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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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in dense investigation, the get compelling insights into humanity, open untold stories from asia or in the pacific 101 east. on how to 0 the . the proposal, the president, by the layout 12 days ago was virtually identical to one that i'm us, that accepted us actually have the state on to be bringing the speaks to all to 0 about america's position on the spot and negotiations. the other one more about this, and this is obviously a life and don't have also coming up. the last refuge for just based palestinians in garza, under fire, is really forces launch a line, see an air attack on all my washing. no rough on the and the 2nd time this week is
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really so just on this jeanine refugee camp, the rate is ongoing for nearly 13 hours. g 7 meters agreed to lends ukraine $50000000000.00 and assistance meeting an estimate for the annual summit. the were going to begin with an interview with us equity estate identity blaine can exclusive to oranges. here is discuss the war on garza. i'm the prospect's of a cx 5 between how much and israel i'll just say is that all shots. i began by asking him about 4 of the negotiations kind of the stuff 12 days ago, the president by laid out this proposal. and in that time, almost the entire world came out in support of it, including the united nations security council, but also the arab league. virtually every country in this region. and well beyond
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is real accepted, the proposal posts and you know, it's already accepted. the proposal from us was the one answer we were waiting for . and the answer that we got last night that was submitted to cutter was submitted to egypt. and to us, as a mediators, and this process unfortunately, was not the yes that everyone else it provided. it was looking for more changes to the, to the agreement, including changes on items that a must have previously accepted. so the hard reality is we could have a ceasefire. we thought of maybe had a ceasefire 12 days ago, but we don't in this moment because some of us has not said yes, we have. i think some changes that mazda is looking for that are workable, that we can try to close the gap on. there are others that are not workable. so we
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have to see in the days ahead whether we can actually close the gaps. i think that the gaps are original, but just because they are doesn't mean they will be ultimately how moss has to decide everyone else has decided from us. it's not what does not workable for you. and for this reason, well, i can't get into the details. you know, understand that given the sensitivity of the negotiations, we're not going to talk about the, the details. but what i can say is this, the proposal, the present bottom layout 12 days ago was virtually identical to one that i'm also that accepted and put forward itself. i made the 6. so there's no reason why this agreement should not be reached. the only reason would be from us continuing to try to change the terms, but here's what's or the reality. the reality is, as this negotiation is going on during the 12 days that it took them off to respond,
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the world wasn't standing still. gaza wasn't standing still. people were suffering every single day, palestinian children, women and men suffering every single day. so from my perspective, from our perspective, it's time to stop all of this haggling and back and forth and start to cease fire. how much the priority is to stop the war and what information did you receive from prime minister blaming attorney who during your meeting with him few days ago in israel, and concerning the permanency supplier. and gotcha. so what i can tell you from my conversation is the punishment on yahoo was a reaffirmation of israel's acceptance of the proposal that is on the table. and what does that proposal have in it? it, it says 1st of all that they'll be an immediate cease fire media. and in that, during that media ceasefire, israel will pull its forces back from populated areas in gaza. will serge more
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humanitarian assistance into a gaza palestinians living and guys will be able to return to their neighborhoods. their homes at their homes are still intact anywhere in gaza. and during that initial phase 6 weeks, both parties is real and i'm us commit to negotiate toward a permanency spar with the understanding that the initial ceasefire will continue as long as those negotiations are going on. and this is backed by the united states . it's backed by cutter, is backed by egypt. this is the quickest, most effective path to a durable ceasefire. and that means an end of the an end of the war. it also opens up so many other possibilities for where we want to go and try to get a truly durable piece for everyone in the region. and one place that we believe it's important to go is a realization of how city and state how. how do you plan to address the situation now? what are the next steps? so i met over the last 2 days with the guitar and drifting counterparts. we've
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been intentionally engaged with, with all of our colleagues who've been working as mediators on this agreement. we have to continue to analyze the document and then see if um, over the coming days, we can find a way to bridge the gaps that have emerge because i'm us wouldn't say yes. this is really monitors targeting the central and southern areas of the strip hating heavily populated refugee comes several. have been hit in central garza in the past days. at least 3 palestinians have been killed in on the side of town in den on the bottom. as it was, focus is also turning to was all milwaukee, a tiny stuff, a bottom line between the rough and the size and the mediterranean sea to the west . and this is where it is where the forces have launched a series of strikes as an area. faith claimed was a safe zone for palestinians of thing from across garza, for modem, those this really attracted me on my watch,
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the area in southern garza and covers outside the locks the hospital in the central gone. so i can just bring this up to date with what you understand about what has been happening at all. milwaukee. well, what happened is they, is there any forces, start to drain thing and targeting the western parts of the file. let me 1st explain what a milwaukee is and the love seat is a place western drop off where a lot of people evacuated to it was the significance other save. so before made mix of cabs and set those up there tensor. and that's why it's a very highly densely populated area, according to our new other, or at least $100000.00 pilots in houston, and dropbox, and refuse to evacuate after that is where the forces started. it's a military operation. but since you last night, the policy being used in the velocity due to the huge amount of massive explosions,
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they started moving towards the, the middle area as the is there any forces are pushing deeper into the western parts of the policy and use our pores to in it to reset to lend, we are located in the western parts. and also in con units, we have been seeing more people being homeless displays, and they're all coming only from sheets, streets where they could not move from so lot of deeds because that is where the army is stationed there. it's been intense, but unfortunately we are on a boat to know the number of casualties because bins is, could not reach that area because it's very dangerous. there are quite popular is and is really drones targeting, anyone who's trying to rescue anyone in that area. so we're trying to to find out numbers, but they're also, there has been an internet and sort of communications black out in dropbox and specially the anamosa area. so we're not able to reach anyone, but the story is the thing,
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and we're going to know more details in the next coming hours. here's your outside deluxe, a hospital in denver obama. just talk to us about the situation with regard to hospitals and medical care. obviously, also with regard to on, on the west side area as families are trying to get off of here to protect themselves of the so this hospital is not only a hospital, but it's also assessed a shelter and then refuge at $200.00 of families as tens that were started on the causes trip here in a box, a hospital only one generator is working where the hospital was a forced to turn off the generator because there has been no fuel. so the hospital is only repeat 11 generator. they need 4000 meters up to every single day to keep this hospital going, but in case they are a few, unfortunately this hospital is going to run out of service just like at the
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33033 hospitals that were run out of service in the past couple of months, but also not only the fuel shortage, but also the loss of medical supplies. the met, the lack of, of medical uh is it treatments and medicines. we're talking to people here and they're sending us that's all of a like, uh, that fits treatments they need are not available. we're talking about chemist therapy at it. for example, chronic diseases, patients. they're all in severe need of medicine and the hospital is trying their best to give those patients the medical supplies. but sensitive incursions started . there has been no medical supplies entering the causes or even the people who were supposed to travel abroad and get their transfers in egypt to todd or to
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t were not allowed to travel anymore because the reform crossing is a close. so the situation is dire. all aspects, we also see people receiving their treatments outside the hospital because it's very hot inside. there's no issues and there's no electricity. and a people are frustrated because everything is increasing their misery and suffering. and thanks very much indeed, the same country in central jobs. well, how much has released the savings in country to is really, it says it wants to deal signed, says the homeless movement has demonstrated in all stages of negotiations to stop the direction that required positivity to reach a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement based on the fair demands of our people for the definitive cessation of aggression to complete the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. the return of the displaced reconstruction and serious prisoner
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exchange deal statement. and so it hasn't been any confirmation from these really sorry that they have approved any ceasefire proposal. well in this we're going to go to abundance. smith is joining us from the jordanian capital. i'm on. so we heard earlier on in the program, us actually a certain times we blinking basically putting the the blame for any delays, fairly squarely on, on how much, how is, how much responding to all of this the well, you've heard that statement from, uh, how am i saying that they reject any suggestions uh that they, uh, the problem is they say the full is in his rascal. they say they have done everything that they're able to do that responded quickly to the 1st sci fi proposal. uh they uh the changes they asked us to do the seas by with some. busy modest changes, they want the withdrawal of israeli forces from cause
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a territory. it costs and they won't least $100.00 or so prisoners. they wanna be able to name them rather than these. riley's naming them, and these riley siding only those in less than 15 years to so can be freed. these railways though, see this really is how much is rejection of the of they offer these rarities? first of all, i said that they will continue the negotiation, as i said, will continue to sole through caps rates and egypt should media. it says, even though they thing i must, has rejected it. they say they still think mass mileage in it, but this is contradiction. perhaps and what people perceive and these rarely position because i'm more important, have prime minister benjamin netanyahu say the idea of negotiations, permanency spot is a non stop. so, but i'm to me blinking, insisting that israel has accepted the see spot proposal. although israel hasn't said this publicly brought, bernard, thanks very much. indeed, bernard smith are talking to us from among and jordan. let me just remind you of that because really government's bind all just data from operating in israel and it's extended to that decision. that's why banded was joining us from neighboring
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jordan to the occupied west bank now where the is really armies carrying out rates in the janine refugee camp for the 2nd time this week. soldiers have stormed account for the hours of thursday. bulldozers have been seen digging up several roads. 6 palestinians have been killed during a raid. and janine, on tuesday. israel's management says that operation was aimed at disrupting the activities of palestinian fighters that are being 12 arrests across the occupied west by the bay as lifeless. and ramallah and the occupied west pine. so as we see the escalation of violence there just let's talk about what's going on with regard to the context. jeanine has been a focus for a long time. jeanine indeed rob has been the sensor of is really military attention if you will. but it's also a reminder that every aspect of life for palestinians is under, is rarely control where they live, how their day goes, whether their entire routine is thrown off by end is really military raid by
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detentions, by the killing of loved ones. all of that is really beyond their control and to a firm that in addition to the raids we've seen in addition to the detentions the attack on paramedics engine in today. we heard from these really finance minister bits of smotts, which one knows that he will be taking $35000000.00 of palestinian tax revenue and giving it to the families of is really is and others who have sued the palestinian authority for compensation because of certain attacks, and that is basically a decision, a unilateral decision to take palestinian tax money, hello, send you a taxpayer money and give it to his release without any palestinian consent or engagement. in the meantime, of course, a lot of this is having an impact on the children in the west bank and of course and guys as well. and this is clearly going to have
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a significant impact on their lives. as absolutely, sometimes we forget that it's not just the image is the perfect images that we see coming out of guys of the mass killing that we're reporting on. it's the layers of violence that are exacted on palestinians, especially children, that they see the fact that they have to go through those check points. they can be subject to the attacks of his really soldiers without really doing anything. and that's basically the story of, i'm gonna swear then ends ending and whose life has been permanently changed by the israeli occupation. and it's why human rights organizations are welcoming the you and decision to enlist as well as a country that violates children's rights. let's watch the reports. this is how it's how i'm gonna spare lies from the neck down. and it's really soldiers shop the 17 year old at close range in the neck, trapping him in his own body, struggling to tell his story.
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sculptured both february this year and was chased by his really soldiers and as the north of the occupied westbank, they run him over right at the door of honda store. the jeep chased him all this way and drummed into the kids and the soldier one down and shopped him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood are on the road. harrowing stories like commerce are common place in palestine. human rights organizations have long accused israel, of violating palo city and children's rights pervasively. and with impunity. that's why they will come to you as decision to finally place as well on the list of
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countries that violates children's rights. most of the you and report details nearly 8000 verified violations against the palestinian children. during 2023. all carried out fires ready forces. an armed settlers violations cover killing maiming displacement use of children as human shields and attacks on schools among others. it also documents the attention of $900.00 children and reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against child jennings. look forward to doing now, that is really as part of this list of the same human rights advocates are hopeful . this will lead to consequences instead of any point when i come across, i know or why they should like god, these countries and called for accountability, they should not be treated as normal states. israeli soldiers should be banned from countries and they should be tried for war crimes. one says,
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thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification. 6 months into 2024. the situation has only become worse, uses even more shocking phenomena and his brother, i my, this report recognizes their live tragedy, but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience and hope only children can muster. not all the data occupied westbank, palestine. i said i had no knowledge of 0. thailand's notorious gains of monkeys categorize locals. we're going to find out what's being done to stop them. the, the latest news as it breaks, put immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa rides remains from the in the saddle. the
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far right is expected to shake off politics in brussels from around the world. the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany in terms of the size of its economy. a unique form of protest by a palestinian taste using a symbol of national identity to create postage and passport stamps. but as for some bird life plan that comes flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict, how to sort of progress. we've come to palestine, palestine sundance, the stamp of defiance on out to interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think the correct but so in the international
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community, upfront, only what, how to do the work, you know, just need a reminder of a child. so is this, or is there any size have been imported in all my wasi a time? the strip of land for tens of thousands of palestinians are taking refuge. these really ami had previously designated this area as a so called safe. so as it strikes continue home us and says it's been showing positivity ceasefire. negotiations, unlike it says israel, which has never voice to any approval to the maintenance proposal. the group is calling on washington depression. these. busy government and pushed the process forwards, the leaders of the world 7 leading economies,
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amazing in italy and was in your training, gaza, our expect it to dominate the 3 day g. 7 summit you find surprises in front of me is that landscape is also being invited. the leaders are going to focus on the issues of climate change, migration and tensions with china. on joining via diplomatic ad, there's a james base who's at the g 7 in body and actually, so there's going to be a white agenda for quite clearly. ukraine and gaza, definitely towards the top. yeah. and the middle east is the subject, but that's all key about right now. what we believe they are according to the schedule because these meetings taking place just off the coast. uh from here in bari and luxury i would say 7 star result. ready it's all behind closed doors, we are not able to listen to what by discussing, but i, i'm sure the session on that at least is going to be dominated by the war on garza, the us, nowhere near where it wanted to be diplomatic. the this week, i think they were hoping from a mental them they got what they wanted in new york,
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that un security council resolution endorsing the idea of a c spa. the secretary of state is you'd be talking about went to the region to try and finalize details of the c spa and he's not got too many analysts say that's because how much does not believe that israel is actually going to stick to the deal is going to carry out phase one in which the captives would be released and prisoners released, the palestinian prisoners released us. but then the suspicion is that these are i would go back to it's war to, to destroy garza before any phase 2, which is supposed to be the withdrawal of his right. the forces ever happened. one thing they will be discussing definitely i think is how the g 7 potentially can support the palestinians. garza off to the end of the war because there's going to be massive financial help needed. the other place where a financial help is needed from the g 7 under their discussions about this is ukraine. clearly, all the g 7 members on the side of ukraine, in that war against russia,
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we're off to the russian invasion to an off years ago. a plant on the table for the frogs and the russian assets is about $300000000000.00. the price of the russian assets by g $7.00 countries, but not those assets, but the interest of the $50000000000.00 to be given to ukraine, to stop reconstruction efforts. that's one thing the us wants to get into the final communicate the us is. ringback also, signing up its own deal with president landscape a any assistance package for ukraine, including security assistance. and i think the idea that we saw all the problems that happened in congress on capital hill earlier in the year trying to get money if you try. and the idea would that be to have a system that is ensuring on going and i think it effectively that trying to pump trump proof of the system because because many believe that it's quite a strong possibility, the president trump will be re elected in november. yeah, james is kind of an interesting couple of days and thank you very much. indeed,
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that seems based on diplomatic editor at body initially when at least 20 people are being killed and, and that talking eastern democratic republic of congo local officials and north keeping province of choosing an on group called the allied democratic forces of carrying out the attack. fighting of the areas increased in recent months now to some their roscoe, still others that were dangerous menace. but while the monkeys in the 40 in central thailand, a fine, everything rounded off and placed in captivity of one stage fate fond guys fighting turf wars for control of the city center is totally changed. reports local residents are released that are being removed. of the members of thailand's most notorious gang captured and caged at last, the mischievous mechanics of luxury some resigned to the states. others still struggling for freed up to 6 months in appeals to the prime minister. your 3rd has
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finally resting back control games that monkeys took control of the city in central time in several years ago. stopped of tourist treats during the cobra pandemic. they over and shop some businesses. store thing is for payment and food. local residents found themselves outnumbered and harassed, but the bad behavior isn't just a survival to having started with food, the simian delinquent. so being on a rampage, that's the very low money rolling in paulia. now they know when we're coming, they use the seats to hang from above and use the hands to snatch stuff away and they run the always one step ahead of us. but now the long um, at the lowest, closer for their incarceration begins. however, documentation and sterilization refreshing to mount their arrival in jail tattoos or a bicycle pond to prison life. and that is just as true for these monkeys as they
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get their id numbers, place it the h h forever on that flash. a teardrop on the cheek, an indication to the bulletins, the problematic primate, the estimated 2000 mechanics and looked very off and the house is captured, castrated, and contained. it's quite a full from grace for the monkeys used to rule the city. i'm the man to you with them to the monkeys from the in the city are pretty aggressive and have a history of attack and people, but they are becoming calm because this new environment has everything they need, especially food, which is the most important thing inside the streets on safe, yet some will be allowed to remain an attraction for the tourist. drill into that one semester. and since and these are experts innovating a wrist showing that sometimes a life of crime does pay. tony chung out is there
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a love very central time in whether it's going to be next to the inside story is going to examine the regional countries. i've done enough to help the study and don't forget the website. i'll just 0 and dot com. i know about this and stay with us and i'll just leave the the. hi, welcome to look at the international forecasts, looking get some lovely little sunshine, sunshine. of course, a good positive build in china through the korean peninsula into a good concept japan. the system here co size, the plumb rise as the may your front. so that's going to continue posting move bouts of very heavy right across the southern china. see how it just drags its way across a similar area. so localized flooding, certainly a possibility, little bit of whether to just coming into the northeast of china or rolling into
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north korea, slipping a little further south, which as we go one through satch dice a software at this stage, we'll see some way whether it does statewide meanwhile, into good pot, sofa japan, for the south. as you can see, seasonal rice will continue to pose the y seasonal rights to across the central the southern parts of india. now. so the monsoon rice, the truly sacked and right of that western side of india, west to weather, to ask of course, going to continue it to me on ma, pushing up into the fall northeast of india. at the moment we do still have some red parties in force for the heat across the north, west plains of india. we are getting back into the forty's, often enough in pakistan as well to the whole with a top temperature of 44 degrees. meanwhile, for franka is sunshine and to show us the unique phone that processed by a palestinian nowadays using
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a symbol of national identity to create postage and passport stamps. but also some bird life plans come flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict. i don't know sort of we've come to palestine, palestine sundance, the stamp of defiance on out a label gathering in jordan coals for a to be accelerated into garza. it comes move in 8 months into as well as roles. but how is providing more comfortable for them to cease fund and what regional countries on to helps kind of simeon, this is inside story the .


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