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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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of hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire from the house at the story palestinian phone was this half a beat to be the p could with hope for old garza's the families the the hello there. i missed all the time. this is the news on that line from the coming up in the next 60 minute. is there any so just storm the janine refugee come for a 2nd time this week. 12 palestinians have been arrested across the occupied west by a lot of space. palestinians are forced to flee. well, these really all mean carries out operations and central and southern goals. the proposal that president biden laid out 12 days ago was virtually identical to one
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that from us that accepted us secretary state on the same thing kinda speaks to al jazeera about washington, his position on the faith fund negotiation plus the highest of this. he hasn't g 7 summit italian prime minister, georgia maloney says she wants to make african engagement to send full pos of this is gathering and in sport, tens of thousands of football fans are descending on germany, scotland, or targeting an upset against the house. and the opening game on the european championship the well, it is now $1700.00 g n t. and we begin this news out in the occupied west bank where these really is again carrying out raids and the janine refuge account this time. the 2nd time this week, it's all just stormed the cans and the early hours of thursday, they again used folders as of the gas and destroy several roads. 6 palestinians
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hotels during a raid engineering on tuesday as well as minute theresa is that operation was aimed at disrupting the activities of palestinian sciences. there has been 12 arrests we understand across the occupied west bank tension is also rising south of the city of jericho in the occupied westbank. witnesses say that is rarely forces rated the about java cans on thursday. the homes of some palestinian families were fortunately surrounded by is really forces and in yeah. so which is south of hebron is really forces have just demolished a palestinian home. they say it's because of a lack of a building permit. 11 palestinians have been a pollution east of them. children. israel has demolished at least 990 policy opinion homes since the war and gaza began israel fall right, finance minister has dealt a new economic flow to the palestinian authority as well. it's not true, it's has signed in order to deduct $35000000.00 of palestinian tax revenues. now,
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well, withholding palestinian money isn't new. this is the 1st time that the money will be transferred to is riley families whose members were killed in palestinian attacks. israel collapse, putting in texas costs of the 1990 full power as agreement between the palestinian liberation organization. and israel is then deducts 3 percent of the amount as a collection fee. the total revenue is estimated to be around $220000000.00 a month. is also the main source of income for the palestinian authority for their all right, q 's ations, that israel has been using it as leverage against the palestinians. will not speak to nor dave. she's in ramallah in the occupied restaurant for us. know, as we've been saying, this isn't the 1st time that israel has withheld tax revenues, but the choice to redirect it to cost through that a wellness does. this is a precedent. this is the 1st time that is will take such a step and at proceeding that uh, that step they took,
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let just the steps. they've legislated palestinian money away, giving the finance minister and his real the power to do with that money as he sees fit. whether it's to compensate is really families of tech to affected by palestinian attacks or to even directed elsewhere. and now he's putting that into action. of course, this could potentially be open the floodgates to a very serious financial crisis in the palestinian authority rooted in the political fact that is really controlled every aspect of life. not just of ordinary palestinians, but of the coffers of the palestinian authority that is supposed to take care of them and staying in the occupied westbank. no, there's also been lions data surge and violence against children that that is true. as we have been reporting throughout the day, we've seen is really res,
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across the occupied westbank. and that multi layered system of violations of attacks of violence that subjects old palestinians to the control of israel under occupation really impacts children. we visited a child, i'm of a swede, then he is in a hospital in geneva, and his life has been completely altered by the occupation. and it is one of the reasons why human rights organizations are celebrating that the you on has finally placed israel on a list of shame as they call it that identifies countries violating children's rights. let's watch the report. it's how. it's how i'm just bare lies from the neck down and it's really soldiers stop the 17 year old at close range in the neck, trapping him in his own body, struggling to tell his story. sculptured
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1st february this year. um, it was chased by his really soldiers and as the north of the occupied westbank, they run him over right at the door of hannah store. the jeep chased him on the slate and jammed into the kids. and the soldier went down and shocked him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood are underwood. harrowing, stories like com is our common place in palestine. human rights organizations have a long accused israel, a violating palo city and children's rights pervasively. and with impunity. that's why they will come the u. s. decision to finally place as well on the list of countries via its children's rights. most of the you and report details nearly
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8000 verified violations against palestinian children during 2023. all carried out by his really forces, an armed settlers violations cover, killing, maiming displacement use of children as human shields and attacks on schools among others. it also documents that attention of $900.00 children and reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against the child. the jennings, the law is look forward to doing now that is really as part of this list of the same human rights advocates are hopeful. this will lead to consequences instead of any point on that come across. i know why they should like got these countries and called for accountability. they should not be treated as normal states is really, soldiers should be banned from countries and they should be tried for war crimes. one says, thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification, 6 months into 2024 situation has only become worse,
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uses even more shocking phenomena. and his brother, i my, this report recognizes their live tragedy, but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience, and hope only children can muster, not all the data occupied westbank palestine. so these really minute tre as targeting the central and southern areas of the gaza strip, pitching heavily populated refugee camps in those areas. several had been hit in central gaza over the past few days. at least 5 palestinians were killed and 17 wounded. and the only sarah compton daryl viola. israel's focus is also turning towards on the last the tiny strip, the barren land between russia in the south and the mediterranean sea to the west. this is where it is really forces influenced a series of strikes as an area they had claimed was
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a safe sun for palestine in splitting from across casa. well, let's speak to tara. otherwise they're in in central garza, he's outside the opposite hospital that and they're all the time because even think so many families fled down the last name because they were told it was safe focus or what's happening on the ground. and just that choice or the majority of palestinians have been tools within the lease that use in months of this very minute to complain of the territories to see for to use up to dollars a y d. and as long as you can hate more to the south, as long as it's going to be more better for the safety of civilly so now what we witness on the ground is leave expands and for the support to fighting to reach the southern city of roughly district, now this is 64 square kilometers. city has been on the wind is fairly broad meant as various suits of activity. military activities have been practiced on the ground by the is by the army represented in full destruction of residential neighborhoods
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alongside with ongoing attacks. when civil in 1st i believe we have lost tara cuz i will try to get him back for you later on on the algebra. but for now let's move on. these really ami, meanwhile, has released 50 palestinian prisoners in gauze that who had spent months in detention. many of them described their experience as harrowing, highlighting the severe conditions they faced at full time events, reports, ambulances arrived one after another, bringing newly released prisoners to their families. more than 50 palestinians were detained by these really army 4 months. described the instrument condition, stand yours. i would not, you know, we were handcuffed and blindfolded is really soldiers kept kicking and hitting us using their rifles. we were all transported to prison, including many injured and disabled civilians. there we were tortured and put to violent interrogations. is rarely unleashed their police dogs on us,
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and many of us detainees, panicked they took pleasure in torturing us according to estimates from a ramallah based rights group. more than 9300 palestinians have been detained by israel. majority of them from the occupied of westbank, a 1000 and some more head for simply disappeared from garza since the beginning of the is really military offensive. last year, released prisoners report being deprived of food and water for days at all, she for hospital is really forces buried palestinians alive we thought was her own ice. many people and cause a were executed, run over by tanks, were buried to live in mass graves. it was all over tv screens and we saw it and realize this really army says it's investigating allegations of mistreatment, the palestinians, and its facilities and has refused to comment on specific cases. but many fear of this investigation like address before it will not hold any one account access i'm
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reach out to 0 to now let's go to the exclusive interview with us secretary of state antony blinking. he discussed the war on gaza on the prospect of the seas fund between him. austin is well out of the rest a long shot. i began by asking him about where the negotiations currently stand. 12 days ago the president by laid out this proposal. and in that time, almost the entire world came out in support of it, including the united nations security council, but also the horribly, virtually every country in this region. and well beyond the israel accepted the proposal post and you know, sorry, accepted the proposal from us was the one answer we were waiting for. and the answer that we got last night that was submitted to cutter was submitted to egypt. and to us, as mediators, and this process unfortunately was not the yes that everyone else that provided it
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was looking for more changes to the, to the agreement, including changes on items that a must have previously accepted. so the hard reality is we could have a ceasefire. we put a maybe how does these far 12 days ago, but we don't in this moment because some of us has not said yes that we have. i think some changes that mazda is looking for that are workable, that we can try to close the gap on. there are others that are not workable. so we have to see in the days ahead whether we can actually close the gaps. i think that the gaps are our bridge level, but just because they are doesn't mean they will be ultimately from us, has to decide everyone else has decided. a mazda is not what does not workable for you and for this race? well, i can't get into the details, you understand that given the sensitivity of the negotiations,
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we're not going to talk about the, the details. but what i can say is this, the proposal, the president, by the layout 12 days ago, was virtually identical to one that i'm asked that accepted and put forward itself . i made the 6. so there's no reason why this agreement should not be reached. the only reason would be from us continuing to try to change the terms. but here's what's the reality. the reality is, as this negotiation is going on during the 12 days that it took them off to respond, the world wasn't standing still. gaza wasn't standing still. people were suffering every single day, palestinian children, women and men suffering every single day. so from my perspective, from our perspective, it's time to stop all of this haggling and back and forth and start to cease fire. how much the priority is to stop the war. and what information did you receive from
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prime minister? but i mean, to tell you who during your meeting with him few days ago in israel and concerning the permanency supplier. and gotcha. so what i can tell you from my conversation is the punishment on yahoo was a reaffirmation of israel's acceptance of the proposal that is on the table. and what does that proposal have in it? it, it says, 1st of all, they'll be an immediate cease fire. immediate and in that during that immediate ceasefire, israel will pull its forces back from populated areas in gaza. will search more humanitarian assistance into a gaza palestinians living and guys will be able to return to their neighborhoods. their homes at their homes are still intact, anywhere in gaza. and during that initial phase 6 weeks, both parties is real and i'm us commit to negotiate toward a permanent ceasefire with the understanding that the initial ceasefire will
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continue as long as those negotiations are going on. and this is backed by the united states. it's backed by cutter, is backed by egypt. this is the quickest, most effective path to adorable ceasefire. and that means an end of the an end of the war. it also opens up so many other possibilities for where we want to go and try to get a truly durable piece for everyone in the region. in one place that we believe it's important to go is a realization of how city and state how. how do you plan to address the situation now? what are the next steps? so i met over the last 2 days with the guitar and drifting counterparts. we've been intentionally engaged with, with all of our colleagues who've been working as mediators on this agreement. we have to continue to analyze the document and then see if um, over the coming days, we can find a way to bridge the gaps that have emerge because i'm us wouldn't say yes, us
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a has released the statement saying contrary to israel, it does want a deal signed the mouse movement has demonstrated it says in all stages of negotiations to stop the aggression, the required positivity to reach a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement based on the fed moms of all people for definitive cessation of aggression. a complete withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza, the return of the displaced reconstruction and a serious prisoner exchange deal. the statement adds that there hasn't been any confirmation from these really sign that they haven't proved any ceasefire proposal . well, let spring and fall on the shower out. is there a senior passport unless he joins us today via skype from paris? my one, we're seeing both sides blaming each other. again, not blinking. keeps saying that all that's missing is a yes from her mouth. but israel hasn't said yes either according to the secretary of state. or how much does that mean is right. and i
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said just secretly, covertly only to the 2nd 3rd state, not to anyone else. it seems because no one else in the world is testifying to the fact that his story told them. and that's it. i agree. so this is fine. no, is there a new official has come out publicly nor is ready to go around. the boat has been held to adults. the american come, you are a security council resolution. so, you know, i'm not sure how many people are going to take the 2nd some states word for that. he clearly hasn't come through on many of his uh, words and commitments and declared issues over the past 6 months. let me, let me just on the line duct. uh, it's great to have the circuit there still from our channel. you said to try to our screen the 2 years nicely. busy as a, what am i to him? you know, we ask the questions you answer them. the problem is that you,
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would it be smarter to say of the past so many months, for example, and probably this is the most start example for me. he says, since present by didn't made uh his proposal public still around a 100 people which doesn't cause a problem since the palestinians and the others have called for a ceasefire. and america blocked it back in october 2023 more than 30000 people had been killed. and since then, the united states secretary clinton have blocked every single call resolution drafted association for a ceasefire for a permanent ceasefire in guys all. and as a result, here we are today because i still kind of destroyed a genocide is on the way i'm all in just picking up on something that you alluded
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to that this idea of a permanency is fine. not spend a sticking point since the beginning has the actually been any progress. maybe you're seeing the mention, hear a look. i appreciate the fact to say i knew that, but i don't allude. i said it is very, very, very good to see. this is exactly the problem since the very beginning, the entire world except the united states. and at one point, britain and germany was on board for an immediate confirming and cease fire every one in the world, one to death permanency spot except the united states. and it's lucky in europe. so what we have today is not the emergency supply, and that's why how nice and so many others have a problem with it. they've got on board with the un security council solution for a simple reason. the united states said to the world, to china, russia,
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and others my way or the highway, either the accept my proposal or his drugs going to continue with his war crimes. you guys are. so after they basically became desperate. all the world powers and the smaller states that the one specific also came on more with the united states. they accept the reality of that there's, there in front of site is within america scheme of interest. and if it's america doesn't do it, this not going to happen. america is, are going to have to manage the still hold the ceasefire. moving forward and it's going to be up to is road. if this thing happens as it move to the 2nd street is to decide whether it's once or not. yeah, i thought of 9651. israel is saying that the negotiations all continuing, what's actually happening behind the scenes right now, especially as we see these strikes continue in, in the strip in cases like on the wasi or oh, there's absolutely no doubt that is right is, are doing what is i just have said they're going to do from the august,
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which is continue with their war and they're going to use the possible for trinity, except i'm a forwarded to them by the united states to do just exactly that destroyed guys and go off the house. and it's one of our presence that is, gosh, so it's not, it's not going to say any effort or any time to do, we just start and that's why. yeah, these are, these are saying even yesterday, embrace where you are sitting at the cost of information. don't want to continue with the war to announce that because it's a force and why? because then phase 2, it does say up on the agreement of the parties, which means up on the agreement domains, right? it is right, there's not going to agree to our 2nd phase what it would throws all the forces from gaza. so he's just doing now what it has done the past 8 months, what it will probably do the next weeks and months, which is continuing with the tour. because america continues to gibbs. it picks, excuses and sector blinking continues to come up for a while,
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and the shar alda 0 is cnn pedestal. alice said, thanks for joining us again. low and the need is of the world's 7 reading economies accounting meeting. initially, the was a new crane and gaza are expected to dominate the 3 day g. 7 summit ukraine's president brought him is lensky has also been invited. well, i'm joined now by our diplomatic attitude james base. he's at the g 7 gathering in the polio region of southern italy. james's, we've been saying ukrainian president in front of me is lensky. is that as a special guest, as a huge amount on the lines. they have some $50000000000.00 going for the. yeah, i mean, it is, and i think some important developments at this summit with regard to ukraine, that ukraine session. we watched the very opening of it,
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they closed off the cameras once they set down to the, to the, took the detail about all of the leaders that in that session right now. in fact, all 6 of the leaders, as well as the to you repeat, you didn't need just have to wait quite a few minutes to stop the session present. lensky was chatting to them. the cameras were watching the small adult. no waiting for one present bite and who seemed to be sometime late for this particular session on the place doors. as you said, there's this deal, they hope, and it looks like it's almost done for the frozen assets of russia that were frozen at the start of the war. that's about $300000000.00 for the interest or not about $50000000.00 to then be given to ukraine for the reconstruction of ukraine. now that looks like it's part of the final to communicate that has been agreed already in principle, but we're being told by diplomats that there are technical details to work out even off to the summits. is it being completed in order to completely finalize all the
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small print on that? now the other thing this be going on ukraine is a deal between the us and ukraine. a partnership deal for 10 years of security assistance for ukraine. i don't think that goes back to what we saw. busy last year, the beginning of this year, all of the problems that the us had, we're trying to give money and assistance. do you cry blocked in the us congress? uh they sold that experience. many of these leaders around the g 7 table and of course president. but now what's happening in november, which is the prospect of the present, trump could return to power. we know how unpredictable he can be in terms of his foreign policy. and so i think this deal, so is some more we speak the relationship and the deal between the ukraine. i'm the us, so you cry and we'll get ongoing support. whatever happens in that election. and james,
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so you were saying that ukraine session is taking place now. i understand there was a, a session on them at least earlier today than anything. imagine terms of, of the contract and also the yeah, the conflicting cause was the center piece of that session. this is a difficult subject for the g 7 leaders. they were old very supportive of israel's right to self defense at the beginning of the war on gossip. but it's becoming more difficult now is the death toll is bouncing. 37000 palestinians killed the support for israel is still there in the woods. but i think it's very reluctant. and you've seen some of these countries with different positions in public. you've seen problems focusing on a different side sometimes from the us in the un security council. so it is a very, very difficult issue. the issue of garza going forward. one thing i think the g 7 can deal with them will have to look closely on what they say about this. and the final communicate is what happens to cause a often to warn,
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fight what happens to old of the palestinians and the recognition of palestine off to the war. but more importantly, money for reconstruction. that will be a very, very big need. and the g 7 countries, very rich countries globally who are being accused of hypocrisy with that policy towards you. credit into pad with because i think they'll be many around the world who wants to see them putting that hands in that pockets of different advocate to the change space that can't rely on that to 7 summit for us. thank you very much, james. well, let's not bringing raphael in my casting. he is a professor, an international relations at lewis university in rome. he joins us now from the italian capital, roughly i especially off to the european parliament elections a few days ago. georgie maloney is coming into this g 7 and perhaps the strongest leadership position of all the members. does this give her own entity perhaps more influence over the agenda as well?
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she even a small position of progress in germany. my crime shows the sort of software do significant the, the fees and the collections. she has a proposal to a specific engine are some points of course related to the general issues that you are discussing about creating about gaza. some others are more specifically rather than or additionally, this is a goal. the issue about africa. well learning i say a saying that she chose to host the g 7 and pool. yeah. in the south as almost a non to engagement with the global sales. and not quite the departure from her brother's eventually party started. she suddenly softens the image of her party at home. can you talk us through some of his strategy here? a yes. well, on the one of the economic event security issues, i mean there's a huge economic potential and this is
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a really clear for you in your house. the issues that i do with time during the migration issue, which is very important. but also the opportunity for her to leave the bathroom. and there is me in the last few years upfront has been taken out by a number of important to the countries in the region. the region pest law is to read it to your role in between africa and europe and union. your germany of the number be not to run the number of countries. so recently, this is an opportunity to play a more prominent role in the relation with africa in the, in the european relations coupon. so this is important and obviously the, these really have to cross the border between your enough particular piece is
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particularly important for each roha. and you say this is an opportunity to, to, to step into this that can being left by some western powers, particularly fronds. so you came to us as well and africa. i'm wondering the what does maloney actually wants from the african continent? i know there's been plenty of speculation about energy resources for instance, a well one plan at least to, to, to say it delete the, uh, uh for the whole of your data. yeah, there are already a number of interest structures. uh, there is a plan to, to set up the infrastructure for your community, but also i t, i mean there is a number of cables. uh, who does it mean uh, put in place to, to call me and to bring anything. but if it was up to you or from the cell, so uh they, they introspect sure. um,
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i fix all the relation between uh your enough, i guess, particularly important for some uh, this is very near. i said, she's also invited the number of guests to this summit from the global south to this focus on africa. you mentioned migration, nadia, how much of this is driven by desire to to stem migrant flowers from the content. and that's obviously been very much a positive potties agenda domestically as well as the migration is always an important priority. but it's not me that we, we, we, we know to, well, that of course is immigration trends are very clear. um in the european population is that finding the population each growing. so in some sense, you can try to manage to be migration those, but they will be there, they will stay there. and so my question is why should all parts is political science? and so the, the needs of parties basically needs to, to,
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to show the audience to the public, the waters that they are going to deal with. that i would say it's not the issue. there is some part for an important phenomenon. can she any fight? why would they all these uh, g 7, of course the government is to try to secure a financial support from the other g 7 managers, a to support this. cool, my phase one, which is a broad engagement plan from the side of the government to develop the piracy in the trade or in the energy sector in the financial sector. and that's the reason why i'm number old countries and international regional organization that'd be invited to to so suddenly i lost on the news agenda this j 7, rafael. i'm, i can't see a professor of international relations that luis university and run. thank you for
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joining us. on sharing your insights with us on the news. thank you. well, it is now time for the weather, his evanson, the hello is the weather is looking for a 2 quads across the middle east over the next couple of days. and by quite, i also have to sunshine, so i was going to be see only hop we while into the full of these for most of us, one or 2 showers, that just into way around pushing up towards the caspian sea. we're going to say some of the conditions as we go one through sites is a little further north. fact that getting well up into the full to some of the conditions that 24 q 8 and leave. and i have the tools that east the side of the mediterranean, any seats in place here as well, because it could get up into the mid forties for friday. what's the process? syria, who's i pretty humbling. goss. i'd be getting up to $33.00 degrees, which is pretty close enough, one or 2 showers up towards the black sea becoming a little more expensive as we go on through sas bay. but otherwise it really about the hot, dry conditions which will desist hot and dry to into eastern parts of the administrative
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3 went to the northeast of egypt. kind of a 46 degrees celsius. plenty of sound was a rumbling away across the west african out of seasonal rates through quite nicely that southwest one said, pushing the big down pulls in across a good part of west africa. it's also some wet weather to into east africa, chiefly ever towards mesa and bay, but for much of the southern half of africa. his dry a hostile a head here on the elders era why the european union is top caused a slab to 216000000 dollar fine on hungry and auction from the t 20 cricket. well, because as the west indies went again to leave and no but the big team on the brink of illumination, the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. and however, it is bringing attention to that. this is not the wrap,
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it looks like raffle looks like it's hell on heard voices. we lost everything. we're not through through the slide. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in the region documents and other companies are still in indigenous land. the streams on outages. you're hearing this tax chart, populations a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet, the story the
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the welcome back to watching, i'll just hear and that's remind you about top stories, the sound, these really all me is carrying out raids in the janine refugee camp for the 2nd time this week. and so just storms the cans in the early hours of past day 6 palestinians were killed during array and engineering on tuesday. they have been 12 arrests across the occupied west by his rarely strikes. meanwhile, had been reported in milwaukee, a tiny strip of land. but tens of thousands of palestinians have been taking refuge . these rarely army had previously designated the area as a so for safe starting at least 5 palestinians were killed in 17, we're going to to and the all new say around comes in there. are you great in president probably means landscape has joins the leaders of the wilds and the 7
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dating economies at a summit, and at least the war and ukraine is one of the top agenda items of the 3 day g 7, gathering the latest. we'll also focus on the war and garza and issues of climate change. migration on tensions with china. hezbollah says it's 550 rocket sentinels in israel and the occupied colon heights and different systems in israel have intercepted some of them as well. it says these attacks in response to the killing of one of its senior come on, does and comes a day of to has all of 5 more than $200.00 rockets. well, let's go to santa clara, she's life for us and they root the lebanese capital. zayna, this was initially framed as retaliation, right. but has like, is still firing lots of rockets and some drive designs down to of the well, no doubt in fact is really media is calling what happened today in tense attacks
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and an unprecedented and complex operation has by law claiming responsibility saying that this is you know partly in response to the killing of one of the senior commanders on tuesday nights in that statement. it also says that these attacks are in support of the people of casa, has the law target to 9 military locations in northern israel almost simultaneously . and some of the locations where she's twice, they use rockets as well as arm drones is really media is also questioning how some of those rockets were not intercepted by as well. so eric defense capabilities. so no doubt this is a dangerous escalation has follow. yes. so they promise to increase the tempo the intensity is a force and the quantity of its attacks as a response to the target to this house, the nation of, of, of their, or their one of their commanders on tuesday night. that's the question is,
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how is israel going to respond within the bigger picture of things? yes, this is no doubt some escalation, but the escalation has begun even before the killing of the commander because hezbollah was, you know, sending messages to the is to the, is raises. stay with me is and because we've now heard from the united states and a rock about the strikes that listen to what they, what they said by the southern, never known as the tax. this will impact the whole region. expanding the war poses a danger to the region, not just to let the not. and we are seeing an increase in activity in the north, and we don't want things to escalate into a broader regional conflict. and that's something that is not new. that's something that we set from the very beginning. i'm from one home us 1st launched it's brutal attack on october 7th we. we never want to see an escalation of tensions in the region. also hearing that from to k regional players who are directly involved on
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this board other, can you talk us through the messaging head that we're getting from hezbollah? well, we entered a new phase in this conflict a few weeks ago to us has well i really, that's escalated its attacks against this rate is what i have to point out. we're still within the unreturned rules of engagement, in the sense that the attacks are limited to the border region and to military targets as well. i has 2 messages. one it is uh, trying to put more pressure on this radius. was there a negotiations to bring about these, these firing cause of it wants to give it to ally, have massive, stronger negotiating position, but hospitalized also sending a message of the parents because as well, has been threatening a wider conflict. if hezbollah does not pull back from the border, so we hear from the iraqi foreign minister a few days ago, we heard from the iranian foreign minister, of course, an ally of has the loss. both of them warning of the possibility of a regional conflict as well does, right? and it's conflict in 11 on so the message is, has been on will not be alone. and that the so called access of resistance will get
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involved in this process. then we here as the administration, which really has been trying to de escalate tension since day one since october. but what is interesting is that they are talking about the fact that a garza cease fire may just not be enough to silence the guns on the northern front . which means that israel has been pushing for new security arrangements along the border warehouse will accept us. hezbollah has repeatedly said that it will stop firing it as well once the war on garza ends. and it doesn't seem to be interested in changing the reality along the border and just a few minutes. so we heard from the is really government spokesperson, who said that we are going to change the reality, either by force or through diplomacy. so the fact that they still talk about diplomacy, a war a wider war, may not be in editable, but no doubt we are reaching a, you know, a critical tipping point if you like, in this 8 months old conflict. and will continue watching those dynamics for you. try to swing these in a lot of that for us in the lebanese capital. fallacious. thank you. then i hung
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gary in 5 minutes to victoria van has slammed a multi $1000000.00 sign imposed by the use top court. as outrageous, budapest has been ordered to pay $216000000.00 for breaking the union's migration and assigning rules. i'm here in court of justice rules that the government of prime minister to oregon has failed to observe the right of asylum seekers to stay in hungry while their applications are being processed. it's also order in budapest to pay more than $1000000.00 a day until it complies. well, the dispute between hungry and the dates all the way back to december 2020. that was when on gary and well, sorry to use were accused of on an awfully detaining migrant. some transits on prime minister old on hold a hard line stance on migration, which is wes intentions to with brussels. last month, budapest version against the use, new packed on migration and asylum, current hon gary and will only allows people to submit requests for
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a site and from outside the country in defiance of the rules. well, from what we can speak to harry forces, he's across this for us from london. how are you? can you give us some more details? what exactly is the siege? i saying that hungry is done here as well. yeah, the background to this extends to the crisis in 2015 when a 1000000 people of floods largely fleeing the war and syria entered europe. 400000 coming through hungry. yeah. as you referred to, hungry reacted to that by putting up some razor. why a barriers along its buddha, creating these 2 transit zones where people were detained so often very long periods of time. and that was found after it was referred to the c j by the european commission to be in breach of e. you asylum little, those transit zones were then removed, but hungry still not seem to have really done enough to comply. and then in 2020,
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there was this separate law that hungary instituted saying that anyone seeking asylum had to claim a saw in an outside the country. it are the embassy in keys in ukraine or in bel grade in serbia and not on the hung dairy entire tree and not to was found not to comply with a you a low on a side of and so what we have from the c j on this day is a reading that to hungry, failed to comply with the rise of applicants for the national protection to remain in hungry, pending a final decision saying that this was deliberately avoiding a common you policy sheets in a way that is unprecedented and extremely serious infringement all of you lot. oh hi. pops on a surprising evict tool. that doesn't sound very pleased to. absolutely. you know, he has reacted this pretty furiously saying that it's outrages unacceptable. he's saying that hungry and essentially being fined for defending e. you voters in his terminology, and he says that illegal migrants seemingly
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a more important to the brussels bureaucrats than that own european citizens. now close isn't the only issues that hungry is that long ahead, loggerheads with much of the you about there is also the question of funding fee, train hungry, obviously much closer to russia and moscow then. then the rest of the you and has been blocking some of that military funding. so ukraine uh, also the independence or otherwise as far as eve is concerned, always be hung gary and judiciary as also being a major bone of contention. summer phones on that front led to some new funding, so i'm $10000000000.00 worth all being released by the you. at the end of last year, hunger is economy has a g d p of $14000000000.00 or more. so that puts into some of the specs if this $200000000.00 as plus fine. however, it does exemplify just how really troubled the relations between this member of the
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you and most of its partners. hi faucet, keeping an eye on development there and hungry from london for us. thank you harry . so it is now times of support and his bar this down. so you thank you so much of the boston celtics. are on the break of an 18th and the a title after what they went to 3, nothing off against the dallas mavericks before the game. there was a tribute to end the hall of famer, jerry west who passed away on wednesday. tom size length reports a like clinic logo outlining like chronic play a jerry west was it. los angeles lake has legend a career, spending 19 years as a player and a coach. he wasn't in be a champion the 14 time and be also, i'm the 1st f a n b a finals m v p game 3 of the finals between the dallas mavericks and the boston celtics pay tribute to west. you post away the age of 8 to 6. when you talk about the logo, jerry was
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a gentleman to everyone and he was the best. we talked about history. you know, you talk about the game of basketball and what he stood for over the years. he seemed like has turned into one of the most successful m b a sites in history with a joint record. 17 titles. look at the celtics, however, and now closing in on an $1851.00 points to the jason titan. so as he points the jalen brown, the celtics extended a franchise record 10 consecutive play of victory. 2, great, but the maverick showed why this series isn't quite done yet. they let it hoff time and then reduce the 15 point deficit to 3, the celtics doing just enough to close it out. things happen is never going to go how you expected, and we talked about that all the time. but if you want to be a champion of you got to be resilient in those moments and you know, we showed up tonight how fulford was the only active play when the celtics last one,
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the title. they might be one of the leaks most successful sides. but it would be a 1st since 2008 no team is everyone a playoff series from 3 down that steve task starts with the metrics and gainful on set today. yeah, i mean, like i said, it's not always so, so or so, which is good to believe the. like i always say it's 1st before we're going to stay together. we will still gotta go into there. so we've gotta stay together. 156 teams have tried. 156 have failed. but if anyone can provide the inspiration to to an a 3 and a deficit into a full 3 victory, it's the n b i is top score. i don't kitch thompson's out to 0 goals. 3rd, major the year has paid off tiger woods among the early starters at the us open. it's only his 4th competitive appearance of the year, which is a 3 times winner of this major. but he goes into this event with a world ranking of $829.00. the 48 year old is made
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a promising star to birdie the opening hole at the pinehurst course in north carolina. we will massey's because he will not compete. next month's olympics for argentina, he and his teammates are currently getting ready for the defense of their copa america title. the cobra finishes in mid july, just 10 days before the football starts at the paris games. while the olympics is largely an under $23.00 event, each team is allowed 3 old players of 36 year old massey who won olympic gold in 2008 says it would be too much to play 2 straight tournaments the opposite warehouse withdrawal and their final warm up game against cobra. hosting nighted safe. rodrigo put result ahead in florida. christian postage level things up with a free kick. for the us who refreshed 51 by columbia in their previous game. 11 the final form. it's only the 2nd time in 20 matches, the usa have avoided defeats,
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vibrate, so that, you know, it was disappointing, obviously, when the goal, when it, because you start thinking, oh, here we go again. first 20 minutes of the game. then we'll give up a call. but it was a great response and the guys and you know, those are the things that really build a team and get this team what it was a great mindset and knowing they can come back before the cobra. the euro's got underway in germany. one of the house cities, frankfort, celebrated by staging, a light show. the $24.00 team tournament takes off on friday with host germany up against scotland in julian and bobby's friends team are one of the favorites to lift the trophy for a 3rd time. they open up their campaign against austria and a group that also includes poland and the netherlands. and the 12 years under coach did the d. sean france have reached 3 major funnels, including their woke up when in 2018. they finished runners up at both the 2022
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world caballeros. in 2016. the funny champions, italy are preparing for their opening game. they've got a strong swan, but there's 6 fire old coach, the channels that he showed. he's got some skills to italy, phase albanian group be on saturday for games against spain and croatia just 2 weeks after leaving bras, you darkman to the champions like funnel it in tears that she has resigned as head coach of the german club. the 41 year old is a lifelong fan of, dorman, he manage the club for 2 seasons missing out on the leak title on the final date in 2023 before regarding the signed to their 1st champions league final for 11 years. there's no confirmation yet of his replacement. meanwhile, former italy players the are the motto has been confirmed as a new events has coach. he leaves belong after guarding them to a place the champion. slate not to replace is not familiar. i know alegre was fired by events, his after and angry outburst during their victory and the telling cup final kind
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of goes west indies to beat new zealand to reach the super 8 stage of the t 20 world cap. the 2 time champions were in trouble on 76 for 7 in their evenings, sheriff and weatherford smash. 68 runs that new zealand a target of a 150 to win west and these boulders and finish the job. oh sorry joseph took for wickets and good a cash monte picked up 3 to secure the victory by 13 rods. well that's 3 straight wins for the west indies who had to enter the next round. but it's not looking good for new zealand to also last against afghanistan. they need to be to uganda and pop on to getting and hope other results go their way. frustrating. absolutely. to stop the way we have. the conditions are the same for everybody. so i need to put out and pray performances and getting that knowledge. but like you mentioned that the equations look into,
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i would put it on my best now. com, you know, it's a war club. and what is it my dream? i always wanted to play walk up. i always want to perform and work up on. i think, you know, there's one going to stay close to my heart on. and hopefully i can continue to, you know, take a good endings, i guess for my team. i'm for myself and you're through to after reading, co hosting united states us, we're quite able to repeat their famous victory against pockets on they squared a 110 for 8 on a tricky plane surface anymore. and you had a few nervous moments here at koli was our 1st call, but as he went on to reach their target with 10 bowls to spare. and he qualified for the super aid with the game just bear. bu usa are still in contention to make it through the face. ireland, on friday, monday, do plan to submit 3 world record attempts, but still comfortably claimed a 3rd european title. this was a jump of 6 meters time that secured the when at the study olympics. so in rome
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instead of new championship record this week, then try to beat his own world records, but could not clear. 6 meters, a 25 to point to his will be hoping for more records when he defenses, olympic title, inherent snacks, mom and japanese baseball sensation show. we have tony hit his 17th home run of the season, giving the la dodgers. and one thing lead and they're doing against the texas rangers at dodger stadium. but the inquiry segers 3 run home run in the 5th inning, help the reigning world series chapter, still a 32 victory is returned to the address. okay, that is all your support for now back to you, the static so much 5 south china is primarily chung is in new zealand for the highest level visit and 7 years he's meeting the prime minister and all the senior officials during his 3 day trip. the, they've already announced new agreements on trade and the environment. museums has become increasing. the critical of asians role in the south pacific and
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a heat wave has swept across move in china, bringing restful, breaking temperatures of more than 40 degrees celsius. china is agricultural ministry says the he's and a possible drought will have an adverse effect on comp counting. katrina, who has more from the capital does young my really central badging wasn't intended to be a place for sweetness. but it's become popular with local seeking refuge from a heat wave which has enveloped the city this week with some areas experiencing temperatures of more than 40 degrees. the she gave you know, this year is become so how much earlier then you're coming here is a good way to escape the heat and get some reading. the authorities have told people to reduce time spent outdoors pregnant women and the elderly have been one of the 1st of heat stroke, pedestrians and cyclists so doing the best to protect themselves from the scorching sun. the capital is not alone and experiencing the sweltering heat. soaring
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temperatures have struck over the countries. nope, from the eastern province of chandel, titian jones in the far west breaking national records for the usual temperature at this time of year or forwards and holiday and hon. 9 provinces have issued a red and orange let the 2nd and most severe warnings for high temperatures, outdoor clean is replaced by mr. town and trucks to cool down the streets and control jobs in since young to 42 degree heat wave, didn't to, to a tourist soon. visiting a psych cold flaming mountain. as the moments of baking under the sun showed the temperature of the steel at $65.00 degrees celsius for you to include on. so i have never had this feeling before. like be roasted in. the furnace is an unforgettable exp. be yours to china's national climate center has wonderful horses, an average days to come this summer, making the trend deal new with
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a peasant scientist say, climate change is also to blame. china is the world's biggest admission of greenhouse gases and has been experiencing months of extreme weather. this unseasonably hot, june follows china's horses may on record and one of its coldest winches, katrina hugh alda 0 aging. in brazil, a launch fund and the world's largest tropical weapons is fueling concerns and even more fires will follow for days. now, flames have destroyed parts of the continent and central western brazil satellite days and shows it files of increase nearly 10 fold. so far this year. the area is home to a variety of animals, including jog was and joined on teaches and rescue operations. meanwhile, on the way in the south central chile, off to major flooding that hundreds of people have been displaced by heavy rains and months. rise with r g is r a gene people to voluntarily evacuate areas. risk schools have been
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suspended in 5 regions for that set for me in the stalls here today. i'll be back in a moment though. stay with us. the in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day the internal security acts against violators, and then i don't do anything for me is human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review. and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops, the legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the governments
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into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no loss on asylum seekers for refugees. pod hitch, i mean to be israel. it know political piece of i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in cause no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the person as not that important effective via the story on talk to how does era or on the pair this journey is taken by countless refugees fleeing danger. to many meet there. perhaps worse than death is the survivor. the syrian
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refugees seeking officers searches for disappeared. sister mine may suit a witness documentary on a just the israeli soldiers storm. the dean refugee come for the 2nd time this week. at least 12 palestinians have been arrested across to be occupied by the hello. i'm associated, hey this is aldo 0, lot from don't know. also coming. the last refuge for displaced palestinians in gaza on the science is, is really forces launch a land sea and air attack on how milwaukee me a rough and cost blindfolded and torch. and we speak to newly released palestinian
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prisoners with harrowing accounts. what they've enjoyed is really detention.


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