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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the old winds in springfield and beach by the category 5 bottles, 3 west to me and wrap the, [000:00:00;00] the one. jessica washington. this is denise hours 5 from to coming up in the next 60 minutes. catastrophic levels of hunger in goza because of israel's locations. a warning from the you in the thousands of palestinian children stopped from us, cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future. america's top diplomat land
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some us for the deadlock and advancing the us lab ceasefire proposal for casa. it says this do hope for deals, and also it has a crackdown on protests outside argentina's congress as low make has to be controversial economic reform and water shortages in northern india as the longest ever should each wave groups the country with temperatures expected to rise. the we begin in gaza where the population is suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger. the u. n. has expressed concern about a rise in palestinian children facing malnutrition, as israel maintains it's located on live saving supplies for mentoring the strength and to wanting to of you as you may find the following. images disturbing. this is 8 year old,
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one on this footage was filmed just days before she died as no nutrition the brother to died last week of starvation. they represent dozens of all the palestinians across garza who have died of hunger entity hydration, a significant proportion of goods. this population is now facing the task prophy conduct and funding like conditions despite the report. so if you increase the liberty of food that he's got into the noisy those, that those who need it most are receiving sufficient quantity and quality or food out in the ability to provide health services safely combined with the lack of clean water and sanitation. significantly increase the risk so if monday children that have already been said the to there's attributed to my mutation including $28.00 and children under 5 years old says issued a statement saying, israel's blockade,
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and attacks on guns of course are humanitarian catastrophe and famine. it says the use of starvation as a weapon of war is a war crime and confirmation of genocide against the palestinian people. it goals on our end is lovely countries to put pressure on israel to open land crossings to provide relief to palestinians. the group is also urging the international community and the united nations to intervene immediately and stop the attacks on civilians to will food that's on the market inside. garza is often too expensive for most palestinians to afford honeymoon. wood is in the in central garza reporting on the rapidly deteriorating conditions, the killing and maiming of a trap. civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on gaza. list of us the slow death of from being a star. the residents of gauze i lived under a crushing land enabled the blockade,
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even long before the war. in the last 8 months is what it has typed in. it's a truck full and supplies and squeeze people into tighter spaces and events when the you know, to the ice via in the house where i live. there is so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move the readings feeling the whole way in regarding the prices of food. that's a different well, a different rule. it's a rule and of itself. rather than say what cost less than a dollar before the work is now selling for $510.00, even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now, not only this really military has pushed palestinians into internal displacements, but it housing forces complicating a blockade. on the gauze of rip severely limited gain 3 of essential goods and food
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supplies into the small in cloud. this, the blockade has linked to severe, a scar, city of basic necessities, triggering the sharpest spike of buddha prices. it's an intensification of the seas is read has imposed on the strip since how much to power in 2000 and 2nd street vendors who survive on daily earnings now can turn a profit even if they have something to. so the say most people can pay for loss of the law in the past 10 days. i lost 50 percent of my capital. maybe more or, and it's not just me, it's everybody i sort of price is sort of on the president of the levels. people here see regulation to keep the price is affordable, is not working. and international, either groups, criticize israel for what they described as a deluxe or the to start the people of god more as a 0 from the central area of the gaza strip. how is joining us now on the phone
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from the in gaza is on judge show of the director of the palestinian n g o. nicholas under thank you so much for joining us. we began no coverage with the very heart breaking story of an 8 year old girl and her brother, 2 children from the same family who died of mel nutrition. if you could paint the picture for us just how many families are going through. similarly, hot breaking situations. thank you. this is the family that you could preach, but the other thousands of the family that they haven't been chance to tell the stories about the family and about the situation. got the odd situation dr. maybe them due to the is radio aggression under 10 times they locate, continue for the 8 months. and just to remind everyone that from day one of this war is ready to declare that they will
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deny the entrance of the basically food medicine, water, and electricity, cause i gotta work. and during the 8 months, all the was so many positions from the international assets, from the, from the us, from what then companies from the one calling is right. the left the block in. but it's also from the dimension from the city on the ice is a book that was the position for me. i do a look on the ground to defend the interests of the different items. maybe the food items, which were getting the limited, the quantities, every day we have some good things. we have about 200 bucks. this is during the war and she's doing this because the human didn't get the freebies and on the book identity situation, not on the dog that all over the world. who could imagine to deny the incidents of
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the basic needs ad for, for the children and medicine and other different i didn't, which got the need at the fuel for example, that which is the need to, to, for the generator in the hospital, in fort worth, a facility it's cause serious concern, the lives of the children. we have 50 children that could cause the minutes to help side because the melody position. and the 10th time that we, we haven't talked, indicate the or the 7 in the, and we called the one in all the through the clear dog, the payment status. that or do you have also, can you $1500.00 children according to the quotes are suffering from severe mental vision and the loss though, so many children died. i'm 5 and then do with the grades with no records. and i'm sure that we've heard from the world health organization and i'll
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just read a comment from them. despite reports of increased delivery of food, there was no evidence that those who need it most are receiving sufficient quantity and quality of food. that's what you're seeing on the ground, isn't it? yes. what they seem to get out that it's not enough quantities of food in between god. and just to tell you that before this was good, why we used to have 60700 select slow. anything down. now in touch catastrophe, we have the maximum. we have 200 bucks in the good days. so it's, it's now would be that all god with the book relation depends on the human to get in to the crossing. so these, these, uh quantities are not enough to feed the children. and so many families
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spend about the day that then one meal and most of the children also drinking water . just to tell you that each best comes here, the maximum consumption need to talk with her. you make the tea and most of the collection i'm living in then, very serious because a condition to lucian is better due to the other. treat the daughter, which is the kind of between the in itself. so we have concerns the whole yes for more could nickerson and if that or have we haven't been through some cases it's very difficult to get them to the hospital which is full of into deep avoid. and also in the go to the hospital and the medical teams are very busy on the,
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on the dealing with the injured to come in each hour the hospitals and i see you and it's all with the 3 by, by the engine. there's a lot of good cases and i'm tired with such difficult circumstances for so many people in gaza in particular for children. are you already seeing on the ground, the irreversible physiological effects of long term mal nutrition on the use of guns or for example, things like something yes, i'm uh, during my visit to the shelters be a white glove. uh, a what activities you think of social support to the children we have our enjoys or working that does have to have to offer such services. and we could witness the show that the often children or to my guy. i'm the bad for the psycho
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social support book are coming the next day during the, you know, what i, what often we need the shut the. we have the, you know, in a to strike or something happened. we come back. this is the same indications. say the 12 months have been children will come up and spend denied without like knowledge about also be good feelings due to that this continuous, it's good. okay. it's a slides to what the neighborhoods we are now all the areas and the open areas now. so children scattering holmes actuation as the name of the children, a homeless one by one member of the family, the father or a brother or sister. and this has happened with what took up a big number of people have been injured. and now, and each of the pen,
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fine children without arms, without big decor, but because of the beast, it is bikes, which is happened of all of my cousins. this is in the which is populated as happened before. now we have, i was 1200000 other students who must have been displaced to the area and we have the massacre in the, in the area, most of the people to and just deal with children. so the stories are moving from one to another. thank you so much on the show, the joining us from the in gaza at the director of the palestinian and joe's network. thank you so much. so for your time, i to the us secretary of state antony blinkin says that a ceasefire deal in garza is still possible. his know ended his visit to the middle east to promote the bite. in fact,
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proposal among arab countries. it's his 8th trip since the beginning of the war on garza earlier. he met with me and i've got that in doha and thing to him. for contrast mediating role in the conflict, he said that homeless had proposed changes to the deal, some of which were workable, but others were not. the group has said it was israel, not him us. that was the sticking point. lincoln held a joint news conference along with content as prime minister as some of been developed was at that press briefing. and he reported from this the operative word used by the secretary of state, was there was a deal on the table. and now there are some parts of it which from us has proposed, which are viable and the others that aren't so essentially means that for to go see it is, it's back to the table and drawing board to figure out how best to bring these sites together. is real accepted,
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the proposal the entire world got behind the proposal from us came back and as of now asked for changes to that proposal. and i'll repeat what i said. some of the changes i think we believe are workable but some are not. and so we'll have to see over the coming days, whether the, the gaps that are there as a result of from us not accepting with a clear and simple yes. a proposal whether they can be bridge or not. and as i said, i believe that they are preferable, that doesn't mean they will be bridge because ultimately i'm off has to decide we've heard from the 3 prime minister as well that there has been there been indications that there should be a pressure on both sides of israel has been committing gross violations of international humanitarian law pressure to be, or both parties at the we have said that to basically without a thought have us auto auto auditors or 80. but to like, for that exact,
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for the last 6 of the day of the total that they just have to do. and then also we have see that and also a contradictory and you see it, it's from a different is a the offices that's also requires a lot of pressure on that as well as as the frontier. i asked the secretary of state about the latest report by the united nations committee is accusing israel of committing crimes, including extermination. he said he has insight seen that particular report, but he wants as well to know that at all sides of this conflict need to abide by international humanitarian law. last month you said there are no red lines for israel. is that still the case? and if there is, what will this mean for yourself and the us administration, we are determined and assess that is real or any other country adhere to international humanitarian law. the laws of aren't conflict, opposed,
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human rights not does not commit the gross violations of those uh those rights. and that remains and will always remain a policy. this is yet another meeting which is taking place the 8th time since the secretary of state has visited them, at least this since the october, the 7th. and it appears that we are as close to a cease fire as far as we were 48 hours ago. so i'm a driving down to 0. the are these really government has banned up to 0 from reporting data. so how does that look is in the jordanian capital with the perspective from israel is really officials have never publicly acknowledged that they agreed with the american administration's proposal for a 3 phase ceasefire that would ultimately see an end of hostilities at the end of this 3rd phase now is really officials who have spoken anonymously have said that how much his response is actually not in favor of what israel wants,
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that how much has removed the main and key proponents of the deal that israel did agree with. and we are learning that this evening, these really prime minister is going to hold a situational assessment. benjamin netanyahu will discuss what is really, officials are now calling a negative response from us when it comes to the release of captives and this overall deal. now this shouldn't come as a surprise because there are keep sticking points from both sides, hard disagreements on how exactly the ceasefire should go through. a mass wants to see an end to the war entirely. while these really is including benjamin netanyahu . himself, the position has been maintained from the beginning that until all the goals of the war or chief, the war will not. and that even if there is a ceasefire for a certain amount of time, the fighting would continue after that time to send who it's a 00. i meant to remind you that the israeli government has banned urgency or from
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operating in israel and extended that decision. that's why our team is reporting from jordan. let's cross now to mike hannah, who is in washington dc like actually blinking says that reaching a deal is doable, but there's no guarantee. is there any indication that these diplomatic efforts are actually having a meaningful impact? or what we've also heard from the national security advisor jake sullivan, who said that the amendments made by him us are in the most case, mind just indicating that that is an ongoing commitment. it would appear at this stage to negotiate some a minor details as sullivan puts it. however, he also said that there must be an end to this haggling. old parties must go forward now come to an agreement, get a c spot in place with stone. i'm not exactly sure what the last amendments uh uh, but what we also still not sure is whether or not israel accepts the plan. now
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we've heard that from the us secretary of state saying that israel has accepted the plan that the benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister has committed himself to its implementation in the form that president biden suggested. however, this may not be the case as it pertains to the whole is really government, given that the us administration is well aware that they are members of netanyahu's cabinet who have threatened to resign their by bringing down the government. should this plan be implemented? so some may see it as not particularly helpful to mislead in a way what the actual details are. does israel accept the plan in its entirety or hasn't come up with amendments as a must, has done to continue negotiations. however, there is one common position from the us administration, and that is the fact that her boss has come back with some amendments means that the road to dialogue is still open. they haven't given up hope in terms of
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implementing that plan and hope that the fact that they have now got a dialogue process going that they could be successful in the days ahead. like there is, as you mentioned, a degree of confusion and perhaps even opaqueness about israel's response to this proposal. how is this being covered in the us or or generally the main stream us media would tend to concentrate on what the us leaders are saying. in other words, you will read a lot about entity blinking is comments, for example, that the bowl is in her mouth as cold, as he said repeatedly. add that the pos to this plan being implemented is being blocked by some us. now. as far as expanding that may not necessarily be the case, although within main stream us media, some of it that is not a that's the lack of clarity, fully being recognized that the parties to this uh,
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a negotiating with each other. the us is seen as an interlocutor, who should be an honest and impartial into lucky to, but at the same time, you may not see in mainstream media. the reflection that the us is not seen as impartial in many quarters. in particular, one example that it continues to assess that israel has accepted the plan with clearly the anti is really government has not. right, that's my kind of reporting that from washington dc. mike, thank you. the stone, the ground in guns are the is randy military has been targeting heavily populated areas in the central strength at least one palestinian was killed and several others injured. when his really forces shells a house and all the rays refugee camp, the wounded were transported to hospitals that are already overwhelmed. topic as them is in debt umbrella in central garza, following the latest on the is really
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a tax across the street. the, as you read, the military has intensify the military attacks across multiple areas in district. and in particular, the focus is on roughly district was now the military is deepening. it's operation to western areas of rough close to alamo was the area that was completely on the is very intense compartments, as residential houses. and even people, the who have been taking show to of, to for living is really made it to oldest have been widely hits, creating a state of carriers some on some of these the who are completely terrified, feeling up completely now on safety due to the is value on ryland's and just tell you over at tax now we have completely seen the devastating military strikes that targeted 12. i don't think the entire city into a pile of rep who bought the minute to of the ration are rough as to long going with very highly intensity levels of the entire medical sect to that is completely collapsing unless there are some sort of medical field hospitals that are receiving
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entries from roughly every now and then talk to now the manager operation is a so effectively going on on the ground as well as saving to time and to many tally and politically this month of how much of the costs of the goals that they have set in october, the 7th, sorry commission. i will just be right there with that, i had a story. the head of the world health organization has warned that some regions of citizens facing mass salvation. he said people suffering from malnutrition cannot get the care they need as more than 70 percent of hospitals in conflict. it areas are no longer running well than $18000000.00 sudanese are actually acutely hungry and more than $3000000.00 children all severely malnourished. because capella is a former united nations resident and humanitarian coordinator for sedan. he says
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that while the situation incident has been bad for months, the country is now at a crisis point. and the international aid organizations need to do more most uh, has gifts to the digital order. uh, there is a tooth for the shortage and the pockets of, uh, uh, hung up on now coming together. so it'd be sooner to be very difficult to know which region some of what's affected than the others. but suddenly, on top of all of that, we have started a massive project isn't mess it goes taking place or push clean deductible region in southern go to funding gives you the state even the in the near car too. so what we have is a situation which was bad in focus before, but to know how i'm going to go to, to cause the mass problems all over the country, including modem or displacement. this is the words because displacement the crisis
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and do go to over 2000000 refugees in neighboring countries too. well, quite frankly, are not the getting but they should be getting a question we should be asking. to be honest is not more than the warnings with a terrible situation this going on into don. we know that, but actually what have you doing about it? and what can the international system including the you and agencies do more to accelerate who galvanized their response? sedans, army and the power military rapids support forces have been added to a un blacklist that's a killing and injuring children and attacking schools and hospitals. they are a self was listed for recruiting children as a rape and all the forms of sexual violence against children. the you and report is due to be published on thursday. the separate you and report shows a staggering 480 percent increase in grade violations against children from 2022 to 2023. which brings you the personal story of 19, jamal l. d. inside a one is
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a sudanese man lives just outside. how do you describe what happened when the rapid support forces came to his house a 40 years? and you might have dancing about me. so con, higher on the chevy circle. the moving meaning center city to, to many is a word thought wasn't going to remove, i've been leaving it out and yet don't want viewable on you the little as you've done. not a bit. my god, i'll still still a few then how you read. i'm on we oh really the you know why to them were, you know, gum regarding or definitely my game. she hasn't been just do all doubt in my me that feeling really be able to start and start with you all the com
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to that little city level. can you do it up? could you sideboard on lean, feel good as he could, seeing what we charge of packing the video. i'm laying a so i'm under the fuel door now being super hold on for what i had. how do you? well, i had the pleasure. i know that we get to those one mobility mean is the window a good deal? yeah, i need to know. so let's continue to follow. come up. you're going to bid. no, it's a minimum that to be the lie. you my, i say this one, it definitely be the high. yeah, i mean with the gun, i'm around i'm the little had been very reliable. the worst case, it again has to live in a game show much running a little different been done while it was it out loud
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housing, are you gonna use it for it as possible? the limits of the grid, and it also comes with the why do i need the mazda or the, the layout, we will let them wish it must die for the we, i'm going to get guns that along with the money already. and the phone i'm up alone . i mean what issues i was on to watch and tina now with protest. so taking place of the president of the emily's flagship economic reform bill police of use was it can introduce, bus protest is gathered outside congress, inborn as, as, as a set of debates to build the so called only but slow sal sweeping changes to the economy, including steve austerity measures and privatization really originally wanted to privatize 40 companies that the bill was significantly diluted before being approved by the lower house. in april. theresa bo has been at the protests and when
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his at his i'm right here outside of congress, the session continues in the senate, the discussion on this basis law that has over 200 last that have you had, i mean, a precedent have you have mean they says which ones form this country however, just until about an hour ago you misplaced that. you can see right where i am standing was filled with tear gas, rubber, bullets, walter kind of and everything else. most of the protesters have left. they have gone to other streets, you can see what's left of it meant at least 10 people have been detained. but there has been lots of violence surrounding all this area. we do know that 2 cars, for example, have been set on fire by the protests are able. yeah. at the same time, we've seen at 5 centaurs from the opposition. a whole lot of points came outside of the senate to see what was going on outside of the chamber. they were tear gassed by the police. so lots of violence with this law that precedents have you had any
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legs says will help him from form argentina. that was carry out reform in the labor and labor reforms of investment reforms of all many other things. however, for many of the protesters that have been outside of congress, this laws would have a major impact in their lives. things might relate to call for 6 months ago. he hasn't been implementing sokol, steri, teenagers. he has evaluated the currency around 50 percent. this has increased inflation in argentina. something that the government has been struggling to bring down. and that's why formulae diminishing and bringing down to investigating argentina is a high priority, and to do that, he has been lifting subsidies on fewer electricity that he has also a big caught ministry then to made off at least 50000 state employees. among many other things, and this law would, in a way, be the road map for many of the reforms that he wants to implement in this country . not tony to jumpstart the economy, but also to attract foreign investments. how would verse for the protesters that
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being on the streets on the stage there labor unions left wing parties among states, employees, and pensioners where extremely concerned about what is happening in the countries who have seen it with our purchasing power affected this past few months. so they say that they cannot make ends meet with what's been going on in argentina with very high inflation, with a price is going up almost constantly with their salaries that are not keeping up with this inflation. so lots of concerns on the street. that's what we're expecting this know to be voted later today we're going to be outside of congress waiting for that to happen. it's not clear yet whether it's going to pass, but suddenly there's been lots of 10, so not totally on the streets, but also inside the center. it is, if the well to 7 largest economies are heading to easily for summit, would ukraine and goals are expected to top their agenda. the group of 7 are also facing all the challenges from discontented electorates to tackling migration and the climate crisis. how does the or is diplomatic edits?
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james base is asked the g 7 gathering it has this report from the region of fully installed and easily president bite and arriving in italy ahead of the saw. so this is g 7. so it's a meeting that's likely to have a serious and subdued tone. and that's because since the 7 lead his last match, ukraine has no says they don't hoped, strengthens it's hands against russia in a world it's gone on for nearly 2 and a half years. but even higher on their agenda, the war on casa oguchi, 7 leaders initially supported israel's right to self defense. but with the death toll of building 37000 palestinians, that support is increasingly reluctant. experts believe it's damaged the g seven's molar authority. the g 7 does for many people feel increasingly less relevant, less reflective of, of power around the world, much more of
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a club that's not necessarily got the legitimacy that it use, that it once had. and you know, add on double standards and the popular see, and people you know, dying in at, at scale and goals. and it's a, it's a very gloomy outlook. the 7 leaders are the same ones who attended the last, somebody's in the japanese city of hiroshima. but 6 of the 7 and now facing serious political pressures at home in front and the u. k. elections that you in weeks. and the us vote is now less than 4 months away. after a strong showing for how right wing policy and the european elections. the one leader whose fortunes appear to be rising is the host, georgia, bologna. you tell me a prime minister is bringing a record number of 10 guest countries to this is g 7. that's in part because she wants to focus on the issue of buy gratian. but i expect believe she's also trying to keep the g 7 relevant at
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a time when it's self declared role at the pinnacle of world affairs seems less set . and then as a james pays out his era poorly. it's an a still ahead on the 0, at least 49 people have died after a large fire ripped through a building housing farm workers increase the buildings owner has been invested and focused ons. new coalition government sets out and, and vicious plan to get the economy back on track goodwill as well. the, oh dear be it's been enough rain recently west australia. so this massive plaid, he see it disappearing or not bringing anymore. right. but it is turning into a small circulation in the crisis strategy and bite and natalie east, which to take raining to have a lake. it's bright, not particularly will know,
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especially when in a good palm new south wales of victoria. but that will tell a little bit where to during friday i'm a note that the west australia is not particularly witness to a few. she has just in line from pets. don't has to head down to was easy and eventually so look what looking day on friday, both and on the side. so we should have had a rec, thursday. if you move notes from this, it should be now rent to be drawn into an easier it hasn't been recently re recurring big. thunderstorms returned to java, but i think the trend is to was sort of y c and the southern philippines, the seasonal rain, which is factory. the surface monsoon trough is this one here that runs out through me in the intervals southern chimes be particularly wet, recently found it's going to carry on the same day there will be flooding as a result and the spots are china. a few shots, the north is cooling down. invasion. been very hot. recently b, c shows do that to it. and the balancing itself brings heavy rain all the way out through to like probably sucking good. you know, it's hot
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a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire ab wants of the genocide, and however it is bringing attention to that. this is not a rock that looks like rock but looks like it's hell on heard voices. we lost everything. we're not to see the slides connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in the region government and other companies are still in indigenous land. the streams on our just the are getting close to the people most effective by those in powers of interest. but it's absolutely vital the stories to be told we've pushed as far forward as we can to the front line. now, the smells of the powers, a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible, no matter how much they know about
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a given chrisy. so issue, as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do of the, to watching on to 0. ever mindful thoughts with stories based on the w h o has wound palestinians in gauze, a suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger and other child has died. of no nutrition, as israel maintained is located on life saving supplies for mentoring the strip us secretary and stays abs names. lincoln says that a ceasefire deal in gulf is still possible at the end of a visit to the middle east to promote a bite and bax proposal. he said how mazda has proposed changes to the agreements.
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not all of them are working for. the group says it was israel, not him us, that points for sticking points in elgin teen of protest all taking place of presidents heavy and the last flagship economic reform bill, police of use check us and was a cannon on protest. as outside congress, politicians detained a watered down version of the proposed rule. the footage has emerged from gaza, appearing to show summary executions of palestinians by is rarely soldiers. they will take a new rashid street, that's the coastal road connecting north and south south gaza. israel had designated it a safe zone to palestinians, wanting to move between the areas. these images are from june. first. it shows a person walking along the beach is rarely soldiers. if he is a stop them. and moments later the person is shot dead. this video appears to show
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a group of palestinians walking north on may 17th. one of them stepped out of the group and raises the hands in the air showing they are on, on. what within minutes is rarely forces appear to open fire. then the video shows soldiers coming in to take away the person's body. and then this footage, and now the person is standing in the same area with the hands in the air. this is shortly before they're apparently shown by is riley soldiers. same thing happens to another person later on. a storage of rockets from lebanon has been fired at various locations in northern israel. some reached the moran, and that is the outskirts of the city of type. it is causing fires and damage to buildings. as the law has claimed responsibility for the attacks, it says the rockets will side in retaliation for an overnight attack that killed one of its commanders. st. ahold that has this report from david's. the flourish of
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hostilities follows the killing of one of his senior commanders an overnight strike in southern 11 on pallets of believe to be original, some 100007 on the 2nd commander to have been killed. but the most senior one, never the hezbollah claiming responsibility for firing. those for roger's of profits of 40 to these really are be more than 200, were fired from 11 on. and they landed in various areas across the northern israel, somewhere intercepted. others were landed in open areas causing fires while others cause damage. with hezbollah says, this is just the beginning. it is promising to intensify the quantity and frequency and following this assassination has below one. these killings to stop is rough strategy, has been to carry out these targets at assassinations. not just against commanders
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with prices as well, and not just 11 on spots in neighboring syria. and a short while ago is really media floating sources in this way. the army saying that while this way the army has of decided to carry as a wide scale attack against has been lost, it will continue to carry out targeted assassinations. again, it's the, bring you to a developing situation. a must have cya has broken out at a storage facility of an oil refinery located in bill in the coldest on region of iraq. these are life pictures that you're looking at now. huge plumes of smoke and flames are still rising from the building and around a dozen firefighting chains. a still trying to control the place with this is in
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the area reported hearing explosions prior to the outbreak of the fire. india is prime minister in render moody says he's sad and by the news of a slight increase that's killed at least 49 phone workers, most of them from india, the fi, a ripped through their recommendation quits deputy prime minister has ordered an investigation. stephanie deca has the fire broke out around 6 am local time this building housing for more labors, then it should quite center administer visited the site tomorrow. how many are you accommodating in this building? you are responsible 1st of all, before god for all those killed. how many are you competing, and here we are a company. do not tell me a company i asked how many are you keeping in here about 196? where is the diction foreman in charge of this accommodation? bring him in, both him and the owner of the building must be kept in custody. the fire broke out and the southern montgomery district, an area known to be popular with foreign workers. the interior ministry said he
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blamed degree to the real estate owners for packing the building with labors. creat another gulf countries have often been accused by human rights groups of abuses when it comes to the conditions, the hundreds of thousands of foreign labors who form the bulk of the construction sector. stephanie decker, i'll g 0 of india is in the crypt. i'll say it's longest as a heat wave. there's been sustained temperatures of nearly 50 degrees celsius in many parts of the country. michael apple reports. it's a mad dash 14 you didn't acute for 2 shortages and record breaking temperatures. mean people are scrambling for how ever much they can get in this neighborhood in south daily water is available for a few hours at a time, but only every 2nd day. c 60 year old invitees, and 7 of the family members live in the oaks,
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less slum under one roof. there simply isn't enough water to go around. it was of us that the god that the citizen, we get top portion every other day. he comes for a very short period. sometimes we get it some days. we don't, we have to buy mineral water for a ton. if the boy was functional, which wants to use that fall from the come fits of a conditioning or even the shade, many indians are forced to work outdoors. facing the brunt of searing temperatures . dr. is raising along the port particularly have to work in the heat. they have very different option built construction. well, good said, but i can be used like movement of people looting heat, so continuous with this, i like that except for that, etc. i think on stop looking this rick showed dr. it has little option, but to try and make a living wall. the seat is keeping many of his potential customers at bay liaison. but other than that, uh but if i don't work,
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then what will my kids eat and what will i eat? if i sit at home for 2 months, it's not like the government is going to pay me any attention. chandra bush on is an environmental plan and one of india is full most climate change experts. he says the country has never faced this level of sustained heat, and it is a long period of heat that extended be there to the base about $24.00 diesels need to be a that'd be have experienced. so we're going to break the record off the duration of heat be in this country to see a health officials say about 25000 cases of heat stroke have been reported nationwide with nearly 60 people having died over the past 3 months. mike level does, they're focused on has set a tax revenue until august of moving $46000000000.00 for this year's punch it. the government is hoping it's ambitious plan will strengthen its case for new bailout geo, with the international monetary fund,
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focused on his intellects for food alone, estimated to him to be up to $8000000000.00. sophia is an economic policy expert and she says focused on his self with political instability, which has led to economic stagnation focused on the border producing sector market doing with decades now. dex connections have been, as you know, up and down on and basically there are a number of factors which are unfair, focused on the printer to go into the ability. i think that it has something to do with it. well, let alone peter at the time, in fact, some decade. the investment in roman catholics has consistency below. and the knowledge, the point where all these things have started matter. so basically it's a big call, you know, the natural to investment in human care, particularly to, to happen over
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a decade. it is significant in stability. we did officials and the funding meals fear to secure the lobbying rule. so people talk to be classified by success and government leading to buy, they cannot make decisions. so it's a combination of factors forward. and that's gonna depend on a, c. u. s. federal reserve says it will keep interest rates in the current 5.25 to 5.5 percent range. the decision that was widely expected, the fed adjust rates based on its mandate to keep prices stable and maximize employment. how do you feel? castro has moved from washington, dc of the federal reserve has decided to leave interest rates unchanged signaling the majority of board members are confident that the us economy continues to move or target without any immediate need for adjustment. this was the much anticipated outcome of wednesdays meeting and bolstered by fresh data. showing inflation in the
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us has slowed to 3.3 percent. that is still higher than the feds target of 2 percent. and coupled with a strong labor market, the fed decided it is still too early to start cutting interest. and so the benchmark rate of 5.3 percent remains, which means americans wanting to borrow money to buy a house, a car, or college education, or to use a credit card are still paying the highest interest rate in 2 decades. we want to came further confidence, certainly more good inflation readings will help with that. i. i'm not going to be specific about how many because, you know, really it's going to be not just the installation rating readings. it's going to be the tow tally of the data. what's happening in the labor market? what's happening with the balance of risk. what's happening with the forecasts, what's happening with growth, you look at all of that. the bottom white house hopes the interest rates fall before the november election, and the fed has forecasts. at least one cuts to interest is likely by the end of the year. meanwhile, the republican national committee downplayed the slowing inflation report and
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reminded american voters that prices are still 20 percent higher. now that when biden 1st took office hydro, castro algae 0 washington, the u. s. federal reserve has moved interest rates dramatically over the last 5 years. in late 2019, the rates was between 1.5 to 2.25 percent. on march 16th 2020, the fed caught the rate 2020.25 percent in a move to cope with corona virus pandemic, economic downtime. the fed raised rates by quarter percentage point 2 years later in response to high inflation that followed post pandemic. economic recovery rates was raised steadily each month until july 2023. and they've stayed at 5.25 to 5.5 percent. since then, as william lee is the chief economist of the american institute, he says it's not clear yet whether they'll be a right called before the presidential election. or even though we got some very
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good news about inflation, not getting worse or the month to month change, us has been should 0 increase in prices, which is a very good thing. but unfortunately, the servers are, is looking forward to more fundamental changes, not worse. inflation itself has not decided. we return to 2 percent. i'm not even on a path that position to say that we're going to work 3 percent even though we have something for this month, mostly improvement team from improvements in energy prices are very involved, so they can go back up quite easily next month. and sort of says, look, really looking for what's happening to services and other services. so i don't see it flashing as well. costs are 4 percent. and unless we see some progress there service, there's gonna be very reluctant to move because people are now accustomed to, to worry about whether or not we're going to get to 2 percent and, and defend wants to be sure. one that we are sided, are we going to get to 2 percent and we're going to keep race fly until we get 0
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evidence for our the still ahead on al jazeera. oh, cool. as high as millions of muslims, i mean make us to the phone. the most important skills in each of the lines
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the, [000:00:00;00] the haiti's new cabinet has been sworn in as the country crumples with spiraling gang violence. the new lineup of ministers includes political outside is in a move away from figures that served under the previous prime minister ariel henry
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. new prime minister gary con, will also serve as interior minister control the country security forces and intelligence gathering. not printing ass good c, l. a pilgrimage begins with the return to the climates of security. perfect without security. no loss in progress can be made. it's crucial that al police and soldiers a well prepared to face the security challenges. happy about the relatives of venezuelan inmates. on hunger strike, protesting in the capital cut off because it's against allegations of corruption, procedural delays, overcrowding, and limited access to food inside prisons. the inmates have been on hunger strikes since sunday, relatives on demanding the rights. the respective rescue operations are underway in some south central to lay off the major flooding. hundreds of people have been displaced by heavy rains and mud slides. authorities
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are urging people to voluntarily evacuate areas at risk. schools have been temporarily suspended in 5 regions. a more than 3000000 muslims are in saudi arabia for the annual hodge pilgrimage. hodge is a religious duty for almost limbs were able to perform the ritual, which is one of the 5 pillars of islam sham. a whole bar of reports from mecca pilgrims all the way to the great boston of baccha. this is, is lands hudy's site and it's where do we go around the cop uh, 7 times signaling the start of a journey that we take them from here to stake, which planes valleys in the mountains and once finished, they would have accomplished an important religious duty the young, the elderly,
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the healthy and the sick old together for what they say is the most significant trip of that entire lives. believe lot we're coming here where it all started is amazing. this is way is long started and to come here and hear the story of islam is a powerful experience of the it's the same ritual muslims gather here around the cubicle structure, which they believe was built by abraham. and his son is my mecca, is also why they believe the prophet mohammed was born. and why the koran was revealed to him has, is a john the muslims hope would change their lives for days, the week before the success of rituals and into, into what the describe as a state of purity and spirituality. and this explains why men with uh, to west send for white cloth. if you want to prince or for it doesn't matter here. what does not to is a display of unity and
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a quantity of the pilgrimage. growth man cabled away from morocco along with his mother. she won't be able to perform has on her own. so he wanted to be part of her journey to the visit me low. i want her blessing and i also seek repentance. i can't describe the overwhelming emotions i experience here of what has isn't just about people seeking to with pounds from boss, since it's also about young couples like the moot and his wife. i looking for a deep sense of purpose of to the job is over and it was been trying so much and it's not unique. it didn't work out many times before, but this time invited us go through it. i mean, it's what it came out of nowhere in like 3 days and we applied and we were accepted . soon. all these people would move to the plane of mena and put that themselves for the most important day in hatch. a day of prey is in conditions and with membranes of the value of a lot of that house. you buy a bottle,
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i'll just be right back. right. that's it for me. jessica washington, for this news. our lean cited will be here in a moment with more of the days, the is the rails, one machine is decimating entire households. and because in the words of those survives and with the help of the palestinian journalists fault lights toes, the harrowing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most beautiful in decades the night to bolt. and by doing this one says, one on us just the latest news as it breaks,
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put immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the sensor writes remains from the in the saddle, the fall right is expected to shake off politics and russel's. from around the world, the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. so unique phone that protests by a palestinian artist using
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a symbol of national identity to create postage and passport stamps. but i was from december life plan to be on that come flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict outside of california. we've come to palestine, palestine sundance, the stamp of defiance on ouch, as even the population facing catastrophic levels of hunger and famine. the w h o issues a nova di, warning about monetary in crisis in dawson, the, the money in sight. this is alex, is there


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