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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Salah Abdel Shafi  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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the the . ringback the, the type of problem and job at the headquarters of the international atomic energy vienna. this addition of talk to the sarah, the palestinian from an interest to the sensitive to the higher you discuss this is we have elected use of depleted uranium giving. it's one of the alarming nucleus threats made by the minister and the failure of the a year to put these concerns because really government led by prime minister benjamin bas. yeah. join us for the next half hour, instead of the sharpie from the presented to all kind of fine to the i here. fox.
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the best selection for you. thank you very much for talking drugs there. my pleasure. let's begin with a great reputation that you have made against the state of israel, that it is using depleted uranium in gaza. yes. do you have any proof to substantiate that to so we have, we have indications. we didn't see the we didn't say that we have proof, but we have indications some x, but sort of saying that the type of miss hines used to buy a fight to the jets. it is very common that they use depleted uranium some international multics that's, you know, a humanitarian uh what it, what goods, well managed to get into a gaza also made this accusation. but the most important thing is that is an ad should lo expense into the gaza strip, so that they can do
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a photo investigation with the really depleted uranium was used on you are the ambassador to the i a the you into the watch talk on new clear issues is indication that i is even interested to send people to investigate this to what do we uh, we will address this issue officially with the a. uh, obviously the sofa is and is not allowing anybody into gaza except some humanitarian aid workers. but it does all of responsibility as an observer within the agency and also the responsibility of member states to ask the agency to send experts and to inspect those into gaza. and to check whether really is it a, has used the depleted uranium and the munition that they've been using in
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aggression against the gaza to do the photo investigation on the soil on in the air. and so all of this is the responsibility of the international atomic energy agency. and what has been the response so far? because this is not the 1st time this allegation is being made. it was made in 2009 . it was made in 2014. some accusers ran in 2021. but this is not a new allegation, is it? no, it does nothing. you will allegation a sofa. we haven't seen any action. and not only on the side of the international atomic energy agency, but on the side of the international community at large. but today we have a qualitatively new situation. you know, we, we don't speaking about it's on all sides about a vicious war that has been going on for 8 months as. ready again, we're speaking about in your quality that's requires a photo investigation and intervention from specialize the international agencies.
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what exactly is your acquisition? because if you had enough grounds and then obviously the, i you, you would at least speak to this and one day. so we, we, we don't have that conditions, we're just stating a multi fact a, it justified accusation. i would say justified the accusation. you know, the amount of munition used exceeded the order the, the month to munition use in the 2nd world war alone. this fact, i should say good uh to this city by the international atomic energy agency and the other specialized agency is to go into guys um do the photo investigation. let's talk about to you. you say that in your, in your speech at the international atomic energy agency, you talk about the uranium. you also talk about the statements that have come from is really administered as about the use of nuclear or nuclear weapons against the
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people of us. it. why do you say that? because the is it a minnesota of heritage? since very clearly that we should new gaza. so this is the very 1st time that thing is really official, is admitting that is it a is in position of the nuclear weapons. and again, this is the responsibility of the international atomic energy agency. to enter the field, we've asked the director of generations officially, the palestinian foreign minister have sent the official letter to the direct object of the and i am in 40 minutes to send a letter. we that a group within the agency. we addressed this issue already in the board meeting. last november 2023. we had a is the issue again in various national statements in the board meeting in march
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of this year. and again, we had a this initial, again, and this board meeting now in june 2024. so we would keep pressing. we will keep demanding that the agency should interfere in that sense is what it has own with the 9th that they are in possession of nuclear weapons. is it a, is the only country in the middle east that is not part of the team to the and non profit litigation agreement? is it a, is the only country in the middle east that not sign it safeguards agreement and put its facilities under as they have got the system of the international atomic energy agency. so again, at why is the western world, it speaks a lot about the universality of the n p t at why shouldn't they pressure the israel
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to the part of this agreement? so again, we see a policy of double standards, even on the 11th. but in between cigna trees, there are many, many countries who are not is not just is read, which is not a signatory entity. your comments about these really minister making those accusations are, are making that claim. it was seen as a reckless statement by the government to suspended that minister. i don't think it was suspended. i have close to that then yahoo! and said that this, this shouldn't be taken seriously. i think nobody and no one saying this was what is the old thing that is it isn't position of nuclear weapons. so our demand is that is it, it should be part of the entity. because at this, in, in 1995 there was that if you will confidence that in particular view confidence,
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you know, every 5 years there is a review confidence and the out of countries at that time agreed to add that indifferent. an extension of the good agreement and the entity to in the united states gave guarantees that is a ill, so become, or when become a states party to the in p t. so again, the americans did loc deliver on the promise. and we think that the decision that was made the 1995 is still valid on the to the and do we keep requesting that the international community should, on a, it's a commitments. another issue, there was a decision on at convening a conference on a, a middle east free zone of next week, nuclear weapons this confidence. so that have taken place in 2012 until today.
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because of it, is it a little fuser which enjoys the backend of that medic guns? this confidence does not take place. so again, we have the policy of the standards. we have the policy of unjustified providing political and diplomatic backing to visiting you see the dilemma of it, the international atomic energy agency is and we've, we've heard that from the d g himself. that is really not a signal treat to the and b t. and there's no mechanism that the i e, a can pressure, it is relative, become a signal treat. and then to the does, how do you think that they can ask israel to abide by, you know, the instructions are or nuclear safety agreements. so no way here we have 2 issues in becoming a member is a member of the agents and the agencies at the slogan is at homes for peace. so basically the agency is that to promote the peaceful use of
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atomic. i'm no clear energy and we have that member states, which is right. and again, i know that the agency, those must have instruments to force. is it a is to allow for inspect those. but however, is it in advance that they have nuclear facilities, or what we're asking for is like any other country, is to put their facilities on the safeguards at a system of the agency. so if you have no clear facilities, if you claim that are peacefully use this for this not be a facility, what is the problem of putting your facility is on the safeguards system of that's only gonna energy agency. so obviously there's something wrong there. and again, like, and, or other international agencies and organizations. here's what i and hold that quote and breaching guns, violating visual solutions and blows them,
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and so on. so is there it is becoming get that estate. this is, this is the effect of life. from my perspective, so let's talk about the i is role in, in the middle east. we've heard a lot from the i e, about iran. we've heard a lot about other countries, but the out of group and it said that you alluded to, has given statements after statements. this is not the 1st time that you are trying to get the i a to at least are right to israel. and that has not borne any fruit. why do you think these efforts should continue and do you have any hope that there is going to be any pressure on the other doctor? is real about what we should keep pushing. i mean, this is, this is the system, the international system that we have as long as we don't have an alternative, we should pursue our position within this system. and we'll be honest with you. the system is that obviously losing credibility this sol,
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colon toner based into measurement system is losing credibility. the issue of gaza take the issue of gaza these younger generations that are taking to the streets the in the out since 8 months. it's felt about the cause, sort of of palestine because it is becoming a symbol of injustice and the ability of the international, the circle drawn with, based in the nation and the system at to deliver. so again, i think we all agree that the system needs that, that could have the ability or the system needs to be at a store. and probably the system needs to beautiful and unfit is then we should continue using the existing system to using the existing mechanisms, knowing that these mechanisms are the system without teeth. so basically what we
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had ending up to the is the system is a polar system. if you have power for you, impose fuel not power for your last. so let's talk about the out of group in the eye. you made a statement for the 1st time about article 7, chapter 7 of the united united nations, which talks about the use of military power or military intervention store piece. and you've got signatures or unanimous agreement on this from countries which are part to the abraham accords as well. how did you manage that? well, you should also ask these countries, but you wouldn't be mentioned in, in getting that. so there's support. so i mean uh, usually the procedure is that the group of experts that are presenting all countries convened together and presented draft. so the goals to them best of this, the council of out of them. so this and if there are objections and then it will be discussed and try to reach a common position. and in that sense,
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the group that after the ex but school that after this statement, it was distributed to order at a embassies uh with a, with a, a time limit of 2 days and, and silent procedure. there were no objections. and the so it is the official position of all that up countries. but this is interesting because it is for the 1st time the arab countries have agreed to talk about chapter 7 of the united nations. but it, is it relevant for missing it at the i e, where this is going to be just a statement. it's non binding. it does not call for any action. it is happening here in vienna, but not happening either in geneva or new york where it really matches. well, every country presents positions that i'm not necessarily a going to be a effective,
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a lot of flight. but now this we have to make the position. and this is the position of the, at a group and in vienna basically saying that we have a situation that is flattening international, peace and security. and this requires, according to the child to of the united nations invoking photograph 7. so now was that it comes to this, whether this is eh, this is the right place as to, to present. this is a different question. i've never that, as we have to make the position, we have to mobilize public opinion out on this. there's been a lot of criticism off of our group in general and neighboring states in particular by people in palestine off not doing enough. and do you agree with that, and do you think that arab nations are doing what they can? well, each,
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each country has its own circumstances on, on interests. that's almost necessarily identical all of the out of and for this we have the position, the joined, the joints at a position is we need a comprehensive ceasefire. we all agree that that gratian should end. no thoughts is a and it holds to the man in gaza and to have a frame. busy for the political solutions that would lead to it to state. so the ocean, do you think there is a blame or are part of that blame that resides with palestinians who control gods. and the westbank is better because there was never been in the, at least in the last few decades, sort of united empty on the palestinian position as well. you control as the palestinian authority, the west bank, then how much has guys it. and there is no joint partner, as israel has been saying, who can represent or palestinians what it is,
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momentum nationally. that is, that is one that address uh, 4 by the side. and this other, this is the palestine liberation organization. this is the sole legitimate, the present, the cnn people, as you know that's we declare to the state. the state has the medical mission of more than 140 companies in the world that are present, that this over the state of the art and on. so these are, this is the positive that they put events by the standards. and the word should talk to this spot. the fact that we are divided this is a fact about and this is an intern simeon issues that shouldn't be sold into many. so this should not be used as it predicts the old struct or the, any political process. but that political process, especially in the case because it is going to start with a cease fire. and as i understand, you're not a party as, as the p a, a,
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to those to go see actions. it's being done with him, us, and israel, but a number of interlocutors. that's true because we had lots of part of the fighting that is going on. and, and gaza, we have no influence over the position of time us visa v. the issue of a ceasefire. yes, that's true. but does that not make you it relevant to do the entire, entire case of the policy and people know, because when it comes to a political solution, the, the war when ultimately and what counts really is, what is the result? what is the day after this war? we all say we need a path that would lead to if i'm an independent palestinian state, it best with a will with a well defined timeframe. so now this wouldn't be negotiated by the bill by the
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state of palestine by the just a minute, but it's to me and leave the show. how much hope do you have that there is now a sort of a propose and again, on the table you've seen from the us administration that there is a serious effort behind it. there seem to be moving towards the parts of a cease fire. do you think it is plausible because there's great allegations that you have and, and generally the palestinian authority has level the guess the state of israel that it is not a serious button. if a piece will definitely then not the serious part of peace. i mean, if we have, if you have it and is a leadership that is a publicly saying that the, against the 2 state solution. and then definitely we don't have to partner one because she asians on visit a side and meaningful political process can only start if we have on the other side lead the shipping. is it a, is that agrees to the 2 state solution?
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i don't think we're going to sit down and negotiate with, is it a with that we have that i pushed it towards the on not know this should be given. we shouldn't negotiate how to reach that. so for us, from our perspective, the final product is what would be fine. it's an independent listing and stayed on the boat as of 1967 for the 1967 board. did you really think that it is the reality of given what has happened since 1967 in the west bank and gaza and what is happening in the cause of today? do you think that is still a viable solution or is it time to think of other alternatives? i know it is difficult. i know that everyone who knows that the on the ground, the magnitude of is a aly uh, hold on is in the occupied territories. knows how difficult this is. however, i think if it is a political will on the sides of the international community, this solution can be imposed. one of the most important developments of the last 8
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months is that is, it is gradually ceasing to be the darling of the international community. is it a, was all was 3 to as if they were above the little it today. this is changing the fact that you will be in countries including a new member states, the article nice thing, the state of palestine is one proof of this new situation. we see a very dramatic change in the public opinion. how is it a is viewed? is it a, is managed for a long, long time to present itself as a victim? today, the public opinion to, to a large extent, looks that, is it a, as the perpetrators not only in europe, but also in the united states. we have a young generation that sees, is it a, is as
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a country that is committing genocide. now you see there's a, there's a major difference between state policy, you nation states and the sentiment on the street. yes. you might have a blip in the radar of support from, from various sections of society. but that, that does not mean that the position of many states are, most of israel's allies have changed our is going to change this in democracies. western democracies are built a lot, i don't public opinion. of course, we don't expect political parties, but ruling parties in the west and was in the global north to change the van opinion. however, by growing of this, you know, public opinion, they cannot take notice. but let's talk about this country where you are, are based in austria, is i've been in the streets, i've spoken to people,
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they were in constance which are taken out. and they were protest which were broken up and that public sentiment. there's certainly no putting on the street now as it was a couple of months ago as this that's through and again, us to be a is one example of a, you know, one of the few examples i would say worldwide where we have a government here that has a strong pro, is it in a position? but let me tell you something. i remember when the 1st and most ations took place of the, the aggression stopped. it begins garza and most of the participants in this business . the most of the nation used to be, you know, us to be and of funding origin or uh, out of sort, palestinians or muslims. this has been changing, but there's also a change on the political front. you're seeing the rise off the right thing. parties across various countries in europe coming to the forward is europe in union
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elections that are coming up where there is a majority that is expected to come from the far right parties in europe. so how do you think that the issue that you're saying is resonating with the masses is going to resonate in the car doors of power? when look, we come out of really generalize uh, we have to see this country by country for spit in spain. we have a more sense of the less government the same in ireland, the same in slovenia, previous governments in sylvania, for example, was an extreme right wing government. today we have a sense of left a government. so we cannot really generalize about europe and engine that. however, the eyes of an extreme right wing it has to do with the fact that uh, you know, it is related to the waves of immigration from the mid,
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the east to you little. so they use this to mobilize public opinion against what they called the effect of the if somebody's ation of the fuel 2nd ex 3. but i think political parties have realized in order for them to be accepted, they should be loyal to his faith. in essence, visa and tie sympathetic parties. and since that i'm facing me think about this. how, whether politically speaking, they have a big supporters of isn't it because they think internationally, they will be accepted if they have pro. is there any positions? if i, i remember 2030 years ago, but i twink parties with friends of the at ups. i remember here your kind that you visit that something i'm saying if is, if it got duffy, he made statements strong statements. i guess is that his very the same party to
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the is one of the biggest supporters of, of is it is the issue once even a statement saying that we should remove, wishing to move the embassy also going embassy from tennessee to jerusalem. so again, they, it, but if you look at the political program, if to that history that on this in mind. so again, it is a political tactic by this part is to be accepted and to mobilize against a, you know, immigration from, from the east. so again, so we do see that's what it all is that eyes of extreme by doing the parties at however, i think we see it. and so tim comes is also the rise of the lifting, lyft oriented political parties. and we're coming towards the end and let me bring you back to the i e. the threat of israel's, the nuclear issue. that you,
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you say that israel is now admitting that it has nuclear weapons based on the statement of funding individual. but it does seem to still have the support of its partners. we're not going to pressure israel into accepting any of what your demands are, leads to where the i e r, the international community. why carry on? what's the point? again, why to be silent? many people ask on of, of why, why continue with raising this issue over and over again with hasn't resulted in anything you've not been able to influence the director general of the 2 issue at least a letter to israel. you logic is if we don't have the ability to implement resolutions that are binding, then we should stop presenting that up to solutions to the on security calls. no,
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i think this is the wrong approach. my question was that if you've tried this approach, it has not yielded results. is there another approach maybe if there's something else that you can do because it hasn't worked and it is not unlikely to work in the near future? no, because a, as long as we have this paula constellation and the worked as long as we have countries like big nights and states that are providing protection for the as of and obviously we're not going to see a change. i think countries act according to the interests unlocked according to what the international says. but again, the, we have no one alternative to this international and system. my answer is no, we don't have. so we should continue, you know, using the instruments that we have knowing that these instruments
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have their strong deficiencies. i've never that as we should continue to keep using them until a bit of system emerges. investors a lot of traffic. thank you very much for talking to others here in the competitive world of chest, a new generation of teams in queen. this is taken over to a to something big for myself and the country is very special. one east goes inside the high 6 world of indian chest and meet the young prodigies were meeting their mark on the international stage. in this chest cottage on out to 0, from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia. ok, foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting
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