tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera June 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST
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supporting communities in areas affected by will summit poverty and diesel stuff. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in the donate. now with confidence give your coupon each day without kind of foundation the . ready population now facing catastrophic levels of hunger and finding the w h o issues. another warning about monitoring crisis in guns, the carry, tungsten, this is all just there a lot from. so also coming from us cannot and will not be allowed to decide the future of america's top. diplomats to blame some us for the deadlock and advancing the us. let's see. spawn proposal for concepts but says there's still hope for the
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the origin seen is least correct. down on protest as a sense of votes in favor of the presidents. we think economic before reviving an old friendship. russian warships return to cuba. in defiance of united states, the will begin in gaza where the population is suffering from catastrophic levels of hunger. the world health organization has expressed concern about to rise in the protestant in children facing malnutrition, as israel maintains is located on a life saving supplies from entering the strip. a significant proportion of goods. this population is now facing the task propaganda and finding light conditions. and despite the reports of increased the liberty of food that he's got into the noisy,
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those, that those who need it most are receiving sufficient quantity and quality or food outing. ability to provide health services safely combined with the lack of clean water and sanitation, significantly increase the risk. so if monday children that have already been said the to, there's attributed to my mutation including $28.00 of children under 5 years old on the morning comes as thousands of palestinians have died of hunger and the hydration warrant swap. you is the following images. all disturbing, this is a throat hun on this footage was film days before she died of mountain tristan. my brother also died last week of starvation. her masters issued the statement. the thing is rose blockade and the tax and garza, of course,
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of the amount of payment catastrophe and time. and it says the use a stall vase and there's a weapon of war as a war crime. and the confirmation of genocide against the palestinian people. it calls on the arab and islamic countries to put pressure on israel to open land crossings to provide relief to palestinians. the group is also urgent. the international community on the 9th of nations to intervene immediately and stop the attacks on civilians. and what level of food is available in gauze is often too expensive for most palestinians. honey mach moody's, in depth of, of the and central gas reporting on the record linked deteriorating conditions of the killing and maiming of a trap. civilian population. the obvious horrors of israel's war on gaza. this of us the slow death of from being a star. the residents have garza lived under a crushing land, the name of the blockade. even long before the war in the last 8 months is what it
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has typed in. it's a truck full and supplies and squeeze people into the tighter spaces between them you know, to the ice via in the house where i live. there was so many people sleeping on the floor. you can't even move. the reason i'm feeling the whole way. and regarding the prices of food that's a different well, a different rule. it's a rule and of itself. rather than say what cost less than a dollar before the work is now selling for $510.00, even $30.00. the rising cost of everything is so frustrating. some say bombings seem more merciful than the slow death from starvation. for months now, not only this really military has pushed palestinians into internal displacements, but it housing force a suffocating, a blockade. on the gauze and red, severely limited gain 3 of essential goods and food supplies into the small in clouds. this blockade has led to severe, a scarcity of basic necessities triggering the sharpest spike of buddha prices.
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it's an intensification of the seas is rep has imposed on the strip since how much the power in 2007 st vendors will survive on daily earnings. now can turn a profit even if they have something to so the say most people can pay for the loss in the past 10 days, i lost 50 percent of my capital, maybe more. and it's not just me, it's everybody. as for the price is sort of on the president of levels. people here see regulation to give a price is affordable, is not working. and international ada groups criticize israel for what they described as a deliberate attempt to start the people of god. i remember more as a 0 from the central area of the gaza strip. how is that of that size direct to the palestinian and jos network. he spoke to us on the phone from the in gaza and
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explained how israel has systematically deprived protestants of food. and water from day one of this war is ready to declare that they will deny the entrance of the basically food medicine, water, and electricity to the god. and during the 8 months, although there was so many positions from the international assets from the, from the us, from what then come, things from the one calling is right, the left. good luck. but that it's also from the dimension from the city on the ice bucket. there was the position from a look on the ground to defend the interest of the different items. maybe the food items, which were getting the limited, the quantities, every day we have from the good days, we have about 200 bucks. this is during the war and she's doing the speaker to
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human getting cut the stuff in the book and then think situation not on the dogs at all, over the world. who could imagine to deny the incidents of the basic needs as food for the children and medicine and other different i didn't good scott the need at the fuel for example, that which is the needed to, to, for the generator in the hospital in fort worth, a facility a u. s. secretary state antony bank and it says that the cx 5 deal in gauze is still possible. he's now ended his visit to the middle east to promote the 5 and back proposal among our countries. it's his 8 trips since the beginning of the war on guns that area. he met the cutoff intel and thank him for cat house mediating role in the conflict. he said that how mass had proposed changes to the do, some of which will work about others are not the group has said that it was israel
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. know how much that was the sticking point of lincoln that held a joint news conference along with catalyst prime minister a sullivan job. it was at the press briefing, stacy's report, the operative word used by the secretary of state was there was a deal on the table. and now there are some parts of it which from us has proposed, which are viable and the others that aren't. so it essentially means that for to go see it is, it's back to the table and drawing board to figure out how best to bring these sites together is real accepted. the proposal the entire world got behind the proposal from us came back and as of now asked for changes to that proposal. and i'll repeat what i said. some of the changes i think we believe are workable, but some are not. and so we'll have to see over the coming days whether the, the gaps that are there as a result of from us not accepting with
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a clear and simple yes proposal whether they can be bridge or not. and as i said, i believe that they are preferable, that doesn't mean they won't be bridge because ultimately from us has to decide we've heard from the prime minister as well that there has been there been indications that there should be a pressure on both sides of israel has been committing gross violations of international humanitarian law pressure to be, or both parties at the we have said that basically without a thought have us auto auto auditors or 80. but to like, for that exact, for the last 6 of the day of the total that they just have to do. and then also we have see that and also a contradictory and you see it, it's from a different is a the offices that also requires a lot of pressure on that as well as as the frontier. i asked the secretary of state about the latest report by the united nations committee is accusing israel of
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committing crimes, including extermination. he said he has his sight seeing that particular report, but he wants as well to know that at all sides of this conflict need to abide by international humanitarian law. last month you said there are no red lines for israel is that still the case? and if there is, what will this mean for yourself and the us administration, we are determined and assess that is real or any other country adhere to international humanitarian law. the laws of aren't conflict, uphold human rights, not does not commit the gross violations of those uh those rights. and that remains and will always remain a policy. this is yet another meeting which is taking place the 8th time since the secretary of state has visited them, at least this since the october, the 7th. and it appears that we're as close to a cease fire as far as we were 48 hours ago. so i'm
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a java dot 0 dot is where the government has banned, obviously are from reporting the s o m to south hutus in the jordanian capital with the perspectives from israel. this is really officials have never publicly acknowledged that they agreed with the american administration's proposal for a 3 phase ceasefire that would ultimately see an end of hostilities at the end of this 3rd phase. now is really officials who have spoken anonymously have said that how much his response is actually not in favor of what israel wants, that how much has removed the main and key proponents of the deal that israel did agree with. and we are learning that this evening, these really prime minister is going to hold a situational assessment. benjamin netanyahu will discuss what is really, officials are now calling a negative response from us when it comes to the release of captives and this overall deal. now this shouldn't come as
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a surprise because there are keep sticking points from both sides, hard disagreements on how exactly the ceasefire should go through. a mass wants to see an end to the war entirely. while these really is including benjamin netanyahu . himself, the position has been maintained from the beginning that until all the goals of the war or chief, the war will not. and that even if there is a ceasefire for a certain amount of time, the fighting would continue after that time to send who it's a 00. i'm and relatives of is very captives and all the demonstrators have again, gather the intent of eve to increase that pressure on that prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, the demanding the is very government's accept cx 5, you also secured the release of those. so i have not demonstrated to say the only way to free the captain is to stop the voyage goes on the ground in gaza. these
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very minute treat has been targeting heavily populated areas in a central strip. at least one protest jenny was killed and several others injured. and he's very forces show the house and the authorized refugee camp. the wounded were transported to hospital was that all ready of out assume is in the, in central guys or in the latest is where the attacks across the street the is really minutes where you has intensify the military attacks across multiple areas in district. and in particular, the focus is on rough district was now the military is deepening itself. durations to western areas of rough close to almost the area that was completely under is very intense from bottom. and as residential houses and even people the who have been taking show to off to for living is really managed. otis, have been widely hits creating a state of carrier, some on some of these the who are completely terrified to feeling up completely now on the safe to do to the is very on ryland's. it was k u over at tax. now we have
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completely seen the devastating military strikes that targeted 12. i don't think the entire city into a pile of rep who bought the men of 2 of the ration are rough as to long going with very highly intensity and levels as the entire medical sect to that is completely collapsing unless there are some sort of medical field hospitals that are receiving entries from roughly every now and then back to now the manage operation is a so effectively going on on the ground as well as saving to time and to militarily and politically, this month of how much a cost of the goals that they have set in october, the 7th tarika best suited algebra there that i had a story, the barrels of rockets from lebanon and it has been fired at various locations in northern israel. some reach them around and based on the outskirts of the city of high various closing fires and damage to buildings because of the has kind of
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responsibility for the attacks. it says the rockets with funding retaliation for the overnight to attack that killed one of its commodities. for humans who say say they have targeted a cargo ship and the red sea level to tax on these various cities of ash stalled and high fence there in response to as well as ongoing war ongoing sale. and in sort of direct c with the palestinian cause. us central come on, says iran backed rebels using unmanned surface and vessel in the attack on the ship . i said i had on the houses here, garza and ukraine at the top of the agenda as president joe biden joins all the leaders in each of each of the g 7 summit. plus i am, i'm indeed recei uh, in a rubber plantation in the ivory coast. while i'm on the families are focusing on rubber instead of the traditional news.
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the news where the heat in the south west of the us is still bad, with temperatures around the middle, faulty sphinx is $44.00, is not reco, breaking it assistant, and therefore it is newsworthy elsewhere, and associates with humidity be seen to big shaft recently the cost funding in houston, texas, but then we're all based off of this cross florida. and that'll be there for the so they are so bull brody, seen some funding, we will see some more the big shazlaw on the east coast. caroline's in particular have gone away now and is actually relatively quiet for the next couple of days, with the exception of florida, which probably with a few other places in central america. we'll see some very big showers, but this is definitely the focus. however, we'll jump away from that to the counter being and here with the trade winds lightning a little bit, you have daily light chairs that actually typical weather this time of year,
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which i cannot say is the case for this. so if you saw too hot and dry in this process presented, including the problem to now we've had another reco breaking height in bolivia and assumptions 34 and realized that he was there on the high side to the surface. it does look more reasonable with going into winter. huge amounts of right and still fully and central. surely no snow is spreading right to the on the in chain the he says he went to war towards syria to provide aids. are you looking back? are you available? no, no file, but not in the eyes of his government. my life must be the cause. can you do for me? my height is here because of these villages. in the 2nd part of the series, we follow a british age work or as he prepares to cut a test, his citizenship revocation, little mesh analysis. so you're only as good as fuel costs for state list in syria
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. and i'll just 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the book and back her mind to about top stories. this is the child who is wanting that palestinians in gauze suffering from catastrophic levels or from that. another child has died of mount nutrition as well and maintains its located on the 9th savings supplies, entering the district us secretary of state, anthony, blinking says that the cx 5 do indoors are still possible at the end of a visit to the middle east to promote a 5 back proposal you sent him us has proposed changes to the agreement order from
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work groups as it was israel don't have to ask, of course the sticking on at least one. palestinian has been killed and several others injured. and it's ready for us to show the house and then how patient richard g terminal essential council. would it have been transported to hospitals? that's all ready as well. to lodge insane, and where the senate has voted in favor present of yet is a flagship economic reform bill. please use what account into this 1st protest is, goes outside congress. some one is on is the so called omnibus set south sweeping changes to the economy, including steep austerity emissions and privatization. the senates will now votes on the individual parts of the bill and return to the house for any changes to be agreed. press bringing our correspondence, authorized to both who is in and as our as far as now. so it's all right. so what happens next that it's not completely straightforward?
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is it a no, it's not. and it's been a day filled with tension, with very strong caches between protesters and the police all in the area surrounding the senate for a no, for an on reverse bill, which is known here as a base is low, which is crucial for the current administration of how do you hear me? i know that includes the possibility to privatize some state companies to designate delegates legislative powers for the precedence of good for and companies to invest in argentina. sudden privileges. so it's a crucial law for the government right now is very long, day, 12 hours of debate. finally, the votes happened a while ago. it was a tie. it was defined by the vice president victoria. we do have a when was dedicated her vote to the working class to the people who are working every day in argentina. and they're extremely difficult circumstances with a very difficult economic situation. so what happens now is through the all the
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evening center tours are going to be voting each one of this law. the whole bill has over $200.00 last but now each one of this low is going to be voted. and once this is over, it's going once again towards the lower house where it is expected. it could pass again, but we're going to have to see, you know, what happens from now on. the reason why this bill has been important for the government is because from the very beginning have you have to be, they implemented very harshest every team members here in the country, economical, savvy to mattress. but he's got, he's a, he's presidency until now has been filled with lots of confrontations, lots of confrontations with the opposition with other political parties that if you were not, they would have supported have you had any laser, had been flashing with him constantly. and that's why there's been lots of negotiations on ongoing for this not to be able to pass. so the main reason right now is for the government to pass, the snow is to show govern ability. they can make concessions that has come to go see
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a space can fast the legislation so it can carry the reforms. it has promised the population when he was elected last year, and that population to raise. how is this being viewed? not just by the protest is but also by the why the public well, how is it argentine now right now is polarized, though, because you have to be like continues to have around 50 percent of find a pooler way too. in spite of the economic reforms he has carried out right now, a very sharp evaluation of the piece of currency which generated even more inflation in the country. but the very beginning of this year, lifting subsidies on fuel transport, among many other issues that are fixing the population right now. the working class that is struggling to make ends meet because there's recession, because there's been a short drop in economics among other things. so suddenly, those are the people that are extremely concerned. those are the people that have been protesting on the say that many of them are labor union states,
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employees around $50000.00 state employees have been laid off. so those were the people who were protesting, but of course there's those who continue to support the parenthetical believe in him or tired of what really calls the old politics. and those are the ones that continue to support the for us. it in the that's why the late in spite of this very deep economic reforms that he has carried out this sharp posterity measures continue to have the support he has. like for us there to raise the body. thanks very much. indeed. conservatives in the french republican party say they have voted out the need to eric facility. you had tried to, bro, to a deal with the far right. national valley head of francis honda men transactions at the end of the month announcing the move outside party headquarters. they said that those funds for the national validate was and leap into the on 9. see all the insists that he remains in post and does not recognize the outcome of the vote. the
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leaders of some of the was not just the quarterly, so gathering in it's an a for summit. the ukraine and goals are expected to top. the agenda, the group of 7, also facing other challenges from texting migration to the climate crisis. i'll just there was diplomatic edits. a james base is at the g 7 gathering and has this report now from the region of put them in the southern president bite and arriving in italy ahead of the saw. so this is g 7. so it's a meeting that's likely to have a serious and subdued tone. that's because since the 7 leaders last match ukraine is not as they don't hoped, strengthens it, timed against russia and a will that's gone on for nearly 2 and a half years. but even higher on their agenda, the war on cause all the g 7 leaders initially supported israel's right to self defense. but with the death toll of building 37000 palestinians,
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that support is increasingly reluctant. experts believe it's damaged the g seven's moral authority, the g 7 does for many people feel increasingly less relevant, less reflective of, of power around the world. much more of a club that's not necessarily got the legitimacy that use that it once had. and you know, add on double standards and the popular see, and people you know, dying in at, at scale and goals. and it's a, it's a very gloomy outlook of the 7 leaders of the same ones who attended the last summit and the japanese city of hiroshima, but 6 up to 7. and now facing serious political pressures at home in france and the u. k. elections that you in weeks and the us vote is now less than 4 months away. after a strong showing for how right wing policy and the european elections. the one leader whose fault she does appear to be rising is the host, georgia bologna. you tell me a prime minister is bringing
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a record number of 10 guest countries to this is g 7. that's in part where she wants to focus on the issue of migration. but experts believe she's also trying to keep the g 7 relevant at a time when it's self declared role at the pinnacle of world affairs seems less certain the nasa james pays out his era poorly. it's a fleet to of a russian warship. so sales into the ports of cuba is capital havana. ahead of time, the military exercises in the caribbean, us officials say that tracking the vessels which include a nuclear powered submarine. and the listing has more now from have on fire, and a 21 gun solve the is it came in to have on a, by a russian naval slip to the docked on the island for the 1st time since the outbreak of the war and ukraine on route a russian forget to fight artillery and drills the by the ministration said that
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deployment was notable, but not dangerous. we of course, take it seriously, but these exercises don't pose a threat to the united states. nonetheless, it deployed 3 destroyers to track the russian deployment. some people is watching the ships pulling felt it was point 5 years ago. us cruise ships stopped in this by an american tourist pump some money into the items economy. they were banned by the company ministration, which allowed the cruise lines to be sued. hundreds of millions of dollars. the don't think it's hard to imagine a more powerful image of how far us keeping relations have been bulldozed over the last 5 years. a russian, you can about summary and dr. right way us cruise line has no longer come on the say hard, and us sanctions and economic desperation, a pushing hold on a close, that's a must go. this is something that to but have forgotten it back connection and it is come back to that connection because there is no other choice and there's no other choice directly because of united states sanctions. i mean,
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what can only be called sustained economic warfare against cuba and desperate diseases require desperate remedies and the number of russian tourists for the 1st 3 months of this year doubles compared to this time last year and to 90000 tons of rational arrived this much following protests against food and power shortages in santiago, cheapest 2nd cities. meanwhile, the cheapest position on the war and ukraine has transformed over the last 2 years . from one that stressed the importance of respecting international law to one that is strongly pro russian. i'm assuming who's what comes from both nations of russia and cuba are imposed with unjust sanctions that have the origin and the same enemy . they yankee empire, russia's invasion of ukraine and potent sanctions, a drawing new geopolitical fault lines, and the rekindling friendships of old. and augustin, how does it run around? i hate say, is that new cabinets has been sworn in as
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a country grapples with spiraling gang buttons. new lineup of ministers includes political outside is in the move away from the speakers that served under the previous prime minister are only the new p m. gary. comfortable will also serve as interior, administer, and control the countries security forces and intelligence gathering. it's not printing, i was going to come out of pilgrimage, begins with the return to the climate of security. perfect without security. no loss in progress can be made. it's crucial that al police and soldiers a well prepared to face the security challenges, probably best corporations are on the way in the south central. tonight, i'll have to major flooding. hundreds of people have been displaced by the heavy rains and much slides. authorities are urging people to voluntarily evacuate areas at risk. schools have temporarily been suspended in the 5 regions,
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ivory coast as well as the biggest producer of coca about farmers and now with the rubber. the sites cheap at the farm and uses less money out with the address reports from i because the biggest city of the john and the cocoa industry in west africa says these white gripping sap as the biggest threat to fits coke with supply after climate change. the growing number of problem is either diversifying into not to rubber or turning their backs on the crop that sustained livelihood for generations and put ivory coast on the top of the global list of corporate uses. so wanted to go, mussa is a president of the local cocoa cooperative and i will feel the problems both perhaps the most you and so policies and thanks a lot, bombing rubbish is like being on a salary, you harvested almost every month on like coco which was august the 1 soul at most twice a yes, it may not fetch as much as cocoa,
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