference and she has his report. the operative word used by the secretary of state was there was a deal on the table. and now there are some parts of it which from us has proposed, which are viable and the others that aren't so essentially means that for negotiators it's back to the table and drawing board to figure out how best to bring these sites together is real accepted. the proposal the entire world got behind the proposal from us came back and as of now asked for changes to that proposal. and i'll repeat what i said. some of the changes i think we believe are workable,
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but some are not. and so we'll have to see over the coming days whether the, the gaps that are there as a result of from us not accepting with a clear and simple yes proposal whether they can be bridge or not. and as i said, i believe that they are breakables, that doesn't mean they will be bridge because ultimately come off has to decide we've heard from the 3 prime minister as well that there has been there been indications that there should be a pressure on both sides where israel has been committing gross violations of international humanitarian law pressure needed to be. although both brought to you said that we have said that basically without a thought have us auto auto auto lives or 80. but to like for that exact, for the last 6 of the day after that they just have to do and then also we, i've seen a lot of, uh, contradicting experience, but it's from a different is of 80 offices. that's also requires
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a lot of pressure on that as well as as the frontier. i asked the secretary of state about the latest report by the united nations. committing is accusing israel of committing crimes, including extermination. he said he happens. so i seen that particular report, but he to once as well to know that it all sides of this conflict need to abide by international humanitarian law. last month you said there are no red lines for israel. is that still the case? and if there is, what will this mean for yourself and the us administration? we are determined analysis that is real or any other country adhere to internationally about a train law. the laws of our conflict opposed human rights. not it does not commit the gross violations of those uh, those rights. and that remains and will always remain a policy. this is yet another meeting. we're just taking the 8th time since the
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secretary of state has visited them, at least since the october, the 7th. and it appears that we're as close to a cease fire as far as we were 48 hours ago. so i'm going to drive it out to 0. don't a cesar and a government has banned over 0 from reporting the so homeless loads in the jordanian capital with the perspective from israel is really officials have never publicly acknowledged that they agreed with the american administration's proposal for a 3 phase ceasefire that would ultimately see an end of hostilities at the end of this 3rd phase now is really officials who have spoken anonymously have said that how much his response is actually not in favor of what israel wants. that how much has removed the main and key proponents of the deal that israel did agree with. and we are learning that this evening, these really prime minister is going to hold a situational assessment. benjamin netanyahu will discuss what is really officials
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are now calling a negative response from us when it comes to the release of captives and this overall deal. now this shouldn't come as a surprise because there are keep sticking points from both sides. hard disagreements on how exactly this the spire should go through some ass wants to see an end to the war entirely. while these really is including benjamin netanyahu. himself, the position has been maintained from the beginning. that until all of the goals of the war or chief, the war will not. and that even if there is a ceasefire for a certain amount of time, the fighting would continue after that time to send who it's a 00. i'm and the reminded the is really government has banned ultra 0 from operating in israel and extended that decision. that's why honda joined us from neighboring jordan or on the ground in gaza. is there any forces have carried out more attacks? so as a report from villa villa in central casa the, as you wait
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a minute tray, you has intensify the military attacks across multiple areas in district. and in particular, the focus is on rough district was now the military is deepening itself. durations to western areas of rough or close to alamo was the area that was completely under is very intense from bottom. and as residential houses, and even people who have been taking show to off to for living is really minute. you oldest have been widely hits creating a state of k a some on some of these the who are completely terrified, feeling up completely now on safety due to the is very on ryland's is to you over at tax. now we have completely seen the devastating military strikes that targeted 12. i don't think the entire city into a pile of rough coupon submitted to operation or rough as to long going with very highly intensity levels of the entire medical sector that is completely collapsing unless there are some sort of medical field hospitals that are receiving entries
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from roughly every now and then talk to now the manager operation is a so effectively going on on the ground as well as saving to time and to militarily and politically, this month of how much a cost of the goals that they have set in october, the 7th tarika bassoon will just be right there, that i had a story you and human rights experts have accused israel, of committing crimes against humanity and posting it on groups of war crimes. and the 1st in depth reporting into the wall on guns and the attacks on october 7th. as it said, israel committed crimes of extermination and murder and also targeted palestinian men and boys independent un investigation found isabel responsible for using starvation as a method of rule fit and gone. so it says it's rarely forces have intentionally engaged in attacking civilians and the forcible transfer. it also sites examples of sexual violence, torture in human treatments,
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and arbitrate attention. the 3 member commission also investigated the october 7 attacks the inquiry. choose this policy and find is of killing civilians and taken captives. it also documents that georgia and miss treatment a victims during and after the attacks of correspondence. gabriel alesongo has more details on the report from the united nations in a wider context of what's going on a could make a lot of difference. it adds really to the body of evidence if you will, that we've seen built up over the last weeks and months, particularly from the i c. j. of course, it is now says provisional measures calling for, among other things, a scale up of 8 in the guise of which we have not seen by the way. also in the wider context of the international criminal court as well. of course, as a chief prosecutor, they're suggesting that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the defense minister as well as them from us officials could be arrested if
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they travel. so it was you add it all up that is release of significance, quite frankly. and i should point out that this report also does offer some recommendations. one is the israel stops, it's war on gaza and opens up a border crossings for more aid to come in. because for an immediate cease fire course, it also does look at a palestinian fighters a good him, us alleged crimes as well. mostly looking at october 7th. but the un investigators stating that the allegations from israeli officials and from is really media that on october 7th, i'm us took part are fighters, took part in a mass rape. the u. n. report says they were not able to confirm any of those allegations. so certainly a lot in this report, it will be presented publicly to the un human rights council in geneva. next week,
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the videos have emerged from garza appearing to show summary executions of palestinians buying is ready for soldiers. they were taken near oliver. she had strange. that's the coast road connecting north and south casa israel had designated it as a safe zone for palestinians wanting to move between areas. this footage is from june. first, it shows a person walking along the beach is really soldiers appear to have stopped them. and moments later, the person is shows this next video appears to show a group of palestinians. ok, no on may 17th. one of them stepped out of the group and raises the hands, apparently showing they are on and, and they show us within minutes. then the video shows soldiers coming in to take the person's body away. and then this footage, another person is standing in the same area with the hands in the air. this is shortly before they're apparently shocked by is really soldiers. the same then
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happens to another person later on or a group say, palestinians also frank from catastrophic levels of hunger and stump. ation. thousands of people have died of hunger and dehydration. this is age. your old one on this video was filmed just days before she died of malnutrition, her brother to died last week, also on the stump. ation. united nations has expressed concern about a rise and palestinian children facing now nutrition. the unicef warrants that nearly 3000 children in southern gaza have been cut off from treatment for moderate and severe. acute malnutrition, putting them at risk of death. the agency is also concerned that malnutrition cases could continue to rise when treatment services are collapsing. only 2 or 3 stabilization centers that treat seriously malnourished children and guards are still functioning. units upsets of plans for the opening of new centers have been delayed due to ongoing military operations across the strip. israel has been
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blocking the flow of food and the central goods and what's now on the market is often too expensive for most people to afford. international aid organizations have accused israel is government of trying to deliberately stuff people hunting. the hood reports from central casa killing and maiming of a trap, civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on gaza. list of us the slow death of from being a star, the residence of god, lived under a crushing land. the name of the blockade, even long before the war in the last 8 months, is what it has typed in. it's a truck full and supplies and squeeze people into tighter spaces and events when the you know, to the ice via in the house where i lived, there was so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move the readings feeling the whole way regarding the prices of food. that's a different well, a different rule. it's a rule and of itself. rather than say what cost less than
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a dollar before the work is now selling for $510.00, even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now, not only does really military has pushed palestinians into internal displacement, but it has in force a suffocating a blockade on the golf. the thread severely limit, again, 3 of essential goods and food supplies into the small in cloud is this. a blockade has like the severe a scar city of basic necessities triggering the sharpest spike of buddha prices. it's an intensification of the seas is read has imposed on the strip since how much to power in 2000 and 2nd street vendors who survive on daily earnings now can turn a profit even if they have something to. so the say most people can pay for loss of
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the law in the past 10 days. i lost 50 percent of my capital, maybe more. and it's not just me, it's everybody. as for the price is sort of on the president of the levels. people here see regulation to keep the price is affordable, is not working. and international either groups criticize israel for what they described as a deluxe or the gym to start the people of god more as a 0 from the central area of the gaza strip. how is the barrage of rockets from level known has been fired at various locations in northern israel. some projectiles reach the maryland air base and feels good for the city of type areas causing fires and damage is belie who's claimed responsibility for the attacks. the group says the rockets will find invitation for an overnight attack that killed a senior commander and 3 others. st. honda, it has the latest developments from beverage to flourish of hostilities follows the
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killing of one of his senior commanders, an overnight strife, southern 11 on colors of believe to be original commander and $1007.00 on the 2nd commanders have been killed. but the most senior was never the hezbollah claiming responsibility for firing those for roger's of profits of 40 to the is really army, more than 200, were fired from 11 on and they landed in various areas across the northern israel somewhere intercepted. others were landed in open areas causing fires while others cause damage for the hospital. that says, this is just the beginning. it is promising to intensify the quantity and frequency and following this assassination has below one. these killings to stop is rough stress, which he has been to carry out these targets. it assassinations, not just against commanders with fighters as well,
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and not just 11 on spots in neighboring syria. and a short while ago is really media floating sources. india is maybe army saying that while this way the army has stopped decided to carry as a wide scale attack against has been lost, it will continue to carry out targeted assassinations. again, it's the, the head of the world health organization has warranted that some regions of so done a facing mess. salvation with an 18000000 sudanese are acutely hungry. approximately 3 and a half 1000000 children are acutely malnourished and 1000 space the risk of doing due to a lack of medical care, a more than 70 percent, the false be that is incomplete effect to the states and 45 percent of heads. 5, easy to see, and another 5 of states that are not working and the remaining ones
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are overwhelmed with people seeking care. people are dying from a lack of access to essentially the services and medicines. while there is a very little risk of must starvation in some regions pretty good inside of business, including mother, mother, and child and health care. the management of see that kids migration and the treatment of patients with chronic conditions have been discontinued in many areas . to done on the end for power, military rapids support forces have been added to a un blacklist for killing and injuring children and attacking schools and hospitals. they are a self was listed for recruiting children and for rates and other forms of sexual violence against children. the human report is due to be published on thursday to separate you and report shows a staggering full 180 percent increase in grade violations against children from
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2022 to $20.00. 23. still ahead on out a 0 focused on new coalition, government sets an ambitious plan to get the economy back on track, but will it look? plus i am indeed recei uh, being a rubber plantation in an ivory coast. why more families are focusing on rubbing instead of their traditions? the, i know new york doesn't look like it's in somebody not smarter. changing time, soon, much of central heat up to sidney, increasing, spread a big from the stones, causing flash, cutting all the way from the eastern side of spain, towards austria. that is going to change it in the west and is drying up. and i
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think staying in the body arts and particularly where we saw the most recent thing, we'll see dr. whether it's still a care came from for look at these temperatures. this was once a cold from the old. i see it was cold and you might like and everything to the side of 60 grease has been particularly hot. those these will change a little bit, but another lot fonts gets wrecked attempts just go down a little bit, but not extensively. it's sunday night and most of spain there is ready to come into the north and basically it's illegal. see the shells go croatian, see the shells guy with because the masses appeared in the west and past the black sea. athens of the change a wind direction was the temperature has dropped, but that wouldn't still come here. so hard to keep the eastern side of libya and of egypt halt for a while. it causes us, in most of north africa, has been set a goal recently for the cooling trend of the sheriffs, even west and possible africa, is all this big was causing some funding in sierra leone in guinea. and moving further north towards molly, even southern mauritania,
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of the listings in the gaza strip as easily as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the, let's think that's the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, this is a reminder of our top stories this hour a day off to have mazda is response to us these 5 proposals. there's been no major prank through us circuitry and states. ashley lincoln is in don't discussing it. with casual as prime minister. lincoln says some of the changes proposed by him us when north walkable and independence un investigation has found israel committed crimes against humanity and whole crimes. and the 1st in depth reporting to the war on concepts posted in on groups are also accused of full crimes, particularly on october 7. ahead of the world health organization has warranted that some regions of sit down facing mass starvation more than 18000000 sudanese are acutely hungry. and approximately 3 and a half 1000000 children are truly malnourished to the western parts of the democratic republic of congo. now, more than
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a few people have been tilled after both capsized on a river near the capital can show on tuesday. deadly voting accidents occur frequently in the country. with smallwood and vessels are often overloaded and unsafe. a dan cause the freedom party in south africa has expressed its willingness to join a government of national unity. the i s p, a conservative party with an ethnic zulu bass, says it will join the african national congress and the countries main opposition democratic alliance. the exact composition of the government is unclear. together the 3 parties will have a comfortable majority. empowerment south africa has been in political limbo since the last month elections the governing amc software. it's was select charles sent back dropping to 40 percent of the votes. the country will elect a new president as a 1st sitting opponent on friday, the highest fee for joining the government,
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the condition of unity that includes the agency and the democratic alliance. in regarding to the phone of the options are to become part of the government or puts the monday to will received from the electricity is for the i p to contribute to the effective governance of south africa. a georgina now with protests of taking place of a president, how the emily's flagship economic reform bill demonstrate as have gathered outside congress in gwen is as, as the upper house, the senate debates the bill, the so called on the bus. lo proposes sweeping changes to the economy, including steve austerity measures and privatization really originally wanted to privatize 40 companies with the bill was significantly diluted. the full being approved by the lower house in april to raise of
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o is at the protest outside congress and bonus at us and sent us this updates. i'm here outside argentina, congress and different what it looks like. there's the protesters to come here to protest against a government against what they called the basis. no. and on the other side, there's very strong presses of all the police. they have been pushing them this way . the only thing them outside of the con, reduce location, right? now, and that is the base, the base as long inconceivable as 200 north and well of 10 to reform argentina said this is the main objective for president. have you had a meeting to collect the delegation of legislative powers to the president also reforming the state, privatizing companies, some naval reforms, given some privileges to foreign companies to try to invest in argentina. i mean, they took off the 6 months ago, and since taking office has started to implement a shuttle service, you can buy,
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evaluating the currency by 50 percent generating aquatic and inflation in this country, lifting the subsidies on funds for electricity, energy, among other things, this of course has generated uh lots of tension on the streets with poverty on the right unemployment, the government laid off over 50000 states employees. so for many of those who look up towards argentina, call somebody investors, for example, that thing does know is in a way, a, sorry, sorry, you will facilitating this road, mag, this transformational argentina that rested in my way, wants to carry out. but for those who are wrong, the sweetser extremely concerned about what will happen to their lives present to you today. i'm labor unions are stay temporarily than many others who believe that have you had a release plan for this country will be at their expense. that means they have said that he wants to destroy the things that he wants to destroy the states and transform it. and many people here say that this is going to have
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a huge impact in their lives finished. i will just see the site is focused on has set a tax revenue target of move in for $6000000000.00 for this. he has budgets. it puts for the ambitious plan in hopes of strengthening its case for a new bailout deal with the international monetary fund. focused on is in talks refer the loan estimated to be anywhere between $6.00 to $8000000000.00. it's not really as much as a default last year, thanks to a short time. i am the bailout of $3000000000.00 over 9 months. earlier we spoke to sophia of an economic policy expert. she says focused on herself and political instability which has led to with the economy stagnating, the focused on the border to produce infected and working with big or small decks connections have been uh, you know, up and down on and uh, basically there are a number of systems which are unfair, focused on itself, i put in a different instability. i think that it had something to do with it. well let alone be there. so a time, in fact,
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some decade the investment in roman catholics has consistency. renewal and knowledge. the point where all these things have started matter. so basically it's a big, i'll call the, you know, the national for investment in human care, particularly to, to happen over decades. it is going to depend instability. we did officials in the front of me also via to secure the lobbying rule. so people talk to be classified by success and government leading to buy. they cannot make decisions. so it's a combination of factors put it to the need. how has secured and assurance from hungry at the country will not bluff plans to provide military funding and military assistance to ukraine, hunger and prime minister victor yvonne made the plans during a meeting with nato secretary jen. salt of the input of past the meeting takes place, the head of a nato summit in washington next month. we're $43000000000.00 annual support
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package for ukraine is on the agenda. hungry has in the past, oppose the plan, arguing it would, would bring nato closer to war with russia. from his to oregon has made it clear that term do hungry will not participate in these need to efforts . and i accept this position. and i'm glad that today the problem in just an i have agreed to move down at this for hunger is non participation in naples support. so claim no. hon, gary and personnel. we took part in these activities and over and getting funds would be used to support them. at the same time, the prime minister has assured me that hungry will not oppose these efforts. ivory coast is the world's biggest producer of cocoa. the farm is then now prefer,
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rather they say it's cheaper to farm and takes up less manpower and injurious reports from ivory coast biggest city on how these trend could mean high a chocolate prices at your local supermarkets. the cocoa industry in west africa says these white gripping sap as the biggest threat to fits cocoa supply after climate change to a growing number of problem is either diversifying into not to rubber or turning their backs on across that sustain livelihoods, for generations and put ivory coast on the top of the global list of corporate uses . it's a new system. so wanted to go, mussa is a president of the local co cooperative and i will feel a town north of the capital. i be sure. he farms both, perhaps the most you and so policies and thanks a lot of bombing rubbish is like being on a salary, you harvested almost every month on like co code, which is august the 1. so at most twice a yes, it may not fetch as much as cocoa,
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but at least you have something to live on every month. it is much of rubber


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