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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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comes flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict kind of a sort of process. we've come to palestine. palestine sundance, the stamp of defiance on out is in the last refuge for displace palestinians in gaza. under fire is ready for us, is launching a land sea and ever talking on my washington, you're off the road about this. and this is all just even life and don't have also have coming up for the 2nd time. this week is really soldiers storm this jeanine refugee camp. if use boulders to tear up the rooms. the reason, argentina crackdown and protests while the senate's votes in favor of the
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president's sweeping economic reforms, and reviving an old friendship and washing warships return to cuba. in defiance of the united states, the, we're going to begin this hall fire and gaza, where it is where the forces of attack sports. no one who does has lost corners of refuge for tens of thousands of palestinians. i'm a wasi is a tiny strip of bottom line between the rough and southern garza and the mediterranean sea. and this is where it is. very forces have launched a series of strikes in an area they've claimed was a safe zone for palestinians fleeing from across garza and the college was live outside the alexa hospital in central garza and just talk to us about what's been happening and, and describe the area to us, the last area is on the rescue street a very close to the post lines and
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a lot of the photos to evacuate their months ago because it was said m c area and it's. 1 green or either side. so we're talking about more than 1000000 people that were seeking refuge spare before the roof off, encouraging started. a lot of people started evacuating and moving towards 10 units and the middle area. but so far, there are since 100000 palestinians, according to who knew it was to in dropbox. and those are the people who chose to say because they do not have any other place to go to. in the past couple of, of hours there has been in 10 other re sending and tense or strikes on that area. so more people are being pushed towards the central area. again, as is ready, forces pushed towards the western parts of the floor. there has been also a lot of people being displaced right now. they're homeless,
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they're moving towards locks the hospital where we are right now, but those are 5 hospitals are, have you and shelters are type even empty labs and all the make shift cards are packed with people. so those people are not a homeless and hopeless and they're saying there has been very intense airstrikes and sending since the past couple of the hours in the morning. and that's why those people chose to evacuate to the me, the are you and community. and as you were describing areas being packed with people, but of course is the fight and continues. the number of injured goes up and give us a situations that an update on the situation with the hospitals. well right now, as we go inside the hospital, we won't even have space to move or to walk because injuries are all over the floor . there has been no fed for all of the people who were injured and transferred to
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the hospital to an incident on the injured people. it's also patients who is there also people inside the hosp, the seeking refuge. also this hospital has been depending on its solar system and generate to sense the water and cause will start because there has been no electricity. but now with the fuel shortage and, and everything the hospital is going to, they are only working on one generator. and it's also in risk of turning off because the hospital is not getting the fuel it needs to get. also, there has been no medical supplies. so fallacy means are in this hospital waiting for their medical treatments, but unfortunately there's a lack of medicines that have supplies sense to verify, encouraging, started a month, a goal. and not only thought there has been a lot of palestinians injured and people with products, diseases that were supposed to get there at transfers to get their medical
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treatments. a rhodes. but after also the restaurant crossing clothes, they're not allowed to leave. so it's a catastrophe situation. people are in a situation of frustration and despair, searching for medicine and searching for the basic health care. they need him to thank you very much and country talking to us, their relatives of is really captives and other demonstrators. and again, gather intelligence, gives you increased pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they're demanding that the government accepts a ceasefire deal that is going to lead to the release of those being held in gaza. demonstrate to say the only way to make that happen is to stop the war on garza from over. going to go to buying smith, who's joining us from the jordanian capital. i'm on so pressure increasing on benjamin. that's when you, when it comes to the captives. also, what is, how much is responds being to complaints, but it's asking for significant changes the propose these 5 deal, the yeah, how much this is saying rough, but it's not the,
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it's not the problem here. it says that the changes, it's asking for a no not significant on the ceasefire deal. yeah, they want to complete withdraw. busy busy of his really troops and they also want to be able to select the 100 prisoners also who would be released in the 1st wave. a robin have israel select to them cause as well as said only those with less than 15 years or so to so it can be released. how much one spots change. and it says that they went on to me blinking to pressure israel to accept this permanency spy. they say, uh they say israel says it's a great but we've not heard anything official from these re lease on how much that they've responded. first of all, when the sci fi was pose in may, they responded within 24 hours. they say they accept the un welcome to un security council resolution on the sci fi, and they're ready to engage. and in direct negotiations wise from these riley's,
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they say they've heard nothing official. i thought you were talking about there that having suggestions that israel has accepted at least the broad load line of the deal. is there any more coming from israel above the seas? far proposal, given what we've been seeing over the last 24 or 48 hours as well . the problem is that has been, is apparent contradiction. and to me, blink and says netanyahu has agreed to this by these policies filed by a deal, but not in yahoo said nothing in public about this. now these riley's characterized out how much these responds yesterday as essentially rejecting the proposal, but they say that they expect the negotiation to continue. they say cannot. busy will continue with category and egyptian mediators in coordination with us. they say to see that there is a way of achieving a deal. but now the blinking has left them at least some of the men, some of the men,
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some people with him to try and get this deal over the line has perhaps diminished as bernard smith. thank you very much indeed. but let me just remind you that the as really government has bind, i'll just get it from operating in israel, and that's a, has extended that decision. and that's why bernard is joining us now from a neighboring george. let's move to the occupied westbank, where the is really army has rated. there's a need refugee camp for the 2nd time this week. soldiers of stone, the counts in the early hours of the 1st name, detained, one person. bulldozers have been seen digging up several roads. 6 palestinians have been killed during evading jeanine on tuesday. israel's military, he says that operation was aimed at disrupting the activities of palestinian fighters. as the warrant garza has led to a significant surge of violence against minus, including in the occupied westbank. united nations, originally listed as real as a country that violates children's rights no more human rights groups of hopeful that are going to be demands for accountability no to day is in the amount of with
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more it's, it's how i'm just bare lies from the neck down and it's really soldiers shop the 17 year old at close range in the neck, trapping him in his own body. struggling to tell his story. the sculpture that's february this year i'm. it was chased by his really soldiers and as to north of the occupied west bank. they run him override at the door of honda store. the jeep chased him for the slate and drummed into the kids. then the soldier went down and shocked him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood are on the water. harrowing stories like commerce are common place in palestine. human rights organizations have
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a long accused israel, a violating palo city and children's rights, pervasively. and with impunity. that's why they will come the u. s. decision to finally place israel on the list of countries that violates children's rights. most of the you and report details, nearly 8000 verified violations against palestinian children during 2023. all carried out fires really forces an armed settlers violations covered killing, maiming displacement use of children as human, shields and attacks on schools among others. it also documents that attention of $900.00 soldiers and reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against the child . the chinese, the know is look forward to doing now that is really as part of this list of the same human rights advocates are hopeful. this will lead to consequences instead of
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a new one. when i come across, i know why they should by cut these countries and called for accountability, they should not be treated as normal states is rarely, soldiers should be banned from countries and they should be tried for war crimes. one says, thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification, 6 months into 2024 situation has only become worse, uses even more shocking phenomena and his brother. but this report recognizes their live tragedy, but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience and hope only children can muster, not all the data occupied westbank, palestine. let's move on to some other news item to argentina where the senate has voted in favor to present that. i mean, mill is flagship economic reform bill protests have turned violent on demonstrations, violet outside the nation's congress,
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the so called on the bus law sets out sweeping changes to the economy, including steep establishing measures on privatization. the reasonable has more from one to says a violence on this piece of what a site is at the center, debated what is known as the basis of all a landmark bill for presidents heavy emulates plans to reform argentina. it includes over $200.00 laws, meant to privatize some state companies, delegate legislative powers to the president reform labor legislation and give privileges to following companies that invest in argentina. protesters gathered outside congress is early on wednesday morning. got to be everybody's have pensioner who says he cannot make ends meet the double dresser, who i am here because i get paid the minimum pension and i cannot survive on it. i worked for 33 years and my pension is $200.00. with these laws, the president is supporting, we're all going to be impoverished. we're going to lose our rights. protesters were
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met with resistance from the security forces. senators continue to the base of the basis of the police, started moving in the 1st year, trying to clear the way to the ad building fibers asking people to leave the area. however, those were present viewers. the secuity situation deteriorated fast. congressman from the opposition were pepper sprayed, one car was set on fire. the debate lasted for 12 hours when the senate voted, it was a ty, but the vice president victoria was ever well defined. the vote below with no head to the lower house. once again. since taking office have you had to be late has implemented a sockless day. we plan to reduce the deficit the lowest mental deep and the reforms he wants for the country. like on most of the, the vice today is a society is a country and as opposed to good body, but we are at
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a crossroads. the can persist in the road to decadence. or we continue in the path to freedom. would mean these policies have also cost a shop dropping consumption unemployment and pull over t r on the rise. and i think that the you with these reforms, the government wants to pass the question is, can they survive in the long term? imagine them for the 1st time, the i m f says this is a government that doesn't need a stair anti plan. it's a problem because there's a lot of poverty. ways convinced he's on the right path to reform argentina is economy. but a large part of the population fears their situation, we only get worse 80. so i'll just see that when the site is still a head. and i'll just say the thailand's notorious games of monkeys idolize locals . we're going to find out what's being done to stop the
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fellow. the heat wave continues across eastern parts of the met. it's ready to move every hot sunshine down towards cyprus, took a and pushing across into grace up to the north west. we will see time just recovering somewhat as we go through the next couple of days. it will be a slight process. brian's of cloud and rain coming in from the atlanta. but is that does so we are looking at winds coming in from of a southerly direction. so losing that to cool for us. northerly failed to the weather. we're picking up a woman wins from the south west or some of the direction that's it was i made some of west to weather if you can believe that. so also cloud and rain coming in across the northwest. if you have a little bit of weather coming into western positive fonts, but down to the se sick of the tempest, but 30 i celsius in athens, ohio and temperature certainly on the high side, which was at eastern side of the mediterranean, in between. we got some live the storms just around. the bowl comes pushing up into
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romania, pushing up into poland, slipping further east with could see some laws. how coming out of this, maybe a little bit of localized funding still to step towards the north west with that circulation coming in, more blustery showers, rolling in front of the increasingly wet in the process. meanwhile, across northern africa, it is 10 retry. with more heavy showers for west africa, of the is the rails war, machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity. the world's most brutal boar and decades. the night to bolt, and by doing this was part one on that's just
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the the point you know, just need a reminder of i told stories. bizarre is really strikes have been reported in my washing chinese triple land, where tens of thousands of palestinians are taking refuge is really ami had previously designated this area as a so called the safe. so the army is also denying, is coming out any attacks. and the, all my watching area was the started to continue homicides. it's been showing the positivity ceasefire negotiations unlikely, says israel, which is never voice any approval to the latest proposal. the roots calling on washington. the pressure of the is really government and push. the process is
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really i'm is rated the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank for the 2nd time this week. soldiers of storm the company and the hours of thursday entertained one person. bulldozers have been seen taking up several roads leaders of the g 7 block of gathering in italy, but the was in ukraine and gaza expected to top the agenda. the group of 7 are also facing and also challenges from tackling migration to the climate crisis. obviously this diplomatic additive james base as this report from pull. yeah, in the southern italy, president bite and arriving in italy ahead of the saw. so this is g 7, so it's a meeting that's likely to have a serious and subdued tone. and that's because since the 7 leaders last match ukraine has norris's, they don't hoped, strengthens it's hand against russia in a world, it's gone on for nearly 2 and a half years. but even higher on their agenda, the war on casa oguchi,
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7 leaders initially supported israel's right to self defense. but with the death toll of building 37000 palestinians, that support is increasingly reluctant. experts believe it's damaged the g seven's molar authority. the g 7 does for many people feel increasingly less relevant, less reflective of, of power around the world, much more of a club. it's not necessarily got the legitimacy that it use that it once had. and you know, add on double standards and the popular see, and people you know, dying in at, at scale and goals. and it's a, it's a very gloomy outlook. the 7 leaders of the same ones who attended the last, somebody in the japanese city of hiroshima. but 6 up to 7 and now facing serious political pressures at home in front and the u. k. elections that you in weeks. and the us vote is now less than 4 months away, off to
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a strong showing for how right wing policy and the european elections. the one leader whose support she does appear to be rising is the host, georgia bologna. you tell me a prime minister is bringing a record number of 10 guest countries to this is g 7. that's in part because she wants to focus on the issue of migration. but experts believe she's also trying to keep the g 7 relevant at a time when it's self declared rolled at the pinnacle of world affairs. seems less certain the nasa james pays out his era purely. it's really well for the nice is we're going to go to john hall in the city of body and stuff. and it was terms with describing. there are a lot of politicians are going to be at the jew 7 meeting who are actually facing a fairly unstable future. they're going to be questions about how much they can actually achieve of the yes, i think that's something that they true. this meeting takes place on very, very serious cloud, just political turmoil, and i'm 2nd to the possibility,
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if not outright likelihood of leadership changes in the number of countries the sea of the united states, possibly certainly the united kingdom. emanuel mack on the frogs could well be weakened by a snap election. he's just pulled for the end of the month. and his james alluded to the g 7 most generally also struggling for so the legitimacy and relevance, particularly in the eyes of the global south. and with all the power centers for me and expanding elsewhere, well ones that accounted for 70 percent of local g to g d p. this group now accounts, but yes, around 40 percent. so how much can they t? well, as these traditional, they will be a special focus on areas of interest to the host country easily. so there be special sessions on migration of food security, climate change, and artificial intelligence. and they will be a special focus on was raging in particular post casa and ukraine. they weren't sold by any means the war on gaza, but they will reiterate the g 7, their support for the cx. 5 plan on the table endorsed earlier this week by the un security council. more progress possible on ukraine presidents that lensky will be
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here for the 2nd year in the road. he'll sign, it's expected a 66 security agreement with joe biden. and it's hoped that the g 7 leaders would all agree to a plan to use the winfield projects of frozen russian assets being held mainly in european banks. $300000000000.00 with to be able to service a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine to help it deal with the war. and it's for that me and is james was describing, i'm introduced prime minister, georgia, maloney, her her popularity or certainly her public prestone that has been on the rise internationally. but we also should remember, she's a leader on the far right policy and actually predict say some of the domestic policies are being tough on abortion rights. and state media and the l g b t q plus community the yeah, that is hug domestic profile. if you like, she has in the last 2 years that affords the are all the different and much more moderate international profile. to the extent that she has increasingly become
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senior sort of the acceptable size of filed right. politics on the international stage. she's riding something of the political high, her brothers of a to the party did rather well in the european parliamentary elections this month. and she is becoming a pretty serious power broker in high table european politics as well. but there is a distinct limit to what even the most odd and toast of a g 7 gathering can achieve in a room full of essentially lamed up lead to 6 of the 7 of the struggling domestically at home to a 5 minute difficult election campaign, refused to like, almost suddenly on his way out, the governments of france and germany rocked by a right wing surge in those european elections and the leaders of canada and japan, both faltering in local opinion polls. so these grouping that traditionally sees itself is the sort of pinnacle of global diplomacy. well, most of its leaders at this moment, clinging on by this thinking that it's going to be an interesting couple of days.
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john holl, thank you very much indeed for the russian warships has sailed into the port of cuba is capital havana. had to find military exercises in the counter being us officials say they're tracking the vessels which include a nuclear power. somebody that augustine has more from hub on a fire. and a 21 gun saw the is it came in to have on a, by a russian naval slip to the docked on the island for the 1st time since the outbreak of the war and ukraine on route a russian forget to fight artillery and drills the by the ministration said that deployment was notable, but not dangerous. we, of course, take it seriously, but these exercises don't pose a threat to the united states. nonetheless, it deployed 3 destroyers to track the russian deployment. some people is watching the ship's pulling felt it was point 5 years ago. us cruise ships stopped in this by an american tourist pump some money into the items economy. they were banned by
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the company ministration, which allowed the cruise lines to be sued. hundreds of millions of dollars. the don't think it's hard to imagine a more powerful image of how far us keeping relations have been bulldozed over the last 5 years. a russian, you can about summary and dr. right way us cruise line is no longer count on the say hard, and us sanctions and economic desperation, a pushing hold on a close, that's a must go. this is something that to but have forgotten it back connection and it is coming back to that connection because there is no other choice. and there's no other choice directly because of united states sanctions. i mean, what can only be called sustained economic warfare against cuba and desperate diseases require desperate remedies and the number of russian tourists for the 1st 3 months of this year doubles compared to this time last year and to 90000 tons of rational arrived this much following protests against food and power shortages in santiago, cheapest 2nd cities. meanwhile,
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the cheapest position on the war and ukraine has transformed over the last 2 years from one that stressed the importance of respecting international law to one that a strongly pro russian body. so i'm assuming who's what comes from both nations, russia and cuba are imposed with unjust sanctions that have the origin and the same enemy, they yankee empire, russia's invasion of ukraine and potent sanctions, a drawing new geopolitical fault lines, and the rekindling friendships of old. and augustin, how does it run around the pages? new cabinet has been appointed as a country, grapples with spiraling violence from criminal groups. but lineup of ministers and kids view james to move away from the figures who served onto the previous prime minister ariel read the new prime minister. i've got a coil. well also, so i was interior minister and control the security forces. unintelligence gathering. not printing. i was going to come out pilgrimage begins with the return to the climates of security, perfect without security,
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no loss in progress can be made. it's crucial that al police and so just a well prepared to face the security challenges, probably protest was an echo dollar of opposing government plans for an increase in fuel prices. and demonstrators have learned an effort to view a president dining on the board as they march towards the presidential palace and quito is governments promised to remove fuels subsidies as part of an agreement with the international monetary fund. similar measures have triggered to rebellious slide by echo those indigenous mention, recent years. screw up operations that are underway in south central chile, off to major flooding. hundreds of people have been displaced by heavy rains and much less. authorities are urging people to voluntarily evacuate davies at risk schools of temperament, and they've been suspended in 5 regions under brazil, a large fire in the world's largest tropical woodland is fueling congress concerns that more fires are going to follow. for days of flames have destroyed parts of the
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continent in central western brazil. satellite data shows fires have increased nearly 10 phone so far. this year. areas home to a variety of animals, including jack was joined and teachers in the us house of representatives has voted to hold attorney general medic, garland and consent of congress. the republican control chamber costs the resolution by 216 to 207 votes. not on refuse to turn over audio of presidential bivens interview and his classified documents case and a statement gone and said the house had, quote, turned to serious congressional authority. and to of pauses on weapons. a large fire is broken out on an oil refinery. and as bill and the code is region of northern iraq, these a live pictures from their shoes, plumes of smoke, as you can see, and flames still buys him from the complex. around a dozen firefighting teams are trying to control the flames, which broke out on wedding states. witnesses in the area for forward to hearing
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explosions prior to the outbreak of the fine airlines acting following ministers on a 2 day visit to neighboring iraq eyeball. katie is scheduled to meet as likes president and its prime minister. the next few hours is also planning to visit the semi autonomous products which in northern iraq. conservatives in defense of republican party have say they voted to oust their leader advocacy. you'll see it try to broker a deal with the far right. national valley ahead of funds is paula mentioned elections. at the end of the month, conservative southern alliance with the national raleigh was a leap into the unknown. china's premier me showing as a new zealand for the highest level visit in 7 years is meeting the prime minister and all the senior officials during his 3 day trip. please, besides good right to try to operation between the 2 nations. usually, evans become increasingly critical of beijing. this role is this specific a to some, the ross goes to all those that
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a dangerous madness. but the wild monkey is of love body in the central thailand of finally being rounded up and placed in captivity of one stage that formed games for the entire force for control of the city center. starting chang reports, local residents have relieved their being removed. members of thailand's most notorious gang captured in caged at last the midst of us mechanics of la 3, some resigned to the states. others still struggling for freed up to 6 months in appeals to the prime minister. your 3rd has finally resting back control. james of monkeys took control of the city in central time in several years ago. stopped of tourist treats during the cobra pandemic. they over and shop some businesses. store thing is for payment and food. local residents found themselves outnumbered and harassed. but the bad behavior isn't just the survival to.


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