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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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of the globe, supporting communities in areas affected by more family culverts. the diesel stuff . your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon. a today without kind of foundation the . the color on the bulk of this is the news life. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, united nations singles out the us ready ministry for grave and unprecedented violations against children and it's global reports. and the proposal the president biden laid out 12 days ago was virtually identical to one that i'm us, that accepted your secretary of state and state, blinking to speak to alger 0, about washington's position on the causes c spine associations also has she
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certainly disagree to lends ukraine, $50000000000.00 and assistance. that means you can easily for the annual stuff that you are paying. unions top called slab say 200000000 dollar fine on hungry for adults following it's asylum looms and support. hundreds of thousands of football fans or depending on the gemini kaufman supporters hoping to witness an upset against the host and the opening game of the european championships. the thanks for joining us as $1500.00 as gmc, we begin with a united nations, a pool that is condemned. is there any forces for killing that injury in children? you inspect the general entering a guitar. it says he's a pay by the dramatic increase, unprecedented scale of great violations against children in palestine and israel
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view and verified $5698.00. such violations buys, where the forces law see it says many children were killed because of israel's use of explosive weapons and civilian population areas. i'm us this, lemme just had committed a 137 violations against children. according to that report. it notes at least $43.00 is right. the children were killed during the october 7th attacks with you and chief is asking israel and palestinian groups to protect children and to take meaningful measures to respect international no, as well. we've got to a full correspondence covering the story. first need abraham is in the occupied westbank. i'm to solve it, which is in jordan's capital m on okay, but others on the is that you in headquarters in new york and tarik about resume? he's in the central guys are for us, but 1st a report by hand even moves on the ground and gaza when more than 15000 policy and children have been killed by his ready forces since october the war in gaza has forever changed the lives of more than 2300000 palestinians,
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among them are tens of thousands of children affected by conflict. they have endured on the speak of a lost force into a life that has become unrecognizable. reports show more than 15000 miners have been killed in the war and estimated 17000 have lost parents or are separated from them. cases have become so common. hospitals have coined a new acronym, w, c, n s f, which is stands for, wanted a child, no surviving family. these 2 children are or friends. they now live in attend cared for by a woman and her 12 year old son. i son who we are dealing with his own set of loss is his father and 2 older brothers were killed in on his regular years. try i'm traumatized. my father was killed one of the whole 2 weeks later, at the who was my brother in law was show, his wife was killed, the little baby fell from the 2nd floor. many of the,
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the children live in constant fear. fear of more is really a talk, a moving more family members don't reinforce of late display as yet. again, just a crisis has also an impact on their mental health. many of these are children did not know where their parents are somewhere detained by these really military, while being forcibly pushed out of from northern garza 9 year old mira hasn't heard from her father in days. it's made out because as we fled to the south and ran for our lives, we were living in fear. els on our way here, we saw the dead bodies all over the road. we walked long distance is barefoot and that is really said the area was safe, but it's not true. wherever we go. there are $101.00 out of every 6. the children is acutely malnourished, living, and have a stating condition with limited water and food. is there a new normal going to school is now a distant memory. a luxury that is no longer accessible. have i'm a stab each celebrations are approaching. we have no way means to celebrate the
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will, has deprived us from school toys and every joy in life. the burden of war is heavy, but palestinian, the children here say they have no other option but to carry the end. and the out. honeymoon mode which is 0 from central gaza. palestine are sold at the warrant. gaza has led to a significant search and violence against mine is including in the occupied westbank, united nations. recently put israel on his list of those who violate children's rights. now more human rights groups. so hopeful that will be accountability, no odors, and romano, with more. it's how it's how i'm just bare lies from the neck down. and it's really soldiers shop the 17 year old at close range in the neck, trapping him in his own body. struggling to tell his story.
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the sculpture that's february this year i'm. it was chased by his really soldiers and as the north of the occupied westbank, they run him override at the door of honda store. the jeep chased him for the slate and drummed into the kids. then the soldier went down and shot him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood or on the with harrowing stories like commerce are common place in palestine. human rights organizations have long accused israel, of violating palo city and children's rights pervasively. and with impunity. that's why they will come to you as decision to finally place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights for you and report details. nearly
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8000 verified violations against the palestinian children during 2023. all carried out by his ready forces, an arm settlers, violations cover, killing, maiming displacement use of children as human, shields, and attacks on schools among others. it also documents the attention of $900.00 children and reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against tile jennings. the know is look forward to doing now that is really as part of this list of the same human rights advocates are hopeful. this will lead to consequences. instead of any point when i come across, i know why they should like god, these countries and called for accountability, they should not be treated as normal states. israeli soldiers should be banned from countries in this and they should be tried for war crimes. the one says thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification,
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6 months into 2024. the situation has only become worse, uses even more shocking barometer and his brother, i my, this report recognizes their live tragedy, but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience and hope only children can muster. not all the data occupied westbank, palestine, the right one for more of this i'm joined by corresponding to abraham. she's in ramallah in the occupied westbank. indeed, we've been talking of course about the active well being ways against children in gauze and the impacts the be things arrest them. intimidation are among many children's 1st experience in the occupied westbank of the hand of his very forces. yes, you would think that children would be protected under international law because they are living under military occupation. but on the ground, you see children as early as 12 and 13 year old going into municipal court.
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and sometimes they would tell us that they did not have a lawyer present with them. they would have a translator from these radio army and that person, they, it because it, he's to or she speaks arabic. the child thinks that they might be safe. so they are dragged into admitting the things that they have not done and ultimately being is sued in these military courts. we're talking about intimidation that does not spiritual when we're talking about it. it pains that that goes beyond the experience of beating and intimidation at us. because when we talk to families, they tell us that these children never read seen as a child. they talk about spirit, they talk about anxiety, they talk about problems in sleeping. imagine you're talking about, it's wrong, but this is not just lived by this generation. but it's addressed generational trauma because the parents also have suffered from the occupation. the grand
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parents have also seen that pain and that fear. so when we talk to these families, they tell us that they see that feed amongst their children, but they cannot show it's because they're living in a condition that they might be seeing these really forces every day and wherever they go. so they try to show a facade of power that they are strong. and when we were covering that release is of the palestinian prisoners as part of the captive swap deed we've seen mother is telling us that these are just miners be those are just children. but they're trying to be men they're trying to show for as they're trying to show that they are strong. but in the end they're talking about children who are really living the absurdity of the b under as well as military occupation. anita many things that need abraham live for us and romano in the occupied westbank who is capable on that . so you end up with is condemned. is ready forces for kidding and injuring palestinian children by saying now from the you and special representative for
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violence against children. situations in the country part where substantially increasingly volley shows where verified include a rice or fall, but a 155 percent violations over prior years. in the conflict in a straight, i'm the occupied palestinian 3030 not terribly. in a spread the gospel street, and there could by the west back or let's go to gabriel. i was on days at the you and now in new york, and i gave of course the you and very much the source of these findings. how are these details resonating that well, certainly i think we're hearing from virginia gone by the special representative that you just heard from there. and that to that clip that you played, and she and her where it says the report is her findings shocking shocking by the increase in globally, the number of children that are victims during armed conflict, victims of chewing,
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maiming rape, abductions. it's up over 20 percent globally. but really focusing on uh guides and occupied palestinian territories. the numbers that are in the report are in under count. and what i mean by that is, and what she's very clear on is in this is more than 100 and pay 100 page report that she's issued several pages just dealing with the occupied palestinian territories. they can only provide numbers of what the un and her team independently verify. so in essence, of any other reports of children being killed doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't correct. it's just means that the un has not independently verified them. yet she even says, and this report that explicitly says that because we have access difficulties in the gaza, of course, because of the conflict selling because is real controls access, who comes in,
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who comes out and doesn't allow many un teams to investigate. so the bottom line is, well, this report is bad. the reality on the ground is even worse. so i can find must be the tip of the iceberg that gave us. so what does the un intend to do with dumbing findings of this kind as well, i asked her about that, and she's quite frankly come under a little criticism in this briefing that she's still holding with journalists here to you in on why she has not specifically as a secretary general, special representative on children are in conflict, spoken out more on gods, but even sudan, where the numbers are over. 4010400 percent of children effected during arm conflict. and she said, listen, my mandate from the security council is simply to report the verified numbers that i get and, and she says, certainly she hopes that these numbers then go back to the actors in armed conflict that they can come up with some action plan to protect the children,
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but the bottom line is it's not happening. and particularly in guys that her office, quite frankly, is coming under a little criticism on why she hasn't spoken out more. why she can't do more to protect children now that are dying and suffering rather than simply reporting numbers after the fact. deborah is on the un. thank you very, the government says bond which is 0 for reporting this time to solve it is joining us from the jordanian capital amman with more reaction to this. and has there been any reaction to these findings from israel? 100 as well as earl, have fled out, rejected any of these allegations in the u. s. report, but it shouldn't come as a surprise because every time there are findings against israel, israel simply accuses any sort of body with n t israel bias. first, let's talk about b is really a diplomatic mission to geneva, who said that this was quote, outrages and repugnant trying to establish
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a false narrative against israel. we also heard from israel's foreign ministry who had quite a lengthy statement, talking about how the you, when is trying to essentially establish false information and quote, blood libels against is really soldiers. that statement ending by saying that the united nations under secretary general antonio gutierrez, has stooped to one new low. but again, this shouldn't come as a surprise. it shouldn't come as a shock because given how many children have been tube and gone some more than 15000, these really military still has not acknowledged any sort of unlawful killing of a palestinian or a child in the palestinian territory. it israel says that it maintains the right to defend itself when they're all of these commissions and reports that say that israel is in fact violating international law. right? how many, thanks for that to have decided live for us in amana reminder,
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of course these are the governments bind, i'll just do it from operating in israel itself, which is why our team, including honda, are reporting from neighboring georgia website. introduce kind of rough. now he's a former executive director of human rights watch and now is a visiting professor at the princeton school for public and international affairs. he joins us from new york. i probably won't welcome to out to 0. i'm. so these are extraordinary numbers on a children in gauze or account infinity. 40 percent of fine is killed in old come fix globally loss here as a form of the see a figure within human rights watch. i mean, what does this mean to you as well? i think it's, you know, it's interesting if you listen to these really government response, they express outrage that is accurate report came out rather than outrage at the children that the is really military is joy. you know, so this is really miss christ response. now this report is the 1st time that you one secretary general has put israel on his, on the list of shame,
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which is indeed a list that every government tries to a boy. you may remember a few years back when sort of your review was put on the list because it was killing children in yemen. and the saw me government actually blackmail the entire human system separate and a stop giving money and bunch and etc. general said okay, you know, you're forcing me to take you off the west, but you deserve to be. i don't know, israel is blustering now, but they completely deserve young and you're for them to to now i bet these are war crimes or viruses since you mentioned last is just not kind of if you look at digital use of these massive choose the 1000 pound bonds in densely populated areas, seizure bonds, they basically have a, a chill radius of 2 foot policy. these are all the way in appropriate to using any populated area and visuals. use them hundreds of tons works. you look at, you know, let's find out who the starvation strategy basis for the international criminal prosecutors request for restaurants. the 1st people to suffer from this sort. sure
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. the won't tell her organization just reported on, you know, a couple of dozen children who are totally dying because of acute nutrition. so there's no question that children are suffering and dying because to wait, israel trumps to find some more, not israel, self defense, but the way you choose to which i was took to pursue that, something that's before us. whereas scrutiny should also be applied, given these figures as well. you mentioned those 2000 pound palms. we know exactly where those problems came from. united states as well. you know, 1st thing by just now stopped delivering the 2000 pounds, but everything else is still going. you know, the, the huge amounts of military billions of dollars annually. um the ongoing home sale . and you know, your, your prior correspondence, you know what was addressing, you know, why did the un secretary general's representative not do more to try to spare story
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as well. the truth of the matter is the ability to spare insurance to dorians lice . for most of us president your mind. if he were really the to get to turn the screws into, say, i am stopping all weapons that are offensive in nature. i'm stopping all no trade until you is real stop bombing and starving. israel resilience that would make a difference. that's a step he's not. yeah, no, no, but you enough for the basically said look, you know, we've produced the figures here. they all? yes, the diamond? yes. very incriminating, but there are essentially actors on the ground who can really make a difference. i wonder where we even start to look for accountability that well, i mean that because it's a little too you know, from us to bring itself to account. you know, that's what is really military to bring itself to account. it has no history of doing not for senior efficiency. and every once in a while, a sacrifice is a low level. sometimes as of a, you know,
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somebody didn't follow the rules. but when the rules themselves constitute orders to commit were product, you know, the use of this indiscriminate bombardment used to starvation as a method of war. these rarely government has no history whatsoever of prosecuting senior official. so the place to look is indeed the treasurer and dream time the chief prosecutor ready had sought arrest florence for all the street from us officials as he should. but also for is really 5 minister benjamin netanyahu. and it sort of the defense minister and your wife got locked. now these initial charges under line robust for us for has to do in the case of israel with the start ration strategy and you know, fair enough. and that is affecting virtually everybody in gaza on that's a strategy that it was relatively easy for time to collect the evidence on. but if you look, for example, at his interview a couple weeks ago in the sunday times and wanted, she hinted that the next round of charges is actually going to be for his real use
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at least 2000 pound box. this is the classic indiscriminate bombardment. so i expect we're going to see more truckers and you know they, they're clearly much more that can be done. oh, that's the only real form that we have right now. and now we, you know, right, hon is going to need that. can you of, of governments to try to get not turn you off with others in the hague for trying? kevin ross. great. so he will thoughts on this. thank you very much. i to thank you . the lead is all g. 7 nations have agreed to provide a $15000000000.00 loan to ukraine during the annual summit, and it's of the supporting ukraine against russian attacks as being top of the agenda june. the tools g 7 was also looking to have a loan we paid using the interest generated from frozen russian assets which are
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mainly sitting in european banks. right, well i'm joined by all i have to provide a good, it's a james base who's in the probably a region of southern it's really easily and following a g 7 development says. so, i mean, of course the g 7, particularly the united states points to consolidate support for ukraine. james? yes, on ukraine the you have this deal, it seems. and we're at that stage now where we're getting leaks from the final communicate of the g 7. that is not being actually published yet, but the way it works is behind the scenes while the leaders are doing the family photos, meetings, all of that closest officials. looking at the document and looking at the final wording. changing the old word here that are in the green one pilot part of golf and moving on to the next. and it seems that that deal has been done the going to use of the collateral as collateral. ready of the interest on those frozen russian assets that 300000000 of russian assets. the other thing that's going on here is
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the us, which is going to do an ongoing, a security deal for 10 years with ukraine. now i think the idea is to create some momentum. tron trunk proof the situation in case president trump was to come back into office when the course we got the us election in november. but of course we know from last time president trump was in office. we know from what we've seen from the congress in recent months that in the us to the word of the us president. for example, the role nuclear deal signed by president obama can always be overturned by his successor. and there's always difficulties down the line on a from capitol hill, potentially. so although this is a 10 year deal, i don't think this interesting. absolutely. guaranteed that or i james, that many thanks to that, james by his automatic editor reporting from southern italy the now so what's the perspective from us go about what's happening with the g 7. let's
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speak to our correspondent. you the shop of oliver. uh so yeah. um how, how structured responded to the prospect to events, seize assets being used to asia cry as well, the official reaction is sold to fall. of course, if the decision is made but we just had from official representative of the russian foreign ministry. marie is that, however, we said that russia's inevitable response to the use of frozen assets for ukraine would be extremely painful for brussels. as russia has enough european property and funds. so your quote will fast have to pay for all its madness from its own wallet that it was the quote of marie is a higher end of the finance minister until and see the single. 1 i've also said that any actions against the russian assets in the west would receive a symmetric corresponds because he,
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in russia pretty much the same amount of western assets were frozen. and just recently, he repeats his that russia had income from the use of those western asses that had remained in the country as to the beginning of the ukrainian conflicts. and he added that western countries were in the mining trust in the financial system in policies they will put you on the the assets seizure would be illegal and considered a sept. i also presidential press secretary to meet your best calls. i confirms that any form of seizure of russian assets in the west would be challenged in cold and roll. so here voice is of procurement on the so called the initiative assess and they say the next, the 1st step of the western countries will be the seizure of interest and profit, some bushes, frozen central bank assets. and then the rest of the money will also be this drawing. so they say the russian money will be used to finance the war and to kill the russians. all right, do you need to shop in front of
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a live in most cases. thank you. so right now let's go to exclusive interview with the us section of state mc blink. and he discussed the wall on gaza and the prospects of a ceasefire between a mass and israel. i was just as joe tried to, i began by asking him about where the negotiations currently stand. 12 days ago, the president by laid out this proposal. and in that time, almost the entire world came out in support of the including the united nations security council. but also the horribly, virtually every country in this region and well beyond israel accepted the proposal post and eunice already accepted the proposal from us was the one answer we were waiting for. and the answer that we got last night that was submitted to cutter was submitted to egypt. and to us as mediators. and this process, unfortunately, was not the yes,
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that everyone else that provided it was looking for more changes to the, to the agreement, including changes on items that a mazda have previously accepted. so the hard reality is we could have a ceasefire. we put a maybe had a ceasefire 12 days ago, but we don't in this moment because some of us has not said yes, we have. i think some changes that mazda is looking for that are workable, that we can try to close the gap on. there are others that are not workable. so we have to see in the days ahead whether we can actually close the gaps. i think that the gaps are original, but just because they are doesn't mean they will be ultimately. how moss has to decide everyone else has decided from us. it's not what does not workable for you and for this reason, well, i can't get into the details. you understand that given the sensitivity of the negotiations, we're not going to talk about the,
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the details. but what i can say is this, the proposal, the present by the layout 12 days ago was virtually identical to one that i'm also that accepted and put forward itself. i made a 6. so there's no reason why this agreement should not be reached. the only reason would be from us continuing to try to change the terms. but here's what's the reality of the reality is as this negotiation is going on during the 12 days that it took them off to respond, the world wasn't standing still. gaza wasn't standing still. people were suffering every single day, palestinian children, women and men suffering every single day. so from my perspective, from our perspective, it's time to stop all of this haggling and back and forth and start to cease fire. just still heading down to 0. this new zone missed to beat the heat flow is
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positive china or hit by scorching heat waves or warnings of more sweltering days. ahead transport. tiger woods is aiming to roll, but we is at the foot major championship of the scientists here with that story. the hello welcome to another look at the international full cost of the usual pass code cloud. lots of thunder example is across the northern paths of south america. i may most evaluate whether just sliding its way into central positive today. we are likely to see further flooding. here we have co flooding concerns just around the central and southern areas of chile. last 3 wins as well are rolling for when the roll ring full of days. but west of weather will continue to drive its way through the system just coming in to the river, play point of service, turning
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a little wet and cooler as we go through friday. muster brazil will be dry, lots of sunshine coming through here up to us and also cause a seasonal range. continuing its a big down pulls the up towards the venezuela easing across into a northern paso columbia. so what was that for the west side of the tower? been east and honest, generally sat there lots of lovely tropical sunshine. we can see a line of very heavy, right. just coming across. no other parts of cuba into your tom peninsula concerns about a developing system here that may well bring some very heavy rain over the next few days. unless that whatsoever which will continue to affect southern parts of florida. again, this may well develop into a tropical system and we could see as much as a 10150 millimeters of right. the israel's war on gossip be coming in forever war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is
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by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line award winning documentary is from around the corner, which is 0. the latest news, as it breaks with immigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa writes remains from the in the saddle, the fall right is expected to shake off politics and bustles from around the world . the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy, of the
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book back here without just sarah, is their mind about top stories. this our, the united nation support has condemned this way the fullest with killing and enjoying palestinian children. few and verified 5698 such violations. last year, 60 general into their gutierrez says he's a pulled by the scale of violations. g 7 leaders have agreed to provide a 50000000000 dollar loan to crane during this time. it's initially looking to have that loan. we page using the interest generated from frozen russian assets mainly holding european banks as well as 550 rockets into northern israel. and the occupied golan heights at defense systems in israel of intercepted some of them as bloss, as the attacks are in response to the killing of one of its senior,
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combined as it comes a day off that has below 5 more than 200 rockets holdings the holder who said live for us to and by roots and to is that a focus through what all of this means will be implicit messaging is here from has below well, what are claiming responsibility for what is ray? the media is calling intense and unprecedented attacks. it's targeted 50 and 50 and targets military position as well as used to use armstrong. so this was a relatively complex operation. and just as found of a half an hour has the law is telling the is right is basically to stop assassinating and targeting its commanders. because as well as saying that this is in retaliation to the kidding of, of a high ranking commander on tuesday night in this is ray, the strikes, but this flare up over the past 2 days really comes. i made an escalation and
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during the past few weeks actually helpful, i really escalating its attack. so this is not just about the commander. it is also about subs telling is ready is try to discharge them from carrying out a wider scale operations because as well really has been threatening to launch a wider scale attack. if has pulled out this not, you know, retreats from the border area. and in fact, to us officials have been quoted as saying that a garza cease fire may not be enough as well. that has said, the fight thing will stop us. you know, once the war on garza ends, but what the us official is a him saying or suggesting is that has a lot there has to be a new security arrangement along the border. so this has been a lot trying to, to turn the as readies because it said that sir, officials really have made it very, very clear. they're not interested in war, but they are prepared for one. if israel does decide to launch operation is they know how to live in buried best. thank you for joining us. some kind of
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a business, really political commentator or we gold bag available and welcome to the program. so if you can stop by explaining why do tensions between israel and has blah risk boiling over now, given they've essentially being a war low levels, arguably for decades as well. according to the official is rarely narrative. it's because as well as asking to estimate it, it's impacts. obviously both sides of estimated reserve has assassinated, the senior commander in the organization. i would suggest or assume that the reason for seemed really not up right now is that there's no failure in garza is becoming painfully clear. the ideas has not succeeded. uh and it goes off authoration. it hasn't returned the hostages. it has and eradicate them somewhere else. and it is also stuck with another program that is more than a $100000.00 as early as displaced trying to use or north. it has to return them
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home somehow. and it seems like the consensus solution is called a hopefully limited war with has the largest and push principle, the north of the lead time, the river, and quote, unquote allow, is early citizens to return home. now given the, the up session tit for tat file. and so what does that say about how much design from both sides, the res, for a full blown wall as well. i would say officially and perhaps substantially, there's not somebody, there's not much desire in by been one for so got more people that could have started a war and couldn't entangle this. or the 2nd trend on conference occasions over the past 8 months. as far as is or goes um a sort of like the genocide, all operation and gas, it is not an optimal solution. it is accepted and we're supported reluctant, please. but for many in officials, all right, now it seems like the only viable option. otherwise, how would you get a 100000?
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these are the citizens to return to their homes in the north that's being bong, daily by law. a war seems like a definitive action and i would also add the war has. the redemptive dimension is real, manages the site. a real war is the idea sounds and not get mired in the alleys of guys and. busy the other cities and the strength is what might stand a chance of winning and is there a desperate surely what it mean essentially for free as well to be potentially fighting to conflicts on 2 funds funds? so i know it would have to permit me a little bit of drama needing disaster as i was not capable of saving uh, talking to friends at the moment. uh is or is, is doing very poorly on all of its the most a crime strongly economy to the sort of general uh, civic resilience, uh, a war against his belie would bring the war
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a much closer to the is really hard plan as well. are can strike at the heart of the 0 and the is early military expects hundreds of civilian casualties and many aspects of civilian life be brought to a standstill. so a war with a lot would bring disaster given what you've just said. i wonder how might have boss be factoring in a potential conflict. lot of this guide into his own calculations as well. we do know already that's from us as decision to carry out. the october 7th massacre was not shared use principal or the wrong, and they were real tensions between the root and gaza at the beginning of this conflict right now. and, but generally speaking, i would assume that from us is a really occupied with its own strategic plan, a plan that has been exposed and those are the media for over the last few days. it's quite clear that how much embarked on the october 7th massacre with
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a very clear political agenda in mind meant to shock is 0 interest submitting to a 2 state solution does. how much care about living on it? does it cannot offer the lebanese, my child, it can perhaps count on a word with a sensible something that would potentially bring a 0 to its knees. but i doubt there would be too much mutual involvement here. this would be a lebanese, we're in a home on the floor, not as israel likes to spin it in more orchestrated from there. all right, to that or you go back, political commentary just thinks about some kind of a continual thoughts. thanks for joining us. thank you. for having me a 2nd to the u. k. now with the main opposition, labor party is place to recognize palestinian statehood. the problem is contained in the policies manifesto which was unavailable. i party to get a key a stomach earlier on thursday night as well ahead and the opinion polls, but it has been criticized by some of its traditional votes,
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has not been critical and off of israel's war on gaza. will patrick diamond is a professor of public policy, queen mary university of london and a full of policy adviser for the labor party government? i buy tiny black golden brownie joins as unsurprisingly perhaps from london. if i will welcome to you, it seems like the labor parties biggest asset of the moment is simply by not being the conservative party. or what does this manifesto say to you about the direction they want to take the country that well, i think the manifesto is an attempt to do 2 things. one is to offer stability, so that is not much in his manifesto. this really very surprising pounds. the commitments on tax and spending all fairly limits age. but i think beyond that purpose there's also a very strolling donation here to try to lots of vices on various issues. policies are going to energize some of my blogs into the on july the goals. so they're all big commitments on energy and climate policy. they're a major commitments on employment drawings. and there's also of course,
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a very important point. you mentioned about that commitment to announced a new state which for some bases. i think. ready be consequential in terms of the choice they make on polling day. i wonder if i may focus on a particular case. the case of fire is the shaheen a labor party candidate chosen to run it, and now we have no peace london that has a raise. some labor support, he's just the selected for apparently hitting like on a post on x, about divesting from israel. just type of thing because it's so far ahead in the polls that can do what it wants, including the selecting popular would be politicians and fold as well. so you'd have to obviously also layer policy about that because obviously decision was taken by the any. see, and i'm not privy to the background spends about this session. i think the light of policy in this election is obviously sensitive to messages about those issues. i think dirt kitsbone is being particularly clear about wanting to distance himself from the or with jeremy cold. and when the british like
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a policy did develop a reputation from to semitism. so i think the decisions that you've seen on a whole raft of issues of really being about putting distance between my test almost the same way jeremy cold in was 5 years ago that doesn't pertain specifically to the change the case that you mentioned. but i think it's a more general comment on how i felt he's dealing with these issues. i mean, as a form of policy advisor to the labor party under tony blair and gordon brown has to be said during the introduction. what does have happened in your day with the decision about things that have happened? yes. well, um i can't say because that's a very specific situation as always being um within the like the policy determination to have a reasonable degree of discipline around the selection of candidates. we sold out in tiny blast day, we saw that we previously believe is being obviously the situation, particularly around gauls or in the conflicts between his right on the past indians
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house. except of all tensions including within the u. k. it is not surprising that the political leaders are trying to be very sensitive in terms of how the issues are handled. or i patrick diamond, professor and public policy. queen mary university in london may, thanks for joining us. it's all right, still a has 0 and i'll just say around. and suppose we'll hear from the scotland. find the who's taking the scenic route to reach the football championship and gym. the business latest these sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the
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business slates has to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the
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type of support. now his son, thank you very much. need well, hundreds of thousands of football fan so defending on to many for the start of the european championship. skulking and support is hoping to witness an upsets, i guess the host and the opening game will be yours on friday. 3 time when as many are looking to end the pool, run that a major tournaments. so this is the last 2 walk ups at the group stage and we're not tall to in the round the 16 at the previous bureaus. i think we have a great team, a team who's ready to sacrifice for the country. and um, yeah, who's also dedicated to, to win something because a, i think it's, it's a really good team into a lot of countries and have a lot of respect for us. and yeah, we have to show the wife wants causes. and finally, we'll be looking forward to a comfortable seats in the sense for that game. correct. so this and that set out
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on foot from glasgow $41.00 days ago, 10 year old that has arrived in munich. i'm just the right time. you've been a bit of a drain and this, you know, carried me over the financial aid i'd be lying. if i said that this hasn't been the hardest thing i've ever done, you know, but i think way and in germany i just use the advantage and the motivation of almost being that the financially and just the re like academy over and i'll mess. he says that he will not compete to at next month, olympic support agents. you know, he and his teammates are currenty and getting ready for the defense of the corporate america title, the called the finishes in mid july, just 10 days before the football starts at the powers games. while they lympics is logged in on the $23.00 events of each team is allowed the 3 older plays to brazil or how to draw in the final warm up game. i guess copa host is you know, his face or the result put result ahead in florida. the question posted, leveled things up with the free kick for the us, for fresh 51 by columbia. and the previous game, 11,
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the final school. it's only the 2nd time in 20 matches, the usa have avoided the fee to buy for sale, tiger woods. it was among the early thoughts as at the us open. it's only his full it's competitive appearance of the woods is a 3 time when of this major, but he now has a will ranking of $829.00. the $48.00 to the the, the opening hole at the pinehurst course in north carolina. he says slip to full overcome the boston celtics are on the brink of an 18th and be title off that they went, 3, nothing up against the dallas mavericks before the game. and there was a tribute to hall of fame, a jerry west who died a wednesday, some sizes and reports, as unlike clinic logo outlining, unlike clinic play a jerry west was it. los angeles lakers legend a career spending 19 years as
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a player on a coach. he wasn't in be a champion the 14 time and be also, i'm the 1st ever and b a finals in the game. 3 of the finals between the dallas mavericks and the boston celtics pay tribute to west. you post away the age of 8 to 6. when you talk about the logo, jerry was a gentleman to everyone and he was the best. we talked about history. you know, you talk about the game of basketball and what he stood for over the years. he seemed like has turned into one of the most successful m b a sites in history with a joint record. 17 titles. look at the celtics, however, and now closing in on an $1851.00 points for jason titan. so if he points for jaylen brown, the celtics extended a franchise record 10 consecutive play of victory. 2, great. but the maverick showed why this series isn't quite done yet. they let it hoff time and then reduce the 15 point deficit to 3,
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the celtics doing just enough to close it out. things happen is never going to go how you expected, and we talked about that all the time. but if you want to be a champion of you got to be resilient in those moments and you know, we showed up tonight how whole food was the only active play when the celtics last one that cycle they might be one of the leaks most successful sides but it would be a 1st since 2008 no team is everyone a playoff series from 3 down that steve task starts with the metrics inc gainful on set today? yeah, i mean, like i said, it's not always so, so or so, which is good to believe. like i always say it's 1st before we're going to stay together, we will still gotta go into there. so we've gotta stay together. it's 156 teams have tried 156. it fails. but if anyone can provide the inspiration to, to an, a 3 and a deficit into a full 3 victory, it's the end,
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the ice top score and you could don't switch thompson's out to 0 on the dependency . this missed a 3 well the rack or the 10th, but still comfortably came to said european title is, was the jump of 6 maces. 10 is that secure the when the ad beside you, and then pico in rome and such a new chance to ship records. this way that and then try to beat his own world, run forward, but could not p a 6 me to is 25. depends his will be hoping for more records when he defense his olympic title in paris next month. well, i found a doubt as to miss window than this, so he can focus on being fit for those and then picks it 58 year old is due to play . and the doubles tournament at long sized carlos as cutoff adult will be aiming for. he said, and then pick up a gold metal and that's it for me needs verifying sign up. so hungry as a prime minister, victor oil pan has rejected a multi $1000000.00 fine. impose by the use top court is that rages, budapest is being ordered to pay $260000000.00 for breaking the ease,
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use migration and asylum rules. european court of justice ruled failed to observe the rights of asylum seekers in order. budapest to pay more than $1000000.00 a day and to the complies with its sort of the dispute between hungry and the dates back to december 2020. that was when home girl, you know, sorties were accused of unlawfully detaining migrants in transit zones apartments. the old man holds a hard lines down. so migration, which is worse, intentions with brussels. last month, budapest voted against the eaves, new packed, on migration and asylum. what kind of hungry little only allows people to submit requests for us to have them from outside the country in defiance of e who rules are for us. it has moved from london. all are hungry is fine. so background to this extends to the crisis in 2015 when a 1000000 people of floods largely fleeing the war and syria entered europe. 400000 coming through hungry. yeah. as you were so too hungry,
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reacted to that by putting up some razor. why a barriers along its buddha, creating these 2 transit zones where people were detained so often very long periods of time. and that was found after it was referred to the c j by the european commission to be in breach of e u. asylum law. those transit zones were then removed, but hungry still not seem to have really done enough to comply. and then in 2020, there was this separate law that hungary instituted saying that anyone seeking asylum had to claim to sign an outside the country at our, the embassy in keys in ukraine or in bel grade in serbia and not on the hung darian territory. and not to was found not to comply with you a little on the side of. and so what we have from the c j on this day is a reading that to hungry, failed to comply with the rise of applicants for the national protection to remain in hungry, pending a final decision saying that this was deliberately avoiding
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a common you policy in a way that is unprecedented and extremely serious infringement of you lot. but he waved, swept across northern china, bringing record breaking temperatures. of all the 40 degrees celsius. scientists, agricultural ministry says, but he found a possible drought will have an adverse effect on crop planting. katrina, you has more from badging, of the does young more with the central badging wasn't intended to be a place for. so in this but it's become popular with local seeking refuge from a heat wave which has enveloped the city this week with some areas experiencing temperatures of more than 40 degrees. because she didn't know this year is to come . so how much earlier then you're coming here is a good way to escape the heat and get some reading and jot down. authorities have told people to reduce time spent outdoors pregnant women in the elderly health and one of the 1st of heat, stroke,
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pedestrians and cyclists so doing their best to protect themselves from the scorching sun. the capitol is not alone and experiencing the sweltering heat. soaring temperatures have struck over the countries note from the eastern province of chandel to ship junk in the far west breaking national records for the usual temperature at this time of year, or forwards and holiday and hon and provinces have issued a red and orange and let the 2nd and most severe warnings for high temperatures, outdoor clean, is replaced by mr. town and trucks to cool down the streets and control dots in single to 42 degree heat wave. didn't to to tours soon, visiting a site called flaming mountain. at the moment of baking under the sun showed the temperature of the steel at 65 degrees celsius. for me it's on faith on, so i have never had this feeling before. like be roasted in the furnace is on, on forget about week spears. doing so now as
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a ton is national climate center is willing to move horses an average days to come this summer, making the trend video new with a passion scientist say, climate change is also to blame. china is the world's biggest admission of greenhouse gases and has been experiencing months of extreme weather. this unseasonably hot june follows china is horses may on record and one of its coldest winches. katrina you, alda, 0 aging. now the last remaining wild horses are returning to the natural habitats in central asia. because it, because of how skis holes went extinct in the wall of 60 years ago in any it doesn't have the remaining captivity. to meet your metric, don't cover what's of these pairs of vows keys horses are the 1st of the kind to gallop the fast steps of catholics done in nearly 2 centuries. bred at the progress do these 3 traveled more than 4000 kilometers by plane to the
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ancestral home. apo does it all set on pico and yet we manage to get those horses here alive and healthy all the way to this reintroduction center. of course, mobile phones of these 1st 3 or just the 1st step in the zippers of all skis. horse is genetically different and the only true wild horse subspecies. it's lineage slips thousands of years ago before horses. what domesticated it's smaller and stuck here than a regular horse with no just simply short legs. on average, it weighs much less to and its unique genetics mean personalities. holes can only breed among its kind of this plus hunting and the climate change caused the pleasure of all ski to die out in the wild. in the mid 20th century, the numbers would dwindling and captivity as well. by the end of the 1950s, only 12 of these horses where
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a live in zoos across the planet in 1957, the last but as a valid quote in the wild save. that's kind by providing vital genetic diversity. 80 is late to that one more than a 100. now nearly a 1000 has been released to rome, central asia, and they're helping preserve it's ecosystem, the wild horses. so if another important role, especially for the step to prevent a to distribution on uh, on a to for an upcoming plans and stuff and also prevent a fire. these 3 primitive alkies will now begin re populating cause stones wilds. after being on the brink of extinction, to meet you method and go out to 0. very happy conservation story that so for me the pocket with this news out to him to get a website, i would just say that they'll come much more of
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a top stories. i'm talking to moments with much more homes. today's use to make sure you stay with us here, which is the the us is changing. why aren't we? we have civil cells from the living world alley re uncovered, seemed difficult to collect a meaningful climate tax and everything is probably unexplored support can still be done. we need to imagine and create a new reality. one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and our place. oh, hail the planet. coming soon on out to 0. unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire ab wants of the genocide, and however it is bringing attention to that. this is not a rock that looks like rock but looks like it's hell on heard voices. we lost
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everything. we're not through through this life connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in the region government and other companies are still in indigenous land. the streams on our just the are, this is the rails one machine is decimating entire households invested in the words of those who survived and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most brutal boar and decades. the night to bolt, and by doing this was part one on us just here's from, i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using to the united nations singles at least 20 minutes. a full grains and unprecedented violations against children and its global report. the company bulk of this, i'll just say what life and also coming up as below a launch is one of his launches. rocket, a tax, yes against northern israel. the g 7 leaders agreed to lend ukraine $50000000000.00 and assistance meeting initially for the annual summit and miss to beat the heat
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out. china was trying to keep neighborhoods cool in the middle of a scorching heat wave. the.


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