tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera June 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the, the united nation singles, at least 20 minutes, people grave and unprecedented violations against children and its global report. the company bulk of this, i'll just say what life will. so coming up as below a launch is one of his launches a rocket, a tax yes against northern israel. the g 7 leaders agreed to lend ukraine. $50000000000.00 and assistance meeting initially for the annual summit and miss to
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beat the heat out. china was trying to keep neighborhoods cool in the middle of a scorching heat wave the while continue. we begin with a united nations report that's condemned is ready for us is for killing and injuring showed us actually general says these are pulled by the dramatic increase in unprecedented scale of violations against children in palestine. and israel, i'd say that guitar is, is cooling them, brutal acts of terror. the un verified $5698.00, such violations, biased ready forces last year. the situations in the concrete part where substantially, increasingly valet shows where verified include a rise or fall, but a 155 percent violations over prior years. in the conflict in a straight i'm there could bite ballasting in 3030, not terribly. in a spread the gospel street, i'm there to 5,
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west back. i'm us and slamming job committee is a 137 violations against children. that's according to the report. it notes at least $43.00 is ready. the children were killed during the october 7th attacks. gabrielle is on the, was standing by 1st the un headquarters in new york entire cavities, even some central guys are. but 1st, a report by hunting, by mood on the ground and guns that when more than 15000 palestinian children have been killed by his ready forces since october. as the war in gaza has forever changed the lives of more than 2300000 palestinians. among them are tens of thousands of children affected by conflict. they have endured on the speak of the last forced into a life that has become under recognisable reports. show more than 15000 miners have been killed in the war and estimated 17000 have lost parents or are separated from them. cases have become so common. hospitals have coined a new acronym, w, c,
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n s f, which is stands for wanted a child, no surviving family. these 2 children are or friends. they now live in attempts, cared for by a woman and her 12 year old son. i son who we are dealing with his own set of losses. his father and 2 older brothers were killed in his regular years. try this, all right, i'm traumatized. my father was killed, but the whole 2 weeks later at the home with my brother in law was show his wife was killed, the little baby fell from the 2nd floor. many of these children live in constant fear. fear of more is really a talk, a moving more family members don't reinforce of late this place yet. again, just a crisis has also an impact on their mental health. many of these, the children did not know where their parents are. some were detained by these really military, while being forcibly pushed out of from northern garza. 9 year old mira hasn't heard from her father in days. it's made out,
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will cry this. we fled to the south and ran for our lives. we were living in fear on our way here. we saw the dead bodies all over the road. we walked long distance is barefoot and that is really said the area was safe, but it's not true. wherever we go. there are 11 out of every 6 the children is acutely malnourished, living and devastating conditions with limited water and food. is there a new normal going to school is now a distant memory, a luxury that is no longer accessible when i mean that each celebrations are approaching. we have no way means to celebrate the will, has deprived us from school toys and every joy in life. the burden of war is heavy, but palestinian, the children here say they have no other option but to carry the end and the out. honeymoon woods. i was just data from central garza palestine, but also in central gaza is tired. obviously. room is outside the actual hospital
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that's in the out by the attack. of course the you and, and the support focusing is attention on the suffering of children and this conflict. this is the israeli ministry pushes towards our milwaukee home, of course, until now at least to many civilians. well, generally palestinian children were generally effective from this on getting military expenses. of course the stress they have been mosley and intentionally displaced from the houses that were force in instead of guessing education, to lonely, not for long hours in the front of organizations in order to get some gallons of what's that to return back with to the families in order to send 5 and this is the grim reality, we're talking about thousands of palestinian children being towed since october the 7th. and there was to sounds as right now being deprived from having education and similar rights as public children around the blue box. this is absolutely the grid
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and reality and the strength now, even in light of these very own driving tax on a loss. the area of this place has been a general show tough for thousands of house. many of children who trying to follow the food is a big, it's been a minute treat to seek refuge in a rough i hysteria later that test tend to be a by tuesday, but we come most points is on these very on me as gradually. later the is what he meant at 3 times. this taught it's at the forms to what's the milwaukee area, launching wide seats series of as many as twice targeting residential houses alongside way that makes shift shows as well from these very certainly didn't official statement. they denied carrying out a strikes in the humanitarian sense as people are terry find from this homecoming is really made it to a sense of the sofa. right. eric? many things. so that covers a that in about. all right, let's go to the you and now gabriel is on those standing by and gave you and of course by most the sole. so all of these extremely diving findings,
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how the detail's resonating the as well. virginia gamba the sped, the secretary general's a special representative for children in arm. conflict, said that they are certainly disturbing numbers. that's putting it mildly, quite frankly. there's a lot to unpack in this report, it's more than a 100 pages long. it is jam packed with all sorts of numbers, but i just want to highlight a couple of key points here. and that is, the numbers is cited in this report as bad and, and her risk as they are on the number of palestinian children. uh, killed by, is really forces in guise at the number in reality is much higher. and that's a fact because the un reports only look suitcases that the un can independently verify and access, particularly to the gaza strip is incredibly difficult. so they even say in the
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report, the reality of the numbers is probably much higher than what they can actually even put in this report. and there's a lot of detail in here as well. for example, just give you 2 very quick examples. when it comes to these really military and government and is really media source is saying that there was raped, perpetrated by hum us fighters on october 7th against is rarely a civilians. this report says they were not able to confirm that independently. even verify that when it comes to human shields, which you've heard a lot from israeli officials, actually the report points out to examples unoccupied. westbank were, is really forces use palestinian children as human shields in certain instances cited in this report. so there's a lot to unpack here, but again, this is the 1st time ever. it is really military and security forces as have ever been listed in this annual report that comes out of course,
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every year by the un on children in armed conflict. certainly a lot to grass, a lot of reading here, but the bottom line is, is the number of palestinian particular children killed, named in conflict is certainly way up as certainly as way up and a guy, but others under the you and thank you. let's gay with just saying there is no, it just goes to web posting and children have stuff. that is randy of trustees. and so i'll tell you about as being a significant search of audits against mine is including in the occupied westbank. no day is in romano with more i'm just bare lies from the neck down. and it's really a soldier. stop this 17 year old at close range in the neck. trapping him in his own body. struggling to tell his story.
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sculptured by february this year. um, it was faced by his really soldiers and as the north of the occupied westbank, they run him over right at the door of honda store. the jeep chased him all this way and rammed into the kids. and the soldier went down and shocked him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood are under water. a harrowing stories like commerce are common place in palestine. human rights organizations have long accused as real of violating palo city and children's rights, pervasively. and with impunity. that's why they've welcome the us decision to finally place israel on the list of countries that violates children's rights. most of the you and report details nearly 8000 verified violations against palestinian children during 2023. all carried out by his really forces. an armed settlers
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violations cover killing, maiming displacement use of children as human shields, and attacks on schools among others. it also documents that attention of $900.00 children and reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against the child. the chinese look forward to doing now that is really as part of this list of the same human rights advocates are hopeful. this will lead to consequences instead of a new one. when i come across, i know why they should by cut these countries and called for accountability, they should not be treated as normal states is rarely, soldiers should be banned from countries and they should be tried for war crimes. the one says thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification, 6 months into 2024. the situation has only become worse, uses even more shocking phenomena. and his brother, i my,
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this report recognizes their live tragedy, but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience, and hope only children can muster. not all the data occupied westbank palestine. a colleague john sandra, say i is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy. it's safe the children. she joins us now from washington. d. c. thanks for your time. i wonder how deep this all goes because according to our correspondence at the united nations, he suggested that the figures are based upon what the un can themselves independently verify, implying that this could be much more extensive. thank you so much for helping me. okay. it is completely shameful and appalling, that member states have allowed a climate of impunity. that has led to an unprecedented number of great violations against children in conflict. and yeah, i,
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you said it takes it to the efforts to verify these violations of the un has been able to verify are extremely robust. and so we believe, and as it was mentioned earlier that this is only an indication of the actual scale of great violations against children. the one verified more than 8000 great violations against more than 4300 children in gaza at the west bank of israel. it's an unprecedented number, but we know that, you know, just 3 months of the war and gaza within 10 around 10000 children had been killed. and so we believe the true number is much higher. and the reason we don't see bigger numbers is because of the ongoing violence and because of the lack of access for monitors in gaza. and of course it's not just the, the impacts of the active role. there's still very much raising rages on in gaza. we are seeing on a daily basis,
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young people in the occupied westbank being targeted as well subject to the mites of military quotes. despite the money being teenagers. absolutely, child attention has been an ongoing issue across the west bank, around $700.00 opposed to the engine. children are detained every year. and i want to make one point that's i think, really, really important to remember. this is naming the as rarely security forces. and cassandra grades and outcomes forces. this is one step towards accountability, but it is by no means gonna and what's happening in gaza right now. every time perpetrators are shielded from accountability is use a climate of them. q need an opportunity. and the reality is that we should have seen these entities named years ago, so that this is one step in the right direction. but there's much more that needs to be taken on to and great violations against children in the occupied posing territory. just to be clear about things and what does international law say about
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the treatments of children? i mean to the civilians doing time of conflict like this children have a special status under international law. they must be protected. um, but what we've seen over the last 8 months is the exact opposite. we've seen children in gaza be main, killed unprecedented rates. gods. the right now is the most dangerous place to to be a child. they're also being denied humanitarian assistance. and what we know is that the denial of humanitarian assistance is leading them to be on the brink of starvation. children are dying due to the lack of medical assistance. so we've just seen a complete disregard for international humanitarian law, and the protection of children are and gaza. alexandra se, ask them, save the children, many things. thank you so much. i the still ahead on now just a ref reviving and hold friendship. russian warships protective cheaper in defiance of united states and highlands,
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notorious gangs of monkeys terrorized locals will find out what's being done to stuff the minutes the color. the weather is set fed nicely for japan. we have got some wet weather into the northeast of china into the korean peninsula where the system here just waving its way through that will sink further south with southern parts of japan. little more cloud there is, you can see at the moment i'm a system here that is the my, you from the plum rays that stretch this way back to southern areas of china that will ease a little further east. would still think plenty of rain across southern china, really any west south, all shanghai. i'm at west the weather up towards the northeast, making his way across the korean peninsula as we go through the next couple of days
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. meanwhile, are you guys japan? then we think fine and dry clean going to the sunshine for good parts of the weekend and sunsets showers meanwhile across the entire china lobby showers. some big ones that every 2 central sort of positive philippines. a little bit of flash, putting a possibility, some off for also seeing some live you sounds pushing across into northern positive bonia. still on usually west side with the next couple of days to into a job more fund. we down pause, continuing laundry down. pool is heavy, right, and they will continue to close the southern parts of india. the monsoon ryans, of course, has a stretch straight way up into banquet dash more the wax out pushing up to the fall north of pakistan. but across the northern plains is humped. the the
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you're watching, i'll just say right here to remind about top stories this out. the united nation support is condemned, is ready forces for killing and injuring palestinian children. few and verified 5698 such violations. last year. 60 general and 10 you get to over says these are pulled by the scale of the violations israel's far i finance minister has dealt a new economic blow to the products to you and we'll start seeing does allow small trade shows signed in order to deduct $35000000.00 of palestinian tax revenues. that money will be transferred to his ray, the families whose members were killed in post and the tax is real. collects posting in tax as part of the 1994 powers, the agreement between the palestinian liberation organization and israel. it deducts 3 percent of that amount as a collection fee. well, the total revenue use estimated to be around $220000000.00 every month. and there's
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the main source of income for the palestinian or 40 road day reports from ramallah the occupied west back. this is a precedent, this is the 1st time that is will take such a step. and at proceeding that uh that step, they took logistics. this steps they've legislated palestinian money away, giving the finance minister in his real the power to do with that money as he sees fit. whether it's to compensate is really families at tech to affected by palestinian attacks or to even directed elsewhere. and now he's putting that into action. of course, this could potentially be open the floodgates to a very serious financial crisis in the palestinian authority rooted in the political fact that is really controlled every aspect of life. not just of ordinary palestinians, but of the coffers of the palestinian authority that is supposed to take care of them as well as 550 rockets since northern israel and the occupied golan heights
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the defense systems. and this relevant, deceptive. some of them as well as the attack, so in response to the killing of one of his senior come on, does it comes a day off the hezbollah 5 more than $200.00 rockets? so in a hold of it has more from 11 on, he has values arm drawings, they also use rockets and what is the price of a complex operation and its official statements. hezbollah says that this is, this is also part of how the ation to the kidding of one of his senior commanders on tuesday nights and is ready to strike. now he has the law that promise to step up the intensity before the tax in response to the killing of its mode, the most senior figure. yet since the confrontations began in october, but many observers will tell you that this is not just about the matter.
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you know, has the law has been escalating the past 2 days, showcasing its capabilities because it's giving as well 2 messages. first of all, it is trying to help us ally from off a have a better negotiating position. as there are talks to bring about a ceasefire to end the war on cause us. but as well as also telling this rate is not to decide to launch a wide scale attack on 11 on as well, has been threatening to do that if has, well, i refuses to pull back up from, from the border. so this is also about the parents of the parts of hezbollah, u. k. the main office they should leave upon his budget to recognize palestinian statehood. the promises contained to the policies manifesto was unveiled by a policy leader to stop. uh, the one says the neighbors. well ahead and the opinion polls, but it's been criticized by some of its traditional voters for not being critical and off of as well as go on goes and
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the leaders of t. 7 nations have agreed to provide a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine during the annual summit and easily supporting ukraine against russian to tanks as being top of the agenda during the tools. the g 7 is also looking to have the loan re page using the interest generation from frozen russian assets, any of which are sitting in european banks to provide as a james space isn't it least truly a region following up summit on ukraine, you have this deal it seems, and we were at that stage now where we're getting leaks from the final communicate of the g 7. that is not being actually published yet, but the way it works is behind the scenes while the leaders are doing the family, photos, and meetings, all of that closest officials. looking at the document and looking at the final wording, changing the old word here that are in the green one, public power golf and moving onto the next. and it seems that that deal has been
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done the going to use of the collateral as collateral. the interest on those frozen russian assets that 300000000 of russian assets. the other thing that's going on here is the us, which is going to do an ongoing security deal for 10 years with ukraine. now i think the idea is to create some a meant to, to try and trump proof the situation in case the president trump was to come back into office when the course we got to us election in november. but of course, we know from last time president trump was in office, we know from what we've seen from the congress in recent months that in the us, the word of the us president, for example, the roll nuclear deal signed by president obama can always be overturned by his successor, and there's always difficulties down the line on a from capitol hill, potentially. so although this is a 10 year deal, i don't think this interesting. absolutely guaranteed that your fleet of russian
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warships has sailed into the ports of cuba as capital have on him. the head of planned military exercises in the caribbean. us officials say that tracking the vessels which include a nuclear power summary at augusta and has more of them have on the fire and a $21.00 gun solve the is. it came in to have on a, by a russian naval slip to the docked on the island for the 1st time since the outbreak of the war and ukraine on route a russian forget to fight artillery and drills of the by the ministrations that the deployment is notable but not dangerous. we, of course, take it seriously, but these exercises don't pose a threat to the united states. nonetheless, it deployed to 3 destroyers to track the russian deployment. some people watching the ships pulling felt it was poignant. 5 years ago, us cruise ships dealt in this by an american tourist pump some money into the items economy. they were banned by the jumping ministration,
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which allowed the cruise lines to be sued, hundreds of millions of dollars. the don't think it's hard to imagine a more powerful image of how far us keeping relations have been bulldozed over the last 5 years. a russian, you can about summary and dr. right where us cruise line has no longer come on. the say hard and us sanctions and economic desperation a pushing havana closer to moscow. this is something that's true but had forgot rigate that connection and it is come back to that connection because there is no other choice and there's no other choice directly because of united states sanctions. i mean, what can only be called sustained economic warfare against cuba and desperate diseases require desperate remedies and the number of russian tourists for the 1st 3 months of this year doubles compared to this time last year and to 90000 tons of russian oil arrives. this much following protests against food and power shortages in santiago, cuba 2nd city. meanwhile, cuba position on the war and ukraine has transformed over the last 2 years from one
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that stressed the importance of respecting international law to one that a strongly pro russian who's your central, both nations of russia and cuba are imposed with unjust sanctions that have the origin and the same enemy, they yankee empire, russians invasion of ukraine and potent sanctions. a drawing new j, a political fault lines, and the rekindling friendships of old. and augustin, how does it run around to protest as in ecuador, opposing government plans for the increase in fuel prices? the demonstrators button, the effigy your president, daniel nobela as a most tools the presidential pilots in key. so is government has promised to remove fuel subsidies as part of an agreement with the international luxury. fund hungry is 5 minutes to victor. oil pan has rejected a multi $1000000.00 fine. impose by the eaves top courses ranges through the past has been ordered to pay $216000000.00 for breaking the use migration and asylum
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rules. the open court of justice rule that failed to observe the rise of asylum seekers to stay in the country while their applications are being processed. and also i ordered budapest to may more pay more than $1000000.00 a day until the complies with the order. so i'm groups in eastern democratic republic of congo have kind of it as another deadly attack. local officials in officials in north tv proven say at least 25 people being killed. the allies of democratic forces is being blamed for the massacre. they say moving 80 people have been killed and rebel violence in the area of this month. he waves swept across northern china, bringing reco, breaking temperatures, the model, 40 degree celsius. china is agriculture administrator. he says that he had a possible drive will have an adverse effect or crop planting. caterina who has more from aging, does young more with it in central aging, wasn't intended to be a place for so in this but it's become popular with local seeking refuge from
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a heat wave which has enveloped the city this week with some areas experiencing temperatures of more than 40 degrees grow the system you know this year is become so how much early or then you're coming here is a good way to escape the heat and get some reading. the authorities have told people to reduce time spent outdoors pregnant women and the elderly health, and one of the 1st of heat stroke, pedestrians and cyclists, doing the best to protect themselves from the scorching sun. the capitol is not alone and experiencing the sweltering heat. soaring temperatures, obstruct over the countries note from the eastern province of chandel to ship drunk in the far west, reaching national records for the usual temperature at this time of year, or forwards and holiday and hon. 9 provinces have issued a red and orange let the 2nd and most severe warnings for high temperatures, outdoor clean is replaced by mr. town and trucks to cool down the streets and
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control jobs in since young to 42 degree heat wave, didn't to, to a tourist soon. visiting a psych cold flaming mountain. as the moments of baking under the sun showed the temperature of the steel at $65.00 degrees celsius for you to include on. so i have never had this feeling before. like be roasted in. the furnace is on unforgettable . weak spears. china is national climate center, has blown to full horses, an average days to come this summer, making the trend to the all new whether passion, scientists say climate change is also to blame. china is the world's biggest admission of greenhouse gases and has been experiencing months of extreme weather. this unseasonably hot, june follows china's hosses nay on record. and one of its coldest winches, katrina you all to 0 aging. now to some that are past the others there a dangerous menace. for the wild monkeys of la bori in central thailand to find the
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being rounded up and placed in captivity. a lot of stage they formed gang, so i think tough was for control of the city center. this tony china propose local residents a release that being removed of the members of thailand's most notorious gang kept in cage did last. the most of us mechanics of la 3, some resigned to the states. others still struggling for freed up to 6 months and appeals to the prime minister. your 3rd has finally resting back control. james at monkeys took control of a city in central time in several years ago. stopped the tourist treats during the cubic pandemic. they over and shop some businesses. extorting n is payment and food. local residents found themselves outnumbered and harassed with the bad behaviors and just the survival to having started with food, the simian delinquency being on a rampage.
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