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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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new reality, one that is based on a transformation of the way we make sense of the world and out place. oh hail the planet. coming soon on 20. the, the children are along with dad this, these right, the military targets residential buildings in northern garza sending a piece for teams. the other ones are enjoying the sound. is there a night you from to often set something up in the united nations, blacklist israel for home and children during its war on guns that you and verified more than 5 and a half 1000 great violations, including killing the human security council of coal sole. and immediate end to the
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seeds by the rapids, support forces on the west and the sooner the city of prussia. i'm not quite in unity, yet. mystery still surrounds the shape of set off as we live coalition government news . these very minute trade has carried out a series of deadly strikes across bows as the number of civilian casualties from its war mounts. at least 9 palestinians have been killed after israel targeted a residential building in garza city. 3 children are among the dead teams. a racing against a clumped rescue. people trapped under the rubble of these 5 palace demands were killed in the l shante refugee camp on the alexandra area. the bodies were taken to alex the hospital in central gaza. already overwhelmed with the dead? i mean, judge or your knowledge of nations report has condemned is randy forces are killing, i'm injuring palace, them in children. but un secretary general says he's
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a polls by the dramatic increase and unprecedented scale of violations against children in palestine and israel antonio. but that is just calling them a brutal acts of terror. but you ins verified more than 5 and a half 1000 violations by is ready for us is last. yes, the situations in the concrete part where substantially, increasingly valet shows where verified include a rise or fall, but a 155 percent violations over prior years. in the conflict in a straight, i'm the occupied palestinian 3030 not terribly. in a spread the gospel street, i'm there to bite the waste back as thomas and his loving to have committed a 137 violations against children. according to the report, notes, at least $43.00 as rainy children are killed during the october 7 attacks. was supposed to be despised families in the city of data by law,
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say that dealing with constant grief. many of the children that have been opened because of his randy kenning was all corresponding honey. my mood reports from central garza, the war in gaza, has forever changed the lives of more than 2300000 palestinians. among them are tens of thousands of children affected by conflict. they have endured on the speak of a loss forced into a life that has become unrecognizable. reports show more than 15000 minors have been killed in the war and estimated 17000 have lost parents or are separated from them. cases have become so common. hospitals have coined a new acronym, w c. and as of which is stands for wanted a child, no surviving family. these 2 children are or friends. they now live in attempts, cared for by a woman and her 12 year old son. i son who we are dealing with his own set of loss is his father and 2 older brothers were killed in his regular years. try the so
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that's where i'm traumatized. my father was killed one of the whole 2 weeks later at the who was my brother in law was shell. his wife was killed, the little baby fell from the 2nd floor. many of the, the children live in constant fear. fear of more is really a talk, a moving more family members don't reinforce of late display as yet. again, just a crisis has also an impact on their mental health. many of these, the children did not know where their parents are somewhere detained by these really military, while being forcibly pushed out of from northern garza. 9 year old mirror hasn't heard from her father in days. it's made out because as we fled to the south and, and for our lives, we were living in fear on our way here we saw the dead bodies all over the road. we walked long distance is barefoot and that is really said the area was safe, but it's not true. wherever we go. there are $101.00 out of every 6. the children
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is acutely malnourished, living and devastating conditions with limited water and food. is there a new normal going to school is now a distant memory, a luxury that is no longer accessible. when i mean that eats celebrations are approaching. we have no way means to celebrate the will, has deprived us from school toys and every joy in life. the burden of war is heavy, but palestinian, the children here say they have no other option, but to carry the end and the out honey, my mode. i was just data from central garza palestine out 0 is target black zoom is indeed out of butler. that's in central gaza with more the devastating impact the wars having on children. a tele city. it shows when west generally affects the from this ongoing military expensive. of course, the stress they have been mosley and intentionally displaced from the houses that were force in instead of guessing education to line up for long hours and the
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friends of organizations in order to get some gallons of what's that to return back with to the assemblies in order to to step 5 and this is the grim reality. we're talking about thousands of palestinian children being coats in october the 7th. and there was to sounds as right now being deprived from having education and similar whites as public children around the blue box. this is absolutely the good reality in this trip. now, even in light of these very own, during tax on a mazda area, this place has been a general show tough for thousands of palestinians. children who are trying to follow the old as of it is wait a minute, treat to seek refuge in a rough this area later that has tend to be a bottles that we come off. points is on these very oh me as gradually later the is what he met at 3 times. this taught it's at the farm to what's the milwaukee area. launching wide series of as many as twice targeting residential houses alongside. we've made shift shows as well from the is very solid and official statement. they
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denied carrying out a strikes in the humanitarian sense. as people are terry find from this homes go in, is really made it to a sense of the sofa. so let's get more and that you and report from gabrielle is on the in new york, and there's a lot to unpack. and this report, it's over a 100 pages long. but virginia campbell, the secretary general's special representative for children in arms. conflict has come under some criticism for not speaking out more forcefully as violations are happening against children, especially in gaza. i asked her about this. how can your office enhanced its responsiveness to gray violations against children in real time rather than just gathering data in the after the fact, if i know that there is a spike, there's an i'm conflict where i have reason to believe children understood it. i
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will go probably to remind or part is to conflict over their obligations under the 6th grade violations in a way i'm saying we're watching. so i can remind them so many times that way of watching this is what i can do. i would love to have a bed responsive make on these my, my disposal. but without a specific resolution of the security council that allowing me to do that, i would be in fact, to undermine the money done report didn't make any sense and they said luggage. the report only counts of violations specifically and independently verified by the united nations and due to access restraints, particularly in gaza. the full report in the information does not represent the full scale of the violations against children. gabriel was on to out here at united
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nations in new york when i started to diplomatic efforts to reach us the spot in gauze. our president joe biden is banning home us for deadlock and enforcing the us led proposal to end. the israel will be made the comments of the g 7 summit and easily lead is endorsed. the proposal washington says some of the amendments to the deal made by him us are workable, while others i'm not i'm just there was diplomatic data to james base. is that the g 7 with the license a situation in the middle east and in gauze as being one of the top areas of discussion around the g 7 table. obviously those meetings all take place in private, but not surprisingly present bite and was off about gauze. the answers, news conference, it was the news conference that was branded with us and ukrainian flags. and this was somewhat testy on the bottom line is that we've made a degree of, i've laid out an approach that has been endorsed by the un security council by the
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g 7 by these rallies. and the biggest hang up so far is a moss refusing to sign on, even though they have some. is it something similar? whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be see we're going to continue to push. i don't have a final answer for the full g 7 communicate hasn't yet been released, but we understand it has language and it's about the middle east conflict. the g 7 leaders say that very concerned about the situation in northern israel and lebanon across that border. they say that they still firmly believe the idea of a 2 state solution, and they say they called on israel to refrain from a full scale rafa offensive. i have to say, if you have watched the recent pictures in recent weeks on al jazeera, perhaps you would ask the question, is that not already a full scale offensive? and rafa james base, which is 0. sorry, it's in the mean all the german johns let join goals for helping us to sign onto
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the us back. see sign proposal you have good minds on the team. we have joining the support at this time by the us president and are joining me please. the security council has done the same. now it is important that everyone implement fits and we've that full pool and how much in particular to give the necessary consent so that this can now what, as you know, all 3 pallets demands, have been killed by his writing forces and are writing their janine and they occupied westbank, these randy ministries during the time of cut off to you, but they destroyed the house. the operation also talking to the city of janine and lost and found 13 hours as well as miniature says it was aimed at disrupting the activities of palestinian fighters interest. there was neither abraham reports from them. i look around 3 am local time on thursday. these really forces every that you need refugee camp, damaging the infrastructure with arms. confrontations ensued between the palestinian fighters and these really forces. now, 10 hours later,
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we've seen these really forces pushing more troops into a neighboring village called pop off to you with these really forces depth around the house and shopping, killed to palestinians. they believe to be to have been in palestinian fight. theirs were flooded. did you need refugee camp to the neighboring village of about 2 when they have been killed by these really forces? we've seen difficult pictures of these way the army at dealing with those bodies as they were trying to take them and confiscate them as part of these really policy of withholding bodies of palestinians is where it is claim that they're responsible for killing his ratings and one of the video shows, one soldier ticking the body with his legs and then attempt to move him towards a new nearby bulldozer and take the bodies. another palestinian was shot dead during the confrontations that have adopted their according to palestinians. this is part of the daily reality under occupation when they faced the really highly
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made it to rise army raising their villages in their towns every day. and while they'd be holding a funeral for one person, there are 2 who would never be late to rest because israel is take, has taken their bodies. is that but he does eat all the occupied westbank palestine . and his really striking southern 11 on has to let these one passes their time target to the residential building. in the town of janetta, several people were injured in the strike. while the other on thursday has belong, says that 550 rockets into northern israel and the occupied golan heights at defense systems. and israel intercepted some of them as bloss, as the attacks thrown response to the coming of one of his senior commanders. and it comes a day of to hezbollah, 5 more than $200.00 rockets into his room. the u. s. military says assailant has been severely injured. dr. a, who's the congo shit and the gulf of a, the american was evacuated by us. forces the around
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a line to phase of low interest repeated drone and missile strikes on ships and the red sea since november. they say these attacks are a campaign of sort of balancing the punish, to be honest in gaza. meanwhile, the united nations, as gold for the release of un and and g o pass now held in the human by the who face. it says 17 of its staff members are in detention, told them who feeds, to refrain from arbitrary imprisonment of young men. a civil yes us and the human is wanting to have catastrophic ramifications in yemen as a result of threats by the government to cut off banks and who if he controlled areas from the international banking system. a decade long civil war has triggered one of the world's worst humanitarian crises that sorry for a short break here. and i'll just say when we come back to us signs a long time security agreement with the price of the g $7.00 summit on the blocks need us agreed to lend keys at $50000000000.00 and, and left of the monkey business menace being taken off the streets of a ty, so it's more in the state,
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 moscow's approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on out just sierra to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. this contains corporate. here's real affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, the correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having
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a free and open democratic pro upfront without the challenges here with the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you want to go just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this left is $14.00 demands have been killed in a series of is randy as products across the gums, us for children again,
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not among the 10 teams are racing against the clock to rescue from the you and report has condemned is really false. is what kidding, amending contest in children? second genuine toner detective says he's a pools of dramatic increase on the president of scalar foundations against children in palestine. and 3 palestinians have been killed by his right need forces and a right engineer in the optimized west is where the ministry storm the town of come out to you, or they just for house smell. the united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate end to fighting in the suit in the city of l fashion. this is the moment the council voted in favor. thousands of now flagged l fashion of the largest city and awful as fighting intensifies between the army and the power of military rapids support for 6 is the last city and the region that is
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still controlled by government forces. well area we spoke to joe single with on the national defense university. he says if al sasha falls to the r as if it could lead to an increase in violence against civilians. a posher is really the last remaining refuge in the dark for reaching of western sudan, where are other internally displaced persons, some 800000 people actually have congregated as it needs a protection against the aggressor in the region, which is the rapid support for the art ss, and this is a derivative of the old john to read militia of the early 2000 that has been charged with genocide into reaching. and so the real concern here is if the fletcher paul, that we could see not just the humanitarian catastrophe, but really on a, on
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a controlled level of violence against on our civilians and a, and a, and a new era genocide in the reach of the bank complex going on since april of last year. it's going under the radar of many and international community because of other crises going on. and we just don't have great coverage of what's happening, but the reports we do get just show that people really are uh, uh, you know, facing the final stand here and off. actually that's why this is so significant. so us assigned a 10 year secuity agreement with ukraine of a g 7 summit and easily the blocks leaders also agreed to give key by $50000000.00 loan. obviously, it was due on how reports the meeting affiliate in southern isolate was in garza and you, craig, with prominent and discussions among the 7 leaders install the need to the opiate with different prospects for progress on ukraine. president followed him. is that
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lensky was off with a gesture of the g 7 long term support, a 10 year by natural security deal signed with the united states to add to some of the deals with other g 7 members together intended as a step towards eventual nato membership is just trying to ukraine's credible defense in deterrence capabilities for the long term, a lasting peace for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now, and just deter future aggression. any time in the future. united states going to help ensure that ukraine can do both sanctions were expanded on entities, still helping to keep rushes. economy afloat. and the deal was reached to allow the interest on frozen russian assets to be used as collateral for a $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine, put me to treat reconstruction and humanitarian use. today is a truly historic j. us and we have signed the strongest agreement between
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ukraine and the us since our independence and the easiest and agreements on security and does on the protection of human life . because it is tricky, a territory, the new crime. and for the d 7 with members sometimes divided in the support for israel and the palestinians, and facing allegations from outside of the pulp, chrissy and double standards. as a result, a section of the summit straw conclusions reiterates the g 7 support for what it described as us efforts towards the sci fi. it's also expected to contain language confirming. the g settings commitment to a 2 state solution and it urges israel to refrain from it, expands the defensive in rough or in the science of the gaza strip school. it's a big moment for tally and prime minister, georgia maloney costs becoming the acceptable face of fond like politics on the international stage and intent on forging new influence for you today in europe. it
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may such, okay, well yeah, well that is the message we want to convey. it's a jew 7 under the testing presidency that wants to strength and it's dialogue with the nations of the global self. this d 7 lack some of the amiable informality of previous gatherings. and no, just because of the gloomy state of the world and a had an easy smile, but all her fellow leaders faced battles for their political futures at home. the next g 7 lineup could look quite different to this one. jo, nicole elders 0 binary in southern it today. that's what i forget is governing amc sizes and talks with other parties to form. i give it to government hands the last just majority of last month's elections for the 1st time and 3 decades for me. the miller has more ahead of the 1st sitting apartments on friday when the president is elect, if are just hours ahead of the 1st sitting of parliament following major elections so that africans remain uncertain about what the new government will look like.
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president silver, i'm a pauses said he's african national congress party will form a government of national unity while the a and c one, the election getting 40 percent of the vote. it lost its paula mentioned majority will invite products from a post as invited all parties to joined the government and the will, based on the agreement that we need to lift. but it's proving more difficult than expected to the national listing. cost of freedom party says it's willing to join a partnership along with this interest, democratic alliance. all the amc says it's met with those parties and others. it says it's noted, willing to disclose details. that doesn't mean we, i don't know what. it doesn't mean that this is, this is of the book. this is a, a government that's going to be a kind of make it, that the reality of the out of the whole kind of volatility of the uncertainty that
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we in. but another opposition party regarded by some is radical lift, has rejected working with the da, we reject this government with able to think it deserves for as long as it points in white supremacy. it, it points in i've done that don't. it was in the colonial lindsay, my name is in or not be part of the new coordinator, cost me the economic freedom fighters parties is the da represents white capitalist interest. oh, it says divergent views of land performance. economic involvement will sit south africa back have come to the da says it wants to protect so that because democracy and prevent what is called a doomsday coalition. for now, significant policy and ideological differences and strained relations, appeared to be blocking the way forward. meanwhile, former president jacob zoom as new party, i'm going to receive a known as m k one to the constitutional quote to block the 1st sitting opponent.
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while the party won almost 15 percent of the vote, it says the election was riggs and he's refusing to accept the results. but its challenge was dismissed during friday sitting of the national assembly members will vote for the president's pizza. and did we to speak a fundamental while the process is likely to give people a better idea of what the new government will look like? a lot still hangs in the somebody them a lot. i'll just say rotate down. now to some of the ra schools, the other is there a dangerous minutes, but the wall of monkeys of will be a ring central thailand of finally being rounded up and placed in captivity at one stage that form gains fighting to force the control of the city center, astonishing reports, the residents are relieved that being removed, the members of thailand's most notorious gang kept in caged at last, the mischievous mechanics of luxury some resigned to the states. others still
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struggling for freed up to 6 months and appeals to the prime minister. your 3rd has finally resting back control. james at monkeys took control of a city in central time in several years ago. stopped of tourists treats during the cubic pandemic. they over and shop some businesses. extorting n is payment and food. local residents found themselves outnumbered and harassed with the bad behavior isn't just a survival to having started with food, the simian delinquency being on a rampage. the theory lower than paulia, quintillion. yeah. they know when we're coming, they use the seats to hang from above and use the hands to snatch stuff away and they run the always one step ahead of us. but now the long um, at the lowest, closer for their incarceration begins. however, documentation and sterilization. refreshing to mount their arrival in jail. tattoos are
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a vital parts of prison life. and that is just as true for these monkeys. as they get their id numbers placed at the age age forever on that place. to drop on the cheek, an indication to the bulletins, the problematic primate for the estimated 2000 and mechanics and looked very off. and now house is captured, castrated, and contained. it's quite a fall from grace for the month is used to rule the city and then the you with them to the monkeys from the in the city. i pretty aggressive and half a history of attack and people, but they are becoming calmer because the new environment has everything they need, especially food, which is the most it part of the thing inside the streets on safety. if someone will be allowed to remain an attraction for the tourist, drill into that one semester emptiness. and these are experts innovating
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a wrist showing that sometimes a life of crime does pay. tony checking out, is there a luxury central time? okay, well that's it for me, diamond jordan for now. don't go away because the weather is coming up next and that'll be followed by inside storage state you best watching, backing up the the hello. the weather is set fed nicely for japan. we have got some wet weather into the northeast of china in to the korean peninsula. we have a system here just waving its way through that will sink further south with southern parts of japan. low cloud though, as you can see at the moment. and the system here that is somebody you from the plum range that stretch this way back to southern areas of china that will ease a little further east. would still think plenty of rain across southern china,
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really any west south, all shanghai. i'm at west the weather up towards the northeast, making its way across the korean peninsula as we go through the next couple of days . meanwhile, are you guys japan? and we think fine and dry clean going through the sunshine for good parts of the weekend and sunsets showers meanwhile across the entire china lobby showers. some big ones that every 2 central. so the possibilities a little bit of flash, putting a possibility, some off for also seeing some live the sounds pushing across into northern positive bonia. still on usually west side with the next couple of days to into a job more fund to be down. pause, continuing down pools heavy rain. they will continue to close the southern parts of india. the monsoon rains, of course, here they stretched side way up into banquet dash, i'm on the wax now pushing up to the fall north of pakistan. but across the northern plains is hot. the
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a unique bowman processed by a palestinian nowadays using a symbol of national identity to create postage and passport stamps. but also some of the nice, clear to be on that comes flying anyway, sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict. we've come to palestine, palestine sundance, the stamp of defiance on out to 0. a tobacco for alpha. so this phase flight thing for the capital of saddam's, no style for state human rights violations being reported just how important is this region and the year long complex and what role are outside of play. this is inside story, the


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