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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the the . ready the united nation singles, at least randy ministry for grave and unprecedented violations against children in its global report. the of the bulk of this is just a reluctant though, also coming up as well. a launch is one of his largest rugged attacks. yes, the consultant is around the g. 7 leaders agreed to lend ukraine. $50000000000.00
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and assistance. that means again, it's linked for that annual summit. and the european union's top court slaps of 200000000 dollar fine on hungry for not following its asylum. lowers the thanks for joining us. we begin with a united nation support that's condemned just ready forces for killing and injuring children. the u. m. 60 general says he's opposed by the dramatic increase and unprecedented scale the violations against children in palestine and israel. and so that gutierrez is scolding them. brutal acts of terror view and verified $0.56 violations biased. ready force is lost here. the situations in the concrete part where substantially, increasingly valet shows where verified include a rise or fall, but a 155 percent violations over prior years. in the conflict in
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a straight i'm there could bite ballasting in 3030, not the least in a spread the gospel street. and there could bite waste back to my son this time. and you had committed a 137 violations against children. let's go into the report and noticed at least $43.00 is there any children were killed during the october 7th? the tax target resume is indira apollo in central gaza with more on the devastating impacts of one children. hello city. it shows when wes generally affects the from this on getting military offensive. of course the trip there have been mosley, and intentionally displaced from the houses that were full in instead of getting education to line up for long hours and the friends of organizations in order to get some gallons of water that's all returned back with to the assemblies in order to to said 5, and this is the grim reality. we're talking about thousands of palestinian children being killed since october the 7th. and there was to sounds as right now being deprived from having education and similar whites as public children around the
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blue box. this is absolutely the good reality in this trip. now, even in light of these very own, during tax on a mazda area, this place has been a general show tough for thousands of palestinians. children who are trying to follow the old as of it is wait a minute, treat to seek refuge in a rough this area later that test tend to be about 2 weeks. almost points is on these very on me as gradually. later the is what he meant 3 times the sausage and farms to what's the milwaukee area. launching wide uh, 6 series of as many as twice targeting residential houses alongside with made shift shows as well from these bodies solely to an official statement. they denied carrying out a strikes and the human to terry and zones. as people are terry find from this ongoing is really made it to a sense that there's a hostile saw. let's look a little bit more into this investigation into the impact. so if the conflicts on children gabriel is on those live for us at the united nations in new york and gave
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a lot to unpacking the support, what is the main takeaway? the weather there are many, quite frankly, and it is a very long report over a 100 pages. and there is a lot to unpack here, but i think there are a couple key points here. number one is this report only looked at the last year from january 1st to december, 31st. so any violations against children in the world, but let's just take in gaza and the occupied westbank and elsewhere at this point from january 1st. and so today are not in this report, that's number one. number 2 is even the violations that are in this report against palestinian children, as you mentioned, over 5005698 cases. this could also be an under account, and that is because of the access limitations to you and investigators into
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particularly the gaza strip. they even said this in the report. they said that this probably is not a full accurate picture because you and investigators are not able to get into many parts of the gaza strip. and this is important because they only put numbers in this report that the un can independently verify with their teams on the ground. so basically what, what you're going to get here is a year from now when the next report comes out looking at the previous year. the numbers, unfortunately, will probably even be much higher because of this. but these are some real key clarifications in this report. it also does not specify a d as rarely, military if it's much broader than that as virginia campus. and it says is really armed forces and security forces because a lot of the violations by the, is really military and armed forces and security forces were in the westbank for example, or elsewhere, not even in gosh, i know of other places. so certainly
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a damning report for israel and a report that certainly is real did not want to be listed on, but certainly almost had to be given a high number of violations against children timing report. indeed, gabriel, i was on day live with the you and that many things. so that will escape was just saying, it's not just cause of what past indian children have suffered this radio trustees since october, that has been a significant surgeon, find this against mine is including in the occupied westbank. no road is invalid with more. it's how it's how i'm gonna spare lies from the neck down. and it's really soldiers stop the 17 year old at close range in the neck, trapping him in his own body, struggling to tell his story. sculpture
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that's february this year i'm. it was faced by his really soldiers and as the north of the occupied westbank, they run him over right at the door of hannah store. the jeep chased him on the slate and jammed into the kids. and the soldier went down and shocked him. as you can see, the bullet marks and his blood are under water. with harrowing stories like commerce are common place in palestine. human rights organizations have long accused as real of violating palo city and children's rights pervasively. and with impunity, that's why they will come the u. s. decision to finally place israel on the list of countries that violates children's rights. most of the you and report details, nearly 8000 verified violations against the palestinian children during 2023. all carried out by his really forces, an armed settlers violations cover, killing,
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maiming displacement use of children as human shields, and attacks on schools among others. it also documents that attention of $900.00 children and reports on multiple forms of sexual violence against the child. the chinese, the know is look forward to doing now that is really as part of this list of the same human rights advocates are hopeful. this will lead to consequences instead of a new one. when i come across, i know why they should by cut these countries and called for accountability, they should not be treated as normal states is rarely, soldiers should be banned from countries and they should be tried for war crimes. one says, thousands of additional cases are still pending, verification, 6 months into 2024. the situation has only become worse, uses even more shocking for tom and his brother. but this report recognizes their live tragedy,
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but it can not change it. they face their violently altered lives with the resilience, and hope only children can muster. not all the data occupied westbank, palestine. the leaders of g 7 nations have agreed to provide a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine during the annual summit initially. supposing ukraine against russian and taxes being top of the agenda during the tools, the g 7 is also looking for half a loan. we paid usually interest generated from russian frozen assets which are mainly sitting in european banks. i'm joined now by our diplomatic as a james base who's in the pony or region of southern italy on following those developments. the g 7 and james, of course the g. something particularly the united states police to expand and consolidate that support for ukraine. the yes or you
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create is be one of the key issues at the g 7 here today. in fact, in the next few minutes, next hour, at least we're expecting to hear from president bite and speaking with present savanski, who's been the special guest 2 of the g 7 leaders. i think 2 significant things have happened today. one is a us related thing and we're going to hear, i think, present bite and talking about this more. ready but a commitment to a multi year support for you cry and 10 year support and security support for ukraine from the united states. i think the idea is to create momentum that makes this sort of a commitment from proof. if president trump was to come back, we know how i'm predictable. he can beat in foreign policy if he was come back in november. but we also know the reality. we've seen the power of the us congress and we've seen the president trump has been willing to over time. freed, assess, is rulings on foreign policy and the pos, just look at the rom nuclear deal despite that is being talked shop by the united
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states. and the other thing you've already mentioned, which is those frozen assets of russia, $300000000.00. and the idea of using a some of the interest from that as collateral for this 50000000000 dollar loan for you trying to stop rebuilding you train in the last few moments. we've got a statement from oh, laugh schultz. the german sean slot on this. he said it was a historic step. he says, a president present keeps the will going until everyone stop supporting you create a new set of what has been decided here at the g 7. this plan failed today. james told me about the need for international events in the, in the face of what's happening in google. as of right now, there's been a lot of questions around how responsive, how relevant the g 7 is right now. yeah, i mean that's lots of questions about the credibility of the g 7, the moral authority to poke christie when you hear ukraine at some of the saying
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and then what are they doing with regard to jobs? so what were the stage now where the final communicate is being worked on not released yet, but we know, for example, about $50000000.00 loan. we know that pos been agreed and we've got some of the language is coming out on the gall. so let me just give you some of the details g 7 saying that they're very concerned about the situation on the lebanon knowles and israel border, the g 7. the so you may have an unwavering commitment to the 2 state solution for israelis and palestinians living in peace side by side. some will be questioning that, given a year ago, they hardly mentioned that conflicts in the united states was going round. the palestinians during normalization deals with other countries in the region. and the other thing, the g 7 site, which i think is important. they say they called in for israel to refrain from a full scale offensive. and rafa now that i think is interesting quote from them and compare that with the pictures that you're seeing every day in recent weeks on
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out you 0. the really dreadful seems. i think many people will be asking really, is that not already that full scale defensive james base many thanks for that automatic i just that reporting from the g 7 and the put the origin of southern sleep. now in the occupied westbank, the user id army has carried out raids and the janine refuge account for the 2nd time this week. it's so just storm the camp in the early hours of thursday. they used bulldozers to take up roads and destroy them. 6 palestinians were killed during a raid and janine, on tuesday, israel's ministry says that operation was aimed at disrupting the activities of putting your finances. but being 12 a rest across the occupied westbank, its attention is also rising south of the city of jericho. witnesses say is ready forces, right? the, the ok about jabbar come on thursday. the homes have some policy. new families were poorly surrounded by is there any forces and in the outside of south of hyper on is
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ready forces have demolished, of productivity and home them. they said because of a lack of a building permit. 11 pilots thing is they've been updated 8th of them. it showed them as well as demolished at least $990.00 published in the home since the war and gaza began. and israel's far right finance minister as there was a new economic blow to the policy you know far too as well. smart rich assigned an order to the dock. $35000000.00 of palestinian tax revenues. that money will be transferred to its ready families whose members were killed in the october attacks . israel collects palestinian tax as part of the 1990 full powers agreement between the palestinian liberation organization, the fellow and israel, and the ducks, 3 percent. so if that amount is a collection fee, well the total revenues estimated to be around $220000000.00 every month. that is the main source of income for the policy and or pharmacy. the older report from ramallah in the occupied westbank a. this is a precedent, this is the 1st time that is will take such
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a step and at proceeding that uh that step, they took logistics. this steps, they legislated palestinian money away, giving the finance minister in his will the power to do with that money. as he sees fit, whether it's to compensate is really families at tech to affected by palestinian attacks or to even directed elsewhere. and now he's putting that into action. of course, this could potentially be open the floodgates to a very serious financial crisis in the palestinian authority rooted in the political fact that is really controlled every aspect of life. not just of ordinary palestinians, but of the coffers of the palestinian authority that is supposed to take care of them. still ahead on just a man. missed to be the heath lodge posts of china or him by scorching he way from . there are warnings of most sweltering days at the
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latest news, as it breaks, put emigration advocates challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018 with detailed coverage. while the santa writes remains from the in the saddle, the fall ride is expected to shake off politics and bustles from around the world. the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. average and russia has already overtaken true upon in germany in terms of the size of its economy in the competitive world of chest, a new generation of kings and queens is taken over to something big for myself and the country is very special. when one east goes inside the high 6 world of indian chests, and we see young prodigies who are making their mark on the international stage. india's chest cottage is 10 to 0, to help protect palestinian families from starvation. our goal is the stuff i
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provided are the 700000 helped meals, sofa supporting 1700000 palestinians that no age is needed to night. use a kind of osaka to provide a live saving food. every mail to native is matched, doubling the meals, and your rewards. help us fight finding the, [000:00:00;00] the new without just here. here's a, remind you about top stories this our united nation support has condemned, is ready forces for killing and injuring palestinian children. b,
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u. n. verified 5698 such violations. last year again took the general latonya. gutierrez says he's a pulled by the scales of the violations g. 7. leaders have agreed to provide a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine during the summer. and it's me and looking to have that loan, we paid usually interest generated from pros and russian assets held mainly in europe in bucks. so has us as 550 rockets into northern israel. i'm the occupied golan heights at defense systems in israel. have intercepted some of them as well as se the attacks of any response to the killing of one of its senior commanders. it comes a day after hezbollah 5 more than 200 rockets, say to hold out how small from 11 on the husband law used armed drawings. they also use rockets and what is the price of a complex operation and its official statements. hezbollah says that this is in support of the product simeon, but this is also part of it please. now the ation to the killing of one of his
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senior commanders on tuesday nights and is ready to strike. now he has the law that promise to step up the intensity before the tax in response to the killing of its mode, the most senior figure. yet since the confrontations began in october, but many of us about the matter, you know, has the law has been escalating the past 2 days, showcasing its capabilities because it's giving as well 2 messages. first of all, it is trying to help us ally from off a have a better negotiating position. as there are talks to bring about a ceasefire to end the war on cause us. but as well as also telling this rate is not to decide to launch a wide scale attack on 11 on as well, has been threatening to do that. it has, well, i refuses to pull back up from, from the border. so this is also about the parents of the part of has
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a lot closer to u. k. now with the main opposition, labor party is place to recognize palestinian statehood. the problem is contained in the policies manifesto because unveiled by policy. if we get a chemist um, earlier on thursday labor as well, it had to be opinion polls, but being criticized by some of his traditional voices being critical enough of israel's war and gaza. while amongst us more from the city of manchester. whether the manifesto was only for many months opinion polls in britain had suggested the labor party when a substantial parliamentary majority in next month's general election. and here in manchester they launched the manifest if a government promising economic growth as well as political stability me this week that rivals the conservatives under the income in 5 minutes to reach you. soon i said that they would be a more trustworthy policy in power off to 14 years in government. candidates and incumbents will continue to chris across the country,
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campaigning until july. the 4th, when the vote is held at a time when recent research indicates that voter apathy and this trusts for politicians in prison are at an all time high. the months out 0, manchester hungry as prime minister victor or button has rejected a multi $1000000.00 fine and posed by the use. top code is outrages. budapest has been ordered to pay $260000000.00, making the use of migration and assign them rules. european court of justice, the c j is ruled. it's failed to observe the rights of a site as he has to stay in the country. one of the applications being processed and also to budapest, to pay more than $1000000.00 a day until they comprise with the water power force. it has more from london on henry's fine in the background tools. this extends to the crisis in 2015 when a 1000000 people of floods largely fleeing the war in syria,
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entered europe. 400000 coming through hungry. yeah. as you were so too hungry, reacted to that by putting up some razor. why a barriers along its border creating these 2 transit zones where people were detained so often very long periods of time. and that was found after it was referred to the c j by the european commission to be in breach of a you asylum, little those transit zones were then removed, but hungry still not seem to have really done enough to comply. and then in 2020, there was this separate law that hungary instituted saying that anyone seeking a saw them had to claim a saw them outside the country or the embassy in keys in ukraine or in bell grade in serbia and not on the hung darian territory and not to was found not to comply with a you a low on a side of and so what we have from the c j on this day is a really good hungry, failed to comply with the rise of applicants for the national protection to remain
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in hungry, pending a final decision saying that this was deliberately avoiding a common you policy in a way that is unprecedented and extremely serious infringement. all of you, lot of groups in eastern democratic republic of congo have counted as another deadly attack local officials, officials in north keyvi proven say at least 25 people have been killed. the allied democratic forces is being blamed for the massacre. i say more than 80 people have been killed and rebel violence in the area of this month. the heat wave has swept across northern china, bringing racquel break and temperatures of motor 40 degree celsius. china is agricultural ministry says the heat and a possible drought will have an adverse effect on crop planting. katrina, you has multi paging. it does young my really central the aging wasn't intended to be a place for sweetness. but it's become popular with local seeking refuge from a heat wave which has enveloped the city this week with some areas experiencing
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temperatures of more than 40 degrees because she didn't know this year is become so how much earlier then you're coming here is a good way to escape the heat and get some reading and jot down. authorities have told people to reduce time spent outdoors pregnant women and the elderly health and one of the 1st of heat stroke, pedestrians and cyclists so doing the best to protect themselves from the scorching sun. the capital is not alone and experiencing the sweltering heat. soaring temperatures have struck over the countries. nope. from the eastern province of chandel to ship junk in the far west. breaking national records for the usual temperature at this time of year, or forwards and holiday, and hon. 9 provinces have issued a red and orange let the 2nd and most severe warnings for high temperatures, outdoor clean is replaced by mr. town and trucks to cool down the streets and control jobs in since young to 42 degree heat wave, didn't to, to tourist soon visiting
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a slight cold flaming mountain. at the moment of baking under the sun showed the temperature of the steel at $65.00 degrees celsius for you to include on. so i have never had this feeling before. like being roasted in the furnace is on unforgettable. weak spears, a ton is national climate center, has wound a little hosses, an average days to come this summer, making the trend to the all new with a peasant scientist say, climate change is also to blame. china is the world's biggest, the mission of greenhouse gases. and has been experiencing months of extreme weather. this unseasonably hot, june follows china's hosses may on record and one of its coldest winches. katrina you, alda, 0 aging. and now the world's last remaining wild horses are returning to the natural habitat and central asia. because of our skis, horse wins extinct in the walls 60 years ago, and any a dozen of them remained in captivity to meet your advertise,
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reports these prayers of elsie's horses are the 1st of the kind to gallop. the vast steps of catholics done in nearly 2 centuries bred at the progress do these 3 traveled more than 4000 kilometers by plane to the ancestral home. apo does it all set on pico and yet we manage to get those horses here alive and healthy. all the way to this reintroduction santano's of course, mobile phones of these 1st 3 or just the 1st step in the zippers of all skis. horse is genetically different and the only true wild horse subspecies. it's lineage splits thousands of years ago before horses. what domesticated it's smaller and stuck here than a regular horse with no just simply short legs. on average, it weighs much less to and its unique genetics mean. first of all,
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skis holes can only breed among its kind of this plus hunting and the climate change caused the pleasure of all ski to die out in the wild. in the mid 20th century, the numbers would dwindling and captivity as well. by the end of the 1950s, only 12 of these horses where a live in zoos across the planet in 1957, the last but as a valid quote in the wild save. that's kind by providing vital genetic diversity. 80 is late to that one more than a 100. now nearly a 1000 has been released to rome, central asia, and they're helping preserve it's ecosystem that while process. so if another important role, especially for the step to prevent the a uh, to distribution on uh on may to for an upcoming plans and stuff and also prevent
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a fire. these 3 pressure valves keys will now begin re populating cars like stones wilds of the being on the brink of extinction. to meet you met, but then go out to 0. right? that's it for me. and the bulk of weather is next. the inside story, we'll discuss the fetus fighting, taking place, and i'll foster as a capital of students to start for states they with us about the the hello. the weather is looking for a 2 quads across the middle east over the next couple of days. and like what i also have to sunshine, so i'm just going to be secondly hop we while into the full of these, for most of us, one or 2 showers, that just into where i'm pushing up towards the caspian sea. are you gonna say some of the conditions as we go one through sites is a little further north fact that getting well up into the full to some of the
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conditions that 24 q 8 and leave. and i have the tools that east the side of the mediterranean, plenty of seats in place here as well, because it could get up into the mid forties for friday. what's the process? syria, who's i pretty humbling. goss. i'd be getting up to $33.00 degrees, which is plenty. i'll see that one or 2 showers up to was the black. so you becoming a little more expensive as we go on through satisfy. but otherwise, it's really about the hot, dry conditions which will desist hot and dry to into eastern parts of the administrative commitment to the northeast of egypt. kind of a 46 degrees celsius. plenty of sounds of rumbling away across the west african out of seasonal rights, didn't quite nicely that southwest one said, pushing the big down, posing across a good part of west africa. it's also somewhat, whether to into east africa, chiefly ever towards mesa and b. but for much of the southern half of africa is dry .
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the . ringback the on the back of the alpha. so this is 5 thing for the capital of saddam's. no style for states, human rights violations being reported just how important is this region and the year long, complex and what role are outside of playing. this is inside story. the


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