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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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while the sensor rides remains from the in the saddle, the fall right is expected to shake off politics and russel's. from around the world. the growth rate on the russian economy is ahead of the world average and russia has already overtaken japan in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. the children are among the tags as these very minute treat targets, residential buildings in northern gauze, shooting at least 15 people. the one carry johnston. this is out. is there a life from the whole set coming up? lots of nations blacklist. is ralph a humming children during its war on garza un verified more than 5 and a half 1000 foundations ceiling and made the un security council calls for
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to meet at the end of the siege by the wreckage support forces from the west and sued in the city of al sasha and we meet the autism funds and mca, who created by and drake, that covers what seems considered the most sacred place on the these very minute she has carried out a series of deadly stripes across garza, as a number of civilian casualties from its wall mountains. at least 9 palestinians have been killed for israel cox. it residential building in kansas city. 3 children are among the dead. seems struggling to rescue people trapped under the rubble to sound at least 5 palestinians were killed. and the l shots, the cam in the summer area, their bodies were taken to the o. x. the hospital in central goza were very overwhelmed, dead and injured. united nations report has condemned. is there any forces
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for killing an injury and it published and in children un secretary general says he's a polled father, dramatic increase and unprecedented scalar foundations against children in palestine. and israel. antonia guitars described him as a brutal acts of terror. you and has verified more than 5 and a half 1000 violations by is very forces last year. situations in the concrete part where substantially, increasingly, valet shows were verified, include a rise or fall, but a 155 percent violations over prior years. in the conflict in a straight i'm there could bite ballasting in 3030, not doubly in a spread the gospel street. and there could bite waste back as a mass on this on it. and he had committed 137 violations against children.
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according to the report in notes, at least $43.00 is really children with coasting october 7th. for somebody displaced families in the city of the elbow out and say they're dealing with comes to grief. many of the children have been offered because of is there any cleanings or correspondent, honey monthly reports from central gas or the war in gaza has forever changed the lives of more than 2300000 palestinians. among them are tens of thousands of children affected by conflict. they have endured on the speak of a lost force into a life that has become unrecognizable. reports show more than 15000 miners have been killed in the war and estimated 17000 have lost parents or are separated from them. cases have become so common. hospitals have coined a new acronym, w c. and as of which is stands for wanted a child,
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no surviving family. these 2 children are or friends. they now live in attempts, cared for by a woman and her 12 year old son. i son who we are dealing with his own set of loss is his father and 2 older brothers were killed in on his regular years. try problem . i'm traumatized. my father was killed one of the whole 2 weeks later at the who was my brother in law was show his wife was killed, the little baby fell from the 2nd floor. many of the, the children live in constant fear. fear of moore is really a talk, a moving more family members don't reinforce of late display as yet. again, just a crisis has also an impact on their mental health. many of these are children did not know where their parents are somewhere detained by these really military, while being forcibly pushed out of from northern garza 9 year old mira hasn't heard from her father in days so many available club as we fled to the south and ran for our lives, we were living in fear on our way here we saw the dead bodies all over the road. we
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walked long distance is barefoot and that is really said the area was safe, but it's not true. wherever we go. there are 11 out of every 6 the children is acutely malnourished, living and devastating conditions with limited water and food. is there a new normal going to school is now a distant memory, a luxury that is no longer accessible when i mean that each celebrations are approaching. we have no way means to celebrate the will, has deprived us from school toys and every joy in life. the burden of war is heavy, but palestinian, the children here say they have no other option but to carry the end and the out hunting my mood. i was just the uta from central gaza palestine. let's get more on that to you and report with gabriel. it is on the in new york, there's a lot to unpack in this report. it's over a 100 pages long. but virginia campbell,
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the secretary general's special representative for children in arms. conflict has come under some criticism for not speaking out more forcefully as violations are happening against children, especially in gaza. i asked her about this. how can your office enhanced its responsiveness to gray violations against children in real time rather than just gathering data in the after the fact, if i know that there is a spike, there's an i'm conflict where i have reason to believe children understood it. i will go probably to remind or part is to conflict over their obligations under the 6 get a violation in a way i'm saying we're watching. so i can remind them so many times that way of watching this is what i can do. i would love to have
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a bed responsive make on these my, my disposal, but without a specific resolution of the security council that allowing me to do that, i would be, in fact, the undermining the money done report didn't make any sense. and he said luggage, the report only counts of violations specifically and independently verified by the united nations and due to access restraints, particularly in gaza. the full report in the information does not represent the full scale of the violations against children. gabriel is on the out, is here at the united nations in new york. okay. it's gone. it says a former owner, a spokesman, he says, is rose, king of children is often a shameful this is the ultimate list of shame that israel has been put on. because kidding, the children breaks the ultimates to blue. it gets to the very depths of to which
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humanity can sink. and you have to remember that some of the groups and countries on this list include boca around isis, of kite, a russia beyond the. i mean, this puts israel in a list of some of the, both a pooling regimes and groups in the web, i should say that come us. and it's, lemme just had it. also that including, by the way, is way to set the list of things by doing in the west bank. so my reaction is that this is actually shameful. and i think, but given the totality of what we're seeing in terms of accountability mechanisms, we've got the i, c, j, the international court of justice in special criminal court. got reports coming up from the human rights council. i think as things build up, i think so the i selection of the parents, stasis of israel will be continually and continually reaffirm, i think that will have consequences as people see the totality of what's going on.
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best look now at the diplomatic efforts to reach a safe spot in gaza. president joe biden is blaming him us for deadlock and enforcing the us led proposal to end as well as well. he made the comments that the g 7 summit and it to the leaders endorsed the proposal. washington says some of the amendments for the deal made by him some workable or the others on not. i'll just there is a different mascot. it's a james base is the g 7 with the latest, a situation in the middle east and in gauze as being one of the top areas of discussion around the g 7 table. obviously those meetings will take place in private, but not surprisingly present bite and was off about gauze. the answers, news conference. it was the news conference that was branded with us and ukrainian flags. and this was somewhat testy on. so the bottom line is that we've made a degree of, i've laid out an approach that has been endorsed by the un security council by the
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g 7 by these rallies. and the biggest hang up so far is a moss refusing to sign on, even though they have some. is it something similar? whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be see we're going to continue to push. i don't have a final answer for the full g 7 communicate hasn't yet been released, but we understand it has language and it's about the middle east conflict. the g 7 leaders say that very concerned about the situation in northern israel and lebanon across that border. they say that they still firmly believe the idea of a 2 state solution, and they say they called on israel to refrain from a full scale rafa offensive. i have to say, if you have watched the recent pictures in recent weeks on al jazeera, perhaps you would ask the question, is that not already a full scale offensive? and rafa james base, which is 0. sorry, it's in the. meanwhile,
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the german chon sir joined the calls for mass to sign onto the us back to see spawn proposal. we have good minds on these and we have joining the support at this time by the us president and are joining me please. the security council has done the same. now it is important that everyone implement fits and we've that full pool and how much in particular to give the necessary consent. so that this can now what, as 3 palestinians have been killed, buys very forces in array and the janine and the occupied westbank is ready minutes . restoring the town of come a t o where they destroyed house your price and also targeted to the city of janine and lost it for around 13 hours. is rosemary tree says this was aimed at disrupting the activities of palestinian sciences. need the abraham reports from a around 3 am local time on
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thursday. these really forces every that you need refugee camp. damaging the infrastructure with arms. confrontations ensued between the palestinian fighters and these really forces. now 10 hours later, we've seen these really forces pushing more troops into a neighboring village called pop off to you. with these really forces depth around the house and shopping, killed 2 palestinians. they believe to be, to have been in palestinian fight. theirs were flooded. did you need refugee camp to the neighboring village of about 2 when they have been killed by these really forces? we've seen difficult pictures of these way the army at dealing with those bodies as they were trying to take them and confiscate them as part of this ready policy of withholding bodies of palestinians is where it is claimed that they're responsible for killing is really, isn't one of the video shows, one souls are taking the body with his legs and then attempt to move him towards a new nearby bulldozer and take the bodies. another palestinian was shot dead
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during the confrontations. that's have it up there according to palestinians. this is part of the daily reality under occupation with they face the really highly made it to rise army raising their villages in their towns every day. and while they'd be holding a funeral for one person, there are 2 who would never be late to rest because israel is take, has taken their bodies. is that, but he does eat all the occupied westbank palestine. and his rarely as try can, southern lebanon, has kills at least one person, the time targeted a residential building in the canada and noticed that several people were injured in the strike. but earlier on thursday, his bus says it 550 rockets into northern israel, an occupied going on heights at defense systems in israel, intercepted some of them because by law says they attacks our response to the killing of one of its senior commodities becomes a day off,
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the has been off 5 more than 200 buckets into israel. this is where the politicians are committed to officials are increasing their rhetoric a war against 11 in that sense. but our intensifies its attacks on military targets in northern israel. there is increasing concern the situation on the is route 7 in front is reaching a critical point and does it say no hold on, not reports the shadow of was exposing lebanon's deep divisions. the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and hezbollah is growing. so is talk of a wider war, villages along both sides of the border, the populated and attacked in the past 8 months. a times the strikes reach further insight. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay, here we're working on everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border. 11
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east city of tire. many here have got used to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight. they're just breaking the sound barrier. yeah, we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the, on the border here. let's see, i don't know what the trade well north, like them has the law has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon, where many back the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period. the landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital. they route . it's a different reality. here, there are little signs of war and life carries on his normal. for many i know what's happening, but i see like it's in and other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st year
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baby with abraham, sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect i um, from there i do believe that all of the and so i think there's a huge divide in this country, and the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of the level of they think it's the whole thing. and it's of the summer time i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening then the war of attrition is still relatively contained with an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but destroyed the states living on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a hot summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence. on the surface there appears to be in difference, but there is concern on what comes next center for their elders, either beta the us, some of that choice, as a sailor, has been severely injured. the officer who see it,
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i called the congress shipping the gulf of 8, and the american was evacuated by us forces iran, alon, who, with these have no wish to repeat a drone. and we saw strikes on ships in the red sea since november. they say these attacks are a competitive sort of diversity with palestinians and gaza. a so it's a come here and i'll just there and he cannot make below to the palestinian authority to tell you why israel is withholding millions of dollars in august and in taxes where the money's coming on the u. k. is the main office issue. labor policy is pledging to recognize how this to the instate if it wins next months to election. some votes of sites promises to the, to select the how it would be, whether it's looking for
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a 2 quads across some of the least over the next couple of days. and by quite, i also have 2 sunshine, so i'm just going to be secondly hop. we while into the full of these, for most of us, one or 2 showers, that just into way around pushing up towards the caspian sea. were you gonna say similar conditions as we go 13 sites is a little further north. fact that getting well up into the full, it's a similar conditions that 24 q 8 and leave. and i have a tools that east the side of the mediterranean. plenty of seats in place here as well because it could get up into the mid forties for friday. what's the process? syria? oh, so i pretty hump molly goss. i'd be getting up to $33.00 degrees, which is plenty. i'll shoot off one or 2 showers up towards the black sea becoming a little more expensive as we go on through satisfy. but otherwise, it's really about the hot dry conditions which will desist hot and dry to into eastern parts of the administrative. so we went to the northeast of egypt, comm, or $46.00 degrees celsius. plenty of sounds, a rumbling away across the west african out of seasonal rates doing quite nicely
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that south west one said, pushing the big down pulls and across a good part of west africa. it's also some way whether to into east africa, chiefly ever towards mesa and bay, but for much of the southern half of africa is dry. the, the. ready ready ready in the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old kings tunes for the living to place in a country that celebrates the deceased. ready but can he earned enough to both support is with a mother realizes dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy, a witness documentary on that. just so you know, of the
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fucking back from mind to about type stores this out. at least 14 palestinians have been chosen a series of is ready as strikes across the gauze. a straight children again are among us, struggling to rescue people trapped under the rough are you in reports has condemned is rarely forces for killing and maiming palestinian children sexy child . alternatives harish says, these holes bother to magic increased and unprecedented scalar violations against children, palestine and israel and st. palestinians have been killed, buys very 4th season of rate, nature needs and occupies westbank. this very minute she stormed the town and come back to you. but they destroyed the house. is rose far
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right to the finance minister? has delta a new economic for the to the palestinian authority? both of those small church has signed an order to the doctor, $35000000.00 of palestinian tax revenues. that money will be transferred to is rarely families whose members were killed in the october attacks as well. collects the protestant in taxes, positive 1994 piracy agreement between the protestant and the peroration organization in israel. and that the ducts, 3 percent of the amount as a collection fee. well, the total revenue is estimated to be around $220000000.00 a month. and is the main source of income for the posting and look forward to, you know, all day reports from armada in occupies the west bank. this is a precedent, this is the 1st time that is, will take such a step. and at proceeding that uh that step they took, let just the steps they've legislated palestinian money away,
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giving the finance minister and his real the power to do with that money as he sees fit. whether it's to compensate is really families of tech to affected by palestinian attacks or to even directed elsewhere. and now he's putting that into action. of course, this could potentially be open the floodgates to a very serious financial crisis in the palestinian authority rooted in the political fact that is really controlled every aspect of life. not just of ordinary palestinians, but of the coffers of the palestinian authority that is supposed to take care of them. the agent may know position labor policy is lowest, its manifesto searching to recognize a palestinian state. if it wins next month's general election. the policy has a big lead in the poll spots is facing a decline and support among muslim voters. it's initial response to israel is more ongoing, but amongst reports from manchester and northwest england,
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the streets across britain, disaffection with politics has become a part of life. but in neighborhoods with large muslim populations, dissatisfaction with the countries left wing labor policy is something new. and gaza is the cause. the cause of situation have for the whole together. and it was due to go up realizing that what's happening to, to monitoring tomorrow. it's not religion based sonata to so if you're not feeling the policy last year, when it failed, she says to support palestinians in god's a sufficient me the british government storms on guards are in israel, has created divisions in society, and many votes is upset with both the conservatives under which you suna and label on the case stomach, when you have a basis in the majority communities like this one in mind, that will be a challenge for either bridge and lodge to political policies. that will be a particularly pronounced problem for the late apology. the polls suggest will take out. next month, british muslims have
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a story the voted for labor by massive margins. but the policies thoughts on garza has recently put that support in doubts. a lot of people that i've spoken to the number, most of my community have basically slightly said to me, and i'm going to be voting for the neighbor fucking selections mohammed to hit the lot. the isn't a mom who was with the advocacy group trying to encourage british muslims to engage in politics and says labels, traditional support. the social welfare had long attracted muslim voters until now i think for this election, it's to date everything that they he does come out and say of the punch. sometimes they will be seen as empty words in order to generate volts. when it comes to how this thing and the issue of cause, i mean, he has found and knows exactly what he needs to do, which is he needs to distancing himself from these really need to ship things to coordinate with genocide of and his genocide he needs to basically ensure that the labor party is not complete and sending alms to israel system and launched his policies manifesto for government and mentions to this week. he focused on economic growth and political stability. stability over tales listed clear of global events
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with not a mention of palestinians or as really is just it's an ongoing emission that's full . some british muslims to rethink that choices in response to the u. k. is current, let's go cloth and it's policies. the immediate reaction, one was of anger, as you can see by the hundreds of thousands that come on the streets of london every week. and the other was also okay. let's take a step back and see what the community can do to ensure that the voices of the muslim community representative, they'll have the highest levels of british government across person, independent muslim candidates, lights, a fee, and that fee hope this sentiment to hurry them into office the months out to 0, manchester united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate to end to fight thing in the suit the needs of the city of al vasta. this is the moment the council voted in favor. thousands of now floods of fashion, the largest sitting down for this fighting intensifies between the army and the
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power admitted to rapid support. forces is off to city in the region that is still controlled by government forces edit. we spoke to joe siegel from the national defense university. he says if alpha falls to the, our assess, it could lead to an increase in violence against civilians of washer history. the last remaining refuge in the dark for region of western sudan, where other, internally displaced persons of 800000 people actually have congregated to as a means of protection against the aggressor in the region, which is the rapid support for the art ss. and this is a derivative of the old john to read militia of the early 2000 that has been charged with genocide tend to reach. and, and so the real concern here is if the fletcher paul,
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that we could see not just the humanitarian catastrophe, but really on a, on a controlled level of violence against, on our security in santa ana and a new era of genocide and in the reach of the bank complex going on since april of last year. it's going under the radar of many and international community because of other crises going on. and we just don't have great coverage of what's happening . but the reports we do get just show that people really are uh uh, you know, facing the final stand here and all faster. that's why this is so significant. a police officer has shots and injured the magistrates, and the canyon called before being killed in a shootout. with other offices or the policeman shot to the magistrate, the mac,
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a dollar a no quotes in our robi author. she rejected his wife's band request, his wife admitted obtaining more than $20000.00 by fraud. it's no us journalist who's been jailed in russia for more than a year on spying. charges has been told he'll now go on trial. old street journal reporter yvonne guest of it. she's accused of gathering the secret information on what is from the c i. a us state department says there was absolutely 0 credibility to the charges for millions of muslims who visit mecca for the annual hodge of pilgrimage. the focal point of everything just is the calling about the sound structure of the central, the great most of mecca. i shouldn't whoever went to visit the office to design and create the drape. the covers the whole, the side the cop uh, is the stone building of the center of the great mosque of mecca. and here of this
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workshop in the west of the city is perhaps one of the most bid jobs in the bustling weld artisans. we've the black fabric that covers the cop uh, the cubicle structure which muslims consider as the house of god. it's a daily rush to finish the task on time. i love what, how much uses gold and silver threads, and the inscriptions that are displayed of the different panels of the dre, the cobra. we are trained for a year on this technique and then once approved by a committee of experts, we move to the next phase, which is embroider re and calligraphy. it has to be top notch. there is no room for area. yeah. every yeah, the fabric cover, also known as the case what is removed and the kaba is would rate in a new cloth in a ceremony, attended by clerics and dignity, or is the band is carried out for muslims all over the world is what is one of the
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most sacred relics in islam of the process of making it is that it gets and time consuming for the office and autism. and it seems to gather the passes that these signs and the can leg with me. this isn't just about creating a piece of on what's rather an on a and great privilege, the case. what is made of fuel cells an employee did with versus from the garage. i'm a proud person, i feel like i'm blessed. i make designs that are displayed in the most sacred place on earth, and i can't describe my feelings to you. so then a look at bonnie has been we've exec as well for nearly half a century. he says times have changed, and machines are now taking over the manual work. i'm gonna put a little bit of a lot. well, i the how about it at the beginning, all the work was done by hands. now machines do many to us such as weaving somebody in the fabric dying the threats and with.


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