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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the, the is there any forces strikes, central and southern gaza, at least 3 palestinians have been killed in the settle. com. and almo, watching no rough, uh, has also been. here's the thing about this, and this is all just a life and go home. also coming up for the 2nd time this week is really sold as strong as your needs. refugee can use bulldozers to pair up roads, visually gears up to host leaders of the g 7 was in crane and jobs. so off of the agenda, the police in argentina, crack dogs and protests, one of the sudden votes and favorites of the president's sweeping economic reforms
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. the is really military's targeting central gaza as well as the size of the strip heading heavily populated refugee camps in the area. several of inheritance, central gaza in the past days. at least 3 palestinians have been killed in the side . i've come in down all bottom. israel's focus is also turning towards all milwaukee, a tiny strip of barren land between the rough and southern garza and the mediterranean sea. and this is where it is. very forces have lost a series of strikes that an area they have claimed was a safe zone for palestinians fading from across garza and countries. live outside the locks, the hospital in central garza and it just brings us up to date with the latest. and also what's happening in our milwaukee of the well, yesterday it was an intense day in the fall for the is there any forces blew up
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a residential square, residential building and palestinian civilian homes. and then it started more getting more intense in unless the area where the is ready. tanks invaded more that deeper and pushed to towards the west of the gaza strip. and the west of a roof off. we're talking about an area that has at least 100000 policy, new seeking refuge. milwaukee isn't a bad situation. so and people stayed there because it was at this ignited as a safe area where policy muse chose to stay and not move towards the, the central area. but again, it, the, it was very, it's, it's had very intense at artillery selling and air strikes, where people, again, are now being currently the space. we are seeing a lot of people coming from dropbox into the central areas on august 8th street before our drains and are exhausted from the amount of times they have been
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displaced from a place to another. their leaping horse to leave their tents and also leaving under fire. if people are telling us that they did not have time to evacuate, they found no artillery sending an air strikes over their heads. so they decided to leave towards the area submitted an area where we are right now is completely parked. the heat is, is getting out of a situation where everyone is in plastic tubs, it's very hot. there's a lots of water, lots of, lots of food. and people are, are searching and striving to find one meals for their children. and that's all happening under continuous bombardment. and also people who came to the central are yes on, but they're also air strikes. insightsquared. we also heard gun machines firing lots of munitions in the past hour,
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so there is no play safe. and gods and palestinians are homeless and they have nowhere to go. i'd also of course, the number of injured is rising. you outside the i likes the hospital talk to us about the situation with the hospitals and you guys have well, the hospital is not only a hospital, but it's, it's a also a place that's hundreds of sign me. these are seeking refuge here. moving inside the hospital, it's very crowded. you find people laying on the floor because there's no bed. there has been also other than the injuries from these really are strengths. there has been a lot of diseases. 6 spread between palestinians and the most common right now is hepatitis a and half of taxes fees. there's a lot of patients inside the hospital, a suffering also from chronic diseases. the how the hospital is over pac overland. and it's not only that the hospital is working on only when sending rates or where
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they had to turn off the 2nd underwriter, because the lots of fuels they are calling in appealing their united nations and the international in the hospitals with you, but a lot. so hospice is one of the only remaining hospitals, still functioning and still operating and it's in the risk of shutting down in any minute if they do not receive you constantly, every single day. this hospital needs at least 4000 meters of fuel to work with all of the departments we're talking about that can be this is department. thank you. peters. the surgeries that are happening on our in the base. but there's something very important about this hospital is it's a refuge for hundreds of other disciplines. people around g as you the are children, aside movies and they're also trying to find shelter in this hospital. but again,
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the hospital is in the middle area. the middle area is being attacked continuously by the is where the forces and people are always in a state of fear and frustration that there's really forces are going to raise that in bella. and especially the surroundings of up to the hospital and probably talking to us much side all acts the hospital in central garza or secretary of state down to the bank and says, but it says 5 deal in gaza is still possible as a visit to the middle east has not ended, he's been promoting our us a new and back proposal to out of countries is also find the amount of cuts out for its mediating rules and the conflict. like and said that homicide proposed changes to the d. o. some of which you said are workable, but others are not. i'm a says it's not the sticking point in the deal, but israel is how much has released a statement saying contract to israel. it once a deal signed, it says, a homeless movement has demonstrated and all stages of negotiations to stop the
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impression that required positivity to reach a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement based on the fair demands of our people for a definitive cessation of aggression, a complaint, the withdrawal of israeli forces from garza the return of the displaced reconstruction at a serious prison or exchange to statement odds. there hasn't been any confirmation for me is rarely side that they have approved any ceasefire proposal. relatives of his reading captives and other demonstrations. so again, gathered and kind of a to increase pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they're demanding that the government accepts the ceasefire deal that's going to lead to the release of those being held in gaza. demonstration say the only way to make that happen is self. the will on gossip. a long guys has led to a significant surge of violence against minors, including in the occupied westbank. united nations recently listed israel as a country that violates children's rights. now more human rights groups are hopeful is going to be
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a comfortability. no to day is romano before. it is how i'm gonna spare lies from the neck down. and it's really a soldier. stop this 17 year old at close range in the neck, trapping him in his own body. struggling to tell his story about february this year. i'm. it was faced by his really soldiers and as the north of the occupied west bank, they run him over right at the door of honda store. the jeep chased him all the sleigh and jammed into the kids. and the soldier went down and shocked him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood are underworld. harrowing stories like com is our
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common place in palestine. human rights organizations have long accused israel, of violating palo city and children's rights pervasively. and with impunity. that's why they will come to you as decision to finally place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights for you and report details. nearly 8000 verified violations against palestinian children during 2023. all carried out by his really forces and armed settlers, violations cover, killing, maiming displacement use of children as human shields and attacks on schools. among others. it also documents for the attention of $900.00 children, have reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against tile jennings, the law is look forward to doing now, that is really is part of this list, the same human rights advocates are hopeful. this will lead to consequences instead
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of a new one that come across. i know why they should like got these countries in coal for accountability. they should not be treated as normal states does really, soldiers should be banned from countries and they should be tried for war crimes. one says, thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification. 6 months into 2024. the situation has only become worse, uses even more shocking phenomena and his brother. but this report recognizes their live tragedy, but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience, and hope only children can muster, not all the data the occupied westbank, palestine gonna stay in the occupied by spying the is really on his way to the janine refugee camp for the 2nd time this week. soldiers of storm the company on the hours of 1st and detained. one person,
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bulldozers have been seeing digging up several roads. 6 palestinians were killed during a raid engine in them tuesday. it was military says that operation was aimed at disrupting the activities of palestinian fighters. the leaders are some of the world's largest economies are gathering initially for a summit with ukraine and gaza. expected to top the agenda. the group of 7 are also facing other challenges from talking migration to the climate crisis. i'll just as diplomatic editor james base is that the g 7 gather is got this report from the original point here in southern actually president bite and arriving in italy ahead of the saw. so this is g, sevens. it's a meeting that's likely to have a serious and subdued tone. that's because since the 7 lead is last match, ukraine has no says they don't hoped strength and times against russia in the world
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. it's gone on for nearly 2 and a half years. but even higher on their agenda, the war on casa oguchi, 7 leaders initially supported israel's right to self defense. but with a desk told of building 37000 palestinians, that support is increasingly reluctant. experts believe it's damaged the g seven's molar authority. the g 7 does for many people feel increasingly less relevant, less reflective of, of power around the world, much more of a club. but it's not necessarily got the legitimacy that it use that it once had. and you know, add on double standards and the popular see, and people you know, dying in at that scale and goals. and it's a, it's a very gloomy outlook. the 7 leaders of the same ones who attended the last, somebody in the japanese city of hiroshima. but 6 up to 7 and now facing serious
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political pressures at home in front and the u. k. elections that you in weeks. and the us vote is now less than 4 months away. after a strong showing for how right wing policy and the european elections. the one leader whose support she does appear to be rising is the host georgia bologna. you tell me a prime minister is bringing a record number of 10 guest countries to this is g 7. that's in part because she wants to focus on the issue of migration. but experts believe she's also trying to keep the g 7 relevant at a time when it's self declared role at the pinnacle of world affairs seems less certain the nasa james pays out his era poorly instantly. often relations we're going to go to john holland, the city body in southern anthony. and so it's obvious that there's going to be a lot of coverage of the agenda. a lot of things that they're going to be talking about. the top topics, of course, ukraine and gaza, of the yes, those 2 goals will certainly feature highly on the agenda here will be with
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differing prospects for any form of progress or success. garza tends to be fairly divisive in these for him with the likes of the united states leaning heavily towards these rarely the conflict others, including some european union countries tending towards the palestinians. that said they will be a special section on the middle east that taking place in the next couple of hours of the g 7 will certainly be reiterate to get support for that sci fi plan endorsed by the un security council. earlier in the week, back to a prospect for progress on ukraine, presidents that lensky will be here for the 2nd year. in a row, he's expected to assign a new security agreement with joe biden. at united states. they will also be as a hope, all agreement among the g 7 countries to use when full profit. so frozen russian assets held mainly in european banks, $300000000000.00, with 2 fund a load and a $50000000000.00 to ukraine, to help it deal with the war edits for both of those measures intended as
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a signal to president putin and his allies. that they con, simply out last ukraine. and these partners in particular with the possibility of a 2nd from presidency by year end. we just saw the pictures are just a couple of moments ago while you were talking to us or verse you soon like the year after you changed prime minister, being reset by georgia, milan, or just one of several leaders are signing off at the g 7 who are up for re election is quite an unstable time, and the must be questions about how much they're actually going to be able to achieve. as i think there's a real question mark hanky over this summit about just how much political will and political capital. most of these leaders can bring to the table to tool at except of course their host, georgia, maloney. she's been in power as prime is due for 2 years. have brothers brothers a be to the hard right party did very well in the recent european fundamentally elections and sees. so the writing high is the acceptable face. apologize. politics
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on the international stage, but there's a distinct limit. one has to assume as to what can be achieved by even the most out and how does to the g 7 summit with so many of her comrades colleagues are doing so badly? politically, joe biden, facing a difficult election campaign where she's doing that because you said we're almost certainly be out of the office in the coming weeks from germany facing a big fall. right. so it's in those elections in recent weeks, canada and japan valley despite stuff breaking the polls. so this, this grouping of countries that traditionally sees itself is the sort of pinnacle of international diplomacy. it is both struggling for relevance this james pointed out there and 6 as of its 7 lead is currently hanging on to pass by this thing and then, yeah, we're done. obviously we're going to be following what's going to be happening in the, in a pretty, over the next couple of days or so for knowledge on a hall in the bodies. thank you very much. indeed. with these top codes, find hungry, $216000000.00 for breaking the unions migration asylum rules. european court of
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justice voted the government of finance of victor, oregon. as failed to absorb the right of asylum seekers to state and hungry on an application being processed. it's also ordered by the past to pay more than $1000000000.00 per day until it complies the still ahead on the 0. 0, boy, the 3000000 people stream into saudi arabia is one of the city of mac, and i know hodge pilgrimage. the hell i would say some rather wet weather. i'm usually wet weather into southern pa, so indonesia we see some very heavy right around java. this is about us troy time, if you as we would expect less around a month with a frightful to the east of chicata, we'll have you show us slipping across the region. we'll see some heavier rain
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coming all the way across into central, the southern positive, todd northern bony. i also sing some very heavy down pools to the next pulse of heavy rain coming in across the monster and running for the race with this we go through. so fast that another pulse of very heavy, right? just rolling across towards the south china sea and i try to sing some live. you shall, is of some great while the eastern side of indonesia, also seeing some unlucky showers and some very what was i probably went to just into a nice evening by the next couple of days. i've got some stormy conditions rolling through here. quite enough. the area of life pressure that's more wet and windy weather, so the feeling a little that old terminal coming into the positive winter now was cool. us. we have got some wet weather down towards the southeast of australia to say blustery showers, coming out to southern areas of south australia, rolling across victoria, pushing into new south wells. that wet weather continues to go through west a mile elsewhere is lottie dry.
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the israel's war on gossip be coming a forever walk across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down quite as by to insist on 0 consequences for his reel in its war on gaza? the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the glass on that which is era the, [000:00:00;00]
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the much more to 0 mind over top so is, is, is really strikes have been reported in all my wasi, a tiny strip of lines with tens of thousands of palestinians of taking refuge is really ami had previously designated this area as a so called safe zone. at at least 3 palestinians have been killed in the center come in, dental bomb is the strikes, continue. homicide has been showing positivity ceasefire negotiations on like it says, israel, which has never voiced any approved to the latest proposal. the group is calling on washington depression. the is where the government unfortunately is really army is rated. there's a need refugee camp in the west bank for the 2nd time this week. so just on the account to be on the hours of thursday, entertain one person's bulldozers have been seen digging up several roads. kind of move to some of the news. now let's go to watch and teen over the senate has voted in favor of president, have
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a minute is flagship economic reform bill process of turn violent demonstrate as valued outside the nation's congress. the so called on the bus law sets out sweeping changes to the economy, including steep establishing measures and privatization that isabel has more from one offense of violence on the street. the site is as the senate debated what is known as the basis of your landmark bill. for presidents have you had released plans to reform argentina? it includes over $200.00 lows, meant to privatize some state companies, delegate legislative powers to the president reform labor legislation and get privileges to fully in companies that invest in argentina. protestors gathered outside congress is early on wednesday morning, got to be advice i. pensioner who says he cannot make ends meet the double dresser, who i am here because i get paid the minimum pension and i cannot survive on it. i
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worked for 33 years and my pension is $200.00. with these laws, the president is supporting, we're all going to be impoverished. we're going to lose our rights. protesters were met with resistance from the security forces. i sent it. there's continue to the base of the base is all the police started moving in the 1st year trying to clear the way they had been using fibers asking people to leave the area. however, those were present beers. the security situation deteriorated fast. congressman from the opposition were pepper sprayed, one car was set on fire. the debate lasted for 12 hours. when the senate voted, it was a ty, but the vice president victoria was at or with the find the vote. the low with no head to the lower house. once again. since taking office car we had to be late has implemented a shock, austerity plan to reduce the deficit the lowest mental deep and the reforms he
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wants for the country. like most of the, the vice today is a society as a country and as opposed to good body. but we are at a crossroads can persist in the road to decadence, or we continue in the path to freedom. but malays policies have also cost a shop dropping consumption, unemployment, and pull routine around the rise. and i think that the works with these reforms. the government wants to pass the question is, can they survive in the long to imagine that for the 1st time the guy i met says, this is a government that doesn't need a stair t plan. it's a problem because there's a loss of poverty lays convinced he's on the right path to reform argentina's economy. but a large part of the population fears their situation. we only get worse 80, so i'll just see that when the side of the russian warships has sailed into the port of cuba is capital held on the find the military exercises. and the counter being us officials say they're tracking the vessels which include
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a nuclear power to somebody at all. this thing has more from hold on a fire and a 21 gun solve the is it came in to have out of a russian naval slip to the doctor on the island for the 1st time since the outbreak of the war and ukraine on route a russian forget to fight artillery and drills the by the administration said that employment was notable but not dangerous. we of course, take it seriously, but these exercises don't pose a threat to the united states. nonetheless, it deployed to 3 destroyers to track the russian deployment. and some people is watching the ship's pulling felt it was poignant. 5 years ago, us crew ships docked in this by an american tourist pump some money into the items economy. they were banned by the time to ministration, which allowed the cruise lines to be sued. hundreds of millions of dollars. the don't think it's hard to imagine a more powerful image of how far us keeping relations have been bulldozed over the last 5 years. a russian,
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you can about summary and dr. right way us cruise line is no longer common on the say, hard and us sanctions and economic desperation a pushing havana closer to moscow. this is something that to but have forgotten, we get that connection and it is coming back to that connection because there is no other choice and there's no other choice direct because of united states sanctions . i mean what? and only because sustained economic warfare against cuba and desperate diseases require desperate remedies and the number of russian tourists for the 1st 3 months of this year doubled compared to this time last year and to 90000 tons of russian oil arrived this much following protests against food and power shortages in santiago, cuba 2nd city. meanwhile, keeps position on the war, and ukraine has transformed over the last 2 years. from one that stressed the importance of respecting international law to one that a strongly pro russian who's your central,
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both nations of russia and cuba are imposed with unjust sanctions that has the origin and the same enemy. they yankee empire, russia's invasion of ukraine and potent sanctions, a drawing new geopolitical fault lines, and the rekindling friendships of old. and augustin. how does it run around in the us house of representatives has voted to hold the attorney general and met a government in content of congress. the republican control chamber passed the resolution by 216 to 207 votes. gotten refused to turn over audio of presidential biden's interview and his classified documents case in the stipend gone and said the house had, quote, to turn to seniors, congressional authority, into a pauses on weapons. conservatives and friends, the friends republican party say they voted to. i'll stay later eric, so you'll see it try to broker deal with the far right national valley ahead of funds these parliamentary elections at the end of the month. conservative southern the lines for the national raleigh was
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a leap into the on the pages. new cabinets being appointed as the country grapples with spiraling violence from criminal groups. new lineup of ministers includes many new names as a move away from figures who served under the previous prime minister ariel re, new prime minister and was gathering corneo would also serve as interior minister control the security forces. unintelligence gathering. not printing i was going to come out. pilgrimage begins with the return to the climates of security. perfect without security. no loss in progress can be made and it's crucial that al police and soldiers a well prepared to face the security challenges you probably are getting reports of an attack in eastern democratic republic of congo and local officials in north keybo who province saturdays. 20 people have been killed that accusing an armed group called the allied democratic forces of carrying out the attack. fighting and the air is increased in recent months. to test as an echo daughter,
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opposing government plans for an increase in fuel prices. down in the state has burned an effigy, president daniel know, bought the march towards the presidential palace and key to his government's promise to remove fuels subsidies as part of an agreement with the international monetary fund. similar measures of triggered to rebellions led by equity. those indigenous in recent years basically operations that are underway in south central chile awesome major flooding. hundreds of people have been displaced by heavy rains and months lines. authorities are urging people to voluntarily evacuate areas at risk. schools have been temporarily been suspended in 5 regions. and in brazil, a large 5 and the world's largest tropical wetland is fueling concerns, but more fires are going to follow for days. now things have destroyed parts of the
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continental in central west and brazil. satellite data shows fires have increased the 10 fold so far. this year, areas home to a variety of animals including job was enjoyed and teachers and the large fire has broken out of just an oil refinery and add a bill. and the code is region of northern iraq is a live pictures from the st. jude plumes of smoke, as you can see out in flames. a so rise and from the complex around a dozen firefighting teams are trying to control the flames, which broke out on wednesday. it runs acting foreign minister, is on a 2 day visit to neighboring iraq. unable katie is scheduled to meet the iraqi president and the prime minister in the next few hours is also planning to visit the send me a ton of his products region in northern iraq. or more than 3000000 muslims have in saudi arabia for the annual highs. pilgrimage judge is a religious judy for all muslims are able to perform the ritual,
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which is one of the 5 pillars of islam. tional. how about on reports from the pilgrims of the way to the great most of mecca, this is these lines hudy's side and each why do we go around the cop uh, 7 times signaling the start of a journey that we take them from here to stake with blades, bodies, and mountains. and once finished, they would have accomplished an important religious duty. the young, the elderly, the healthy and the sick old together full of they say is the most significant trip of that entire lives. believe lot will coming here where it all started is amazing . this is where it is, lum started and to come here and he has a story of islam. is a powerful experience of the it's the same ritual muslims guy the here around the cubic cold structure which they believe was built by abraham. and his son is my


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